Lost Ark Abyss Dungeon Guide | Necromancer's Origins! All Boss Mechanics, Tips & Tricks!

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what's going on guys vulcan here and today we're continuing our series going through all the abyss dungeons talking about the bosses the mechanics the loot everything so in the last video we learned what abyssal dungeons were and we also learned how to kill a flesh god and a trickster but this time around we get to fight an undead dragon and his necromancer master so the first boss we're going to be meeting is garam who may seem familiar to you all from the story but this time around he has a few new tricks that will require strong communication and coordination now this is also the first boss that brings a wipe mechanic to the table so if you just stay focused you'll do just fine now the first thing i want to talk about is this white mechanic because this is truly the identity of garam so periodically garam will roar and apply a death mark to each party member now like i said this is the first real white mechanic of abyss dungeons and it is a doozy for pugs because it does require coordination if you mess up the party wipes so how do these death marks work so when garam roars he applies that mark onto each player you can't avoid it you can't dodge out of it you can't block it it's just something that happens now you can see the marks listed under each person's nameplate on the left hand side you can also see your amount of death marks above your head now if anyone in the party reaches five stacks of that mark you wipe automatically so how do we get rid of it and luckily for us this answer is extremely simple so there's going to be these glowing orbs that can be picked up to cleanse stacks off of only one player so there will be one orb that shows up one player can grab it now you can probably see the issue here is that if only one player can get it doesn't that mean more people will have multiple stacks and yes that is 100 true and 100 by design now the way you get around this is by going in a specific order now the easiest way to set up this order is to go off of what lost ark actually gives you through the numbering system so on the left hand side in your party pane you can see each person's name plate has a number next to them have the person at number one take the first orb and then two and then three and then so on repeating as many times as you need to it's a very simple thing you can explain it to pugs and they'll understand hey you're number three that means you take the third orb that shows up keep it simple and you'll survive so other than that mechanic garam is actually pretty easy you just need to avoid his aoe only use your dodge when you really need to and a lot of his attacks actually have a safe zone either right underneath him or halfway through his red aoe indicator now remember guys lost ark is all about surviving rather than trying to dish out as much dps as possible there is a balance so if you get to a situation where you have enough marks that you're going to wipe the party focus on the orb and not the boss so moving on to the last boss of the dungeon this one is much more intricate than garam but still carries that same communication and coordination requirement and if you haven't caught on yet this dungeon is all about teaching us white mechanics and how to communicate and coordinate in order to overcome them so the first mechanic you need to watch out for with sigmund is a stagger shield that needs to be broken so underneath sigmund you're going to see a bar and as you deal damage you're going to see that bar slowly work its way down the way you break this more quickly is by using stagger abilities you can check to see if your skill has a stagger by hovering over the skill in the tool tip you should see stagger mid low high or maybe he doesn't even have stagger at all now there are some other ways to go about doing this you can equip some runes that increase your stagger so take advantage of those if you can and if you're missing some high stagger skills then you can use equipment like a whirlwind grenade so back to the stagger shield so he's gonna have that bar underneath him you need to get that to zero to break through his shield and interrupt his cast if you do not do that then the party will wipe now you have until his red aoe fills up the entire arena which is usually a few seconds and once that happens you'll wipe so you want to make sure to have those type of abilities on your bar now once that stagger shield breaks you're going to enter a short dps phase to deal as much damage as you possibly can now in between the stagger shields the boss will also be doing aoe and frontal cone attacks and also attack from each side of him so be sure to dodge out of these to avoid taking any unnecessary damage now here is the core mechanic of this boss so this one is going to be uber frustrating if you do not have the proper coordination and communication between the rest of your party members once sigma's health reaches zero he's going to erupt and send a shock wave out that's either red or white now this happens very very fast like if you blink you're going to miss it and that is not a good thing so he's going to erupt and it's either going to be red or white and because people can miss it i highly recommend typing w or r into chat so everyone knows what to do next so once that shock wave happens orbs will spawn in each cardinal direction north south east and west there's going to be one red orb and one white orb each player needs to click on the correct orb if you don't then the boss will come back with increased health increased attack power and will restart the entire encounter this will continue happening until you choose the correct orbs so the best way to do this is for each player to take one side of the arena for instance i took south so i only had to focus on the two southern orbs then the rest of my party took every other direction this made things extremely easy because everyone knew where to go and then because we typed w or r into chat everyone knew what orb to click on so if you do it all correctly the first time then he comes back with reduced health you need to do it one more time and then finally he dies so beyond those two things the stagger shield and the orbs there's really not too much to him you just don't want to stand in fire you want to make sure to dodge out of things and support your teammates when you need to so everyone that is it that is how to defeat necromancer's origin we talked about garam with the undead dragon we talked about sigmund and his orbs this one is a great one to kind of introduce all of those communication and coordination requirements now in our next video hall of the twisted warlord we're going to be putting all of those to the test plus adding in some other interesting mechanics so everyone thank you so much for watching this has been vulcan and i'll talk to you next time [Music] along with and you're on it way
Channel: Vulkan
Views: 47,073
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Keywords: Vulkan, lost ark, lost ark necromancers origin guide, lost ark necromancers origin mechanics, lost ark necromancers origin, lost ark abyss dungeon guide, lost ark abyss dungeon phantom palace, lost ark abyss dungeon hildebrandt palace, lost ark abyss dungeon necromancer origin, lost ark abyss dungeon guide 460, lost ark abyss dungeon necromancer, lost ark endgame, lost ark guide, lost ark beginner guide, lost ark leveling guide, lost ark raid guide, lost ark endgame guide
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 51sec (411 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 20 2022
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