Lucas Oil Pro Pulling League

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the fairgrounds at Henry Illinois excellent livestock amazing food and incredible Machinery check out this car show the new and the old they feature it all right here but what we're set to do is give you the best pullers in the world it's the 12th annual America's poll right now welcome to the Lucas Oil Motorsports hour this is the Illinois Nationals presented by Rockstar Energy Drink you're watching the Lucas Oil Pro pulling League Ken Stout and Leslie mir's here to call all the extra for of course crash glattus will also help us out this is one of the big polls on the tour and coming off event in Concord North Carolina that Carolina Clay down there very different dirt for these guys out here in the Midwest it's what they're used to they really like it out here and it always proves to be a very powerful track we'll have two different categories we'll cover here today the super mods are in the house we'll also have the pro stalkers as we take a look at the points here for the super mods takes a lick and is on top 46 points at Concord the first po 50 at the second that is a win so a third and a win right off the bat gets it done and then of course the bunny Farmall actually won the first pull out of the gate speaking of the funny Farmall there he is right there Ken Vinnie is backing up tough guy and unfortunately for him actually struggled a little bit last year in the middle of the Season had some difficulties you know right there about the midpoint of the season with some mechanical breakage but he's back together you know those Motors got freshened up over the winter brand new Motors on the track and proved that they are winning machines in that pole in Concord North Carolina you can see very concentrated on the track watching Rona his wife back him up there as he's inside of that tight roll cage absolutely the tracker looks awesome as always nice and slow controlled back up and then of course they hook up that huge chain which just amazing you know that hook itself weighs like 25 lbs you know Chain's almost as big as your arm and you got to have it when you're hauling that heavy sled down the [Music] track look at that beautiful front end up getting that good transfer weight as he pulls it down the track well I tell you what he is on his game this year right off the bat and again a very strong effort here 36.091794 300 ft the traditional full pull Market anytime you get out there just look at that lifts right off of the get-go great torque that front wheels are 12 to 18 in off the ground just like you want it and he gets good transfer weight and a good distance and by the way the track looks spectacular when you kind of want that nice little gloss on top of it that means it's nice and packed down tight that means you got a lot of moisture in the track that can come up to the top of the surface which gives them great bite on the pulling surface which means that hey it's going to be a power track out here in Henry Illinois well the next man pulling up is your reigning Champion inside of the category no doubt was hoping for a little better start than he got here at the first couple of polls but we had a chance to talk to Bill ler because he's flying some new colors this year and no doubt he's very proud of that he's hoping he can win them a championship oh Rockstar Energy Drink just brings so much to the table and it just livened everybody up it just so the energy from the drink is nothing to say about what it's done to our team and even Brian Knox from sassy engines is really on board with the the Rockstar Energy Drink and it just everybody comes up and compliments us on the new look and we've always been red and candy apple red and they compliment us on the the way the tractor looks with Rockstar Energy Drink All Over It Well it definitely has a new flare to it and he's right I mean it does it brings about a new energy and confidence to the team and he mentioned a key name there in Brian Knox after winning the championship last year Bill ler decid that he's going to switch from Aries blocks on those hems and he's going to go over to sassy motor so that could be a tribute to why he didn't do so well in Concord and something falling off there right at the very end it's kind of difficult to see what it was but 31303 another solid effort here but that won't be enough to win tonight and you can see the inner workings of the sled and how it slows these guys down at the end of the run when that box tops off we're talking about upwards of 200,000 lb right on the hitching point of the machine the fuel filter uh caps came off ah so that is what we saw fall off of the tractor on the way down through on that particular pole well one of the characters inside of the category is LD nation and LD nation is always a tough competitor he's a season veteran to say the least you got to ask him what he thinks about the track as he takes a look at it two-time event winner LD Nation LD you've been on the starting line here and you've seen two tractors go down we know there's a bit of an issue mid track with the hole are you satisfied with what you've seen and what changes will you make to your tractor uh well I'm not sure