Love at First Bark 2021 - New Love Hallmark Movies 2021

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] we talk about david beckham claudio canisia pele world-class players in the mls at their peak well it's time to add another player to that list because nobody's done more for the profile of u.s soccer than ryan and right now hawkes we are seeing is dominating the possession for most of us this often lately but he's got to be able to get rid of the ball as well as finish but you know what his choice is always going to be it's actually been a little flat for me this half from really i think they've got to get into the gear a little more i think after that equalizer really took the window [Music] you have to get going come on put your arm through here good boy there's this one practice your english what hook says the ball you wanna watch the game on plane one amazing players [Applause] what are you watching man give a card come on geez that's the ball ryan i was opening the tapping what's happening right now [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] he's got another goal good for him and now we have to go get you hmm [Applause] he's now only three goals away from beating lewandowski shared record of 27 goals in a season with the playoffs coming up he's got to fancy his chances [Applause] danny why the sad face hmm you can't scoring every game not even you hear hawks can do that first papa he had to work he always has to work but hey i took so many photos of you so he's gonna see what a little soccer star you are come on let's go fly this is gonna send you back to the laundry yeah really billy my man bente cinco claude i just got off the phone with lange reminded him this triggers another bonus clause oh that's why i love you baby that's not deeply good news really so let's pick it up after this [Music] hey billy we should chat sometime hey what's going on good game man also called again yeah and you like english food don't you i like wine country in the beach bill that's a good job i didn't tell them that they want you big time yeah what's the offer well it doesn't include a beach but they're talking about doubling what you make now and that's without all the extra endorsements come on bangers and match your mates me we love you baby yeah come on here nice to see you man oh i'll come back i'll come back hey this is me wait what's that uh charity again yeah i guess i got the um i got your invitation one one second ryan yeah what's up it's it's the make-a-wish foundation i want to confirm your attendance for sunday this sunday i'll tell them i'll see them in the summer okay well man this is cold look i'm gonna focus on the playoffs man i want that record billy look i'll tell you i tell him i can't make it but um i don't throw some money give me like a hundred grand well it's kids right throw 200 grand correct ryan 100 is plenty 200 billion and uh it's gonna help with the whole sportsman the year thing right yeah i mean you see it you see it you know what i'm saying all right sorry about that oh hey wait wait wait she's with me she's with me come on hey baby you made it [Applause] [Music] oh club record baby but um we got there we're gonna get it the one you're better just don't forget [Music] how could i reminds me here come on there you go gather it go around all right listen up it's been a good night right [Applause] very smart let me get that on there let me get that on there oh too heavy for you i'm sorry baby billy's getting killed let me get back to you all right it's a nice bubble for me stay pretty hey i'm fat i hope you know what you're doing really i'll uh tell alicia said hi huh yeah there goes if you're pension morons [Music] mom let's go [Music] oh [Music] you see this one's almost done and that one's still developing it probably needs another minute yeah just grab it by hair and pick it up carefully yeah look you see that's you papa everyone that is home foreign go do your homework i don't have any homework know skin um me good [Music] oh my god baby we have totally gone kardashian look we are all over espn tmz twitter look no baby you're not looking properly come [Music] on wow that's not bad huh [Music] it's good foreign yes [Music] she is fine mr fox she is at home resting welcome back hey hey bailey hey what's up what's happening in my leg what is this you banged it up a little bit down the head took good care of you don't don't pull that little snaffle with the guy me and the lawyers they might have stopped playing a little community service and don't drink and drive psas a few bucks to uh a everything's going to be fine we're going to play that's the world cup i'm not going to make it nonsense nonsense you'll be back again playing before you know it i got to get that record billy you're gonna get it you're gonna get lots of breakfast you're also gonna get a dui record what'd you try to do redesign the pacific coast highway what do you think you want frank lloyd wright what's the matter with you i'm scared you're scared you don't have to be scared you're you okay i'll see you later i'm outside you interrupted my pedicure you know highway foreign [Music] is [Music] foreign you're doing great in socks look at you really i want to apologize to my fans i what i did driving under the influence was both reckless and irresponsible i would especially like to apologize to my teammates as it appears that this entry means i will not be able to play in the playoffs or the summer world cup next year [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] um what is it man i hope you're not watching fox sports center can you comment they're pulling your spots but we'll get it all back you just lay low do your community service go to rehab once this is over i'll be right back to kissing your ass european style two there's cheeks lot of teams that have friction you know players you have personalities and people going to bump heads what we're worried about right now