Love Speaks Truth in Love - Bong Saquing - First, Love

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you were watching Christ's Commission fellowship changing lives for eternity praise God maple we're just continuing our series on first love MLM Newport almond time I can see last Friday we were exchanging greetings now some people are saying happy Valentine's Day even among happy heart day and because often times we think of love you heart symbol but in equate nothing's a love and can I just tell you this the real symbol for love is not the heart but the cross SI unit the poem symbol where he sacrifice himself to save us ayman po k sub capital n ib rocks a happy red cross and hey green cross is ok also nowadays now parents kidding aside what we want us to remember is that somehow the real love the unconditional love that we receive is really from the love that Jesus Christ expressed on the cross for each and every one of us air mapa heilige whenever we think of love always remember Jesus okay now since we're doing a series on first love and the greatest of this a little bit importante and now before I proceed may I found a vaccine from the scripture on Co vide 19 Allen Diwan sir copied nineteen people are of obviously are very much afraid because of that virus and separate we have to be prepared we have to be careful and about we have to protect ourselves but there's something that somehow God wants us to remember it William vaccine nothing to call one last name okay Tanya to call one last name and the papaya indeed we had this sentence of death within ourselves so that we would not trust in ourselves but in God who raises the death Allah Allah had meant ah or they thought that they are in control of their lives come in son it's also good for us to realize that my lives are limited now that's so that we would not trust on our own wisdom the people that trust own strength but instead we had to trust on the Lord came out amazing Leto somebody shared this with me that there were groups of Christians ministering in Wuhan and Hebei and they were not afraid to be inflicted with the virus because initially now we need to reach out to these people because they need the message of eternity because I don't get the Sabrina but in God who raises the dead Alice how many Jesus I am the resurrection and the life whoever believes in me though he dies lives so I look at the hotel know if you know that you belong to Jesus now I know amazing society know the reason why we're not afraid and we keep on doing what God wants us to do because he will surely help us accomplish his will but they don't amazing youmu high more hindi marina Managua with or without virus pretty kind of a mobile I can see everybody dies cinema gotta be more Sammy Milan the nebula we were sorry to say Mohammed a khadeem me whether you like it or not but I'm canola are we prepared to face death you don't know are we prepared and if we know God we are trusting him and obviously death can never stop us can you mark a path even imagine they were shining now they're shining now in China bucket then they were wearing jacket yellow jacket and they were sharing the gospel to these people in this unit area why are you not afraid of this virus because my lives is eternal we belong to Jesus and get the mood to Lucilla there helping people here do you maintain behind Nitai you mark Christians we have all the opportunity to be loving because we do not care for our lives here on earth for our lives is for eternity amen pop but happy never to be more what kind of Matt aho boosted up Co ha now let me ask you this question there are you wanting the Jesus any wanting me Jesus love God love one another camera without the heart because they they have a they have so many things that they want to acquire no indeed one thing God love one another if we are intimate with God I don't that but look at the Hooton now listen can I ask you a question are you a saint can I see your hands if you believe that you are a saying yeah my ok ok good indica if you don't believe you're the same Basilica might look at us you don't believe that you're a saint well the guy that I saw coming here and you were saying are you a saint now if you believe you're a saint raise your hand ok good thing that you are not succumbing oh yeah yeah now if you don't believe you're a saint raise your hand put into a nice newer Naha window can I say again if you don't believe that you're a saint please raise your hand oh good so you in Bali to telegin oh my he picks her be him known now let me just explain this to you not Allah as Filipinos not to insult our belief normally is nothing a saint is someone Kalon deny someone the Pelican they recognized a mother do young sane and they're dead dama but listen to this in the Bible when the word Saint is used cinema Paul an apostle of Christ Jesus by the will of God in other words he was writing to him through the saints who are at Ephesus so they were still alive mama boy pasilla so to the Saints who were at Ephesus and who are faithful in Christ Jesus you weren't the same anemic Sabinas holy or set apart they were called chosen and they were set apart for whom for Christ and this is something beautiful they are committed followers of Jesus they are faithful in Christ Jesus they are not perfect bucket nearly doesn't need Jesus because of Jesus by His grace a phenomenal 807 imbibe all a lot more in this is a perfect because it for by grace you have been saved through faith and that not of yourself it is what a gift of God not as a result of works so that no one may boast now listen to this hey Jana Apio we know that before we are separated from Christ because we're sinners but because of Jesus Christ look at what happened next if we believe in him and we are followers of him a subpoena but now in Christ Jesus you who formerly were far off have been brought near by the blood of Christ because of the blood of Christ that was shed on Calvary he cleanse us from my sins and gave us the avenue to be connected with him now say frequently Wodonga pain amiga who connect Nakara Midian so now that you were a saint because of God's choice but an O in a MIMO now you are a saint you are saved you are set to fight for God's purpose now are you a follower of Jesus can I see your hand if your favorite Jesus can I say that if you are a follower of Jesus you are what a saint so are you saying so you're a same now why is that important to know that we are Saints alanya market kasi new ID as a saint our ID our identification there and this is what love hindi amala paul love an identification allah know there was a pound car on police a pound a on go a new UN Castellano pignoli magna holy T not a person Oh Canary adulterer in alligator on a roof are a cop in America but alligator said oh my own late or not knockin and dupa dupa no problema not only when they were caught obviously they had to be punished at you tato hindi aruna