LSBF ACCA P4: Introduction to Mergers and Acquisitions
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: LSBF Professional Qualifications
Views: 37,931
Rating: 4.7431192 out of 5
Keywords: LSBF, London, School, Business, Finance, Education, ACCA, MBA, BIB, Courses, MSC, Masters, College, University, Higher, Students, Marketing, e-learning, online,,, graduates, graduation, work, employability, marketplace, global, school, study, abroad, international, campus, Holborn, marble, arch, Birmingham, Manchester, best, UK, England, first, class, lsbfpride, support, institute, institution, community, educational, Degree, Interactive, English, postgraduate, undergraduate, professional
Id: BnEZ4-mp_P4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 16sec (556 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 18 2010
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