Lucy Chen Accidentally Auditions for 'American Idol' - The Rookie

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Apparently this was the first time Katy/Lionel/Luke heard Melissa sing, so those are their genuine reactions.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/Cheetara86 📅︎︎ Apr 06 2020 🗫︎ replies
My backpack. I left it in the green room. It has my ID in it. Go get it, Boot. Meet me down at the shop. It's the fluffy one. I'm sorry. Oh. Sorry. Woman: [ Buzzing lips ] Uh, so sorry. There you are. Come on. Oh, no, I -- You're up next. I'm actually not -- First you'll speak to Ryan, then you go in front of the judges. You'll only have 15 minutes, so make them count. They're -- That's act-- Let's go! Hello. Hi. Oh! [ Chuckles ] Hi. You're -- I like it. The cop uniform. That is fun. Um... What's your name? Um, uh, I'm -- I'm Lucy Chen, but that -- there's actually been a mistake. Hi, Lucy. I'm not supposed to -- No, look, I understand. You're nervous. Everybody is. [ Chuckling ] No. Just before you get in there, take a deep breath. It's time. No, I'm not -- And do your thing. What? Sing your heart out, okay, Lucy? [ Door closes ] Uh... How are you? How are you? -Uh... -Hold on. Are we okay? -Yeah. Hi. -Hi. Uh, right in the center there. Are we in trouble? No, no. Of course not. I... I-I got pushed in here, and, uh, it's [Chuckles] it's... Luke: [ Chuckles ] Are you a co-- a contestant? Um, you know, I... I seem to be wearing a sticker right now. Okay, who are you? Hi, I-I'm Lucy Chen. I'm from Los Angeles. Are you in the right place? There was a very, uh, sweet woman that [Exhales] put a sticker on me, and Seacrest kind of [Sighs] -Well, welcome to the show. -Thank you. -I mean, yeah. -Okay. Um, Officer, what are you going to sing for us today? Oh. Uh... You're on the tee. You got the number. -You got the number. -Yeah. I'll sing, um, "I-I Never Loved a Man" by Aretha. It's one of my favorites. Oh, wow. Okay. ♪ You're a no good heart breaker ♪ ♪ You're a liar, and you're a cheat ♪ ♪ And I don't know why ♪ ♪ I let you do these things to me ♪ ♪ My friends keep telling me ♪ ♪ That you ain't no good ♪ ♪ But, oh-ohhh, they don't know ♪ ♪ That I'd leave you if I could ♪ Hmm. ♪ I guess I'm uptight ♪ ♪ And I'm stuck like glue ♪ ♪ 'Cause I ain't never ♪ ♪ I ain't never ♪ ♪ I ain't never, no, no ♪ ♪ Loved a man ♪ What? ♪ The way that I ♪ ♪ I loved you ♪ Wow! Wow! Tim: Chen? Chen, where are you? Wow! Uh, I'm so-- What? I have to go. Lionel and Katy: Wait, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no! -Wait, wait! -No! -Coming! -Wait, wait. What are you doing here? Uh, nothing. Let's go. ♪ Whoa, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, whoa, oh, oh ♪ 00:03:04.434,00:00:00.000 ♪ I'm gonna win for you like I know you want me to do ♪
Channel: ABC
Views: 2,068,261
Rating: 4.8691726 out of 5
Keywords: oldest, rookie, police, small, town, idol, audition, judges, hollywood, cameo, Melissa O'Neil, Eric Winter, Ryan Seacrest, Katy Perry, Luke Bryan, Lionel Richie, American Idol
Id: dnH1eV9DoeI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 11sec (191 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 05 2020
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