Lost Ruins of Arnak: How to Play and Tips

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hi my name is peter welcome to games made easy today i'm really happy to teach you and give you tips on how to play lost ruins of arnak published by tech games edition it's a beautiful game and extremely competitive one of my new favorites what i love about the game is the rhythm the mechanics how no two games are ever the same i also find that it lasts just the right amount of time and hits that sweet spot between complexity and ease of learning if you enjoyed this video consider subscribing and clicking the like button it helps a lot [Applause] in lost ruins of iron act you play an adventuring archaeologist a bit like indiana jones over the course of five rounds you discover the uncharted island of arnak which is full of hidden sights items artifacts and treasures and dangerous guardians which you must overcome and gather enough clues to discover the lost temple of arnak at the full moon the player with the most treasures items artifacts and idols gets the most points and wins the game let me show you the components while i set up the game starting by placing the board in the middle of the table if it's your first games i suggest you play with the bird temple side the snake temple side is a bit more challenging but i'll explain the rules at the end of the video both temples have the shoreline at the bottom where players can collect the main resources of the game and as they go inland they encounter ever bigger hidden sites here is the lost temple itself place the supply board at the bottom here and place all the resources like gold compasses tablets arrowheads and jewels shuffle all the idols and place them randomly on the sites one idol face up on each of these eight sites and one idol face up and one face down on each of these four larger sites at the beginning of the game only the campsites are accessible none of the bigger sites or the guardians are revealed yet shuffle the level one side and place them face down here and the level two here shuffle all the guardians and place them face down here then shuffle all the assistants and place them silver side face up in three piles over here now take all the cards and separate the artifacts the items and the fears in three piles place them on the top of the board like this you can keep the fear cards face up as they are all the same other more scary that way place the moon staff on the first moon face here and flip the top artifact card and place it face up on the left of the staff on the right of the staff place the top five item cards face up both items and artifacts offer really cool bonuses now for the rest of the setup it will vary depending on the number of players for this video i'm going to show you a three player game on top of the research track place the temple tiles place three 11 on top two stacks of six here and three stacks of two there the stacks are equal to the number of players so here stacks of three shuffle all the bonus tiles and place three of them face down here as it's a three player game place other bonus tiles face up on the spaces marked on the temple place them on the three player areas but avoid areas reserved for four player games return the leftover bonus tiles to the box now shuffle these five blocking tiles and pick three of them and place them to their matching space here here and here you do not use the blocking tiles in a full player game and you will use all of them in a two-player game now each player will pick a color and get a player board take the two archaeologists figures and the four starting cards here all cards have a travel value on the top left corner these also have an effect as they let you collect one gold each or one compass each from the supply add two fear cards they don't have effects and count as negative points at the end of the game but they still have a travel value shuffle all six cards and place them face down here pick the first player randomly or by picking a player who traveled most recently to a place they had never been before that player takes the alarm clock and two gold tokens then clockwise the second player takes one gold and one compass and the third player takes two gold and one compass in a four player game the fourth player would get one gold and two compasses now distribute to everyone a player aid and you are ready to start playing each of the five rounds comes in five phases and we start by drawing your playing hand each player shuffles their six card deck and draws five cards these are the cards you'll be able to play for this round leave the remaining card in your deck here then in clockwise order each player can take one of eight main actions and as many free actions as they want let me start by explaining the dig action that is where you send your archaeologist on a site to collect new resources first pay the travel costs shown here at first only those sites are available so you only pay one boot which you should pay from the fear card as shown on the top left later in the game as you discover new dig sites they will be farther away so you will have to pay higher travel values to travel by plane by boat or by car check this chart here showing that you can always use a plane to travel to any location or a car or boat to pay for a boot just keep in mind that boats and cars are not interchangeable and that you can always hire a pilot for two gold so you could go here for four gold place the card you've played face up in your play area here and place one of your archeologists in an unoccupied location to dig to collect new resources here you collect two gold here two compasses here two tablets here one arrowhead and here you also need to discard one card from your hand into your play area to collect one jewel note that if a site is already occupied you would need to pay two boots to get to this site if it's blocked then only one archaeologist can reach that dig site this round place the resources you've just collected on your player board now let me explain another action which is to discover a new site so you can go digging for new resources there are two types of new sites you'll need to spend three compasses to reach level one sites and six compasses to reach level two sites as shown here then you need to pay the travel cost it's usually one travel to reach level one and usually two to travel to level two sites place your archaeologist and collect the idol immediately resolve its effect and place it face down on your player board on level 2 sites you collect both idols but only resolve the one face up then take the top tile of the stack of this site level immediately collect its effect and place it here then take the top guardian and place it here and that's the end of the discover a new site action whether you defeat the guardian or not this site is now another place you can send your archaeologist to dig in later rounds you will have to spend the travel costs indicated here but you don't need to spend the compasses anymore whether it's a guardian you've just discovered or one that was already there to overcome a guardian is another action let me show you how it's done you can defeat the guardians if one of your archaeologists is on the same site as the guardian then you need to pay the costs indicated here to overcome it place the guardian token next to your player board face up the guardian always comes with a one-time boon you can either use it immediately or at a later time as a free action when you do use the action on the top right corner and flip the guardian whether you use the guardian spoon or not each guardian is always worth five points at the end of the game but be careful if at the end of the round you have not defeated the guardian you escape running and will have to pick up a fear card luckily some artifacts and items let you escape fear free or defeat guardians let's have a look at how you buy some of these cards as an action all the cards you can buy are on the card row here items are on the right and artifacts on the left of the moon staff to buy them pick compasses for artifacts or gold for items when you buy an item