Low-Code Tutorial – Build 3 Financial Apps (Full Course)

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Hello everyone on freako camp  today wanting to learn about   low code. Now if you're looking to spin up  apps fast with out of the box UI components,   this is the course for you. My name is Ania,  and I'm a software developer, YouTube tutorial   creator, and your video instructor for this low  code course. In this course, you will learn all   about local solutions by building three financial  apps. These apps will be number one, a trade   dashboard for brokers to log their trades, as well  as track their commissions, as well as communicate   with our back offices via an integrated message  sender, places slack API number two is going to   be a crypto dashboard using coin API service to  get live prices. As well as utilizing Twitter's   API to send text messages your friends or  family about any changes you see instantly.   And the re invoice tracker that communicates with  an external database using graph qL API allows   you to embed instructional videos for those using  it. Now, these three apps might sound intimidating   to you, if you're not super well versed in using  API's and building up front ends for them. But the   whole point of local solutions is that it takes  the pain out of doing both of these things. Think   of low code as platforms that essentially give you  all the UI components you need. So for example,   tables, graphs, text boxes, you name it, and then  also give the option to integrate them using pre   configured inputs for API's. This type of solution  is perfect for personal trackers on your finances,   in house apps that needs to be spun up quickly,  or perhaps proof of concept prototypes looking   for investment. And that is only the tip of  the iceberg. stick around to the end of the   tutorial for the where to go next section  to see what other things you can build. So   that leads me nicely into what exactly we  are going to be covering in this course.   In this course, we will look at low code versus no  code, setting up retort compatible integrations,   building a trade dashboard,  where they get crypto dashboard,   building an invoice tracker, and of course where  to go next. Now the only prerequisite I ask of you   before starting is to have a basic understanding  of how API's work before starting this course. Or   if you don't know what API's are, or feeling up to  it, please do have a go at following along anyway,   I will be taking things super slow and covering  everything as we go to make this course as   accessible to as many people as possible. Okay,  so what are we waiting for? Let's do as always,   please do hit that sub button as it really does  help out this channel and providing you with free   courses and tutorials. Your support is really what  makes freako camp what it is today. Let's start   with exactly what locode It's located in the least  amount of words is a way for developers to create   applications quick with a minimal efforts.  Most local platforms allow developers to drag   and drop visual blocks of existing code into a  workflow to create any application they wish. The   main advantages of low code apart from it being  a huge time saver is that a developer can just   jump right in. To create an app in a business. You  don't have to learn what frameworks they're using,   how they like to work, you don't need to create  a GitHub account even or create any components.   And the best part for me is that you don't have to  write any tests for them. Now that we have covered   low code, how is that different to no code? Well,  as the name would suggest, no good solutions   are for those with zero coding knowledge at all.  Simply drag and drop things to create an app. And   that's it. And whilst you might be like, Oh, well,  why don't I just use that was no code solutions   can be pretty powerful, they are often quite  limiting, especially when it comes to wanting to   integrate databases. In addition to this, it can  result in Apps being created without the proper   expertise needed to maintain them. So if something  goes wrong, for example, or needs to be changed,   that is going to be an issue. And not to mention  security concerns or compliance issues that   could result from that too. All in all, a no good  solution was perfect for building some things. So   things like password projects that don't rely on  databases can end up being a huge headache farther   down the line when use in a professional setting.  For this tutorial, we are going to be using a tool   called Rito. So here's the tool we're going to  use it is free to use on a trial basis. And the   best part about it is that it comes with all  of these fantastic integrations already done   for us. So there really is a lot underneath trying  to cover the main ones that I use on a day to day   basis in this tutorial. So these ones right here.  Okay, so I hope you're excited. Let's do it.   Okay, so let's get to creating our first app  which is going to be a trade dashboard using the   Google Sheets API. So here's what your dashboard  should look like once you have signed up to retool   the low code platform. And I am just going to  create a new app by actually adding a resource   fast. So I'm just going to  gravitate to the Resources tab,   we're going to start off by connecting  the resource that we need. In this case,   it's of course going to be a Google Sheet.  So let's just gravitate to the resources.   And I am going to not use the sample Google  Sheets, I'm going to create a new resource,   select Google Sheets, and I'm just going to choose  to call it let's just call it traits for now.   Please make sure to select the read and write  if you plan on adding data from your app to the   Google Sheet. If you don't want to just want to  read the data, but you want it to be interactive,   make sure that this read and write option is  selected. And there we go. We of course need   to authorize our retort to talking to our Google  Sheets. So it's going to go ahead and do that by   clicking Authorize. And going through these steps.  Okay, wonderful. So now we have connected return   to our personal Google Sheets by allowing Rito to  speak to our Google Drive, essentially. So that is   done. Now let's go to creating a new app with  this resource. So I'm just going to click   Create a new app now. And let's go ahead  and name it. So I'm going to call it trades   dashboard. Okay, so pretty easy trades  dashboard, if I can only spell trades dashboard.   Okay. And there we go. This is our app, it's  got some default stuff here. But don't worry,   let's actually maybe get rid of all this for now.  So I'm just gonna delete the default query that   this comes with, and make a new query. Okay,  so here we are, here's the central list of   all the resources. So all the resource  when we were just on the resource tab,   including the new resource we made called traits.  So I'm just going to select that one. Okay,   so now that we have that resource, just  going to maybe make this a little bit bigger.   Please make sure the action type is read data  from a spreadsheet. So because we want to be,   you know, reading the data from our spreadsheet,  and of course, we need to tell the platform, which   spreadsheet we want from our Google Docs. So I  know that my spreadsheet is called trades. So I'm   just going to sell at that. But you will see all  your Google Sheets essentially here as an option.   Okay. and wonderful. If I run this query, you will  actually see a preview of all the data. So that is   really useful. And the next thing I want to do is  actually get that shown in a table. So before we   do that, I'm just going to delete this table.  And I'm actually going to rename this query to   trades, perhaps get trades, that's a bit  better in terms of mutability. So get trades.   And then I am just going to drag in a table. Now,  once you have done this, you will see the table   actually uses the data from get trade. So that was  really simple, we really didn't need to do much.   That is because we are currently on the gap trade  query. Okay, so it's automatically using that data   for us to create this wonderful table based on  the query data. Okay, so this looks pretty simple,   right? all we've done is drag a table making sure  that we are on the get trades query as we do it.   Now I'm going to show you this little left  sidebar as it's super useful, I think it's   very powerful when it comes to dealing with  more complex I guess results. And if we   now look here at the queries and transformers,  you will see the get trade query Of course,   but you will also see how this data is returned.  So you will see the data comes as an array of   objects. Okay. And that is what we are using to  essentially create the table. It is something that   I'm probably more comfortable using in terms  of coding. So it can be really useful to you   if you are a dev that is that prefers to work in  this type of way. Okay, I think let's move on.   The next thing I'm going to show you is  actually how to personalize some of these   columns. So there's a lot we can do with these  columns. For example, let's select the first   one. Now say I know this column, I want it to come  in the format of dates. And I want it to be more   readable, I can simply select the column type  to be a date. And you will see how the timestamp   has now changed to have the month, day. And  here. So that's just been formatted for me.   We can of course do other things, we can  filter them. So if you click on the column,   it will filter. And then you can also do things  such as you know, change the background color.   So I can simply select a column and type in  the color red. Of course, you can use hex code,   and RGB as well. Or you can simply type the  term red, the platform is pretty intuitive   when it comes to that. Another thing that  you can do is let's maybe look at the   price. So if I click on The Price column, I can  make sure that this is showing up in US dollars,   simply by selecting the US dollar option. And we  can do the same for commission. So once again,   I'm just going to click on the commission,  USD column. And from the column type,   I'm just going to make that show up in dollars,  too. Great. So there are a few different   styles you can run with, I'm just going to space  this out. So it's a bit more readable for us.   There we go. Okay, and wonderful. Now, another  super useful thing you can do is not only   create tables from your data, but also create  graphs super easily. So I'm talking pie charts,   bar charts, anything you really wish. So to  do this, I'm actually just going to click   off the table and using the same query, so making  sure you also only get treats query, I'm just   going to drag in a bar chart. So here we go,  I've just dragged on n, it's gonna move around.   Okay, so there we go. And now, so you can see  the x axis value is the timestamp. And I can also   change this around to make more sense,  I'm just going to hide some of these,   I'm going to hide these three in order to  make the x axis the timestamp on the y axis,   the commission in US dollars. Okay. So  there we go, we can see it causes very   small just because we have that very large  commission one on that, let's just make   it a little bit dark as you can see it and  wonderful. So we have now plotted essentially,   the amount of commission that is made by de, okay,  and it was really painless. So that is another   thing you can do with the data that we are getting  from the get trades query. Okay, I'm just going   to show you how to create another chart, this  time, just gonna move this around a little bit.   This time, let's make it a pie chart. So once  again, all I'm gonna have to do is change the   data sets. This time, I'm just going to have the  commission by US dollars, and I want to do it by   broker. So to do this, I was simply get the value  labels and select broker. And there we go. Now we   can see exactly how much each broker is making,  what percentage of the pie for the desk they are   making. And of course, we can change the colors  around a bit too. So let's go ahead and do that.   Okay, wonderful. This is really interactive,  you can interact with pieces of the pie as well,   all of these components come not just visually,  but also with a bunch of extra cool features too.   So it really is quite advanced in terms of  handling data and transforming it into graphs.   Okay, I'm just going to show you one more  example that we can do that would really fit   this trade dashboard. So I'm just going  to use the bar chart again for this.   And this time, I'm going to actually  select the x axis to be To the broker.   Okay, so we know what percentage of the pie each  broker is making this time, I want to see exactly   how much commission the broker is making, okay.  So I can see that Annie Glover's made around 25k.   And she's made around to 70% for the  desk, okay, 70% of the total for the desk.   Wonderful. Okay, so this is looking pretty good on  all just from one Google Sheet at the moment. The   next thing I'm actually going to do is show you  how you can now add more data to the Google Sheet.   Okay, so we're displaying the data, but we want to  not only read the data we want to write data to.   And to do this, I want to be able to add  a trade, but from the platform. Okay,   hopefully that makes sense. Let's carry  on. So to do this, I'm actually going to   use a modal. So let's just go ahead and select  the modal component. And I'm going to just drag it   up here. Okay. For the button text,  I'm actually gonna change this to   add a trade. And then let's just change the  button color to go with a red. And yeah, okay,   now that we have the pop up working, the first  thing I'm gonna do is actually make this a form,   because we're gonna have to submit the form. So  I'm just going to drag in the form component,   just like so. Okay, so that is done, we have  created a form. And now it's gonna make this a bit   smaller. Now we're gonna have to  drag in things into our form. Okay.   So, the first thing I'm going to do is  actually just drag in some text, because   this is what we're going to want to give some  information about what kind of data goes into our   trade essentially. So I'm just going to drag in  some text to let the user know that this is for   a ticket, and this is going to be the buy side.  