is health and maybe you could learn a lesson from all this guys look ryan hawks one of the great players ever to play in major league soccer however this is a guy that's behaving like a boy drunk driving it's unacceptable so as far as i'm concerned ryan hawks is a professional soccer player he's done how far away is greece it's actually not that far short flight south near mediterranean sea other parts no no pirates you'll make good money and they'll only be gone for six weeks six weeks foreign [Music] what yes excellence is a must and our guests expect it i demand it and it is your job to deliver i assume most of you never been on a ship like this before so pay very close attention we have five sails four diesel engines three decks two five stars restaurants one casino and absolutely zero exception to quality time to see the rooms these are the ocean view suites and this is your home you have an hour turn back and after that meet in the ballroom for further briefing hi i'm sabine i'm from poland hi angela hi t do not touch my stuff i'm lana i'm from saint petersburg they gave you the job in the piano bar did you blow zimmer or something and this is amanda she's from new jersey in case you couldn't tell oh this one is free [Music] huh there it is there it is that's my dress oh my god it's amazing it's beautiful huh so we're thinking either jay-z or kanye west for the wedding we just can't decide which are you drinking without me oh oh gross all yours so are you coming back inside are you having too much fun sulking um i don't i don't know if i can do this whole thing right now what do you mean this whole thing i i'm using time i've been gone a whole month yeah yeah yeah you have you have been gone almond i need time for me and then not just not with you but none of this paparazzi giving me this tonight i'm sorry this is driving me crazy no no no no you do not get to be sorry i did not tell the world we're getting married so you can go and have some pill-popping meltdown okay because you could have killed me in that car wreck and i could have sued you for everything but i didn't i stuck by you and now it's your turn so man up because we are getting married this summer wow you must really love me hey stop stop the car stop it where are you going said summer right get me out of here hey all right buddy so what's up where are we going [Music] [Music] hey look this is the last time i'm gonna answer my phone billy so you know make it good ryan where are you oh you know billy someplace warm so am i it's called hell what are you thinking you can't just leave ryan we have major problems here that dui put you in breach of contract you understand that that means lang's not obligated to pay you a dime while you're injured and now he's even talking about canceling your contract all together and suing you this is most definitely not the time to be taking a vacation hello don't stop oh my god lana i snook a picture of him going into his room he is perfection i would do things to him that are illegal in most countries girls he's engaged yeah uh um tmz said they broke up and she isn't here but i am if zimmer even catches you flirting you'll get fired zimmers gotta catch me first i'm gonna harpoon that well good evening you got your uh moana i'm ryan nice to meet you all right hooks oh come on god damn it is it like a memo or something actually there was um what can i get you sir uh well okay first two things uh don't call me sir and uh second um dirty martini upside down coming right up [Music] very good it's good very good good night nice bye sam all right oh we closed this place down so lana lana talk to me um i want to know things uh where where are you from from you from russia saint petersburg it's a peace but like dennis and petersburg that's cool it's pretty cool is that all you know about russia no there's sputnik and it snows all the time there's there's giant um bears everywhere yeah i keep one as a pet you know you don't um i'm i'm i'm getting a feeling that you don't really want to talk to me okay mr tucker so what brings you to this cruise um maybe i just uh just came here to drown oh just know in case there is an accident and the ship starts sinking we are the ones who will be maining the lifeboats you you imagine like a lifeboat the whole one mm-hmm it's my job to save people from drowning of course i'm sap i'm sorry is is it me or is this ship spinning i'm pretty sure it's you maybe you should go to sleep all right fine i'm because i like you i'm gonna go but um i'm gonna excuse me i'm gonna i'm gonna see you i'm i'm gonna see you soon it's a small ship and this is the only bar it's a good point yes i will um i will see you soon okay oh all right i'll think about you all right oh i'm sorry i'm sorry we're we're closed so what does a man or 50 million dollars feel like amazing right i bet he's hard as a rock hey what i meant his muscles anyways try no million i read he lost all of his endorsements and his team is about to sue him girls i made him drinks and they talked to him because i had to but that's it that's you lana sensible like a pair of nurses sneakers what am i even worried about we all know that men like ryan don't go for women like you don't listen to her no she's right girl you are either blind or you seriously underestimate yourself you're gorgeous thank you [Music] [Music] hey is my um it's my lifeguard come to save me do it i really think you shouldn't drink any more mr hawks fine screw it [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] grandma said you were out earlier were you playing soccer yeah i play wizarding alina who's elena just a girl you never used to like girls before that's right before you grow up good night mama sorry about before uh pancakes and daiquiris terrible combo that's all right uh bad and most women when they meet me are just a lot flirtier than that no like nicer no um different too to you well i'm not most human and definitely not you're a