Louis Vs Schmeling -The Real Story (Documentary)

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panel for those who like a happy ending here's a true story of how two fighters became the best of friends it's Lewis versus smelling Max Schmeling was a German icon who became the world heavyweight boxing champion only six years after his first professional fight Joe Lewis was the first black superstar who even Muhammad Ali called the greatest of all time Lewis and Schmeling were to meet twice in the ring with one victory each they were cast as bitter enemies the heroic black man fighting for freedom and the supremacist white Nazi but Lewis was never free and Schmeling was never a Nazi I know he was not a Nazi I know he never belonged to the party he could have profited very much but I belong to the party I don't think Mac smelling Joe Louis were ever enemies I think there were strong competitors I think they were at the end of their lives very close friends although they came from very different backgrounds there are some interesting parallels between these two boxers who fought so famously and so violently in the ring in the late 1920s Berlin was perhaps the most glittering and decadent city in the world a center for arts and science and a mecca for writers artists sports stars and play boys and play girls by the age of 24 smelling was Europe's best-known boxer a German superstar with movie Idol looks and equally celebrated fans Marlena Dietrich was one of many glamorous admirers Mack smelling was the nikon already back in the 1920s I mean when he was young when he's first started he as he began to become popular as a boxer he went beyond the boxing image and became an important kind of darling of the of the left intelligentsia and the avant-garde and artists and everything else so he's somebody who has always carried a kind of aura about him and and as has stood for something more than just boxing or all the things boxing can be the roots to his fame however stemmed from his prowess in the ring and from his sportsmanship Max Schmeling born in 1905 grew up in a farming community in eastern Germany about 70 miles from Berlin during the first world war his father was a seaman and his mother worked for the Postal Service at school the young max excelled at every sport but at little else in 1919 he got his first job as a messenger boy delivering advertisements to Hamburg newspaper offices his bosses had the foresight to encourage his sport mainly football boxing had been banned in Germany until 1918 and it wasn't until 1921 that Max saw his first boxing match on film at the local cinema he was hooked at age 16 he bought a pair of second-hand boxing gloves and never looked back Max Schmeling was nearly nine years old when Joe Lewis pero as he was christened was born near Lafayette in Alabama Lewis was the son of poor sharecroppers the family moved to Detroit before Joe was a teenager at fifteen Lewis took to the fight game as a way of getting out of the ghetto he quickly showed the skills that would soon make him perhaps the best box of the world has ever seen and certainly one of the most popular both Joe Lewis and Max Schmeling became much-loved national figures well beyond the boxing fraternity in his first year as a professional Lewis for twenty-three opponents and knocked out all but four of them he wasn't tagged the brown bomber for nothing on the other side of the Atlantic Max Schmeling too had a rapid rise to the top only three years after taking up boxing he fought his first professional fight six years later in 1930 he became the heavyweight champion of the world when he beat the American Jack Sharkey but it was a controversial decision swelling comes in close and swings a wild left hook around charkie's night.that Sharkey with his back to us there and that Sharkey uncorking a left hook one of the most disputed blows in ring history Schmeling claiming a foul Goes Down official decide to blow was love and Meg smelling is the first European to be heavyweight champion of the world smelling was at the height of his fame but he never let it go to his head that year as usual he was to be seen giving his time to help those less fortunate than himself particularly children he always regretted not having children of his own two years later in 1932 smelling was back in the United States in defense of his world title in 1932 Schmeling was trained in New York to defend his title against Jack Sharkey and I remember the Sunday and the governor of New York came down Franklin D versa and of course Roosevelt spoke German he spoke a very good German and Roosevelt came to schmeling's Kant and said I am cheering for you well he was running for office shark you it was this Iranian descent and there were more German Americans boating then there were Lithuania very conservative notwithstanding Roosevelt's support Schmeling lost his title to Sharkey in 1932 but the glamorous max had lost none of his appeal to his fans and he was very much an international celebrity when he married the beautiful Czech film star Annie Andrei in 1933 luis married his first wife Marva just over two years later in 1935 after a lightning courtship but he didn't let that get in the way of his boxing he stepped into the ring on the same day to fight Max Baer Baer was a tough opponent with a string of victories to his credit but the brown bomber won with a knockout he was just 21 but already showing signs of greatness Max Schmeling past 30 and probably