Louise Hay - Receiving Prosperity

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this program was recorded with a live audience please forgive the occasional sound fluctuations [Music] [Music] [Music] I am open and receptive to all good do that with me from there I am open and receptive to all good how does that feel does it really feel wonderful for everybody to often you know we sit and I put all people come to me and want to get prosperity and things like this and I see them sitting like this and I think how are we gonna let it in how are we gonna let it in and this is such a wonderful symbolic gesture I am open and receptive to all good not a little bit not just some but all good you know when you do something like this the universe and notices the universe notices okay this is gonna be a nice question-and-answer session we're going to tile talk a little bit and we'll do some questions and see where you are and see see what you're stuck points are in prosperity because a lot of things that people think that prosperity is just money but really there's many many other things that come under this auspices of prosperity there's time and love and success and joy and comfort and beauty and wisdom and good health and money you know you can be very poor in time if you feel really rushed all the time and always pressured you have poverty in your time but if you feel that you have all the time in the world and then whatever you want to finish you'll get done and it will be it will all happen then you're really prosperous in time and what about success you know if you feel that it's really way beyond your reach then you're never going to get it but if you feel that you can be successful whatever that means to you then that's wonderful that's prosperity comfort how many of you are prosperous and comfort well do you live lives that are really very uncomfortable and hard and tight wisdom do you have prosperity and wisdom do you feel that all the wisdom in the universe is available to you or do you think oh I'm just me and don't know very much and you know I can't figure things out if you feel that you're really connected with the universe and you really trust that part of you that's inside then you can be absolutely prosperous in the abundance of wisdom and what about love you feel that you I have an abundance of love or are you very poor in love is there very just a little bit of it in your life how about joy do you feel you're really prosperous and I have an abundance of joy or is that something you just allow yourself a little bit of now and then and you really are very poor in joy and then what about beauty do you see beauty everywhere do you allow yourself to experience an abundance of beauty and what about good health do you have no health is there very little are you poor in good health or are you prosperous and do you have an abundance of good health and of course there's money then there's money too you know what do you let yourself have are you pouring money or do you have an abundance of it I like to use that image a lot the ocean standing in front of the ocean with a container in your hand you know and you're there and you have this container but what is it is it a thimble with a hole in it is it a small cracked Cup is it a mug is it a Vaz is it a quart jar or a pail or a bucket or a washtub or do you have a pipeline and remember no matter how a pipeline you run it right in but no matter how much you have whatever your container it is and no matter how much you're taking from the ocean of life and even though we're all standing there we're not robbing each other and there's plenty for everyone and no matter how much we take there is no way we're gonna run that ocean dry it's absolutely impossible and if you can think see yourself standing at the ocean of life in the same way and remember the container that you have is your consciousness and you can always change your consciousness and it doesn't matter if you came from poverty doesn't matter where you came from and it doesn't even matter what your parents beliefs were or if they came from the depression or whatever because it's your consciousness and what you're choosing to think and believe about prosperity and your ability to deserve it is what's going to create it for you see it has nothing to do with getting people always think oh I want to get this or I want to get this it's really allowing yourself to accept which is a different concept when you're not having something that you want it's because on some level you're not allowing yourself to accept it but you see life is here for us it's here for us and it's here to support us in every way but remember what we give out we get back so if we're stingy with life then life will be stingy with us it's just that simple if we steal from life life will steal from us and you know it doesn't if department stores are not fair game if you take paper clips from the office or do your personal xeroxing there that's not fair game because it's still it's the same old thing what you give out you get back and what you're saying to the universe in a way is I can't afford to take those things so I have those things for myself I don't have the ability to earn it therefore I must take it from somebody and that's poverty thinking that ever ever ever creates prosperity life is here for us and there's an incredible abundance on this planet sometimes we only see our lack but the abundance that is here is so enormous you know if you think about it for a moment there is so much food on this planet that we could literally feed everybody on this planet yes it is true that there are people that are starving but it's not because of a lack of food I mean we burn crops in this country just to keep prices up if people are starving it's a lack of love it's that we're allowing such a thing to happen there is an absolute abundance of money on this planet there is so much money that we can't even count it and yes it is true that there are many people who have very little but it has nothing to do with the amount of money that's here it's a