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I'm here in Alam Mardo it's in the afternoon on a Saturday afternoon little Breezy and there's some kind of event going on here looks like a car show of low riders and stuff and I thought well hell I'll just do a video of that but this one caught my eye right here uh this this is the one I want to use for camping right here you like the skulls yo that's uh there's a message there I'm not sure if I want to know what it is but look at this pickup huh I mean this is that music I'm sure that uh this video will pick up that music and uh they'll they won't monetize it but that's all right I I can live without it look at this truck mean look at those lifts I can get over this police barrier here uh there's the Imperials New Mexico whatever that is uh there's a 1956 Ford Thunderbird lime green just like I dreamed of when I was a kid I mean a't that neat That's a classic in a half I mean that's that's neat look at the engine on this thing I don't know what all he's got here but he won first for something I used to know what the cars the engines and stuff look at all these old cars man look at that old Impala over there man and then that old I don't know what that one is a Ford or something but they're all these are some classic dude man I got to go look at this one over here you're going to hear wind in the bike but don't worry about it is that a classic and a half guys how does this compare to a Tesla that is so neat man I mean that is totally restored all right look at these guys man this is some heavy they got bicycles this guy's a car fanatic here he's polishing his car that is that is amazing man look at this bike those are cool man look at those Wheels must be a million spokes on each wheel this is an old uh I think this is an old Chevy Impala too trunk open and those tanks in the back here that's to activate the uh the uh lift Jacks you know the electric stuff hell the paint job on this thing cost a fortune oh look at the shoes we're not in Kansas anymore Toto is that a I mean that pain job is just awesome man I just happen to be driving out street I was going to get some uh window stuff for the rear windows of my van this a 57 Chevy here Bel Air Convertible oh look at this old hot rod over here I don't know why they like to play that music that loud but Different Strokes for different folks that's a cool dude there you these are low riders you know they got the things that lift them up you know what I mean but we are a New Mexico after all look at these cars man I'm telling you they got to have thousands invested in them look at this they they do like Impala though I can tell you that yeah this is in Old Impala here and over there and uh is this a dude or what man I mean that is that is awesome mafiosos that is that is it's too cool man I got to look at the interior if I can't look how low it is the ground yeah it's windy I know you're hearing wind it's like original stuff man see those little knobs there on the left of the steering wheel that's to activate the Hydraulics see this one here it looks like it's got a busted shock this pickup but no that's that's intentional you know what I mean it'll these things will raise up see like this one over here that is too cool man that is just too cool even got a Volkswagen down here yeah whoever the mafiosos are they got a lot of cars here that is a jam up BW and motorcycles let's go check out the motorcycle look at this guy right here [Music] man they even have what is that that army tank looking thing I mean the paint jobs are awesome [Music] man look at these bikes man [Music] that music that's the kind of neighbor you got to have you look at that [Music] bik unbelievable man [Music] you like that music okayo there used to be a little cafe in K City Texans called the El [Music] Tano there's where it's coming from right there the [Music] mafioso anyway I think we've seen about all we're going to see here before I go death [Music] [Music] I is that [Music] something you know how much money they got invested in these cars look at this one here man I'd like to I'd love to ask this guy how much money have you got tied up in this car yeah you got a beautiful car man huh this is beautiful man appreciate you man appreciate you it's like a freaking work of art man it's like a painting you know I mean yeah no kidding yeah thank you I mean you got your whole Liv tied up in this right yeah lot of money in there over $100 right oh yeah for sure for no what is that a 60 64 64 Chevy Impala 6 yeah I graduated in 1963 oh yeah not many of those man can't go wrong with the man no not here you can't well good luck man yeah man thank you have they had the judging or anything yet uh no I think they're doing like People's Choice and stuff oh do this if you get a chance I will yeah I think I'm number I don't know what looks like a E5 oh yeah E5 that [Music] it good luck man yeah man appreciate you I mean look at that man it's like it's just brand new I'm telling you I'm amaz I'm amazed at what people will do for enjoyment you know I know a actually I know a guy that's renovating or kind of doing a a van a Ford Transit Connect van that he's trying to make into a camper van look at that yellow pick up there it looks like it's got a broken shock or something spring but it's not this kid's got a low rider a car here I hope this is taken I mean yeah it's still going he's having a ball of that car oh it raises up man oh look at that [Laughter] how about that oh it leans over and all that stuff where it go dog that is too cool man a low rider a a model low rider huh get out of here just happened to be riding down the street you see ran into this and got out to check it out but you know all this Chrome all this stuff they put on them man it's not it's not cheap and you got to know how to do it too well there's still more cars I'm not going to get to but anyway from Alam Mardo New Mexico on a Saturday afternoon before Cinco de Mayo which is tomorrow May the 5th uh yeah yeah there's going to be some partying going on tonight I guarantee you anyway guys enjoy your life enjoy your day and there's the Mexico New Mexico flag blowing in the wind Thumbs Up Car pay DM adios byebye buy anything you want use the Amazon link drink plenty of water stretch walk and enjoy your life how about that guys a low rider show adios bye-bye
Channel: Rusty78609
Views: 1,965
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 96UCyhPIiUU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 50sec (710 seconds)
Published: Tue May 07 2024
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