Lost Art, Forgery And Thefts: The Enigmatic Vermeer | Raiders Of The Lost Art | Perspective

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[Music] vermeer is the ultimate enigma he created some of the world's most treasured paintings including the girl with a pearl earring but we know very little about him in fact for two centuries his masterpieces were largely forgotten but an intrepid french explorer in the 19th century managed to hunt them down in hidden locations where they'd been scattered across europe you don't hear people making these pilgrimages for most artists and what is it about vermeer that encourages this need slowly but surely vermeer came to be appreciated for the artistic genius that he was for me is one of the most enigmatic dutch artists of the 17th century once you see it vermeer you never forget it and you never forget where you saw it however the process of reclaiming his paintings has been fraught with peril one of the most successful forges of all time han van migran managed to fool the experts for years with his collection of fake vermeers his trial was a media sensation that rocked the art world it seems astonishing to us now that we were fooled by the van maker and fakes it's wishful thinking you really want a painting to be vermeer if you just want it you know it will be he was just a brilliant unit psychologist and he understood that scholars were thinking we've always been expecting to find these and here they are there are very few genuine vermeers around and many have been lost to us once again being stolen by members of the ira and the boston mob it would appear that they were very selective in what they took even adolf hitler and hermann goering were looking to get their hands on vermeers by whatever means necessary hitler managed to get a hold of two goring was sold a fake made by van migran the forgeries have made life difficult when it comes to the work of the dutch master if you would discover a judgment in vermeer it would make your day but you have to be really careful it's been an epic struggle to reclaim the works of johannes vermeer from their hidden locations and from the thieves that took them that struggle continues today [Music] at the end of world war ii joseph pillar a jewish resistance hero was tasked with hunting down ss and gestapo members after the liberation of the netherlands he also managed to track down han van migran a very wealthy resident of amsterdam who he discovered had been behind the sales of many recently rediscovered vermeers but one of those sales had been made to the nazi leader hermann goering and van migran was accused of collaboration we're going to answer the question mr van meegeren my father told me i would never amount to anything he didn't approve of your career i know nothing he used to say incapable of nothing well he was wrong wasn't he man doesn't acquire 50 houses yes 52. you had to be clever to do what you did yes where did they come from mr vanmigrum where did you find the vermeers but what pillar didn't know was that van migran was one of the most successful art forgers of all time [Music] just like johannes vermeer himself van meegeren lived and worked in the city of delft and was also an artist but he was chastised by art critics at the time they said his style was just an imitation of the old masters van migrant decided to retaliate by proving that he could imitate them so accurately that even the experts would be fooled i think he had two motives one was obviously money it was a way of earning some money by making these fakes but i also think he wanted to get his own back on the art world they didn't like his art um so he thought he would do something to get his own back on the critics from egren was a dutch delft architect who has some made some buildings in daltonsville so around the delft you will find some real vomitings there are buildings alongside canals vamp discovered he could make wonderful vermeers with the kind of paint vermeer used in his time and people from that area liked it very much and thought the possibility to to own a real vermeer han van migran made forgeries of other artists but it was the fact that johannes vermeer was such a mystery that allowed these fakes to be so successful johannes vermeer was born in delft in 1632 exactly 300 years before van migrant started his fakes he joined the artistic guild of saint luke and may have been taught by another celebrated artist who worked in delft carol fabricious fabricious was rembrandt's greatest pupil but was tragically killed at the age of 32 when a gunpowder store exploded in delft destroying much of the city the event became known as the delft thunderclap vermeer survived the gunpowder explosion and started working on his paintings including a view of delft made six years after the tragedy we know very little about his life and he actually ran an in or tavern in the town of delft outside the hague the city of delft in the 17th century was very rich we did business all over the world wonderful buildings already stoned but also very a lot of a lot of wooden houses he was a dutch golden age painter that great flowering of you know the dutch republic we think for me was in the middle class of people his mother-in-law was very rich of course his father had to uh to ends it always sounds as though he suffered from his father who um had been a cloth worker and dealer and became a tavern keeper and killed a soldier and was generally sounds like a rogue um married a catholic had 15 children 11 of which survived one imagines his life didn't look anything like a vermeer maybe that was the point we have no definitive pictures of johannes vermeer but it's believed by scholars that he may have painted himself into one of his early works the procureus it's a genre scene where you have a figure in the background and he looks like a painter and you know he may be vermeer i i like to think it is familiar but