yet we we had good luck we won here the last two years and uh I believe the track's quite a little bit softer than it was before so we'll probably be running in front of our tractor a little bit lighter than normal hopefully it'll work that's something you never know do you get done but uh I believe it won't take quite as much weight on the front this time that's what we're going to go for and again L Nation referring to those meticulous notes that these pullers keep you know they won the last couple of years they look at the weight setup on the vehicle you know they look at the gearing they look at how they set up the tractor in order to set it for you know this particular event which occurs right around the same time every year so they can refer back to those notes but of course the track is going to be different each [Music] time Ron bargie is hooked up to the sled the name of the tractor the Apache and you can see that he's got 400 lb four of those weights on the front end and that's what's going to try to balance the tractor out but it doesn't help him that he had that slight bounce right out of the hole yeah he's just struggling all the way along he has surpassed the 100 foot Mark which means the pole will stand unfortunately for him he's in trouble there there's your General Tire top three the funny Farmall leads the group this telecast is brought to you by Rockstar Energy Drink Party Like a Rockstar E3 spark plugs with diamond Fire Technology and by General Tire unleash the [Music] fury the Lucas Oil Motorsports hour is brought to you by rnl carriers one call one [Music] carrier we'll continue on here this is the super modified category poll number three on the [Music] Ed Warrior backing up the Super Stallion and another turban power tractor here not uncommon to see a little bit of fuel underneath these things from time to time a very unique mixture of kerosene and gasoline is what powers these aircraft engines on the track solid effort out of the super stallion as well Lumin of wild ride there towards the end pulled him off to the right but we'll end up right at 3.30 FT it's just amazing with these aircraft engines you know what they have out there the wheel speed that they can get and the power that they can immediately pour into the track off the starting line up yeah it'll be 320 or a floater so they'll all go to the trailer and what's he talking about there Leslie 320 or a floater obviously talking about the finish line and they can decide where they're going to set that full pull Mark you know traditionally the full pull Mark always at 300 ft but with the new rules with the Lucas Oil prop play L they going say 300 310 320 or they can float it out by there because these guys are making so much horsepower they're hooking it up so hard to the track that it's really hard for the sled operators to stop them at the 300 foot Mark so they put that rule into into the books for that process so that they don't have guys out here running their machines into the ground running them two and three times each night and again we see a termin power power tractor this one called the turbulent toy for the former tank driver Tim how out of the Roberts pulling stables and you know this thing usually gives him a turbulent ride as well front end way up in the air maybe even too high and it looks like it's going to reflect in his results as well at 2 34.56 well short of the mark needed to win here tonight and that's what we're talking about with these turbin they hook up so hard so early it actually works to Tim house disadvantage because he get the front end up early it comes down he has to use more power to bring it back up ladies and gentlemen right oh Big John pushing him up out of the way6 2.56 good probably 18 20 in right there down in the ground is 12 to 16 he hit that break the left tire dug in real hard right there all right let's talk about the distance that they'll be pulling here tonight well you can see a good look at our super clean track tonight the funny farm all right out of the gate as the test puller goes 36.091794 deal who wants to have a pull off or not you know do you want to float the Finish or do you want to make it a 320 full pull line let the crowd decide or the people at home so there you go I mean it is a big decision and he pretty much bases it off of what he's seen off of those five previous tractors and you know it's a thankless job you know he could call it perfect or he could be wrong and it's totally an educated yes because you don't know who's going to perform well on each track and who's not you can go by previous experience is but you just don't know night in and night out and here you've got the bondages with the takes a licking machine coming off of first and third out of Concord the first ever win for the team and you know that they're supercharged and amped up for this event as they come in with the points lead man he was sailing down through there it sounded like he lost an engine right along the way you can hear the RPM changed drastically as it pulled it down so a tough job for our points leader here tonight you see the Sparks out of the bottom of that back left clutch that may his back sparking Illinois way notic some Spar out of that back power plant