lack of consciousness it's a not deserving not accepting and your are you aware that there are billions and billions of people on this planet and yet you will hear people tell you that they're lonely there's nothing to do with the amount of people it's because we put walls up and we won't allow the love to come in we have an abundance of air on this planet you know if you think about it our most precious substance is the air we breathe when we exhale we take it absolutely for granted that the next breath will be there and if we didn't have a next breath we wouldn't live for three minutes we literally would not get out of this room alive and yet we take it absolutely for granted that when we exhale the next breath is going to be there and we're all breathing in this room and I'm not saying don't breathe there's not enough for me we just assumed now if the most precious substance in our life has been given to us with such abundance and that there's enough to last for as long as we shall live then can we not trust that other things will be taken care of Matthew 6 is always a good thing to read when you're a little bit about stuff the power that created us has put everything here for us but it's up to us to deserve and to accept that's what we need to do you know what we concentrate on increases so you want to be very careful that you're not concentrating on debt and lack and bills and negativity because that's what's going to increase it in our life if you could concentrate on bills and see them as enemies then they're going to be enemies and you will never ever have enough to really take care of them bills are wonderful things they're there they're what it means that somebody has trusted us enough to give us their service or their product knowing that we have the ability to pay it and if we can welcome those bills with love and rejoice and when you write a check out to pay it or you pay a bill absolutely rejoice that you're able to do it and know that what you're sending out is coming back to you see too often we think Oh another bill or we write the check and say oh there isn't enough for whatever but start feeling a good flow with this whole thing self-image is very important because self-image feeling good about yourself is prosperity prosperity begins with that doesn't matter how much money you have if you don't feel good about yourself you're never going to enjoy it and then look at your prosperity now because everything that you do have in your life is a reflection of what you believe you deserve what you believe about yourself you know look at your home is this a place that you really love to live in is it comfortable and joyous or is it cramped and dirty and always messy the same thing with your car you know is your car something that you really don't even like or is it something that reflects the love you have for yourself what about your clothes you know are they just a bother and a nuisance and something you have to wear or is it something you really rejoicing because again it's a reflection of you what about your bank account you know how do you feel about that and what is the state of it are you friends with money or is it an enemy all these things are important because what we have in our life is a reflection of ourselves but remember no matter where we are or whatever is happening it's a reflection of ourselves but it's only a thought and a thought can be changed it's a thought about what you believe about yourself what you believe about life and what you believe you deserve now let's take our little mirrors out for a moment our precious little mirrors that are so wonderful how many people here do mirror work on a daily basis well a few how many people have never done mirror work all right well you're in for an interesting experience the reason I like mirrors so much is that they really move you through stuck places because they reflect to you almost instantly what your beliefs are that are against you okay let's look into the mirror for a moment look into your eyes and just say to yourself my biggest fear about money is all right just notice what comes up what comes up what is coming up when you do that what sort of fears let's just share that for a moment what sort of fears kill water what yes right here my biggest fear about money is that it'll either be taken away how I get it or that somehow I just you know that I won't be taken care of and I do a lot of the mirror work and I do a lot of prosperity work and who took money away from you when you were little well it was a control issue with my family with my parents I come from a family with money but it was always uh-huh that's where the love came from was with money and I come from a father who has a tremendous fear of being broke so it was passed on and I know that you know can you forgive him for that it's a tough one I'm trying to it's a hard yes but you see your freedom with money is tied into it not his and he was doing the best he could coming from where he came from and he probably was raised but in a way that he was manipulated through guilt so he manipulated you that way with money so it's interesting that you came to this planet to learn stuff about money and you had a lot of it because a lot of people need to learn their money lessons and they have nothing it's been put in front of me time and time again so I'm real aware of it it's just when I start working through it I get physical anxiety pains I have panic attacks I all kinds of stuff have you ever gone through a period in your life where you had no money no no I've never no it has not happened to me because I when I pushed up against it you know I work I earn a good living and it's always been provided I mean the evidence so you can take care of yourself yeah and the evidence that it's not gonna be there that's just my own fear because it has always been provided I've always been able to pay my bills and nice clothes so your barrier your issue really is fear and not trusting yeah who is it you're not trusting or you're not trusting your father or you're not trusting yourself I'm not