LUCKIEST MINING TRIP EVER!!! - Survival Let's Play Ep. 05 - Minecraft 1.2 (PE W10 XB1)

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[Music] what is up everybody welcome back to another episode Oh though let's play and as we take a look at this beautiful sunset over the lovely Savannah I have a few things to show you guys that I've done to the house most notably I added a chimney so yeah it's it's like a fantasy themed kind of deal it matches up if you guys can tell it matches up with the indoors version of the chimney and I think it looks pretty cool it definitely adds to the house there was something missing and I realized that's what it was and this is such an awesome scene right here so yeah um also i went ahead and framed our first pickaxe the first pickaxe i think this was used to get three cobblestone maybe one or two and a site that was in the way but this was our first tool in the game and i thought that'd be really cool to keep as a little souvenir so i think that's just about it um yeah so how's everybody doing today hopefully you guys are having a great day the support of this series i can't stress it enough has been insane so quick thank you guys thank you thank you thank you for all the likes love comments and support it has been epic but enough of that now let's check out the objectives for today so I want to find diamonds or emeralds or both make an enchantment table explore the world to start to other farms and make arrows now I have a huge apology to make to you all I last episode was disgraceful my name is Jack Frost minor key in on the minor part and in yesterday I just got super scared inside of a cave and I couldn't do anything so I'm gonna try again and hopefully this time I won't get scared and we can actually get get a good amount of things from the cave we'll see but because we spent so long in in the cave yesterday I wanted to take a little bit of time today to work on something else and the first thing I'm gonna do is set up all of the other farms as you can tell I've got a whole a lot of farming seeds and materials here so I thought to get started on my other things so the first thing I want to quickly do is get started on the melon and pumpkin farms I think this is gonna be pretty cool so these are all going to be very low-tech farms just to get me going I feel like I need a little bit more basic things before I can get into some major building so I want to set up some some areas where I can gather resources and then eventually this will all be torn up and I'll make it look really nice like I hope I hope I always do um but first things first we need basic Farms is just how it is so hopefully we can get some working today so what they are we've got our pumpkins I'm gonna have pumpkins on that row this row will be melons obviously they'll grow one away so that's that and then I think I can use this next column of two maybe I use this one for potatoes yeah we'll use this one for potatoes so I'll mark the potatoes like that there we go what else do we have well I think I may need to use water no I don't need to use water what do I want here beet roots we do beet roots next sounds like a plan so these two rows are for potatoes these two will be for beet roots and then these two I guess could be for carrots I don't know how I don't have carrots though really I'm sure I had them let me go check and see if I've got any in my chest upon further inspection I do not have any of those so instead I guess we'll just work without them yeah I suppose we'll have to so we've got pumpkins melons potatoes beets and then carrots right here so I want to make I think another for out this way for wheat let me do this really quick and then I've also got room for sugarcane right here so I think that is basically it now what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna edge this whole thing off with cobblestone to make it look a little bit nicer I've got a good amount here so hopefully I'll be able to get it done and once I do that I'll come right back to you guys oh there we go and I think he's gonna die on his own over there so um I've been working a little bit more on this and I want to show you guys the progress that I've made so far I'm just planning this out for the most part so what we have here is we're gonna have melons here or pumpkins I don't know I don't know which ones which that grow out one spot and then it'll also happen on this side over here we'll have four rows of wheat or maybe even more no no four no the rows of wheat are over here this is going to be carrots beet roots and potatoes two wide each this is going to be four rows of wheats then we have some sugarcane here and then I'll have cactus over here and I think that's it besides mushrooms which obviously can't be grown in this style of farm so um yeah I think we're doing pretty good so I'll plop the sand in here for the cactuses a place of some cacti down Oh relax buddy boy and AH and now I guess we can continue edging it and I know I'm not gonna have enough fences so we'll have to work on that I guess later or now depending on if I have extra wood lying around there we go so our coast is now cleaned up and it'll eventually be back to normal in no time oh wait a second this water is moving let me fix that really quick much better perfect all right um I think that's it all I know is I'm gonna need to grab a few more logs so why don't we grab our new friend so as we make our way over there I'm gonna actually explore a little bit on this map I should be looking up while I'm driving around but let me just make sure that I get all of this and you know what why don't we just do that why don't we just do that while we're out here we can explore this whole map get this whole thing generated pretty cool so this is definitely not as zoomed out as I thought it was we can definitely afford to do it one more time that's for sure so we may do that today anyways the roof force is right over here but I want to expand the map a little bit so that's a good half of it that looks pretty cool from here I love it you can tell what biome is what