past his prime now had to beat Joe Lewis if he ever wanted another shot of the world title so smelling got back to serious training and a year later in 1936 he was scheduled to fight Lewis as he sailed to America for the bout Schmeling told reporters that he'd spotted a flaw in Lewis's fighting have you detected any particular weakness in the brown bomber it has a good but I want to what Schmeling had seen was Lewis in action he had in fact traveled to New York six months before specifically to study Lewis's technique against Paulino Escada of Spain as a celebrity Schmeling was invited into the ring to meet the contestants but he was only interested in watching one of them Joe Louis Smitty was right here and he was watching Lewis drop his left and you'll see he doesn't consist in that see their doctor right there see see how he has dropped his left and he's dropped his left if Polina were closer he could hit Lewis with the right see his his jaw is exposed now what Lewis should have done when he shot his left he shot a shot it like that with his right hand protecting his jaw here and then come over like this see but instead Lewis did like this and said something to me and of course as he went like this Humana his jaw was exposed that happened all the time he was always doing that but no one else was able to take advantage of it coz Lewis was so fast smelling spent the next six months in training and minutely studying Lewis's fool ich maiden cookery this film back but he took other film he had suitcases for it and he kept time any time Lewis meanwhile wasn't taking the forthcoming bout with Schmeling too seriously he fitted his training in a round golf Lewis was passionate about the game a trait inherited by his son Joe Louis Barrow jr. 1936 there's no question if my father was more concerned about the golf course and training for maximilien his trainer Jack Blackburn said if the muscles that he was using for for golf for the wrong muscles for boxing and he just didn't mentally prepare for it because I'm quite certain that he felt that max was eight years older not as strong didn't have the endurance and the fact the matter is max had the greater will and as a result in boxing if you have the greater will you can win in 1936 no one could doubt schmeling's will to win after four weeks hard training I am very good condition and all I have to do now is just to keep it is other days as it is was the prescription for Lewis as well he had a continuous string of knockouts to his credit for his last 10 fights Lewis was now a source of inspiration to millions of black Americans they followed his every bout with increasing admiration and joy he recognized his particular contribution to black America because this was the only place that someone could clearly fight a white man and get away with it in America most days the date for that first bout had been set for June the 19th 1936 Lewis had never lost a professional bout and was very much the favorite for his first fight against Schmeling Oh ten to one for Joe Lewis and one time was 18 to 1 even people like gene Tunney and Jack Dempsey deduced mainly chance he was caught game as a sacrificial lamb New York's Yankee Stadium June 1936 Joe Lewis and Max Schmeling meet for the first time in the ring it wasn't a title fight but for Schmeling it was every bit as important if he was ever to have another crack at the championship as always when fighting in the u.s. Schmeling was accompanied by his Jewish American manager Joe Jacobs Hitler tried to persuade Schmeling to dump Jacobs but Schmeling had always refused the first three rounds were pretty even but after a slow start around four Schmeling did something no one else had ever done he put the brown bomber on the floor but Luis wasn't finished and clung on tenaciously until the 12th round resisting everything that Schmeling could throw at him symbolizes Joe em late Luis tip down and they're telling Layton that Louis with hard right and left to the job he has popped up Louis's lucky Android is down Louis is down hanging it was the first and only time Luis was knocked out while he was world champion typically Schmeling was the first person to help his opponent to his feet before savoring his unlikely victory what were your reaction in the first three rounds of that fight I not after the thing round I was very sure I had in my hand that's fine did you at any time feel that Lewis was a very dangerous fighter oh yes he was ten just doing the whole fight which of the punches that he landed did you consider the most dangerous well he's a very good left-hander from the rooster Valley powerful Idol max what was the punch with which you knocked out Joe Lewis you want me to show you yes try it oh boy that's great many white Americans who were rooting for the German boxer agree that the punch was great but nearly every black man saw Lewis's defeat as a personal tragedy there were even riots in Harlem as frustration boiled over meanwhile Schmeling was given a special birth on the then fastest way across the Atlantic in a German Zeppelin the Hindenburg his wife Annie Andre was at the aerodrome in Frankfurt to meet him along with hundreds of well-wishers with a hero's welcome he was rushed to the Reich's Chancellery in the centre of Berlin to meet Hitler and other members of the Nazi High Command although now branded as Hitler's boxer Schmeling was never enough see sympathizer indeed he was to use his popularity and his favorite position