Lore To Sleep To ▶ Warhammer 40k: The Lost and the Damned

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forces of Chaos the followers of the chaos gods are Myriad in both number and nature endless hordes of crazed cultists grotesque mutants and cackling demons rush into battle alongside the hate-filled and indefatigable Warriors of the heretic astartis The Towering War engines of the chaos night households rising up to overthrow the emperor's rule or bursting into reality from warped based bastions they live only to do the dark God spitting and to see the Galaxy burn worshipers of thee ruinous powers are turncoats and traitors be desperate the Damned and the hopelessly insane some are motivated by their hatred of those they believe have failed them or whose weak rule they despise and resent others seek a chance to change their fortunes making dark packs with ineffable entities and trading away their souls in exchange for a better hand than life has dealt them they are unified by their propensity for Anarchy and destruction and in the main they are vehement hatred of the Imperium but in many ways they are disparate indeed the worshipers of Chaos are led by Mighty champions individuals who have long served the dark gods and have been utterly Twisted by the experience on occasion the goals of One champion might align with another long enough to see their forces combined into a unified and terrifying host once a planet has been raised plundered and its populace offered up for sacrifice these alliances often crumble only the greatest and most powerful of chaos Warlords are able to hold such alliances together through a mixture of fear and manipulation to planetally defeat the challengers from within their own ranks and to Garner the Mercurial support of warp entities from Beyond the Veil such so-called allies care nothing for loyalty or honor but they can be compelled to offer Aid in return for the correct sacrifices combining the awesome military strength of the adeptus astartes with the foul power of the chaos gods the heretic astartis are amongst the most dangerous of threats to the Realm some have fought against the emperor since the dark days of the Horus heresy the dreaded demon primarks first among them others are more recent turncoats wherever the chaos Space Marines strike death and ruin follow as these most terrible of warrior slay enslave and plunder many heretic astartes worship a particular chaos God with some exhibiting the kind of perverted blessings that suggest favor from their deity in return the death guard traitor Legion of the demon Primark mortarion have thrown in their lot with nurgle each of their number a rotting hosts to unnatural maladies said to be concoctions of the play God himself when they march to war their forces are accompanied by dense clouds of fat disease-ridden flies and thick clouds of toxic miasma the Thousand Sons by comparison are followers of zinc there are many Sorcerers infused with vast empiric power yielded from intense study of forbidden and esoteric texts their armor gleaming with Eldritch energy thousand Sun hosts March in perfectly formed ranks Alters firing as their empowered Champions unleash deadly blasts of warped fire upon the enemy the most infamous of the heretic astartis are the black Legion who are led by avadon the despoiler the war master of Chaos and Gene Sun of Horus himself bound together and given purpose by their hatred of the Imperium and the Fearsome will of their master the black Legion served no single chaos God instead they offer worship to the pantheon in whatever way best serves their own egotistical aspirations they possess the greatest number of any single chaos Space Marine Force for they recruit not only through their own Jean seeds and twisted no visits but also from amongst the disillusioned and disaffected of other traitor Legions the black Legion and Abaddon most of all are the poisoned heart whose thunderous beat keeps the long War alive the war Master aims to see the throne world burn and he will stop at nothing to achieve this one snowball and honorable champions of the Imperium the chaos Knights have since been horribly corrupted by the ruinous powers these bipedal engines of Destruction Tower over the battlefield each is piloted from within by a single Fallen Noble who integrates with their Mighty night suit through biomechanical uplinks and parasitic neuroimpath relays allowing them to move and fight as though their Knight was a monstrous extension of their own mutated limbs even a single chaos Knight is a deadly War engine it boasts the Firepower and close quarter savagery to devastate regiments of the Fall when they March out in Mass entire worlds are raised amongst the most dangerous of all the dark Gods followers are the Demons of Chaos formed of the very stuff of the warmth their numberless horde seek nothing but to turn the material realm into an endless Maelstrom of torture and Madness taking countless horrifying forms they leap charge writhe and slaver across the battlefield unfazed by incoming fire and hungry for Mortal Souls