trusting myself and yet your track record is very good yeah only over the past you know like year and a half is really when I was turned loose to take care of myself and that's of course I have a feeling I have a feeling that you could take five dollars and live a whole month very well question no I think you have enough resources but you're a very clever very prior person then you would work it out you could probably start out with no money but I'd say five dollars just to get you started well and then and you could live a whole month without it remember money is a means of exchange it has no meaning in itself we give it so much meaning okay so your fear is that you won't be taken care of and it's gonna be taken from you and you see where it's coming from all right let's have a couple more yes right here all right all right she said that what came up for her that is starving that you would starve okay have you ever no did your mother your father did they come from a space of that did they grow up in the depression they did but I don't think either of them ever know I mean I would have heard of it okay all right it's an old thing maybe you had maybe it's something that you heard very young as a child from your parents and you've picked it up so that's wonderful because you see when you do something in the mirror like this and a thought comes up the good thing to do is to write it down and if you're doing your affirmations in front of your mirror at home always have a pad and a pencil with you and write down whatever that negative message is and you don't even have to deal with it right then but later on you can sit down and maybe you'll have a list of them and say wow this is what I believe no wonder I'm not having the prosperity that I want you see if we don't see what our negative messages are is it's very hard to change them and what most of us do is when we hear or feel negative message we try to run from it and we have all sorts of ways of doing that I mean people go to the extremes of drug and alcohol abuse and things like that but there are lots of little ways that we run from our own barrier thoughts and if we could extent them and examine them and turn them around say no I don't want to believe that anymore remember it's only a thought and the thought can be changed that's all we're dealing with no matter how difficult it is feelings our thoughts in motion in the body that's what they are they have no entity of themselves so we we have a thought we get a feeling and then we get frightened of the feeling or we try to run from it but if we realize it's just the thought moving through our body and the thought can be changed so if you look at those things and you say no I don't want to do this anymore I don't want to believe this and yours do yours just came up but it's probably an old one there you know and I don't want to feel that I'm gonna lose money if I get it or something like that I don't want to feel that I'm starving I would rather choose to believe that I'm abundantly taken care of I'm an extremely capable person I can always create for myself and I am always safe in the universe and while everything is supplied for me do we have to change these thoughts and we must do them deliberately because we're the people that are in charge it's our minds we think in our minds and nobody else can do that and we have to we get the opportunity now of choosing what we want to think when we were very little we had a lot of stuff fed into us by our parents and other places around us I mean after all we got it from relatives we got it from neighbors we got it from school we got it from the church we got it from television all this stuff came in and we're little and we accept most of it very very few small children really can say no that's nonsense and I'm not gonna believe that mostly children accept it and say yes yes okay but we're not little children now we're adults and we get to choose what we want to think only we have to look at what we are thinking at so we know what we need to change it to who else wants to fear yes right here I've had a pretty good belief system and money I think most of the time and after your reading your book it really helped me a lot and it was wonderful I mean it helped me so much and I found unexpected sources of money coming in and just my spending habits changed I felt great about it I'm cher those beliefs with some people that I know and I also talked about feeling like deserving certain amounts of money and what happened was as they told me that that's not true that what makes you feel like you deserve it and that's not true you have to earn it and they know how hard I work at my job which is not very hard people who don't work very much right but I do work in other areas outside of my do not have to justify yourself that was my fear was that maybe I don't work hard enough to deserve the amount of money that I have if your consciousness is clear enough that you can bring in good money without struggling I want you to love yourself you see you'd do something like you pick up your little mirror and say thank you for being so clever and bright thank you for getting it because what you really did is you got it you do not have to struggle in order to make money if you really work at things that you love you can usually bring in good money if you work at things you hate or if you have a belief that you don't deserve then you're going to then you won't have it but the people who are telling you you have to work hard they work hard yes and they don't make as much as you do they don't super have is right okay well you know do you want to see you put out your hand and you said I'm willing to help you up and they said no we're gonna pull you down and which way do you want to go see I reach out my hand a lot to people and if they take it and want to come up that's wonderful then I can teach and we can really go places but if they're gonna try to drag me down you know I say bye and I go talk and I go work with somebody who really wants to come up out of the mud I see do you feel that money