Low-Budget FPV Drones that Don't Suck: Mobula 6 HD + Tinyhawk 2 Freestyle Review

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one of the first fpv quads that got me started in the hobby was the tiny hawk s now the first one i actually owned was this one and i ended up painting it but one day after dropping it into a bowl of water i completely ruined it and i was so upset that i ended up buying another one now i liked this quad so much because it was small easy to use it worked pretty well straight out of the box and especially after a little bit of tuning this thing was so much fun and i've had a great time flying it around my apartment since day one recently though i had the opportunity to try out two other tiny quads which come in at a similar price range but honestly might be equally if not more impressive in their own ways this one here the mobilist 6hd is the smallest quad i've ever flown it has similar flight characteristics to the tiny hawk s but it also allows you to record hd video well this one here the tiny hawk 2 freestyle well i don't want to get into details just yet but in some ways i might have more fun flying this than my full-sized nozzle five and that's what i want to talk about today [Music] so first let's take a look at the mobilis 6 hd which look at it it's tiny it's even smaller than my tiny hawk s and yes this little guy does have the ability to record hd video take a look now the video is only 1080p resolution so it's not as high quality as a gopro and the camera is actually still analog this means to fly it you'll need a pair of analog goggles and as you're flying you'll still see analog video however this camera will simultaneously record that same flight in clear hd quality so that when you want to put that footage up on youtube or play it back for your friends to see everyone's not wondering why it looks like an old vhs this is huge for me because although i thoroughly enjoy flying analog i don't really like putting analog dvr footage up on instagram because it just doesn't look very good and when it comes to tiny drones like these you also can't really strap a gopro to them either for me being able to show fpv footage to friends and family who have never seen anything like it is one of the coolest parts of the hobby and it's just great that this allows you to do that in high quality at an entry level price point the fact that it's so small is another big benefit because it doesn't matter what the weather's like outside you can easily fly this indoors it's also very light and the propellers are surrounded by ducts so you can bounce it off of walls and other objects and feel pretty confident that you won't damage anything the fpv camera is also great and held in place with two screws which allow for full range of motion to make minor adjustments to your camera angle i really like that because the tiny hawk s only allowed for two preset camera positions when it comes to performance it flies pretty well i chose to show you guys this clip because that was one of my very first flights with the stock settings and rates exactly how it came out of the box now if you're not familiar with the term rates rates are essentially your controller sensitivity and how you have them set up will determine how the quad will feel when you're controlling it on the mobilist 6 hd the stock rates were pretty good it's not what i would consider my perfect tune but as you can see i was able to get used to them pretty easily and the sensitivity was low enough for a beginner to grasp of course rates are very subjective and they're pretty easy to learn how to change however if you're buying your first quad you want to have fun straight out of the box and with this quad you definitely can so when you first open the box besides the quadcopter itself you do get a few other things the first detail that i really like is that it comes with instructions that being said they're not that straightforward and would most likely be a little overwhelming for someone learning everything for the first time but the great thing is is that almost all the things listed here are already done for you when the quad arrives the only thing you really have to do yourself is go through the binding process which i'll talk about a little bit later another big win is that it comes with four batteries each of these batteries only lasts a few minutes so adding a few spares is a really nice touch my tiny hawk s can be used with 1s and 2s batteries and it only came with one of each you also get a little bag of extra screws extra propellers a tool for the propellers and a controller for making changes in your camera it also comes with a little screwdriver which always wins me over i really value when these fpv kits come with everything you need and adding a little tool like this really doesn't cost the company much so i'm a big fan of that one thing that i really dislike about this kit is the charger it only allows you to charge one battery at a time which in my opinion almost defeats the point of giving you extras a charger that could at least charge two batteries at once would have been nice i also wish that the company added a little elastic band in the bag the battery in the mobilea fits a little bit loosely and it can move around and sometimes falls out when you bump into stuff the tiny hawk s uses elastic bands to hold its batteries and it works really well the thing is i'm pretty sure these little notches on the mobiula 6 are here for that exact reason and attaching a small band to them could put a bit of pressure on your battery easily solving this issue the initial setup is also pretty easy all you have to do is create a profile for the drone on your radio and then just bind the radio and your drone together this isn't that difficult to do but the process will vary a little bit depending on what radio you have now there are so many binding tutorials on youtube if you just search the name of your radio and the quad together chances are you'll find one that can help you out another thing i should mention is that for those of you with a crossfire module or a compatible radio the mobilis 6 hd can actually be purchased with a crossfire receiver as well now for those of you just starting out crossfire is a popular product that will give you a strong reliable and responsive link between your radio and your quad and it'll allow you to fly further range with a little bit less latency the reason i wanted to make sure to mention that is because a really popular radio right now is the tbs tango 2 and a few of you guys have commented saying that you're really interested in purchasing that radio but you were worried that you wouldn't be able to use tiny whoops such as this so the good news is with this guy you can now when it comes to the recording of hd video on this quad the process