kind of woman well i i don't know if i'd say that yeah all right good save right smooth oh hey wanna take a break with me you need to stop following me don't get in trouble hey i i'm not following you oh my god i am following you all right i don't want you get the wrong idea here mr zuma good evening mr horse miss karina good work please this is unacceptable uh yeah excuse me uh she was actually helping me decide which drink i ordered what was the one you suggested again during martini upside down that's the thing see i forgot the upside down part can i get one of those certain sir you have to take freddie off did i do anything wrong you cannot work four weeks without a day off and goodbye to you sir good night thanks now where is my martini okay new idea hit me out on this why don't we meet him off the boat you have to be free now so are there any rules against meeting up on the island no but that's not going to happen why not ah look i mean i'm telling you lana i am a great tour guide i can google pretty much anything you need to know and you you you can teach me russian you want to learn russian yeah i hear they have a very cheery outlook on life good night ryan wait was that a yes okay yes but now be quiet please oh you hear that she said yes she said yes to everybody hey the ship lives tomorrow at 10 o'clock so be on the boat no later than midnight thank you [Music] hello oh hello i like this one yeah it's beautiful now this would be perfect okay great thank you thanks so much good morning there my sweetheart oh relax be a little secret you're gonna follow me all day aren't you well now you mentioned it so i was thinking about all those sorrows you say you like to drown so far we're not going to talk about that now are we well i'm russian we don't do small talk ah all right i like the heavy stuff fine okay well after not making peace to fact my knee is shot and my endorsements he endorsed me and if i do get to play again i will be the player of what it was i guess what's there to worry about my life's basically over ryan but i believe when one door closes others open just don't stare at that closed one for too long you sure you're not some kind of undercover journalist you're way too wise to be working on a boat [ __ ] anyway it's uh it's not really about seeing doors it's honestly it's about how people see me are you afraid that people are not gonna like you for who you are great hell no i know they won't you're in the spotlight everybody wants to be your friend but as i'm finding out when that goes away goes everybody else but now that you have time to do something else you might make some real friends if i'm i'm perfectly honest it's the something else that i'm most worried about i don't know anything else lana i wasn't i was such an [ __ ] you know i trained my whole life to be the best i can be and one thing all this other stuff kind of just came in the territory i guess it goes away and lana without soccer i'm not really anything i'm sure you have many more talents is a whole world out there waiting to be discovered but what i learned lately discover nothing without taking the first step hey hey oh that's it now you're gonna get it [Music] let's check it out hello sir hi or uh who are you like the uh local local locksmith oh uh-huh i'm not oh oh okay ah i get it the lock is the heart you give it to someone then throw away the key making the love permanent that's beautiful that's very nice oh no no no no no thank you no no please thank you thank you you're bald you're ball kid you are ryan hoax yes nice to meet you hi it's real hard i think we should probably go no no we're going over there ryan it's gonna make their year yeah i don't know about that hey oh god played us man shut up stupid he can't play no more hey i can play i'm not full speed enough to teach you kids a thing or two it's gonna make their year right well better money good enough all right let's do it come on kids let's go come on guys let's play let's play let's go come on all right [Music] [Music] oh oh man i'll tell you one thing it's not fixed yet but uh you're right thank you oh stop it it was very cool look i'll tell you something i haven't had that much fun playing since i don't even know when i should do more of that absolutely thank you for encouraging me i could probably get a lot better encouragement what do you mean your fiancee right you look so good together yeah don't we if the magazines good for the photos it's uh not so good for each other you know i came out here because i was uncertain about us but things are becoming clearer um you know before i forget could you please sign one more autograph please sure of course uh his name is danny all right could you take a pee duty please thank you um he once had the trial for um zenitz and petersburg boys really yeah but now i'm just place for fun all right you're his hero poor guy brian give that to danny and uh how do you know him um actually danny is um excuse me sir can i have a photo with you sure yeah absolutely cool all right yeah nice all right all right thank you thanks pal all right you have a good night sorry have dinner with me no i'm serious uh there's this amazing place it's like it's like a five stars best meal on the med i don't think it's a good idea well this isn't about when you silly ship rules is it no right it's not against ship's rules but it is against my roles but it's just a dinner it's friends girls please help i have a dinner oh my god with him look at me what i'm gonna do don't worry baby we got you [Music] i think he's the lucky one [Music] [Music] [Music] oh um sorry this is for you thank you shall we careful oh no that can't be it no no that no excuse me excuse me hey excuse me hi uh hey uh this place is meant to be five stars it is it is i'm so sorry lana this is meant to be nice like the four seasons you can go somewhere fancier if you wanted you're kidding me look this is perfect rhyme what are your specials everything