or actually out of the clutch Cam and issues right there of course obviously whenever that happens he you can see the Sparks right there going to lose the power out of one of those power plants maybe even two of them it's over here this one which one did I say when I got to you that one that one the back left yeah Sparks were at the bottom of that left clutch when it was coming down it was popping the wheelie that's not good cuz it almost act like it was only running on three motors and not four and he was off to a great start too look like he was going to sling the tires right off of that thing well when we come back we'll continue on with the super modified tractors here the Lucas Oil Motorsports hour stay with us [Music] the Lucas Oil Motorsports hour is brought to you by MagnaFlow the first thing you hear the last thing you see number of tractors already out here so far pulling tonight next one up will be the Indian Outlaw we heard from LD Nation a little bit earlier in the show and now he's behind the wheel and he said he was going to take some of that weight and put it on the front of the tractor he won here last year but he's talking about of course His Four Aces machine this Speedco Indian Outlaw is brand new for this season you know LD Nation a longtime veteran with the turbin got away from it last year went to the reciprocating Motors and now he's back with these amazing two d11s and of course this beautiful looking Speedco Indian Outlaw machine you can also see the GoPro camera up there mounted on top of the roll cage intently watching those gauges to bring those RPMs up to that perfect point before he starts to take [Music] off and those big rear tires squatting and now digging in and he's going to miss the mark as well at 274 it looked like a pretty good effort there but a lot of Tire spend right off the bat and that's due to the fact that these super modified tractors only have one gear so it's driving Styles how much throttle you apply right off the starting line and they have to apply a lot in order to get that heavy sled movement you can see that there are seven weights in that box 14,000 lbs and that turbulent ride is what the sled operator experiences each time down the track pretty wild stuff to say the least and of course they groom the track after every pull as well you can see the the support equipment out there guys are very good at what they do and very quick I might add okay two to three minutes is is all it takes to groom the track for the next competitor you know it's all about grading and scraping and packing that dirt back down and try to create the same pulling surface for each competitor throughout the night which is a very tough job the down and dirty is up next you can see him building pressure in the brakes as well left foot break right foot break and the funny Farmall still your leader at [Music] 31609 hey Michael s's big focus seems to be on just keeping the tractor straight you know if he can keep it between the white lines there's nothing to these hems can't do and he could take over the lead well these guys are uh are beating some stuff up out here tonight and that's what happens when you get in the Midwest and you get into these power tracks and you know these tracks if they were to put crops in them would yield great numbers we're talking in excess of 200 bushel per acre and just look at that Carnage on the down and machine oh yeah he grenaded one right there that looked like a rod bearing underneath there laying on the track and parts of the block so he grenaded one we'll take another look at it keep your eyes on the bottom right hand side of your screen as you look at it oh there goes everywhere yeah and he is still in the throttle so that's what continued the damage obviously they're going to keep going the other three are still driving so it doesn't just give up and that one proceeded to destroy itself and one thing that you don't realize as you're watching the sport of Truck and Tractor Pulling is all this happened so fast and you've got to react to it inside of the roll cage and sometimes there's just not enough time to react you know you may hear a change in the motor but you don't have enough time to get out of the throttle in order to prevent some of that you know even more damage that can [Music] occur well the next tractor is called the Texas bull whip and as you can see it's a beautiful piece a couple of Automotive style engines opposing each other and then the industrial style power plant up in the front of it with not one not two but yes three different turbocharges on that front power plant and probably the most unique thing about this one is there's two different sets of RPMs for those engines so it's pretty amazing actually yeah you got to bring the boost pressure up on the DT466 out front while you're building the RPMs then you got to let it all go at the clutch at the same time and you know he does it very well here with this bullet machine and you can see the exhaust header going into that front power plant was glowing red the turbocharger stuffing some heat and air inside of that one and actually the turbocharger just spooling down right there you can kind of see that that front wheel of the Texas bull whip the 29517 