Lost Planet was WAY more brutal than I remember

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now while this planet will always hold a special place in my heart as it was the very first game I got with my Xbox 360. meaning the game is 17 years old now this bad boy was launching next to Twilight Princess Oblivion Dead Rising Vice City Call of Duty 3 pray but like 2006 spray and who could forget the Timeless classic you all know what it is say it with me Chicken Little Ace in action but lost planet was different it was Capcom flexing their muscles to make a unique game then on easy and normal the game is a cakewalk and then on hard it makes you hate your life trying to manage your ever depleting Health Resource it's like they know there are gluttons for pain out there and invented a mode specifically for those people I am those people and after all these years the game still hasn't lost its magic hello old friend look at all this metal gear inspiration get him boys what's going on we've run into some trouble we'll do what we can bug planet money while fleeing from the enigmatic Menace the humans discovered the precious thermal energy lying within the very bodies of the acreage and in their greed they all died the end turns out this game is just taking place in Canada but nobody else in the world knew candidate existed yet oh man such a was such a weird gameplay it reminds me of like the Wii remote I didn't even know there was an FPS mode oh it's bad no no no we can't play like that okay that's like turn completely freaking Resident Evil just leaking into all of capcom's other games oh no oh no oh he almost had me there he's stuck get him wait they're that easy to kill the giant pasak ew you man it's crazy how much better this game looks than Gollum you know oh [Applause] why would I fight it no no no I'm not gonna fight that thing reload it how do we wait where do I go oh oh I see I see oh I will be safe on this staircase that's so I gotta I gotta turn up the acceleration oh I just froze to death oh hey it's just like the Halo 2 mission with the Scarab oh this is such a reference moment wait no no no put put it in get in did you just rip the entire machine gun straight off this is it this is where we take down the giant bugs oh I've got two guns oh there it is right there the weak spot just like I predicted in the beginning I need more tea energy give me the tea oh oh he he threw us right into a cutscene my father's gonna defeat the bug and Save the Day never mind this is a Capcom game that guy is gonna be fine the thermal energy and your arm will be our little secret my arm is my own little secret me I'm Yuri that's Luca and Rick we'll all be dead by the time this game is over except for the girl you're probably gonna end up dating her or having some kind of weird Romance that was one of the most realistic tightening animations I think I've ever seen in the game make your way past the scattered Reubens into the acreage high once inside navigate around the obstacles that present themselves then clear the hive out basically Go and Kill Everyone leave whoa Red Dead Redemption levels of snow oh this thing sucks in comparison to my other one I don't care if they're friendly or not you killed my father or or one of your species did at least so because of that you all die now oh no big bug shoot off his arms if you can we got his arm off bugs can't survive without beds Defeated come on bugs come on bugs I can shoot your skill with this machine gun okay this thing can slice through literal Steel what's this was this a grenade how do I throw this probably oh yeah just like Halo just like good old Halo days but watch this car by the way you think this giant hunk of Steel can stand in the way of bullets no I dismantled it I'm gonna trap all the bugs in the jar and then and then have them as like little Night Lights uh hello oh wait grenade shoot the Moon what they're gonna do when I sever his limbs with my oh maybe I expose the door here yeah physics all the grenades yeah baby give me your tea energy I'm gonna die I mean I see what I need oh oh never mind no why do you tell me this now I need to activate this I'm scared there's so much camera Shake more camera Shake than Ninja Turtles do you think I don't know how to survive these climates I'm a Canadian this is how my parents got to school every day whoa okay as long as there's no more there's a lot of bugs in here parachute bugs oh frick I'm all out I'm depleting I'm depleting I need I need the orange oh orange sacks oranges you might even call them I need more more orange oh my goodness I'm gonna freeze to death come on let me out of here I need more oranges no they eat source no what is this alien looking gun energy gun it's like a Plasma Pistol but like it locks on enemies like I'm gonna waste this thing and then get as many of these bugs as I can then swab it what am I doing it's using my energy while I'm shooting it the biggest orange thank you video game for your orange oh my word there's so many bugs in here come on come oh it's so close oh did I get it I got it I think we're good I just supposed to clear out the hive that's all I'm supposed to do here oh boy all right bugs prepare to die they're not dying they're not dying all right time for grenade spam oh this is so bad oh look at that I'm dead okay big bugs coming down we kill him instantly the bugs are everywhere oh what there's a Mech in here the bugs will perish you know what's better than one gun two guns oh my word hover hover wait rocket launcher Don't Mind If I Do yeah there's so much happening he's on his back this is my time to shine we've almost got him come on show me what you got not like this no no no I was so close I gotta get this bulk away from my oh I'm stuck in the bug's texture come on I'm gonna maintain maximum orange levels I don't know where he is ah no no what are you talking about danger I am the