is pretty simple but there are no instructions to show you how it's done you're going to have to purchase a micro sd card separately and push it into its dedicated slot until you feel it click then all you have to do is plug in the battery and the quad will automatically start recording for me the light on top flashes when the camera is recording and when you have your goggles on there will also be a red light at the top right corner of your screen if you ever wanted to stop recording or start it back up again there's a little button on the side that you can press also whether or not you remember to press the stop recording button at the end of your flight the recording should save without a problem next because i didn't really understand how to use the prop tool when i first got it to swap or remove your propellers all you have to do is wedge the provided tool between the propeller and the motor and wiggle it up and down until the propeller lifts up they're usually pretty snug so if you don't get it right away just keep trying finally i want to quickly mention project mockingbird now if you're just starting out this isn't something you have to concern yourself with but it is something worth at least knowing about what project mockingbird is is an initiative started by a guy named patrick clark whose passion is just figuring out how to get the most performance out of tiny whoops such as this one now he has a website and a facebook group where you can learn what settings to change and how to tune your quad to optimize its flight it'll require some tinkering and i haven't done it on this quad yet but i followed his original tiny hawk tune on my tiny hawk ass and i gotta say the difference it made was huge but anyways speaking of tiny [Music] hawks this here is the tiny hawk 2 freestyle and it's a little bit bigger than the tiny hawk s and as you can see its design is a little bit different the props are all uncovered and although they attach to the drone the same way as on the mobula they have two screws to hold them in place the camera on this quad is also fully adjustable and instead of using a 1s or 2s battery it takes two separate 1s batteries at the same time to power it up while the frame on the other two quads is plastic this frame is made from carbon fiber and has pretty similar layout to a full-sized fpv quad overall it seems to have a very well-built design maybe except for these two antennas which they seem to have just left hanging in midair when i first got this drone the antenna placement seemed a little bit sketchy especially since the propellers are uncovered and could easily cut one of them in a crash my solution to this was to take two small zip ties and secure them to the frame where they are much more out of reach of the quad's propellers now when i first flew the tiny hawk 2 freestyle i'm not sure what i was really expecting but this thing rips it's so agile and responsive in the air and it really caught me off guard at how similar the flight characteristics were to my 5 inch drone the nozzle 5. while the tiny hawk s and the mobilist 6 hd are great for just flying around they are limited to the maneuvers they can perform with the th2 freestyle i feel like i can pretty much do everything i would normally do just maybe on a smaller scale shorter range and obviously without being able to mount an action camera to it now when i say that i personally like flying this quad almost as much as my nozzle i'm not saying i would ever trade in my five-inch quad for this one i like flying long distances and taking videos way too much however the thing with this one is it just seems like there's so much less risk involved when you're flying it which allows me to go faster and harder and just fearlessly push my limits which ends up with me having way more fun when comparing it to the mobius 6 hd the one thing to keep in mind with this quad is that you can't really fly it indoors it has a little bit too much power and the exposed propellers could probably cause some damage however as an outdoor quad for practicing freestyle i gotta be honest it's completely exceeded my expectations now in the package that i got the th2 freestyle didn't come with any instructions and i was a little bit disappointed to see that it didn't come with a tool either especially since my tiny hawk s did however i checked their website and it says that the package is supposed to come with a tool so maybe that was just mine you will get two batteries though which kinda only count as one because you have to use them together that's a little bit unfortunate but on the plus side i did realize that i'm able to get flight times maybe twice as long on the freestyle that i can on the mobilea spare 1s batteries for both of these quads are also not that expensive so it's not that big of a deal one thing that's nice about this package is the charger you get it's still really basic but lets you charge six batteries at once i would much rather have paid a few extra dollars for the mobilea to get a charger like this because it really will make your experience more enjoyable if you don't have to wait for a charge between every pack you fly but besides that all you get is some extra hardware when it comes to setup you'll have to start by putting on the propellers on the tiny hawk to freestyle it's important to note that the propellers will spin inwards and the rotation should look like this once you have the propellers on make sure the screw holes are aligned and secure them in place you don't have to over tighten the screws they will hold the propellers in place pretty easily the next step would be setting up your radio and binding it together with your quad again there are a ton of binding videos on youtube for various models of radios when it comes to betaflight which is the software you will use to tune both of these quads the th2 freestyle comes completely set up as well finally the costs so here are the current prices for both of these quads and they come pretty close so let me know what you guys think do you like them dislike them if you're thinking about buying one which one is it going to be thanks for watching guys and i hope you enjoyed the video if you did the one thing that i ask of you is just quickly hit that like button and you guys are always more than welcome to subscribe as well thank you for your support and i'll see you guys in the next one [Music] peace [Music] you
Channel: Matt Pochwat
Views: 529,245
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cheap fpv drones, beginner fpv drones, budget fpv drones, low cost fpv drones, mobula 6, tinyhawk, best beginner fpv drone
Id: TcLP2mjhKNk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 7sec (907 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 24 2020
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