is an exchange of energy it's energy it's a change of services that's all it is it has no meaning in itself and a you know a ten dollar bill is quite as spiritual as a rose its matter its form its energy and it's what we give it it's what we believe about it we have so much stuff on money I used to find it was much easier to teach a class on sexuality than it was on money because when we get our money beliefs pushed it's amazing how angry we get they're very tied in to us even though we may say I want to prosper we will put up barriers and fights and all sorts of things right so it's okay to have money even without working hard first of all you don't need my approval to live well and what I believe really doesn't matter for you if you've got it going so it works enjoy it in any part of your life you know if your life is filled with love don't listen to some miserable lonely person tell you how to run your life if your life is working well with money don't let somebody who does life is not working with money tell you how to run it and see very often remember this happens with our parents too you know we'll have a parent who really had a miserable life they come from a difficult place and their own life is miserable and then they will tell you how to run your life if you're going to listen to people listen to the winners listen to people who know what they're doing listen to people who have proved what they're doing alright yes right here coming coming forward when I looked in the mirror the answer was there won't be enough but I think that comes from my parents there never was enough money but when you were growing up there wasn't enough right take care of everything right there was but there wasn't but the real problem is my uncle has loads of money and he treated people very badly so how do I reckon what difference does it make there are people that are poor that treat people badly has nothing to do with money well doesn't my psyche now the thing you see you said when you grew up there was never enough right that doesn't mean there's not enough money that only means that there wasn't enough money in your family but it has nothing to do with the abundance of money that's around and your uncle as I said before prosperity to me begins with feeling good about yourself because when you really feel good about yourself you're prosperous even if you don't have much money so the people who are nasty and mean are always people who haven't the faintest idea of how to love themselves and what they're doing is expressing their own pain oh alright let's talk a little bit more yes all right right back here we're coming back and forth and then okay hi when I looked in the mirror and said that I thought kind of I felt kind of insecure and sort of afraid because I would I did inherit some money my father died last year and I've been finding myself like trying to give it to people okay and I mean I gave my mother 2,000 I gave my sister a thousand I like you know we ask of yourself I kept some money for myself and but it's just I think it's a fear like I don't deserve it and I'm not good well have some guilt about your father - you know and feeling that you're getting money from him when perhaps there were things you needed to clean up with him and you didn't get a chance to so it's like I don't deserve it and I better get rid of it but why you're going through those feelings I would suggest that you put it in a bank account or a CD but put it in a year CD I did put a negative sit there for a year while you work through your stuff all right and then when you've worked through your stuff you can go and get the money and enjoy it but if you have your hands on it right now it sounds like every time a guilt feeling comes up you may give some away yeah it's like whenever anyone I seem to have people in my life coming in with money problems cause doors okay it's like the first thing I want to I'll give you $100 what do you need you know and it's like I don't know if I was trying to you see they're they're coming to you because you're feeling the guilt about the money if it wasn't they probably wouldn't even mention that they had money problems to you so they're helping you sort of go through your stuff yeah you need to begin to realize what you deserve if you have any stuff with your father do a meditation in your mind and forgive him or forgive yourself and have a talk to him so that you can clean things up tell him you love him and get it cleaned up in your mind so that that can be taken care of then you can then move from that step into deserving for yourself that you deserve and that remember money problems or lack or having money is by right of consciousness it's what we believe we deserve and you kept giving somebody money does not solve their problems ever because then they don't they just recreate the best thing you can do for people who are having money problems is to teach them how to create it in consciousness because then that's lasting it's much more lasting than handing something but you can give I mean obviously we all give some money away at times but don't give it away because you feel guilty because remember people will say you know oh well I have to help people but you're a people too you are somebody you're worth loving and you're worth prospering you know I like to think that we have a cosmic bank account all of us it's like a mental a cosmic bank account and we can put in deposits of affirmations of positive thoughts of believing we deserve and we can eliminate the depths the negative debts and negative thoughts and negative beliefs we can take those out and the more that you put in wonderful experiences and wonderful thoughts into your cosmic bank account the more you will bring it take out big dividends remember your consciousness is the best bank account that you can have what you do up here is far more important than what you do just in a bank account loving yourself pays enormous dividends enormous dividends I know lots of people get upset because their say they're on a fixed income but remember who fixed it who