Okay, so here's the text, the Asterix on the   text mean that this is going to be in bold, just  going to get rid of this and write by sight,   and then also get rid of the emerging and  perhaps has made the background green,   you can apply custom styling, I will be  showing you how to do this. But for now, just   stick with me, this is something that I will be  showing you how to do later. Okay, so we have   the buy side, the next thing we're going to do  is just make the sell side to why we're here. So   I'm just going to drag in another text component.  And I'm just going to edit this to say sell side,   and also get rid of the emoji. And once  again, let's make the background red,   you will notice the text has changed to be  white to make this more readable. That is a   feature that is built into the low code platform.  However, if you want to change this, as mentioned,   the option to add your own custom CSS will also  be available to I'll show you how to do this.   Okay, now we have the past by side and the  sell side, the first thing we want to do   is start putting in some inputs. So we have you  know, what is corresponding to the Google Sheet.   So that means products and entity, a timestamp,  the volume and so on. So the first thing we do   is just put in a text input like so. Okay, I can  also choose to position the writing at the top   if I want. And I'm just going to  give this a label of entity like so   I can also make this a required field. So just  by ticking this little checkbox right here. Okay.   And that is done, we have created our first  input, this input is going to be for the entity   that is going to have made the trade. Now, let's  actually create a second one because obviously,   I'm gonna have a buy side and sell side each one  need an entity. So once again, I'm just going to   make this go to the top instead of going to the  left, and I'm going to make this a required yet.   Wonderful. So now that we have an entity for  the buy side and an entity for the sell side,   the next thing we're gonna do is actually  have something for the products because   we're gonna have to choose what kind  of product this is to go in our table.   So I'm going to choose to make this a drop down  just so people can't enter whatever they wish.   So I'm going to search for the drop down  option. And once again, when we are here,   we have a label And then we also have the values.  So at the moment, the values that appear are 123.   I want this to be product. So I'm just going to  put in some standard products that you would see.   If you're trading the Brent, do you buy crude  oil. So it's going to put some in here for now.   This is, of course, just for demonstration  purposes, you can make this whatever you'd   want, making sure it's an array of  strings separated by commas. Okay,   so we have August, September, October,  November, December, it's gonna copy all of that.   And it's gonna paste it. And instead of grant,  I'm gonna change this to do by fastline. Crude.   Wonderful, then perhaps, let's have  just some straight up futures. So   okay. Just gonna change this from Brandt fastline  to Brent. crude, huge, I mean, yeah, that's fine.   Again, this is just for, you know, demonstration  purposes. So now if I go here, I can select a   product that is only from that list. So this is  how you would do that. I'm just going to change   this label to be product as well, and make  this a required field. Okay, wonderful. So   now that is done. And I've shown you how you can  do that, of course, you can make your own This is   just for demonstration purposes. Let's actually  do it for the other side, too. It's going to   check this works. So is required field, if  I don't pick one, yes, a red thing shows up.   Okay. Now that we have done that, I'm  just going to stick it on the other side,   too. And there we go. Hey, wonderful. I mean, I  think this is pretty neat. If I was still working,   this sort of thing would be extremely useful,  and extremely time saving when it came to,   you know, keeping track of your trades. So  the next thing we'll do is actually use a   number input, this time to put in the price of  the product that was traded. So I'm just going   to drag in a number input, and I'm just going to  change the label to be price. US dollars. Okay,   price US dollars, and then some put at the top,  let's make it required field as well, we are here.   gonna copy it, and put it on the other side,  too. Okay, so that is looking quite good,   we've got some number inputs, I'm just going  to copy again. Because we also need to put in   the volume traded. So I'm just gonna  use another number input for this,   the volume and KB and copy it to the other side  to the the sell side too, because you know,   someone's buying this on someone's selling  this. Okay, I'm just going to make this a   little bit bigger, so it's easier to work  with and you can see a little bit better.   And there we go. So now we've copied  it, we have two things for the volume,   we can also make sure that this is in currencies,  so I'm just going to format this as currency.   So great, that makes a lot more sense. So now we  know that whatever is being put into here will be   the format of a currency. And for this one, we're  not really going to do anything at the moment.   Okay, now I'm just going to copy this again as we  want another input for the commission, right. So   let's change the label to commission rate. And  once again, I am just going to copy this using   the copy command on my keyboard and move it to  the salsa. Okay, so now each side has pretty much   the same on it. And of course, I'm just going to  change this to be top positions for all of them,   just because I think it's a lot neater and we  can actually see what is on each label for this   one It's not actually letting me go to the top.  So, I mean, we could just get rid of the label,   maybe let's do that. I guess we don't need it  if we can have, you know, like a placeholder. So   yeah, maybe let's do that. I'm just going to  work on how you can see this a little bit better.   So I'm just actually going to move this  down here. Okay, wonderful. So that is,   I think that's a lot better for this video.  Now you can see everything. Okay. So we've   got a bunch of stuff, we're still not done yet. I  saw need to, I guess, calculate the exact amount   commission made and which broker made it. So to  do this, I'm actually going to use a statistic.   I'm just going to search for statistic, and  then just drag it and drop it. Here. We go.   Great. I'm just going to change this to be the  title of commission. I'm going to do a little   calculation here. Okay, and just display it to the  user, as well as use this to put into our Google   Sheet later. So we've call this commission.  Okay, I'm actually going to use oops, I have   misspoke permission. Okay, commissioners to two  s's commission, commission. Okay, okay, I think   that's fine. Right? To get their commission,  I'm actually going to have to do a bit of a   calculation. So let's do that in the value. I'm  going to get up these syntax, we're reasonable. So   we need these two curly braces, like so. And  I'm going to grab whatever is the number input   to us right value, whatever I put into there, was  applied by 1000. And then also multiplied by the   commission rate. So commission rate value,  whatever I put in that, multiply it by the   price, hold on, that should  be volume. So what is this?   Yeah, okay, whatever the volume is, what abide by  the Commission, I'm just going to change this to a   four. Okay, and that should be the value. So now  let's test it out. If I just fill these in. Now,   guys, because volume multiply by commission rates,  and that will give me the commission that I have   made on this side of the tickets. Okay. So  this is cool, I'm essentially just generating   a number based on the inputs that have been put  in. And let's just do the same on the other side.   So I'm just going to copy this using the copy  command on my keyboard. And I'm just going to   change this here to be number input three,  and the commission rate for the bicep, okay,   so just change out these numbers. And now, I'm  just going to test this out. So let's put in the   volume. Let's do 100 kV and make  the course commission rate 0.05.   And great, that gives me 500 not lbs though,  let's just make it we don't need a suffix.   Great. So nearly that the next thing that I want  to do for this ticket, so that's quite cool,   right, we sort of at least done one input based  on some calculations. So we don't have to do that.   This, usually when I was a broker, we would  have to, you know, like, do the calculation   in our head or use a calculator. And this way, we  just calculate commission for us. Okay, so we've   got everything. And the last thing I'm gonna do is  actually pass through which broker did this trade.   So for this, as we have, you know, like a set set  amount of brokers that are working on this desk,   I'm actually going to use a drop down. So I'm  just going to select the drop down, I'm going to   get rid of the label care, because we can just  have, we can have a placeholder instead. So select   broker, and we are actually meant to do  that for above as well. So let's do that.   Again. For the we're going to get rid of the label  and just put, you know, like select product, and   again for this to select products and get  rid of the Okay. Okay. Right now we don't   want the verb to be 123 right? This is just  default values, we want it to look like this.   So I'm going to change the values. And who  are our workers? Well, we've got Annie Glover.   We have David Astra. We have Jeremy Lin. And we  have Sam Sammy. Yeah. Cool. That's it. Wonderful.   And once again, I'm just gonna use my copy command  to copy this and make another one for the bicep.   Okay, great. So this is looking good, we have  now completed our module, we have now completed   a way for us to just going to maybe move this  out a little bit better to make it look nicer.   But we are now essentially  completed a way to add trades   to our table by using this little  pop up modal with required fields.   Okay, the next thing we need to do is actually  make something happen if we click Submit. So   other moments, obviously, nothing happens. All the  fields are required are giving us our messages,   I need to essentially make a new query that  instead of getting trades, we'll add a trait   to tip. So to do this, I'm going to go back here  create new, just select the new resource query.   Let's just rename this to add, Fred. Great. Make  sure the resource is so the trades list. And then   what I need to do is make the action  type and of course choose a spreadsheet.   So the spreadsheet was trades. Let's do that  for a trade. So select a sheet trades, then,   okay, this is looking good. And then I need  to change the action type. So the action type,   I want to be append data to spreadsheet, okay,  because we want to add a new essentially line to   our spreadsheet. So this is how we would do it,  and the values to append. So this is going to be   an array. And we need to add an array of objects,  just like we saw in the left sidebar, we need to   keep the structure the same. So to this to this  array, my first object is going to be a timestamp,   just like in our table. And for the time set, the  value is going to be just today's date. So this   is a bit of JavaScript, I'm using a date object  to essentially add today's exact date, whenever   we add a trade to the dashboard, which will then  be sent to our Google Sheet. Okay. So new date is   going to be the timestamp. Okay, if you know  JavaScript, you know what this will return.   If you don't, please do have a Google of the date  object. And let's carry on. So I'm just going to   make sure it was formatted correctly. Cool. The  next thing that we need to add is the entity   and the entity. Let's do the let's do the by side  fast. Hold on. This is not something's wrong here.   I don't see why this should be wrong, maybe  let's just carry on and it will update. Okay,   so let's focus on the buy side. First, we're  going to add the buy side first, and then   the sell side. So two lines to our spreadsheet  essentially. So the entity is going to be the   first text input component that we used. So  up here, the entity is text input one, because   we're doing the by side, first we're adding the by  side trade to our dashboard. text input one value.   Okay, so we've got the entity, the next thing  we're gonna do is product. So it's really easy,   we're literally just finding the component on our  dashboard, and using it value. The next thing I'm   gonna do is actually we need the direction to  so we said there's going to by side, I can just   hard code this to the buy side because we didn't  need to select the direction, we should know that   you know, like if it's under the buy side, the  green title, this is going to be a biotech trip.   Now it says other product. So just like we found  the other component. This time, we're going to   find the drop down, which is called select one  if we hover over it as the bit in the blue,   and I'm going to get the value of that. The next  thing I'm going to add is deep Price in US dollars   making sure by the way that these what the  keys are the same as the headers of our columns   in our Google Sheet table and the prices do is  going to be once again let's just hover over it   and we're going to get the value of whatever  we put in this number input. Okay, hopefully   this is making sense the more we go along the next  thing we'll do is the volume kb. So the volume k b   is going to be well let's have a look at what  component is and it's text input number input   three sorry. So number input three value so  great. Next we need to do the commission rate.   So I'm just going to do commission rates hold  on how did I spell commission because I've been   making loads of mistakes commission out whoops, we  have misspoke commission here. So commission here   has a one. So for the sake of it here, I'm just  going to spell it the way I wrote it in my table   because as I mentioned, it has to be exact has  to be the same spelling otherwise this will not   work. So commission rate I'll change it later.  But just bear with me for now. Sometimes I do   think making mistakes like this is the easiest  way of understanding how this is all working.   