LPS SERIES: Carmen's Cult (Installment #2)

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[Music] you [Applause] I can't believe I killed someone this poor pet they'll never be able to live out their adult life have children and be happy all because of me their poor family I've ruined everything what if people know what if I go to jail I can't go to jail I guess all I can do now is pretend everything's okay get ready for school this is awful I'm awful I feel like every single pet is staring at me hey everyone excuse me you should see Noah's car what a lucky pet I know it's so there are way too many pets here I have to get out Dustin what a relief Jasleen oh you're dear my dog thinks um just where do you think you're going Jasleen Oh Carmen I didn't see you there of course he did everyone sees me No Dustin forget him he's a loser so how do you feel how do I feel I feel awful I killed a pet for literally no reason there's a reason for everything honey that reason is beauty remember all the fun things we did I don't want to think about that please thank you for helping me clean up the body helping you I did it all myself you really need to learn some things speaking of learning if you want this to keep going on without you getting caught I don't want this to keep going on I want out I'm not a serial killer too bad honey everyone is anyway you need to learn some better people skills you know so nobody suspects with you Donna the deer is throwing a party Friday and we are going we are going to mingle we're going to I guess talk to some of the kind of cool people there and have a great time well look I haven't talked to my friend Dustin in a few days and I'm sure he's really worried about me so I think I'm gonna have to pass on that if you pass on it I will tell everyone everyone that you killed little penguin pet um hello I can tell a bunch of pets you killed a bunch of pets - no sweetie you don't have the proof why is she always so close to me fine but I swear Carmen if there's killing going on at this party oh there shouldn't be I mean the girls know how to control themselves I kind of know how to control myself the question is do you know how to control yourself do I know how to control myself of course now please I'm late to class Carmen I'll give you the address sometime this week see you on a Friday Jazz Lee my dog will have a got myself into you please please please why me out of all the pets in the school why did she choose me at poor penguin KITT I think could it hurt like a fish jazz we Dustin's here I'm going to let him in your room hey jazz Lee what's up hi Dustin a lots been going on lately I'm sorry I haven't been responding to your messages and calls oh it's fine I understand you do well yeah Carmen or Colt you know oh yeah there there's something else yeah they are but you know if you ever need someone to talk to you or tell someone something maybe get them in trouble for doing something you didn't want them to make you do what I I swear I don't know anything that's going on with you guys but you've been acting really strange lately and I'm just worried about you you're my best friend oh my god I thought he was talking about the murder yeah yeah I of course Dustin you're my best friend too and you always will be it's just I'm dealing with a lot with them right now and there's just a lot going on in my mind and it's really hard yeah yeah I understand I just wanted to talk to you for a bit you know maybe we can hang out Friday Oh Friday I can't I'm going to a party with Carmen and her friends we're going to Donna the deer's party yeah Oh maybe I can come too I mean I wasn't invited but I mean if it's a house party she won't know I'm there right yeah I guess so maybe I can see you around and we can mingle for a bit sounds like a place should be fun yeah yeah it should be well I'll see you at the party Friday then jazz Lee see you at the party Dustin bye bye oh my dog I just made this so much more worse I have to make sure Dustin stays away from Carmen and her cult I have two dogs know what he would do if he found out everything my dog what's taking so long uh-huh I don't know maybe we should go are you kidding me Jasleen we are not leaving the best party of the year wow you think that highly of Donna the deer no I I've just been to some pretty lame parties and this is the biggest one oh I see P Jazz Lee you look really cute in empathetically thank you wasn't a compliment this is so weird we have arrived Francis what in the tail are you wearing on your eyes um duh don't you recognize it it's Prasad she literally ain't no pet where's that anymore so trashy it is not trashy whatever Amy you look cute now let's go inside I wonder if Dustin is he [Music] Donna the deer hey girl enjoy the party Thanks where did Carmen go the party filled with booze Beth sneaking out on couches and floors and being reckless my mother would kill me if she found out where I was this is so boring hey there you want to join no gross no we meant the game um what game