fixed it and it's a thing of consciousness it can be changed we want to realize that where we are is the totality of possibilities not a little bit but the totality of possibilities and all things are possible we want to know that our job is only one channel of an infinite source there is an incredible infinite source that supplies everything from the air we breathe to the vegetation to the plants and the animals and the planets and the stars and everything that's imaginable and our jobs are like one channel that's all it is we can extremely can enlarge this enormous Lea anything that's fixed any fixed incoming in our life has been fixed by us by an acceptance or a belief so we want to enlarge that and really let it go think for a moment about money and success and work and bills and debt and envy and lack and guilt how do you feel about that what are your beliefs about it what do you think about your work do you think work is a Drudge that you have to go through or do you see it as something that you really love to do and enjoy what do you feel about debt is that something that really drags you down or do you just see it as something that that you can take care of easily and you don't allow it to pile up what is your belief about lack is lack something that's always in your life or can you see that lack could be something that's far part of the past and is not part of what's going on now again what do you feel about bills bills are these things that people get such stuff on but there are only pieces of paper and saying somebody trusted us enough and what about Envy are you jealous and envious of people who have and what about guilt do you really feel that you don't deserve see our poverty oriented thinking patterns any negative thought that you have about money is poverty oriented so listen to what you say and listen to what you're thinking I love the exercise of having people clean out their closets go and clean out your closets and your refrigerators take all the stuff in the closets that you haven't worn in a period of time and either sell it or give it away or burn it but get it out so that you have room for the new you want to make room for new stuff to come in so clean out your closets let it go and as you're doing it you say this thing of I'm cleaning out the closets of my mind same thing with the refrigerators you know is that a place where there's lots and lots of little bits of food stuck in the corners let get it all out clean it out make room because people who have very cluttered closets and very cluttered refrigerators have cluttered minds they're not thinking clearly it's just symbolic that's all it is it's symbolic of what what we have in here you know you can do some wonderful affirmations in the morning when you get up and again I love this gesture because it's so symbolic and it says to the universe I'm ready I'm ready you know and just say I'm open and receptive to receiving all good this is a wonderful day of prosperity one of the affirmations that I've used for a long time is that my income is constantly increasing just that simple my income is constantly increasing and then I watch it happen what we believe for ourselves is going to come true and when we're doing our affirmations again if you do a positive affirmation and the negative comes up just say thank you for sharing thank you for sharing don't you want to hear it we don't want to run from the negative affirmation but what we want to do is acknowledge it but not give it power not give it power so whatever is coming up so when you hear them write them down again write them down and give yourself a chance to then turn the into para into positive affirmations yes yes can we get the lady over in the corner there it was my biggest fear about money is that um I won't is that I won't be able to make enough money in the career that I want I I grew up in Beverly Hills but I never had enough money your friends did yes yes and so that was always that feeling like I never had enough yes and also I've been sick since 1986 that keeps you out of the running and that and that keeps me out of having to deal with yeah yeah right it's one way to deal with it see a lot of people do that they will go into ill health because then you can't expect people to do anything and it just takes you out of the running completely and somebody else has to take care of you but it's a terrible price to pay how would you like your life to be well I I would like I see myself moving more towards how I'd like it to be because I've been working on this kind of stuff for like three years I'm feeling like the love part is really abundant I've got a lot of love so how how else I would like it to be is where I am I'm comfortable and feeling and feeling free in the job that I do and the career that I want I'd like to to I'd like to work at the career that I want to work at and make enough money to live and get over that issue around okay then why don't you make that an affirmation I am working at the career that I really enjoy and I'm making an abundance of money and I'm comfortable with it money is become my friend and I have all that I need put it into an affirmation and say it every day say it and every time those negative thoughts coming up just say this over and over again you've got to tip the scale so you so you believe that if I say that on a daily basis those thoughts will really begin to change if you're willing to let go of them if you're willing to let go of them if you really want to hold on to them then it won't work and what do you do when you're not doing that affirmation you see remember every thought we think in every word we speak is an affirmation and going out and coming back so if you do one affirmation three times a day that's great but what are you doing the rest of the time that's what's important I love myself I'm willing to go beyond my past I am the only person who chooses my thoughts now you know I work in a career that I really enjoy I'm earning good money I'm comfortable with it I release the limitations of my parents I let them go you've got part of