we're clearly going into a swamp there's a savanna up to the left that's really cool that's really really cool um so now I think I'm just gonna let my horse relax roam around a little bit as I mine hopefully you know I'll probably just go to the end of this pickaxe to be honest so I'll be right back on second thought I think two trees will be good I've taken down two and have well over us not really well over a stack well yeah I guess so fourteen over so what I'm gonna do really quick is hop back Oh what are you doing down there oh oh you found some flowers these things are really cool what are these the Blue Orchid yeah I'm gonna bring some of these back home these are really nice so I've got 48 more fences hopefully that will do what uh we'll give it a go here and see if this will bring us around Oh yep we have plenty now I do need to add gates don't know where I'm gonna put them yet I'll put them in later but as you can tell well I need to kind of do it yeah okay I'm gonna put in gates so maybe one here I've got I think I've got four yes I've got four so maybe one there ah maybe one here these aren't gonna be spaced out properly I know I that might kill some of you hopefully it doesn't though I'm just gonna do that and call it a day oh that leave it inside oh it didn't hatch any though we've got a whole lot of eggs let me grab some of those really quick but as you guys can tell our farm has been expanded no we've made a room for all of the crops in the game we still need to make a mushroom farm though that can be done later and I might be missing something like I might have completely forgotten about something so if that's the case don't get too mad just let me know we still don't have carrots yet though so we may have to go hunting zombies for those anyways so another thing I really really really wanted to do was get exploring and well find diamonds so we'll see if we can do it in this episode wasn't it wasn't in the cards last episode we'll see if we can do it this time around but before I go I want to do one more thing I just want to break some of this gravel and you know hopefully I'll get a flint or two no well maybe I won't maybe I won't I'm gonna try to get a few arrows before I leave at least maybe ten hopefully that'll do the trick that was quick so we've already got six Flint in our inventory so we can go ahead at two at the crafting table and I'm gonna need some feathers and some sticks and I think we just do it like this I could be wrong no I'm right boom arrows there we go and I believe that was an objective for today so 24 arrows done and made now there's one other thing that I definitely want to do before I get going I'm going to need a four iron and one redstone for this and also I don't know why that these are in different chests they can just go to one and we are going to make a compass so that I can find my way home if I just ironed again there we are so if I ever get lost I can use that compass to get back I'll also bring my map just in case no I don't need to bring my map we don't need to do that I want to be able to get emeralds in the only way I know how to do that is to head on over to the extreme Hills so I think it'd be really cool oh wait a second we got some more Wars over here we can do some more taming in the future what's up dude I'm just gonna run by because I don't want to leave a horse up on the surface for too long I'll take this journey by foot so here we are we've got a cave now it's kind of interesting I don't know if I use this one because I could just take me back over there but I just need to get out of this rain I'm gonna do it I'm gonna go down hopefully we can find something here so it's big definitely pretty big I think I'm just gonna go this way and see what's up I'll meet you guys if we get to an interesting level where if I find something of importance but in the meantime I am going to head two directions down and into the biome that is the goal okay so I've dug myself into a little bit of a deeper cave here and we've got a few guys down here what's up everybody I see you and I see your villager friend too okay so this is interesting oh this is just huge I like it all right well I'm excited to begin my journey gonna take a peek around all right all right all right I'm coming dude he's been this guy down here has been calling me for a while why don't you come up here bud why don't you come up no he thought oh wait that's a witch how did you get down there how did you get down there mrs. witch how did that happen well I'll take the sugar and redstone interesting all right well I need to grab some of this iron there's a whole lot of it staring me down and I'll meet you guys in a second once I find something cool oh boy right okay I was just right there and we come down and as you can tell we've found emeralds so that is one goal about to be completed now I want to make sure that I don't die so I'm gonna do that to the lava there we go and we can work our way across this chasm and hopefully we can all look there's more oh this is good oh this is very good I am a fan of this so we'll grab our first emerald boom there we go I'm gonna leave this unexplored because oh wait why did I just do that I got more I'll leave that unexplored as I was saying because it goes up in right now my goal is not to go up not at all I want to go down to find more of these guys and maybe potentially diamonds alright let's get rid of this water this is getting a little annoying um okay oh there's more oh this is good everyone I see Oh baby boys and girls we have found the diamonds oh this is awesome it's at least enough to make a pickaxe I need to get rid of this water though why is it like seven sources for each water just go away thank you all it's still not done alright I'm leaving it at that good so let's get it going we've got one we've got two oh this is oh it's even more down here let me just make sure that no lavas coming in and that is going to be AIDS oh oh oh there's more oh this is fantastic oh this is fantastic alright so what are we at seven diamonds I think that's almost as big as