[Lost ark] 2024 Breaker Guide - Practical Class Guide

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what's up guys ranz we are the news that breaker is coming up in your service 2o breaker is an attractive Class A play breaker and I literally reach 1600 in a month after the release because I love the class in K server manyi breaker guys were made after the release We compare many guide videos and search over 20 rankers to find the builds with the highest DS ceiling watch the video to know which build you should prepare for yourself as others will do not watch the video try hard to make the build on their own let's get into it brawl King storm build the names of skills can be different due to translation King's Advance lightning strike tham strike Hunter fist King strike Heavenly fist flash of light and choose the last skill between Starfall and L Shing strike if you don't know which one to use for the last skill I summarize the advantages and disadvantages per each skill my personal recommendation is using land Shing strike until you get used to the class then switch it to Starfall after reaching 1540 after reaching 1540 your specialization staff can get over 1800 which means the risk of low identity gain using Starfall can be solved for the alt please use the second one if it's not g to ior Tower if you use the first one identity becomes full but it's normally useless as you need to wait for cool down even though your meter is full you'll know what it means when you watch the rotation gems rotation when Z is off Kings Advance King strike D strike H fist Kings Advance lightning strike Z on Z is on with no alt Kings Advance Diamond Strike Hunter fist L strike Z flash of light Z Sall King's advance lightning strike Heavenly Fist and strike Hunter fist king of Advance the lightning strike when Z is on with Al Starfall Kings Advance Diamond Strike H fist flying strike alt and Z the rest of them are same only the order First Kings advance and start fall changes Engravings the before 1540 Grudge braw King supercharge kol weapon and adrenaline after 1540 at level one fa predator or you can use curo with level one adrenaline or hit Master with level one adrenalin if you have i7 Stone Grudge ra King supercharge Kimo weapon Crystal or hit Master a level two adrenaline level two supercharge a level two Crystal can be used instead of level two adrenaline to tips Crystal versus hitmaster let me compare these two Engravings to help you decide the one you will use curol has potion risk but is slightly stronger than hit Master due to following reasons first H Master is not applied on alt second many sub skills have had aack advantage in other words his master is not applied on sub skills to therefore if you want no risk use his master if you want to B stronger build with small risk isuse cural Elixir braw King can use both master and critical Elixir for themselves however Master Elixir is more recommended for the end setting aurus path build Kings Advance lightning strike sweep Starfall zephron NOA true strike uppercut a flash of light for the alt please use the first one to quickly refill your meter gems rotation Z off lion strike fles of light Starfall true strike Kings Advance SE Nova Lon strike sweep Kings advance and uppercut there are two important things you need to remember first of all use main skills as soon as they come up secondly one stamina one shock skill as a pair use one stamina skill and then use one shock skill easy with Z is on flying strike flash of light true strike Z Ling strike uppercut Alt Z during Z we can press X defensive speculation to sustain adrenaline Stacks Engravings the four 1540 Grudge aurus path Ray captain Master baller and adrenaline after 1540 garage aurus path red captain Master brawler Kimble weapon a level one adrenaline if you have n97 stone use level two [Music] adrenaline Elixir for a surup breaker critical Elixir suits perfectly because it takes full crits there is no need to use Master Elixir and that's it for 2024 ultimate breaker guide watch the video and prepare your build before they get more expensive thank you
Channel: M&S l Game Studio
Views: 12,437
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lost ark breaker guide, lost ark brawl king storm guide, lost ark asura's path guide, lost ark breaker trixion, lost ark breaker dps, lost ark breaker korea, lost ark sura breaker, lost ark shura breaker, lost ark breaker engravings, Engravings, runes, builds, elixirs, rotation, Practical breaker guide
Id: 7fZY8rBVJdo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 15sec (435 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 19 2024
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