Lost Gold of WWII: Treasure Hunters Uncover Buried Japanese Gold *2 Hour Marathon*

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previously on lost gold of World War II keep going till you can I've run into Bedrock I can't dig any deeper I want to see the target what about a horizontal drill it's the best bet we've got right now guys might want to come look at this looks like charcoal we need to take another look at these tapes we've got from Bob Curtis the map show about 10 ft below the surface and was a layer of charcoal charcoal at 10 ft we got charcoal at 10 ft we did write about a fellow by the name of Chuck mcdouall he's probably the only living expert right now if you can find him I'm sure he can help you keep it comment John Casey and Rick hurt are back in the Philippines with a new team continuing their search for yamashita's gold we're going to find a way to to get to this trasy like many others JN believes Japanese General tomoyuki Yamashita took billions of dollars in Treasure rooted by Japan during World War II and buried it in the Philippines including somewhere in this mountain following a series of mysterious symbols they believe were left by Yamashita the team is investigating three sites a waterfall this waterfall is hiding something a crater known as breach 6 I've never seen anything like this and a camouflage tunnel they uncovered last year we are in the mountain boys can they finally discover the Lost gold of World War [Music] II as a new day Dawns on the mountain the team adds another machine they hope will finally get them into the waterfall a horizontal drill this horizontal drill may be our best bet to send the camera all the way down there and see inside this mountain they are determined to reach metal deposits that could be treasure in a void space beneath the waterfall we think we've got either a tunnel or some type of void space and it's quite deep wow it's like about 300 F feet down WAOW after a frustrating setback I've run into Bedrock I can't dig any deeper the plan is to drill 930 ft horizontally through the mountain at an altitude of 300 ft below the waterfall so they can feed in a bore hole camera but drill operator Andrew is having a tough time getting the machine to the new site we've had some rain today access track to the drool site at the moment's uh atrocious to be honest it should be okay but it's still it's a risk it's a chance we still get stuck Andrew is navigating this 4ton rig Up 3 miles of Muddy steep terrain the road is absolute crap every day we're losing time and money it's a long shot but we're going to take it it's the only shot we got over at the tunnel site miners Levi and Gio Venture further into this underground mystery watch yourself the tunnels already revealed evidence of both American this was without a doubt an American knife and Japanese presence it's a Japanese A3 land mine though they're anxious to explore what lies ahead they're moving cautiously we used metal detectors and we've used dogs we're putting everything in our Corner that we can to make this as safe as possible but the Imperial Army was smart there's different techniques they use to booby trap these mines so we have to be careful when we go in [Music] there [Music] oh man we got a we got a major major cave in hey Levi you going to come check this out look at this mouse wow it looks like the whole world come in you get so many different things that can cause a collapse like this somebody could have tried to blast it shut there there could have been a booby trap that was set off it could have just been erosion the Earth gave out there could be multiple different reasons when you come to the collapse like this there's times to go through these things and there's times to go around them the big thing is is we're not going to know until I can climb up on top of this and try to poke a hole in there and see over the top of it and see how long it goes that's a mess in the US head researcher Bingo manura is chasing down a promising lead I'm in in San Francisco today on my way to meet Chuck McDougall now this is huge for us because we have not found any other person that is still alive today that knows Robert Curtis he might even have some maps that that are related to our Mountain while meeting with Las Vegas Sun editorinchief Brian Greenspun Bingo asked about other American treasure Hunters connected to Robert Curtis the newspaper chronicled a 198 treasure Expedition led by Robert Curtis in the Philippines Chuck McDougall was with him I mean chuck could really be the missing link that helps us find the gold good morning morning sir you must be Bingo Chuck pleasure to finally meet you same here please come in thank you sir so Chuck really excited to be able to just pick your brain and really I just was wondering how did you even get your start in the Philippines what brought you there I moved there from Hong Kong in 1972 I wound up staying there 10 years and going to school and getting my PhD at University of the Philippines while I was working on my doctoral dissertation it was about corruption in the Philippines this was during the Marcos era Ferdinand Marcos ruled the Philippines from 1965 to 1986 he allegedly killed a thousand of his own own citizens and stole over 5 billion from the national treasury but marcos's reign of brutality reached a Tipping Point with the assassination of political rival benino aino in [Music] [Applause] 1983 Senator Kino is assassinated on the tarmac at Manila airport and we all knew what that meant that Marcos did it although it was never proven many believe that Marcos gave the order for the assassination I started keeping a file on Marcos about the corruption McDougall shared his file with one of his professors Dr Emanuel Sorano Dr Sano was Chancellor at University of the Philippines and he was part of a group that helped overthrow Marcos and they encouraged me to to write the Marcos file showing what he had done to the [Music] country after he was ousted from Power Marcos was replaced by Bono's wife coraz anino while McDougall was documenting evidence of marcos's corruption he came across the name of someone hired by the former leader to locate the Golden Lily treasure Robert Curtis [Music] and the next thing I know I'm calling Curtis and going to Las Vegas to talk to him wow uh talked to him for two days and Curtis said all I want is to go back to the Philippines and resume looking for the treasure Curtis kept claiming he had the maps that sounded like it might be real might be interesting so for for that reason alone I I said let's just take a look at it with Curtis's knowledge and mcdougall's connections the two struck a deal to find the lost Fortune I flew back to the Philippines and saw Dr Sorano who had been appointed National Security director and I said I think I've got some information for you here you might be interested in he called the president aino and said ma'am we need to give Curtis the permit to hunt for the treasure and they did and we began searching for gold on Fort San dieago on February 8th 1988 for over 4 centuries Fort Santiago in the Philippines was a stronghold for Spanish British and American armies the Japanese seized it in 1941 and possibly used it as a treasure site according to curtis' research the Labyrinth of tunnels and dungeons running under Fort Santiago hold portions of General yamashita's Fortune we have photographs of maps we have engineering drawings other photographic evidence to determine uh the location the exact location was there any point where you actually found any treasure yeah during the uh dig at Fort San dieago at the 40 m level we encountered marble and gold Flex on our drill on our drill bit flex of gold and marble it was already in the maps that they built the marble fortifications before bringing in the Treasure I mean that's incredible I mean that in itself is is huge not only are you getting marble and gold in the same spot I mean what more evidence do you need need y why' you stop there because the president said that uh we had to leave the fort all of a sudden the head of the construction company comes to me and says Charlie we've been ordered to shut down in San Francisco Chuck McDougall recalls the abrupt end of his treasure hunt in the Philippines all of a sudden the head of the construction company comes to me and says Charlie we've been ordered to shut down because the president said that uh we had to leave the fort that came out of the blue shocked everybody but we couldn't do anything but pack up and leave um do you have any theories as to why the Kino would again seemingly out of nowhere just stop you in your tracks from digging it Fort Santiago well at the time she was under enormous political pressure we surmised that there were Senators more powerful than we ever would be that went to president Kino and said these people have to go and after we were gone they would go back in there and recover the treasure for themselves I mean if it's really the Senators having enough power to shut the president down to stop you from your excavation uh I mean really how far does it go the closer you get to the treasure the more careful you have to be there are people that are going to secretly observe everything you do and if and when they think you found a treasure that they might step in and uh either steal it from you or just kill you right then and there I mean that's very good indication that you're on the right path then yeah is there a possibility that you have any actual Maps during the time you were searching for treasure in the Philippines during the Dig Dr Sano was called to the palace and returned with a file holding about 30 or 40 original maps of the treasure found in marcos's office I had two Originals that I retained and I photocopied it 24 more I'd love to look at the maps there's never been any tangible evidence of any kind of maps that were real and the fact that you've gotten these from Marcus's office I mean in this whole story he's the only one that that I'm aware of at least that is actually cashed out and found some gold do you still have the maps yes I do meanwhile back in the Philippines the team continues Excavating breach 6 based on a promising find looks like charcoal and the Curtis tapes the maps showed about 10 ft below the surface and was a layer of charcoal charcoal at 10 ft we got charcoal at 10 ft Rick checks the area for other materials that could indicate they're heading towards the metal deposit revealed by the tech scans I want to keep doing this is we work our way down to find [Music] something to begin with when we started this shaft we lined it up on top of a ferris metal line that we were picking up all across this whole ridge we're down in the ground a long ways at this point we're going to be scanning the dirt outside of the hole we've got something going on here yeah that's a definite hit oh there it is heck is [Music] that I can't say for sure what this is that surprisingly well intact but it's underneath an awful lot of dirt hey Brent frell I found something you go man take a look at this man I found a metal detector in that last bucket that came up out of there that's prettyy old piece of equipment whatever it is yeah yeah it really is you know what it looks like it looks like the bands on our fin hose like off a tool like a band around a handle of a tool or something too oh yeah how there's possibility that looks like a magazine off a rifle I've had enough dealing with firearms in my lifetime I know what a magazine looks like the part that slides up underneath either hold a Clipper to pop shells