Loski - Flavour (with Stormzy) [Official Video]
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Channel: LoskiVEVO
Views: 148,431
Rating: 4.9542675 out of 5
Keywords: Loski, Loski featuring stormzy flavour, stormzy flavour, loski flavour, loski x stormzy, stormzy rainfall, loski flavour official video, loski featuring stormzy flavour official video, loski and stormzy flavour, ok miss what's your flavour do me a favour, loski on me, loski training day, loski anglo saxon, loski avengers, loski slay, loski allegedly, K trap, OFB, unknown T, M24, fredo, dutchavelli, Flavour (with Stormzy) [Official Video]
Id: hRO-0lCge90
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 8sec (248 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 13 2020
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i posted tion wayne's song with mist which was a drill song mods deleted it for being offtopic
i posted isong's last song he sings on a drill beat mods deleted it for being offtopic
this loski song is far from drill but doesn't get deleted, mods need to start making sense icl
While I agree it's not drill, good on him for doing the music he wants, I can see this going big especially since stormzy is featuring. Hopefully this makes him focus on music with the hype that will follow, and hopefully he can still make hard drill songs.
Can already tell this gonna be on the radio everyday for awhile
I rate ski but not stormzy heβs just a puppet to the industry who is not allowed to reply to chip because his manager wonβt let him smh
This song is very meh. Not good but not bad
This song makes me shake my batty no homo