cool ayah Allah Miata to Nagini gametes among AHA yo página mark on human anatomy in it Wow Tina to Sandow Mila SP is the ship thief Rubino ship if so she she thief thief thief doc oh that was been about to pasilla you know but so you saw him he had no choice he run away he went to another town now Hindi Alam you sta on Cynthia Mahayana and every day of his life is being insulted Tashi TV please a possession of a Bugaboo hi Pierrot me Mom the you are looking upon us day Papa no school cigar is a found a minion she shipped my girl comes in SM Prima Materia no Mozilla put an immense a solution and taboo you come petunia on the other hand in bonamana a menial our own choice Castle on akuto so Dina but oho tank up Co neck pakka by telling a horse and leave now gamma gamma Sheen and I'm a booty didn t any animal buddy so make it that they did me Monday you hand up mom put the circle in town pretty mama me and hit me that OSHA's are known HD only possibly panahon a Harley motor nanine are you I know in Hollywood on Anila go on Ibiza be known sabe no apology : Oh Cynthia Cosima by Jamie mug big guy motto Lou insuk up for me ma am your own Christian Khmer entire ID magma Holland Christian mappable ah sake never I say pre-mission but thinning then were you monotone kasam when you read those as ECM miss Edna Catania was seen by M Christensen finding its appeal again Yin Indian St macaque and Indian hello lipoproteins Artem IVA through the to log sleeping that antigen not what is a being so what I'm saying is this there is an identification for every Christians or everyone who claim to be Christians they are known by the love that they possess bucket Sabini Jesus a new commandment I give to you that you love one another even as I have loved you that you also love one another look at the words by this all men will know that you are what my followers you might have disciple followers if you have love for one another you don't idk other events in officience when Paul was addressing them as Saints look at what they were saying therefore ahead precedence of the Lord employ you to walk in a manner worthy of the calling with which you have been called if you're called to be Saints then walk accordingly I'm Sabina with all humility gentleness patience showing tolerance war one another in love I'm gonna be being didya to preserve the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace now what is that humility gentleness Lana they were taller and only be civilian patients are you can remember Savino love is patient kind River love is not arrogant or bastino kappa little humble so seminary Selita what God is saying you are to be what loving pocket Cassie you not sell yourself in the Holy Spirit and Protestant love no no vamper if you belong to Jesus you have the Holy Spirit in you and obviously you are to be loving now Indian people eat yet unnatural the pocket oniton case a banana John passenger see Polly on see Jesus what they see John consistent Sheila beloved let us love one another for love is from God and everyone who loves is born of God and knows God the one who does not love does not know God for god is love me Bhuvan sara bareilles at the yin yin and christians and i pray that if you claim to be sane and follower jesus people would know that you are one loving loving me ma-kun Jerry Saahil it may seem bull a heart so nice obscene a code name symbol they were an oppa hallelujah huh yes Anna Massey Jessa book the beam is obscene also by oh happy Jess a day Jason he said nanananana but when people think of us they think of love indeed I am now a mission in atomic Bob Bible study Hindi no Monica trabajo automata Mon Ami Bera no no never Vera what is Lompoc snobby and problem with yeah J no how what is that it's a Jain day well I said of no no in Laguna main panel and more and a polymer Lawrence is patient Lawrence is kind Lawrence is not arrogant Lawrence is not enough unbecoming develop no no cuz he why because he is love you know Christian same preeminent wouldn't really dad we don't see that much we don't see that much in fact our country's known to be the only Christian country in the nation and in the in the Far East and yet sad to say we are not loving people because we are so selfish Jana what is love sobbing Anna pastor Peter he gave us this wonderful definition love is from God it's something supernatural it's unconditional commitment towards imperfect people to seek what their highest good then negative in you are you seeking that the highest good for that person no and sometimes it oftentimes requires sacrifice for his glory yon and pag-ibig K young love is includes loving imperfect people obviously includes what loving difficult people potentially more a Korean gang young I am a very difficult person to love hanuman my indian Covanta of Indian power I'm here Perry whole entire I am Paula Gekko my Indian kita now Hindi Nanta posed or did I that was done last week's have any pastor Peter at all do not know mini-review Co you can young an Iranian preaching on Kentucky in the Sabina when we love we accept people as is where is Rama the Omega T never gonna be yeah as Eastern Eastern capita the catalana de la Marck back open gap inca tanga pita but yeah but we must be contributory in making them making them the people that God wants them to be and maybe Serbian eco capella connect mama halka de Botton Tarun a yawn manga Prieta as you are but obviously because I love you I want to be a contribution to make you better to make you the person that God wants you to become now as a parent for example my grandpa's a senior right sunako ship in the bottle in my dad I love a puppy embargo and Indian are a reflexive cry so as a father if I love my children obviously I will train them so bingo what comic data book the book a baton or in typical maroon indica a Lamborghini my sister who convertible TT demon uncle Thomas a Cali Oaxaca and oppa in the up arrow as much as I did I said I of my store but I one love them can put this up a guy and he bought me some about a PK may not even get to sorry Gustav of a kind oh come on cool am pikarin in cool ina I'm Paula yeah sigh a sigh and yo yo yo hot dog or monkey king hot dog hog again yeah hey I love you more OCD for Lulu get the comb comb Anka go like mine good talk Nepal hi Oh Yuma mama take us a go to Mullen edema syrup pnina pili pili so a token syllabus I want to train my children not just to eat for the sake of eating but to eat to be free not just to be fed but to be healthy to be usable na ma na warning you so even no one was he laying in a train Wasilla same thing with honesty same because he if they would not learn this come Hanuman Silla so this is the challenge we did is our calling as Christians they are going to pull this and buggy the Department Indian let's read the scripture now as a result for this we are no longer to be children tossed here and there by waves and carried about by every wind of doctrine