again will be a little short you know it seems as the class goes on that these guys are having a hard time you know finding a good spot on the track and finding a good combination to get out there and Chase down that funny Farmall machine we will continue on next up is the dirt Challenger of course we saw Bill lner up here a little bit earlier this is his son and Shannon of course Works um in conjunction with race pack Data Systems and a lot of these vehicles out here on the track have those Data Systems so that they can go back to the trailer after their run and dissect all of that information and find out how every component of their machine was performing you know so that they can come back the next night and do it better or go to the next event and make some changes to increase their performance man these big 30.5 tires pushing a lot of dirt back up on that Buckboard of the sled and the distance here 23688 and you call this a power track and you can actually hear these guys run down through here the RPMs change as they really get loaded up you talk about that transfer box pulling forward right there it starts putting all the pressure on the pan and man it pulls these guys down hardcore so big John Mir is taking a look at that particular tractor as they unhook and Shannon pulls away back into the pits the General Tire top three still has the funny Farmall on top the Lucas Oil Motorsports hour is brought to you by Geico Powersports insurance for all things that move you well if you like wild looking tractors nothing out there any wilder than this one it is a thing of beauty plenty of colors but more importantly just the design of the tractor alone is nothing short of exceptional it is a piece of art I mean it really is gorgeous as LD Nation pulls out tractor number two that beautiful wedge style chassis on the 4 Aces machine and you can see he's got those four Automotive reciprocating engines not a lot of movable weight but you can see that he did move a little bit forward he did that with the Speedco Indian Outlaw as well and you know he's got the power plans to get it done on this track for those big bad Brad Anderson hems you know they've proven themselves on the drag strip and they're becoming even more popular here with the Lucas Oil Pro pulling League man it's nothing better than seeing those tires squat right off the line man it pulled that one down as well [Music] with the torque that he's creating a lot of horsepower and they'll get him unhooked of course again and cleared and pull him out of the way a lot of communication there between the track workers and we'll continue on Jamie Austin the Predator machine one of the few in the category actually the only one that runs Chevy power and you know you can see that he's got his injector hat set up a little differently and he's got those Motors set up outboard Le and the way that these guys make make everything work is they run all four of those engines into a gear boox which transfers that power into the rear end so that they don't lose you know a lot of that horsepower down the track Bo the front end up on that one everything looking good all the way down through there 2 75.7 s and there's no question man this track has changed since the first couple of tractors have come out it definitely has you can see Jamie Austin starting on the right side of the track getting pulled over towards the left side of the tracking part of the reason why his distance comes up short as he had to get on those braks hard because he doesn't want to go out of bounds because that puts him at the bottom pack and doesn't give him a measurable distance the line we with we'll get him cleared up out of the way and continue on with the category and no doubt these guys are taking a look at this track trying to figure out what they should do or what they can do to get out there where kenini has already achieved next up the Joker another beautiful tractor here but that 31 16.09% with our first tractor seems as though it's a Mark that nobody can attain and the track could be a huge Factor here because it could be that the track is so good that these guys are losing power as they're trying to hook up those big tires back there remember these tractors don't have multiple gears to choose from the only thing that they can do is give the motors more or less fuel so you can only take away so much fuel to create power before you're actually going to detonate the motor you know so they don't have a lot of changes that they can make and as the Trap gets better they can only kind of cross their fingers and rely on their expertise and their driving style and their knowledge of the track from prior years experience to help them get on down there we'll find out what the Joker has inside of this one wow again Parts breakage here and tough pull for our last competitor and the Joker 19218 no steering that steering rod broke right there I think he actually has some more issues in that as well unless of course he felt the steering break and then immediately got out of the throttle but that thing shut down awfully quick these do have independent rear brakes where they could continue to steer but a lot of times if a driver feels that they've got any kind of breakage they'll get