[Lost Ark] Drizzle Aeromancer Guide

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all right welcome guys welcome mistake you get shared and spam noted today in this video I'm gonna cover about the aeromancer one of the Aromas are built called drizzle and before we go over the drizzle I want to talk about the identity of the aromancer so if you see her skills first of all um there are some skills that are green like this and there are some colorful skills on the bottom side so these green skills are skills to do with smashing her umbrella like a sword just like this skill yeah and the skills on the bottom side the colorful ones are called weather skill whether it summons some like twister solar beam something like this yeah so the skills that has something to do with slashing her umbrella is the Swift build called storm Theory uh I'm gonna cover that on the next video by the way and today we're gonna cover drizzle which is a high specialization build and it runs uh most of the weather skills okay this time I want to talk about her identity skill so whenever you learn the skills like this then she will gain the meter and when it hits the max then you can press the Z key and activate it and it will have some AOE range like this and what this deal is that for 10 seconds it does some damage every second and also any mobs inside this area gets 10 to attack debuff which is a good side you know support effect with that being said if I try to go on the drizzle level 3 it increases the duration time of the identity skill by fifty percent that's like times two of the duration time and also it increases the damage of all the weather skills by 30 so now you understand why the spec result build is called weather build as well so if I apply level three of this and then if I activate the identity skill game you can see that the gauge is decreasing slower than before and this is because of the drizzle engraving and while this alright is activated all your weather skills does 30 more damage than previously for the stats you want to go full specialization like this and for the necklace you want to go for the crit crate and spec just like this kind of distribution and what does the specialization do for aromancer so it increases the weather skills damage by a lot as you see here my specialization is around 1700 and it says it increases the weather skills by 123 percent around there it also increases the meter gain up by about 61 percent right now for me and it increases the damage of the Awakening for The Relic set you want to run hallucination both set of hallucination because aromancer does not have um tripod that increases crit rate on her skills so she needs to back up her crit by running the crit combat stat as a substance and also the crit rate from the hallucination okay now let's go over to the engraving so there are three Engravings that should be fixed the class engraving Grudge and Headmaster and for I other two you can pick either from four one is adrenaline two is King blunt the third one is uh kirsto and the last one is precise dagger so either from these four you pick two but according to the people who has a PHD degree on the aromancer in KR um they came out I mean they came up with the study that adrenaline Kim Blount has the highest damage output if you have a 97 stone or if you are going for a full ancient accessory then for the last level one um it's better to run E4 Predator at level one so like this this will be the highest damage output as you can see she runs a hit Master as a beta engraving because her skills does not have like fronto or a bank attack and also she has a a long range of using the skills so that's why she's not that hard to actually make a positioning during the raid okay this time let me go over to the skills since we do not know the exact name of each skills since it's not released yet I'm just gonna try to translate by my own first one is called open the umbrella it it looks like this it rushes forward and opens the umbrella this is a Synergy skill by the way and the Synergy of the aromancer is crit rate 10 just like Gunslinger Deadeye Arcana so on and so forth the first tripod is the crit synergy second one increases the movement speed of the aromizer for several seconds and this is very good because Arrow monster does not run any swiftness especially the drizzle elements that I'm talking about right now so this tripod announcer to make better positioning for the Rune you want to run gear Wind by the way this is a counter skill second one is called gust and it throws the umbrella like this all right you can see that it comes back to you this is another Synergy skill so basically you run two crit rate Synergy skill as a drizzle aromancer um the first tripod is the crest Synergy second one slows the speed of the umbrella so that you can apply the Chris energy longer and the third one is the one that enables the skill to come back as a boomerang for the Rune you want to run conviction next one is called a twister this is one of the major DPS skill it looks like this for the tripod the first one is quick preparation second one increases damage third one also increases damage for the runes you want to run Focus Run next one is called whirlpool this is also one of the major skills the weather skill and for the tripod the first one increases the identity beater gain second one and third one increases damage for the Rune it's legendary judgment next one is called rain it looks like this it's