place it face down at the bottom of your card deck slide the remaining items towards the staff and draw the top card of the item deck buying an artifact is pretty powerful as you get to use its action immediately at no extra cost resolve it and place the card face up near your play area you refill the artifact by sliding the remaining cards towards the moonstaff and placing the top card of the deck face up on the empty space now let me show you how to play a card as an action when you play a card from your hand place it face up in your play area resolve its effect if the effect has this lightning symbol it's a free action and you can play as many as you want a lot of effects are about collecting resources from the supply but some are a bit more complex all effects are explained in detail in the player aid here if the card asks to exile a card you can resolve its effect first and then place it face up here for an artifact here for a fear or face up here for an item if you place an artifact card you also need to pay a tablet before resolving the effect this extra cost of a tablet means that it's sometimes better to use these artifacts for their travel value and fly to a dig site instead of using their action now let me explain how the assistants work because they're pretty powerful when you gain an assistant pick it from the bottom of the research track place it on your board silver side face up like this when you use its power turn it 90 degrees like this and collect the benefit when you upgrade an assistant flip it to reveal its golden more powerful side if you've already used the silver side refresh it when you upgrade it there's another cool power that you can use it's a free action and that's the idols you've collected from new dig sites you can use these idols to gain those benefits exchange one gold for a jewel or collect one arrowhead collect two tablets or one gold and one compass or draw another card into your hand when you use the idle place it on the leftmost unoccupied space here you can use only four of them and they will cost you points as you cover these points the points you are covering would have been added to your score at the end of the game now let me show you how you research your way through the ruins to make your way to the bird temple you have two markers to go up the exploration track first you move the magnifying glass then you take notes in the notepad so you can bring your notepad at the same level as the magnifying glass but not above it the cost to move is the same but the boards are different the rewards for the magnifying glass are shown by this shape here you get one gold and as you go up you gain one compass another compass and here pick up an extra card from your deck the notebook gives you access to a new assistant here and a second one here and lets you upgrade your assistant here and here here you gain three compasses here you get a free artifact and here you can defeat a guardian for free to go up one level pay the cost indicated here like one compass and one arrowhead to move up here then you would have a choice of paying either one jewel to move here or one tablet an arrowhead to move here the difference is that you would pick a different bonus token here a resource upgrade or hear an extra card into your hand once you reach the top level you've reached the temple place your magnifying glass on the leftmost empty space also look at the bonus tokens to pick one to get its reward immediately now once you've arrived at the top you can start collecting temple tiles which can give you a lot of points at the end of the game you can spend a gold and two tablets to pick up two points here or a jewel for two points on this side or a compass and an arrowhead for these if you want to access the six points you would need to spend a gold two tablets and a jewel or a jewel a compass and an arrowhead for the 11 points you would need each of these you can collect as many as you can afford so it pays off to get there early now is a good time to talk about the other side of the board the main difference is how you research your way to the snake temple it's a little bit more complicated so i advise you to play that side once you've played a few games the key difference is in the assistance as you now rescue one of them on your way to the temple by selecting the one you prefer this stage requires that you spend an idol this idol needs to come from your supply crate it cannot have been used before there are as many assistants here as there are players put the others back face up without revealing the hidden one as you find these assistants they're already tired and you cannot use them this round but you can still upgrade them in these places finally the temple is a lot scarier and you discover dreadful tales and pick up additional fear cards as you get closer to the top some of the dig sites have different travel values otherwise everything else is the same as the bird temple if a player has nothing else to do or wants to stop this round they simply pass the other players continue until everyone has passed and then we proceed to the end of round phase collect your archaeologists from the board if you have cards you haven't played you can keep them for the next round or place them in your play area then shuffle your played cards and place them at the bottom of your deck refresh your assistance draw a new hand up to five cards on the board discard the cards directly on the left and the right of the moon staff shift it one space to the right shift the artifact cards to the right and draw two new ones once all players have passed at the end of the fifth round it's the end of the game and we are ready to count the points add the points depending on how far you've moved your magnifying glass and notebook so here it's 23 and five add the points for the temple tiles you have here it's 11 then for your idols here it's 12. then for the number of guardians you have overcome which is 15 here add the points of all the items and artifacts you've bought here it's nine and subtract one point for each fear card you still have so minus two for a total of 73 in case of a tie the winner is the player who reached the temple first if no one reached the temple it's the player who had the highest research score now my tips to win at lost ruins of arnac are it's a good idea to grab some of these item cards at the beginning of the game to improve your engine sometimes you'll pick up an artifact for the immediate effect it gives you because spending a tablet after that may prove to be a bit expensive however the plane they give you is also very useful and it gives you points at the end of the game if you get too many cards you may end up not using them but they will give you points at the end of the game it's not always advantageous to spend your resources to overcome a guardian they could very well be better spent elsewhere being the first to research the temple can give dramatic advantages and helps win the game so that's how you play last rounds of ironic it's a great game that feels like a race to the finish between all players to see how far you'll get into the lost temple if you've enjoyed this video click like and subscribe or leave in the comments a game you'd like me to teach and if you enjoy my content consider supporting me on patreon the link is right here we'll make more games easy soon bye now
Channel: Games Made Easy
Views: 14,335
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Keywords: lost ruins of arnak tutorial, lost ruins of arnak, how to play lost ruins of arnak, lost ruins of arnak board game, czech games edition, lost ruins of arnak game how to play, lost ruins of arnak game, arnak, arnak board game, arnak game, arnak how to play, arnak tutorial, best games, board game, board games, boardgame, boardgames, cge, instructional, lost ruins, lost ruins of arnak how to play, lost ruins of arnak rules, tabletop game, tabletop games, the lost ruins of arnak
Id: yg8CwM9ixo0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 47sec (947 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 13 2022
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