How To Unlock Your Inner Comedian

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when it comes to fast widths few people can beat an improv comedian sadly we've run out of time [Laughter] strike chance hey hey ho ho we will not be paid in snow hey hey we will not be painted snow and while beating that speed is hard you can Implement just a few basic habits to make people think that you are much Wittier than you actually are in normal conversation first off most people always communicate in a way that the person that they're speaking with anticipates and expects but purposely misinterpreting your conversational partner on occasion will make you come across as much funnier for instance watch Brennan misinterpret a question he clearly understands by taking it overly literally Brennan are there any holes in your underwear yes the factory that made it put a hole in the front for my no that's not what I mean and as a side note Brennan also demonstrates a point we'll return to later which is expanding on the bit rather than letting it die after just one punch line is it false or true take the point away no that is incorrect I'm sorry I did LIE there's three morals one for my torso and two more for my legs that's correct you are not God the machine is one way to put this into practice in your life is to make sure to answer some of the basic questions that you get often non-literally so when asked about your profession you might say that you're a pro xylophone player or if you're in school you can say that you study decorative soap making here's Russell Brand doing that with a question that he must have gotten all the time uh your hair is quite unusual in all the photographs it looks quite wild and sometimes insane how do you get your hair to look like that my hair's held up mostly by willpower really I just concentrate and wish it to be so oh it's this habit also works especially well when you're telling a story or listing something out most of the way through you can switch from answering sincerely to purposely misinterpreting the question like Tom Cruise does here when asked about what licenses he has for all the stunts that he does how many different licenses do you have I mean I have I have airplanes uh commercial license Jets bunch of different airplanes motorcycles parachutes boats I have my real estate license now when you purposely misinterpret socially Adept people will ban her back which takes us to the next point and that is creating improv scenes yes that's what comedians do on stage but it's also what friends do when they ping pong back and forth imagining a fake world that makes them both laugh here's an example that may remind you of your own friend group that feels like you're about to do an ad for like some kind of tabletop specific like electrolyte infused beverage yeah you guys have hydrate on your gaming table that's why nerd water playing out these scenes is an incredibly fast way to turn an acquaintance into a friend and the good news is that if they don't come totally natural to you there are three keys that will immediately punch up your wit in these scenarios first off when someone cracks a joke don't just laugh and move on expand on it by pretending that the joke premise is real watch this interaction between Conan and Russell Brand to see how Russell's expansion on Conan's premise creates a super fun moment of banter oh my God what goes on in your booth find him now foreign should be forced to live like this second if it makes sense for the fake world you're making up add a character with a unique voice having just one of these up your sleeve can make anything funnier I have been using Eric Cartman to great effect for years and yes you can steal several from Brandon Lee Mulligan who has a million you can take inspiration from the casino is the Andalusian The Vault underneath it has more than 40 million dollars on hand at any given night right ebonies are Scrooge that Egghead is preparing to break curfew and seek out of the house to go to a party and you said she's not allowed to leave third ad specificity that means that when you wind up bantering back and forth in a scene use words that are uncommon in normal vocabulary but make sense to that world I think you were coming in that close eventually we would merge what you and I well if we just kept moving closer and closer to each other and he could hug us into one glorious ectoplasm of man this is where the biggest laughs often come in check out here how Brennan's use of the word hirelings does it you know like if you were watching Lord of the Rings and you know Sam wise is like I can't carry the ring Master Frodo but I can't carry you and like fails his strength check and like can't lift him up to town and get some hirelings and they can carry lings now if this feels like a lot to keep track of don't Focus just on being playful and non-literal and then of course adding a character with a voice and the rest often comes naturally here's what this looks like when all three come together effortlessly something up in the fact that all the Orcs are Cockney and all the elves are RP yeah yeah yeah there is you know why why can't we have some orc being like I do say I love to destroy the world's men oh sorry is on the phone or what and and conversely why can't we have enough look there's a couple things I love I love you even know I love a nice bottle of wine I'm like why why now all the things that we listed will help you with your improv scenes but to get anywhere near Brennan's level of speed and wit you have to practice something called lowering your filter that's when you allow yourself to speak whatever is on your mind even if you think it's not interesting enough and yet you still back that up by speaking clearly and confidently for example watch this next clip where Brennan has just discovered that the game he's playing is rigged against him notice how he clearly doesn't know how he's going to connect what he's saying to the final point that he makes but he still speaks extremely powerfully without knowing where he's going I highly recommend checking out the full clip which I will link to in the description and if we check my it's a big old goose egg gang it's a fat zero hello a little late addition to the numerical symbol chart brought to us from our friends in Arabia a little bit of trivia that I happen to know about the history of numbers that kind of little tidbit would serve me well in most trivia games unless it had been read from the beginning and yet here we are introduced to the top of the game as a champion what do you think that means Icarus flying too close to the Sun but it seems Daedalus our little Master crafter over here had some wax swings of his own didn't he wanted to see his son fall fall from the sky oh how close the sun he flew well I'm not dang it I solved your labyrinth Puzzle Master now the best way to develop the skill of lowering your filter is by joining in The Improv Comedy class in your area it will take just a few classes before you are in the top one percent of people comfortable speaking without knowing where you're going you'll be able to drop your inhibitions in the way that most people require alcohol to do which makes you appear incredibly socially confident but for some reason if you can't join a class you can get practice today just by setting a specific intention to say one more sentence than you normally would in every social interaction for the rest of today so that's one more line to the cashier maybe commenting on the tabloids you see as you check out and that's one more line to the person in your work elevator Bank maybe noting that you haven't seen them around before as you build this habit of speaking with a lower filter you will find that Whittier things just pop out without you knowing where they come from just because you're not self-censoring so ruthlessly now being quick on your feet and playing a character have been of particular interest to me lately because I just created a brand new Dungeons and Dragons show that is premiering on YouTube today Brenda was actually a huge inspiration for it hence this video for those of you who don't know what I mean by Dundas and Dragons it's a comedy improv and storytelling game and I think ours came out amazing it even has a hilarious Trump impersonator in it you look at what these people are saying and they're touching about dumpy right they're talking about something and you can tell so and that's you that's that's me and you're excited about that which is great the first episode is up now and I highly recommend you check it out because it is a ton of fun and if you think D isn't for you we added lots of artwork and even explainers to make it accessible to people who may never have heard of it before so click the link here and watch now of course let me know what you think in the comments either way I hope that you enjoyed this video thank you to Brennan for the d d inspiration and I look forward to seeing you in the next video
Channel: Charisma on Command
Views: 249,890
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: charisma on command, charismaoncommand, coc, charlie houpert, charisma, russell brand, brennan lee, brennan lee mulligan, charisma on command russell brand, charisma on command brennan lee mulligan, how to be witty, charisma on command humor, charisma on command comedy, improv & dragons, charisma on command dungeons & dragons, dungeons & dragons, d&d, DnD, how to be funny and charismatic, charisma on command funny, how to be witty in conversation, how to be witty and quick
Id: sHcwucI4uYc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 6sec (546 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 27 2023
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