with Hitler to help a number of Jews in Germany he would even risk his life Berlin had been the fun capital of the world but times were changing in Germany Hitler stranglehold was tightening the Jewish friends who Schmeling used to meet at the Roxy bar and elsewhere in Berlin began to leave or to disappear the sculptor Franz toric who made a bronze of Schmeling had a Jewish wife who was threatened with deportation toric asked Schmeling to intervene and the boxer went straight to gurbles although gurbles was incensed Toric's wife was spared what separated Schmeling from a lot of stars in the similar position was that he was willing to take risks and test the limits of what he could do and at a number of instances he made arguments for protecting Jews and other people who were for political or other reasons in trouble he he went directly to the authorities and to the highest authorities in order to argue and to help them he had a direct line to Hitler through Hitler's private photographer heinrich hoffmann and so he could call Hofmann directly and say I've got to speak to Hitler ironically Schmeling used his direct line to Hitler to avoid receiving the dagger of Honor from the Sturm Abdullah II or stormtroopers he was able to convince Hitler that he did most of its fighting in the United States and a stormtroopers dagger of honor would not endear him to the Americans well with the SA was was basically the stormtroopers who were with Hitler of the family and even though they then once he was in power they became less important than the SS to receive an award from the SA was a national honor and refused to receive that award would be an act of bravery two months after beating Joe Lewis Schmeling signed to fight with another American James J Braddock for the World Heavyweight Championship but Schmeling was robbed Braddock feigned injury and illness and the match was canceled then in June 1937 Braddock lost his title to Joe Lewis if Schmeling wanted the championship back he would have to beat Lewis again the German boxer meanwhile continued to meet his Jewish friends whenever he traveled abroad he made no secret of it sometimes even posing for photographs one of these pictures ended up in the newspapers and and it also ended up on the desk of Joseph Goebbels and he was horrified that here smelling was abroad obviously cavorting with Jews and and that was not acceptable in his mind and Goebbels turned to him and he said Herr Schmeling you come to us because you want us to help you in these ways and then and then you refused to play the game you you continued to cavort with these dudes something along those so that was a warning directly and unsolicited from Gribble's that Schmeling was being watched and he crossed the line and Gribble's one development that he cross a lot in March 1938 German troops marched into Austria for what the Germans called the reunification of the two countries the Anschluss ladies and gentlemen at last bein frontier town of means and in this stream of German soldiers is pouring into Austria the cheers are for Chancellor Adolf Hitler returning to his homeland for the first time in almost 25 years now for the first time in history Austria and Germany are one nation with one leader it was April 1938 the fear of war in Europe was very real when Max Schmeling arrived in New York aboard the German liner the Bremen for his second bout against the world heavyweight champion Joe Louis Lewis had already successfully defended his world title three times but this fight was billed as the Nazis versus freedom with Joe Louis carrying nothing less than the fate of the world on his shoulders in fact the Nazi press was appalled at the extent to which the American press were chilling Schmeling into a Nazi it was creating anti-german feeling unnecessarily and this was not I mean to put it into a context this is not what Hitler wanted even the White House got involved Franklin D Roosevelt had maintained a regular correspondence with Max Schmeling in the early 30s and even supported him against the Lithuanian American Jack Sharkey in 1932 but by 1938 all that had changed in 1938 Roosevelt asked Lewis to come to the White House and I'd like to slap his muscles around and said we need muscles like this to defeat Nazi Germany this was in 38 three years three and a half years before we entered the war but the atmosphere was very much that that max Mellon was was a very terrific boxer he was not a Nazi certainly he was a German and in those days any German was considered a Nazi I think Adolf Hitler used Max Schmeling in terms of the political propaganda just as Franklin Roosevelt used my father these were too strong powerful men representing too strong powerful countries and obviously the outcome was significant for both countries Joe Lewis set up his 38 training camp at Pompton Lakes in New Jersey determined this time to train hard for the rematch pontem Lakes was a favorite training camp for many boxers Lewis regarded it as his lucky place and he's remembered here with particular affection I lived right on lakeside Avenue where my grandfather had his small farm and Joe and the sparring partners used to run around the lake and they'd end up in my grandfather's apple orchard eating apples I'd run with him down to the lake I couldn't go any further my mother made me come back and then Joe used to take us all to the movies on Saturday he'd lined everybody up on the Main Street all the kids and he'd pay for everybody then