they ever get I think veins maybe get to eight maximum four diamonds could be completely wrong that's just about as big as I've ever seen him come so that's pretty huge that's really huge and there's even more redstone this is absolutely insane oh baby more diamonds this is fantastic now I do have to be careful here because that's lava so I want to make sure that lava isn't going to see seed that would have been bad was that a silverfish okay I don't think I can get those until I craft a diamond pickaxe so I can get rid of the obsidian and make sure that no lava will come near so we gotta set up a little station here our first diamond pickaxe ladies and gentlemen and we have five diamonds to spare as well so not only will we to get this obsidian we're gonna save extra diamonds because of it and we can take a little bit extra home to make sure that we can make a nether portal and an enchantment table in the near future so I'm excited oh and I don't think I think the lava it was just right over here so I think I would have been able to get these diamonds I'm just gonna make sure that that is the case yeah I would have been able to funny how that works I just had to be safe so I'm gonna be even extra I'm gonna be even more safe I'm just gonna make sure that this is going to be a completely foolproof plan and out there's lava underneath yes we are good to go so I'm gonna take these guys oh wait I should not have done that this is very scary territory here but we'll take the diamonds one to grab them get back and make sure there's no lava that's three four and this looks like it'll be six yes six diamonds me make sure there's not an extra one down here no six oh that's another ah silverfish one that's kind of weird I like it though so while I'm down here one thing that I'm gonna do really quick is grab enough obsidian to make a nether portal and an enchantment table um so I'm gonna do that really quick won't bore you guys though so I'll come back once I've got that done and there we go my fifteenth and sixteenth so if I am doing this correctly I believe that will be enough so let me go ahead and grab the rest of the redstone and lapis didn't even see that up there so I'm gonna keep searching around but I'm satisfied so I'm ready to head back up if this gets difficult because I want to make sure that I don't die and I get this stuff back safely so in this other room we've got another emerald oh wow in this stays at this level so we've got an emerald and potentially oh okay another emerald I thought that was a diamond we're good though we're good so I'm gonna grab this stuff up and and and we'll see what all right after that Oh more diamonds oh my goodness this is fantastic I picked a perfect cave for today much easier I don't even know if I had to kill a mob besides those zombies at the beginning that was it super easy stuff so I'm clearing out the area for this last bunch of diamonds that I found I want to make sure it's safe considering there's lava everywhere down here and at this point every single diamond counts so yep I did not want that to happen did not want that to happen will place something in there come on there we go and I venture to say that these are safe yep they're safe all right so we can grab them three more diamonds not too bad at all our diamond total is up at 14 we've got four emeralds oh by the way it would be 17 I don't do some math there cuz out we made that pickup and would you look at that I Spy more check it out check it out we've got a few areas to explore here I want to walk over and see what this has to offer okay interesting interesting I'll go grab that emerald but this looks good too we've got another one now one thing I want to do are one of the main reasons I don't want to spend too much time down here is soon enough I'm gonna get a fortune enchantment and what that'll do is allow me to get more than one emerald out of each emerald ore and more than one diamond out of each diamond door so I don't want to mine up all of the diamonds down here in case I come back because I'll be able to get a higher yield once I have enchantments and wait a second where are you big guy I just heard his own baby where are you buddy oh my this place looks awesome so those are the emeralds I saw earlier I just want to take a peek and see what this is all about yes so we've got some lapis oh man Gold iron coal what else is over here I mean this is just screaming this is screaming a diamonds I feel like I might find more hopefully we can anyways Oh take a look around some more iron a little bit more lava let's get rid of that stuff and um what else we got is that an emerald it is it is I haven't okay where were we I gotta tone it down just to tick here I didn't get anything back here so I'm gonna gather all of these supplies and I will be right back with you to explore the rest of the case some more over here look at this some redstone a whole lot of gravel which is kind of scary in the dungeon we found a dungeon ladies and gentlemen this could be huge hold on let me make sure that there is nothing going on in here looks like we've got two chests put that back there clean this up make sure no one's spawning inside let's check it out okay a ton of redstone iron a horse armor a Golden Apple oh that's good and I make sure that I like this up cuz they could spawn over here too and did you see that did you see it I know you did I know you did more emeralds guys there is even more to explore oh and I don't mind at all I'm not scared at all those those cave spiders are just to me the scariest mobs in the game just cuz they can poison you but this this is something I can get with this is definitely something I can get with this is easy I still have that dungeon to search but I just want to make sure I'm not gonna miss anything down here you never know these days you really never know what did I tell you even more emerald so I'm gonna head back to where I just came from I just had to check out this little cave thing we'll head back here though oh we got another guy spawning I will grab him and oh there's that emerald Lee