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oh when did I Max the stone okay anyways nice that's first time ever died to to that first time first time aren't you aren't you aren't you aren't you Memo's mod did he stream today frap yeah did you tell him about your performance uh no I'm just kidding yo make him raid in an a again he won't he's complaining with the Ping which is like understandable it is bad but what is he playing again what class uh breaker he's playing Gang fist on oh okay that's probably why the clunkiest class with latency not class spec poop into a TR okay 6:00 one sliding zipper see you guys are atrox experts I mean not atrox what is it atrox normal normal normal normal normal I'll be on yeah sword okay Ros we got the first dark here some sword should be red red red red red boom red boom 9:00 nice textbook stop kill it before the counter kill it the counter kill it before the counter nice oh enhanced enhanced back and forth cloud cloud cloud cloud into smash Cloud into war Das smash or tenacity [ __ ] what what my skill went off in okay cool venom venom venom don't imprison people don't imprison people good good good back back back back back back back back back back back back back back back woo circumcision distance Time s if you're in trouble it's on Breaker it's on Breaker don't be too close poop poop and then thra don't be in the middle don't get blinded again don't be baited by thra at 225 225 always 225 get ready to space do this right for hard more practice good good everyone did it oh 30 bars boys back safe back back back back back back back back back back good broccoli good that one that war pattern Fort grab it grab grab grab it Clash 205 escap everyone try to grab it Darkness I believe in you fra you can do the Clash you got this Focus I'm focused I'm talking closer I can distract you though I [Laughter] you I'll refresh dark after you feel my body who is the aggro at me oh no it's no it's me woo we to see the other second flash yeah all right everybody still enhanced don't fall off tenacity right here get don't get grabbed SP no okay F it's okay get away he's not going to fall he's not going to fall it's okay it's okay it's okay recover recover poop I have poof thank God 5:00 and then we're going to go Darkness Darkness Darkness middle of the room middle of the room Darkness enhanced back is safe whatas hro move with it good oh okay Clash Clash Clash Clash I'm dark grenading okay guys good get to the back get to the back holy okay get to the back other the back oh oh what a it's okay cloud cloud cloud cloud cloud cloud cloud guys guys space bar is or tenacity is don't be in the edge of the map don't be the of the map okay good oh nobody died there e poop poop poop poop poop watch it where he frontal SP uh okay 5:00 safe good nobody at seven good breaking breaking breaking breaking breaking breaking breing regular pattern regular pattern regular pattern red swordman regular regular regular back back back back back back back tip back TI back tip back small sword control the aggro watch the head attack watch the head attack watch your head attack head score head score crap I said head squirt head head the bo tenacity no um crap that pattern uh Watch the watch the right at his face it's safe oh yeah like right out of space you won't get knocked off or anything yeah but there there was a red pooo that you got the S you got the S you got the Sora go s s s don't have it yet okay 14 bars 10 bars regular pattern regular pattern still regular pattern still big nipple big nipple poop watch the front smash 7:00 safe oh there's no poop on the map four bars oh there's poop now yeah it's okay red swordman red swordman non- enhance don't move Let It Strike twice like your mommy's whip okay one more pattern it's okay don't be scared don't be scared just don't be in the front don't be in the front don't be the front don't be scared don't be the front we're going down okay enhanced patterns enhanced patterns you can't fall off the map no falling off the map Cloud dark knade out what the [ __ ] latency Dagon alley Dagon alley poop poop at one poop at one poop combine the poops go to the corner go to the corner good poop good poop hro enhanced enhanced good t t t right there t t right there good bler good breaker don't be in the head don't be the head good X girlfriend good cloud cloud cloud cloud into grab Cloud into grab get ready to the space bar space bar good Darkness middle of the map enhanced Darkness enhanced spin spin cross eight TRS enhanced double strike move man you guys are expert now you guys got this [ __ ] man poop poop over here anywhere just don't get get clapped don't don't poop on the left side of the map what the [ __ ] it's okay we're phasing we're phasing typing test and then practice