the Demons of chaos are as Insidious and cunning as they are ferocious many tear open the minds of psychers as gateways into real space or else tempt the weak willed into compliance those who are seduced by the power of the warp often wrongly believe that they are the ones with the upper hand in any bargain struck they discover are far too late what fools they have been into a terrible fate they will suffer for fallen to a demon silken promises for ten thousand years the worshipers of the dark odds sought to conquer real space since the opening of The Great Rift they are closer to this goal than ever before Holt's rise in greater numbers as more worlds are thrown into turmoil and more systems stormed and sacked each cultists chaos Knight demon and Chaos Space Marine Works to bring about the downfall of humanity even as they fight to overthrow their rival sects all on the service of conspiring Powers bent on consuming the entire galaxy despite the ghastly Peril facing all of reality the people of the Imperium were kept largely ignorant of the threat of Chaos in all but the most abstract terms it must be so or with knowledge of its true nature comes Madness Terror and mutation that if left unchecked would bring the Imperium to its knees the Inquisition and other sacred forces work tirelessly to ruthlessly to maintain Mankind's Shield of ignorance with no price considered too high and no butcher's Bill too bloody in this way the Insidious Corruption of chaos Works to undermine the Imperium strength influencing the actions of its most faithful Defenders for the Inquisition thinks nothing of Mind wiping whole regiments or euthanizing entire worlds to maintain its most dire of Secrets heretic astartes they are Humanity's fallen heroes and the Imperium scourge who have sold their souls for the promise of power gifted from the dark gods they are the heretic astartes the chaos Space Marines from the eye of Terror the Maelstrom the Great Rift and a thousand other strongholds they strike at the realm they were once sworn to defend driven by hate bitterness and bloodlust blessed with the emperor's Gifts of Greater natural strength speed and endurance and made even deadlier by superlative armor and devastating weaponry the heretic astartis are incredibly powerful warriors being Space Marines they are dangerous enough but with the blessings of the chaos Gods secured through dark and Unholy packs they are rendered even more powerful by fearsome mutations and Supernatural powers openly rejecting the righteous discipline of the Imperium the heretic astardius R has varied in their approach to battle as they are in their horrific appearance hereticostartis often bear a superficial resemblance to their Imperial counterparts though distorted many of their weapons Fall Away similar pattern to those wielded by the loyalists be it bolt guns chain swords missile launchers crack grenades plasma pistols and the like they even field Mainline battle tanks and armored transports based off the redoubtable holes of the Rhino APC or the formidable land Raider in truth however the hereticostartis and the adeptus astartis are little alike the longer a chaos Space Marine spins following the dark gods be more corrupted they become horns and spikes spikes true from their armor and they may even be gifted with heinous mutations by their new patrons whether it be whip-like tentacles additional limbs or other stranger alterations their flesh and armor often fuse into one making them and their plate a single horrific organism with their warp Smiths and dark mechanicum allies channeling the unfettered energies of Chaos into the creation of heinous war machines eriticastardi hosts are joined by throngs of demon engines these Abominations combine armored brass and iron chassis and hellish weapon systems with a bound demonic Essence that animates the engine and drives it into battle the answer as to what motivates psycho-indoctrinated superhuman Warriors of the Imperium to rebel against the empire they were bred to serve is as varied and complex as each individual Space Marine there are those who seek to throw off the chains of servitude turn their might to their own advancement others claim to have been betrayed by the Imperial or else are driven mad by exposure to forbidden secrets and fell powers some walking stranger paths to Glory or damnation raiding pillaging and slaughtering as they go most appear to do this to satisfy their cruel desire for Slaughter and Mayhem their inhuman abilities and potent War gear making them a threat to even the most formidable of flaws they may believe themselves to be their own masters choosing to give their worship to the dark gods in preference to the emperor the truth is however that the majority of renegade Space Marines have simply exchanged one distant and uncaring master for another those who truly Excel may be rewarded with dark blessings even immortal demonhood but for many there is only brutality hardship and an eventual grisly end just as there are hundreds upon hundreds of loyalist Space Marine chapters so there are