Love Your Garden - Leighton Buzzard and Salford - S11E03

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[Music] goodness me this year britain has fallen head over heels for gardening i want your beauty and i love it oh it's lovely actually so my team and i are back there's some rhubarb to make some crumble with with an even bigger challenge than ever this is a nightmare i mean it's hard enough for me to get about oh surprising the nation's unsung heroes with top tips and tricks i'm not doing a creme brulee here you know as we transform not one it's a big space isn't it but two this hasn't seen a lawnmower in a while tired plots into breathtaking gardens that they loved this is how my celebrities live well people like us [Music] welcome to love your garden i'm in leighton buzzard in bedfordshire to create an asian inspired garden for a paramedic and her four pooches oh and her family too it could be a noisy one couldn't it son flynn is in on the plan and has given us access so i can take a peek at the garden and hopefully surprise his mum gosh this is interesting isn't it looks not ever so inviting though is it for either man or beast or dog i'd find out more meet joanne oh hello hi good morning good morning nice to see you nice to see you too it must be you good to see you good to see you too now we're here because flynn wrote up this passionate letter saying how his mum really needed a new garden so how does that make you feel proud as punch really he's such a good lad he does me proud every day so you're not a terrible teen at all then really flynn can be i have a moment like you're a paramedic i am yeah which involves what um so i'm a community paramedic now i work with the nhs with the community nursing team and jp's actually pretty full on then it is it is but it's really rewarding and what we're trying to do is stop people going in the hospital so we can treat people at home without them being admitted why do you like doing it i've always wanted to be paramedic always i started nursing when i was 18. it's just grew from there where did the dogs come in then from thailand um i met my wife and she had a little rescue dog and that was it it just everywhere i'll go you pick up a check on the target how many have you got now oh there's four in there at the moment we did have five uh maximum but we've had about seven in and out of it in the last two so you do something to do bits of rescuing there as well here heaven's above yeah so we have to make a garden here then which suits you and flynn and your wife and four dogs yeah i know you're right i'm good [Music] my mum is very caring she does inspire me she's everything that someone would want to be always looking out for other people and not really thinking about themselves in a way and just trying to make the world a better place joe discovered her eighth rescue dog in a terrible state in thailand so joe found lulu on the streets in bangkok we'd just gone on holiday but there was absolutely no way joe was going to enjoy that holiday leaving that dog there she had to have her joe took lou to a dog sanctuary where she volunteered through the holiday before formally adopting lou and bringing her home to leighton buzzard and you've only got a look at lou our thai dog to see how that love has sort of transformed her jared's like superwoman i don't know where she gets the energy and the devotion that she she puts into everything that she does let's just step up here and have a look so we've got this sort of hogging area here yeah this used to be um artificial grass yeah it's quite compacted there's no drainage on it right not enough for four or five six dogs we've got a hammock yeah we've got a furniture we've got this raised area up here yeah it's just a bit bald and i don't want to tell you garden's boring but it isn't it do you feel like coming out here anything you pee what a lovely place to be never no is it because it's not prissy that you don't come out is that why there's no reason there's that there's that there's the smell oh with the dogs so we have to find some way of accommodating you the family and the dogs so it's a small area where they can do what they have to do what difference would this make to you well you don't even know really really i don't even i don't even like coming out here just to watch the garage it's embarrassing well what about if we brought a bit of tylo to leighton buzzard i don't think i've ever said that before that would be amazing it does rain then a zen garden to allow you to calm down in between your frenetic activities of both the animals and the people that'd be lovely flynn what about you a bit of thailand sounds good to me anything but this we're better going to keep drying now and warm you up because you perished thank you so much you're very very welcome [Music] joe's garden is in need of some urgent care so i've called in my emergency services the contractors and garden medics katie rushworth and david domini well i'm off in search of some tropical inspiration in the city [Music] i want to turn joe's garden from a bit of a dog's dinner into a feast for the senses with a taste of the exotic so i've come to south london to see a garden where east meets west this lush exotic landscape makes you feel like you're a million miles away from home gosh this is amazing the moment you enter the gate you feel as though you've left britain behind and entered a tropical paradise it's so verdant but not just that it's not just this incredible bulk of foliage it's the fact that it's layered and you seem to be able to sink down and disappear into it in a garden that's predominantly green you don't actually need much in the way of color to make tremendous impact this is bechelmeria from mexico unbelievably related to asparagus but what a pop of color and it's all you need really isn't it the gardens