Los Angeles in the 50s
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Channel: King Rose Archives
Views: 1,531,253
Rating: 4.9287901 out of 5
Keywords: LA history, Los Angeles, Ford, Chevrolet, freeways, malls, History California, Hollywood, Westwood, grocery stores
Id: n77NxU0CHPw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 1min 50sec (110 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 19 2011
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
come to Los Angeles! The sun shines bright, the beaches are wide and inviting, and the orange groves stretch as far as the eye can see. There are jobs aplenty, and land is cheap. Every working man can have his own house, and inside every house, a happy all-American family. You can have all this! And who knows? You could even be discovered ... become a movie star! Or at least see one. Life is good in Los Angeles ... it's paradise on Earth.
Look how slowly everyone is driving. I never understood this until I recently acquired a completely original 1959 Jeep CJ5. Holy shit, that thing is hard to control. The steering is all over the place and the brakes are awful. No wonder so many people died in auto wrecks.
That grocery store clerk at 1:17 is really impressive. She is using one hand to press multiple keys at a time on a key area just barley small enough to span with one hand while items are moving past without stopping all the while bagging the items with the other hand. That means either she has memorized all the prices or she is touch typing and looking between a price sheet and the items as they go by. Things like this are super impressive to me.
Funny how Skid Row is always ignored when people talk about LA. It's literally in the heart of LA. The smell haunts me to this day...There were thousands of homeless then, same as it is now. . .
Man it's trippy listening to this music and having that musical genre associated with all kinds of different memories and context.
Ren and Stimpy - Used ironically to satire nuclear American family values.
Disneyworld - Used totally straight faced to remind everyone that the only ideological good time for middle class America was the 10 years after World War 2.
It's oddly nostalgic and comforting and then it becomes ominous when you realise just how shit life for a lot of citizen classes were back then. And how hivemind our goals and ambitions were, too. All kinds of crazy cool.
I love how LA back then had the sound of piccolo flutes everywhere.
it looked like that then but now it doesnt
Could just as easily have put some lux aeterna over this instead of the upbeat flute and it would have suddenly been a horrifying look back
70 years ago and people largely had the same lifestyle we do.