down in I really do need to have somebody look at this that knows more about it than I do while Rick awaits answers to what this is and who it belonged to miners Levi and Gio are clearing out the collapse [Music] tunnel what is that that ain't no Rock whoa dude what is that that there's another one what is that is that a tooth I don't know what or who these belong to but at this point we're pulling out we're going to get John down here and have him take a look and see what he thinks check this out there's more in there too John yeah it's right at the edge of a collapse let's grab our stuff I'll take you in there and show you where we found it at oh man I found that tooth right in here I didn't even notice these before there's more teeth we dug these out I don't know if those belong to a shoulder blade or rib or what that is you think it could possibly a human oh my God I hope not wow you know the Japanese were notorious for leaving their engineers and all the slaves inside the tunnel I'm hoping this isn't that and once you find bones like this we're got to get it checked out you can't do anything else in here until that let's get somebody out here check this out and make sure it's not a human let's pray this is a this is a problem you right now we're shut down till we can figure out what this is got to get a specialist out here and find out what these bones are about not knowing if these are human it's only right to shut down this location until we figure out exactly what these bones are so yeah no more digging that works for me I don't want to dig up no grave site in San Francisco Bingo is meeting with Chuck McDougall who claims to have maps to Yamashita treasure sites do you have the map here that I can look at I mean I'd love to look at the maps come with me well this is everything I have is this all your research from your whole time spent in Philippines yes they've been sitting in the attic for 25 years oh here let me help you with this okay I just here have a yeah this contains the maps that uh were given to me in the Philippines wow are these the original Maps here those two are the original Maps these are incredible I've never seen anything like this in any of my research this is rice paper waxed over it has a wax feel to them yes yeah let's see what else do we have this is Count mckenley now called Fort bonasio this is a circle driveway in Camp McKinley in the center is a shaft there are 14 tunnels that lead to treasure buried by the Japanese I think Marcos recovered this one if Marcos did in fact extract treasure from this site I mean that's very very valid proof that a number of these Maps could potentially be actual treasure sites correct what is the value here that's listed at the bottom of these Maps that's the value of the map in the 1940s so of each site that's how much is potentially buried in that spot yes I mean that's 9 zeros there so 555 billion yen roughly 5 billion us at the time yes that's astronomical we're literally holding pieces of History right here so why didn't you go back to the Philippines to try and recover any of these when I tried and they asked me to leave and I didn't think I was welcome back there anymore maybe if you were open to it I mean we can have this authenticated by some experts and figure out the authenticity of it seeing if these are in fact of the time period of the era would you be open to something like that [Music] absolutely back in the Philippines the horizontal drill is still fighting its way up the mountain not looking too good it looks like we had some pretty deep mud again from some more rains who do we on on escavator right now I think Michelle's over there running right now I could probably get her over here with you want me to try yeah Michelle tries using the excavator to lift the drill out of the mud got strap there yeah we have shackles it's just critical right now that we get this therea John is anxious I'm anxious we want to see if we can punch into this cavity and if we can get a camera and see this treasure we have to do this woohoo you're out guys you're out at Bas Camp hey Rick how are you Rick checks in with military expert Craig gutleb about the mysterious metal artifact he discovered at breach 6 I am really excited to see what you think well it's part of a rifle what you've got is the magazine body of a Japanese type 99 arasaka rifle wow man that's awesome the type 99 arasaka rifle was one of the Premier combat weapons of the Japanese Imperial Army built to the same rugged standards of America's M1 Garand and Germany's carabina 98 so this is a later in the War rifle uh they started producing them in 1941 and they produced them on through 1945 the arasaka type 99 9 was considered one of the strongest military rifles ever made so it is Japanese and it was used during the second world war absolutely I am a gun collector I happen to have one right here I want to show it to you because I want to show you where your part goes here is my type 99 Japanese arasaka rifle and I'm going to actually take the bolt off comes out and here's what you got if you look inside the rifle you you have that follower in there okay which is where you load your cartridges okay but if you look on the bottom here you've got a little plate and if you pull this little lever here the bottom plate rotates out and it's sort of hard to see but if you look down in this well here you'll see your part your part is part of the rifle and it doesn't just come out and what's really interesting is that you only found this piece the question is is how did it get outside the rifle CU as I said before it's not something you drop when you're out of ammo does it come out at all or does the rifle have to be broken for it to come out it either has to be broken or disassembled this part does not come out and that's why I say it's not part of a magazine it's part of the rifle itself and it's inside the rifle uh it's getting kind of exciting when you start finding Japanese rifle parts in the bottom of your shaft and you're looking for Japanese buried treasure it tells you more than the knife you found tells you in my opinion I don't don't think a civilian carried a rifle like this into your breach and dropped it like may have happened with the knif I really think that this part was dropped there sometime prior to 1945 well what we do know for a fact now is somebody with a Japanese rifle probably a Japanese soldier was in breach six that tells me we're getting really close as the sun rises over BAS Camp a local scientist arrives to investigate a maob discovery the team uncovered deep inside the tunnel good morning Sir John casy hi good morning I'm philli while clearing out debris from a collapse miners Levi and Gio found bones and teeth if they are human the team must stop exploring here and call in local authorities John called me to help him out identify the bones that he found inside the mine tunnel but in my line of work I've done several identification of bone fragments I've worked with describing new species based on bone morphology for several years now wow I'm here to figure out if the bones that were found in the tunnel would be [Music] human right here there some tee oh okay so we have here all right some molers you can see we got some born fragments here wow huh yeah so one of the vertebral column probably along the lumber area mhm uh this one not entirely sure well at this point though it's pretty difficult to tell what kind of bone is it you don't think they're possibly human bones I'm no idea bending test anything that you can do to test this and let us know definitively is going to be major to us doing any other work in this tunnel uh well first I'm going to do is uh take photographs at the site I just found nine different bone fragments in there and surprisingly in Fairly good condition I found several pieces of vertebrae different parts of a scapula or your shoulder blades and I found three pieces of teeth we're going to get these bones tested the tunnel is now shut down until further notice later that day Bingo updates John and Rick about his meeting with treasure hunter Chuck McDougall who holds what could be gamechanging treasure maps he obtained in the Philippines I got some incredible news for you I just found chub he's in San Francisco ch do has 20 some odds Yash the treasure maps wow two other Maps were Originals did he say where he got these things he got them from Dr Sorano who was the chancellor of the University of Philippines at the time he got them out of President Marcus's office so me and Chuck we brought these to be authenticated uh to Jerry leaport who's a forensic chemist and document dating specialist wanted to see if we could find anything about the origin or even the validity of the map we did a number of tests some of them they were ink impression the medium used even the ink itself the conclusion we came to is that the creation of this document um and the technology used to create it it's from the 1970s not an original but likely a copy that was used in the field totally makes sense that it's a copy I wouldn't want to take the original map into the field even if we had it have you got the thing in your hands yeah unfortunately you wouldn't let any of them out of the site what are you guys thinking should we try and set up a partnership with Chuck so we can get access to the maps if these are real maps and there's a real map of our Mountain it could be the thing that cracks this mountain wide open let's figure out what he needs make sure that it's reasonable but let's do a deal sounds good gentlemen I'll get it set up I'm going to get in touch with Chuck soon as I make any Headway with that I'll let you know that evening John checks on the progress of the horizontal drill I don't know if he's going to make it I think he will it's pretty steep it gets further every time I think you should keep trying so close you just about had it when you in you were getting so close as soon as you got the slop out of the way I got some purchase she was coming yeah and once you hit the slop again it was just back down that ran didn't help with the rigs stuck fast the team calls in the excavator to help hey Michelle you got a copy using a heavyduty cargo strap Michelle lifts the back end of the drill with the excavator bucket hoping to nudge it up the road it's going to make it broke it or slipped off think it broke yeah keeps going to the side Che man oh keep sliding yeah keep sliding sideways Just Can't Get Enough purchase here we'll uh we'll get Michelle to plant the bucket behind the machine it can't go nowhere it can't both machines don't go nowhere tonight pick this up at daylight it's is getting too dangerous for us to do anything here in this SLO fair enough cool thanks all right sh we're going to put the bucket to brace the drill make sure it can't go anywhere for the night and we're going to call it quits and come back and we can see I got to tell you I I don't know if it's going to be worth it it's such a long shot to get this drill to this target to begin with we're going through all this aggravation and danger possibly for nothing now I can't think of any other way to get to that waterfall you know what we're all tired we're all discouraged I'm discouraged tomorrow's another day tomorrow all right good deal thanks guys the only way to keep the morale up on the team is just you know tell them we're going to persevere and don't let this stop you I don't like anything stop me no people no mountain no rain is going to stop me once my mind is set on something I'm going to do it I don't care what it takes as morning