Hopefully you see now that why  this needs to be exact because   it has to be exactly the same as the column  column title likes or commissions but with one   okay. So we're going to put what are we going to  put in this column where we're going to put the   what is this number input five value, so number  input five values, whatever I put in this input,   that is going to be my commission right?  Great. The next thing we need to do is   get the commission USD which I've misspelled  here again, and I clearly wasn't having a very   good day with this word Commission's but with  with two M's and one s is time in US dollars,   I promise I will fix this commission US dollars is  going to be well we know this is going to be the   statistic, right, it's going to be the thing  that we figured out. So I'm going to go into   statistic, the statistic too. So let's  select statistic two, and once again value   that and the last thing we should do is just  put the broker that did it. So broker and then   we need to go into the drop down I believe was a  drop down. But let's just double check, maybe hold   on, it wasn't called drop down was it done value  is not defined. Okay, so that doesn't exist here.   Let's just have a look. Okay, find a select  four is not called drop down, select for value.   Wonderful. So now we have done everything  for the buy side. If we run this, it should   essentially add a row to our table, but we need  the sell side too. So okay, cell size, I'm just   going to copy all of this that we've done so far.  And we now need to adjust it for this cell side.   So I'm going to copy it, paste it. And  now I'm just going to change these to be   this number. direction is going to be sell  product is going to be selected. To price USD   is going to be number input to volume q b is  gonna be number input for this is going to be   statistic one and select three. Okay, great. So  we've done it. I'm going to save this get rid of   this comma, we don't need to save this. And okay,  I'm just going to now fix this because you know,   like it's better to have everything correct case  we've changed that in here. I'm going to get   the trades again to see if that has worked.  Okay, so commission rate commission rate good.   It's messed up with our grass,  but we'll fix that a bit later.   Okay, so now that we fixed this billing  commission, commission rate commission rate   we need to hook up our Submit button. So to do  this, we are going to have to create offers event   handler. If I click on the submit button, an  event event has actually been generated for us.   So I'm just going to click here to  show you what is going to happen   is I'm going to run the query add trade selected,  add trade, because we are currently on that query.   And on submit, I'm going to add a trade. So on  submit, essentially, I'm going to run this query,   I'm going to run that add trade query.  Okay, as soon as I press the submit button.   Great. So that is looking good. I can also add  confetti, just for fun. We confess to you so that,   you know like when I press the Submit confetti  gets thrown as well. And another thing I could   do is also rerun the get trades query. So the  previous query worked to get all the trades,   I can run that query. So after we added the  trade to the bottom two, we can run the get   query get trades query again. Okay, so that we  can actually see them in the browser itself.   So that is looking good. I think let's test it  out. So let's just make sure that we enter all of   these, I'm going to put tests, tests. September,  September, just making this up. Really, I don't   really know what September brought fastline.  Price is at the moment and say 6555. Let's   also put it at 44. Make this up, find find put in  some brokers and click Submit. Whoo, and confetti,   we have run the Add trades crew. We're getting  some errors. Why is it red? It hasn't been   added? Why is this? Let's have a deeper dive  into this. Okay, so that has not been added?   It should appear at the bottom here.  It has not. Why is this happening?   Got it took one bite at the moment. Let's go  back in here and have a look again at what   we thought were values were pending. Okay,  we've got an error message commission are   we did not spend we did not correct commission  spelling here. Okay, fine, fair enough. We go,   these error messages are super handy. I mean,  already, I know why this has not worked.   And click Save. Okay, so let's  try it again. I prayed, sir met.   Okay, no errors. Now, let's have a look. So that  has not been added to the boss. But let's see if   it's been added to my Google Sheets. And it  has. Wonderful. So we've added these trades,   this is working. Whoo. We've added the two  new trades. We broken a few things along the   way like the bar charts, but don't worry,  it's a step by step process with the get   queries and not get run, though, so the sorry,  the get trade query did not get run however.   So if I actually manually run this, you will  see the new trades. So why is this not working?   Let's try again. It could just be a bit  too slow as in we're adding and then we're   getting but the get is running before the Add  trade. Now this seems to be okay. Okay, well,   there's another way to do this, which is actually  probably better. We can also just change this.   I think that big volume wasn't great.  Okay, so we can we obviously, that's   that time. Nope, didn't work. Okay. So we  can do this another way, I can actually   make this run after the query runs after the  ad trade query runs. So to do this, I would   just click on the Add trades query again, and  on a success trigger, so after this query runs,   get the trades. Okay, so this is actually a bit  more foolproof. And let's check it out at a trade   and then just change it so we can see a little  bit of a difference. And then call this test new   and test new. Click Submit. Okay, let's see if  that has worked. So now let's go to the last   page and one of us. Okay, that has worked. We  have done it. We have added new trade and it's   showing on our dashboard. Amazing. I'm  really pleased with how this is looking.   So cool, we've done this, I'm just going to change  this to add a new trade. Okay. And now let's also   based on everything we have learned, we're going  to do a bit of repetition, and just make another   modal using everything that we have learned so  far. So I'm doing this, you know, for muscle   memory. And also to make it a lot more realistic  and the sort of trade dashboard that you would see   at a brokerage, because you don't only have  trades that have two sides of a buy and sell side,   you can also have someone just selling some  brand futures online. So I'm going to create   a new pop up modal, very similar to this one,  but this time, it's going to be a custom trade.   Once again, it's just a pop up modal, maybe  let's call this custom, add custom trade.   And then let's make it green. Okay, and this  time, I am going to allow the person to select   a direction, and it's only going to be, you  know, like not double sided is gonna be one side.   So once again, I am going to Well actually, we  don't really have to make this. Okay, so let's   just make this create a custom trade, get rid of  the emoji using the Asterix to make this bold.   And then let's make it yellow, because yellow  is quite neutral color. There we go. Okay,   let's do it, the first thing we do is just drop  in an input, this input is going to be a just   a text input or the trade direction, which we're  going to end up either buy or sell. The next thing   I'm going to do is just put another text input,  this time, it's going to be for the entity. So   let's change this up to be entity. And let's put  some placeholder text, enter. company name. Okay.   So there we go, just make a capital. And  now we've got the traduction got the entity,   this time, let's grab a drop down for the product.  So this is going to be for what kind of product we   want to select, essentially, label it as product.  And the drop down. Well, I've already done this.   So once again, I'm just going to get an array of  strings separated by commas. Okay, so that is how   we put in values. So there we go, we've done it,  we put in an array of strings separated by commas,   to signify the items in our drop down. The  next thing we'll do is actually put a number   input. So let's drag that in here and give  it the label of price USD. And I'm actually   going to format this to be currency, so that  we can only put in numbers that have a currency   format. The next thing we're going to do is  just copy this so using the copy command,   and I am going to use this to have my volume  in KB, on formatted so just a standard format.   Once we have that, once again, just going to use  my command to copy and paste another number input.   This time, however, the label is going to say  commission rate, because that is where I'm   going to put the number value for my commission  rate. And now that we have that, if you remember,   the next thing we did is actually use the  statistic component. So I'm dragging and dropping   it in here. And we are going to essentially use  this to calculate our commission. So the total   commission for this ticket based on so we're  going to use this syntax of two curly braces   to pick out an element and this case it's number  input eight, and its value. Okay, so dot value,   whatever the value of that input is multiplied by  1000. And multiplied by the commission rate, which   is number input nines value. That is how I have  chosen to calculate my commission for this ticket.   Okay, so let's just take this out, I'm going  to put volume 100, KB and commission rate 0.05.   And number 100, multiply it by 1000 multiplied  by 0.005. Indeed, gives me 500. And the format   of that as dollars. So this is looking good. It's  calculating it correctly, everything's looking   wonderful. The next thing I'm going to do is  actually use another drop down. So if you remember   from the previous modal we did, we actually had a  drop down for the brokers. So once again, I'm just   going to put broker and once again, I'm just going  to go back and copy it. Just to me. get exactly   the same, because we need to paste in the broke  options. And once again, it's an array of strings,   followed by commas to essentially split them out  as individual items. Okay, so we've done that   we've done everything here, the next thing  we need to do, we didn't put it in a form.   So let's go ahead and do that. Put in the form.  And then let's just work all these things. And   so just move them in, we could have not really,  you don't have to make this a form, you can just   put a button, but this way is a better  practice. Essentially, if you did the button,   you could have just done the same thing, you  know, attach an event to it. So like a trigger,   but we're not going to, okay, this is a much  better way of doing this. So there's our form. Now   let's hook up the submit button. So I'm just going  to click on the submit button. And of course,   we need an event handler for this. So here we go.  I'm going to say that if we submit the button,   I want to run the query add trait, and I want that  to trigger. However, this won't make sense, right?   Because the Add trade query will trigger the other  modal because we picked out all the different   components for this. Okay, the add a trade even  if I felt all these things out, we'll essentially   use the not the custom trade options. But the  previous modal that we built, this is not correct,   we need to build a new query. So once again,  I'm going to click new resource. And once again,   let's rename this, I'm going to rename this to  add custom trade, it's going to be pretty much   the same as our trade. So the spreadsheet we  need for this is trades. And here action type,   I'm going to say append data to a spreadsheet.  So just like add trade, essentially save this   save, just like our trade. However, the only  difference is the values to append will be   different. But we're going to use this as a  template. So I'm just going to paste all this,   this up so you can see it better. I'm  going to delete this, I guess second row,   because that was a second row. And now  we're going to append one row. And let's   change these values up a bit. So timestamp, new  date, that'd be fine. That'd be today's date,   entity, well, I want to grab another text input  This time, I want to grab text input threes value,   okay, that's because it's this component that  we need to grab it's text input, oops, four,   actually, text input four. Okay, so I'm just gonna  move around a little bit text input for its value,   that's gonna be the entity. Now direction is  going to be okay, we could actually make this   perhaps we shouldn't make this something else  text in Book Three, perhaps we should be more   strict and say, you know, it should just be  a buy. Or it could just be a sell rather than   someone being able to enter whatever they  want. So I'm going to use another option for   this that is available to us just be a bit more  strict. I'm going to use this segmented control.   So I'm going to grab that and just whack that  in here. It really is that easy. And this time   I'm going to I'm just going to delete  this. move everything up again.   Oops. Okay. So now we have this,  let's put the values as by Sal.   Okay, and labels, I'm going to put buy  and sell as well. Okay, so now you go.   And do you thought about is going to  buy. Wonderful. Now, we don't want   so now I'm going to get these segmented control  one value. Okay. Great. value. Wonderful.   Cool. Let's carry on product is going to be  select five. The next one's gonna be text   input seven. So once again, I'm just going to be  finding out reading off the blue whenever I hover   over each component, that is  essentially the components name.   This is going to be number input eight. This  is going to be number input, nine and then   commission rate that's fine. This is going to use  it Step three, so let's change that to a three.   And then we just need the broker I believe. So  this is this select, just change the number on   that to be a six, wonderful. And let's click  Save. Okay, let's test it out, we also need to,   of course, make sure that the submit button is  triggering the correct query. So we need to change   this to add custom trade. And then once again,  that's maybe send some confetti. Great. Now, if   you remember from the previous thing, there's one  more thing we need to do and onsuccess trigger,   we need to get the trades again, so they can  see the new trades in our table. Wonderful.   