he'd come in and sit with us in a movie luis is commemorated here not just because he was an all-american hero he did much for the community both when he was training and after he'd retired but Luis couldn't buy a home here he'd wanted to but in the 1930s no one would sell to a black man not even the world heavyweight champion course that was the irony I mean my father was representing freedom and democracy of the United States but he couldn't live those freedoms he couldn't eat where he wanted to eat he couldn't be educated where he wanted to educate couldn't live where he wanted to live the United States in the 30s and 40s and 50s was a very segregated society so while he represented that and certainly transcended to be an American Hero he couldn't experience all the freedoms of all Americans but in June 1938 Luis fixed his attention on boxing rather than politics and on the bout set for the Yankee Stadium in New York City if he didn't win this world title fight against Max Schmeling he was ruined the stakes were no less for smelling there were reports that if he lost he might be killed when he returned to Germany the gate was the biggest ever for a boxing match over a million dollars in ticket sales equivalent to over ten million in today's dollars luis at 23 was younger and taller and very much the favorite smelling was 32 and although previously a popular boxer in america was characterized this time in the press as fighting for hitler lewis was seen as fighting for the honor and freedom of the world which made him was walking down to the fighting with my apples bananas marks everything at him the whole atmosphere was that Schmeling represented nazi germany in a 1967 interview Max Schmeling recalled how he felt 1938 you know the house was in Germany was a dictatorship and I was very light in America I have many many friends but after all I was a German and when I went from addressing carrying of engineering I was called many names and bad names and almost founded papers and cops and she got cages and other things you know I was disgusted about this all and and then the fight started the atmosphere in the stadium was electric both men spent the first minute testing out the other and then suddenly Schmeling was in trouble daddy and he's getting up immediately selling his gone down tweets now from cutting it down he's trying to get up he try to get up he's down there it was all over in 124 seconds with Schmeling let badly injured the home crowd was ecstatic smelling himself had no excuses I was laying on the onion rings whoops and he'll just tried to hit my heart and I turn into in his hit and he hit me in the kidney sure it wasn't his fault it was my Paul just assailed the German radio audience however never heard the explanation nor even the end of the fight as it became obvious that Schmeling was in deep trouble someone pulled the live radio feed to Germany so the listeners never heard the result but the German propaganda machine hadn't entirely abandoned Schmeling not yet despite schmeling's own version of the final moments of the fight some of the first newspaper stories hinted that he thought he'd been fouled by Lewis the next day the German ambassador shows up in the hospital and tries to get Schmeling to to actually come out and say that he'd been fouled then Schmeling immediately distanced himself from that and said no no that was not a foul I was fairly whipped it was the end for Schmeling after two weeks in the hospital he went home by ship without fanfare and arrived without welcome for the Nazis the thrashed boxer had no place in their pantheon of Heroes with his reputation and influence within the Nazi Party at its lowest smelling was about to take the greatest risk of his life it was late 1938 and life was sweet for Joe Lewis he had beaten Max Schmeling and had avenged the earlier defeat Louis's only defeat in a career which had already knocked up nearly forty victories in Germany things were very different for max Melling from the early 30s on the Nazis increasingly blamed Jews for Germany's economic difficulties and constantly promoted antagonism towards Jews in November 1938 this orchestrated unrest reached its zenith with a night of rioting and looting of Jewish property that has become known as crystal nacht the night of broken glass one man in particular has reason to remember Max Schmeling with gratitude on crystal night November the 9th 1938 my father asked much mailing to take me into his house and he took us for three days Henry Lewin is now a rich and successful businessman in America running hotels and gaming establishments in Las Vegas and elsewhere but in 1938 he and his younger brother Verna were Jewish refugees in Berlin Laxmi Lee my father and myself at a time where he had no benefit my father was not a rich man anymore everything was taken away from him there was nothing this man could gave he brought us back to our family in his car and this car was three cars like this at Berlin so everybody knew this was Marsh mailing if this wouldn't have happened that night I wouldn't be here tonight 16 months after Max Schmeling lost his second fight with Joe Lewis Germany was at war now decidedly out of favor with the Nazis Schmeling was sent off for paratrooper training even though he was well over the draft age that was clearly a punishment there was no other figure like him a star in the in the cinema world or a major athlete or any Wales who was sent off to war he was 30 33 years old