killing ads good luck see you on the other side inverted Mouse don't click too far from your character one inch from the character good luck super serious attack the boss Diagon Alley Diagon Alley always 11 poop right side don't go left don't go left don't go left 12:00 T right there t that t that good watch the head watch the head good 3 DPS good good Clash incoming clash Clash Clash Clash Clash Clash move your body this way this way I got it DPS last DPS window I'm outar what the [ __ ] [ __ ] latency dude what the [ __ ] red swordman red swordman a trucks enhanced die oh Vault and smash Vault and smash just space bar push p p p p p p p p poop we got this guys we got this we got him concentrate Focus tighten your ass one more teleport smash easy red swordman red swordman back back back back back back back back back big nipple grab space bar soon oh good rock Le grab get away Rocky grab good commence next dark grenade grenade 9:00 safe get move in move in time stop we need do poop I got it [Applause] nice good good good breaker good hell [ __ ] yeah you blinded I got cleanse you atrox atrox atrox enhanced move don't give up 5:00 safe 5:00 safe back far far far far far he's grabbing he's grabbing get ready to to Destiny good Darkness Darkness here Darkness here come come come good finish him finish him I can't see anything back is safe back is safe back is I'm calling everything I'm calling everything spin spin cross cross cross broccol with me ah the darkness ah the [ __ ] Cloud oh the dot Z that's all you two bars I can't see [ __ ] those [ __ ] clowns ah I can't [ __ ] see you have marks you have marks I know I know it's okay just got to live cleans me I can't see anything nice free DPS SP where's everybody why is everybody dead why is everybody dead where the [ __ ] is everybody sp sp this Reaper thing reap tenacity tenacity stay alive Rock just stay alive de left okay okay okay that that place is safe all right all right I'm not going to die to this [ __ ] this rookie [ __ ] I need potions man okay that's perfect oh my God oh my God winess iorder my I was like I was like it's like I can't die play Reaper play Reaper time stop who said play that class watch my recommended class guide y the first two to die were both Word answers this class this CL Nerf this [ __ ] what the [ __ ] man I'm [ __ ] alive where the [ __ ] am I dude Nerf this [ __ ] bro where's me [ __ ] imbalance need to die imbalance pay to Korean game man [ __ ] bro this class is so unplayable here play re there's no there's no p imunity I'm P it's doomed what am I supposed to do I keep getting knocked all right now you guys got to do that in hard mode that's it easy I mean it was good practice no for the hard mode yeah it was really good practice if anything I learned the the it's all safe spot yeah that's actually very important yeah you guys are getting way better with albon red patterns it's just the the one that like you get punted off that's about it yeah the stage break is what I need practice on M the only difference is inverted typing at 50 bar and then uh clash and then higher DPS check that's it bro fra fra bid fra bid that bid higher you better bit bid more but why is he quiet bro where is he where did he go FRP yes so spec I think he's playing nice Edge last time I checked it's okay assassin is cute I'm crying why why you crying maybe I shouldn't be progging a w dancer I mean w dancer is fine it's just harder that's it it's just harder dude who left no screen shot man I see how it is all right GG thanks for the all second alt run you have another just give me some gold fra just give me a million so I get home dude I wish I was on a [ __ ] good server so I could borrow somebody's gems God damn can't even borrow gems commentary is funny that's why I want to do hard mode with these guys man doing commentary when I'm not in the run is different besides I can't even see the patterns so you're on the biggest server it's be isn't Nate the biggest server now Terra no whichever one has Zen well aesta and regulus merge together to venay I think they're the biggest now this not the right Ty of elix dude I had six pots left L ter still L still the biggest by far oh it is yeah it's not that's a good I don't know if you Shield it better Toshi I just avoided stuff I had seven pots entering that last stage although supports were doing amazing both the supports were doing amazing I was watching everything doging a b better go showed them Transcendence on na
Channel: Zeals Highlights
Views: 3,101
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lost ark, 로스트아크
Id: g8zQ69ClZEk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 48sec (1188 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 19 2024
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