vast numbers of factions within the ranks of the heretic startis ten thousand years on from the Horus heresy there are those traitor Legions still clinging to cohesion still fighting the long War alongside them fight warbands of Renegades turncoats and lunatics who have fallen into chaos Worship in the Millennia sense the dark Gods Insidious dendros Quest constantly for the hearts and souls of The Emperor's greatest warriors wherever a is found wherever spiritual rot takes hold there has formed a new warband of the heretic astartis sworn to Revenge themselves upon the Imperium that created them lack Legion the black Legion is a name synonymous with evil living reminders of the imperium's greatest catastrophe and its greatest threat the black Legions Warriors are the Bringers of death and ruin with Souls as dark as their name appadon the spoiler leads them in their Relentless campaign against the Imperium under him they will stop at nothing to achieve their goal once named the sons of Horus the black legion's journey to preeminence amongst the traitor Legions was hard fought only Abaddon had the strength to break the cycle of international Warfare between the traitors and to forge the black Legion into a notorious toast used to ravage the Imperium ten thousand years later or numerous by far than any other faction of heretic astartes the black Legion is made up of countless War bands consisting of turncoat Space Marines who have bent the need to Abaddon the only requirement for one who wishes to join this Brotherhood is a hatred of the emperor since the horse heresy Warriors from other traitor Legions and renegades of all stripes have donned the black and gold of wow many worship the chaos Pantheon entire others dedicate themselves to a single God over the Millennia many of the old sons of Horus have done this as have all manner of Renegades equally though those dedicated to and seemingly chosen by a single God the death guard the world eaters Emperors children and thousand Sons have on occasion abandoned their own Legions to join abaddon's own if the spoiler cares not to which God or gods any of his followers give offering nor does he care for the most part where they raid pillage and kill these Warlords are extended both abidant's Trust and the high expectations that come with it our care is only that they answer his call when he summons them and follow his orders when he gives them failure in this is unwise epidon has had long Millennia in which to dream up suitable punishments for those who let him down in battle the black Legions fighting style is as varied as the warbands involved but in The Firm grasp of abaddon's command the disparate hereticostartis fight is one Imperial observers with rare access to secret archives see ruthlessly efficient combat patterns of Swift decisive strikes that overwhelmed the enemy followed by Terminator attacks that break the foes back tactics not dissimilar to those used by the sons of Horus of old the traitor Legions a thousand years ago at the height of the great Crusade the war Master Horus turned against the emperor fully half the Space Marine Legions followed his path of corruption and heresy and in the 41st Millennium these Legions continue unrelentingly to fight their long War once the names of those now known as the traitor Legions were uttered throughout the Imperium with respect and admiration no longer the cunning and duplicitous Alpha Legion these zealous Fanatics of the world bearers the Crim Siege masters of the iron Warriors the terror troops of the nightlords the potent psychers of the Thousand Sons they were lindless and indomitable death card the Ferocious World eaters the accent and perfect Emperor's Children and the audacious sons of Horus where these Space Marine Legions that turned against the emperor at the end of the great Crusade now they are amongst Mankind's most dangerous and feared enemies those that escaped the siege of Terror and the scouring that followed scattered across the Galaxy with many fleeing to the warp Rift known as the eye of Terror years they Ward amongst themselves for after treachery has been committed once it is easier to commit again they abide for territory slaves and supplies immersed in the unnatural occurrence of the warp these Traders fractured and mutated their lifespans unnaturally extended so that many who besieged The Emperor's Palace still fight against his waning Imperium 10 Millennia later thousands of years of constant Warfare rivalries and jealousies have broken once unified Legions into splintered warbands led by Champions who rule through might and cunning the bitterness self-defeat has festered in their hearts throughout the years and combatants once motivated by Duty Now find themselves consumed by hate while setting the Imperium aflame is no little reward those following the chaos Gods often aspire to even greater ends for those who glorify their dark patrons through heinous rituals Mass Slaughter and the desiccation of sacred sites there's a chance that they will be granted demonhoods by their masters gaining vast power and