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[Music] i've always loved interiors even when i was a little girl i'd be painting my room putting up my own wallpaper doing a very bad job of it never leaving anything alone taking parents old furniture and stealing it so i've always loved interiors [Music] we've been in the house for about five or six years the kitchen extension was sort of our latest project it was a really awkward space it was very long and thin and dark and i just wanted to make the most beautiful tall ceilings and open everything up [Music] and this space is my office it also needs to double up as a spare bedroom which is why i've got a sofa bed i chose the margo safe bed because it's well firstly because it just looks so gorgeous it doesn't look like a safe bed it's super comfortable i love the fabric this is our living room and although it looks quite formal we do really use this as a family we've got the tv in here i wanted to have a sort of traditional sofa so i chose the elisa sofa and i love the eliza because there are no back cushions and it's all upholstered it's super comfy it's really deep and i knew i wanted a stripe in here and the tory murphy black and white arbor stripe is perfect these are so comfortable and what i really like about them they're the bloomsbury armchairs they are sort of just an interesting sort of more sculptural shape but then i paired that with a vintage linen would give it more of a authentic traditional feel so this is the felicity dining chair which i love it's really slim line it's really solid but the best thing about it are these loose covers which you can have in a range of fabrics and here i've got it in a gingham with pink piping it lives all over the house in different covers so we have it for example in my husband's office we've had it in the bathroom with an occasional chair we've had it as a dining chair whip off the covers if you get anything on it and put it in the machine it's just yeah it's just one of those chairs that you will use time and time again and if you get bored of it you can just change the cover so yeah it's so flexible i love it you
Channel: Oliver White-Smith
Views: 50,337
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ccD48oGoQHc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 24sec (144 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 23 2022
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