of the orient often bring elements of the landscape into their design one prominent feature in the gardens of thailand and southeast asia is rock great rounded boulders they've got them here alongside waterfalls and streams and also edging pathways they're wonderfully informal but they also give a garden a kind of rustic stature at the center there's a perfect pond a natural fit for the far east styling of this lush garden hideaway these fish are absolutely mesmerizing and water is a vital feature in oriental gardens the trouble is that water and fish and dogs are not an ideal combination i'm going to have to think this through for joe's garden [Music] we want to create for jo and her family and her dogs a garden which is reminiscent of thailand her holiday in thailand was cut short by adopting lulu so we'll bring the holiday to her outside the back door i want david to make a sitting area hard standing but also to the right of it a shower not for joe but for the dog and we can utilize the runoff from that shower with a sort of boggy area which will be dog-friendly or at least hopefully pretty impossible to muck up by a dog so that's david's area to stamp the essence of southeast asia onto the space we'll have a traditional thai sala perfect for recreation and relaxation kind of oriental pergola with a roof but with sides that have these glorious oriental fabrics draped down and then across the other side of the garden somewhere cool for joe's son flynn to chill out so that's katie's area i want to take charge of this whole area up top left where i'll use boulders and foliage to create a kind of jungly escape and the whole garden wants to be a wash with layers of foliage palm trees just to give it that kind of feeling of a sanctuary in the middle of the town the whole thing of course dog friendly and that includes facilities so a relaxed thai holiday atmosphere filled with tropical style planting for the perfect garden retreat and to help look after the dogs we'll put in a shower and compostable lube in leyton buzzard the garden is a hive of activity now the aim of this design is to bring a taste of thailand to joe and the family so in this back corner of the garden i'm putting in a key element of thai gardens and that is a salah that's what they're called and basically thai people use them to entertain and socialize outside it's a covered area now funnily enough you can't pick up a slide in a british garden centre so i'm going to make my own by customizing an off-the-shelf pergola we're going for full-on thai style so i'm painting it this color which is called cedar wood and the reason for this is it's a nod to that mare dang which is the tree which is used it's really hard wood that is used in lots of thai buildings it's perfect actually it looks super nice now not only will this wood stain help protect the timber and look the part it also instead of paint allows the natural grain of the wood to show through which is nice it gives us that nice kind of natural timber finish still [Music] now this particular area here we're devoting to joe's dogs i mean they're very much part of the family well like all of us who love dogs you know you go on an exotic holiday you know when you get a villa and then there's a garden at the back but there's an outside shower i want it to be fairly high because obviously it's got to facilitate having holes for the taps and there's a flexi hose as well so you can really get round and give the dog a good shower look at that hot and cold running water for the pampered poochies nonetheless perfect now these little spacers that i'm putting in here do a couple of really good things for me one making sure i get an even gap in between each one two this gap is also going to be very functional as a soak away down to the drain underneath when the dogs are showered and three it's the means of securing two of them down because this single screw goes down and supports and tightens the joints look at that [Music] it's little boy in sweet shop time where i come invariably to the garden next door where we store all our plants look i have a palm tree haven't we from that inspirational garden i saw earlier so many pounds of the light shining through them this is a hardy tracheocarpus and although we're emulating thailand we can't use most of the plants from thailand because it just wouldn't be hardy but we're using plants that shall give us that tropical effect but cope with the colder weather of winter and looking at them here this is tetrapanax rex always known as t-rex big hand-shaped leaves it dies down in winter but hopefully in the milder counties this taller stem will survive but we can look at things that are tougher that don't mind even colder weather fatsier japonica the false castor oil is like that but this is a lovely extended form called fatsia polycarpa it's much looser more elegant and it has jazz hands isn't that glorious and it's evergreen so it looked like this all the year round planting as we have in here in layers for that layered effect and to give us our pops of color well pick where you like bottle brushes from australasia they're still really quite tough here they've got quite leathery leaves and in all but the coldest counties they'll survive outside especially against a warm wall and of course everything in this garden has got to be dog friendly [Music] we're underway here [Music] oh there we go oh wow but danny's only just beginning his task is to bring some contemporary asian garden ambience to a titchy backyard in salford i must admit when alan told me i had a small space to transform i didn't think it was going to be this tiny it can only be about what 20 square meters 5x5 but little gardens don't mean little jobs [Applause] [Music] now this wouldn't be a salah if it didn't provide any so we have put a roof on it in leighton buzzard katie's