immortality to walk the path to glory is enormously dangerous for the gods are fickle cruel and indifferent to the to the plights of Mortals a champion who puts an entire world's population to the sword might have his arms warped into plated weapons or be gifted with a brass collar protecting him from psychic powers a huge warp Rift that enables Legions of demonic Horrors to spill into reality and turn a world into a twisted nightmare for which the gods might reward him with Incredible knowledge and wisdom or a number of semi-autonomous tentacles you might then turn a highly militarized Fortress world into a den of Hedonism and torturous ecstasy in the hopes of being blessed with ways to deepen every sensation and instead have his eyes rendered sightless and his ears made incapable of hearing the cons are as capricious as they are ineffable some Champions May labor all their unnaturally long lives and never once receive a chaos godspoon others might catch the regard of their Patron only to be showered with so many unnatural blessings that their bodies mutate out of control their minds snap and they devolve into hideous chaos spawn all the lofty goals of demonhood and the wreaking of vengeance many amongst the trader Regents fight chiefly for material gain a war that has lasted for thousands of years cannot be sustained by hate alone and what cannot be fashioned through slave labor must be stolen by the heretic astartescent raids they are Gore encrusted weapons and vessels or relics from the age of Darkness yet they have been repaired and made serviceable many times over and modified with material ripped from the dead hands of Imperial servants or the hulks of devastated loyalist ships in the era indominus the traitor Legion strike from their warped bastions and armadas at the weakened Imperium with a Vigor and audacity not seen for millennia recorded sightings have not necessarily increased but that is only because so many worlds have fallen silent beneath their plates before being able to send a word it is feared by many in the imperium's highest echelons that what information they have barely scratches at the surface of what the traitor Legions have achieved Colts bearing the three-headed Hydra of the alpha Legion are becoming frighteningly common and terrified calls for Aid scream from the worlds engulfed and come darkness by the night Lords the iron Warriors have constructed massive Labyrinthian bastions on Fallen Imperial worlds while what scattered bands of world eaters remain butcher with wild abandon leaving Mountains of Skulls in their wakes indominus Crusade battle groups have discovered systems captured by The Emperor's Children that have descended into pits of Twisted hedonism while sightings of soldiers clad in the spiked deep Crimson armor of the word bearers are inevitably followed by mass demonic incursions and the racing of dread noctilith crowns it is nigh impossible for the Servants of the emperor to contain every heinous depravity Blasphemous assault and blood chilling atrocity traitor Legions terrifying success has provided them with immense bounties of supplies and slaves with which to further their evil cause even before the booms and rewards bestowed upon them by their malefic deities are counted every Victory brings them closer to seeing the throne world in Flames and the devastation promised by the horse heresy brought it last to gruesome fruition Renegades not all heretic astartis can trace their history back to the horse heresy over ten thousand years many more Space Marines have fallen from the emperor's life driven by bitterness greed or lust for power these Traders now fight against the Imperium they once served despite years of psycho indoctrination Hypno conditioning arduous training incredible mental robustness and strength of character not even Space Marines of the adeptus astartes are completely immune to human weakness they too can fall to the subtle Temptations of the chaos gods though the administratum would never openly admit such a thing over the course of its long history individual Space Marines squads and even entire chapters have turned Renegade in alarming numbers there are many reasons for this heretical phenomena with each new band of Renegades evidencing their own weaknesses or buried desires some are simply power hungry and chafe against the shackles placed upon them by the imperium's Labyrinthian rules and bureaucracy others grow disillusioned holding too tightly to a sense of entitlement and looking with scorn upon the human cattle they are told it is their purpose to protect some are exiled in dishonor cast aside in the wake of tragedy heresy or rampant politicking these Space Marines may even be preemptively attacked driving these survivors into a life of piracy as they are forced to flee the Imperium that betrayed them all Renegades are reavers of a kind raiding pillaging and murdering and their constant battle to survive secure new territories and defend their strongholds on those rare devastating occasions where a whole chapter turns traitor entire systems can swiftly