arrives Rob assesses how to get the drill rig over the final incline this whole situation is dangerous in general we have several tons of machiner that we have humans standing in between just about anything can go wrong and if it does it would be catastrophic ically wrong I don't think there's a whole lot of margin for just a couple of bumps and scrapes here I show should be okay just back it out from that So the plan is to have Michelle move the escavator out of the way and Andrew is going to get on the drill rig and back it down somewhere stable while we clean up the path and get it to be something that he could drive over and get it to this drill pad the plan is to clear away the mud then lay down a mixture of sand and fine gravel on top for the rig to gain traction it's going to be tough later at base camp Levi Gio and John eagerly await the results from the local scientist's bone analysis if the remains are human the tunnel will be shut down as local officials investigate hey philli so I'm hoping that you have some news for us yeah I have I've made a lot of comparisons several bones that we collect from the tunnels some of them were part of the backbone some parts of the scapula or the shoulder blade and set of deep based from my comparison they're not human good to hear where are they from though so after doing the comparisons uh so they belong to a cow and the set of feet were from a pig and these tunnels are are way up in the mountain so there won't be any reason for these domesticated animals to wander far into the mountain so I am guessing that these were brought in as food or rations towards the end of World War II as Japanese rations grew scarce the Imperial Army slaughtered nearly 2 million Philippine livestock to feed their starving troops based on those samples is it possible to know how old those bones are if you look at it just by sight it's definitely older than the 30 years or so so it could date from the time of the war it's possible it's possible you know this is great news for us because now that the Bones have been deemed nonhuman they can continue working in the tunnel back in San Francisco Bingo negotiates a partnership with Chuck that includes access to his Maps personally based on what I've seen I I believe a lot of these maps are real and I really think that there is something here that can help us on our search they're the most sophisticated maps of treasure I have ever encountered so many codes so many symbols but I never expected to be back in this business I mean really that at the end of the the day we need access to these Maps you know I think between just the two of us alone and my team in the Philippines I think we have a winning formula here we have what it takes to to get this treasure and I mean to that end what's it going to take to get you on board I don't think it's an accident that uh we stumbled on each other after my stuff being hidden away in the Attic for 25 years I think if these maps are used to successfully conclude a treasure hunt if Treasures M MH then uh I would share in that I'm not trying to be greedy 1% of the gross proceeds would be enough if that's what it takes then let's do it getting these Maps is huge for us if one of these Maps is of our Mountain then that takes the guesswork out of a lot of what we've been doing I mean the guys are going to be excited as hell to see this [Music] stuff in the Philippines it's all Hands-On deck to help the horizontal drill get over the final [Music] incline more twice as fast everybody else you guys go me to come down here man we got a job to do after the loose mud is shoveled away Michelle brings in nearly one ton of sand and gravel bags for the team to lay down by hand this is our best shot of getting to this gold give me one more if this fails I really don't know how we're going to get there we know the target's there now we just got to get to it pray and we got another maybe half an hour before thunderstorms roll through here if that Sky opens up right now and we'll start to pour we'd lose all the work we just put into this freaking mad man if I carry two I'd freaking be on my knees come on Levi don't do too much I need you in one piece ultimately we have to start drilling here this is our best shot at seeing what's underneath that waterfall this isn't [Music] good it's coming boys baby on all right [Music] yeah Andrew you're the man and today is one small victory but getting the drill here probably should have been the easy part Drilling and hitting our Target I guess that's yet to be seen they're finally ready to start drilling through 930 ft of hard rock to see What Lies Beneath the waterfall now it's time to aim this drill and and that is critical I mean 930 ft is a really long way to go so all we can really do is aim at our best from the get-go we want to go as straight as an arrow and go right into this void it's got to be right well it's given the coordinates you we've been given this is going to be as close as we can get let's pray that it gets there and uh doesn't stray too [Applause] far here we go John here we go it's hard to believe we're at this point it's got to make it yeah I'm crazy for doing this but don't have any many choices hopefully we can get drilled into it we can get a camera in this void space and actually have a look at what's inside this mountain on the next lost gold of World War II helicopter coming in there's no reason for that helicopter if we circling around here we're the only people on this mountain seem as it we've lost all that circulation if you don't touch anything after three feet what you got Brent well I got some Timber I think yeah oh that sounds Hollow it's Hollow Moment of Truth are you ready I'm way ready see what this thing can do what is that that looks like a huge space Oh my God previously on lost gold of World War II holy we got a major cave in if we can't get around this collapse then we'll never get inside the mountain to get this treasure Xbox a spot knowing that there is a void space deep down underneath the waterfall and knowing satellite has confirmed a big metal Target there this drill is our best bet to get there I got some incredible news for you I just found CH at Doodles he has about 20 yam treasure M Keep It Coming John Casey and Rick hurt are back in the Philippines with a new team continuing their search for yamashita's gold we're going to find a way to get to this treasure like many others John believes Japanese General tomoyuki Yamashita took billions of dollars in Treasure rooted by Japan during World War II and buried it in the Philippines including somewhere in this mountain following a series of mysterious symbols they believe were left by Yamashita the team is investigating three sites a waterfall this waterfall is hiding something a crater known as breach six and never see anything like this and a camouflage tunnel they uncovered last year we are in the mountain boys can they finally discover the Lost gold of World War II inside the tunnel miners Levi and Gio are clearing a massive collapse this is the mouse this thing's caved in as far as I can see I'll tell you you run into something like this it's never easy to get through it I mean we're looking at a month maybe two months of work to get around this thing based on recent discoveries of animal bones and a World War II era Japanese landmine the team wants to continue exploration boy a very unstable ground but this dangerous mess is stopping them dead in their tracks listen to it you can hear the ground taking weight [Music] listen I mean you can see right there yeah that there that's the danger zone man yeah I've dealt with collapses like this in the past and messing with these things a lot of times you're open a giant can of worms we don't know the extent of it we don't know how far it goes we can't see the top of it it's the unknown their only option is to Tunnel around the collapse but digging through hard rock presents a major challenge hear this that's real rock yeah over here it's mush we want to be into this hard rock we don't want want to be into this mushy nasty stuff it's nearly impossible to go through this by hand it's going to take way too much time with all this hard work we put in all the obstacles we've overcome there's been so many different Clues inside this tunnel there is a really good chance that there's treasure at the end of it now we got to make a plan of attack to go back in there you get around this collapse farther down the mountain at breach six miners Brent and Ferell continue their excavation inching closer to the line of metal deposits detected by a recent scan 15 ft deep they've already Unearthed a solid slab of man-made concrete and a 4in thick layer of charcoal both of which Robert Curtis also found at his treasure sites nearly 30 years ago located about 10 ft below the surface was layer of charcoal according to Robert Curtis the Japanese were leaving layers as an indicator to find treasure Rick also recently discovered part of a buried Japanese World War II military rifle here you have a tipe 99 Japanese arasaka rifle all signs suggesting they could be on the right track all the things we found just like driving me forward to want to get down to the the bottom it's encouraging me and it's showing me that it's like we're actually on to something [Music] here I'm not really sure what I have here kind of red like clay but just rock hard hey Johnny yeah you come on down here for a minute okay not sure what it is joh John but it's all over down here dude it's really really hard and I can break it my pipe Branch kind of a stone but looks like Slater Granite it's got to be look like a granite countertop you're right what it looks like dude I mean there's three flat sides on that one I'm going to dig a little bit more dude I'll see how much more I can find here Stone we just uncovered kind of looks like a granite of some kind it's got machined edges here and there it's broken up it's just been straight through like and it's like a consistent layer all the way through I say we stuff our pockets full of this stuff and head back to base camp show the boys over at the bore hole site Rob and drill operator Andrew make slow but steady progress across the mountain we're in about 100 ft we've got a way we're looking at a little over 900 ft to our Target so we're a little over a tenth of the way there the horizontal drill is their last option to reach metal deposits identified below the waterfall knowing where the treasure is is one thing getting to the treasure is something else since environmental restrictions prevent them from digging at the waterfall they're drilling horizontally 930 ft through the mountain towards the void space so they can feed in a bore hole camera there's lots of bore hole cameras that will make it 930 ft to see exactly what we've hit for the 3-in drill to hit the void space from 930 ft away it must maintain pinpoint accuracy I'm getting more and more anxious because as we move further in in our ability to make a correction starts to shrink down by a lot if the drill is knocked off course by even a few degrees it could miss the void entirely by the time it reaches Target depth about how long you thinking until we pull the next sample they need to constantly monitor core soil samples taken by the drill to ensure the boore hasn't shifted if the samples stay the same they know they are on the right directional track for the void we're about to pull about another 4 and 1/2 ft of a core sample I'm just keeping my fingers crossed that it's that exact consistent type of rock that we know is going to keep