nothing we want them to be prepared even at the back would the school employee know Hindi you cannot avoid that but you need to prepare them so that when the time comes he missed influence on a mundo because this world whether we like it or not they are carried about by every wind of doctrine by the trickery of men by craftiness in deceitful scheming this world is a world of falsehood this world is the world of pricks you better haven't they offer you something and they say business life but in reality it destroys them just watch the media just watch the movies you can easily see the women but don't know Hanuman Tao just break down celebration of Valentine didn't even know no one in power nothing will happen Valentine well under gamma he'll say your on a month-long ki even on the ballot I please otherwise I would be so lonely - ah come Valentine in the Milan emerging lonely valley noon I'm coming my Valentine pero ban me uncle on Cap'n Wonka Valentino another vanilla cuz I am damming the bundestag my castle during Valentine's because they were given the thought knock upon minigame moms are really more Mahalo moko cooking they are yo Cunha they were really you know fun you know who you'll become happy big news rock belong they were makeup epoch blobs I mean a mccoullough anak my god before but London company big night or name wouldn't be scale because they would be several no happy is a boo-boo Iike me doctor Abajo Abajo kapa haka Papa so are you following a young dal makhani now mama Ghulam cuz he nila Andina to Rama he simply missin go in la mulana how I wanna low on a media 15 years old in love with animals in general mr. Benham lab welcome Mahalo million vinegar Honda woman lankan above us and yet and selamat said Jose well now hoonigan Canyon problema Sonico by his grace by just valuing what God wants bucket T nice I've been in Bible because we are living in a world of falsehood deceit okay I'm so good but speaking what the truth in love we are to grow up in all aspects into him who is the head even Christ you know your protection if you belong to Jesus and a protection more you be part of the body of Christ tamo hello you be part of the body of Christ Kyle Newman I mean Christians as a Christian but they're not willing to be part of the body they're not willing to commit a linear become an important Ian because in the body you can only experience speaking the truth in love bakit karma you will be rebuked you will also be able to rebuke bucket Cosima - tweets are you because we don't see everything we have blind spots but unless somebody else will tell us what's wrong with us we will never know and I sat on but I said nobody's telling nobody's willing to tell us nobody really cares hi Anna you must be willing to commit and say I'm part of the body K young anti-hindi committed SATA one yeah we keep on challenging people's small groups pocket you see this is a man looking group on a talk mahira peer in a smaller group for example Marilyn my integration with - Ruger Ito but you must be willing to be collected say somebody tamama at this myrin tell you she new mentoring deeper bleeder meant are you area past or the pocket in degree epistle among she said a minute ago Susan did no never he belonging to Peru and emotion doctrine only like Toto Roberto Cebu hi Catherine we must have here on the war in the mainland aquahama like an apostle and more Robo yet miss our young life we something on a neighbor in Kapaa TV coming up [Laughter] sobbing n-never think I have to do one thing we need to commit happiness have my money Cassie Jesus is what the head even Christ it's a picture of body Jesus is the head we are parts of the body in other words from whom the whole body being fitted and held together by what every joint supplies according to the proper working of each individual part causes the growth of the body for the building up of itself in love that's a calling if we belong to the Lord then we as a body everybody must contribute we are not seeking on what we can get we are seeking with what we can contribute to make the body grow and grow grow in our relationship with Jesus grow in the character of Christ in the growing numbers but grow in the likeness of Christ Tama Nakata began now given you power amazing neato and deepen it up was done look at this and put on what the new self which is the likeness of God has been created in righteousness and holiness of the truth Subbiah it o as in put on soothing me paka paka feel a more indicative luma anything happy you are a new person I mean in any way this therefore laying aside falsehood speak truth each one of you with this neighbor for we are members of one another what have you notice what have you notice when God tells us to speak the truth a new animal requirement lay aside falsehood you speak the truth but you a side falsehood and Anupam Sabine and falsehood no part of a kite Indian dynamo booty new Genesis you first men they were very transparent well as hidden teen Otago one God what is it the devil they were naked the person you wanna see long Tina Pargo unity with Sabine and they were very honest there's no falsehood in them Cassie but as I was a dance about while a sealant in Otago but when they fell into sin and a nunnery they started to hide you know my DN insane you know idnum falsehood we are hiding something kiyoung apple see a big position at sea lord Jamia Oh again the hynerian Protoss shabam support the procedure he's now not admitting responsibility because he has hiding from the truth you through the accommodation on a canonical a chapel you by bayi bone in my body Oh silly dude anyone ever photo by an indie pop you are us the messenger they are all in a brain shift at your brain signal is hiding something hiding the truth however this is the world of falsehood Kenema ha tell you that we're trying to hide something Ayana concern constant eye upon my pimples we're trying to hide it like in a concealer Hindi muscle my you know what I'm saying is this more than anything you know that you are in sin because you're hiding something me bhai you wrecked Otago cedilha Maha Solomon but otaku again you know then hiding something no I indeed I'm up exampie hey young man Tom when you are telling them the truth I'll guarantee that because they're hyping the realities payable attire Castlevania Bucky speak the truth each one of you with this table for we are members one of another Champion I'm not telling you to hide enough - to be honest I see my booboo kinkle on him began on Christian is more than that unchristian indecision accessible at all they're not at a conscience of consequence of knowing that I know you but I'm discovering the falsehood or the lies Ohia my Baba we unseal on in the Christians they do not lie because of the new nature and Samia for we are members one of another because now I belong to God I cannot just still the I cannot just the same people but because God is a God of truth he