danger let's go this time I'm gonna get him this time he's getting it see that there's the DPS I was looking for don't hide from me your butt is mine come on no no oh he's down the bulk is down come on that's what you get first try even It's Time To Face Down Crimson Unity okay they killed our comrade no it won't be easy do you think killing a giant bug was easy where do I begin this world was first just tell me who the dang Pirates are I don't care about their backstory exactly got it got it yeah give me 15 mechs and 100 guns come on and a hundred million bullets next action then you know Kill Them All oh all right Mission Go and Kill Everyone leave I got it this takes place in the Fallout Universe clearly you you guys just didn't know about this you guys just don't get it you know what I don't get as soon as I picked up that last match yet I didn't bring any of them over into this one oh no is that a snow pirate there's no pirate you think you think no Pirates oh it's grenade time throw grenades oh I'm alive bugs there's so many bugs they're just sliding on those you're gonna die you hear me you're gonna die or maybe you're gonna die you know what you're already here's a grenade ouch you sure are a fierce little fighter too bad I'm gonna have to shoot off your ligaments I don't even know what to do screw the red barrels every Barrel in this game is explosive okay well this is not this is not off to a good start hiding the ruins where they can't get me unless they can destroy the ruins they can destroy the ruins if you roll at me buddy I'm gonna freaking shotgun you right in the Noggin never mind I'm just gonna die I guess Kevin needs his orange juice this is why this game is so tough because you have to you have to maintain your orange juice levels and it's almost impossible get orange juice ignore bug get orange juice ignore I missed he was right in front of me a bit that's right and look at them retreating pathetic cowards Perry this oh Freddy you know what it's it's blow up time this guy really thought this guy really thought I wasn't about to deplete my entire grenade counter just for his stupid sorry tail that's right Frozen in Time Boom the butthole of the mountain I hate that I just said that and then that was the animation that played grenade you know the on the orange feel like a lot of games these days don't take advantage of the whole uh orange juice system most of them just go with the cliche Gatorade and frankly I find that rather insulting wait why are the bugs fighting for the Pirates and why did that guy Scream Mama mother well that missed me by a hair how is the rocket launcher do literally no damage to this thing is he dead he's got to be dead he's dead wait who the frick is behind me now oh they've got Mac Turtles help with me mother I have fallen ah what the heck is happening kill the Mack Jewel everything ah I will destroy you Mecha salt he dead I think he's dead oh large quantity of orange juice holy freaking hey bud what a man won't do for a good cup of OJ ah give me all your own juice or die either way you're gonna die this is just this is just a normal Canadian on his way to Walmart to get some orange juice ma we orange juice Bandits are at it again you literally man dies with a Your mom joke that's a sick Dev animation that's awesome oh don't mind if I do actually video game don't mind if I freaking do you think your bike can withstand the great might of me fool carefully now we do not want to fall he's got a mechan he's doing parkour what do we do well neither am I oh we're just cruising ramming speed oh we're hitting this sick jump oh I'm gonna meet him I'm gonna meet him oh wait what all right boys have a grenade great ragdoll physics of the day all right take the rifle how do I aim with the rifle oh no no saved by the grappling hook I'm telling you wait did I just shoot his rocket out of the air you can't get me here I'm safe but I can't get him either looks like we're on a stalemate except I have grenades and he's got rocket launches okay okay I get it I get it is he dead I can't tell if he's dead I'm just gonna keep throwing grenades wait for the dust to clear yes yes the big orange juice I'm going I'm going man thank you for letting me reload I appreciate it I'm so good you'll never kill me alive man they sound like Mad Max enemies I love it they've secured the White House no they didn't proceed with such and neither will I if I can stealth take this base I think that's probably the best course of action okay it's time to swap to a shotgun I'm sure shotguns against fleshy humans is a good idea hello boys oh yeah very good idea very good indeed your guys's name sucks I'm quite literally stationary right now all right now you die holy that just went right by my head are you gonna die at any point here wait is he dead we got him look at all that orange juice we're going in no the orange juice went away we do have to kill measly humans now for it I'm dead okay can I swipe the pilots right out of this guy nice oh this is awesome this is better than the Spider-Man video game Spider-Man wishes it had lost planet Webb's swinging action and now oh we take all the orange juice for ourselves all right this planet would be lost without me all right we're taking the White House let me in oh there's just a little door oh frick and now it's an even fight stupid inferior man get over here get over here I'm gonna show you how to actually shoot a gun you freaking idiot shotgun this idiot they really are just titanfalling at this point hey boys ever die ever felt the sweet Embrace of death oh no he's here oh it's a boss I didn't realize it was a boss fight until now I should probably get a new Mech at this point wait he's dead the Heathen is dead no problem I didn't even realize that was a boss until the end the engines place it before trailer running again personal display of affection that's almost my name