a casting skill and it's an artificial intelligent it follows the mob the rain and for the tripod uh it increases the identity bitter gain second one and third one increases uh damage for the Rune you wanna run legendary Wolf Run next one is called the strong wind um and it looks like this tripod quick preparation and identity meter gain damage for the runes um the heroic Warframe next one is one of the DPS skills called fly away it looks like this you can see that she moves forward so it's a great movement skill because it also has a paralysis immunity yeah for the tripod quick preparation damage and damage for the Rune I'm running pretty vibrant but you can run anything else to be honest last one is called solar beam and this is one of the major DPS skill as well it looks like this first tripod quick preparation second one and third one increases the damage for the Rune Focus run so two skills are Synergy skill and these two skills right here rain and the strong wind these are identity meter game skill and other four skill the um twister whirlpool Fly Away solar beam these four skills are the major DPS skill for the Awakening there are two Awakenings a first one makes a big Whirlpool like this and it literally hits every single box inside this big AOE area so these are very good skill for chaos dungeon but this is not the skill that you go for as a drizzle you normally go for the second one this one right here there are two reasons why I use this one because first one is that it maxes out the gauge and the second one is that it literally does more damage than the first Awakening you can see the gauge is maxed out and the damage is more stronger okay this time let me go over to the gems the reason why I'm running level 5 gems is because when a romancer comes out then you guys will have a hyper Express that gives you a free level 5 inventions right so I wanted to just make it realistic for the cooldown you want to run a strong wind um rain Whirlpool twister and solar beams so that's five five cooldown gems in total that which means rest of the six gems are DPS Jam what are they number one is uh Fly Away uh number two is rain uh and this one is the identity skill and whirlpool twister and lastly the solar beam that's how you want to go for okay lastly the rotation the rotation is pretty simple I just aligned it in sequence by the way you have to know that these two skills are meter gain skill these two the green skills are Synergy skill this one can be a counter skill as well and other four skills are DPS skill there's a conviction on the umbrella skill and the judgment on the whirlpool so uh if you activate the Judgment then the follow-up skills will get benefited by the judgment and you can also run a use Awakening after the Judgment procs if you have it pretty simple right so you go q and W and then Chris Synergy and R and when it's maxed out then click Z then just go on like that one more time so qnw is the identity meter game q and then W right away that gives a lot of meter and you use the crit party Synergy skill like this and it blocks the conviction and then you use the Whirlwind that proxy judgment and you immediately click Z because as I told you Whirlwind is also one of the strong DPS skill but it also increases a lot of identity meter gain as well two meter skill press energy conviction and judgment and immediately click Z and a s d That's why previously I told you guys that this is close to burst and when the skills cooldowns are coming back use it in the same sequence like this just like that see perfect so before the 20 seconds you know goes down um you can do two rotations and when it's gone then you go on the same rotational game now build a meter like that conviction judgment Z right away solar beam oyster and fly away see it's very simple yeah you just click the keys or starting from the sequence that I aligned just like this yeah it is pretty simple and this is happening only with level 5 cooldown gems so you have to understand that how good like how Flawless it's gonna be uh when you have higher level uh cooldown James for the Awakening you can just use it right away um at the start to get the meter game but rather than doing it like this what I recommend is that since the Awakening there's a lot of damage um you want to use it when you have the the reality buff from your hallucination set because uh you want to get the crit and damage above right so rather than using it right away I would recommend you to use the Awakening right after the Judgment procs so either two meter gain skill conviction judgment Z and then Awakening just like this and then you keep on going solar beam oyster fly away and when the skills comes back you keep on using yeah just like that well guys that's all for today thanks for watching and please hit yourself if you liked it and also don't forget to join twitch yeah my twitch.com sorry twitch.tv slash memories92 is beneath the description check it out and let's have some family friendly time stay kick it [ __ ] spam though did
Channel: Memorizer 92
Views: 61,722
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Lost Ark, drizzle, storm, fury, ayaya, fbi, artist, aeromancer, spec, swift, build, gear, stat, engraving, mmo, mmorpg, skill, gem, rotation, guide, umbrella, weather
Id: 6S2NiDi16vs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 22sec (802 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 17 2023
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