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welcome back to Blackthorne prod I'm Noah and this weekend I participated in my very first la Dom dare game jam which for those of you who don't know is a huge King creation event we're developers from all around the world get together to create a game in a very short amount of time around a given theme the hardcore mode of this challenge is called the cumple here you must make a game from scratch in just two days and completely on your own that is what I went for you can otherwise submit your game to the jam category in which case you can work in a small team and have three days to create your game so I woke up very early to get cracking on my project the theme I would have to work around was the more you have the worse it is very quickly lot of ideas came to my mind such as being a dad having to feed an ever-expanding family of starving children stealing treasure from an increasingly angry dragon or even being a planet the must cope with more and more polluting humans though these ideas were cool I eventually went for another game idea that of being a fact monster like mother giving birth to all kinds of dangerous children obviously the more hideous babies in her nest the more dangerous things would get as the kids would innocently move about and tried eating their creator idea in mind it was now time to bring my vision to life I opened up unity and began coding the main mechanics as well as trials and various art styles settling for pure black and whites color palettes which I felt gave the creation an interesting vibe however after hours into the event I realized the game wasn't good it worked it existed but it was unoriginal all you were basically doing was dodging little spikey babies period for the next few hours after this realization I got stuck in a terrible loop of hopping from one idea to another I wanted to make something different breakouts from my comfort zone so 20 hours after the start of the game jam I decided to quit the monster baby project way too similar in a gameplay perspective from other projects I had worked on in the past and take a moment to a take a deep breath and be dream up a small original game to make with my remaining time so after doodling awhile and scoring out from my mind plenty of cool but way too ambitious ideas I imagined around 40 head with lots of slimes stuck to it this was the beginning of be yourself the game I would end up submitting 24 hours later based on the art I had made at the start of the game jam I quickly got the player movement and sticking mechanics working starting to believe I would actually overcome the Ludden dare challenge I pushed on adding a camera screen shake whenever the player would destroy a black slime and a cool yet very simple unity particle effects the end result being a satisfying juicy impact the players destruction holes quickly getting covered up with black slimes I decided to add a golden slime this one with the ability to destroy his dark brethren I then made a spawning system in which the more slimes get stuck to you the faster they appear this mechanic of course helping to sell the theme of the more you have the worse it is after hesitating for a while about the loose states I eventually settled on the game ending when a dark nasty slime reaches the edge of the screen and that was the end of day one a good sleep later I woke up refreshed and ready to tackle day two from the very start I knew the story of this game would be about being yourself staying true to who you really are and not letting society opinions and haters change the image you have of yourself the little black slimes obviously act has the negative influence of others by sticking to as the story goes they have influenced and changed you into something other than who you truly are this is clearly visible in the game world has your round jovial character begins getting submerged in dark gooey influence and takes on a very different shape from his initial state so I then began work on the main menu once the sinister title graphic completes I decided to make a character selection menu so I drew a bunch of player characters in Photoshop it was a fun relaxing process has many pointed out in my games truly amazing reviews the arts for this creation is inspired by the works of the amazing indie game developer Edmund McMillen and Tim Burton with his sinister usually very dark color palettes so at this point it looked as if the game was only a couple of hours from completion there was a main menu an actual working game lose States but has Derek you said in his wonderfully written book spelunky the last 10% is the last 90% meaning that all the little nitty-gritty details in a game such as sea transitions about page tutorial minor bug fixes take an enormous amount of time so hours later after making all scenes fade in and out getting the whole menu feeling interactable by adding little animations to the UI adding a short rule and about sections and fixing this monstrous bug where the slimes would not detect when they've hit the edge of the screen I began creating a little intro sequence this is the scene that would load up first and really sell my games message knowing I would definitely not have the time to make a fully animated intro I went for a sort of comic strip style where each time the player would click another image would appear revealing a little more of the story my eyes bloodshot from being in front of the screen for so long I decided to add a high score using unities built-in player prayers as well as a whole unlockable character the player can obtain by reaching a score of hundreds obviously these extra little features took way more time and stretch than expected but the end result adds to the game's polish and rewards players that stick to be yourself for more than five minutes lastly it was time for sounds and music this is the most obscure parts of the game creation process for me but funnily enough I had a great time yelping into my microphone all kinds of strange sounds and then editing them quickly in audacity opening up a bhaskar soil I decided contrary to what I had initially intended to try making my very own background music Bosca soil is absolutely amazing and free and despite having absolutely no experience in making music I was able to very quickly end up with a little soundtrack it's not great but quite a few people did find it went well with the game it was almost midnight when I submitted be yourself feeling awesome fulfilled and for multivator than ever to do more game jams and continued work on the fire of belief for those game creatures out there that haven't participated in a game jam before definitely make that to do priority it's a one-of-a-kind comfort braking experience that will take your game making skills to the next level with that thanks so much for watching the video I also wanted to thank all the wonderful people that took the time to play be yourself and who left me some feedback it was a delightful reward for all the hard work put into the game if you participated and lot of there number 40 definitely give me a link to your game in the comment section down below I love to test outs you can find the link to my game in the description okay don't forget to hit the like and subscribe buttons if you enjoyed the video and with that I'll see you very soon Cheers
Channel: Blackthornprod
Views: 229,823
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: BlackthornProd, blackthornprod, noa calice, game dev, indie game dev, ludum dare, game jam, LUDUM DARE 40 - Making of BE YOURSELF, be yourself, edmund mcmillen, ludum, 40, making of, timelapse, behind the scenes, post mortem, LD, 2D Boy, world of goo, reflex, motivation, atmosphere, message, unity, programming, art, video game, creation, creating, making
Id: S5Dq9t3Y5n0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 13sec (613 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 05 2017
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