collapse sailed by The Deadliest Warriors in the galaxy in full strength and without restraint merciless assaults leave worlds stripped of material their populations enslaved or massacred and vast fortifications erected on their surface to honor the dark gods many Renegades dwell in the eye of Terror following in the footsteps of the traitor Legions before them any more operate from hidden bases and asteroid fields from vast space hulks that drift through the void without course or as Nomads aboard fleets or single ships no matter what caused them to turn all space basement Renegades eventually fall to chaos by accident or by Design free from the bounds of Imperial Doctrine some indulge their desires for the sake of a grandagement glory or greed others close to extinction or on the brink of catastrophic defeat and their souls over to the dark aunts in exchange for the smallest chance of survival the Crimson Slaughter The Purge the red corsairs the cleaved The Scourge dance many more are Renegade warbands whose name strike fear Into the Heart of Imperial rulers for the Inquisition and the imperium's high command they are a stark reminder of the innate risks that Space Marines pose and how Humanity's greatest asset 's greatest Danger despite the obvious need for the adeptice astartes and defense of the Imperium they too are susceptible to heresy and should be closely observed without complacency mere existence of such Renegade warbands stirs deep hatred within the loyalist adeptus astartis not only do they despise their traitor brethren for their heretical crimes also for the fact that they dishonor all that it means to be a Space Marine casting doubt upon the loyalties of those who remain true between Loyalists and Renegade Space Marines escalate rapidly enveloping entire sub-sectors in terrible all-consuming conflict many Renegades relish these wars for the opportunity to harvest Jean seed and equipment after all though they combine the martial might the adeptus astartes with the Dark Gun unnatural blessings of the chaos gods Renegade warbands rarely boast any but the most rudimentary Supply chains o Star Force 2 Survive by a cannibalizing the War gear and even the biological components of loyalist Warriors or else by preying upon other less powerful Renegade bands no one save perhaps the emperor knows just how many Space Marines have turned Renegade over the Millennia even one loyal Warrior falling in this fashion is too many as each new Renegade warband joins the long war on the side of the dark gods so they take with them yet more of the imperium's military might now turned to the perverse power of tearing down Humanity's realm one world at a time in the tumult of Havoc that has raged across the Imperium since the great Rifts emergence raids of such a nature have become frighteningly common Renegade sees every opportunity to capitalize upon the confusion our chips and panic of isolated Imperial forces and worlds the imperium's armies are overstretched and overwhelmed on multiple fronts making too many worlds easy prey for chaos Renegades who are well learned in the art of plundering grieving and raiding death guard the death guard one of the original traitor Legions who turned against the emperor in the Horus heresy are favored by nurgle over all others in his service led by the demon Primark mortarion their fleets launched from the plague planet to ravage the worlds of the Imperium to face the death guard in battle to fight that which repulses cripples with nausea and loosened bowels with fear they are hulking plague Marines are clad in the Hues of their Patron deity displaying the panopoly of unbridled filth and the heraldry of contagious disease coils of foul smelling entrails burst forth from their cracks in their armor and some are gifted with writhing tentacles in place of their limbs covered in hungry suckers and wicked claws that seem to have a malevolent sentience of their own accompanying their every step wafts a horrendous Aroma a vomit inducing combination of diseased flesh noxus fumes corpse gas and acid decayed metal emanating from every inch of their bodies and billowing from corroded power packs and purpose-built Vats upon sight of the death guards an exorbable March their enemies unleash punishing volumes of Fire desperate to bring down mortarion's Sons yet the death guard are implacable Warriors favored with a natural diseased resilience they have been rendered immune to Pain by a nurbal's blessings Anna jovially weathervall is a fire that would destroy lesser armies in return the death guard ply their Infamous close range fighting skills salvos of Bolt rounds are combined with noxious streams of toxic slime or barrages of armor-piercing shells unleash corrosive iron blight within the holes of armored vehicles whether battling Street to Street plowing through trench Networks or marching unstoppably through separating swamps the death guard are unstoppable once they close with their foes bubble covered cultists and deathless pox walkers and to the Traders ranks eager to kill and infect voted bloat