your life working nicely now so so you know work on this now you'll get it again remember we our parents had lots and lots of beliefs about money and we picked up a great deal of it so what were your parents beliefs it's another good thing to sit down and write down make a list what did my parents believe about money and write it all down and then look at it and say am i choosing to believe that now I like to use the word choice and choosing in lots of the questions that I ask myself because I want to make sure that I understand that I am choosing to do what I'm doing I don't have to do it it's a choice so do I choose to believe what they believe or what I like to believe something else again we want to go beyond our parents limitations and I think many of us had parents that grew up in the depression and there for them there was a lot of fear but we're not there now we're not there now if you want to change your job first of all if you say I hate this job it is not gonna get you what you want all you're going to do is take dissatisfaction with you into the next job what I like to tell people to do if they want to change a job first of all is bless this current job with love put a lot of love into it thank it for being there when you wanted it when it was there when you first got it and know that you're now passing it on to somebody else that will love it and will probably do an even better job than you're doing then open you're in that state then open yourself to a wonderful new position know that there are people out there that are looking for exactly what you have to offer and that you're being brought together in a checkerboard of life I love that image of here you go oh hi there you are but you know it's been happening like this for a while and that you're working somewhere that you that uses your talents and abilities you're being fulfilled you're working with and for people that you love and that love you and you're earning a good income and it's in a beautiful location you know put it all in and and and with that sort of atmosphere then you can attract something wonderful to you it's the same thing with an apartment or a home if you want to move from where you are don't worry around saying oh I hate this apartment because you're not gonna find something you really love or if you do find something nice you're gonna find this awful dissatisfaction in it right away because you're taking your consciousness when you move to your apartment it was wonderful so put love into it and say thank you for being here for me we really had a good time and now it's time for me to move on and I know somebody else wonderful is going to come and live here and then I'm opening myself to a wonderful new place to live in the perfect location you know with lots of light and Sun of air if that's important to you it's very important to me and put in everything that you want and always add at a price I can easily afford at a price I can easily afford don't limit yourself and don't put something on there put it at price I can easily afford then it's amazing what can come in that is exactly what you want same thing with a car if you want to leave the car that you have if you want a new one put love into it thank it for being there for you and say I'm moving on now I'm moving to a wonderful Carr and I know somebody else will love you the more you can do that the better it is the better it is yes right here I've been very prosperous in my life good and I have a hard time opening up my arms and saying I'm willing to accept more prosperity because I have these fears that something terrible is gonna happen okay what's that here Emily thing family and life experiences okay so fear and safety have a lot of meaning okay so if you're like this you're a lot safer yeah symbolic really became aware of it when you want to throw up in your arms and I got really fearful like okay I'm gonna experience it all right I don't know what to do - I have also a fear about with an affirmation do I throw myself do I deny some part of myself alright is there and will I you know everybody experiences denial and things like that will I use an affirmation to hide myself I don't know you might I don't know whether you will or not but an affirmation really is like planting a seed in the ground and an affirmation remember it usually doesn't feel true to begin with because if it were a truth you wouldn't need to do an affirmation what you're trying to do is to create something that you didn't have before and it's you're putting a seed in the ground a new seed and when you put the seed in the ground you don't get instant whatever what you get is a seed in the ground and you have to nurture it now to want something new in your life is not to deny what you have unless you're releasing something and then you don't have to deny but you can say I'm letting it go because it no longer serves me and now I want to create this new in my life and start the new affirmation going and remember if you have had experiences in your life that are not comfortable on some level they're mirrors of you we don't always like to hear that but everything in our life is a mirror of us so if something is happening out there that's not comfortable we have to look in and say how are we creating it what is it about me and what is it within me that believes that I deserve this experience because otherwise we wouldn't bring it to us so perhaps I I would say that perhaps a little more loving yourself would help because when you get that flowing you won't bring in uncomfortable experiences when I was a little girl and then when I grew up and started out in the world my self-esteem was so low and I had such a terrible self-image that I created awful experiences just terrible experiences and that continued until gradually I learned how to use your mind and that loving yourself is the way to bring good things into your life and then my experience has changed but you know if you just say oh well it's all it's scary and if I open myself up I'll get terrible things you probably will until you've changed whatever