is in me and I belong to him how can I lie Nahanni in establish blessing - - animate autosave upon Allah given a helper and Jo Kentaro Hungate Conya epic gothic Pan Am conn-young falsehood but you'll never be free you'll never be free you will only be free or be free or experience a real freedom when you know the truth and the truth shall set you free you desecrated and just kept elite io Casa Vida Bible a Adam and let no unwholesome word proceed from your mouth knowing that you're a new person but only such a word that's good for edification according to the need of the moment so that it will give grace to those who hear and look at the words do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God by whom you were sealed for the day of redemption here is Jesus Christ here when you receive Christ he gave me the Holy Spirit and that Holy Spirit filled sky hung up on maligne you know I'm gonna get Libya you would sense it you would say ooh pattern in tea tomahto hindi tamil become a poly because the Holy Spirit has feelings this is a person no I am the mom or hey as long as you're not living with the truth of the damn Dina you're a new creation Nakula become a problem huh yeah yeah it one-upping topic introduction dong yang Lin Lang foundation love speaks truth in love okay man Radhika love speaks truth in love like I didn't die now see see see Peter jr. gave a very wonderful message this morning if you have time a noreña and he gave this action in the action him love speaks truth in love or again so becomes an allele academically more than love speaks truth in love okay / okay so some on your mother made you by kissing me secure me but love speaks truth in love works on my passivity be let love speaks truth in love okay so what nothing Kelly Mouton so every time when you're in the you in the correct India no we were with a puppeteer Natalia that I do not even maja non-core bid nineteen so Mozilla are no pretending in Dominion now so listen to this love is for the saint and the same loves okay if you forget everything lamb is for the saint and the same loves so what does it do when we say we love we are saying Tama then lab speaks and it speaks the truth in love now listen to this love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth it is a problem nowadays if you love me then please accept me and just just the way I am para mañana para problema you shouldn't ro ma malinka hide nama lima living in Agua mo in this haven't Obama ha asabi does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth imaginable severe Papa don't beers on vanilla but begin morning motorcycle no Gus immigrant right the in tandem for me baby but in the beginning he nip attackers on TiVo Omaha owner in the pokey begin like a convenient I oh but what rejoices with the truth no honey no we don't know how to express lab properly because having a Bible no speak the truth in now Sabino nicely I don't problem então uneasily now whenever you speak the truth in love that part in Dina Hamasaki but love hurts the truth hurts girl now it's like a knife it's like nice never make up to none oh you anion come through like a missile my sake Mary is an baba succedaneum Kanazawa when I see Nana so boom insulin and Musa speaks you got $3,000 in Yin what along and say firing very an apparent special breed and cap now from Canada a well Ambala Hebo parent Shami skin lung didn't a pure Mahalo Mahalo inaudible AMA - look enough so Sabrina Baba a sweet ride my special Amanda hapara my Jubilee Banga bang perhaps a New York who doesn't learn don't but now say France put on say Italy Samia sweetheart Nicole new monomer Gallagher sanic sanic not in her Oh Shemp in a man okay now the Mockingjay sign New York tomorrow see that chemist on Oh boot in a Monde kamusta six Fink's ah see we're getting in the Pine Island Garfield Garfield Oh Garfield is dead so no the ocean Garfield okay oh oh tapas flippin Kannamma surprise even a man didn't know submitting in REO opening venomous a please even put - yeah I wanna begin oh mama sorry sorry % 7i India wouldn't get good money Ock Obama said over see mommy happening but none more Oh Missy Missy mommy are you in the market Super Bowl tournament noona Hindi Kadapa Peron I know Bruce cool River pillow mints and Yohanan whether we like it or not Misaki in devotion by us and not to retire Kahneman been a practicing SATA one kept in a practice sensor offense another one apoptosis happiness oh how would you do that you see me knowledge in having common sense Indian DISA be him as I've said in the Camilla Marcus again on you can indicate me Varun ohmic civilian - oh I'm sorry max a beam upon Omaha and I praise God that God brought me in CCF unit and the new body ministry cousin you will learn from each other and sometimes God uses people other Christians to rebuke you just to show you some example know how I really praise God for our senior pastor for their modeling for their example the mandolin poppin orange a personally I love you baby [Music] at that time the Nader was very nice you have Rizal statue is a tourist attraction and yet the beautiful sunset actually after our date he spoke in a small church in Manila and I thought I'd like to marry a man who loves God and serve God from his own research oh we should they put your church your favorite color green I thought three who will be green in Vienna now that's my favorite color that's mine [Music] for us we always look for improvement so we usually ask our results as each other how can I improve how can I become a better husband so through this kind of question and answer we get to know it's either more I think if you know somebody you really want to get to know them and you want to please them so it's a wife I really want to know what he likes so that I can do it for him because I want to please him and serve him and I do that because I love him and I also love to say Odie back father didn't buy below then AHA is speaking the truth in love we had to grow up in all aspects into him who is the head even Christ ever you speak it so that you would grow cuz it is not being immoral our money here I don't wanna example alguien Ayanami any lasagna get it in an aqueous Ajo how can I improve as a hospice happier garlic Kalani develop a deli of course little by little you're growing you're growing cause in our society money ending I mean the whole tommix Army Corps doing that but Duane Bobick open spaces in Albania in autocracy you you love one another Tom are you speaking out in the you part Brahimi kalam thousand in time assume our board POC Sabo given the control never get on the signup code in a novela how can I be a better father to you I love the fantasy delightful I use him amazingly though little by little you're improving also so when you ask them who you're improving they were cousin you love each other and along with this what I learned people who do not already still living in falsehood that they are afraid