pimping her pergola now we've made a simple apex roof construction we've used 4b2 here and then roofing battens and we've just alternated them all the way along which will give it nice solid structure and make it safe for the roof katie's using plywood for ornate detailing i'm very excited about this bit because i'm going for full on gold bling that's what we want because you know what you see everywhere in thailand it adorns things makes things look super sparkly and well do you know what just better because gold is an awesome color this is the final bit of the jigsaw for my sala i'm just making some decorative end points like this they're gonna just really finish off and give it that lovely thai elegance what do you think oh yes you know if you're gonna go for it go for it yeah yes you make sense now with those ends underneath instantly suddenly phuket comes to leighton buzzards this space is well on its way to becoming a slice of thai inspired doggy heaven but 170 miles north danny's seeing what he's up against in the small plot in salford owned by dawn hello hello how are you keeping i'm all right thank you i can see this job is definitely dominating your garden oh i know it's a shame really but i don't have time to do it really your job has its demands yeah and i would think another side space is very important to you oh it's majorly important it's that down time and just somewhere nice to see of an evening just relax and forget about the day really dawn has dedicated her life to um survivors of domestic abuse and the children she's worked for soulful music for nearly 40 years suffered women's aid would not be suffered women's aid without her because she's what gives it the energy and the uh the drive that we sort of need because it's an extremely difficult job but for her to still have that passion and drive that she's always had i just think it's absolutely amazing dawn is apart from being bonkers um she's got a heart of gold she would do anything for anybody so i think this is why she really really deserves this because she needs looking after she looks after everyone else but i think yes he's her turn to have a bit of pampering and something nice being done for her and it's not just dawn we need to consider she's got our own dog missy and she's a labrador cross and she rescued her she's also does a lot of dog sitting for friends so she has the basset hounds rita and henry over so it'd be really brilliant for total garden because that'll be somewhere that she can relax with the dogs as well i believe it's not a garden just for you is it dawn no you've got a four-legged friend yeah okay yeah dog's name is mister missy after yesterday okay so we'll bear that in mind now what we've got in mind for you is like an asian inspired garden how does that feel with you oh i'm really excited now so we're going to transform this space for you oh fun well you will be miracle workers i'm telling you it'll be fantastic going as fast as i can rosie can bring thai style to even this small space using simple tricks as in this minimalist garden in west london [Music] boundaries in block colors will create contemporary lines and impact in the garden using bamboo and grasses for a two variety planting scheme and we'll build an entertaining area for dawn her friends and the dogs [Music] danny begins by breathing new life into the boundaries i have to say i think green's a great color because it's so nice and restful but we're not gonna do a block of green on that wall because it'll be too much so we're going to do stripes which means the garden is going to look bigger than it actually is the two-tone green will work with a bamboo clad wall to create a streamlined contemporary look so we need a hand to put uh last two on if that's all right yeah should we do that okay no problem i'll start in the middle if you're happy to shout when it's lined up you're around i've got it lined up now you get that yeah i'm happy with that you know what i like about these harry what's that they last such a long time they're so durable they're as strong as though in fact they're stronger than oak the bamboo will last longer than the screws really it really will yeah you sound surprised every day's a school day absolutely [Music] i'll be booming reaching thailand in a minute that way in our garden for joe i'm going to bring an essence of thailand with the help of an ancient pruning technique now you might not think of your average bog standard conifer cyprus as being terribly exotic but it can be exotic if it's turned into something like this now thailand is famous for topiary everything from elephants to all kinds of creatures but also for cloud pruning this is called cloud pruning it is it's a japanese art actually originally and it's supposed to reveal the true essence of the tree yes well they're quite pretty aren't they but it seems to be to be an awful long way from that to that the easiest place to start when you're doing cloud pruning is at the very top let's just shorten these top growths here and then work downwards from there that can now come out you see the depth of that there's only about six inches if you're in modern money 15 centimeters depth there so that's what i'm looking for here you got these little knobbly bits on it to start with but as the stem thickens up they will sort of begin to disappear into it so there's me upper clad so i've got one coming out there and i think i shall keep this one as well miwaki is the japanese name for cloud pruning and it's all terribly symbolic and with me it's not so much symbolic as shambolic really now if you find that it's all too upright and you want these actually to come out more the simplest thing to do is to get some wire just wrap it around there fasten it to that and then you're holding that branch where you want it at the right spacing but do be careful