is special here baby see great the two please okay this can't be more than two days old come on what you sure you're okay with this i love it [Music] [Music] oh hey no no that's not fair that's my turn now come on hand it over come on try to take pictures and be in them right oh that camera doesn't know what it's missing gosh all right oh whoa whoa hydra play that just this might be cousin [Laughter] [Applause] this is chikovsky how do you say ocean i am [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] stars [Music] what you have this ability to let me forget again [Music] ryan ryan wake up we missed the vote we'll get the next one i'm gonna get fired please not like how you are i'll get you on that phone [Music] hey hey hey you got room for two more yes i know great all right [Music] so i was in my office please mr zimmer i'm so sorry mr olkol i overslept not in your room you didn't your identity card was never scanned back in last night your friends tried to cover for you what i know exactly where you were amanda told me that you absconded into the island with mr hawks highly inappropriate mr zimmer it's not like that then i suppose his guest id card was also never skinned back in last night it's a pure coincidence recognizing with a guest it's an irreversible breach of contact mr zimmer i need this job you should have thought about that beforehand pack your things i want you out of the ship today fired what you can't do that i'm gonna talk to the captain right now no ryan please i'm embarrassed what's this the company has me scheduled to fly back home in a few days and they said i can't stay there here no no no lana you want you're not staying in a place like this i have an idea please tell me he's the reason why she missed the boat we really are very good mothers what oh [Music] not too bad huh hey amigo who is the gold machine strong ah gracias it's getting there man last time i saw you would have been that uh a charity matches cam new you know i think you had me in your pocket the whole game i didn't get a shot away i remember my bucket all right this is lana lana this is cars puyo mark's a legend pleasure to meet you leonard nice to meet you he's been stranded for a couple days so i'm just keeping her company it's amazing here i come every year yeah i know i do miss it here you know what i think i'll stay you still have three days left forget it i just sent for my bags i mean what am i gonna do with there all the cool people are here me and my wife will be here all week really yeah and we should grab dinner sometime yeah that's that's cool yeah let's do it i think that'd be a great idea miss kalinina your room is ready it's you very nice to meet you bye thank you [Music] so uh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] well here we are well i'm uh right next door so just let me know if you need anything nice wine sponge bath good night ryan and thank you for what for being a gentleman [Music] uh [Music] uh hi guys what's going on how are you you got the my new accent thank you how's the ship it's great i'm on algae dk right now but i'll be home in a few days aren't you supposed to be in mykonos um yes that's where the ship is lana is everything okay everything's great you [Music] room service you okay well now something might cheer you up see i uh went back to the beach today and i realize i forgot something there surprise all right know what you're saying by giving this to me right what's i do but you're engaged and my life is a mess i took this trip alone for a reason elise and i are not meant to be together no this isn't true what normal people don't they're not normal lana you're not but i am we come from two completely different worlds stop thinking like that you are more amazing than any woman i have ever met i have to tell you something all right legally i'm still married uh okay i wanted to tell you earlier why didn't you because i know what this is for you it's fun it's a reason no it's not now i admit i was a confused man when i stepped on that boat but i stepped off at a better one that's cause of you lana ryan please don't do this to me you only know me for five days five days i'm playing soccer for 20 years i have five days you may forget it even exists we are meant to be together [Music] foreign [Music] i realized i got no way to get in touch with you i don't have your email or your phone number all right what if go back to our lives and it is then in two months if you still feel the same then come find me are you in two months later what are you talking about we need that time to go back to our lives to do what needs to be done and then if you still feel the same then come find me it's in petersburg alexander callum in palace square may 25th at 8 pm can't we just email no if we're there we were there but if not then this would still be a great memory yeah the alexander column palace square may 25th 8 p.m i'll be there that's foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] what's this this um do you like it it's pretty mom look we went for you thank you so much granny well how was it the good news is i don't have to leave again [Music] look i've got something for you i got you this what right goose mm-hmm he was on my ship what hey whoo son you see him mm-hmm what was he like he's um [Music] is [Music] today [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] um foreign 3 be wheels is look at this but yes come on let's go i'm tempted not to believe it but your results show the soft tissue is fully healed and the prosthetics is working as it should your range of motion is extraordinary considering it's only been a few months so i'll be able to play again soon there's still a long way to go but there's a chance if you stick on your rehab shuttle and you listen to her whatever it takes [Music] mm-hmm [Music] so you what the hell were you thinking you told me he was getting his head right no i see what you really mean all right look when i