and obviously way beyond the the age where it would be a fighting necessary and he clearly was being punished not husky young Negro on route to an army induction center is the heavyweight boxing champion of the world Joe Lewis the boy who beat Max Schmeling Lewis also went to war volunteering for the army when America mobilized in 1941 the US government quickly used Lewis's popularity to appeal to other young black men to join up the army can use that fighting spirit and Joe Lewis is now a corporal of cavalry somewhere in the West there was a treatment of black soldiers in the Second World War even even in that war which was obviously as second grade citizens and so on the one hand using Lewis as a way of drawing in young black men to fight the country and then putting them in a situation in which in some cases they were clearly separated and segregated astiz I think you know a cynical act but they were going to use anybody they could in the in the struggle against fascism I think Joe Lewis was significant in terms of the eventual racial changes that occurred in the United States first of all during the war every time he he saw prejudices and segregation in the in the United States Army he would call Washington and say it's not right for black troops here and the generals in the Secretary of Army would pick up the phone and call that base and and that station and say get it right I think that people would say that because there was a Joe Lewis there's Jackie Robinson in baseball on several occasions civil rights leaders have told me that they got the strength to do more than was expected there were more than was a lot of them because of the strength that they received because of the treatments and successes of Joe Lewis luis was the centerpiece of one of the major black recruitment films of the war produced by the US government the young minute and 49 second an american fist won a victory but it wasn't the final victory know that victory is going to take a little longer and a whole lot more American faith now those two men that were matched in the ring that night were matched again this time it's a fight not between man and man but between nation and nations to fight for the real championship of the world to determine which way of life shall survive in 1941 with German troops advancing on all fronts smelling was sent to Greece with his paratrooper regiment but in his first jump in Tikrit he aggravated the back injury he'd sustained in his second fight with Lewis Schmeling was unfit to fight for the rest of the war Lewis also didn't do much fighting but for very different reasons he spent his time on morale boosting duty many believe his 1938 victory over Schmeling helped towards a positive outcome in the war many people feel that Joe Louis's victory 1938 was a preamble to World War two there is one Polish Jew who said that he survived the concentration camps because he knew the Germans wouldn't win because Joe Louis had defeated Maximilian Luis traveled widely throughout the war giving exhibition boxing matches and generally pressing the flesh he also donated to the American war effort the purses from the two professional matches he fought after the United States joined the war they totaled over a million dollars in today's money but Louis's generosity would end up ruining him the Internal Revenue Service charged Lewis income tax on the donation and interest when he failed to pay it was particularly unfortunate because for all the things that my father did for this country for the Internal Revenue Service the IRS not to recognize the contributions he made he donated one entire purse to the Navy Relief Fund and another to the army relief fund because of the checks were made out to him and he immediately signed them over back to the Navy relief funds the IRS said that still income to him and that's when the trouble began and there's no question they could have relieved him of that which i think was a very very poor treatment product the greatest rivals in boxing history would meet again but not in the ring when the war was over Germany was in ruins but Max Schmeling didn't suffer the same fate as the American heavyweight champion Joe Lewis Schmeling tried his hand at a number of ventures and as Germany prospered after the war smelling prospered to a former boxing contact American Jim Farley was now the president of coca-cola international and in 1953 he invited Schmeling to invest in a franchise in Hamburg Schmeling has been associated with the company ever since but he had not forgotten his old adversary from before the war in 1950 when Max Schmeling came to the United States to referee a fight he went to my father's house and said where's the champ and they said well he's on the golf course and so they called the golf course and said Max Schmeling is here to see you and my father walked off the golf course and to visit with Max Schmeling now the significance of that is that my father was on the golf course when I was born and he was on the golf course when my sister was born but yet he came off the golf course when Max Schmeling was there years later Joe was to give a few golf pointers to max but that day marked the rekindling of a very special relationship I just want to clear situations I wanted to tell him that for my side never was anything any hate or something like that the boys just our publicity stuff and I'm sorry if he believed it he took my arms or my my on the bus and it was both most kind you know