that that wire doesn't nip the stem and cause the end to die off and then the subsequent pruning is this grows you can do with a pair of shears like this and once or twice a year give it a haircut and just cut off all these little bits that come out and every time you take a shoot tip off it persuades shoots further down that stem to grow and thicken up this top the shower for the dogs is about to get a lot fancier now this type of tiling in these type of patterns you'd see in a lot of the thai palaces so i'm hoping it won't only look good but it'll tie really well with the theme of the whole garden now these are proper outdoor tiles of course there is a difference in the price as well the colored ones are anything between four pound fifty and five pounds but the plane tiles are one pound forty or one pound fifty so not only are you getting a better looking pattern your money's going further too now i'm just putting some waterproof tile adhesive actually onto the wall not each individual tile i'll just do an absolute coating along the front and then attach each tile on using little spacers in between so they're all perfectly positioned yeah it's really quite enjoyable it's like having a jigsaw puzzle where you can have your own license to choose what goes next to what there you go right moment of truth oh look at that oh while you're there dave you can uh wash my boots off if you don't mind cleaning up yeah come on oh lovely job thank you very much drive your car round cheek [Music] also say i've never gilded a buddha before you're feeling better already only we're building a tie garden for paramedic and dog rescuer joe now a traditional thai salah would have a lovely tiled roof however we don't have time to tile so i'm using these which are felt shingles and they're a really nice green color and hopefully if i layer them in like a fish scale pattern it should give me that east asian feel you get it what do you think yeah it looks good so it's just a matter of fixing them on now and it should give me a nice watertight finish too and the first one you have to put upside down because then when you put this one on top and you layer it over it will cover and therefore give you that really nice finish [Music] at the back of joe's garnier we want to get that tropical jungle feel and we're going to do the layering system as i saw in that inspirational garden to all the trees at the top lower stuff immediately down from that and then lower still so we're using this neolitsia not something i know we went to a specialist nursery to get things from in this case japan but which are hardy in britain so we're very much getting that southeast asian feel and then we'll fill in around we've got cock-leaved elder because the thing about this elder of course grows tall into a big tree but you can clip it so you can keep this at the level you want so although we're doing this layered jungle feel it will still need cultivating to keep the layers and then this glorious the biggest dahlia there is dahlia imperialis it goes even taller it's been cut out here to make it branch it's a really good summer it will flower way up there oh really yeah i like how it looks like bamboo yeah come over here look at that you know sometimes you look and you think nice well that is definitely it oh it looks lovely doesn't it i think it just needs something in that corner there yeah i want something a bit lower how about a nandina or two even better that looks good because i'm just picking up the color on there down there yeah i almost think it was planned i always call this the sacred bamboo of japan nandina domestica the foliage comes out this red color and then fades to green it's pretty hardy decent light or dappled shade suits it and this little corner here underneath this ice give us this chestnut that should really rather enjoy life as well as that lovely foliage it has little white flowers followed by berries in autumn so you do get additional pleasure from it but this for me is its prime season late spring early summer when that new growth is coming through and it's uh wonderfully refreshing [Laughter] in our second mini garden transformation in salford danny and the team are working on the statement planting featuring bamboo so what do you think to these then oh i love them i think they're absolutely fantastic now we've got two varieties haven't we yeah we've got the fudge easier yeah and we've got the fuller stackers yeah the fargeasia is well behaved yeah and the filler stack it tends to run yep so i've got the pots for you here okay so they're going to parts for that reason yeah because they're runners they're oh look ugly look look yeah but you know what they grow tall they are gonna cover the space in there quite beautifully aren't they i think you've chosen really well danny the excess bamboo cladding has been put to good use to edge the bed the board is in it's looking absolutely fabulous i think the boys have made a great job of it and it complements the boundary over there absolutely beautifully digging is one of my favorite things to do i do find it very therapeutic when i'm digging that's all i'm thinking about plus it's giving me a damn good workout here you go danny rosie oh one of the stars of the show oh wow it's fargesia panda panda that's great it's absolutely beautiful and a great thing about this particular form of bamboo it won't get too tall eight to ten feet which i think is ideal for this space great now this fargis here is definitely cramped for me its roots aren't trying to run everywhere because we don't want it bits of bamboo popping up all over the place so i'm just putting the soil back filling the saw into the hole so this bamboo is gonna be nice and snug and just using my hands just to gently compact it and this is a feather grass which is absolutely wonderful it's a grass that