you know we don't know that for sure vermeer may also have painted himself into one of his later works the art of painting he had other jobs so you know he earned his money as a painter but he had an inn and he dealt in art so he was an art dealer he had 11 children with his wife he was also an innkeeper he had he had the two ins of his father he was a seller of antiques and that that kind of things and oh he was painter as well how the poor man find time to paint at all is a miracle some very successful artists like rembrandt had a studio and employed a lot of assistants who would work doing some menial tasks but vermeer seems to have worked just by himself and that's probably a reflection of both of the way he wanted to work and the fact that he didn't earn very much money you know there's a great idea that great suffering makes great art vermeer's unique way of working and the materials he used seem to explain why there are so precious few examples of his paintings in the world today i think it's a combination of two reasons why we have such a very small output one is that we simply don't have the paintings that they were lost because of course a lot of pictures do get lost and some of his must have done the other thing is he probably did work very slowly i mean they're very meticulously and carefully painted he painted using lapis lazuli quite quite a lot and he painted gem-like pictures that were made out of gems often vermeer used very expensive colors the stone lab is lazuli in those years it was very expensive because he produced so little he probably didn't earn a great deal and there were also economic problems in the netherlands at the time and when he died he was in debt vermeer died in delft at the age of just 43. his reputation as an artist did not extend much beyond his hometown and his name faded into obscurity very quickly along with his paintings it was not until almost two centuries later that he finally got the recognition that he deserved when a french exile made it his mission to bring vermeer to the world [Music] johannes vermeer lived and painted in the city of delft near the hague but his reputation as an artist didn't extend much beyond the city he worked in and when he died at the age of 43 it seemed vermeer had missed his chance to be considered one of history's greatest artists i don't imagine that his picture is so for much and there weren't very many of them if you're painting probably two pictures a year that's not like being picasso in those times rembrandts and and some other painters also unders and peter hall for instance sold a lot more paintings to other people than vermeer did the volume of the work available is a key component in this even accounting for ones that may have been lost or destroyed even it's still a relatively small output for someone who was an artist for over 20 years in those years it was not very common to like a vermeer the prices which were paid on the the selling in amsterdam were also not so very high for instance there were no paintings by vermeer in french public collections i think the vermeer in the mouths house was the first vermeer to enter a public collection in the netherlands so if you have these paintings in private collections if you had good contacts you could go there but it's different from a museum there were a few collectors of his work and they were saved by them often they were later attributed to other artists not to vermeer and then vermeer was rediscovered in the mid-19th century vermeer's rediscovery was due to a french exile named tayofield torrei who found himself captivated by the paintings toge made it his life's work to track down as many vermeers as he could it wasn't going to be an easy task though after vermeer's death his paintings had scattered across europe and were often incorrectly listed as the work of far better known artists at the time many of them would end up in royal possession in 1742 a girl reading a letter by an open window was acquired for augustus iii the king of poland with the belief that it was a painting by rembrandt the music lesson was also bought by a king in 1762 when it was purchased for king george the third of england it entered the royal collection at buckingham palace where it was listed as being by franz van meeres in 1802 the guitar player became the property of lord palmerston who would go on to become prime minister of the united kingdom the art of painting vermeer's most treasured item that he always kept in his possession would end up being listed as a work by peter the hook it traveled to vienna where it became part of the house of chernin collection in 1813 the little street and the milkmaid stayed in the netherlands though when they entered the collection of the aristocratic dutch family the sixes at the house of six in amsterdam [Music] vermeer jan vermeer i had never heard the name before either but it was simply astonishing the first one i saw was at the hague the brilliance of the light the intensity of the color both real and utterly original i had to know who painted it he went to the margaret's house in the hague in 1842 saw this huge panorama on delft and well he was blown away immediately by this incredible painting the view of delft is an amazing picture very beautifully painted i can see that it was a landscape which would certainly have appealed to people in the 19th century i searched every gallery in holland i knew everyone i found two more in private collections again simply astounding work this was art concerned with the real uh servants at work the town where he lived unadorned this was art for man he traveled all over the place and discovered new paintings the only thing i can get to know is by reading what he left us and it's almost a diary of his travels he drew up a list of works which he felt were by vermeer and identified quite a lot of them for the first time we had wondered what you got up to during your time