Loretta Lynn - You Ain't Woman Enough (To Take My Man) (3)

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but when I introduce this young lady here I'm not telling any joke I'm serious about it the nation's number one miss country music herself Lura Lynn make her [Applause] [Music] welcome you've come to tell me something you say I ought to know that he don't love me anymore and I'll have to let him go you say you're going to take take you but I don't think you can cuz You Ain't Woman Enough To Take My Man wom like you Diamond you anywhere for you to get to him i' have to move over and I'm going to stand right here it'll be Over My Dead Body so get out while you can cuz you ain't woman Enough To Take My Man off [Applause] now sometimes a man's caught looking at things that he don't need he took a second look at you but he's in love with me well I don't know where that leaves you oh but I know where I stand and you ain't Woman Enough To Take My Man women I can use their diamond and you can buy them anyway for you to get to him i' have to move over and I'm going to stand right here it'll be Over My Dead Body so get out while you can You Ain't Woman Enough To Take My Man no You Ain't Woman Enough toou my [Music] man what did you say I said don't say anything about my [Laughter] socks where'd you get them I ain't going to tell no you got to tell I bed them from Teddy no well where'd you get them you said your socks are you talking about your hose well everybody seen Jane D's name on you know when they roll the little things of who right producer and the director but it's her mother that's upstairs she does all she takes care of this show and I bed him off from her how come how come you to Bar him well because I needed to pray socks they're wrinkling just a little bit oh they are yeah well we're not going to pay any attention to the wrinkles in your socks Loretta I want I want yeah look how wrinkled my Brites are Teddy said it looked like that I'd been sleeping in them and these are not my pajamas these are britches I got a pocket there well you don't have to tell me I know they're Bridges I have a comb in my pocket who is our special guest this week Loretta can I tell everybody who our special guest is yes ma'am well I like to say that I don't think that me and my mother is the only fan that this fell has because me and my mother is I'll say the greatest now somebody May you're talking about you're the greatest fans of our special guests yes okay he we're the greatest fans of our special guest but I'd like to say that he has many millions of them well maybe that don't say I haven't said it right but he has millions of fans but I'm his greatest fan and my mother's his greatest fan and he's the greatest Bluegrass singer in the whole world and I don't care who knows it it's Bill Monroe oh I see uhhuh well all right my friends you'll meet Bill Monroe right after this message
Channel: kkiilljjooy
Views: 2,266,121
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Country, music, Nashville, Tennessee, Grand, Ole, Opry, Music, City, USA, Loretta, Lynn
Id: 5W9zQD8KYew
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 11sec (251 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 27 2009
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