he was kind of I was clapping and it's Ellison is yo and you didn't believe this I hope he said no max and even if I did it you know it's all forgotten now and vehicle trans and since here we are very very good friends over the next few years the two met whenever they could and the friendship that had been born in the ring out of mutual respect for the other skills developed into a deep and lasting bond and Max was able to help Joe financially as well from time to time max sent funds to assist my father in some of his medical care Max was very helpful to my father's their wife Martha the fact that he was always there and always cared living what five six thousand miles away because he really deeply cared for my father smelling could have thought to help Joe and his family with boxing well behind him smelling could concentrate on his other interests and he built up his business into one of the major coca-cola franchises in Germany Joe Louis's life on the other hand was going in a quite different direction in 1950 to stave off debts he came out of retirement and went back into boxing for a year he did well but it was no career for an aging hero it came to an end with a humiliating defeat by Rocky Marciano Marciano never forgave himself for the knockout punch though Louis never held it against him this is the second time in his career he was knocked out and the first since max nailing did it in 1936 but worse was to come for Lewis again Joe Lewis the former heavyweight boxing champion he'll be 42 soon is trying the wrestling game when he couldn't box anymore Lewis tried his hand at professional wrestling after 10 minutes of tugging hauling and cooking a right forearm smash things ly out of the ring and the winner is Joe vote even though he won his bouts it was a sad end to a brilliant career in the ring he was still laden with debt even though his third wife Martha to whom he'd been married since 1959 had helped straighten out his finances in 1971 they moved to Las Vegas where Joe was a celebrity doorman by now Luis was in increasingly poor health and addicted to cocaine he had to rely on the charity of his friends including Max Schmeling and finally in 1981 just a month before his 67th birthday Joe died of a heart attack he still owed the government well over a million dollars but that didn't matter to his friends they gave him a massive send-off from Las Vegas the coffin lay open at Caesar's Palace and 3,000 people came to the funeral Max Schmeling couldn't get to America but there was one last thing he wanted to do for his friend Joe Lewis he called Henry Lewin one of the young Jewish boys he'd rescued from Berlin just before the war I was at the Las Vegas of much mailings on the phone from Hamburg this is every Jew Lewis died his coffin is displayed in the ballroom at Caesar's Palace I would be very appreciative if you accept that I cable you a large amount of money as you put an envelope and all you have to do is go over there and give the widow of Joe Lewis mrs. Lewis this envelope and say it's for max mailings I went over there I was sitting next to mrs. Lewis on her share and I talked slowly saying mrs. Lewis here's an envelope from Baksh mailing Oh Maax mailing our true friend two days later Joe Lewis was buried with full military honors at Arlington National Cemetery finally laid to rest in a plot just below the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier problems to take out of this world I think that the government that recognized who he was and had him buried in Arlington National Cemetery was in a small token trying to repay the indignities I think that the previous government gave him I think that there was a recognition that Joe Louis was more than just a boxer he was a hero that came along at a time when America needed a hero they still ring the bell for Joe Lewis at Ponton lakes in New Jersey although Joe's lucky training ground burned down in 1980 the Bell was saved it's in a social club and patrons pay $1 to Joe's favorite charity to ring it and remember a hero Max Schmeling is every bit as much of a hero in Germany as Joe Louis's to Americans and not simply because he continued to give money to good causes a great German one-of-a-kind and I had a pleasure to benefit from that one-of-a-kind I'm very pleased to say that they are good job and Schmeling is their leader Mack smelling and Joe Lewis were remarkably similar men ruthless in the ring but fighters who transcended boxing perhaps that's why they became such close friends they both fought each other hard and they believed that they should be victorious in the ring I think the difference between boxing in these days in those days is that once they were out of the ring those people respected each other in a way that allow them to be friends with each other
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Views: 205,806
Rating: 4.7635822 out of 5
Keywords: max, schmeling, joe, louis, documentary, the, real, story, baer, muhammad, ali, mike, tyson, wladimir, klitschko, klitchko, jack, sharkey, gene, tunney, dempsey, larry, holmes, ken, norton, frazier, evander, holyfield, riddick, bowe, lennox, lewis, rocky, marciano, great, heavyweight, boxing, ko, knockout, floyd, mayweather, manny, pacquiao, marvin, hagler, marquez, roberto, duran
Id: fSaXM0vZrws
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 29sec (2669 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 03 2011
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