Now, let's get to testing this out. Okay,  so let's do it, I'm just gonna put in some,   oops, I'm gonna put in, I'm just gonna move this  down a bit, click Add Custom trade, just gonna put   test, custom trade like this a sell product,  and then just put in some random price,   volume and say 200 commission rate 2.05. That is  looking like the correct commission amount. And   let's make the broker Annie Glover. Now I'm just  going to click Submit, the confetti goes off. And   there we go. We have added our custom trade  is one line this time I can see it. So the get   trades query has also ran once this add custom  trade query has run. Wonderful. This is looking so   fantastic. We've added some we've added a custom  trade, we've added a I guess double sided trade,   this is looking great. One more thing to do.  And that is integrate our Slack channel. Okay.   Before we do this, let's actually fix these,  as I said, when I rerun the query and change   some of the column names, this actually broke.  So I'm just going to change these best parts give   as a title. So commissioned by percentage that is  meant to be and this one is meant to be daily desk   commission obviously doesn't look like that now,  but that's what it's meant to be. And this one,   this was meant to be this Yeah, how much is  broken made? So perhaps let's call it commission   in US dollar. Okay. Cool. Now, so to do this, I'm  just going to delete this drag in a new bar chart.   Now the x axis, oops, we need to make sure that  it's getting the correct query. So get trades,   get all the trades data. And now let's  make sure that the x and y axis correct.   So I just want to use commission in US dollars.  But let's do the x axis first. So by broker oops.   And then we want the commission  was dollar. So let's hide these   three. Wonderful. Okay, so that one is fixed  with Sony to fix those two, but perhaps,   let's do the slack integration first. Okay. So  the first thing we need to do is just use this   form, just like that. Let's  move this out of the way. Okay.   And let's create a new resource. So I'm just  going to create a new resource. This time,   I'm going to actually go back to here and go  back to my resources tab, and create a completely   new one, and then just use the that's fine to  slack. Because this has been pre configured for   us by return already. So I'm just going to find  it wherever it is. I know it exists there is   okay. Now, what should we call this resource  just for our knowledge in this app, I'm gonna   call it slack API. Now we need to get a web  hook to make this work. So to do this, let's go   to slack. and easy way to do is just click  right here to create a slack webhook. And   I'm just going to sign in with Google.  So I'm just going to click here. Okay,   it looks like you're new to slack. Create  a new one. Place, create a new workplace.   What's the name of your company,  I'm just going to go and as   demo next. team working right now, retool,   to call this low code costs great. To Do you  want to email. Let's, let's skip this for now.   Wonderful, and open this in slack. So now if we go  to slack, there we go. I have created a workspace,   essentially. And there's no one in here. This  is, of course, just for me at the moment. Now   let's get to hooking this up to our platform.  So for this, we need a web hook. Right? So   let's get to it. This is step one. Now step two is  the web hook to integrate the Slack channel with   my platform. And just go back here, create a web  hook. And there we go. Now that I have a channel,   this is a lot easier. Choose a channel, low code  costs. So all my messages is going to go here and   add a covering web hooks. So here's my web hook  URL, literally a few steps to do this super easy.   Just whack that in there. And we don't want  to create a new app. So let's go back to   resources. And then back to our trades dashboard.  So we've added that new resource let's carry on.   So the first thing I'm going to do is,  what should we do first, I am going   to just use some text. So I'm going to make  a text area, this time, not a text input.   And then what should we call this,  I'm gonna call this create message.   And then maybe let's get an emoji. I'm going to  get a writing emoji for this cute, maybe let's   make it a little bit smaller. And you can also  input images in here. So let's go ahead and just   put slacks logo in to serve Herman knows what this  is, what's going to Google's like logo for this,   we're just going to use one that's  hosted online, just for this tutorial.   So I'm just going to copy one from free  social media icons, copy image address,   then just put it in here like so. So there we  go, we have our slack logo from the internet,   it is hosted online, off the internet, we've  just got it. Next thing I want to do is actually,   I'm just going to grab the text again,  and this is we're going to display   what we are going to send. So like a little  preview, I'm going to call it slack preview.   Okay, and once again, let's whack in an emoji  I'm going to put in speech football emoji.   Okay, looking very cute. Once again, the Asterix  are there to make it the text bold, okay.   If I get rid of them, that is what it looks like.  Okay, so with and without the little asterixis. So   now I can use this, just make a little container,  actually, I'm going to put a container in here   to make a little bit smaller, and   move the form up as well. Because all these  things are in a form currently. move that down.   And in here, let's change the background perhaps.  So I can be really precise with the background. Or   I could just choose a premade one is up to us.  Okay, so there we go. That's a bit lighter now.   And in the slight preview, I want to preview what  I'm typing. So I'm going to grab the text again.   So we get wiser. And this time in the value,  rather than just having some text, I am going   to use this pre written piece of code that I have.  Okay, so this is some pre written code. This isn't   a coding course, this is essentially just  some HTML, I'm not really going to go through,   hopefully you know your HTML. If not, please  do do some googling at this point in time,   or you can just, you know, pause this and just  take this from me. Essentially, I've done some   custom code, okay, which you will see styled  in a bit. And I'm going to use the ritual   syntax. So once again, the two curly braces  to get whatever the value of my text area is.   So text area, dot value now This means that  whatever I type will show up in the container   below. Before we move on, I'm going to show  you how to add some custom CSS. So to do this,   you just need to click on these three dots right  here, and click on this scripts thing and styling.   And then just click on the CSS part, to add custom  CSS to this whole app. So here is my custom CSS,   I'm just going to paste it once again, this is not  really a coding course, this is just some custom   CSS to style, the divs and tags that I previously  put in, there's gonna save that. And then you got   the styling has been applied. Wonderful. Now, if  I actually type some tags into the Create message,   you will see that being previewed in my slack  preview component that I have custom built.   Great, this is looking good. Let's perhaps also  change the button color, let's make it a bit more   like slack. And then give it purple. Awesome. So  we've done this. And now of course, we need to   hook up the submit button. So for this, I need my  I need to make a new query, I'm going to add a new   resource. And then I'm going to essentially search  or we might refresh this, I need to search for the   slack resource that we just created. So here I'm  going to go resource and search for slack API.   Great. So we have the slack API. Now, we just need  to use our resource syntax to post a message to   the Slack channel we chose. So this is the message  that's going to be sent. I'm going to write user,   current user first name. So this is essentially  saying that whatever is going to be sent to   slack is going to have user dot dot, and  what whoever's using it. So currently,   as a first name, this is going to return an error  because I'm the current user. And then let's have   the message itself. So I'm going to go  into the text area again and get the value.   Okay. So that's our query. Let's save that. Let's  also perhaps, okay, so, okay, so that's cool. If I   press submit, at the moment, you'll see nothing's  happening, because we don't have an event handler.   on submit, I need to get the query for perhapses  rename this, I'm going to rename this to send   message. Now you'll see if I run this  query, there you go. That is working.   So there we go. There's our incoming message. If I  run that query, that will work. So I'm just going   to type another message into so check this as  working. That's a lot more like. Okay, so now,   it's still likes it. So that is good. Everything  is working as it should. Wonderful. Okay.   Let's carry on. So this is looking good. This is  what our app will look like if we preview it. So   I'm just going to preview it. Now. As you can see,  this would look like if you share the link with   anyone, we have a table, we can also add trades  via the murderdolls whether it's you know, a trade   or two directions that will add two lines, we're  just a custom trade our one line to table. Great.   We have a few more things to do before moving  on. I can of course, also just add something here   saying you know, this is Ania. This is current  user first name, so that will bring back Ania   as I am the current user and my first name is  Ania. or friend. I'm just going to get rid of   that let's not have all friend. Let's just have  my name dashboard. Okay, even though technically,   maybe we should have had a friend because if there  is no current user and first name, it will just   say this is dashboard. But whatever, this is fine.  Okay, I can also make this we don't have to just   use the little Asterix is I can use HTML in here  too. So for example, I can use h1 or let's make   this an h2 tag. And if I want to be more specific  with my styling, there is of course the option to   add more custom CSS right here. Okay, so you can  really go to town on the seiling, that is going to   be completely up to you. Before finishing this,  let's actually fix these two, I guess the bar   chart and the pie chart, as we said, changing  the table, column names seem to broke this.   So once again, I'm just going to select this  graph right here. And I am simply just going to   as the data source thing, probably the  easiest thing to do is just delete this.   And then once again, use this syntax  rutile syntax to get to the trades,   and get all the data from the trades.  Wonderful. So that is that you can't   really see because it's very light. And we did  add a trade with a huge amount of commission,   which, of course, is just being very tall  right now. There we go. So you've added   a few of these. Wow. So that is why it's looking a  bit different a little bit bad, it's just because   one has a very tall number. Okay. So once again,  this is what it is looking like, wonderful.   Okay, now let's go ahead and preview what  this looks like on our custom made URL.   And there we go, here is our custom dashboard.  Just one more to do. And that is the brokers   because I can see that's not reflecting correctly.  So I'm just going to once again, you get rid of   this data source, type it in again. Okay, so  get played data, let's hide the rest of these.   Okay. And there we go. So that  is looking way more correct,   just based on the new trays that we added,  which just had like a ridiculous volume. Okay,   and that is it. Hopefully, you've learned  a lot. In this first part of the tutorial,   we have covered quite a lot. We've covered how to  essentially use data from Google Sheets, and also   learn how to integrate, and also learn how to  integrate slack API in order to create your own   custom dashboard. And, of course, customize the  CSS as well as a lot of other things too. Now that   we've covered this, let's move on to working with  rest API's. In the next section. I'll see that.   Okay, now in this section, we're gonna learn  how to build our own personal crypto app using   the coin API and Twilio API to send messages.  So let's do it. The first thing I'm going to do   is add a resource. So I'm just going to click on  Resources here and create a new resource. This is   going to be a REST API. So let's call this coin  API, just like that. And now I'm going to find   the API. So this is the API I'm going to use for  this tutorial. And we're going to have to get a   key for this. So we can actually use this.  So I'm just going to get a free API key.   Click here. And to get my free API key, I'm just  going to put in my email address in gmail.com,   earlier, Kubo developer,   and get a free API key. So that should  now be emailed to me. Let's check it out.   And there we go. We have our API key, please keep  it safe. So I'm just going to copy this. And now   in here, this is where we want to have to put our  API key at the moment, I am just going to put it   in the header as a string. Okay, so make sure  that is the string. And then let's get to the   documentation to see what we should use as the key  for this API key. So I'm going to go back here,   we don't need this anymore. And let's check out  the API docs, I will be deactivating this key. So   please do use your own. This will not be valid  anymore at the time, this tutorial goes live. So   here we go. Here is everything that we need. There  is a bunch of different data here. What I'm going   to get for now, I'm just going to get the base  URL. So we can use all of these endpoints in our   app. And I'm literally just going to copy let's  copy the sandbox one actually. Use a sandbox.   And I'm going to just put it here as the base  URL. And then we need to find out what the key   needs to go under. So let's just have a  little scroll. There we go. So this is   what we're going to have to have X coin API  key, Copy that. And once again, is a string,   I'm just going to paste it in here. So that is  looking good. This is all we really need in order   to be able to communicate with the quaint API. So  I'm just going to click Create resource. Great.   