us on a straight path hey we have another small weathered formation here this is ideal the less of this the better we can minimize the amount of Broken Ground we got more chance of keeping strike [Music] what are we looking at Andrew um this is the last piece we just pulled out recently looks like we're coming into a bit of a fraction formation might be able to yeah it's like decomposed so now that I see this it's a little bit concerning but things like this might be a little bit of an issue we just have to monitor with the survey like that's all we can do working at PR they also need to monitor any changes that could jeopardize the expensive machiner keep for we don't want to push too hard push too hard if CES to deviate so it's got to keep an eye on this Rob certainly feeling a lot of pressure here you know this is a long shot by far you know when you got to drill 900 ft with a little 3in drill to a little spot maybe 20x 20 you know underneath the waterfall it's a it's a hell of a task I mean we're not that far in yet we only about 100 ft but with 800 ft to go Anything Could Happen seeing that Rob helicopter coming in rck you seeing that helicopter we just got buzzed yeah I sure did John uh he came right over us kind of did two little circles right over the top of breach six it's a little disconcerting I was trying to get my uh phone camera on it to zoom in to see if I could get numbers but I uh I was too slow copy yeah I see it right there there's two of them there's another one behind it it's the first time they've spotted aerial surveillance in the two years they've worked here we've been warned about being being watched by somebody they know exactly what you're doing they know exactly where you are the team's new partner experienced treasure hunter Chuck McDougall also warned them there are people that are going to observe everything you do and if and when they think you found a treasure that they might step in and uh either steal it from you or just kill you right then and there I'm just wondering if they just came in for a quick check on her progress copy that all right just keep an eye open and uh you know just just another damn thing to worry about if you're going after a treasure like this chances are Somebody's Watching at the time Father and Son miners Gio and Levi bring in a remote controlled demolition robot to help dig around the collapse hopefully this thing here will be our Saving Grace and it'll make stuff go a lot faster it's like a mama escavator packing its little baby packing it back to its nest this is it huh that's it you know it's the same color as a lemon right this thing's going to save you you want to keep shoveling I can take it back but I got to see it to believe it I don't know well you can go in there and pickaxe it it's a little small though isn't it hey man Dynamite comes with small packages okay remote control demolition robots are often used in the mining industry where it is unsafe or inefficient to work by hand they're equipped with multiple attachments ranging from Cutters to claws but their primary tool is a hydraulic Hammer chisel that can strike with up to 2,320 lb per square in of pressure at a rate of 680 strikes per minute this machine gets the job done in a fraction of the time it would take to shovel out the debris by hand the only way that we're going to know what's inside the tunnel is to get past the big massive cave in and and find out where this thing goes the drop the downriggers now open of truce are you ready I'm way ready see what this thing can do choose it up man definitely breaking Rock we got a goal that goal is to get to the gold we're not taking no for an [Music] answer at base camp Rick and John get an update from bingo bingo morning guys how y'all doing we're doing good while searching for Yamashita treasure maps Bingo was introduced to an associate of the late Robert Curtis Chuck McDougall he's one of those experts on this whole Yamashita gold story while meeting with McDougall Bingo got his hands on treasure maps Chuck obtained from the office of former Philippine president Ferdinand Marcos these are incredible I've never seen anything like this in any of my research we're literally holding pieces of History right here if did in fact recover this treasure after negotiating a deal I think if Treasure's F I would share in that and if that's what it takes then let's do it McDougall agreed to share the maps hoping one of them could be their Mountain I got some great news for you guys check it out Golden Lily treasure M really unbelievable man is it the real deal that's great I I think this one in particular looks a lot like our Mountain what makes you think it's a map of our Mountain there's there's a number of features on here that made me that made me think it look like our mountain in particular I mean there's some mountain tops here there's a waterway that goes through it and there's this this area in the middle here that I believe looks like breach six it's almost like a schematic of what would look like oh Bingo I'm starting to see what you're seeing so you can kind of see something that looks like it could be the pyramid Rock I think you're on to something here I'm glad you guys are seeing the same thing I was seeing I wonder what all that other stuff means I mean I can't really see a scale on this so we got some work to do we're going to have to try to figure out all the rest of these things thanks again Bingo don't worries guys I'll talk to you soon John and Rick take a closer look at the map there are so much stuff on this map man yeah there's a huge amount of information on here look at this thing man I I would like to know what the rest of the stuff means but the river you know really it matches our River in the bendz and everything I'm super interested in finding out anything about this area and these shafts yeah you know this this whole box thing in the center I think that's you know pretty important it's like one of the main features all these arrows pointing to it it's got to have some significance there's a couple of things on the map that really make me believe it's a map of our Mountain but there's so much stuff on this map that we don't understand at this point what's all this like grass up here I is it like bamboo or something I don't know man what do you suppos this clocks all about up here based on my prior knowledge of treasure hunting and other people I've worked with they've told me that this clock face represents Direction markers and the amount of pieces you would need to go to get to that marker you there's a lot of stuff here like all these holes here whatever this is you know I don't know if this is a cross-section of that or this is a cross-section of this it's great to have a map but there's no scale on this map there's no references whether it's our mountain or not I just don't know so if we want to get to use the map to our advantage we're going to need to figure out whether this map actually is our Mountain after discovering an unusual rock layer in breach 6 the team sent geologist Gerard Moff a piece for analysis we s you over that sample uh were you able to find any information about it yeah absolutely we went through a number of simple geologic tests to help determine what minerals and what rock this is first thing we did is we put a little dilute hydrochloric acid and it fizzed wildly we also utilized the latest technology Libs or lid what it does is it actually fires laser beams down onto the stone surface of the stone and produces a plasma and it reads the plasma and determines what the elements are and what their relative percentages so we came up with calcium carbon and oxygen and then quite a bit of iron which is certainly the reason why this material is so red confirming a marble red marble no marble yeah that's the weirdest thing ever find marble in place like this all broke up while SE ing for yamashita's treasure in the Philippines Robert Curtis found marble this is green marble come from a very long way from where we're finding it as did Chuck McDougall during the uh dig at Fort Santiago at the 40 m level we encountered marble and gold Flex on our drill on our drill bit it was already in the maps that they built the marble fortifications before bringing in the Treasure that's amazing so John what's really interesting about this is it is not native to the Philippines that's incredible this nodular texture that we see here and is almost as unique as a fingerprint we've got some white kelite vein here this is all highly special so I've actually Tracked Down the exact Quarry that the came from this is actually French marble wow I wasn't expecting you to say that France and what's so unique about this is this particular Quarry has been known to have been mined since the first century BC by the Romans Holy Smokes and King Louis the 14th used this quite regularly in the palace at versailes so this is a very famous marble this was the king's Quarry this red marble famously originates in a quarry in southern France it's possible Japanese forces looted it when they conquered French colonies in Asia during World War II but it's also possible that the marble was seized by Germany when it occupied France and then given by the Nazis to their Japanese allies including General Yamashita in 1940 he spent 6 months in Germany on a secret intelligence Mission even meeting with Adolf Hitler the Marble's presence here could suggest one shocking possibility a treasure so vast that the Nazis and Yamashita were cooperating how in the world did it ever get in the bottom of a hole in the Philippines we know this is special we know this came a long way to get there we can only speculate how it got there thank you again we do appreciate appr everything you've done for us anytime we'll talk to you soon yeah what's significant about this marble Discovery at B 6 is that certainly not a natural occurrence so somebody put this red marble in that hole for a reason and what is the reason does it indicate that we're getting closer does it indicate that we are on top of a treasure the only way we're going to find out is to keep going deeper inside that mountain and see what it is intrigued by the red marble Discovery John heads over to breach six Brent and frell are digging through multiple layers as they're going down to a breach six I want to know how did all these layers end up in our hole we find all kinds of random things then we come across this Red Rock it's like a marble we're back into like it's like a hard play type of layer it's not really wanting to come out real quick an 8 by8 hole is big hole to hand dig it's just huge and it's just wearing on us and hopefully we can hit something exciting here pretty soon I'm getting pretty tired of just digging clay as the team digs they notice the arrival of unanticipated guests local inspectors like the earlier helicopter flyover this kind of unannounced visit is unusual ual and it strikes alarm bells in John normally if there's an inspection going to occur you know they'll call me up and say hey we're coming out to the site today to give you an inspection these guys are showed up out of nowhere we disturb your like you to meet our inspectors some how's it going over there Stony they're paying us a visit they said oh we're here we're to inspect the site and you know we're just making sure that we've got all the right permits make sure that that the use of heavy equipment and the people are around it are doing it safely so what is the purpose why they put charcoal we get frequent scheduled visits from the government to make sure we're in