to speak the truth because they're afraid to hear the truth they say we're hiding from our if we're hiding our imperfection we're hiding our our weaknesses we don't want people to know about it because a we're living in falsehood said we are imperfect people we're sinners and God saved us Ayana Beaubien creanga box inna Bianca thank you for telling me thank you Cassie at least I know somebody really cares not wanna know I'm not telling you it's easy I'm not telling you it's not hurt I heard think it's not painful it is painful because again love hurts love is painful but if you want to grow growing pains are inevitable are you following him be more people a growing part and growing Pynchon now go on hey Jana it took she expected to scare the Bible Sabina shopping on the CS Lewis beautifully said something inner to love at all is to be what vulnerable love anything in your heart will certainly be wrong and possibly be broken if you want to make sure of keeping it inter you must give your heart to no one what come on mama ha wrap it carefully round with hobbies and little luxuries avoid all entanglements lock it up save in the casket or caffeine of your selfishness and Sabina but in that casket safe that motionless airless it will change it will not be broken it will become unbreakable impenetrable irredeemable the alternative through tragedy or at least to the risk of tragedy is domination and the only place outside heaven where you can be perfectly safe from all the dangers and perturbation of love is what hell are you me suck that FEMA are you wanna maintenant church group is Alana haha socket but that's reality of them you will be broken that's reality of love you will be hurt but that's where real love is tested mind in Ian a second one on tests of pain well on tests of her pain and power you hurt for sure you'll never understand love is Anna Simon Bible better is open rebuke repute is not easy to heal the love that is concealed you none to tompoma market angling Sabrina during the National breakfast see I know art or art or Brooks gave a very wonderful message February long at WrestleMania civility and tolerance I lost standards Jesus did not say tolerate your enemies he said love your enemies answer hatred with love you know what they say from right now and I'm sorry that para when LM Gulu we're getting nothing confrontation Gulu yeah I'm gonna that's not love that's a very low standard as I've been learned good enough you tell that's real love Mike a comedian if I if you see me doing something wrong if you see you do you see me doing something that not godly or not pleasing to Jesus a loving person ko kya a tight eye and samsara told me I'm gonna go mo pastor so be him karna vampa rebuked Majo pipe no cause I said move up and again I'm only time over hello just having a simply winning car in Monza beyond cuz I become happy cause he bought me a book sabi mo why don't you know one Damon of our good cuz I enemy killing the double pinga Marina marina be savvy more but you just don't know where he's coming from Tom Abba hey a subpoena Bible and sorry do not speak against one another brethren he who speaks against a brother or judges his brother speaks against the law and judges the law but if you judge the law you are not a doer of the law but a judge of it and this is happening to us what my condemned did I blew quick about him yes come here don't misunderstand Maho right this a picnic couple yeah never money you and Cassie you're judging him cuz he you know the heart we need to understand you need to listen condominium are Christians they claim to be very knowledgeable in the scripture be the judge people they condemn people he is a false prophet he said but how do you know that person do you know that person you just heard a certain a certain a certain type of the message become go home Deena hey Munna that's very unloving hello and gpio yup in a brutal brutal way I don't pattern the more new name is a SATA and you condemn the person without even knowing the person will incur Noonan okay Jana we are doing that in a church setting because we are to know its other are you following okay speak it out cuz I've been I'm telling you there is only one low giver in charge you may not agree with the person but you don't need to condemn the person because the one who is able to save and to destroy but who are you who judge your neighbor well that time the non karapatan guess I mean um Bible what's your words and hold your tongue and you'll save yourself a lot of grief kabandha membrane yes we are to speak the truth in love but never took on them never to destroy because bucket because our motivation is love because love speaks the truth in love number two my policy place is still a truth truth what does it mean in other words there for laying aside falsehood speak truth each one of you with this table for we are members of one another you know what God is saying if you want to be truthful if you want to speak the truth in love you need to be honest to god you cannot end alone and just you need to be honest to God if I'm going to tell this truth what is really my motive how should I say it the way you need to be honest to God means and we want to be are using truth for our to manipulate people never miss an Indian man telega because you want the truth for this person - no no we want to use the truth to manipulate the person money muscle my own it's not truthful such a sample of Lionel I love a poo you see I know see Peter the gland rodent in a door it's a circling a cinema onion pop oh no la Luna but I but I see two people tiananmen evelyn akhator nearly binging are you in our guna cap opinion in capita Mia see more Impala animal it huh Jane Ellen CJ salvini Jane sorry yeah Peter hi I know what you did last summer keep on how you must Chuck down the dock yeah Oh feet yeah let's give gamma cannon a new truce nemanja cinavia but he was trying to money but the manipulate Peter was happy now okay sure you assigned to wash the dishes on that particular night okay Jane don't forget he was a decent Oh No Peter told me that he will do it for me oh yeah biggie nominated market but I am Peter Peter a long week at the permanent Peter yes I told her I will wash the dishes so well enjoy see Peter solution and damn it palma requests when I read that but Ali Selassie Peter and Kazama indeed blood misawa's you Katya sasame see Jane Cassie Aloha in a gamete he was being being manipulated so sobbing anyway Lamarr Peterson on the nanny and I i lo so sorry I killed Lois duck Sabine Lola I know purposing Lola ala BIM we're just waiting for you to tell us you see some people they used to choose to manipulate people they will tell you the truth they will not tell others the truth but the truth is they are not truthful only thing clockwise having a Bible you need first to lay aside falsehood you be honest to God that you're not using this for your advantage sample Parliament