LORENZO NEGRETE | QUEDO EN SHOCK!!!! Vocal coach reaction & analysis
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Channel: CECI DOVER Vocal Coach
Views: 153,549
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Keywords: vocal coach, vocal coach reaction, ceci dover, vocal coach reacción, ceci dover reactions, ceci dover vocal coach, vocal coach reacts, lorenzo negrete, video reaction, jorge negrete reaction, lorenzo negrete la, lorenzo negrete la cigarra, la malagueña lorenzo negrete, lorenzo negrete reaccion, cantantes mexicanos, mexico, la cigarra, lorenzo, negrete, interpreta, musica mexicana, musica mexicana ranchera, musica mexico, musica mexicana reaccion, ceci dover lorenzo negrete
Id: mFlukbdPoZc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 36sec (876 seconds)
Published: Tue May 03 2022
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