compliance so inspectors showing up just whenever they want it's something we've never had before they're kind of looking across at the different sites with cameras you know it's a little disconcerning so I think the Falls is over there so yeah Falls is up and over the top penetrate over that's the plan so hopefully he can get down underneath the fall this is a diversion not to to work so close to the water so we're stay totally away from the waterfall makes me a little nervous because we got a lot of things going on we can only be in one place at one time and I can't keep an eye on everything that's going on at any given moment maybe they're thinking we're getting close following up on Bingo's lead John and Rick reach out to their new partner Chuck McDougall a contemporary of Robert Curtis who hunted yamashita's treasure here in the 1980s he's agreed to lend his Intel for a share of whatever they find Charles McDougall is a treasure hunter legend in the Philippines he was one of the first people to come here and work at Fort Santiago with Bob Curtis trying to recover a treasure there and he got really close to recovering that treasure before the government came in and basically shut him down I've been searching for a way into these tunnels but the map could really be the key to us actually getting in there good morning Chuck nice to meet you sir same here we got the copy of the map that you sent over it has really a lot of similarities to our Mountain especially in an area that we call Brie 6 and that's pretty intriguing we're hoping that you can shed some more light on some of the other features on this map and maybe help us line that up to what we have on the mountain here so we can actually start building a scale for ourselves and possibly confirm that this map is actually to this mountain based on the other Maps which have very similar wavy lines my guess is that they're waterfalls waterfall we've got that waterfall hey Chuck you know we have waterfalls on our property and we've done a lot of work around this waterfall because there are a lot of rock markers there that indicate that something was going on there but there's still no definitive way to get in there well if you look at the map to me that upside down you could be a tunnel entrance in the water and on each side of this trapezoid is a small ellipse four of them mhm and those four dark color ellipses my theory is that they are access points to going to the main tunnel well the in the center of the map there's a giant box there with kind of an X it's kind of shaded out and then it's got you know four arrows actually pointing to the Box do you have any idea what that may indicate the 20 or 30 MS I have all are very very similar with with these markings I don't know for sure but the the arrows coming from each side my guess is that's an indicator that that's a very important area MH uh why we don't know yet but there could be treasure in that area wow it's hit and miss but I would say that you're on the right path but again be careful Chuck I can't even say thank you enough you've shed so much light on something that was a big mystery to us thank you my [Music] pleasure the next morning excavation continues at Bri 6 after learning the marble they found originated in a rare Quarry in France so guys this nodular texture that we see here is very unique Rick believes they could be on the verge of finally hitting their target ever since we found that marble I know that there's something down this shaft we hit layer after layer after layer of indicators so we think we're going to hit something significant very very soon winter down for me boyn down pretty deep plan this morning we're going to get back in the hole we're just going to dig we're going to move muck out of the hole until we get to the bottom of this thing nothing too cool yet hold that thought what' you find I think I got a big piece of wood dude for sure oh wow that's a big one I got some Timber I think laying down oh my gosh man I just hope it's not like the top of something does it sound hollow at all oh sounds Hollow oh it's Hollow is he breaking through that dude I just poked through it in my shovel it's really rotten but there's a some kind of a void underneath it you know I think I'd feel better if you guys would throw me a line Roger got to go really careful from here I think we landed right on top of the Void space so if we can just keep proceeding carefully we may be into this tunnel in short order hopefully it' be a good idea man you don't need that bottom dropping out from under you you know what just give me a little slack on the cable and I'll hook up to that give me 2 feet I'm harnessing up here because I don't want to take the chance to fall into something I mean if it's holding up the whole world I could be dropping down 20 30 ft here if it or farther this could be it buddy could be it I'm hoping it's it all right I'm going to try to open her up oh man I'm shaking inside the hell that's a go hug piece of wood man it's like there probably a cap sitting here it keep our fingers crossed Maybe you will find a hole at breach 6 Rick and the miners unearth a promising new layer of material 20 ft below the surface oh my gosh huge piece of wood man keep her fingers crossed maybe we'll find a hole brand is it a hollow underneath of it there's just a small void underneath this lagon where the rock had got underneath it all right got it so there's got to be more down there man what do we have here it's round stock so that's round stock and it's laying down which kind of lead me to believe that that this is completely classsed hey brt yo I just hit a big old chunk or around stock I I'm kind of thinking it's a cap or a post laid over it's laying down completely a cap is a broad piece of wood placed at the top of a vertical post to increase the surface area it can support if this is a cap Brent may have found the top of an underground structure I'm going to send you guys upload cuz I'm running out of bucket room we've got some pieces of timbering from down the bottom of the shaft we're going to see if we can't kind of fit this together try and make some sense out of it yeah that's I mean that's definitely a poster cap I mean look at the width on that piece and this one looks like it's burnt they could have burnt this wood to harden it up preserve it a little bit preserve it a little bit make it uh last a little longer or they may have blasted this thing shut or burnt It To The Ground burned it to the ground I don't know what to think at this point starting to wonder if this thing might have been like a vault what it says to me this was constructed to house something and whatever it was housing is still in that hole so somebody was trying to preserve something for a long time they had something hidden down there we found Timber but we haven't found any treasure yet this could be a tunnel could be a room but until we get to the bottom we're just not going to know the next morning John and Rob set out to check if some of the indicators on mcdougall's map line up with locations on the mountain we have the pyramid and we have the waterfall site so if we can use the Drone to find some other markers that may pertain to other things on this map a it'll tell us that this map is possibly our mountain and be those markers that we do find could correlate to what's on this map and may lead us to other entrances to their tunnels I'm coming up on the river now and I believe I'm looking at the waterfall right in front of me I'll hang over that waterfall for a second let's look at that in correlation to what we have on the map and you're on top of our waterfall that gives us two points of reference brief six and the waterfall if that's the case we should be able to use the river as a guide to try to figure out those other symbols joh looks like the river bends back to the west and basically heads straight South what is that okay you know that's that's from the last time we were here that's our drill tripod last year Jon and his team drilled at a location they believed to be a Japanese tunnel entrance called the back door I think it's a void but as they excavated the area all they found was murder water thinking it was a dead end the team abandoned the site you you know that's that's weird because that's that lines right up to the map check this out you came out of the bend yeah and you hit it right here and that's almost right where the back door is and on this map is right where the circle is according to Chuck that Circle marker is a tunel I think that we should revisit that back door so far we've got a pretty good perspective on this whole map and everything on that side has lined up we know there's a cavity at the back door and as much as we tried last year and couldn't get into it I think it's pretty significant that it lines up to mcdougall's M now more than ever I want to get back down there and revisit this thing I think we walked away too soon but now we have the right equipment the right testing I think it's time to get back down there and try to get back in there later that day Rob checks on the horizontal drill we're over 200 ft in at this point everything's going well the core samples they all look really good we're really getting back on track we're back in the Rock we want to be in to keep the drill bit lubricated so it doesn't overheat and break water continually Cycles in and out of the bore hole [Music] right that was snake up in what's going on scene is that we've lost all that circulation so before we had lots of water return lots of circulation now we got none so it's going somewhere else the water pumping into the B hole has disappeared Andrew thinks the drill punctured an unexpected void space which the water is now draining into but with their waterfall Target still 700 ft away this hole is a complete mystery where did it go it's gone into a formation I'm not sure where it's G now it's it's gone we'll test how wide the void is if it's any more than 2 to 3 ft then we'll have to pull the rugs if the heavy drill bit extends too far into a cavity unsupported it could snap particularly if lack of water circulation over heats the boar this kind of damage could keep them from ever reaching the waterfall if you don't touch anything after 3 ft so we'll mark out three feet we're going to Mark out the increments On The Rise he's going to push a section through we're going to take a measurement and see how far across it takes before we're at something solid bring it in boo my slowly huh any resistance haven't felt anything yet if there's something there you'll feel it he well we've uh we just went just past 3 ft and um we didn't touch the other side of whatever it is what do we do now what happens if we keep going there's a fair chance that the core Barrel will just break clean off the end of the rods it could end the [Music] home throughout the mountain the team is uncovering incredible Clues suggesting they could be getting closer to the treasure but as excitement grows so too does the risk seeing that R helicopter coming in after receiving several unexpected visitors we dist youre John worries the multiple warnings from Mr X they're watching you they know exactly what you're doing they know exactly where you are and their new partner chuck could be true and if and when they think you found a treasure they might step in and either steal it from you or just kill you right then and there as a result John's hired security to safe guard the perimeters of their work sites to protect this site to protect our people you know it's best to have the right