backwards anime character having a problem it's because I'm special this is good it's just a good old cleanup Mission huh all right stop spitting him out at me this is what you get you dumb nest no I see nothing but I do see a little thing right here oh frick yep I I think I see something I think there's something out here hold on I uh let me get a closer look let me get a closer look yep there's definitely something out here but first first and foremost I think I gotta activate this thing you know hi I am being consumed boss [Music] yes there is definitely something out there what is happening I can't hear anything he's scary he's scary he's shooting the bugs are shooting at me die you bugs they're right behind me the worms are upon me Dune wishes it could be this scary wait is that the facility I think that's why I need to go they'll never stop me from getting to the great maybe they will I'm almost there no no so close so close I can smell the facility I made it I made it they burned it looks like snow Pirates why would they burn it instead of taking it this planet is terrible why are we trying to take this place oh it's on skis they ski now whoa oh but she's got bad aim oh frick no no no oh no that probably wasn't supposed to happen I should run I'm gonna take this I'm alive and well oh a working Mech nice no I won I defeated the mech lady that's right run you coward all right she just kill herself oh she's scared he reminds me of someone let me guess his father something happened and I'm falling oh my gosh this is not a very pleasant place to be if you don't mind me saying this is just like that time that I had to go into my uh the crawl space in my house turns out there's guys in there I need orange juice stat oh my word okay what is a plasma bomb do I hope they're dead out there are they actually not dead I can't actually tell where the mech is but I think he's over there oh good shooting fish in a barrel I'll just let them fight the giant bugs I won't concern myself with such matters such matters are beneath me literally I guess a jump activated elevator this is bad they're jumping on my elevator with me they know the prompts oh frick I'm going down I'm going down I can't I'm going down all right I gotta go up here I guess hey boys you wouldn't fear your gun shooting air breathers yes we know gently now made it we made it look at us and look at that view dang that's a that's a pretty stellar long distance view for a for a 360 game man look at us on top of the world entering a boss fight Arena uh what is this I can fly too idiot oh uh this is bad give me Orange please all the Orange please every last Orange please I need it all slowly but surely the tortoise wins the race slowly but surely the tortoise dies holy freaking a I can't Retreat I and right right okay wait for him to stop wait for him to stop and oh my gosh I'm throwing I'm throwing oh that big damage wait what is that what I want to do I'm just getting absolutely freaking bombarded by him oh my gosh he keeps moving when I keep thinking I'm gonna hit him they should really have the Flight of the Bumblebee playing in the background on this one you know what's she gonna do huh oh what what what kind of garbage is that I gotta get the juice I got some juice not enough juice this is an insane boss fight wow Capcom was that's the games that you get to the end boss fight they're like all right now you're done okay this is it this is the game plan you just stand around this pillar okay accurate shot accurate shot yeah kinda Alex so close so close dude no I was so close I hate this boss with every fiber of my being it's so good you know there's much damage with the Gatling guns if I can there is no room for error on this one trying to pick up these weapons is half the battle and why is the get out button the same as the button to pick up I just want to pick up the weapon stop getting out of the stupid Mac that's it we've lost unbelievable wait what what happened what who died and gave me this blessing of orange juice because I take them oh my gosh and then she moved to the last second where is she I have like a second to get up and try to get an accurate shot in here ah like nothing I do matters nothing I do freaking matters just pick up the ammo I do not understand why you cannot just get this concept oh good good get out of the bed yeah get out of the bag yeah pretty pretty good pretty good wrong one wrong one why does the game curse me so wrong side now I'm just I'm just botching this up I you cannot concentrate I'm gonna lose my mind I'm gonna lose my freaking mind trying to pick up this stupid gun wrong arm but who cares at this point doesn't matter because I'm gonna die anyways no matter how good you are at trying to get the the freaking hits off she just absolutely permalocks you into a into a like a cc almost you just can't do anything I hate the stupid cluster bomb look how close I got look how close I am unbelievable what a fun boss fight I'm having fun lots of fun wait did I not grab the other rocket launcher uh just it's gonna be perfect it has why did I do that why did I do that [Music] foreign foreign
Channel: Kevduit
Views: 289,607
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Kevduit, Lost Planet, Remember Lost Planet, Lost Planet Review, Lost Planet in 2023, Lost Planet 2, Lost Planet 3, Lost Planet gameplay, Is lost planet good, is lost planet worth playing, lost planet 17 years later, is Lost Planet 3 bad, Lost Planet co op, Xbox, Playstation, Gaming, Meme, Memes, Funny, Comedy, Montage, Lost Planet story, capcom, Lost Planet is way more brutal than I remember, Kevduit Lost Planet, Xbox 360, Lost Planet characters, lost planet good, is lost planet worth
Id: dfoDJ5MTlU4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 25sec (1645 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 27 2023
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