Louise Hay_Health and Job Success

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let's talk about health if you want to create better health in your body there are definitely some things you must not do you must not get angry at your body for any reason anger is another affirmation and it is telling your body that you hate it or hate parts of it your cells are very aware of every thought you have think of your body as a servant that is working as hard as it can to keep you in perfect health no matter how you treat it your body knows how to heal itself if you feed it healthy foods and beverages and give it exercise insufficient sleep and think happy thoughts then its work is easy the cells are working in a happy healthy atmosphere however if you feed it junk foods and drink lots of diet soda be a couch potato and skimp on sleep and are grouchy and complaining all the time then the cells in your body are working at a disadvantage and in a disagreeable atmosphere then it's no wonder that your body is not as healthy as you would like it to be you will never create good health by talking or thinking about your illness good health comes from love and appreciation you want to put as much love into your body as you possibly can talk to it in loving ways touch and Stroke it in loving ways if there is a part of your body that is ailing or diseased then you want to treat it as you would a sick little child tell it how much you love it and that you are doing everything you can to help it get well quickly if you are sick then you want to do more than just go to the doctor and have him give you a chemical to take care of the symptom your body is telling you that something you are doing is not good for your body you need to learn more about health the more you learn the easier it is to take care of your body you do not want to choose to feel like a victim that just gives your power away you could go to a health food store and pick up one of the many good books that teach you how to keep yourself healthy you could see a nutritionist and have a healthy diet created just for you or you could see a holistic health practitioner do create a healthy happy mental atmosphere be a willing participant in your own health plan I believe we create every so-called illness in our body the body like everything else in life is a mirror of our inner thoughts and beliefs the body is always talking to us if we will only take the time to listen every cell within your body responds to every single thought you think and every word you speak continuous modes of thinking and speaking produce body behaviors and postures and eases or dis eases the person who has a permanently scowling face did not produce that by having joyous loving thoughts older people's faces and bodies show so clearly a lifetime of thinking patterns how will you look when you are elderly learn to accept that your life is not a series of random events but a pathway of awakening if everyday is an awakening you will never grow old you will just keep growing imagine the day you turn 49 as the infancy of another life a woman today who reaches the age 50 and remains free of cancer and heart disease can expect to see her 92nd birthday you and only you have the ability to customize your own life cycle so change your thinking now and get going you are here for a very important reason and all you need is available to you you can create thoughts that create a mental atmosphere that contributes to illness or you can choose to think thoughts that create a healthy atmosphere both within you and around you for a complete guide to healing affirmations for diseases please read my book heal your body [Music] positive affirmations for health I enjoy the foods that are best for my body I love every cell of my body I make healthy choices I have respect for myself I look forward to a healthy old age because I take loving care of my body now I am constantly discovering new ways to improve my health I return my body to optimum health by giving it what it needs on every level healing happens I get my mind out of the way and allow the intelligence of my body to do its healing work naturally I have a special guardian angel I am divinely guided and protected at all times perfect health is my divine right and I claim it now I am grateful for my healthy body I love life I am the only person who has control over my eating habits I can always resist something if I choose to water is my favorite beverage I drink lots of water to cleanse my body and mind filling my mind with pleasant thoughts is the quickest road to health [Music] you about job success this is a big problem for many people however you can always have a successful job if you will change your thinking about work you will never find working a pleasure if you hate your job or you can't stand your boss what a terrible affirmation that is it will be impossible for you to ever attract a great job with that belief system if you want to enjoy your time at work then you must change your thinking I'm a great believer in blessing with love every person place and thing at the workplace begin with your current job affirm that this job is merely a stepping stone to far greater positions you are in your current job because of the things you believed in the past you drew it to you by your thinking perhaps you learned your attitude towards work from your parents no matter you can change your thinking now so bless with love your boss your co-workers the location the building the stairs or elevators the rooms the furniture and each and every customer this creates a loving mental atmosphere within you and the whole office will respond to it I have never understood the reasoning behind putting down or berating others at work if you are an owner a manager or a supervisor how can you possibly expect to get the best work from others if they are frightened or resentful we all want to be appreciated acknowledged and encouraged if you support your employees and give them respect then they will give you the best work they can now please don't believe that it is hard to get a job that may be true for many but it does not have to be true for you you only need one job and your consciousness will open the pathway for you don't have faith in fear when you hear of negative trends in business or in the economy immediately affirm that may be true for some but it is not true for me I always prosper no matter where I am or what is going on people often ask me for the affirmations to make the relationships at work be smoother in fact for many people this is a really big issue in their lives I am deeply aware that whatever I give out comes back to me multiplied and this is true everywhere including at work in the workplace it is important to know that every employee and employer has been attracted by the action of love for its his and her divine right place here and now at this point in time and space divine harmony permeates us all and we can all flow together in the workplace in a most productive and joyous way there aren't any problems that don't have solutions there aren't any questions without answers choose to go beyond the problem to seek the divine right action solution to any discord that may seem to appear be willing to learn from any discord or confusion as it comes up it's important to release all blame and turn within to seek the truth and be willing to release whatever pattern may be in your consciousness that has contributed to the situation know that you are successful in all that you do you're inspired and productive you serve others willingly and gladly divine harmony reigns supreme within and around you and within and around each and every person in your workplace when you know and declare that it's possible to successfully operate in the workplace according to divine principles then divine love brings to you those who can be helped but that which you so lovingly do now if you like your job but feel you're not getting paid enough then bless your current salary with love expressing gratitude for what you do have enables it to grow and absolutely no more bitching about the job or coworkers your consciousness put you where you are now you're changing consciousness can lift you to a better position you can do it during your work day there are a number of things you can do to release tension here are a few ideas one before you go to work everyday do this simple exercise just sit comfortably and concentrate on your breath whenever you notice thoughts coming in gently bring your awareness back to your breath give yourself at least 10 or 15 minutes to dwell in the silence each day there is nothing difficult or tricky to this and it's worth taking the time to write or type this affirmation and put it where you can see it at work my job is a peaceful Haven I bless my job with love I put love in every corner and my job lovingly responds with warmth and comfort I am at peace when you start to think about your boss say this affirmation to yourself I only give out that which I wish to receive my love and acceptance of others is mirrored to me in every way refuse to be limited in any way by human mind thinking your life can be filled with love and joy because your work is a divine idea remember to say to yourself every day before going to work no matter where I am there is only infinite good infinite wisdom infinite harmony and love [Music] positive affirmations for job success the joy I find in my career is reflected in my overall happiness at my job my co-workers and I encourage each other's growth and success the perfect job is looking for me and we are being brought together now I truly believe that we are here to bless and prosper each other I reflect this belief in my daily interactions when it is time for a new job the perfect position presents itself easily opportunities are everywhere I have unlimited choices working together is part of the purpose of life I love the people I work with I deserve to have a successful career and I accept it now [Music] everyone I encounter at work today has my best interests at heart I am very good at giving encouragement and positive feedback to others I have unlimited potential only good lies before me my workspace is a pleasure to be in there is mutual respect among my coworkers [Music]
Channel: Louise Hay
Views: 5,397
Rating: 4.875 out of 5
Keywords: Louise Hay, Louise, Hay, Health, Job, Success
Id: AB4b99teN-A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 10sec (850 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 07 2017
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