Indian attend yes it is true that the Lord hates like he hates is considered it as an abomination to the Lord he hates lying our union but beyond that God wants us to Stan that then is sometimes you can be truthful you can be telling the truth but you are not truthful at work alina wrong reasons Leoben a manga neato they may be telling the truth pero falsehood brain sample got a mythical upon Alan Alan follow me ho Clyde see Clyde cutter beam or a meal she Clyde's a meal Lawrence rayona Lanka Sri Assyrian Allah okay Here I am now sea lion so I don't see em me L see Clyde Mach I began the Cambrian McKay began Scylla Hector see Lawrence like they're all working in one companies Orion's Lawrence play is a meal supplied I don't see a meal Pina Pina see Lawrence okay Samantha long si si an Assyrian and the Dolan and Ariane since KB gamma Clyde Hindi Nikita nuclide new Papa taken Lawrence pero pero alumna and apathy knee a meal she Lawrence Tom Abajo bucket Chrissy Fatah could be a Milnes have been effect light delicate begins Elaine so when the FBI came or the NBI came for the investigation didn't on see Clyde like Nikita MOBA nap in a tiny Emile see Lawrence obviously he was telling the truth he'd be Ksenia never get a make on missile launch Amir Tama pero at Uncle Vanya pero Nikita Co see Ryan and true Nikita see Ryan don't he was telling the truth are you following but he was not truthful because he was trying to deceive and tell these investigators Bacchus see Ryan and gum ovah heah me lirik the co onion Kay began see a meal are you following kyuri no problema hey you need to understand Hindi about telling the it is being truthful Maccabean and is not a thing when you say the truth something truth to someone now hindi naman say involves a problema to the wrong person otherwise you said it to the wrong person that's not being truthful Khun Yanni Jin goo samosa be Allah a toto Guinot - Amir ganor Vanya hindi naman say involved para Maggie solution necessary no minimize involve are making solutions of problema in fact he did not really know what had transpired she does have been alemannic like a Lorenz penicillin Kunlun bugger number and indeed managing partner solution in diamond is a fiefdom problema and talk John gossip not teach is Miska Sonia nobody know you may be telling the truth but you are not truthful women are never meeting meeting the Union you may be may person you learn without others without knowing about other transpired Medina without the benefit of me giving this person a chance to also explain himself this mission that is not being truthful are you following hello now be important example panel and when you maintain behind their homes in started saying you can see missin we played with this issue of truth there but the issue is truthfulness halimbawa hanim Bala Nagar away came a cassava miss analysis happy with the logic and among gun yummy means that long in punggye-ri nagging lagina may be acceleration young memories the Kalevala now you are why because of this laghima lung now warning you can be careful with the words bucket you see it's still not being truthful you are always like this you are always doing this you weren't always a step through but had the money some bag realism based on money array Nahanni no even a man Grantham has a p.m. Vanessa Samuelson Lawrence a lot more Lawrence camisole piscina gali camisa UV casita genome amo Samantha when you've got it she nominee Momo piscina para credible in fact somebody confronted me that way actually we the congregation we felt it this way wait wait wait wait are you representing the whole congregation or you're just speaking for yourself no we know no were you able to speak to every one of them and they did give you the right to speak for them we know Malian Nocona yo let me sign I have to confront the person by saying Miley and don't ever do that when you are to give your comment or feedback ko UN you just stand for yourself not trying to tell the person communion money you can see that's exaggeration bah bah bah are you following cause it means Arabic incredible Marama Khmer Indian economy is a very calm onion now I can be careful of not being Foursquare lay aside falsehood you need to be honest to God be honest to yourself and be honest to people around you be truthful that's the idea heya howa Tonopah importante you see bread game in sweet for a man but after why this mode will be full of gravity being at car now what else am i untruthful words you see these the continuations have been a Bible do not let no unwholesome talk come out of your mouths but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs this is sometimes the people don't realize they use the truth to bring down the person untruthfulness you build the person up are you following without flattery hindi tie in a bow bola Indian a team you know but our heart our motive is love I need to build this person up I'm telling you this truth because it will help you to become better not to destroy you because some people they will use the truth to bring down a person he began an unchristian because we are members one of another if I put down a person I'm putting everyone down including myself now Kousuke mahi Penang my booty Missy Makita okay now move about but I see ball bouncing Delia I see you see now I know but am i keeping your booty okay love you Santini bah-bah-bah go I'm a barista yeah I mean Bauer Lauren alla vodka nominee I'm a see Lawrence Dominion if he is a brother so I will use my gift to destroy him to put him down not one in you so in box a kosher box I'm a box I'm a box I don't know you're a party you humming books up because we're one we're one body but if I will use the gift that God has given me to lift him up lifting up maybe as a contribution no my contribution because I love this person but none are it but he whom Allah guided push yourself in at least I'm not Nina who Tom over it congratu meeting in las que para boo hot in the ho Sai Baba Nyonya Malika yeah Thank You Lorenza no you no idea you no idea don't you love Natori to Yunnan no honey no no ii don't wanna Lita but the limited to God I own a port aunty I do not use unwholesome word and wholesome power you have to build the person up hey Jana you know you're truthful because what didn't you you speak kind words you know you're truthful why because you you you you use gentle words as I've said last week love thinks being a greasy pan in deepest just happiness hobby be Nagisa fun in dilemma so gentle words Pleasant words you guys support achievement gospel let me send you in mythology one wish I had the one is a gospel because I can Jane up into Jesus Feliciano a bruja the Burmese are gonna be Dominion idea didn't you see Jesus have you noticed when he shares the gospel what a misshapen agency Ponyo how to approach the person because the idea of the truthfulness is to connect to make sure that the purpose is accomplished nothing you say it to them