it is inside of you that attracts that and that can yes okay so so it's just a question you say you've had a lot of money so that's not an issue with you but you have other areas the money isn't the answer we think it is we think money is going to take care of everything and we won't have any problems anymore but it's not our answer let's see what this gentleman right here wants to say how Zuri's if my situation with finding in a new house is a little different I love the one I'm in uh-huh but I have to move okay so a year ago I also had the move I didn't love the place I was in but I ended up loving it and this new place manifested which now I love in which I have to leave okay and I'm going out looking at all these places and everyone it's like no I don't want to it's not like this and like a whole month has gone by well the right time waiting for you the right place is looking for you know you know that you can find a wonderful place and just know affirm that the power within you that got you the other place or the other places will bring the new one in and you know it's the perfect place and it's coming to you in a delightful surprising manner and yes look for it but sometimes it doesn't happen I remember once in Los Angeles I was looking for an apartment it took me six months and when I was looking I couldn't believe the junk that I was seeing I kept saying this is Los Angeles it's filled with wonderful apartments where are they all I could see was junky apartments that I wouldn't consider and it took me six months and then when I found the one that I wanted it was magnificent and the thing was that the building was being built and I couldn't get it because it wasn't built yet and when it was built it was waiting for me and sometimes that happens you know you look to something and you're not finding and you're not finding and you're not funny there's a reason for that now you know that you're gonna get a wonderful place thank you for your school keep knowing that you always live in a wonderful place that it's easy for you to find homes and you always have a wonderful place to live make that your personal law the other thing that I like and I use this for years was that I always have good relationships with my landlords because that's something that makes life a lot nicer let's do this gentleman over here thank you I'm pretty well blessed with friends and joy but like the other gentleman I freelance and so I get very well supported by the people around me but that tends to make me feel very guilty because I can't reciprocate okay that's your problem not theirs are they giving to you only to get back it's an individual you know family tends to give with one hand and expect something in return but the friends are giving out of the joy of giving okay so the family who is giving with one hand and expecting in return just give them some love I've been driving that if that's not good enough for them that's not your problem that's their problem there are times in life when we when the universe gives to us in a form whatever form that we may need and we may not be able to do anything to give back or anything and that's okay I mean however the universe has decided to take care of you you say thank you yeah and then there will come a time in your life when you will help somebody else I can think of many people in my life in the early days who really helped me enormous Lee at a time when there was no way I could pay them back but what's happened is that years later I've taken an opportunity to help someone else and that's the way life goes but very often all we do is exchange prosperity somebody gives you something and you right away give it back were you reciprocate if somebody takes you to luncheon you immediately have to take them to lunch or somebody gives you a gift and you immediately have to give them a gift learn to receive learn to accept learn to say thank you and just receive and you know if the universe likes to know that you can receive and not just exchange and sometimes you don't need to give back to the person that to you you'll give to somebody else at another time but learn to accept a lot of us have problems with that we can give but we can't you know and and when somebody gives you a gift say smile and say thank you that's all you need to do is smile and say thank you you know if somebody gave you a gift and you said them oh it's the wrong size or it's the wrong color I guarantee that person will never give you another gift and the universe will say this person doesn't want any good you know you accept graciously and if it really isn't right for you then you pass it on to somebody that can use it same thing with compliments if somebody gives you a compliment smile and say thank you just smile and say thank you and you know speaking of prosperity how do you nourish yourself what do you do for yourself that's nourishing what do you do to make yourself feel good to take care of yourself to make sure that you're in superb health to make sure that you have lots of loving friends around you what do you do do you take time to nourish yourself again you know going to the mirror in the morning any time of the day but I like the morning because it sets the tone of the day and saying what can I do for you today to nourish you how can I nourish you how can I make you happy how can I make you happy another thing we want to do you know is we want to be grateful for what we do have if we if we're only looking at what we don't have we're only seeing the lack again that's not a way to bring more good in start to be very aware of what you have and be very grateful for it so that more stuff can come in this lady here over here wants to ask me something I saw you hi I'm having a hard time receiving happiness actually I'm very happy I'm having a hard time with fear of being happy okay that's how I'm newly married and I'm very happy and I feel like I'm receiving love more than I ever have I have a nine month old baby who's very beautiful and I love very much and I have a tremendous amount of fear that something is going