Ludwig Speed King Refurbish Part 2

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[Music] hi welcome back to hack a week part 2 of the Ludwig the big speaking rebuild the pedal this time there's a lot of play down here in the pedal on the footboard and that sheet metal piece tons of it and it's all because of the worn-out bushings and stuff that are in here and I've got this quickie fix I want to do today plus I just want to take this apart and see just how worn this all is but I have to grind this away this is like a pinned over pin right here and see it right there have little autofocus anyway there's a there's a pin yeah I'm gonna grind away the head of that pin so that I can pull this thing apart safety glasses hearing protection no wait that's head protection hearing protection let's take a look at what we've got that's all that's left of the poisonous that's not much but at least there were there and hopefully they saved the holes in this somewhat yeah they look pretty elongated so it's gonna be bore this out to proper size for some new bushings probably a little trip to the hardware store and I scored this stuff a oil light bushing quarter inch inside diameter a stainless steel quarter-inch bolt bushing slide right over that and a collar with a Allen set screw in it just because they don't like the way the nighlok's look on the end and with this I can just put it right where I need to put it on this piece across here you know one end will just put the collar and I can just cut off the excess and it'll just be a nice looking piece just get out my caliper to size this up and the batteries are dead so anyway caliper with just lines on it but doesn't matter all I gotta do is size this bushing to a drill so I'll just do that lock it down check it to a drill till I find the closest one to loose just right 3/8 it is the pedal that this end seems to be 5/16 still too bad it's got just a little bit of play in that's sloppy on that in but I can use this to align this in the place on the drill press to make sure that they stayed nice and parallel when I drill that all right got the 5/16 drill bit in there used it to align this Nessa's are over there I can take the drill bit out need to clamp that down now let's see if I can get my 3/8 drill bit in there oh man just barely alright let's see if we can drill this thing up [Applause] hello there we go strolled out to 3/8 or the bushings do looks like they're gonna press fit in there nice I think I'm gonna take one of these bushings and cut it and then I can use part of it on the outside the footboard part yeah I put the bushing on the leftover pin so I got something to squeeze against and the vise here and I won't crush the bushings let's see if I can cut this with a metal cutting blade on a coping saw yes this is working nicely there we go after a bit of filing and cutting these are ready to install there we go after a bit of filing and cutting these are ready to install now let's see I'm gonna press these in I've got a quarter 20 bolt in there you just do this just insert the thing on to put the bushing on the bolt we're going to drop it in I got another washer it'll go on the bottom and push evenly on it we'll go with that and then this other nut all right let's press the bushing this is I put the bushings and the swingarm on the cb750 was a big giant piece of all thread that's going in there nicely and that's it it's bottomed out right there perfect just enough poking out that takes care of the foot pedal onto the footboard I don't think the we're on the footboard factor right now especially the quarter-inch bolt in there sure I got play you get a little bit rolling this out to a three-eighths bushing here would take away all of this section which is not a good idea I'd get really really thin on here but what I'm gonna do is a later time bore this out to three-eighths but do it on my vertical mill where I've got control over where I make that hole and I can make that hole offset a bit like so so anyway I'll offset it but for now I'm going to just get there like that so you've got an idea at least from all of this how to do the pushing on the footboard and then you could also do this other doodad so they came up with the collar instead of a a bolt on the end so I just like that right now file here that'll work like the edge of this where that collar is and they'll cut it up this is cut down to size here's all the parts lined up let's put this thing back together I must experiment with this little heel pad at some time because you can you can just loosen the screw in that washer and flip it around the other way and then it stays on the floor it stays independent I guess it's maybe if you're a field down player and what tuck right up in on it your heel would rest on that I've got to try it sometime set it up in both ways and just see how it feels I don't like the idea that this looks nice you need to maintain it as this one allen wrench got this little part machined out to a 3/8 diameter now and I can put in my bushings should be able to just press the end with some vice grips get these adjusted up a bit this ought to work to just press them right in there because they should fit pretty flush there we go it's in well since a glass beaded everything else I might as well glass be the footboard all these pieces everything is now glass beaded including the floor plate here too I'll probably paint this stuff later but for right now I just want to get it assembled again you're gonna put a tiny bit of this graphite lube on these bushings all around here and send it up a little bit short now but that's okay you just squeeze it together take that up right there flip this back over and put this goofy washer swung back around so that it holds that heel plate in place I'm gonna try that sometime the other way but we got now we got zero play now it's almost lined up perfect it's close enough nice there we go one last detail I am going to go ahead and tap the threads the bottom of this clean them out anyway with a 1/2 by 20 tap I bought one the other day the screws pulled out of there first should be able to just run this in here by hand initially I prefer to do that that way I can feel it make sure I'm not cross threading it which would be super easy to do this stuff is really soft compared to this I've actually got a set of sockets here that fit the square end of different size caps it makes things go pretty quickly just put just a little bit of some just household three in one oil five and twelve ten and six whatever whatever numbers you want wd-40 I guess whatever a little bit a little yeah a little bit of junk out of there basically we were out to clean up the threads give this just a little bit of parts cleaner up in there rinse out the threads that's it that's all the mods and it works super smooth there's no play in it anymore it doesn't Rock side to side it should work out really well I'm gonna get this mounted back on the drum and see how it works I really like the look of this down here it's just a nice clean setup with a pin through there and I've collar around the other end it worked out really well and I do like the blast feed look that's pretty neat too I may just give this a whole thing a coat of matte finish clear other than the chrome bits just to keep the corrosion factor down I guess but it looks fine just like it is get it on the from see how it works well there it is nice and smooth doesn't wiggle around I did notice that if you were to put this whole thing on its own for playing deeper at all down you've avoided some of this business going on I'm no John Bonneville let's try it out yeah sloppy but whatever I'm having fun alright alright so part two of the speed King refurbished all done and maybe I'll put a floor plate on and anchor it all down at some point it might be a little better but it's it's awesome it's just that just does what you want you BAM is just an extension of your foot and I'm sure the more I get the muscle memory going in my leg the more I can do the little drop and then stomp thing and you get a double kick out of that there's a cool tutorial I watch it's kind of like your foots off so your heel up playing tap and then stomp so you get boom boom like that and if you really work at it you can start getting triplets so lots of practice ahead but anyway that was fun I hope that helped you out and restoring your speed King that guy said in the last video there's people out there if you go searching the internet who refurbished these things and just absolutely love them on Facebook there's the Ludwig speed King Preservation Society page check that out and I'm on there and I guess that's about it thanks for watching thanks for all the donations be sure to LIKE subscribe share and until next time you [Music]
Channel: HackaweekTV
Views: 10,976
Rating: 4.9363055 out of 5
Keywords: diy, hardware hacking, hackaweek, circuit, mechanical, drums, kick pedal, ludwig speed king, drumming, bass drum pedal, music, instrument, bushing
Id: eSPL25JAKdo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 12sec (852 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 21 2017
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