security team on site we got security posted on every high point in this place and I think we're good to go treasure hunting in general draws all kinds of people and mostly unwanted people to your site you know you put all this time and effort and Research into a project to see fruition and they're just going to wait for you to do all the hard work and then just come and guns a blazing and take it from you so anything we can do to avoid that situation is Paramount [Music] here over at the tunnel Father and Son miners Gio and Levi continue to forge ahead with the Demolition robot working out here in the Philippines definitely different it's also spend this experience with my dad there's not another person I'd rather have here yeah fing big CHS out surrounded by unstable Rock the pair remain Vigilant part of mining you depend on your partner a lot because when you put on that hard hat and that light and you go underground Anything Can Happen watch that my dad worked in the mines for almost 40 years ended up getting killed in the mine so I'm constantly watching my son he's constantly watching me working together I feel way more secure meanwhile JN and Rob set up a bore hole camera to examine the mysterious void the drill intersected 200 ft into the mountain so now that we know we punched into this Voyage space we want to send the camera all the way down there and see what that anomaly is that's good keep going that down there looks like that's about the end of it there it's getting see that dark yeah where's that dark hole holy smoke SM that's a huge space I didn't expect that it's starting to look like a void space more than it is a vault Line Andrew definitely on a phone when you guys said you hit something lost some water I'm figuring you hit a fault line see if you can twist it a little bit hang on oh what is that what is that let me see if I can get a better look at it right there oh my God that is definitely a piece of wood that's a Timber what would Tim be doing in there oh my God there's a nail there you see it mhm that looks like a man-made tunnel oh my God I can't believe we're seeing [Music] this on the next lost gold of World War II seeing all that wood and seeing that it's an actual tunnel my gut feeling is that that this tunnel leads right to the waterfall they wouldn't have had this in World War II I'm thinking somebody was here before us Japanese military criminals confess to save themselves that's how MacArthur got the treasure is there any actual evidence to back this up it's kind of extraordinary how much evidence hey man you got to get out of here you got back out get out of here previously on lost gold of World War II not really sure what I have here this is actually French marble how in the world did it ever get in the bottom of a hole in the Philippines like you to meet our inspector these guys just showed up out of nowhere you know it's a little disconcerning maybe they're thinking we're getting close we know we punched into this Voyage space we want to send the camera all the way down there and see what that anomaly is what is that oh my God that is definitely a piece of wood that's a Timber Keep It Coming John Casey and Rick hurt are back in the Philippines with a new team continuing their search for yamashita's gold we're going to find a way to get to this treasure like many others JN believes Japanese General tomoyuki Yamashita took billions of dollars in Treasure rooted by Japan during World War II and buried it in the Philippines including somewhere in this mountain following a series of mysterious symbols they believe were left by Yamashita the team is investigating three sites a waterfall this waterfall is hiding something a crater known as breach 6 I've never seen anything like this and a camouflage tunnel they uncovered last year we are in the mountain boys can they finally discover the Lost gold of World War II in the Philippine mountains at the bore hole site you seeing that yeah mhm John and his brother Rob are investigating a mysterious void the horizontal drill hit on its way towards the waterfall hold on what is that it's a Timber it's definitely a Timber there's a nail sticking out of it that's freaking awesome look at that right there that's definitely a nail absolutely there's another nail there's another one and a Timber at first I thought this was a natural void space oh it doesn't look natural whatever it is so no yeah that's straight edge there that's definitely manmade there's no doubt about that that Timber looks like the ones at Levi and George are working in in their tunnel up there I wonder if these two connect close to 200 ft underground you know it could be on a 45° angle for all we know going right to the treasure I'm going to get this camera out of here all right let's get this tape over to Rick and the boys for John the discovery of a possible tunnel suggests maybe there's an easier way to get under the waterfall if it's just a void in the rock that naturally Mother Nature Made You wouldn't be seeing pieces of wood in there you wouldn't be seeing things that look like Timbers in there and stuff that just doesn't belong in a natural void space so somehow that stuff got in there later at base camp Jon gets the rest of the team up to speed this isn't just a natural occurrence or avoid space in the rock somebody put that there there's no doubt about it exactly and I'm thinking if they put it there we can get to it we got to figure out a way to get in there we're trying to drill 900 ft to the room that's underneath the waterfall 300 ft down seeing all that wood and nails and seeing that it's an actual tunnel does this tunnel go to the room underneath the waterfall so maybe we won't have to expend so much energy going the rest of the way maybe we could just get to that tunnel then walk right hand my gut feeling is that this tunnel leads right to the waterfall I think you need to take a better look at these pictures mhm because you're opening a can of worms you got a little void right there and I can already tell you have a giant collapse here I'm not trying to be the better of bad news man but the reality is this is probably an air pocket that you hit in that drift it's probably caved in on both sides of it there's not even anything here what what are we going to recover from this if we drive out there a piece of wood and a nail no I was just thinking once we get into that tunnel that we could just kind of muck it out and kind of go right towards the waterfall well we have a tunnel that we're already in and it's in a lot better shape than this you have a void and you have some wood with a nail in it you guys are overlooking the big issue here you're talking 200 ft down you're talking a 200t shaft you're talking a year and a half of work I mean it's a major especially with the especially with the resources we have here it's not Clam Digger and a hoist it's a shovel and a dude we're running on what ifs all we have here is Timber and Nails my opinion I think you keep Drilling and see what you're going to hit out there we get out to 1,000 ft and you hit the treasure room then we make a new plan by then we'll be around the collapses and we might already be [Music] there as Dawn breaks over breach 6 excavation continues towards metal deposits detected over 20 ft below the surface after the major discovery of red marble I'm not really sure what I have here determined to be quarried from France King Louis the 14th used this in the palace at versailes so this is a very famous marble with further confirmation from their treasure hunting partner Chuck it was already in the maps that they built the marble fortifications before bringing in the Treasure and the Robert Curtis tapes this is green Marble Marble at 25 ft and still no sign of treasure Rick's getting impatient we're making good progress at breach six but I would have thought we reached something by now we're down there quite a ways we've run into Timbers oh yeah oh it's Hollow I can't really think of another reason that there'd be wood down there we've made it through the marble layer and based on what we've seen with the Bob Curtis tapes that's usually the last indicator before you get to whatever it is whether that's a treasure Vault or whether that's a tunnel we are expecting to hit something very soon got some pain on it but I can't really tell what sand that is a double block I just found down here and that's what you would use to raise or lower something out of a shaft like this if you didn't have a winch hey Johnny BR it's a big old double block dude it's old I don't know how old it is it's pretty good shape keep digging buddy yeah dude keep digging man dude look at this I just short chunk or rope I think I cut it with the fin ho I'll uh I'm going to throw this in the can if you want to get it up out and I'll keep digging we found some blocks we found some rope we found all kinds of interesting things right now we're not finding anything else I don't know man we got to we got to figure this out I mean we're down there we're in the right spot we're there dude it's a pick head there's no handle at all in it so if the handle's rotted out of it then might be old we were expecting to hit a void space or a tunnel we've had plenty of evidence to let us know we're in the right spot after we got through the marble layer at the bottom of breach six what we're actually running into now are tools there's got to be an access to a tunnel there's got to be [Music] something deep in the Philippine jungle Father and Son miners Levi and Gio are making steady progress with their demolition robot trying to get around the collapse in the tunnel we've been in there chipping away they're building a parallel passageway to bypass the cave- in we've come a little over 40 ft right now we should have been broke through already there's a possibility that we could have missed our Mark you know I hope we didn't you know looks can be deceiving I think we're close but we don't have no idea what that drift is doing on the other side of [Music] us there we go we got about 20 ft more to go right now so we got a lot of work ahead of us this is brutal man I'm hoping if we break through into the tunnel that it's open and it's not collapsed that it's in good shape where we can just get in there and start Boling and make some Headroom when you go into an old tunnel like this there's a lot of different stuff you have to worry about we've already dealt with booby traps we're going to deal with bad ground there's bad gases you can get into we're going to have to use due diligence we're going to have to take our gas detectors make sure we're checking them it's just hard saying you get into those old tunnels a lot of gases that you get will hang at knee high as soon as you start to walk through them you'll start stirring them up tough way to do her man hand mucking it man it's freaking tough on a young guy let alone an old guy we're hoping we find a network of tunnels that may lead us up below the waterfall or maybe there's gold ultimately at the end of the day we want to find some sort of treasure [Music] here down the mountain John and Rick sift through the latest discoveries found at breach 6 how far down below the marble did you find this probably at about 5 ft how far down are you oh gosh man we're 25 ft you should be right at it we've been looking got some more stuff put your rope dude hey guys D check this stuff out I got a little baby Hammer wow a bunch more rope keep finding the Rope I think I'm chopping it up as I'm digging cuz I just keep getting it out little pieces but that it's probably so