And let's create an app using a Korean  API. So I'm going to call this crypto dash,   board create. Wonderful. So now we will see a  query has already been made. We have a little   reminder for us on how to use this base URL that's  really handy. Please read the HTTP Doc's query API   for more information on how to use this API. Thank  you very much. So now that we have that done,   let's go to creating a table, it's going to use  all the quotes for the crypto currencies. So to do   this, I'm going to actually, I think we can shut  this one down now. So I want to get the quotes. So   I'm simply going to go here to get the correct  endpoint. And I can use this data right here.   So this is what I'm going to get back. If  I use this GET request, I will get back   objects that look like this that have, you know,  a symbol ID, exchange time exchange, so on, so on,   and ask price, a bid price and everything else  that we need. So I'm just going to copy this,   just like that. And then whack it in here.  We don't need this extra one because we have   the little dash here already.   And now just to check this works, let's actually  pick a symbol ID to filter by. So let's just say   this one. Okay, so you will see here that was now  URL parameter. And now we also need to put Well,   that is correct the excellent API key here again,  and the headers, so it's going to get this and   put it in here, we don't need to specify, we  don't have to put it as a string because it   automatically gets converted to a string for  us. So now if we run this here, you will see   the response, which at the moment isn't coming  back with anything, perhaps it's nice to be a.   Okay, well, let's just get  all the currencies for now.   And there we go, here is our response, we  have managed to successfully get all that   data. So we've got the data. Now let's put it in  the app. So that is our first query done. We can   of course, rename it, let's rename it to make  this more usable, I'm going to call it quotes,   because that is what it is. It's  just the quotes for all the prices.   Okay. Great. So now that we have that, I'm just  going to perhaps make this a little bit smaller,   like so. And then let's just drag in a table, this  is going to be super painless. Here's our table.   And you'll see that it's already managed to  sort of decide that this is what we want.   So it's just picked out the first query that  we did. It's got the query here to the query   as quotes we've just called it quote, and it's  got all the data from our quotes. query. Okay,   so I'm just going to move this around. So you  can see we've got similar due time exchange time   point of view, I asked price, ask size, basically  everything that we got in the response here.   Wonderful. So that is very intuitive. We  really didn't have to do much. I'm actually   going to show you how you can personalize this  table. So what if I don't really like the way   that the API gave me all these keys, I  don't want them as my own table headers,   so I can change them. I could simply go in  here and call this symbol ID. Just like that.   And then maybe let's change all of  these. Do we want the time exchange   We could just keep time coin API, so I can also  hide this one. To do this, I can simply just click   on this little icon right here and it disappears.  Time coin API. Let's also rename this time   moyen API. And then I can also say this is quite  cool. I can say that the column type is a date   time original timezone, which will change it to a  date format. For me, so that is pretty cool. Now   the ask price, let's make that ask price, like  so. And then I'm actually going to change this   to reflect a price small, so let's pick that  from here. We could use float, or we could use US   dollars, if we want, like, so it's totally up to  us. Okay, so it could look like this, if we wish.   Now let's do the Ask sighs. Oh, yeah, if you  click on these, it automatically filters by this   column. That's quite cool. So we've got the ask  price. Now let's do the Ask size. Just like that.   And then maybe let's make this a float. So I'm  going to make a float. Okay. So once again,   that is looking good. Or you can make it  a full integer. It's totally up to you.   Okay, so we've done the Ask  size, let's do the bid price now.   But price. And then let's  also make this US dollars.   It would seem not many people  are trading on the COO coin spot.   Now, let's also do the bid size. So I'm just going  to change that here. To want bid size. So I'm   going to keep the size, I'm just going to rename  it. And once again, I'm going to make this a note.   And then we should also probably have lost  train. So I'm going to have lost trade too.   Now this is interesting, because we're  going to have to this is an object.   So we're going to have to learn how to work  with that object. Because we don't want this to   appear like this, we actually want to go into  the object to get a value. So let's do that.   So to do this, I would use the mapper, and I'm  going to use the keyword self so that it knows   I'm talking about that particular component.  And then I'm going to go into the object   and pick out the time coin API. It's quite  nice that there's auto populating for me   the time coin API. So now if I look here, you will  see that that is exactly what's been picked up for   the last trade, I've essentially have a look at  the request and the response or the response.   So I've gone this is what was returned to me  for last trade. And that's what was trying to   put in itself. But I said no, I want the last  trade time coin API. So hopefully that makes   sense. Now, let's also perhaps format this to  be a date. So date, let's say original time set.   Wonderful. Okay, so this is looking really good.   We can of course also move them around. So  perhaps maybe lets us move the bid size,   then the bid price. So the bid and the ask are,  you know next to each other. And that is looking   great. Wonderful. Now, I can of course also  personalize this further, if I want, I can   add a color. So background color.  For this, you can just type red,   or green or you can be more specific type  put in hex colors to the choice is completely   up to you. But I'm quite happy with this looking  the way it is right now. It's already come with   pagination for us, which is really useful.  I just want to do one more thing and that is   add an option for us to be able to search. So  essentially, we want to be able to filter out   so filter by the symbol ID. Okay. So  I'm just going to do that up here.   So to do this, I'm actually going to find a  component that has a text input. So I'm just going   to grab that whack it here, I'm going to make it  a bit longer. And let's change the label to say   such like so. And then I'm going to actually leave  a placeholder to so for example, and symbol ID.   Okay, so we've done that, of course, at the  moment, it's not really linked up to anything. So   that is our next job, let's get to linking this  up so that it works. To do this, I'm actually   going to go back to my quote, I'm just going to  make this a little bit bigger. So remember, at   the beginning, we tried to filter. So we use this  because you're trying to filter by symbol ID. So   since you're going to bring that back in, but  instead of filter Id like this, I am going to   essentially just going to get rid of that. So  I'm going to use this syntax, I am going to   find the text input one text input, once I'm  literally finding this component I'm reading   the blue offered. So I know that this component is  called text input one for this platform. And I'm   just going to get the value. Okay. So now whatever  I type into this is essentially going to be   this. And now I just need to make this trigger  on change. So we need an event handler for this,   the event handler is going to be a change because  we're not submitting anything. I just want it to   change as I type. And it's going to trigger the  query that is going to read the quotes. query.   Okay. So that is the event that's going to  trigger as soon as I start typing, like so.   So I've just searched by symbol, and you will  see, all the symbols with BTC have been filtered,   I can of course go. That's just maybe type Gemini  spot, BTC SGD. Gemini spot, and let's see if it's   changing. Okay, so that is changing. It's got  anything with Gemini spot here now. Brilliant.   This is looking really cool. Just gonna go, maybe  it's changes back to BTC for now. Wonderful.   Okay, so now we've got our quotes coming through,  and our search is working, let's carry on. The   next thing I want to do is just get all the main  cryptocurrencies that I want to I guess monitor   and another table right here. So let's go  ahead and do that. For this, I'm actually   going to get in make a new query but using  the same API, so let's use the resource query   to make this bigger for us. And this query,  I'm just going to call current seats.   It's got quotes, we've got currencies. And  for this one, well, I just want to get a few   currencies with their little images. So I  know that this exists here, because I've   had a look at this before the end point, I want  to get all to essentially filter out specific   cryptocurrencies that I want, but also include  all that assets and stuff is somewhere, look,   here we go. Assets but also filtered by certain  coins. So I'm going to grab this one. And I'm just   gonna walk it in here. So if you want to asset  filter asset and let's watch, shall we get? I want   to get well, let's get a Bitcoin. Let's also get a  theory and maybe I'm just gonna put a few in here.   Maybe require an RTC.   Okay. So I'm literally just  using the documentation here.   And I know this is what's  going to be returned. Okay.   So that is what is going to happen. Let's save  and run. Oh, yes, we also need to put in the API   key again. So once again, just in the header  section. And what was this called? Oops.   paste that in here. Yeah, save it. And  then we also need this one and seven, one.   Okay, so now if you look at the response,   wonderful. Okay, so we're getting  the Bitcoin, the light coin,   the tea, the coin, Dogecoin, aetherium, finance,  coin cadorna coin and die. I don't really know   what that one is, but it was on there, so I just  put it in as well. Okay, so we filled it out just   a few from the API, the next thing I want to do  is use this ID coin to get an image. But first of   all, let's just work them in a table. So once  again, I'm just going to drag a table across,   super easy. And it's pretty much guessed that  that's the one we want. I think it's because   we are on it was selected on it. So it naturally  just goes to that one. It's getting the currencies   query, and they gave me the days from it. If you  want to see more of these, what exactly these come   backwards, so you see currencies. And that is the  data. So we're getting all the currencies data.   And then you can go further into each object in  the data array to so that is essentially just   the response, but maybe a bit more workable in  terms of being a developer and wanting to get   the correct properties from the response. Okay,  so that is, I just got that by clicking this left   panel, right here. I'm going to minimize it for  now. But if you ever want to see it, it's just,   it's just right, that cool. So now we have  our most popular quote are the ones we chose,   sorry, the the, our chosen kryptos  that we want to keep an eye on.   Let's get to personalizing this table a bit more  again. So for this one, I'm actually just going to   Okay, yeah, let's keep the asset. D, I want  that. That is fine. Type crypto. I mean,   we sort of know that. So I'm going to get rid  of that. I don't want this, I don't want this.   I do want the name, let's perhaps switch  this around the we're going to put name   actually don't want a bunch of this  stuff. I really only care about   the volume, one de USD and the price.   Just delete, or hide, sorry, delete is probably  the wrong word. So let's use this one volume   on the US dollar. And then let's change  this to of course, US dollar. Oh.   And then the price USD, I'm just gonna put  price, and then make sure that there's dollars.   Okay, another icon, I want the  icon to be at the beginning.   Okay, great. So we've done that before I  actually get to putting the images in using a,   we're going to do a little bit of JavaScript for  that. I'm actually going to now show you how to   put in Twilio API in order to send a text message  to your friends and family from this platform.   So I think, yeah, that's let's do it. So to  do this, I'm actually going to go back to my   resources page. And I'm going to create new and  this time, let's actually search for Twilio. So   Twilio is one of the API's that comes already sort  of with retail as a resource. You can of course,   you know, get in touch with them if there's  something that's missing, but luckily, Twilio is   here. So let's just go ahead and click it. And I'm  going to call this just Twilio API, Twilio. One L.   Okay, so now let's go to Twilio. I don't really  want this anymore. For now. Let's go to Trulia.   Just gonna click here and sign up for a  Twilio account. I can get a Twilio API.   And what is it asking us for? It's asking  us for an account s ID and an auth token.   So let's go ahead and find that. And now I want  to use the SMS service. And I'm just building   a guess what's the most alerts and  notifications? How do you want to do this   I don't know, with code or the minimal  code to admin walk out, okay? JavaScript.   Get Started. Okay, perfect. So we've got an  account s ID, it's going to take that, whack it in   here. And then autocon, share once again, I won't,  this won't be active. So please do use your own.   When doing this tutorial, these will  not work any more. And then just crucis.   Wonderful. So that is it back to resources,  I want to create a new app. So we have our   Twilio API ready, let's actually set  these down because we are done now   with those. And let's go back here. And I'm  going to click import from query library.   And then I'm just going to  find the Twilio API. Wonderful.   So we've done that. And the next thing  I'm going to do is actually create a form.   Okay, so this form is essentially where I am going  to send text messages from. So let's go ahead   and maybe make this a little bit nicer. So I can  essentially drag items in here, I'm going to drag   some text. In here, I'm just going  to say send a text quick. So using   send a text quick. So this is to make it bold. We  don't need this anymore. Perhaps we'll put in an   emoji though. Anyway, they are quite fun. So I'm  gonna put in a little mobile phone number, yeah.   