Mucho relleno y poca masa - Receta de AUTÉNTICO STRUDEL de manzana

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Hello Friend how are you? I'm Svieta. Many you asked me to teach you to make a apfelstrudel, Viennese apple strudel. And today I'm going to do it. I'll show you how the authentic, traditional strudel is prepared of Viennese apple. For those of you who do not know what is only so I'll say it's a delicious apple dessert which is prepared with an exquisite filling of apple, in abundance, and with very little dough. I think there are very few apple desserts that can overcome a strudel. And, also, this dessert hits a lot for the time in which we are. To taste a piece of strudel while we are watching the concert broadcast Year's Eve from Vienna brings us a little bit more to that magical place. This friends strudel has a spectacular fill. Here we have some very tender raisins and very squash, nuts and apples, also very Tender, tender and juicy. And all that is covered with a very crunchy dough, which undo when touched. The first thing we are going to do is put to macerate the raisins We put them in a container. We add the hot rum. We put the rum hot so that the raisins maceren before. If you do not want to use the rum, you can put hot water but an apple strudel It always carries a touch of rum. And we leave them macerating until the moment we need them You can also put them to macerate from one day to the next. In a bowl we put the flour previously sieved. It is the bread wheat flour or of medium strength. For more information I'll leave the link below the video, in the description. Cascamos 1 egg of medium size. We add 1 tablespoon of oil. We add 1 pinch of salt. And warm water. We remove very well. We cover the container and leave the dough in Rest 15 - 20 minutes, so that they moisten properly the flour particles and the mass acquire body. To make the filling we need apples. It is advised to use acid apples, with good aroma and flavor. I'm going to use Golden variety apples, which are a bit green and acidic. I like. Once we have peeled the apples and we have removed the heart the cut in pieces of 0.5 cm. We put a pan over high heat. We add 15 g or 1 tbsp butter. We add the apples. Squeeze over the juice of 1/2 lemon. We add 3 tablespoons of sugar. We cook the apples until they release the juice and then this juice evaporates. When you see that the juice has evaporated, we remove the apples from the fire. We put them in a container and let cool. Now we continue with the dough. We dump it on the table and we knead it. After resting this dough is kneaded very all right. It is a mass with a body but at the same time it is soft. Very pleasant to the touch. I recommend that you love her at least 7 minutes This is already very good. It is very soft but at the same time it has a body. I've taken it knead 7 minutes. With this amount of dough come 2 strudel 45 cm long, the size of the tray of the traditional oven. We divide the dough into two pieces of it weight. We make the balls. We take 2 pieces of plastic. We anoint them with oil. We wrap the dough inside. We store the dough in the fridge for 30 minutes Today I'm going to do just one strudel. The second piece of dough I'll leave it in the fridge until tomorrow, to do tomorrow While the dough is resting we will finish to make the filling. We add 1 teaspoon of apples Vanilla sugar. You can also use the essence of vanilla or vanilla on branch. We add the chopped nuts. The breadcrumbs And the raisins. We remove. This amount of filling gives for 1 strudel. The amounts of the filling to make two strudels are below the video. Try the filling in case you need a little more sugar ... adjust it to your liking. We light the oven at 190ºC with heat from up and down. If you do not have this function put the heat from below. To stretch the dough covers the table with a piece of cloth or with a tablecloth and put over a piece of cloth or a cloth of 50x70 cm. Sprinkle the cloth with flour. And we rub it so that the flour penetrates the fabric It is so that the dough does not stick to the cloth. We take the dough. It is very soft. With the help of a roller we stretch it from the center for outside. And now we are going to stretch it with the hands of the following way We're going to finish stretching at the table. As we see the center is already quite thin and what we have to stretch are the edges. We stretch carefully. But without fear. Although this dough looks like the phyllo dough it is not. And so, friends, the dough has remained. Notice how finite it is and how well it is see the drawing of the cloth. The Austrians say that a mass is what sufficiently stretched to make the strudel if putting a letter under the mass You can read. I do not know if you can read it but I yes. So the dough is ready to make the strudel. Now we anoint it with the melted butter. You can use the butter with both salt and without salt. We put the filling in one of the edges. With a knife we ​​remove the thick part of the edges. We spread the edge with butter. We close the strudel. We close the tips. We remove what is left over. We place it in a tray lined with paper to bake. We make the cuts so that the steam comes out. We spread it with butter. We take it to the oven. We bake the strudel 30-35 minutes or until that is golden. When it is already warm, you can cut it and serve. We sprinkle it with icing sugar. Strudel is usually eaten with vanilla ice cream or vanilla sauce. But believe me, it's so good that even Eating it alone is a delight. Fix ... The filling is exquisite. How is it below ... mmm ... I confess friends that I can eat the Half of the strudel I made in one sitting. Because although this strudel looks great, it is not. I promise you. That's why I tell you that you can do two to the because you are going to eat them. And well, what can I say ... if you liked the recipe share it on the networks social with your friends. And subscribe to my channel, if you have not already, done because it's totally free. See you in the next video. Ciao!
Channel: Recetas de Esbieta
Views: 2,430,146
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Keywords: strudel, manzanas, postre con manzana, masa de strudel, strudel de manzana, relleno strudel de manzana, receta de strudel, strudel aleman, receta original, apfelstrudel, manzanas al horno, como hacer strudel, postre casero, recetas esbieta, strudel con masa filo, strudel con hojaldre
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 44sec (884 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 28 2018
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