out of it right away he has no steering so Sean swaringen former Champion side of the category with a tough PLL here tonight let's get it down to crash who's with Jason Evans on the double down machine there's been quite a bit of drama tonight you guys finally fixed the drama with the battery and now right in front of you oil's dropped on the line how does that affect your approach well first thing is we just hope it starts so uh the next thing is just drive around the oil on the track and try to stay out of it and go from there it's at a position where it's pretty much going to be behind you the whole run but then again things can change as you go and line up yep it sure can things change uh every foot on that track so uh looks like it's a good track out there about 150 ft hopefully it hooks in and goes down the track well everybody struggled out here as of lately anyways as long as he rides a brake you'll be all right nice and easy partner and of course he's talking about riding the brake so he can steer it because obviously he can't use a steering wheel steering they get Shawn out of the way there with the joker and no doubt he'll get that one fixed up and ready for the next ball The Joker started to oil down the track about the 150 to 200 foot Mark and if John Evans can stay out of that oil slick he's got a great chance of hooking the tractor up hard into the track and propelling himself down there to get towards that Mark set by the funny farmal now John Evans has a lot of experience in racing particularly drag racing and he can transfer some of that knowledge over to tractor pulling well I start I started out drag racing and and it's a lot your reaction time in drag racing and and the car needs to be consistent for the type racing they have these these days but uh uh tractor pullings basically kind of the same thing you know you got to have a a good smooth takeoff and and get the try to get the tractor hooked in and it's the same thing in drag gracing you need to to uh get your uh uh vehicle hooked in and know uh you know after driving these things for so long you get to know you know you feel when when when the tracker gets hooked in you can feel that and it's the same way in drug racing you can feel when it gets hooked [Music] in oh and way off to the left w red flag out he's hitting fire extinguishers stick with it baby stick with it put on a show I think he thought he was going on the other track and he was just going to keep on going they they say it's a two track pull he's using both of them and this is where we talk about reaction time you know he felt it hook up hard it starts to take him off to the left and he just can't get on that break fast enough and hard enough to get it stopped and it's just a tribute to how much power these machines can make pretty wild ride to say the least you can see John very disappointed with his effort there you know he may be a mild mannered guy and look very very reserved but he does have the heart of a champion he is very competitive out there on the track there is the results from your Rockstar Energy Drink super modified tractors and the funny Farmall congratulations to Ken beanie he's off to a great start here in 2010 you know boy if he can take this momentum and keep himself going you know we made look at a new champion at the end of the season he was so close there uh a couple years ago find out if he can find the magic in 2010 and of course bill lner with that new combination is in second place in the points with his Rockstar Energy Drink dirt Slinger it's funny how things work out a situation here you going first in the class we thought would be a disadvantage lo and behold you take the win Ken congratulations well we definitely didn't want to be the test hook because they had to do some work to the track and we had no idea how it was going to work out and I'm not a really experienced puller like some of the guys Bill lashner and some of the other guys but I just had to drive it a little different and when I got to the end I could have turned that down but I felt that it the tractor felt good it worked good it just carried the front end a little bit pulled hard I just said I'll take it I think 316 was going to be hard to beat and obviously it was well don't go anywhere up next will be the smokers big horsepower out of the Pro Stock tractors the Lucas Oil Motorsports hour it's brought to you by Speedco truck lube and [Music] tires all right we're going to get you up to speed on the Pro Stock category a lot of competitors out here and we actually are up to the pull off we're going to bring you the pull off but we're going to show you how we got there nasty stuff Nick McCormick can take a look at that one man he killed one right at the very end there as stuff was puking out of that one green streak two driven by Greg Boyd he's got a broken oil pump however he was able to take it back to the pits and get it fixed so we will see his run officially in the class all right up next is Stuart ma with that International it's called the Billet binder the inaugural event for the proo for the 2010 season and you can see that these guys are tuned up and ripping up this track of St maze makes the first First full pull of the day all right Kevin