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- [Steve] Uh, guys. I don't think we're in the temple anymore, this looks like a cave. - [Jamie] Yeah. - Um, I don't even know if I want my phone this badly. It says there's bats right here. - Wait, what does that say? Sharp stones or what? - Shape stones or sharp stones, what did it say? - What did it say? - It says to step on the diamond stones. What did I just do? We have to get-- (screams) - Hi Soty family! - Hey guys today we're at Disneyland for our last and final day. - We have had so much fun! - And today we're gonna have even more fun! - We're gonna ride so many rides! - Guys, I think I lost my cell phone. - [Jamie] What? - Why is it always you? - Yeah! - Not again, Dad! - Well there goes our Disney Day. - Please tell me that you are not joking right now. - I'm not joking and the bad thing is, all of our FastPasses for the rides are on that phone. - Oh no. - So we can't ride our favorite ride? - Did you lose it? - Or someone took it. - He's not very responsible. I think he lost it. - I had it in my pocket, I swear like 5 minutes ago. - Our last Disney day guys. I guess we're gonna be looking for an iPhone. - Sorry guys. - Maybe Goofy took it. (sad music) - And it's pointless to call it 'cause we can't even hear it. - I got bubbles. - Well now they're happy, but we still don't have Steve's phone. We need to start searching. - Maybe we should look in Star Wars Land for Dad's iPhone. - Alright guys, where are we gonna look for your phone? I don't know. - What about the jungle? - Guess we're goin' on a safari. - Are you sure it's in the jungle or do they just wanna do the ride? - No it's totally in the jungle. - Alright, let's see if we can find Dad's phone anywhere in here. (Jungle Cruise Skipper talking) I don't know if we're gonna find it. - Bye. - Where's my phone? - I tried to listen for Dad's phone. - There was a tiger in it. - Do they have my phone? - I think they took Dad's phone. - Um, who suggested the jungle? Dad's phone was nowhere in there. What do you have to say for yourself? - Let's go one more time to check? - I know guys, it's in Star Wars Land. - Whoa, whoa wait! Come here, come here, come here! Maybe it's in the treehouse. - Treehouse, Payton? There's no treehouses here. - Alright, guys I guess we're looking in a treehouse. Hey come on! You're the one that suggested it, let's go! - Maybe Jar-Jar took it. - Stephen, do you see Dad's phone anywhere up there? - No, I see a tiger though. - A tiger! (growling) - [Jamie] Parker's gettin' it! - Bubbles will totally take care of that tiger. - Well we managed to do a lot of stair climbing and we saw a tiger. - But we didn't find Dad's phone. - Guys I hate to say it, but maybe Steve's phone is in the Haunted Mansion. - Yeah, I feel like if someone took it, they'd put it in a place where Dad wouldn't want to go. - The Haunted Mansion. - [Girls] No! - You know who's gonna hate this ride? Parker. - You're gonna hate that ride. - [Steve] There's a ghost in here! - [Jamie] There's a ghost! - [Steve] Let's get out of here! Forget the phone! - Well Dad's phone wasn't in there, but I was right. Parker hated it. - [Jamie] Should we do that ride again? So, uh, what do we do now? - I don't know, do we just-- - Wait, I just got a text from Dad. - [Jamie] What, from Dad? - Yeah, from Dad. - Uh, I don't have a phone. That's the whole point of this. (video cutting out) - Let's go! - Hurry! We only have 10 minutes! Run, run, run! - Let's go guys. - Guys let's video the swing ride! - And we only have like 2 more minutes. - [Taylor] Go! - We're gonna ride that? - So apparently, who ever has Steve's phone has our Fastpass tickets and they're sending us to this. Why do we need to go here? Is Steve's phone here? - It's either because they're really nice and want us to go on these rides or they want us to meet them here. - Or we need to ride this ride to get more clues. - Alright, let's see if we can find Dad's phone. - [Jamie] Look for his phone. - (mumbling) - This is awesome! Whoa! Um Stephen, I think we're racing. - We're racing? - I think we're racing. - Who are we racing? - We're racing the girls! - That feels good. - We're going! (screaming) I don't see Dad's phone, but this is awesome! - I didn't see Dad's phone but we won the race. - We won. - Alright, how was the Cars ride? - Good. - Did you find my