see Jesus gave us a book or something I know so you Samaritan woman by piranha gossip you see see even I know you young rich young ruler a by piranha so he he tries to speak to them the truth in a way that they would understand it hey no bata ho for example for Nakumatt now I'm I'm pure booty none on my own mera naam strawberry-flavored da man mr. Maron cherry pay play ball I know no one have been substance would not belong in Lhasa they gave a different presentation para matin got mo @ gu malinka hiya well em problem as a methods you may change your methods but the substance should never change the message is the same but the presentation might be different neva know for example as pastors we pastors we have different ways of presenting our topics but they just think the same thing we back up on the thing Reba by also cussing are you substance never change when you share the gospel he didn't isn't Branyan unimportant it do you really care do you really love this person are you really truthful are you really honest enough that what you want for this person to understand is the truth of Jesus Christ okay Pleasant words you need a harness words okay an honest answer is like a kiss in the lips are you following a bubble cover the truth is not just only make the people feel good the idea is for this person to really know the real truth clear you must be using wise understanding words no bucket put importante a too young truth Duncan is documenting them Jesus it's not only telling the person what is good for him but you're telling the person the person of truth Haniyeh I am the way the truth and the life behind important ian is happening you he who conquers shall have this heritage I will be scan and he shall be my son you know seven Jesus but as for the Cowardly the faithless the polluted as for murderers fornicators sorcerers idolaters and all Liars those who are not living in the truth of Christ are you following scintilla - there lad shall be in the lake that burns with fire and brimstone which is the second death sober painful Kassabian Lord no one comes to the Father but through me my son never but through Jesus Christ cuz not for important--i Kasab any jesus look at this for what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world and loses his soul not was enough Granderson our people but you were not able to help him see what will save his soul guess how many Jesus to those Jews what believed him if you continue in my word then you are truly disciples of mine and look at this if you are with Jesus you walk with this word you trust in his word at first you may not understand this fully but the moment you follow him and you you keep his words you know he said and then you will know the truth and the truth will make you free make a friend in the Empire and without that I no longer say oh you are the father the devil and you want to do the desires of your father he was a murderer from the beginning does not stand in the truth because there is no truth in him wherever he speaks a lie he speaks from his own nature for he is a liar and the father of lies and the only person who can free you from him the truth Jesus hey young sir can I challenge you I don't trust a lot about the tuna cationic be real talk we try our best to reach out to these people that they may know the truth you may not understand how to do it then you have the real talk we can break cashier Tama so allow me to end this with the testimony in Lassiter testimony or Peter tangi jr. but no limits today this is a picture of a walkway near our office and I share this picture because it has a special meaning to me there is a lady that would sit here and I would pass by her many days and I'm a hypochondriac so what I would do this is what it looks like I'm walking and I see her and she's an older lady and she is a Bible and a cop and here's what's in my mind she's using the Bible to get me to give money because I'm thinking she's a nice lady so I'm judging her already but what if she's an angel in disguise so god I want it you see how legalistic I am you see the crazy thinking Lord I want to be kind okay so I take some money and I'm afraid to touch the cup because it might have viruses so I try to aim it then I shoot it in and then I try to say God bless you and I go on so I'm I'm trying to be better than just giving money and I pat myself on the back and I think you're a good man you love someone I do that irregularly and one day my brother came into my room and he said do you know that lady who sits on that walkway by the way this walkway is that tall walkway you guys know the walkway in Shaw there's a walkway and show that's not normal it seems to go everywhere and nowhere at once you guys know this walkway near uni Mart that where is that walkway come from where does it go no one knows it pops up in weird places someday when you're near uni Mart you look you'll see something it's like a wonder of this country but this lady is there and he goes you do remember that lady I said yeah I see her all the time probably scamming us he says i sat down and talked to her like you did I'm thinking that's very dirty you know you you you know you sat there and he said I asked her why she's there and she told me that she came to Manila to work as a helper and the they cancelled the they didn't need her anymore and she didn't have enough money to go back so she's just trying to get enough money to go home I looked at him I said so what did you do he said so I I asked her how much she needed and she just needed a few hundred pesos and I shared the gospel with her and gave her the money and she was crying and I looked at my brother and I I felt sad because I felt convicted and I said you know I said to him wow I never thought of that and I told him well let's check if she's still there in a few days I've never seen her again I really I've never seen her there again up to this day and trust me I look sometimes and I was convicted because when I saw her I didn't have compassion I had this urge to do what I felt I should do so that God would be happy but I didn't want to know what's going on in her life and that's what we're talking about when we say love speaks truth why the Bible tells us little children let us not love with word or with tongue it's very easy to talk we talk trust me I'm talking but in deed and truth truth involves speaking but God is saying do not just say stuff if you're gonna say something speak truth and if you're gonna do it why not do it with deeds so that the combination of love then makes the truth real and the point singaporean yes it's so easy gamma booty but what these people need is the Lord more than you more than your good deeds but the Lord how would you know that you belong to this truth let me end with this verse but because I speak the truth you do not believe me which one of you convicts me of sin if I speak the truth why do you not believe me he who is of God hears