Cup home what's going on out back Oh No thank you oh well have fun loser by II this place is disgusting why am I here Amy I'm feeling really weird about tonight that's just a strange vibe going on and whenever I get in you Joe hazley I get really nervous and I just don't know what's going on you get nervous what do you mean you think she's gonna kill you or something I I don't know I might pause just to get sweaty and you don't forget it it's fine oh my dog Carmen do you like jazz don't you ever finish that sentence of course not I would never better like a low-life like that anyway where's Francis I have no clue she's probably off getting drunk somewhere guys guys I killed someone dusty Bosley hey I've never been to a party like this before me either it's so foreign to me these pets that were here a few minutes ago just asked if they wanted me to join cup pong I don't know how to play the head oh well it's just like the app cup pong oh really see I don't know because I've never been to things like this I'm really not having the greatest time here though I have no clue where Carmen is yeah this place is pretty wild I mean maybe we can leave go back to my place or some of them watch some movies as much as I'd like that Carmen would definitely kill me if I left no I don't think she's that crazy if only you knew what do you mean you killed someone I mean I can't really angry him I snapped I'm so sorry well we have to get out of here Hotel Jazz Lee this is probably what I've been feeling the negative energy Frances you are so stupid how are we gonna get out of this where did you even kill the pet well um I wanted to use the bathroom they wouldn't let me in so I killed them in the bathroom so they're in the bathroom well Frances you done messed up Don I always hey but hey this is much more fun than just you know standing around mingling everything is I love this type of excitement Jasleen yeah jazz Lee come upstairs quick it's an emergency but uh I gotta go Dustin I'm so sorry sorry Jasleen oh my hope what's going on here Francisco so I'm gonna bathroom and we have to leave now okay well what's the plan um um I have an idea open up that gate okay gate open okay okay so I'm gonna jump off and break my leg you guys are gonna jump on top of me so I can break your guys fall and then we can run off okay sound like a good idea how are you gonna run off if you're pause I can do it stop questioning me oh yes [Music] you see me in the shot well not all the way it will fix it thank you and we are on air hi I am Brenda welcome to news 2 306 I'm here with Frances the girl that was almost killed and the last night's party of poor poor sweet old Donna dear you sound like your trachea has been twisted why I'm just being honest oh you want to hear about my story Donna was a great friend of mine I really tried saving her I really did as you can see if I'm in a wheelchair right leg is broken tada undeserved is so much better seat with such who the killer is but I do know they are brown pet so let's look for brown pet perhaps a dog I'm I'm really scared right now I don't think I can even go to school cause there could be somebody from her school I mean it was a school party I just hope they get caught as soon as possible because I hate being in this wheelchair and I hate knowing that other pets could die any second now [Music] Thank You Frances was that me to get my own talk show now oh that is such a shame her poor parents she was so young yeah well everyone dies eventually yes but Donna was a great kid no one should ever die at such a young age well Donna the dear sucked she wasn't even that nice well she was young sweetie everyone has time to change not Donna she was awful maybe I should go over there and give her parents some flowers maybe we can mourn with them I mean it's just so awful and I want my child to be safe forget it mom she deserved it Jasleen how dare you say such a thing to me and about her your classmate just died what is wrong with you there is nothing wrong with me stop talking about it it's so irrelevant to our lives what is going on nothing I'm fine it's just a it's just an emotional time for me okay I'm sorry for yelling at you keep that attitude up and I'll be turning you in to the police until I have it done [Music] a special announcement to make guys what is she talking about I have no flipping clue Amy your bow looks hideous everyone everyone I am hosting a school fundraiser for Donna the deers death we are going to raise money to make sure this school and this town is safe sponsored by the man here what the tail oh my dog everything so more love to me I'm dead [Music]
Channel: CaseyFilms
Views: 5,187
Rating: 4.9728813 out of 5
Keywords: lps, little pet shop, lps horror, lps horror video, lps short film, lps short films, lps horror film, lps scary, lps gore
Id: YTEv_1LWmfM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 39sec (1059 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 04 2019
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