to happen to her or something's gonna happen oh I'm too happy you know what that's called that's called running anxiety that's all it is it's like there's a part of there's an anxiety part of us that is here and usually it gets taken care of this way or that way we have these little things going on when our life is really magnificent it's like there's we're not handling that part of ourselves so these thoughts come up so when you hear them or when you feel them just say it's okay I'm just running anxiety all is well my life is so wonderful and I deserve and I'm willing to accept and I can have it that's all you're doing just just recognize it is that little part of you were saying well you know she's not upset anymore and what we've got to do something something's gonna go wrong I just know it things are too good thank you for sharing you know again thank you for sharing you know I appreciate I know you're trying to take care of me you know one of the things that I do and a fear thought comes up is I say to it I thank it I say thank you for trying to protect me thank you for taking care of me I appreciate that you want to help me and then I'll do an affirmation for whatever it is but I acknowledge that the fear thought is there to protect me because that's what fear is really isn't it you know you get frightened and the Adrenaline's and it's saying where's the danger so I say thank you and you can do the same thing for that and just don't give it a lot of importance okay let's give it to the lady in white here yes hi I've read a lot of your books and I'm really trying to practice learning and applying what I'm getting out of the books but I when I looked into the mirror I expected to have the fear of not having enough money haha but what came to me was a fear of having the money and I sat her and thought about that my family did keep playing these old tapes we were pop poverty and Welfare children it was always well rich people are no good or they're selfish or they're whatever you have money you're gonna be no good oh yeah and you should never have a credit card and what's really funny is I have a credit card and I always sabotage myself with my credit cards I always managed to have enough money to pay the rent and buy my food and if I start making too much money or becoming too successful I will sabotage myself so that I only provide enough money to meet my needs and not my wants mm-hmm well then I started putting out these affirmations of it's okay to accept and to have things and yesterday I was driving down the street and I really had a strong need for a vacuum cleaner and a typewriter those are like so unrelated but I turned up the wrong street and sitting on the corner was a vacuum cleaner that had a sign on it that said free it runs take me I stopped and I got out of the car and sitting next to the vacuum cleaner on the ground was a typewriter there was a little Jewish man that was standing in the driveway and I said excuse me are these yours and he said no dear they're yours I have had them for so long I don't use them the maid has her own vacuum cleaner you take them and use them well and I smiled and said thank you [Applause] you must have made some changes in consciousness I think wonderful okay let's let this lady I hear you talking about loving yourself and allowing being willing to learn to love myself but how do I put it into practice how do I really allow myself to love myself so that I marry a nurse first thing that you do absolute number one on the list is you stop criticizing yourself just make a vow that you are not going to do that at all anymore and work on that as much as you can because as you stop criticizing yourself you are going to be amazed at how you lighten up on yourself I find that that's the number one thing that's in the way of loving who we are I really appreciate what you said about if we couldn't say I love you to say I'm willing to marry you that was very mushy a space that you can begin to work don't don't force yourself the quicker you can get to I love myself the better it is but if you can't do it to start with I'm willing to learn I'm willing to begin to learn to like you you know if you have to some place so that you can start inching up till you get to the point where you say I love you you're wonderful you know and really feel good about it and that takes time for some people because we've got all this stuff in the way and when we get to the point we can really do that it's amazing the wonderful stuff that happens in our lives but remember we're only dealing with thoughts and thoughts can be changed I love working in a group like this because we help each other you know we bring up stuff and we can see where other people are and it touches stuff inside of us when we change our thinking we change our reality that's just that simple so let's know some positive things for ourselves we are open and receptive to wonderful new ideas we allow prosperity to enter our lives on a level that has never entered before we deserve the best and we are willing to accept our income is constantly increasing we move away from poverty thinking into prosperity thinking we love ourselves we rejoice in who we are and we know that life is here for us and will supply us with everything that we need we move from success to success from joy to joy and from abundance to abundance we are one with the power that created us and we express for ourselves the greatness that we are we are divine magnificent expressions of life and we are open and receptive to all good and so it is thank you very much [Applause] [Music] this has been a Hay House audio production if you would like a free catalog of books and videos offered by Hay House please call us at [Music] you
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Views: 1,399
Rating: 4.8461537 out of 5
Keywords: innercitybliss, louisehay, receivingprosperity
Id: guTQc0lpxb8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 39sec (3459 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 21 2019
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