will turn an orangey color in the autumn and i think it will complement this creature absolutely wonderfully well [Music] david's also bringing in the show stopper for his energy you're not gonna like it that's it all cripes don't drop it for goodness sake you got it it'll cope with the run-off from the shower yeah yeah oh aren't you a beauty look at this plant this is gunnar a manicarta it's a commonly known as a giant rhubarb it's not rhubarb at all but the foliage looks a little like it i think in this corner over here by the dog shower it's going to be absolutely marvellous because it's got these beautiful interesting leaves this in front is its flower and this will turn red now this plant can grow into monstrous size so i'm going to try and uh restrict it a little bit by putting a liner in i'm going to spike a few holes in the liner not too many but enough to make it a bog area rather than a a pond okay i'll get a bit of soil in it don't you nick that side i knew i'd get caught there's all this clay underneath i'm getting all this topsoil put on it's going oh well it's just a little bit from a gun in fact you can help me while you're here can you just have a help me face up which is the best direction oh yeah to plant it up in right you got it yeah stand it in i'll take the pot off in a minute what do you think let's have a look we're facing the right way yeah a little bit more to your uh that's it yeah that'll do i think you're there [Music] and not to be outdone i'm also going big with my tropical planting yeah about where you're standing here yeah perfect a little yes got a little bit that way but also a little bit that way it's a big o that's got right yeah great off for my lunch now [Laughter] right this is the sort of feature tree in this corner this is erio botrio the loquat aerial battery of japonica meaning it comes from japan but actually originally came from china and it was imported into japan an evergreen tree with large leaves and in warm countries large yellow fruits seldom fruits in the uk but it does make a status tree which is surprisingly hardy i'll lean this back if if you can haul that pot off i'll see if i'm going to walk back into the hill yep yep that's right having got the upper story in the middle story and we're working on the understory now the the ground cover here being very careful in this garden in particular i'm using things which dogs won't find harmful if you're worried about a particular plant in your dog check it out online make sure it's not poisonous i'm using here alcamilla ladies mantel with these scalloped edge leaves that have got very fine hairs on them wonderful and when they're wetted they hold on to globules of water like quicksilver mercury looks wonderful the flowers are lime green which will contrast beautifully with heuchera this purple leaved plant here both of them hairy but not in any way damaging so they're nice and soft and they give me a lovely understory but also a great contrast to one another [Music] is that the frame for my dog lou is then this goes on there the big pit down there that sits oh lovely so you put your foot on that put in whatever you've got to put in with water and it eventually overflows down there it goes down and apparently it's a good idea alan can't you just sort of like hold the dog over it and then sort of like give a little wipe afterwards these are top pampered pooches by the way you can do that [Music] in salford danny has a final flourish for his mini transformation a bar edged in bamboo for drinks and below a bed and treats for the dog well this poor secular table's really coming together that's great isn't it i do like it a few finishing touches watch the table well yeah there you go that's it we've done it [Music] so further this way i think [Music] and we're done we've done really well haven't we yeah yeah i think it's a marvelous garden the bamboo on the screen a bamboo on this prosecco table and the bamboo around the plants it's gorgeous love it right it doesn't really matter what we think no it's what dawn and missy think fingers crossed just two days ago dawn's backyard was an unused dumping ground dominated by an overgrown shrub now she'll be greeted by a serene calming garden shades of green adorn the walls while bamboo cladding brings the spirit of asia to the space the statement planting puts bamboo in the spotlight and softens the whole look a thai inspired entertainment area complete with bar and dog treats below should delight dawn and her prized pooch missy oh my sorry i don't even know what to say i don't know you've done it it's just amazing thank you sorry i didn't think i'd cry sorry yes okay you're most welcome yes it is and i know that you're a prosecco kind of girl so we've got a little bar here for you oh so you can stand with your friends and have a drink it's amazing thank you very very much all right wait till you've come on yeah i've been crying oh my god oh my god look at the table oh my god is how lovely the ladies are popping up the bar already and it looks like it's party time and the dogs are enjoying themselves too i think it's a job well done oh stone's coming in ah in that garden i saw earlier there was so much gravel but it really does show off plants incredibly well it's also not a bad place the dog wants to do we we've got it's lou over there i know but this is a girl that's to cope with several dogs the thing about a gravel layer like this for a dog to we on is that it will drain really well and god willing it won't smell it's also better for a dog to wee on this than for a a female dog to wee on the lawn because that's when you get those yellow brown patches yep i won't let my dogs on the lawn nowhere near they have their own little section and they're not allowed anywhere near the lawn do you keep a watering can handy if you go over it immediately