the words of God for this reason you do not hear them because you are not of God how would you know that you belong to God you hear God you hear God speaking to our hearts you hear God telling you about Jesus the truth and you know I had insomnia and the brother somehow poop you know something Dylan being again sat with her share with her the scripture she cried and now perhaps she's back to her province Tama because she heard her crying alone upon a parameter me on the crying inside of loneliness they feel one to be wanted they feel to be except that they feel they want to be loved but nobody was telling them the truth that there is someone who loved them so much not because there he is there Valentine but he was someone who really loves him so much that he was willing to let his arms to be spread and be nailed on the cross because he cares for everyone crying inside looking for someone to love i Panetta Yamaha Vonnegut capitated in DePalma Delhi to share the truth of love this that love speaks the truth in love Indian model a people may not like you people may begin to reject you people may begin to think blah blah blah but you know what they're not rejecting you they rejecting the truth about it but if the love is overflowing it doesn't matter if they reject you doesn't matter if they don't understand fully but if your heart is true love will find a way el capitain a tompa no it's not you will never be able to speak the truth in love if you have not experienced the love of Jesus in your own life the Queen people to Aussie Jesus your Papa - are you it's not easy to be vulnerable because we're surface people it's that's easy to speak about the truth of this love can I serve any Jesus love one another as I have loved you K bhagavati pasa T again Michael Munna have you accepted this love in your own personal life Allah more convinced chyme are same but because I'm good but because Jesus loved me and he died for me on the cross opportunity of God is speaking to you be humble enough to accept this love because Jesus himself is inviting you to come those who labor and heavily come and I will give you rest I won't reject you I am learning for me I'm gentle I am I'm humbled I'm humble and meek come and I will give you rest perhaps you're you're one of them looking to be loved seeking for someone to to love you and you're just telling you now I love you will you accept my love for you about the Clicquot yan will you just humbly raise your hands the maha pooyan i want to accept the love of Jesus yes yes yes thank you Jesus yes yes be humble yes yes thank you Jesus thank you Lord and as you raised your hand you say Lord Jesus I accept your offer of love lord thank you thank you for dying on the cross for me thank you for for dying for my sin thank you for you the you delivered me from the penalty of sin because you took it from me you died for me you took the penalty of sin Oh God that I would be freed forever Lord Jesus I accept that love and thank you that you are alive and that you have given us your Holy Spirit to live a life victorious a life honoring to you so Lord Jesus I accept that offer fill me with your Holy Spirit Lord allow me to live for you to honor you and to glorify you thank you Jesus thank you Lord now let me speak to everyone for the rest of us here friends maybe the Lord speaking to you God wants you to speak the truth in love he wants you to be his channel you are his mouth you are his you are his hands to reach out you are his feet to move forward to really go and tell them that there is someone loving them and there's someone who loved them enough to bring them to eternity would you be willing to be his channel of that love to speak the truth in love to these people especially for those who are longing for it but it could go you and cocoa you that you want somehow what I want to practice that I want to speak the truth in love Quico your cup I did just raise your hand to me Majo I want I want to commit myself to be to be God's spokesman of his truth of his love yes yes be humble enough yes yes yes yes come to Jesus yes yes I love you we are called to love to speak the truth in love thank you Jesus hallelujah thank you Jesus yes yes hallelujah as you're committing yourself to be a god spokesman to be somehow to be God's channel or instrument to speak the truth in love to people God will empower you you may be afraid of now but God will empower you and for sure if God is in you that love is overflowing you see friends I less really God is real to you you will never desire to be a spokesman yes company just raise your hand thank you Jesus thank you Jesus for those who raised their hands will you stand up will you stand up with humility that's your commitment to Jesus Lord use me use me as your spokesman to whoever you bring in my life help me to be a channel an instrument of your love that I will speak boldly about your now that I will speak the truth in love Lord teach me how to do it but I'm just here standing up because I'm willing thank you Jesus thank you Lord Lord thank you thank you Lord for all my brethren standing up right now Lord I'm standing with them to declare that this prayer is my and our prayer father God before you use us father God as your mouth to speak the truth in love use us to be a channel father God of telling the world about you the truth but we may lay aside our falsehood father help us to be honest before you help us father got to understand that we need you we are helpless we are not no we are afraid that's why we're double minded whether we will stand or not we're afraid of God but we just want to lay aside this fall so that we where were braver courageous but knowing we admit that we are afraid but we want to be used by you because of your such great now towards us but we want to tell the world that you alone are what they need Oh God in their lives you alone can satisfy us you alone can really bring hope to everyone especially now that everyone is afraid of the virus afraid of death thank you Jesus thank you Lord that by your grace and by your mercy we will speak boldly of your truth and we will do it because we love you and we love the people whom you have created so you will teach may you teach us O God on what to say and what not to say that we may bring them to the truth thank you Lord Lord may you bless your people may you fulfill the desire of their hearts oh God thank you Lord bless us all father God and allow us to be the real church that speak and live the love that you have for us and for others in Jesus name we pray amen amen
Channel: Christ’s Commission Fellowship
Views: 132,263
Rating: 4.8620114 out of 5
Keywords: CCF, Christ's, Commission, Fellowship, Sunday, Service, Sermon, Speaker, Message
Id: s_FWQwGIpg0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 78min 41sec (4721 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 23 2020
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