rotten been down there forever send that bucket of stuff up here let's examine it seeing this Rick lots of digging tools a steel yeah an old pick little peen hammer this stuff was in one spot then I could see how the mag would pick it up John's concerned the tools could be the metal hits detected by the magnetometer scan the tech te conducted weeks ago anything more down there nothing left down there at all I scraped the whole thing concrete cap it's just rock yeah let's see what we really got here we got this giant bar this Hammer digging to now this pick handle now it's a little off center but it's not very worn Even This Bar it's a little knurled over on the edge but the point on it it's almost pristine yeah I mean you could have like youve been using this to Pride crates open with this rope is pretty curious you look at this as I unwind it you know this is like almost like blue nylon rope I mean I know it's old and dirty looking but they wouldn't have had this in World War II know this is kind of concerning to me you guys I'm thinking somebody was here before us I mean I know it's old looking but there was a nylon rope around yeah back in World War II nylon is a synthetic fiber developed by the DuPont Chemical Company in 1938 considered stronger than silk nylon was first used to make women's stockings before drafted to create parachutes and Flack jackets for Allied Forces during World War II because Dupont was working exclusively with the US military historians believe nylon technology did not reach Japan until after the war how in the world would they got in there I'm pretty sure I would have seen something if there had been any other way in that hole I mean you had that hard layer and then everything underneath it was kind of loose just like dirt like this and rocks it is solid I mean it's just solid rock this is all modern stuff over the past few weeks what is that look like you look like a big hard rock or a big hard chunk of concrete the team has found undisturbed layers of concrete charcoal and marble so they didn't come up from the bottom they didn't come down from the top these modern tools suggest someone found another way to get get to the bottom of breach six the only thing I could figure to do would be you go down there fire up a jack leg and start rattling on the walls and just see if we can find a soft spot or a narrow shell you know it wouldn't have to be big I know you guys are thinking like M shaft like size but you know if you go like to Vietnam or even in Japan you know a lot of little tunnels are in there I mean we're talking like a tunnel like this wide just enough for a little guy to squeeze through it didn't have to be huge if Brent and Ferell find a tunnel it could confirm Jon's suspicion that another treasure hunter beat them to the punch no hang on oh man dude it is what are you seeing man it is caved in it's just a timbered up toothpick caved in mess so you're seeing Timbers yeah guys there's definitely a tunnel going this way man can you get all the way through it do you think or what I'm not even going to go into it man it's it's completely caved in I mean I'll poke my head in but look how blown out it is blown out all the way back there all the Timbers bro so I mean it totally collapsed oh yeah it's caved completely tight every timber in there snapped to rot and it's it's no go we can't get into it whoever got in there took what they could and they got out this is not the way I wanted this story to [Music] end after hitting a dead end at breach 6 John and Rick turned their attention to the Golden Lily map given to them by famed treasure hunter Chuck McDougall I'm not trying to be greedy 1% of the gross proceeds would be enough after negotiating a partnership McDougal helped Dakota map that looks similar to their Mountain those four dark color ellipses my theory is that they are access points to the main tunnel based on his Intel John and Rob scanned the mountain to look for entrances identified by Chuck including an old site from last year you came out of the bend yeah and you hit it right here and that's almost right where the back door is and on this map is right where the circle is now that we've kind of delineated a couple other spots based on flying the drone over it you know there are more possibilities on this map you know so we have breach six here and we have this diagram saying you know tunnel going that way you know maybe it's possible that these two tunnels running off of here is really like a tunnel that ran through the middle of re six like we always thought last year we thought that from the back door to Bree 6 it ran in a straight line and maybe this diagram is saying that too according to Chuck McDougall these symbols indicate three boxes of gold buried on this mountain although recent evidence suggests the treasure from breach 6 may have already been recovered there still could be two boxes left at the back door last year I mean we did punch in to the bottom half or the backside of a void space mhm we just couldn't do anything with it there's got to be another access into this back door somewhere maybe Max and Colin with a little more scan work they can find an access over there that's shallower that might be our Hail Mary well if there's an easier way to get into this tunnel system I think it's a good shot in the US head researcher Bingo manura is trying to figure out who else might be after yamashita's treasure recent suspicious encounters on the mountain we seeing that like you toit our inspector along with dire warnings from Chuck has the team spooked when they think you found a treasure that they might step in and either steal it from you or just kill you right then and there so Bingo wants to know if their safety is truly in Jeopardy and how deep the treasure conspiracy goes to get answers Bingo's meeting with author and New York Times contributor Roland Kelts hey Roland nice to meet you pleasure to finally meet you sir who's uncovered covert operations by the United States government involving yamashita's treasure on our Mountain we're getting a lot of attention and a lot of it could be just paranoia but I'm really wondering who historically would have been interested in this treasure and who may have benefited from it who might be after us if we do find something you know to really understand the story of this treasure uh and how deep and how distant it goes uh you have to go back to what I would call a key point or pivotal point in in history which is when the man who oversaw the American occupation of Japan and was arguably the the most powerful person in Japan at the time the ruler of Japan uh when he learns about this massive treasure uh hidden in the Philippines and that man is general Douglas MacArthur after Japan's official surrender on September 2nd 1945 Allied occupation of Japan began led by the supreme commander of the Allied Powers US general Douglas MacArthur well MacArthur he was the king of the roost a five-star general MacArthur commanded successful military campaigns from World War I through the Korean war after World War II MacArthur ordered the Tokyo trials a Military Tribunal to prosecute the leaders of Japan for war crimes with the exception of General Yamashita who was tried separately and sentenced to death beforehand Tokyo trials were meant to be a rough equivalent of nurburg trials in Germany however as we know in Germany there were several parties at the table in Japan largely it was the Americans allegedly MacArthur LED an effort during the trials to extract intelligence from the Japanese defendants in exchange for reduced charges or in some cases even complete exoneration so here you have the sudden opportunity the Americans are running the Tokyo trials people were looking for ways to save themselves and their families um so deals were being made left and right many Japanese who would give intelligence intelligence about military campaigns in Asia about communist China about Soviet Russia and intelligence about a treasure massive treasure that's how someone like MacArthur got access to all this information according to Roland MacArthur alerted President Truman to the war loot hidden in the Philippines effectively launching a covert American operation to extract the treasure you say General MacArthur all the way to president Schuman I mean those are some really bold claims is there any actual evidence to back this up well you know actually it's kind of extraordinary how much evidence there [Music] is in the US Bingo is learning that knowledge of yamashita's treasure could have reached as far as the Oval Office I have here um material that quite explicitly shows that General MacArthur was knowingly involved in capitalizing on this loot that the Japanese had stolen uh but also that he knew how it could be used while researching connections between the US government and yashida's treasure Roland uncovered recently Declassified documents drafted by General MacArthur to President Harry Truman this is a report from MacArthur now these documents were not publicly available at the time okay what we have is Declassified information and the fact that he has actually found uh this treasure and has declared that uh he can keep it these are MacArthur's words right here we have legal right to access all of these valuables precious metals and Stones belonging to the Japanese government and valuables belonging to designated individuals so anyone scheduled by scap supreme commander who is MacArthur himself now he's saying they can legally do that exactly if you're the supreme commander of your occupation you can declare what the law is what do they do with this information I mean they know Treasures out there they know there's a great amount of wealth there I mean why was he even interested in this World War II may be over but America is on the verge of the Cold War USSR and the United States are building up their nuclear arms and it certainly cost money to do the intelligence if in order to gather this intelligence research Truman created the CIA in 1947 some speculate MacArthur and Truman pursued yamashita's treasure to build a war chest to finance covert operations against the Soviets a fund was developed it's a it's a fund of many names actually probably the most common are Black Eagle trust and also the M fund it's alleged that for decades gold recovered from yashida's Treasure launched the Black Eagle trust fund or M fund to finance the most daring covert operations during the Cold War laundered through 172 Banks in 42 countries this money was all hidden from congressional oversight here was a treasure chest you could dip into without regulation without Congressional approval without even a vote you can decide what you want to do because you have access to all of this wealth and it's off the books is there any evidence to support how much was in this fight yeah well uh here we have hard numbers bank records in addition to secret reports from MacArthur Roland also uncovered Declassified bank statements connecting key members of the general staff to large amounts of gold and the amount is 20,00 metric t000 metric tons of gold bullion these are photos of marquat who is one of General MacArthur's men and who was the one uh whose name is on what is known as the M fund uh otherwise known as the Black Eagle trust the M inm fund is not MacArthur uh obviously MacArthur didn't want his name on it uh but marquad who is one of MacArthur's uh lackes Brigadier General William marquat headed up MacArthur's economic and science division during the occupation of Japan after World War II it's alleged marquat