you've seen them go down and soak it with a watering can you can dilute it so but if you don't see where they've been you're stuck just talk like i'm on it we'll need to keep the dogs out of the water feature too we've gone for a lotus bowl yeah that's perfect yeah now this is a lovely dwarf water lily that i put in because this is the smallest of the white cup flower water lilies and it's going to lay itself perfectly in here because the leaves will all come up and fill all over the surface so without the light getting in it will reduce any algae growing in it and of course you get masses of these little white flowers and i think just in here it's going to be perfect for them [Music] now i want to add some lovely finishing touches to my salah so i'm creating some really nice drapes i want them to have a little bit of detail on them so i've bought this which is a radiator cover and i'm using it as a stencil you can get them online or at hardware shops and you can get them in lots of different patterns i've gone for this one and i'm just laying it on the edge i've created a bit of a barrier with newspaper because the spray paint i'm going to use kind of does move around and i don't want it to ruin any more of the fabric now i find it easier if you layer it up gradually because you get a nice even spread of spray paint then it doesn't go blobby and spitty hey that looks really nice doesn't it it's work to treat that stencil joe's son flynn is the reason we're here so i've invited him down to help with the garden hello flynn hello what do you reckon it's great not finished yet it still looks good though what is it about your mum and dogs she just loves them so much i think when she met her wife she had won and then she just kept getting more and more just helping him out whether they stayed for a year or two or still living with us now i've got a plan here just for you to plan this is a jasmine now jasmine in thailand is the mother's day flub yeah i've even doggy the hole just to be kind if you'd like to knock the pot off so just tap the pot off slide the pot off that's it nightly lure it in lean it towards the pillar there we go and firm it in with your fingers have you ever planted anything before in your life uh no this is the first time that's it you got it lovely there you are you've done it your first plant yeah so what do you think your mother will think that you've planted the thailand mother's day plant i think it will definitely get me in the good books that's for sure well look you come back and see when it's finished i've got quite a lot to do but thanks for that well done what oh look at that so impressive here we go well done straight over here into that corner there okay that's it yeah drop it down yeah next one is over here right the last one you'll be pleased to know is right down there that's it let's leave it like that like that with all our hard work nearly done there's just flynn's area to kit out pivot right i'm pivoting another cool really relaxing this hammer it isn't it once it's up okay you need to get in it i like this here this is working for me i need something here what cocktail just a few decorative touches including joe's rejuvenated buddha perfect and we're done [Music] can you remember what it looked like mercifully not just completely different isn't it well i'd love to come to this part of thailand in late and buzzard i know it's lovely isn't it i'm really thrilled with my salad i'd like one in my own garden of course it's not just for the humans it's also for the dogs as well so i think we've got everything okay they're gonna love having to run around here quick shower go to the toilet it's got everything they need but i hope flynn likes his hammock when he his and hers yeah and add theirs well done all for more information on how we built this garden go to forward slash alan keep your eyes closed okay joe open your eyes [Music] oh my god just imagine i would just say how many buddhas there it's amazing i'm speechless i never i'm never speechless you've got a shower down there for your dogs oh my god it's like being back in thailand it's absolutely beautiful will you come out here now yes [Music] i can't i can't take it in you know when you visualize something this is not where i visualize at all it's so much better this is absolutely beautiful this is just out of this world i love my buddha i've never restored a buddha before and now you have now your son has never planted anything in his life right so alongside that first upright here there's a jasmine a white flower jasmine that's trained up there flynn planted that but that is what they plant for mother's day for their mums in thailand what will flynn and joe's wife kelly think of the garden it doesn't even look like our garden go and have a look that's it have a walk through beautiful huh enjoy you're very very welcoming they're comfy come on now flynn you've got to try out this hammock for me okay there you oh look go hello this way more grass here we go what do you think [Music] joe came back from thailand never having really had a holiday because she was so busy rescuing dogs so if joe couldn't go to thailand again then thailand had better come to joe and i think it has and from her reaction and that of kelly and flynn i think it's going to make an enormous difference to their life a life spent doing things for other people well it's been our pleasure to do something for them till the next time love you garden bye-bye i've done a long shift today and this is the first time i've been able to come back and do this [Music] thank you [Music] you
Channel: Cuppa Tea
Views: 42,965
Rating: 4.8760757 out of 5
Id: xv3uCbmgn2k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 51sec (2811 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 08 2021
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