phone? - No. - Where is my IPhone at? - No idea. - What are we gonna do? I gotta, you text them this time. Tell them I want my phone back right now and ask them where they're at. Maybe that'll work? Alright, they better respond quick. I want that phone back. - Guys, guys, I just got another text. It says, "for our next FastPass, we have to crack the whip." Whatever that means. - [Jamie] Girls, girls, do you have any idea what ride has the whip in it? - [Girls] Indiana Jones! - [Jamie] What? - Indiana Jones. - [Jamie] Where's that at? - I don't know. - Come on guys, we need to hurry. We gotta get Dad's phone. - We made it, finally made it. We made it guys. - I hope Dad's phone is on this one 'cause I'm tired of running. - Alright, Indiana Jones here we come. - Alright, we are in the temple here. We've gotta find the phone. There's a lot of places it could be. Girls! Oh no, now we're gonna lose the girls! - There's booby traps. - [Steve] Uh, guys. I don't think we're in the temple anymore, this looks like a cave. - [Jamie] Yeah. - Um, I don't even know if I want my phone this badly. (laughing) - What did it say? - [Steve] It says there's bats in here. - There's bat poop. - Wait, what did that say? Sharp stones or what? - Shape stones or sharp stones? - What did it say? - It says to step on the diamond stones. What did I just do? We have to get-- (girls screaming) - We're never gonna find my iPhone here. - [Steve] Jamie, we gotta find my phone! - I'll find your phone! - [Steve] Let's go! Wait, wait where are we going? (screaming) - [Jamie] Look for Dad's phone! - [Steve] Jamie! - [Steve] What were you doing? - I don't know, but I couldn't find your phone, sorry! - I don't know if this phone is even worth it. - I think we should really check out Star Wars Land. We really have to. I have a feeling, I feel the force. It's leading me to Dad's iPhone. (singing Star Wars theme) It's beautiful. - I don't think we're ever gonna find my phone. - Alright, we're in Star Wars Land. What do we do now? - I know exactly what will help us find Dad's iPhone. - What? - Let's find that phone. Guys, I just got text saying we have to ride the Millennium Falcon and if we do, we'll be that much closer to finding the phone. - I need it bad. - I have a feeling that Stephen may have tricked us into getting a lightsaber and riding this ride. Are you sure you're getting text messages? - Uh, yeah. - I am feeling a little bit suspicious of Stephen right now. - I know we're gonna find your phone on board, Dad. - [Steve] Do you really think my phone is in space? - Uh, yeah. The ship may contain what we're supposed to be getting. I think it's there. - I feel like I'm being scammed here. Get ready to push your button. I can't believe we're doin' this! You got it guys! We are not gonna find my phone. Guys-- - This is why-- - Do you see my phone any where? - No. - We are still on the ship guys, we gotta look everywhere. It might be here on the ship somewhere, hurry. - They're trying to get my phone. There might be a message. - I thought we were already finding my phone. - Guys, it is getting dark. The day's almost over, it's gonna close soon and we still have not found-- - We haven't found my phone. - His iPhone. - I haven't gotten another text or anything. - You haven't? - No. - I don't know what to do. Alright, well I guess we we just gotta head back. I don't know what to do. - Guys, I have a confession to make. I had your phone the whole time. - Are you kidding me? - No I mean it's in my hand. - He Uncle Derek'd me. - I just wanted to see Star Wars Land so bad and get a lightsaber and ride the Millennium Falcon and have Blue Milk and all sorts of different stuff. Guys I'm really sorry, please forgive me. Guys? (Steve shouting) (happy music)
Channel: Shot of The Yeagers
Views: 493,280
Rating: 4.6665163 out of 5
Keywords: Shot of The Yeagers, The Yeagers, Family Fun, Familyfun, Fun Family, lds, mormon, mormon vloggers, christian, family, fun, soty family, lost my dad's iPhone, lost my dad's iPhone at Disneyland, lost iPhone prank, iPhone prank, Disneyland, iphone x, lost my iphone, hide and seek, lost iphone, lost my phone, lost phone prank, lost my dads iphone
Id: l_plpBO6P6M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 28sec (808 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 04 2019
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