Wonderful. So you've got some text. And now let's  actually put in some inputs. So I need the input,   because I need to know exactly who I'm going to  text, I'm going to maybe put in this number input,   let's use a number input, maybe this won't really  be the best one. Now, let's not use this one.   So I'm just gonna delete that one.  Let's just use the text input.   Just because I didn't want to select a number,  I actually want to put in quite a long number.   So let's put a number here. Okay, we can  of course, you can start this up however   you wish, you can position it like this, I  think that looks maybe a little bit better.   So we've got a phone number here. The  next thing you want to do is make this   look okay. I mean, you can you can go wild, okay,  it's gonna be totally up to you how you want   this to look. You can spend hours starting  up, I don't want this to be about styling,   I want it to be about, you know, getting getting  the job done, and then styling afterwards.   So we've got that the next thing I'm going to  do is just put in a text input below here, and   this is going to be for the actual message itself.  So perhaps maybe there's a better one than this.   Let's maybe use this different one, okay. But to  delete that, you can use a bigger one as well,   we can use a text area, but I think  I prefer so let's use the text area.   Again, just put that up the top.  Once again, let's maybe call this   message. I can just spell message message and then  enter value or enter text it is up to you. Okay,   so I think this is looking good. We can have this  as a required field. So let's make this a required   field. And then you can do a bunch of other stuff  to to really sort of personalize the whole thing.   Okay, so now that we have that, maybe let's  make this a little bit smaller now. Wonderful.   So now, let's get To hooking it up. So we're  going to do this with these two values. So   first off, I want you to just going to  change the color of this just because I can.   So this is how you do something like  that. You can change the button color   to whatever color we wish now. So you have the  Twilio API. Okay, so I essentially want to post   to my Twilio API. So let's get the docs out again.   So let's carry on with this. So we've got our C  ID, we've got our auto token, let's get a trial   number. So this is going to be our  trial number, choose this number.   Okay, so this is now our new phone number.  I'm just going to make a note of this.   Okay, so now that we have that, we need to  figure out how we're going to use this in order   to send text messages. So I'm going to get the  Quickstart docs. And then just go to node j. s.   Twilio REST API. So this is the request that  we're going to have to make that makes sense.   API operation, oh, it's already done it for  us. That's really handy. So I want to post.   So this is for addresses. I  just want the one for messages.   So there's a lot in here, but I'm just  impressed the retort already have this,   I pretty much didn't really need to do the  messages at all. So messages, messages, messages.   messages, Jason. Okay, got it. Okay, so  now in here, where we already have the   account, si D, we've already done that part.  So two, two is going to be the text input.   So I'm going to grab text input two, once  again, this is how we would do it. And here,   I'm gonna grab text input two, and get its  value. And that's the two and then the body.   So I'm just going to get the body of text area  one, text area, one body, okay. And then the from.   We're gonna have to have a from which isn't  actually on here. But that's fine. We're   going to add it now. So from and then  here's where I'm going to put my saved   new phone number, because there's going to be  my Twilio phone number. So just like that. Okay,   and let's try it out. So I'm just going to  save that. Let's rename this to send text.   And I'm just going to put in my phone number into  here as a test using the country code that I'm in.   Hello, me. At the moment, this Submit button  isn't really hooked up. But if I run this, that   should work. So query ran successfully. I'm just  going to wait for my text. I got a text. Whoo.   Can you see that? Pretty cool. Okay. Nice. So  we've done that that works. And it's actually   instead of me running it here manually. I want  it to run if I click the submit button. So let's   click on this Submit button here. And I'm just  going to have to add an event listener for an   event handler, sorry. And that's going to be the  query send text. That is correct. I'm happy with   that syntax trigger. And I also do things like  send confetti. So when the summit happens, I can   just send some confetti. So let's try that  again. Hello, me summit. Oh, confetti us run   committees, I guess, thrown at us was the  trigger was the buzzer has been clicked. Okay,   cool. And once again, let's check  with that as well. I got a text.   Wonderful. I've got another text. Amazing.  So that is how we would link up the   Twilio API, and how we would link it up to  this text input and this text input and make it   run at when we click the submit button. So this  is looking pretty good. We've got our cryptid   dashboard, we can filter this table right here, we  also have a separate table here for crypto coins   that we've specifically wanted to keep an eye  on. And we can send a text using Twitter's API   directly from our platform. Now, one last thing,  we can of course, you know, personalize this   loads, I can make a beautiful header if I want  to. So you can just call this I don't know,   let's call it my crypto dashboard. It's completely  up to you how you would like to do this. So   perhaps Yeah, maybe let's sign up a little bit,  just while we are here. Let's put in some text.   So again, if I want to use my current name,  I can use current user and the first name.   Or if that doesn't exist, I'll just say  Hello, friend. That's exactly what this   code is saying. I'm going to say, welcome Ania  or friend, to your group to. So just like, so.   There we go. Great. Okay, so the  last thing we'll do is actually   use the icons here. And this is  going to involve some, I guess,   advanced coding, I say advanced, a little bit  more advanced of what we're doing now. So what   I want to do is essentially use these ID icons to  get an image. So let's go ahead and do that. Now.   The first thing I'm going to do is actually create  a new query resource query using the coin API.   So let's go back to the coin API documentation,  because I want to get these images to coin API.   And then General, here, get all asset icons.  That's what I want on the asset icons for this.   So to do this, I would simply get the asset  icons. There we go, here we go, I can get   these. And I could just pass through an icon size  too. So I'm going to copy this, mock that in here.   And let's make them better to access. So once  again, however, I'm going to have to get the   API key. And then just lock that in  here, too. And click Save and Run.   Let's rename this query to  images, to so it's more readable.   And now, the query comes back with all of our  images, as long as the as well as the asset ID.   So if I was just to grab this, and then just paste  it in the URL, you will get the asset. Wonderful.   So we've got that now we need to essentially  put the icon URL sort of in here based on   the asset ID. So we're going to have to add some  JavaScript to do this to pass the images. So I'm   just going to click here, and I'm actually going  to create a custom column that I'm going to call   icon. Okay, and in here, I'm just  gonna use an image tag like so.   Closing image tag, and I'm going to use lodash  here. So the source for this is going to be this   is obviously for my retail syntax, I'm going to  use find, this isn't a JavaScript tutorial. So I'm   just going to provide you with a code. I'm going  to get the images data, and then that's the first   parameter and the second parameter is going to  be a function. So the function it's going to have   just gonna pass through for object and then open  up the curly braces and return asset ID equals   current row, so current row of this table, asset  D. Okay, so there we go. And then just do dot euro   Nice. And obviously, let's make  sure that this is a string.   Okay, so now I'm just going to actually  move this custom one right here.   Hard this icon. And we need to render this  as pure HTML that we go. So now that we have   render those as HTML, that has now worked, we're  getting all the icons show up. Pretty neat.   Okay, so now we can also preview this.  So this is what our app will look like.   and wonderful. Brilliant, I'm really happy  with that the header is sticky. Everything   else is pretty responsive. And I can  share this via this URL to whoever I   wish. Awesome. So that is a crypto app. Hopefully  you found this useful. I can now create your own   crypto apps to using the coin API, Twilio API  and resource. I'll see you in the next lesson.   Okay, so in this part, we're going to learn how  to create an invoice tracker using a graph qL API,   as well as learn how to embed videos into  the platform. So let's do it. For this, I'm   going to have to start a database, I like to use  data stacks. So I'm just going to log in that I'm   going to click on Data stocks. And I'm just going  to click try for free. Okay, now I've already   created an account. So I'm just going to click  here and just select an account to work with.   Great, so when I'm here, I'm  going to create a new database.   And then I'm just going to get started clicking  the Get Started button. And what should we call   our database? Let's call it in, or says, and  the keyspace name is going to be invoice says   his space, just making it super easy  for you to follow along with. Okay,   and then I'm going to select Europe because I'm  in Europe and just create a database, is it.   Okay, so once we are here, we  just have to wait for this status   to connect at the moment, it's pending,  I'm probably going to cut this out. So   okay, so the status not active, but let's go ahead  and click here. So this is important, we're gonna   have to have all of this information. But first,  let's go ahead and connect to our graph qL API.   Now, this is essentially the URLs  that we're going to use in order to   hook up the graph API to our platform. So I am  just going to select this right here. And that's   going to open up our playground. However, we need  to get our API key or kasandra token. So this is   what it looks like. And we're gonna have to put  it in here in order to communicate with this   and communicate with it in our retort app  too. So I'm just going to go to Settings.   And then select admin user and generate the token.   So here we go. Here is our token. I'm just  going to copy that. Please do make a note of   it somewhere, just to make things easier. And to  communicate with this playground. I would just   click that, like so. So that is looking good.  That works. We've proven it works. So now let's   go back to our retail app. I'm just going to  get rid of this. And let's create a resource.   So this resource create new I'm  going to search for the graph qL API.   And in the headers This time, I'm going to put  this token as a string, and then here is going   to say kasandra token I'm just going to paste it  like so. And then the URL, the base URL for this,   well, it's not going to be this, it's  actually going to be. So if you go back here   to the documentation, graph, QL.   It's going to be the invoice keyspace. But the  first thing we need to do is actually create some   data. Okay, so let's just put this in there for  now. So this is the URL that we want to be able   to interact with. So I'm just going to put that as  the base URL, like so. And then I'm just going to   name this graph. Well,  invoices and create resource.   Okay, so now that we've done that, let's create an  app. I'm going to call this invoice FACA, like so.   So now we're connected to our database,  we're actually connected to the database   key space, okay, because we use the URL for  the key space, but there's nothing in there   yet. So there's two things we're going to do  with this, we're actually going to make our   app retrieve data but also add data through the  app to just to get started there, I'm just going   to put some dummy data into our database first.  So I'm going to do this using some mutations.   So back here, under the schema, I'm actually going  to create a table, it's going to be mutation,   this is going to be called an always says, create  a table for the invoices, open up some ups.   Do you actually want that so the queue  space name? Well, we know this is invoices.   Key space, the table name is going  to be just going to call it invoices.   And we need to get some partition  keys, I'm going to have us it's   going to be an ID and the ID is actually  going to be a string. So type. basic   text, the ID are the values that are going to  be allowed are going to be Name column company,   which is also going to have a type   of basic text. Space this up a little bit maybe   we're also going to have a value of  the invoice which is going to be a   float. So the idea is essentially the  invoice ID will reference the company name   is to just a company name is a string, the  value is going to be the value of the invoice.   We're also going to have a paid or not  paid, which is going to be a Boolean.   And we're going to have a timestamp which  is actually going to be a text that is like   a timestamp but I'm just going to do tags just to  make our lives a bit easier. Okay, and just click   Done. So we've run that we've created  a table. The table name is invoices,   and it has an ID a company a value, a paid or not  paid and a timestamp. Wonderful. So we've created   a table now let's get to adding an invoice ID to  our table. So for this we can now use the docs.   I'm going to have to   go to this URL again. Okay, so I'm just  going to replace this with that URL.   And I'm going to get to the Cassandra token  again, so we can talk to our key space.   And then I'm just going to write a mutation  to add an invoice. So insert invoices,   that's what we want. So it's gonna be mutation,  and then invoices, so you can go like invoice   one, for example, and then insert invoices.  