Masterson one of the big pulling families out here a lot of rivalries between some of these families his tractor called the river rat of course that beautiful John Deere that motor popping and pulling down right at the end he barely misses making that 320 Mark for the full pole the green line Express Dennis bison and Dennis also would go out past the full pull Mark at 3 25.01.2013 into the pull off way over there by the left side of the track man you got to love that big beautiful black diesel smoke man like the fans really love it too there's nothing better than just seeing the effects of the horsepower inside the engine this is the green streak driven by Steve boy not to be confused with the green streak two who is driven by Greg boy 32880 and of course former Champion ins side of the category he makes the pull off easily Rodney Snickers melt down the inter ational trying to forge its way into the pulloff and again will fall just short at 313 and 49 love these tractors in this category they actually look like farm tractors it's pretty amazing up next will be the hurricane Alice driven by Travis Doan one of the only atos inside of the category and you say they look like farm tractors the only thing on these that are farm tractors are the sheet Metals everything else aftermarket performance parts absolutely contents under pressure and yes they are to say the least Troy Shel the driver of this particular John Deere and he will also make a good pull here and get himself into that pull off former champion in the super Farm category moved on up to play with the big boys and the 10 Pros yeah when you say that I mean we're talking about quite a step up these are expensive machines at some quar million a nice flame out of the pipe there on the tractor that's owned by Don Masterson who is the father of of Kevin Masterson we saw earlier but driven here by Dennis Miller and you can see that the Tinker toy reaps the rewards of a team of tractors using the information from the river to put it in the pulloff well we saw Greg Boyd a little bit earlier unfortunately had a broken oil pump they were able to fix that comes back out here with a green streak two and the full pull Mark is 320 ft he goes 32.6 talk about skinny into the pulloff hey 600 hundreds of a foot that's all it takes you just have to get past 320 by a little bit to put yourself in there for the full pull after the initial pull this is what the standings were like and as you can see the top seven tractors here in the category all made the pull off so it's going to be a good one it'll be interesting to see what the officials decide to do with the sled whether they're going to heavy it up or they're just going to let these bad boys run on out there and see how far they can drag that heavy boat and as you can see you talked about this being the inaugural pull for the pro stalker some 20 4 machines out here competing right off the bat so looks like it's going to be a great year with the Lucas Oil Pro pulling league and the Pro Stock category when we come back we'll kick off the pulloff in the Pro Stock category who's going to take home the first win of the [Music] season the Lucas Oil Motorsports hour is brought to you by Dart [Music] Machinery we are at Mar puton of Fairgrounds it's Illinois Nationals presented by Rockstar Energy Drink we're in the Pro Stock category and this is the pulloff we'll get it down there to crash for an update to find out if they Chang anything on the sled did they load that thing up crash in the Pro Stock class no changes to the sled and according to Stewart ma no changes to his International Red trctor either it is a full-on battle of the red Internationals and the green John deers how about that ago the hurricane Alice a force to be reckoned with you know most of our Pro Stock pullers from the Midwest they're from out in the middle of Kansas and you know everybody kind of wants to turn a blind eye to the big white machine but it is a force to be reckoned with here inside the category just like this tough Billet binder not too many Internationals in the field a lot of John deers but the Billet binder will set the mark to beat at 3 22.96 and a very good Mark well I just love the fact also that stort Ma is kicking at old school here with the old school style 1066 sheet metal and you know the tractor actually earned its name because he said as he was building it it seemed like each part that he put on it was Billet in order to make it stronger so it could perform better and you know he's really kind of revolutionized things with the Internationals to put them up there in the top of the category with the John Beers another good look at it there and we'll find out if that Mark is good enough to stand six more tough tractors will come out here and try to surpass that 322 Mark once again look at that Leed back there and regro the track of course fans having a great time as well and the fans intently watching that starting line earlier in the day when the class was running it seemed like all of the tractors that made it into the pulloff started from the exact same point on the starting line so these guys could be building the road down here they could take a lesson from Stuart ma that Billet binder and run right in