away a mistress or two my brother thought we never thought you'd fallen in love love is selfish isaac i could not keep vermeer to myself in fact that was the reason i asked you here [Music] isaac pereira was a wealthy parisian financier and art collector toray hoped that he could convince pereira to purchase one of the vermeers he'd found it was 1866 and torrey was publishing his findings in the gazette de bozar this was for him like the starting point for like you have a remnant research project he had a vermeer research project and i think it took him the rest of his life to do this he wrote an article in the gazette which is a kind of groundbreaking essay on vermeer his earth and his life 1866 is sort of the key date he was published in the gazette the bazaar which increased everyone's awareness of him as an artist of um and of his works he really writes everything how he went to the hague how he saw the painting how he had never heard of van der meer de delft torrey had actually bought several vermeers for himself during his travels but he was hoping that pereira would purchase the geographer to help establish vermeer's name [Music] a vermeer in your collection would transform the way people think of him see how the scholar grips the book as if caught in the very moment of inspiration he doesn't want to let it go and his understanding of light isaac it is a very fine piece this doesn't do it justice scholar's cloak is blue but the deepest blue you could imagine you must have it you must i'm sorry pereira would soon be persuaded though and vermeers would quickly become a must-have item for the world's wealthiest collectors [Music] was a very well-known collector you have the publication in the gazette de bozar so all the the connoisseurs read that of course all the collectors read this and if there is a new discovery of a new name then of course everybody wants to own a vermeer and was no exception to that why don't you buy it yourself the old master has demanded much of me he needs new advocates now well he could have no finer ally and none more persuasive [Music] show it to me again [Music] it was thanks to tori that we really rediscovered vermeer and that sort of put him on the map if you like and then he became very collectible in the 20th century but of course at that time it was very hard to come by so these paintings were really expensive and we know that at that time even forgeries were made in the early 20th century forgeries had started to appear but real discoveries were still being made toray had identified many of the vermeers he found by the subtle and varying signatures that the artist used that signature was then found on two paintings in the early 20th century diana and her companions and christ in the house with mary and martha they were very different from most of his known works and if they didn't have signatures it's unlikely they would ever have been attributed to vermeer surprisingly vermeer's most famous work the girl with a pearl earring was not identified by torrey before he died in 1869 however it had not gone unnoticed by those who had seen it the girl of pearl earring is a fascinating story and as we know was was sold for like six gilders or something incredible actually it turns out it was more recognized at that time than you would think because it was from very early on really greatly admired by novelists these are actually novelists who are writing stories stories about traveling to the netherlands early on it was recognized and then slowly becomes written about among the art art historians of the world the art historians believed that there were still more vermeers to be found though especially from his early career and han van migran saw an opportunity his vermeer fakes made in the 1930s were hugely successful and his career as an art forger would have probably continued if he hadn't sold one of them to hermann goering sir going's mad he's been found has he talked yet i don't know sir that's all we have [Music] han van migran in a desperate attempt to save his own skin was about to send the art world into a panic when he revealed his deception he was put on trial where he had to prove himself guilty of forgery rather than face conviction of nazi collaboration [Music] when world war ii came to an end it was discovered that hitler had stashed away many priceless artworks for his own private collection he'd even managed to get hold of two vermeers including the astronomer and the art of painting hermann goring it seemed had also got hold of a vermeer and the trail led right back to han van migran your german friend medel he's been arrested hiding in spain he's no friend of mine well he's had plenty to say about you van maker was accused of selling a painting to goring and collaborating with the nazis unusually for going he actually paid for it a relatively decent sum of money from an art dealer who either genuinely believed that it was a vermeer or must have been crapping his pants i mean really you know knowing that or selling a fake to to going isn't a very safe thing to do and in order to avoid that charge he said that he'd sold a fake so this is how the whole thing came out into the open he says that you came to him guring's art dealer with the sole purpose of doing business with the nazis that's a lie you swear to it isn't that right yes sir on oath he's he's lying no he isn't the simple fact mr vanmigren is we don't need to talk to you anymore this will convict you for collaboration though naturally any cooperation you might offer at this point would be considered when it came to sentencing where did you get the vermeers mr van meegeren where did you take them from who helped you no one [Music] no one helped me [Music] i did it i painted them [Music] i painted them all [Music] being accused of forgery was a far lesser crime than collaboration with the nazis but van migrant would have to prove that these newly discovered