Now I'm just going to have the value.   So what did we have in here,  again, where we had the ID,   we can actually just see these here. So  Id as a string, we're going to invoice   one. And then we're also going to have company  which is also a string, let's go aren't besties   cup cakes, limited spaces out so you can see a   paired true time stamp slew that for now,  value. And we'll have this is a float.   So let's do 200 oh one, okay. And the  timestamp took us to today's time some.   So we're going to use the ISO one,   it's going to put as a string, okay. And then  let's make it maybe a month back, just like so.   So there's one invoice. Let's see if that  works. And then I'm just actually going to   so those are our values. And then let's just  return the values. idea for works. Okay, so that's   what we've added one invoice while I'm here,  let's just add a few. So just make this zero to   your two, this is going to be Motley Crue just   paid true. And then this make this the 10th. The  value is going to be for I don't know this much   about again, I'm not going to add a lot. I'm just  going to do this for demonstration purposes. So   maybe let's add like, just one more. For  now. Who asked me Have I missed her call?   Then to get paid? Let's do some false, then let's  make this the 14th. The value is going to be for   course you've got three or Ruiz invoices. And now  let's just do one more. Just because I want to   have the highest harco id  again, maybe? And then can you   fit. Okay, so we've got four invoices in  our database at the moment, let's see if   we can get them into our app before we start  adding stuff to our database from the app.   So I'm going to go back here.   Delete that one, we don't want  this one, I'm going to create a new   resource query. And this time,  I'm going to use the graph qL API.   And now I need to retrieve my data. So I know how  to do this. If you want to use the documentation,   just refer back to this. I need to  get all the data and that will look   like this query where we used to get all of  them so we could just write our own in the   graph qL playground and see if it works.  So I'm just going to comment out for now.   Use the docs. So if I want to get all the  invoices, it's gonna be a query and then invoices   Id value timestamp was a company.   Wonderful. So this is the correct query to get all  four of our invoices, I'm just going to copy it.   And then just put it in.   Now the URL, it's asking me for the URL again, no  worries, though, I'm just going to copy this here.   Seems that we didn't get the  correct. We want this one.   Yeah, okay, so I'm just going to change this  to be the one we pre made. Okay, wonderful.   You can, of course, just create one from  here too. But as we've already made it,   I'm going to use this one right  here. And just click Save and Run.   And great. So we now have all four invoices  ready to use for our app. So the nice thing   about this here is you can actually see  the queries and mutations available to you.   So it's taken them directly from the docs in  the playground that have been generated for us.   Great. So now that we have that, I'm  just going to actually delete this.   And then let's make a new table by  using this new query that we just have.   Okay, so I'm going to rename this to something.   Let's call this graph QL. invoices. Okay.  So now instead of this data like this,   so this is some like default data, I don't want  this, we're going to have to use our query.   So we're going to get the graph qL invoices data,  just like that. And now, this is a great time for   using this because that's obviously not working.  That's not enough, we need to get the data,   but then we also need to get the invoices,  and then we also need to get the values.   So I'm going to do invoices, and then bodies.  and wonderful. So we now have thanks to our   little left sidebar, we now have all the four  invoices in our dashboard that we need. Great.   It's gonna make this a little bit  bigger. Okay, so let's carry on.   Once again, maybe let's do some personalization.  So I'm going to change this to invoice reference,   just to be super clear about what that is this  value, well, I think value should be fine. But   maybe let's make it US dollars. So I'm just  going to choose dollars. And the time stamp,   I'm just going to change this maybe to the  date. So I'm just going to change this to   date, and then use the date original timezone. To  change that into a date format, which is easier   for us to read. Company I'm happy with company,  maybe let's just make it like a capital C.   And this paired, so I can  change this to a checkbox.   Great. And now these are the ones are paid. And  these are the ones that aren't paid. But we want   to be able to edit this right, so we'll do that in  a bit. Just gonna maybe make this smaller again.   Before we move on, I'm actually just going to show  you how to create headers that aren't I guess tied   to the top. So to do that, obviously, we're in  the header. Now that is not correct. I'm going   to move this down to the main section. I don't  really want anything in the header this time.   Because I don't want the header to essentially  appear on the published app. So by leaving it   blank, that's exactly what will happen. So this  time, I'm going to actually just make a container.   Make your own this big and I  can change the color of this   container if I wish I can make  it like this. greeny color.   Oops. greeny color. Cool. And then in  here, I'm just going to essentially   put in maybe like an invoice tracker.  So I want to title put in a title   And as the value I could just use HTML  like this and put in voice, cracker.   Okay, and that will work, too. Voice.   And then maybe let's put some more text here.   Hello Ania or friend, this is  your custom invoice tracker,   I mean, there's really a bunch of stuff we can do,   we can add an image, we want to put  in a little image of an invoice.   So then I can just simply select  this. And then I actually have   some images on my image out, which I like  to store. So I'm just going to use that.   Okay, so that is an image from my imager. And  I'm just going to replace that URL, like set.   So we've now got a title. This is what it  looks like if you preview the app and you   want to share it via the URL. So you see the  other head has now gone, that is the main   header. Okay, let's go back to editing  the app. Now, we can actually create   things super easily just by dragging and  dropping charts. So if I want to create a chart,   I would simply drop this in here. And then it's  going to get my graph qL invoice data. Now we can   be really specific about what kind of data we  want to feed into this graph. So let's do it.   Once again, going into data is not enough, we  need to go into the invoices and get the values.   Okay, so just like for the table,  we need to be a bit more precise.   So now it's done about invoice and value. However,  what if we don't want this? What if we want to do   it by value and date? So we can easily do that,  I would simply have to just change the x axis   values. So other moments ID, I can choose  timestamp. And it really is that easy.   Okay, so I can put value here instead. And at the  bottom, I could put dict. Okay. Obviously, oops,   we have to make that a little bit better  in order to see that in a nicer way. Okay.   So we've now created a graph to let us  know what days we made the most money on,   you can edit this way further, like say I want to  change the color of this, I can of course do that,   too. Wonderful. So the next thing I want  to do is actually also maybe create a pie   chart. So let's go ahead and do that. I'm  going to show you how to create a pie chart.   Grab that here. And this time, I want to just  select pie chart. Once again, I need to go into   the invoices, values. And great. Again, I if I  don't want this to do it by invoice by ID, I can   change it up. So to do this, maybe again,  let's do this by Okay, I want to change the   colors though. So I could just go around  and change a bunch of colors if I wish.   Again, we're not gonna be splitting it by these.  So let's change that. Let's do it by paid or not   paid. So the green is how many haven't paid paid  white invoices. And this is how many of them   paid. So that's quite a good statistic. I  think that's quite a good one to keep that.   And I can also do things like put these in  containers. So let's maybe do that just to   make it look a bit nicer. So I'm going to grab  a container Want to stick this in the container?   Okay, and now I can put a title, or just some  text that will look like it's part of the   same container. So if I do this, and I just put,  let's make this maybe an H, three tag this time   paid versus on paid. And then we  will just make sure that it's in the   middle. Okay? Cool. We can, of course,  put more things in this container if we   wish. So maybe let's go ahead and do that.  It's totally up to you, we can even do oops,   we can even put on another graph, maybe two. So   show how many clients have given  the most money. So once again,   we will now need to go into the data in voice  says earlier is to get that data. And this time.   Let's do it by company. So now we  can see which company has essentially   given us the most money. And again, maybe let's  change that to a different color. Wonderful.   Okay, so this is starting to shape up really  nicely. If you let's move that a bit further.   Oops, down here. Just so we have a bit more space  for these things, we don't need to squish them up.   For example, we actually  want to put a video up here,   I'm just going to make some  space. For that to happen.   Let's give this a title to secondary invoices.  By value. Maybe let's get rid of this one. And   then also give this one a title. So this should be  paid versus on. Paid versus paid versus on paid.   Okay. I'm going to stick this table up here.   Move this container down a bit.   And just elongate that just in case we  get more invoices coming through. Okay.   So now I'm going to show  you how you can also embed   videos if you wish. So for this, I'm just going  to maybe, let's also give it a title, have you   done your tax returns is sort of  like a reminder, if you're managing   these platforms, right, and a lot of people are  using them, you might want to remind them to do   something that is important. So have you  done your tax return, and then maybe let's   I don't know what we want to do with this.   I actually don't like the way this looks. So  let's get rid of that. And I'm going to use a   text instead. So I'm going to  put some text in just like so.   And then make it centered. Let's make  this like an H, there's the paragraph.   Let's have a play around. You can of course  edit these even more. That's the beauty of   this low code platform. Okay, so have you done  your tax return and then let's put in a video.   So to add a video, I would simply just drag this  in here so I'm just going to put it And here.   And I'm just going to I mean, yeah, that's a great  video, but maybe you should do something that is   to do with taxes. So you can obviously put your  own video, I'm just going to use one of YouTube   tax return us just because we are  dealing with dollars. So let's   just give a video on that. This is from 2020.  But, I mean, I know we're in 2021. But I'm just   gonna use this one, just so you can see what that  whoops looks like, needs to get this, get the URL   and just put it in there. Okay, wonderful.   So this is looking really good. let's  preview what this looks like on the app.   Okay, so this is what you would look like it  would look like to anyone that you shared it with   looking or some very minimal, we did very  minimal start to it, you can of course,   style this up as much as you want. All the  components come already pre made, you can   style them up with just by changing colors, or  texts. Or you can go that little bit farther   by changing the CSS just like we did in the  first video. Okay, one more thing to do.   And that is I'm going to show you how to  add an invoice and also update an invoice.   Let's get things going by creating a new resource  query. This time, I'm just going to make this   bigger. So this time, we need to figure out  where to actually add data to our database.   So to do this, let's first off practice in our  playground. So I'm just going to comment this out,   and then write a mutation using the docs  provided in order to insert a new invoice. So   I'm just going to essentially use this Doc's to  help me we are going to be writing a mutation. If   you're not super well versed in graph qL, I would  recommend Of course, doing a tutorial previously   on it as this is not a graph qL tutorial. This is  a local tutorial for those, you know, who already   have some graph qL knowledge but of course, please  don't let that stop you. Let's carry on. So for   this mutation to create a new invoice, I was  simply need to create a mutation, which is going   to look like this, this invoice is going to be 05  and I'm just going to put insert invoices, and in   here the values that I need to essentially  create my invoice. So the value for this   is going to be ID invoice 005 as a string.  And then I'm going to have the float of 10.1   a timestamp which I'm just going to use as a  string just to make our lives a lot easier.   So I'm just going to use this format here. And  perhaps Let's change things up a little bit.   Maybe let's just change this to 15 Okay, just to  mix it up a bit. So we've got the ID we've got the   value we've got the timestamp Next we need company  unpaid. So let's say a company let's write company   and then of course this is going to be stream  so I'm just gonna put Aeneas abacha says they're   limited and is Abacuses limited  fine. Is that how you spell Abacuses?   I don't even know. And he is ant  eater. mittens limits. Okay, let's   unpaved, this is gonna be a Boolean, as we  said, and I'm gonna say false. Okay. So this   is how I would expect the mutation would  look like if I was to create a new one, but   let's check it out. So let's go ahead and run  it. validation error sub selection Christ.   Sent invoices. All right, okay, we need  to return something. So let's just return   some values. And I'm just going to attend  an ID just to see if it works. Okay,   wonderful. And that has worked. So we know this is  the mutation we need. So let's grab it and use it.   