Lucy Hale On 2 Years Of Sobriety & Why She Feels Her Most Grounded

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that little teas there from the uh new romantic comedy which brings me to you which is in theaters today and join us now our friend one of our favorites Lucy hail in studio with us this looks so cute oh my God thank you thank you for having me which brings me to you yes fun title uh what's it about oh I'm so bad at these questions okay here's my elevator pitch no it follows Jane and will they meet at a wedding and I loved the script because this movie starts how usual romcoms end so the couples immediately together and you're like what's the rest of the movie going to be about but it then becomes a story uh of um of us reliving our past relationships and heartbreaks and we actually play ages 16 to 30 and the cool part is first of all that's incredible that you can do well I was like I'm 34 and I'm going back to Catholic school all right I'll do my best but oh you pulled it all yeah yeah so it it becomes about how we need to live out our past in order to heal to be present in a current relationship po that's good message I hope that's the take away that was my takeway from it it certainly got me thinking about yeah I was like this got me thinking about some things in my past as well any Dating Rules dos and don'ts from this movie that you implement in your real life so I fully fully subscribe to the idea of talking about your past I feel like usually in dating you want to present the best version of yourself which isn't always the most authentic version so I think it's great that these two characters can can show up as themselves and and then you know if the person is staying that they're staying for the right reason so yeah I mean you right out the gate you come out right out the gate that's also called like trauma bonding which isn't necessarily a good thing either some people might call this red flags but uh I love it I love when people are like listen I'm also so what are deal breakers for you if somebody if this guy says listen and then lays it on you what are you're like okay that's a sign of my that's not for me maybe don't have like killed anyone I don't know like no jail that's a low bar no jail but I do like an edge so I so maybe just beat up some some ex I don't really have that many deal breakers in real I like thatuh wide strik Zone I like it yeah exactly in your life you've talked about that you've never felt more centered and grounded than where you are right now in your life what do you attribute that to I do you know I I just celebrated two years of sobriety we were just talking about that I think that is incredible thank you but I think that was obviously a big part it but also because of that I really got to take a look at my life and who I want to be and what thought patterns and things I don't think were serving me anymore so I'm also I just feel like okay this is who I am I know what I have to offer and I think it's just like the confidence that comes with growing up oh yeah and I don't know doing my best good for you thank for and we were just talking right before you said you're from Memphis I detect no accent by the way I know it's so sad to me I moved out here not 15 19 years ago when I was 15 specifically for this business correct yeah my mom and I I were like what what could go wrong you know not really planning to stay uh but I've been out the out here ever since and I had southern accent when you arrived I did I did and I had to take accent reduction and Southern speaking is is basically just a lazier way of speaking it's like the tongue placement you're from Atlanta you know but it's so cute it it is cute my mom has the cutest little southern accent and I still say y'all y'all y'all will flip out when I'm really excited it really comes out a little bit never tried to get rid of mine either it's just sort of you have a nice it's very subtle it'll kick in yeah yours is you've done I need what is it reduction class what do I need accent reduction reduction you could told me you were from Pima I would have been I know I'm it's so neutral it's like there's it's it's very California yeah it is great maybe not I'm not like quite valley girl but it's perfect no no not like far valley girl I am a valley girl that's right the good spot the movie you take a trip down memory lane in the movie so we're going to do our own version called Lucy's look back I'm very scared no I hope they got cute ones we're going to look at an imag your clip and you tell us what's going on at the moment okay let's see the first one hopefully I'll do well and then I'll make it to the top 10 but everyone here is so talented and that's why they picked us as the top 20 and hopefully I'll just do my best and hopefully America will like it to share it with other four people that made it with you in the group and little bra the thing that'll be awesome having people ask you for your autograph it'll be a lot of fun emotional so in love with this how old are you right there is that when you were 15 I'm 14 and that was the first oh my God that first I've so many thoughts about the braces and eyebrows and everything but but also that was the first time I came to LA and oh my god look look ah you're so cute I like it show was that this was for a show called American Juniors which was American Idol for kids I remember this it was the season after Kelly Clarkson had won and I and there there there I am singing in in a tun you sing right there um I think I'm going to make you love me and I'm singing get here that means you made it through and I remember Nick Carter stood up and clapped for me on this and I was like I what else do I need made it what else do I need I'm wearing white very tight white pants there oh that's awesome but I that was my first experience in La we stayed right by the Beverly Center I remember all of this this was what led me to acting actually was a show and that's why it makes me emotional cuz I was like ooh if this version of me knew like what was going to happen can we just say to all young girls out there let's just talk about big beautiful brows I would say to my daughters please don't mess up your brows I'm glad they grew back that that definitely was a moment in time I like 2003 I was like less I have to straight oh yeah oh yeah we have time for one more roll this video oh no gymnastics too okay L you're so at you oh she was Ian she just really didn't give up she me I I really just didn't give up that wasn't my calling my sister was really good at gymnastics and I like idolized her this was before I found music and acting I think it all worked out yeah I would say that wasn't my true look at that little face I like maybe I could play a gymnast there you go yeah maybe meanwhile though we'll be seeing you in what uh which brings me to you yes that's right correct which is on the in theaters today I'm just laughing cuz everyone's been calling it what brings me to you that's why check her out by go see the [Music] movie
Channel: Access Hollywood
Views: 10,291
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Lucy Hale, Sobriety, Lucy Hale sobriety, Lucy Hale growth, dating, Nat Wolf, Lucy Hale movies
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 45sec (405 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 20 2024
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