his tracks and try to pound down that dirt in the track bring that moisture up and they can extend their distance at the End by finding some fresh dirt on that road out on the track we'll have to see what Dennis borson does here with the green line Express again another beautiful tractor here this obviously the John Deere and simulated bullet holes in the rear fender and these guys take a beating they are not easy on these machines and of course you can see that when you check out that big stove pipe on top now it's puffing white smoke right now but you're going to see a little bit of Flame come out of that stack right before they leave the line and that's right when the water turns on it's going to put out that flame so they actually have fire inside of the engine that they're putting out when they turn on the water injection not easy on these machines when you think about your setting them on fire each time you go down the [Music] track and lots of fluid out of the front of that one a big issue needless to say that will end his pull early and you can tell by the lazy smoke that he had right off the line look he lets off the clutch and as soon as he starts to apply the power it immediately blows off there and you know that's one of those um incidental problems that you have it's a cheap fix you know but it's just very unfortunate that it happened to him here in the pull off and by the way that that cord that was hanging down in front of the tractor that is to connect to the batteries to help them start these big Mammoth power plants 680 cubic in of power is what they've got underneath the sheet metal and a lot of times when they took these tractors and these motors out of the field they they were right around 400 cubic in okay so they've bored out this block they're putting a lot of stress on it they're making a lot of power you know they're doing a lot of things with this motor that it was never really intended to do and as you said before these are purpose-built pulling machines you know lots of aftermarket high performance parts to get them to make that power that you're seeing on the track that is Greg Boyd down there backing his father up Steve Boyd behind the wheel both of them former Champions inside of this category they spend a lot of time working on these things to make maximum power and with the sport of truck and tractor pulling you don't get to go out anywhere and practice so when you put that engine on the dyno and you get to test it there that's kind of like a practice or a trial run you can see Steve voy intently watching that pipe a lot of these Pro stalkers say that instead of driving by the gauges on their panel they drive by the smoke that comes out of that big Sooke pipe right it looks like he laid up a little bit early I think there was some left in it but 345 what an incredible job here and it's amazing once he leaves the line you can see him looking down into the right and what he's doing he's looking to the end of the track looking how hard he's got to stay in that throttle to pass that leader cone and he put some 20 feet on Stuart ma an excellent job there for Steve Boyd that's how you come out here and get it done sending a message to the rest of the field the boids are always tough and there's yet another one inside of the category we'll find out how he does in a few moments the Lucas Oil Motorsports hour is brought to you by K&N the world's best air filter Rockstar Energy Drink Party Like a Rockstar and by Lucas Oil products made in America sold to the world the Lucas Oil Motorsports hour is brought to you by Canada all natural pet boots [Music] we are right in the middle of the pulloff in the Pro Stock category here at the Illinois Nationals presented by Rockstar Energy Drink next up the AGCO which was the leader at the end of our initial poll here for the category don't count the hurricane Alice out and you can bet that these guys are going to keep the same gear selection and settings that they used the first time out we've heard that the sled has remained the same same so they're going to rely on that good information from their first pass down the track and hope that the track hasn't changed too much and the air temperature conditions haven't changed so that they can get that great performance that they had initially Travis dolman of the Doan farms and picking the right gear right there yeah just a beautiful machine usually these guys have somewhere between three and five gears to choose from and why that doesn't seem like it's a lot one gear up or down can make a huge difference green flag the track is green so it's all up to Travis now by the way the mark to be 3459 the front end way up in the air woo listen to that turbo just chirp as he gets out of the throttle 30 9.7 he was much further than that in his first PLL and you saw that bounce up and down he leaves the line he gets nice clean barrel of smoke coming out of the stack so you know he's got good air movement inside of the engine when the front end launches though and comes back down he loses 5 to 10 ft off of his distance so you can only imagine what kind of run he could have had had he taken a little bit more weight off the belly bar put it on the nose of the tractor and kept that angle