So I'm just going to go back to I'm going to  just copy this actually first, back to here.   And on this query, I'm just going to paste this in  here like so. Okay, we know this is the mutation,   we know this works, we, we now need to replace, or  the, the ID the value of the title of the company,   and paid with staff from our platform. Okay? So  for this, maybe let's just, let's just check, it   works from this here, this platform actually here  to the students just to invoice six, and was six,   this change the value and the change of timestamp?  And let's just save this and run it just to check   again. Okay, that has worked. Our response is, our  query has run successfully, we've got a response.   So this query works. Let's rename this  to add invoice to make a more readable,   okay. And now let's get to replacing all  the values with stuff from our platform. So   how are we going to do this, we need to replace  all these values, we'll probably make a modal   we're going to have to have an ID, this is  a string, as we said, has to be a string.   Okay. So just like that, and I'm going  to replace whatever we pass through this   as the ID. Next, we need the company. And  the company is also going to be a string.   So let's replace whatever we  pass through here as the company.   Great, we've got the ID, we've got the  company, let's do the timestamp next.   And this is also going to be a string,  we've chosen this to be a string   just for this demo. And there we go timestamp.  Okay, now let's move on to the value,   the value is going to be a float, remember.  So we're going to have to put float for that.   And then we're going to just grab the  value and replace it here. So whatever   we pass through the body, it's going to be the  value. And that's it. I know we also need to pay   and pay it is going to be a Boolean, then  we're going to replace paid with page.   Wonderful. And this I'm just going to have  as I do, it doesn't really matter. Okay,   great. So we are sort of that now our variables  have generated for us below, based on what we have   just written most recently. So now I think  it's time to essentially create our modal.   Okay, so, to create a new invoice, I am going  to have to just like we did if you remember,   in the first tutorial, with creating  traits, we're going to do the same.   So let's grab our knot button, we  need a modal, drag it down here.   Let's perhaps rename this to add invoice,  invoice. Okay. And now maybe we want to   change the button to be red. Why not?  Or maybe green greens less angry.   Okay, so got a modal, let's start  dragging stuff into the modal.   So for this, I am going to essentially put in  all the inputs that we need to create an invoice.   So this will include everything we have just,  I guess, stated our variables. So let's do our   first one, I'm going to drag in a text input. And  then I'm going to put a placeholder placeholder of   enter invoice reference, this is going to  be essentially the ID of the invoice. Okay,   so there we go invoice reference. The next thing  we need is this time again, let's actually have   a text input. And then this is going to be  let's make this the company. So label company   name. Then let's have a another  text input for the timestamp.   Or actually, no, let's not have that. Let's  actually make a date selection for this.   So I'm going to change this to this  let's change this invoice amount.   Now let's make this let's get rid of this  actually and make a user number input instead.   Let's get the number input this time,   just going to drag it in here. Let's change the  label. Let's make the label say invoice. amount.   Great. And I'm just going to delete this using  my keyboard commands. Okay, so that is now gone.   So we have the image reference, we have the  company name, we have the invoice amount,   what else do we need? We need the actually,  there's another one we can use. Okay,   let's use the currency one. So I'm just  going to drag that in here. And once again,   invoice amount. And then once again, use  my keyboard to delete that one. So now we   now got our currency one that's formatted  zytek currency. Okay, that makes a lot more   sense. The numbers now will come in currency  format. Wonderful. Okay. Now, we need to.   Now let's pick the date time picker.  So I'm just going to search date picker   and grab that and just whack it in to here. Okay,  just like that. And now we have a date selector.   So I'm going to use this for my timestamp  essentially, carry on. The next thing I need to   do is the paid or not paid. So as the brilliant,  I'm simply going to look for a checkbox.   So I'm going to use this right here. And  just write paid. Question mark. Easy.   So that is now it, let's maybe add some text to  make it really obvious to the user what this is   for. I'm just going to drag that in and put  add a new invoice. There we go add a new   invoice just as a title right here, it doesn't  look super great. Of course, we can edit it,   I can center this, if I want just to make  things look a lot nicer. So that we go.   Cool. It's going to move these down a little bit  just to make it a little bit more spaced out and   just I think look better, in general. Okay, so the  next thing we should do is actually make something   happen once is filled out. And for this, I'm  going to use a button. In the previous tutorials,   I did make a form. In this one, I'm going to  show you how to do without form. So I'm just   going to use a button instead, to essentially  trigger a query if all the values are filled out.   So let's go back in here, and now that  we have our variables, I'm going to use   the Rachel syntax to pick out components and  the values as the variables. So for the ID,   well, we know that the text input  one here, value is going to be the   ID of the invoice. So I'm going to grab text  input one value, okay, do you see the blue   text showing up? That is the components name.  Okay. Next we do the company. So this is going   to be text input two's value, the timestamp  which is going to be the number input value.   Okay. I think it is number input value, maybe it's  not number input number input. And that input in   one is not defined. Okay, so let's go back here  and just double check that now that is the invoice   type number invoice. Number two value is the value  of the invoice, okay? And this is date picker one.   Find. So date picker, one is going to be the  timestamp and his copy is cut that out sorry, and   put it under value. And this is going to be date  picker, date type date. Yep, that's the one date   time picker. There's format to string because we  did say that time something needs to be a string.   Cool. And finally, let's get the little checkbox.  So it's just checkbox one, as you saw by the blue,   little writing. Great. Okay, so we've done it,  we have picked out all the variables that we need   based on the input values. And now we just need  to hook up the button to trigger this query.   So essentially, because we are on the query  already add invoice. This is sort of done   for us the queries are invoice and if we click  the button, this will trigger the query. Okay.   Great. Just because I like it, I'm gonna put some  confetti here too, if we click the button. Okay,   so now let's save this and test it out  invoice reference. Let's go ahead and put.   Okay, so that's Ron, but obviously that we didn't  add anything because there's nothing in here.   So let's put invoice 07  company name, I'm going to put   Tony's turtle next limited invoice  amount to 123. And let's pick a date.   Sure, there we go and just select paid and submit.   So we have just submitted it we have added an  invoice then that was that seems to have worked,   awesome query ran successfully, but  we won't see it in our platform. Okay.   This is because we need to run another query after  all this is done, we can do it let I'll show you   how we can do it here in the event handlers. So  once this, we click this button, we essentially   send an invoice we create a new invoice, but I  can also ask it to get all my invoices again.   So I'm going to run the graph qL invoices query  that we previously wrote. So if we click it, it   will add an invoice but also get all the invoices.  So let's test that out. Let's add another invoice   or a I'm just gonna change the price again,  and just change the date and click Submit.   So now you will see here, amazing invoice ate  and invoice seven and are visible in my table   because the graph qL invoices query has run. If  you remember from my first tutorial, you can also   do it on the query itself. So after the query  ran has run successfully, has ran successfully,   it is totally up to you. Okay, whichever one works  best for what you are making at that moment in   time. Okay, so this is looking fantastic. I'm  really pleased with how far we have gotten,   we have been able to get data from our database.  But we're also not adding data to our database   from the platform itself. Great. And finally,  I'm going to show you how to update an invoice.   So for this, I am once again going to create  a new query, let's just go here, query source   query. And let's rename this to update invoice  just to be super clear about what we are doing.   Now, I'm just going to save that and I'm  actually going to just copy this mutation,   because essentially, to update an invoice, we have  this mutation right here. I'm just gonna paste   that. And then I'm just gonna change oops, just  change this to say, update invoice instead of   insert invoice as per the graph qL playground  documentation. Okay, so it's exactly the same   apart from your updating, moonboys, not adding  one. And now we need to actually pick out   the correct components of values for this. So I  want to pick out whatever row I interact with.   So to do this, I'm going to grab the Table  Table, what is it table one, table one,   I'm going to use something called record update to  do this, the record update is actually a property   of the table, please feel free to mess around  with it, it might seem quite complex for now,   as it's probably not something you've come across  before, but just know that it's a property of the   table to update rows and just pass to a zero to  make sure that we are the first item of the array   and grab the ID of whatever row we are in. Okay,  and do the same for this wherever we are and we   want to grow the company. And whatever role  we are in we want to grow up the timestamp.   And whatever row when we want to grab the value.  I'm also going to parse float the value just to   make sure that it's accepted. in case anything  goes wrong. I just want to wrap it in a pass float   as this has to be a float value and paid again  let's whatever row we are and we are grabbing   the paid value. Okay. So that is it. Let's check  it out. I'm not sure why it's red. Maybe when we   save this, it'll go away. But I am confident  that this is the correct code. Okay, now one   more thing, we actually need to enable editing for  all of these. So enable, enable, enable enable.   Great, now we just need an event handler. So  this time, I'm just going to choose the change   option, and then trigger update invoices. Okay,  so let's run this, it's going to minimize this,   click Save. And now we need to do one more thing.  Once we update the invoice, we also need to   run the graph qL invoices query to refetch all  the invoices. So I'm going to do that on success.   So after the query has run, and  has been successful, I want to get   all the invoices again. So now let's try it out,  I'm just going to change this and save changes.   And great, so that has worked, that is  updated, wonderful. Everything is looking good.   Okay, and we can see here the  query has run successfully.   Amazing. Okay, and it's picked out in boys three,  because that is the invoice that we are wonderful.   Now I can I could rename this to, you know,  get invoices, it would make a lot more sense   as that is what we are doing. And will might make  much more sense with what I've written below. So   add invoices, and update invoice, that would be  better. But you know, then you'd have to change   that everywhere you've used in the app. So  for now, I'm just going to get rid of it   and just keep it as graph qL invoices for now.  Okay, wonderful. And let's check out our app.   So this is what our app looks like it is now  finished. If I interact with one of these and save   the change, you will see that that has worked.  Everything is looking good. Amazing. Okay, and   it's also updating all the graphs are dependent  on this data. So the bar chart and the pie charts,   too. Okay, so I hope that video was useful, we  have now completed three low code solutions,   all very different, or practicing a lot of  different API's and a lot of different techniques.   So hopefully, there was a lot for you to take  away from this course. Next up, where to go next.   Okay, so hopefully, you've learned a lot by  building three completely different financial   apps, I tried to make each tutorial very  different to really sort of maximize your   potential for gaining knowledge. Now, if  you're not particularly into financial apps,   there's a bunch of other stuff you can build to.  If you go to the retail site, you can actually   see a bunch of different templates that you can  click on in order to get to coding straight away,   using them as a template. Some great examples  are a custom CRM, a admin panel, a stripe refund   tool. So you can imagine you're just working  at a maybe small business and you need to   figure out a way to allow everyone on the team  to issue refunds quickly, you can build a stripe   refund tool that looks like this. Other  things you can build on s3 file exporter,   and get hub PR dashboard, a Firebase admin panel,  a customer success panel, customer support tools,   inventory management, and image annotator and  machine learning image labeler. And so, so much   more. The potential for this is really  quite large. And I hope you can have a go   at creating your own dashboards today. Thanks  so much for watching, and I'll see you soon.
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Length: 164min 7sec (9847 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 21 2021
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