vermeers were in fact fakes and so a trial was conducted where oddly van meegeren had to prove himself guilty rather than innocent of a crime it seems astonishing to us now that we were fooled by the van maker and fakes um but they were accepted by some of the the top experts in dutch art including bradys and um once one or two experts had accepted the others seemed to the touch from achen used just not not to to to make something vermeers very famous for but making it look like it could be a familiar people were so eager to to have those paintings it is not easy to admit when you be made a fool of you laid a trap for us mr van meegeren it was a clever one too we wanted to walk into it for your works seemed to give us the answer to a mystery they filled the chasm between early vermeers like this one and his mature masterpieces our search for truth and beauty blinded us and in the end we were all caught out did a very clever thing which was that he he made vermeers that didn't look like vermeers and that was really sensible you know if you've done girl with a pearl brooch you could have held it up next to go with the pillow and say i don't think so but in those days scholars believed that vermeer had studied in italy which he hadn't um and so what he did was he painted the caravaggio separate mess in the style of vermeer and every you know scholars who saw with their brains rather than their eyes thought oh well this obviously you know we can explain this like this and people were fooled i would like to begin my analysis if i may with the supper ademayas the pigment used by mr van meegeren although chemically identical is quite different when viewed under a microscope it's always easy to be wise after the event because when you do a fake there's something of your own time that goes into it and later on it looks wrong something that everybody wanted and you can wait so i'm still waiting for the self-portrait of vermeer to appear uh but you have to imagine at that point in time sort of a lot of monographs the documents had been published so everybody knew that there were more paintings they were different from the vermeers that we now know they were early religious works it was said so van maygren had tried to fill a hole in vermeer's career this black substance uh a die of some sort imitating centuries accumulation of dirt was used to further the illusion of age it's wishful thinking it's something you really want a painting to be vermeer if you just want it you know it will be it's a brilliant con you really saw what scholars were like and they would just say yes you know we've long suspected they were they'd be italian eight pictures and of course he was a catholic so you know here at last very clever forgery meaning an old canvas was used and acolyte was used so it really had to calculate you know the the calculate pattern that you see in old master paintings this x-ray reveals the remnants of the original painting below a priming layer with patches of lead white paint here and here i do think he was brilliant van maker not a brilliant painter brilliant i mean material forger but he was just a brilliant unit psychologist and of course the next van maker that comes along and doesn't look like a vermeer is not going to be compared with viewfinder it's going to be compared with the last van maker and van meegeren was forced to paint a vermeer fake in front of reporters and court appointed witnesses to show exactly how it was done [Music] i must thank mr van meegeren for his cooperation throughout this process indeed i have never known a defendant so anxious to be found guilty it's very easy for us to think these people were foolish to think it is because it's a terrible painting i think many people know about formation but when you ask them the real story behind it they don't know you do admit to painting these works yes and selling them at the exorbitant prices charged if i'd have sold them cheaply everyone would have known they were fake everyone is interested in fakers so it does give one a certain notoriety and there is a great deal of interest in van mae green and some people like to have his work just because of who he was um so there is a certain admiration for someone who got away with it for so long what was it that made you continue after painting a mess you had made your money why go on it was the satisfaction of deceiving good men like dr corman's of swindling them the satisfaction of perfecting my technique i couldn't stop myself so money had no influence on your decision money has brought me nothing but misery of course he's also very damaging to vermeer's work and it's important to sort out what is the real vermeer and what are the fakes han van migran died soon after the trial was completed and before he served any time in prison the forgery scandal he created showed just how hard it's been to reclaim vermeer's legacy but in the decades that followed many of the genuine articles were lost to us once again in daring heists and one is still missing and van migran had forged numerous vermeers for over a decade his sensational trial in 1947 had proved an embarrassment for the scholars of vermeer who had fallen for his deception and as a result one painting called a young woman seated at the virginals which had been accepted as a vermeer since 1904 was suddenly labeled yet another forgery it was not until the 21st century that it started to be accepted once again i think that is a premiere i didn't think so initially although not all of what one sees is by vermeer as far as i'm concerned there's been lots of technical analysis done in the painting and to the canvas and i think that strongly indicates i believe that is vermeer she has a large yellow cloak that covers the upper part of her body you can see that the tin yellow underneath layer and that the modeling of the underneath layer seems to me appropriate for mirror where's the modeling on the