of 12 to 14 in off the ground with those front tires and it also pulled him hard to the right so he was in danger of being dced didn't want to do do that all right up next is contents Under Pressure this one driven by Troy shred we saw him earlier the first pole of the day went 3 21.65 and of course his dad Ernst giving him a few last minute tidbits of advice on how to get that there past that 34509 set by the green streak and Steve Boyd of course Troy Shel a champion in the super Farm category of course we mentioned earlier there's a lot more limitations in that class these guys make a ton more horsepower here we're looking at upwards of 2500 to 3,000 horsepower that these 680 cubic in Motors are actually going to make out here on the track9 actually had the pleasure to drive a farm tractor one time amazing how did it work out for you it was awesome I had a great time pretty impressive I'll tell you talk about uh having some fun it's easy to see how these guys get hooked on it contents Under Pressure out here trying to get it done a solid effort out of him but it's not going to be enough to win 31420 and you know these guys could just be experienced you know just a little bit of fatigue on their motor throughout the day Troy ster of course towards the end of the class he gets a great hook you can see the front end bouncing just a little bit but that motor is still awfully hot and maybe just didn't have enough time to cool down to get its maximum performance that will be good enough for third place as it stands right now in the pulloff a couple of tractors left to go but we're actually here ing terer toy is broken and will probably not be able to make the call here so sure enough he does not make the call up next will be the final tractor in the pull off here this is a green streak two again another tough one looking to go out there and beat dad up here who has set the mark to beat at 345.00 n when of course A Team machine and of course they do share information with each other you know boy I think it'd be awfully tough especially as competitive as the voy family is you know once they get out there on the track that whole fatherson relationship goes away they're just competitors out there trying to do the best that they possibly can and you know if Greg can best his dad out on the track he's going to do it he's not going to lay up short just to let the old man win that's for sure all right Big John MIRS gives him the green flag it's all up to Greg boy now building that boost pressure on the line before they turn the water injection on looking at right around 100 lb of boost as these guys take [Music] off oh nice straight run down the track that thing is chugging woo talk about out there we have a winner 34993 feet what an awesome job Hey Big John was having to do some fancy footwork out there to keep up with it backpedaling the whole away the best part about this run look at the front end up in the air really never moves the tractor goes completely straight he doesn't have to get on the breaks at all and that gives him that awesome result of that 349 and change so the green streak two your winner here and the Pro Stock category here is your Rockstar Energy Drink final results and that's how you get it done out of the green streak Camp team boy going to be first and second in the points leaving this event of course short May creeping right up there with his Billet binder taking the Pro Stock title with a 349 and change just shattering the competition both you and your father and what did your father say to you before you ran well i' I'd broke an oil pump before I took off on the line earlier so I had to go back and put an oil pump on it wasn't sure what kind of shape the engine's in but I made a decent pass and was lucky to get it out by 61 100s of an inch uh come back dad was in the lead and he said just scratch it just scratch it that way you can run it tomorrow so uh Then I then I thought no I need those points so we're going to run it anyway and you took Dad down congratulations on the win how though did you win this because you did a little trick driving to get around that hole in the center of the track well I don't know what I was trying to do the track from 75 ft on was very very good but that first 75 ft had a bad hole in it and uh what I what I was trying to do was to roll it out slowly and get it past that hole before I really got on a motor try to get a hole to get some traction and it worked for me tonight uh I got to go back and look things over cuz the the 50 points is going to be great today but it's going to be a goose egg tomorrow if I'm tore up and it's a good chance I am so we'll see what happens awesome stuff and of course that gets a season kicked off for the pro stalkers well we hope you folks enjoyed watching the Lucas Oil Motorsports hour this telecast has been produced by Lucas Oil Studios for crash gladus and Leslie MIRS I'm kin Stout we'll see you next time we go racing no
Channel: Dean Abbott Pulling
Views: 54,070
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: PfstoB8FyjA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 58sec (2698 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 12 2023
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