get back on that [ __ ] you are gonna beg me to stay prove it let's get out of here billy you jealous lang is right about one thing if you want to go to the world cup you can only prove your fitness by playing you need lang on your side for that to happen for god's sakes why don't you tell me about those pictures sooner i could have done something that billy i didn't know and contain the damage doesn't know about the pictures or there's gonna be any damage what's the point who cares anyway i mean so i met some girls i want you focused i want you focused oh come on now you just got shot at one gold digger last thing you need right now is another one you have no idea what you're talking about why are you doing that i'll bother calling for a couple of days i won't be reachable why where are you going now atlantis the moon middle earth you just make sure you're back for your next session or it won't just be lane that's done with you [Music] [Music] so [Music] hey welcome to grand hotel europe sir [Music] [Music] guys you know the rules no playing ball in the house then if granny was here he should kill you does that mean we can go playing outside okay you can go but stay close so i can see you come on alina i'm going to kick your butt it yes [Music] so white knights [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] danny [Music] is [Music] hey lana [Music] sorry foreign uh [Music] this what [Music] music [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] uh it's ryan hawks any messages for me lana danny how are you feeling i'm scared it's okay to be scared you had an accident [Music] [Music] [Music] ugh i'm gonna need to extend my stay look if i was trying to find a woman in in this city uh where should i start redline district oh no no no it's not it's not like that um i mean i know i know this person i just don't know where to find her i'm not even really sure if she wants to be fun you got a phone book here somewhere uh and what a phone book you know names phone numbers addresses a phone book this doesn't exist in russia you're kidding really no no i didn't i yeah yeah i booked that flight that's uh i know i know i'm uh i'm beyond this one no i mean yeah i'm done here thanks man see you soon [Music] hey hey hold up is that where is that place can we stop there please [Music] lana [Music] [Music] my hi baby hi you haven't been of course and i have good news you'll be out of here very soon we're gonna go home am i going to walk again yes you will i was hoping you could help me find somebody you know the boy's name danny any what uh um you know age position oh we tried hundreds of boys each year we keep some information but we are not kgb yeah then it's very popular name you see without that information it's almost impossible this is billy you know what to do hey billy uh yeah it's it's me look man i just want to apologize for um skipping out in your gamble i'm in russia but don't worry i'm about to catch a plane back home right now i just write him off hey what is the great brian hawks doing at zenit huh uh look it's uh it's kind of complicated oh uh yeah what about you somebody's birthday no this is for kitchen hospital make a wish foundation join us oh uh look i i'd i'd love to but i gotta get on the flight soon it would make kids very happy it'd probably make the year wait what did you just say i said it probably make the year would you guys be here too uh nice place you got here so you spent lunch time in saint petersburg oh just a couple of days i was hoping to spend more time but it looks like i'm gonna be heading home my colleague tells me that we have a big fan of yours in a neighboring world would you mind going first to his room to say hi to him thank you your kids in here yeah all right knock knock hey kiddo how are you ryan cloaks yeah that's me yeah yeah oh [ __ ] poster and everything real fan huh oh wait you speak uh you speak english huh oh good it's gonna be a lot better than my russian hey um i hear you uh hurt yourself playing ball is that right yeah oh man i'm sorry to hear that i don't know how it feels though believe me how long ago a few days ago may 25th may 25th no kidding it's a bad day for me tom oh it's not not like you never mind hey tell me something when you get better how would you like to come to a game with me in l.a my treat really you invite me yeah you bet i would love that truly oh yeah um sorry i i better get going but uh you rest up get back playing again and uh these guys are gonna get your details we'll see you in l.a all right oh hey you uh you want me to sign your ball for a go yeah [Music] okay where did you get this my mom brought it she said she met you on the show your mom what's your mom's name lana and you're danny how did you know hey hey tell me something where'd your mom know wait you know what you know what i've been looking for him probably probably my whole life okay she left a while ago so she's probably crushing the bridge she didn't get to the metro already okay look at that after that i'll see you soon [Music] i have to go oh [Music] more [Music] [Music] [Music] wow [Music] daddy holt danny [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] brian hawks a little walking miracle folks is taking the field for team usa for the first time since his career threatening injury 25 goals last season i'm sure hawks would be satisfied just to play 25 minutes of this world cup and who knows if his leg will hold out hawk still has a lot to prove after that leg break and until he starts scoring again the jury's out [Applause] [Music] get it [Music] yep come on [Music] you
Channel: Ralph Quillen
Views: 112,238
Rating: 4.5 out of 5
Keywords: Love at First Bark 2021, Love at First Bark, New Love Hallmark Movies, Love Hallmark Movies 2021
Id: Cus2FQrPS3I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 99min 29sec (5969 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 21 2021
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