upper layer not so i think that painting was reworked at a certain point for some reason some comments could be made on the quality of for example the depiction of our arms but scientifically i think it's been proven that it is part of his work yes the young woman seated at the virginals suddenly became the only remaining vermeer in private hands all the others had become part of museum or state collections and over the last few decades they've been the target of some of the most notorious art thefts in history in 1971 the love letter was taken from the fine arts palace in brussels where it was on temporary exhibition it was recovered two weeks later and returned to its home at the reichs museum in amsterdam another vermeer that was stolen in the 1970s was the guitar player once owned by prime minister lord palmerston this later work of the artist was taken from kenwood house the guitar player was stolen in 1974 kenwood house is an isolated house in hampstead heath so it was a bit vulnerable at that time the person broke in through the window through the shutters into this the room and stole the vermeer specifically ran off with it wasn't caught there was various theories there's been links made to ira and demands were made to transfer prisoners from a prison also there was a ransom note saying they were going to burn it on st patrick's night however it ended with an anonymous tip-off it was later found abandoned in the churchyard in smithfield's in central london a helpful phone call ringling hello you don't know me but there's a there's a vermeer in your church yard when i arrived here about quarter of an hour ago i found a lot of press here saying that the painting had been found and of course i was absolutely thrilled because it was so terrible did it ever been stolen really there it was propped up against a gravestone it was damp but relatively unharmed it has slightly suffered from the atmospheric conditions while it's been away from us and this is hardly surprising a skilled restorer will have to see to the very slight cupping of the paint surface that has occurred i seem to recall that they stole some other pictures from kenwood and dumped them down by the lake and made off so leaving the things in wet grasses wasn't unusual for them obviously not a professional thief did it there's not much point in taking a picture and then just leave it in a church yard i should think possibly if anyone wanted to leave anything without being seen anywhere in the city of london at night is rather good place because it's all very deserted very few people live around here you see it's the only vermeer that is still on its original or very early stretcher so it is unique and it's very special and we have to take obviously extra extra care of it because it's quite fragile this picture was on its original 17th century stretcher and there's no mistaking that there's no mistaking the original wooden dowels around the edge of the canvas too they are of course are the pegs that vermeer put in today artists have used galvanized text so we can be absolutely certain it's amazing that this is you know still on its same stretcher from 1672. the same year as the guitar player was stolen yet another vermeer was taken the lady writing a letter with her maid it's the only vermeer in ireland and had to endure a second theft in the 1980s the lady writing letter with a maid was stolen in ireland um in the 1970s and the ira was involved that was at the height of the troubles that was also recovered it was stolen from russbra house outside dublin there was a wonderful sort of figure of my childhood called dr rose dugdale who was a sort of debutant a turned ira terrorist who um you know she stole it first and they found it about a week later i think it's unfair to say the ira was responsible no at the time bridget rose dugdale and her boyfriend eddie gallaher were not just irish nationalists but they were paramilitary sympathizers their big idea was to get these things and then hold them to ransom for as much as you can establish a motive for the theft of those paintings both in kenwood and at russ bernard the painting was stolen the second time in the 1980s by a criminal from northern ireland and it was recovered in antwerp the painting is back and now the national gallery of ireland in dublin fortunately all these stolen vermeers have been returned to their rightful homes but one is still missing the concert this was taken from the isabella stewart gardner museum in boston along with a painting by one of vermeer's contemporaries rembrandt in one of the most daring art thefts of all time the concert was taken in 1990 along with rembrandt and a number of other important works from the isabel stuart gardener museum in boston on the night of st patrick's day 1990 two boston police department cops turned up at the museum banged on the door the guys walked in produced a gun tied up the two guards then spent several hours in the museum deciding what to take certainly the concert of in there and also rembrandt's storm on the sea of galilee are two exceptionally valuable paintings taken away in over a matter of hours and they haven't been seen since most important works that are stolen do eventually turn up but this one is now 20 or more years ago but the hunt is still on the problem has been that the fbi have gone down one road and i think there were other roads to go down for years the theft has been linked to james whitey bulger a notorious figure in boston organized crime who was captured in 2011. [Music] the whitey bulger story is the story he was the kingpin i cannot see how it's possible that whitey did not have either at the time or certainly soon afterwards some connection to those paintings however to be fair to the fbi there is no hard evidence of that well i've been very lucky that i've actually studied every vermeer in the world under a microscope i've seen it out of the frame and the