used his position as a cover to set up these accounts around the world MacArthur and his cronies um they were willing to do whatever it took to get access really to this buried treasure so it means obtaining Maps obtaining information uh and they would go so far allegedly uh as to resorting to torture uh in one case torturing General yash's limo driver in order to get information they wanted and needed to find this buried treasure you know it's interesting you say that because we've been warned in the past uh I think again as we get closer that concern is just very real well we know what these guys have done in the past uh from this evidence um that these vast amount of money uh attract people who are willing to torture uh and maybe worse in order to get their hands on it or to protect it uh or to keep it to themselves so honestly if I were you uh I would be very very careful many believe the Black Eagle trust fund is still used to this day to finance covert CIA operations meaning efforts by the US government to recover yashida's treasure may still be going on it's a dangerous situation back in the Philippines miners Levi and Gio continue digging around the tunnel collapse it's going good it's been back breaking work but we've definitely made a lot of progress I really hope we're getting close to breaking in so once we get inside of there I'm excited to see where this tunnel goes my greater hopes for this tunnel is that we can get in here safely catch it all up and that it connects to a network of tunnel inside the mountain and potentially have treasure in it look at that yo it both through oh yeah she's open man nice dude I'm going to open this hole up a little bigger I'll get it to where we can get in there and take a look and I'll probably crawl through there and see how bad of shape it is [Music] when you go into an old tunnel like this there's a lot of different stuff you have to worry about we've already dealt with booby traps and this is something that we can be dealing with in here I'm really hoping now that we're broke through we can find a clear passage up to the waterfall go Sloat yeah see anything thing I see some [Music] Timbers can you tell how far goes no I can't it looks like it's turning a corner hey man you got to get out of here got that get out of here deep in the tunnel it looks like it's turning a corner hey man you got to get out of here got back out go get out of [Music] here got into high carbon dioxide in there man wasn't hardly any Oxygen at all back in there that's hard to breathe the carbon dioxide will overtake overtakes oxygen you know I know from different Minds I've worked in that you will get these pockets of carbon dioxide they can be caused by volcanic formations and what'll happen is that carbon dioxide is one and a half times heavier than oxygen so what it'll do is when you get into an area that's confined like this it'll actually overtake the oxygen and it'll hang about knee height you're going to take one breath and you're going hit the floor and you're dead after allowing oxygen to cycle into the tunnel Levi and Gio go back in to check the carbon dioxide level keep an eye on that I'll let you go in front of us if we start getting a high gas rating we'll shut down you can't be complacent when it comes to these gases if you don't have a gas detector a lot of these gases that'll get you like carbon dioxide carbon monoxide all these they're senseless colorless odorless you won't even know they build up in your bloodstream they'll slowly build up to where you're sicker than a dog and you can't work worst case scenario you start getting disoriented end up going down they don't even know what happen we don't want to go no further than this Lei we got our Oxygen's messed up getting bad well we got low readings but we don't dare go any further let's get this whizbang hooked up get this thing ventilating yeah pull these hoses up here get it hooked up and get ventilation in here and then we'll get back out of here for a couple hours they're pumping outside oxygen into the tunnel to flush out the remain ing carbon [Music] dioxide every time we make a head little bit of Headway here we get pushed back two steps it's been this way the whole time now we got bad gases hopefully we've given enough time to ventilate and get all that gas blown out of there at the bhole site the horizontal drill needs to get past the man-made hole the team encountered on their way way to the waterfall still 700 ft away but with no way to keep water sealed around the drill as it moves through this open space they're worried it could break down CU we hit that tunnel down there we lost all the water pressure in order to breach the tunnel get the water pressure back got to be able to send sleeve down in there and sleeve right across the tunnel so the gr can hook up back up on the other wall continue going installing a metal sleeve across the hole will support the weight of the drill allowing it to bridge the gap and continue toward the target what we're looking for here is we want to feel the other side of the tunnel so it'll feel you'll feel it stop um that's feel that seated yeah that's on the other side now so now we'll slowly slowly rotate try and get a bit of a seal and hopefully we'll get our circulation back and then we get AED 4 in what happens if we don't make a seal and get water circulation back if we don't get a seal yeah we really can't Advance much M we out here this don't work we're not going to see nothing and all this would been a waste this has got to work it's certainly biing in so I than get the DU p in there going to seal give it a shot make fire that water up see if we got circulation right all right back here we go let's get do huh ready to rock now we've sleeved over the area that was the voyage space that we hit and we're back on track to get to the water waterfall boy that stretch of mountain that we got to go through there's a lot between here and there we really got a significant undertaking here I hope we get [Music] there with progress stalled at breach six John's revisiting an old site from last year the back door the last time we were at the back door we had some issues there yeah we couldn't really get to the Target taret I don't see anything in here it's a bunch of rocks as much as we tried last year and couldn't get into it I think it's pretty significant that it lines up to mcdougall's map now more than ever I want to get back down there and revisit this thing I think we walked away too [Music] soon based on Chuck's map and confirmation from the Drone Scout Max and Colin gathered data about the back door hoping to find a void space that could indicate a a tunnel or treasure we've set up an ERT line electrical resistivity tomography over top of the back door void and what that's going to give us is if there's a void space under this area Air does not conduct electricity at all so it's going to be a big red hot spot right in the middle of the data so using our ER seismic and hopefully some ground penetrating radar will be able to image that void and give them a solid Target that if they drill right where I tell them to they're going to hit they're going to hit the void later that day just to get you oriented what are you looking to get out of this whole um data set here basically we're looking to see if this back door or there's any relation to this back door to get into this tunnel system well we collected a ton of ERT over this site and of the whole area this is their whole back door site if I tilt it up I can show where the ERT line was collected and you see this this large resistor I I suppose it could be a void um but I don't I don't know it's looking like maybe about 6 to 15 ft in height and maybe 15 to 30 ft across yeah that's yeah that's big enough to like be something the shortest way and the most definitive way to know that you're going in the right direction is through this spot right through this resistive block yeah we got to get in there I mean I I got to figure out way to get in here using the tech team's GPS coordinates Rick and heavy machine operator Steve search for the spot to access this new void space yeah it is right right here right here under our feet is a huge void space man I just need to get a work pad cleared in here we can get these Boulders moved out I need a big flat workspace area here getting all this confirmation about the back door is like finally finding the last piece to the puzzle that's going to get us in this mountain with the new data that we've got we know that that void space comes almost to the surface the big hope is that we found access into this mountain at the tunnel site after pumping in fresh air for over 5 hours so hopefully we've given enough time to ventilate and get all that gas blown out of there it's time to get back to work all clear to here looking good Gio's done his checks back there all the gases look clear oxygen levels are good now we're able to get through this hole get everything barred down and start exploring we're going to get back in there and we're going to see where this tunnel goes boy ground looks a little [Music] shaky this ground is really etchy in here Levi I'm through The Brak in and on the inside of the tunnel the ground is very sketchy the rock is super oxidized and the timber is just virtually rotted to nothing so we're going to to be really careful repairing this thing it's going to be time consuming look at all the clay and mud in the ground and it's all held together by this mush I think we're going to have to go slow when we go through here and bar down really good take our time and get as far ahead as we can to give us an idea of what we have ahead of us you know we just broke through into the old tunnel I can see in there it's not totally collapsed I mean there is some sort of a void it's awesome that we hit it so how far in here do you think we are I bet we're in here 7 to 800 ft now man as the miners head deeper into the old tunnel they probe the walls looking for any we weak Rock which could trigger another cave-in hey Gio we got another giant wreck it's getting worse all the time man hopefully I can get a hole opened up and we can see in there hopefully it's not plugged tight turn your light off real quick Gio there's light coming through here that's got to be the surface what is going on on the next lost gold of World War II here we go you're going to send smoke coming out of that opening whoa whoa whoa stop stop what's that right there you see this big diamond shape here if we can find that I think we can start to figure out the rest of this map it doesn't make any sense it goes from Solid Rock to sand to Solid Rock again come on baby get in there push I can't do it man I think maybe I'm just pushing this whole back door thing too hard there got to be a better way in here I don't know
Channel: HISTORY
Views: 329,430
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: history, history channel, history shows, history channel shows, the history channel, documentary history channel, history documentary, documentary, history channel full episodes, documentaries, history channel documentaries, Lost Gold of World War II, full episode marathon, historical treasure hunt, World War II mysteries, hidden paths, treasure seeking, epic adventure, mountain expedition, historical investigation, search for lost gold, hidden gold, World War II secrets
Id: g_B4xRJasco
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 123min 6sec (7386 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 18 2024
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