passed earlier and let me grab this gold and here we are wait where oh what is this is this something I missed what is this direction ah oh wow this is a whole nother beast we can tame all that looks good over there what looks good over here this is just I see gold oh my goodness okay so that takes us back down to where we just were but this this I know for sure doesn't look at this guy's there's stuff absolutely every more emeralds to Oh see I'm getting carried away I'm getting carried away I need to relax I need to relax but I also I feel the need to keep exploring oh I just see stuff everywhere oh this is awesome I'm not even keeping track at this point we still gotta check out that thing but yeah I found more I found more emeralds I haven't even mined all of the ones I've seen which is the sad part oh my goodness this cave is just crazy oh that's cool that's pretty cool looking this is wild this is absolutely wild all right I'm gonna head back over to where I was before and there's another one all right I'm gonna make it back to that dungeon in a second I promise I promise I'll be right back I swear all right we're here so I can officially grab everything out of this chest I'll grab all that and what like what can what can I put away don't need the bones don't need the granite don't need the extra cobblestone everything I don't need the sugar really everything else is something I want to keep yeah every single other thing in my inventory so I'll take the Golden Apple leave the rest behind if you can check this chest with B root C I don't need those that's just gonna clog inventory well I don't really mean any of that gunpowder would be nice to bring back I'll come back on a second trip and grab the rest of that but for now I'm carrying only valuables oh oh oh oh my gosh oh my gosh that could've been awful holy cow oh my gosh oh that could have been me that actually could have been me that is terrifying I need to get out of here sooner than later because that easily could have been me oh my gosh oh you can't mess around with stuff like that I need to get out of here oh man so well we were lucky early on with diamonds and then we were lucky later on with emeralds and we found Responder - oh my goodness so here we are back at our original camp I think I'll leave this here just so why I can remember exactly you know like this whole area once I see this on though where to go I'll go to the left and I'll go to more caves but um yeah this was awesome so I'm gonna walk back up I'm gonna grab everything that I missed along the way because I was very excited and left a lot of stuff in the walls and um and we'll see what the final final results of this caving trip was back home and we are just about back up at the surface so I want to say thank you guys for sticking around if you did if you didn't skip that hopefully you enjoyed it because that was very very very fun um yeah so for those of you that want your mining fix want to watch me mine that'll be the last time I do it for a few episodes because as you can tell I well I got what I came for that's for sure and we're back home so I've got a lot of smelting to do I'll put a stack of 64 iron in there that will hold on a little tell your stuff first so we've got 14 Dimond over a stack of lapis 1 2 3 4 5 6 6 full stacks of redstone that was 2 stacks of iron we also got 12 emeralds a Golden Apple oh man oh man oh man this is good so I have a little bit more stuff to smelt over here got some extra blocks to put away that was awesome and you know what this means we have exactly what we need to craft ourselves oh boy working an enchantment table and how about the timing as well almost at 30 levels and were about to craft an enchantment table let's do it so I'll put the obsidian in the proper placement get 2 diamonds there and there we are the enchantment table I'll put back the diamonds and we'll put this away for now no need to rush on that cuz we are gonna have to start working really really hard to get our sugar cane farm flowing because right now we definitely don't have enough books to make this thing work so I'll use all of our bone meal to make well hopefully a full farm over here I'll see what I can do alright so I've grown of those or so those should hopefully grow melons and pumpkins soon I've got a full row of potatoes still only four beats a full row okay buddy you can't be doing that where did you get that oh not in the farm that's fine but I want you but I want you but I want you get over here for my first hand of a kale can I do it that's awesome here did you bow and final oh I just shot over him you're lucky you're lucky son and we got a zombie too it's pretty dark over there I just want to get some lights I'm gonna light up the farm really quick to make sure that this is all good and dandy don't exactly know how far away I need to do it oh this I don't know oh okay I'll just do it on either side of each gate that makes sense yeah so like I said this farm won't stay for too long but I think it'll definitely serve us for now this is plenty of crops to keep living so I doubt I'll have any struggle keeping my survival life afloat anymore I'm pretty awesome and on that note I think I'm just about done for today we've started the other farms we've made arrows we've explored the world a bit we've made an enchantment table and we also found plenty of diamonds and emeralds I am very very pleased and okay buddy you need to step back on God I think we're good I'm gonna go ahead and sleep to make sure nothing else spawns over here and I will see you guys in the next episode thank you so so so much for watching and as always stay frosty my friends peace guys - see you Baba [Music]
Channel: JackFrostMiner
Views: 933,912
Rating: 4.7583127 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft pocket edition, minecraft pe, mcpe, minecraft pocket edition free, minecraft pe free, mcpe free
Id: huDUfuOaFWo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 38sec (1718 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 21 2017
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