concert i spent two days with in that way and i still have all these slides of the painting and all the kind of little magical ways in which these colored highlights and it's always a huge loss that i still feel i hope it will come back i hope it will come back because for the museum it's very sad that you don't have the work itself anymore the hunt for the concert goes on but it's not the only missing vermeer that could be out there vermeer died in poverty and most of his works were later auctioned off in a 1696 sale of a man called jacob disius who had inherited 21 of vermeer's paintings some of the works listed in the auction catalogue haven't been found yet and include another little street and even a self-portrait of the artist i'm still looking for the self-portraits that he made because it is documented that he made one and we know there was a second little street like the painting in the rights museum so maybe paintings will turn up but it's not really the largest production it would be absolutely incredible i mean if we would be able to find one of these paintings that have been mentioned in the this year's sale in 1696 already but have completely disappeared one painting that wasn't listed in the this year's sale but has been attributed to vermeer for a while is the saint proxidus in 2014 christie's in london auctioned the painting after announcing that technical analysis carried out at the reichs museum strengthened the case that this is a genuine vermeer thank you we move on to lot 39 please know that there is additional literature that's been posted throughout the view lot 39 the vermeer it may even be his earliest known work as the lead isotope tests on the white paint of the saint proxidus indicate that the exact same batch of white paint may have been used on both this painting and diana and her companions i actually did see that painting it wasn't an exhibition in rome i think two years ago and it's a very difficult painting to attribute because this praxedis saint she is depicted by felicia ficarelli an italian painter and then there is a copy after that painting and it's very difficult if there is a copy like who made this copy the saint praxis picture is very unusual um there's a signature on it which is thought to be vermeers and it appears to be a copy of an italian painting and there is one scholar in america arthur wheelock who believes that it's an authentic vermeer i feel very strongly it is by vermeer and and i've had the opportunity to study that one very closely and also to see it together with the figure ellie painting and they're to me they're entirely different and a very different character one very much a dutch painting and one very much italian painting and there's a lot of elements of the same proxetus that are consistent with early vermeer the complicated thing obviously is based on another painting and so many of the elements of it are have this italian quality that people aren't comfortable with in vermeer's world you're still hoping there will be more vermeers and and then there is also the thing is it surreal for me or not because that's everyone every time a vermeer pops up or so yeah you'll get those questions at three million three million two hundred thousand three million five hundred thousand three million eight hundred thousand now at three million eight yes four million we have no other copies of paintings by vermeer so this will be unique if it is a full-size copy of a painting four million two hundred thousand yes four million five hundred thousand four million eight hundred thousand four million eight hundred thousand parts it's unclear as to why he would have wanted to copy this particular painting and stylistically it's been questioned as whether it's uh consistent with vermeer's work five million five hundred thousand pounds last chance seoul thank you for five million five hundred thousand [Music] just like the ladies seated at the virginals scientific tests seem to be bringing another painting back into his canon it's been quite a battle trying to rescue the legacy of johannes vermeer arguments will continue over the attribution of some of the paintings including the unique saint proxidas but even if no new vermeers do turn up the few paintings we do have continue to entrance people all across the globe the mystery of vermeer goes on there's always a chance that something might emerge i think it's a little bit unlikely at this stage because he's been famous for 100 years but who knows something might emerge i mean you can hope he's so well known now that i'd be surprised if something came up new and it wasn't already known but you never know in a private collection it may appear in future years today one of the real absolute stars of what the dutch golden age in painting was um but also a painter with a very tiny little over once you see a vermeer you never forget it and you never forget where you saw it the milk made where you see the view of delft do you see the girl the pool earring or you see the woman of the balance the national gallery the woman blew i mean you name it it's magical to watch the power of this artist but the most important thing is they are all such distinctive images [Music]
Channel: Perspective
Views: 173,997
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: history, history documentary, Arts, The Arts, Theatre, Music, Full EPisode, Full documentary, documentary, performing arts, vermeer documentary youtube, johannes vermeer (visual artist), vermeer, art, painting, the madness of vermeer, johannes vermeer, art documentary, worlds best paintings, mystery paintings, dutch painting, painting techniques, johannes vermeer (painter), dutch, netherlands, holland, baroque, fine art connoisseur
Id: 6erIB4JKf7U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 5sec (2645 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 08 2022
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