Lossless Scaling Frame Generation keeps getting better.

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this is going to be an update on this program I previously shared with you called lossless scaling that allows you to get frame generation on every single game so now it is not free and the reason why I am promoting it is because we did a podcast with one of the developers so I consider them to be members of our community fighting the good fight against blurry games and they keep improving this program they send me a review code so I can check it out and let me tell you the Improvement is significant the motion interpolation artifacts have been greatly reduced and I tried the older version in Horizon forbidden West and it was it was not good enough okay I I would not play the game with that older version because the interpolation artifacts surrounding the character were too distracting okay now you can still see them but it is so much better now and I would definitely use it for this game because I tried the FSR 3 frame generation mod for RTX gpus on this game and it is not improving anything I don't know why some say that it is because the Nvidia low latency feature has some frame frame pacing issues and that is messing up the interpolation so you see 100 frames per second Rock Solid on the MSI numbers here and when you move the camera it looks like 50 okay it's not improving anything and I after a week I downloaded the latest mod from Nexus mods I listen to your feedback change the settings I cannot get this you know FSR 3 frame generation mod to make to work well it just it doesn't work so this has been the best I can get on this game I cannot you know with 60 frames per second I wouldn't play the game so I need more motion Clarity that's why we are doing this so from 60 you go to 120 and on top of that on my lgc1 I use OLED motion Pro high so I use BFI on top of that to improve the motion Clarity further it's 2.6x more okay so to go from 60 to 312 like motion Clarity is just so gigantic that I don't care about the small defects okay so now I'm going to do this I'm going to show you even on my camera okay we're talking about YouTube 60 frames per second recording but I'm still expecting you to be able to notice the difference because the camera is recording the screen from further away okay so the pixels are condensed in a smaller area so that might allow you to see the difference so right now it is off I'm getting 60 frames per second locked I am not using lossless scaling but now notice this the GPU utilization is 75% okay 75% now when I turn that on you will see that it is a lot more demanding so it is not just double your frame rate for free okay keep that in mind so if you're getting 60 FPS but your GPU is already like at 85 90% if you turn that on you might not get 60 FPS anymore and then you might have to lower the settings even more so let's take a look at it see the motion Clarity okay and hold that hold that in your mind so I'm going to turn it on and you'll see the difference so let's go turn that lless King on you come here just click scale go to the game and you will see boom you see that stutter that's that's when you know it is activated so now take a look at the difference now it is it is Big it's very very big because you're getting now double the frame rate okay and trust me in person it is very very noticeable and definitely worth the downsides so now take a look at the at the character surrounding the character you can see the artifacts okay it is distracting this is not great but I would take this any day just to get the better motion Clarity because most of the time I'm not looking at the character I'm looking at the environment and when I see enemies the enemies don't have that artifacts it's it's not that bad it's mostly surrounded the character and when I am aiming you see that the artifacts on the hood that was greatly improved too on the previous uh version the artifacts on the hood were a lot more noticeable and if you use motion interpolation from your TV you will definitely see the interpolation artifacts on the hood elements something like this like a scope it's going to be very very bad you're going to see like four Scopes when you move the camera and here this is not bad I can definitely see it sometimes more than others sometimes it's almost not there but it is okay it is okay I can definitely leave with that now the input lack it's not Stellar but it is it is not bad it is not very bad look this is the input lag it is there okay it's like 60 FPS okay maybe a little bit more but the input lag penalty is not a deal breaker this has a very very good you know the input lag is impressive I would say for what it is doing it is very very impressive it is very very good in my opinion let's jump do you see when when I jump see but almost immediately look and it also has to do with the animation okay it depends on the game some games have a longer animation and it feels more um you know sluggish so now take a look at the performance now the GPU utilization is is now 92 98% so this might drop below 60 now the developer one of the developers told me that they are working on improving this even if the frame rate drops so you don't need like a rock solid frame rate all the time now I tested that and it it's still still you can see jutter okay if the frame rate drops below 60 you're going to see some jumpiness but they are working on I don't know how they are working so even if the frame rate drops to like 58 57 and it goes back to 60 you don't you don't suffer that okay and that's so important especially if I am using OLED motion Pro which I would definitely I mean that's the reason why I use this interpolation that's the reason why I would deal with the artifacts just because I do this and now the motion Clarity is just absolutely incredible okay yes I'm losing a lot of brightness I have to tweak the settings but this is like this is now so much better that yes I mean I would take a lot of artifacts just to get this Clarity you see right now on is actually dimmer Dynamic to Ming on is dimer than off so yeah I have to tweak the settings um maybe use you know RTX HDR instead well that has a little bit of performance penalty maybe try auto HDR the SDR SDR trick to see which one is brighter here but yeah some interpolation artifacts here but the motion Clarity it's it's very very good now you see some some textures are are kind of that might be the game see this looks like some of some things are looking kind of double yeah this this game has some Oddities but it looks very very good so now let me know your thoughts and opinions if you have any questions um for example this works for videos too this works for videos it works for emulators it works for 30 PS all you need to do is you need to lock the frame rate to half of the refresh rate so I have right now vrr is off I have 120 htz 4K 120 htz resolution and you cannot use exclusive full screen you can use full screen or borderless full screen so I have 4K 120 HZ and then I have the the frame rate of the game locked to half okay 60 of course if you have a 240 HZ Monitor and you're getting 120 FPS the motion interpolation artifacts are going to be even less okay and and of course the input input uh response is going to be a lot better too so yeah and if you have like you know 480 htz uh oler or something like that you're getting 240 that might be absolutely fantastic I'm not sure if this can do that or if there's a limit um but yeah this is definitely great to have okay great to have in this game I cannot get something better than this right now there's no way I can get this Clarity here with any other way on this game and it looks good enough to me so I I I really appreciate this developers keeping improving this app this is a this is not new this program is not new and they still they are still improving and you can read it on their page they're still improving you see an update let me see when when was this update uh this update March 7 okay March 7 um so they they keep reworking to detect UI more effectively as a result a significant reduction in UI ghosting and less impact on the image in case of incorrect you see so they keep they keep improving this uh this app so yeah that's very very good we definitely need that let me know your thoughts and opinions and if you have any questions
Channel: Plasma TV for Gaming
Views: 5,478
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: L3AfgYsOfe8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 46sec (706 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 02 2024
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