drones hover overhead to drench the foe in toxic slime or hunt enemy armor with hails of corrosive shot plague burst crawlers launched barrages of Spore spewing shells as they smash aside enemy defenses with their Ram blades mephitic blight haulers hairy enemy tanks with multi-meltas and missile launchers as their gaping malls of razor sharp teeth snap and drool and hunger combined death guard forces grind their foes down into virulent sludge ripe for molding in grandfather nurgle's hands thousand Sons plaid an ornate armor of Rich lapis lazuli and purest gold the Thousand Sons were one of the emperor's original Legions but are now enthralled to zinch the changer of ways led by both their demon Primark Magnus the red and by a sorcerer's drunk on Arcane power the Thousand Sons seek to bring about the imperium's lasting destruction when the Thousand Sons make war it is to claim lost knowledge it's a complete Arcane rituals and to Revenge themselves on their hated Imperial foes each action however huge in scale to the outside Observer is but one component in a complex plan potentially eons in the making few can even begin to define the patterns established so Labyrinthian and circuitous are they the mere presence of the Thousand Sons warps the nature of the battlefield around them time itself is contorted and made sinuous while the air whips with the Eldritch Winds of Unbound change gleaming ranks of rubric Marines March and lifeless lockstep their physical bodies reduced to glittering dust within their animated armor and their souls little more than possessor ghosts bound to Reality by these same sorceries that consumed them the only sounds they make are the Roars of their bolters as they fire punishing volleys of Inferno bolts which detonate with the power of the immaterium these rubric Marines are supported by Scarab occult Terminators Who deliver hails of armor-piercing rockets and wield Wicked kopesh blades their Advance as Unstoppable as it is unnaturally coordinated or every lifeless rubric a Golem hundreds of deranged cultists and avian xengors follow in their wake Brays chants and prayers directed at the god of change Echo across the battlefield building to a crescendo of excitement as the shrieking zealots close with the Enemy packs of hideous demons join them a menagerie of beasts bounding leaping and soaring across the battlefield in Myriad colors these Unholy throngs mutate and fling searing warp flame even as they surge into battle Hearst tanks and Demon engines lend their Fire To The Fray they are machine Spirits twisted and spiteful so do the Cults of the Thousand Suns unleash the Magics of chaos upon their foes and in doing so give praise to the ineffable changer of ways so do they also serve the will of Magnus the red who seeks to gather the Forbidden lore that his father the emperor once forbade him only then can he earn Vindication for himself and all those psychers who offer him their committed service chaos demons no foe of the Imperium is more malignant nor more terrible than the Demons of Chaos the numberless foot soldiers of the ruinous powers spawned in the depths of the warp and fashioned from the very essence of the Imperium they take the form of monsters from Mortals darkest nightmares and cruelest desires and they will stop at nothing to see reality itself torn apart wherever demons set foot within real space death and despair follow their every deed is motivated by the singular desire to further the agenda of their Patron chaos God and in the process ensure that those of their rival are violently stymed on the battlefield no mercy can be expected from them such a concept is utterly alien to beings as strange and inimical as these Relentless tireless they sweep forward to tear their victims apart with hellish weapons and raking talons or unleash floods of Unholy and unclean sorceries despite being entities native only to the warp there are many ways in which demons can pierce the veil of reality to these malevolent and ever-hungry creatures mortal Souls appear as shining beacons within the immaterium those that shine the brightest are psychers who to the Demons of Chaos are the richest pickings of all should such individuals be ignorant of their own power or be caught unawares the slightest moment of weakness will see demons a Russian to consume their souls or Worse still transform them into a tortured living conduit between the warp and real space vessels that ply the Imperium to cross the galactic void are equally vulnerable Imperial craft employing Geller fields to Stave off demonic incursion by surrounding the ship with a bubble of reality yet should these shields flicker for even a moment they will admit a torrent of malevolent entities El Benton Slaughter and possession for ships that come under full-scale attack those on board have to fight a near hopeless battle against evil made manifest countless craft are lost this way their hulks left to drift in the warp or the void for Millennia with All Souls Lost then there are warp storms vicious tempests of unreality where the skin of real space splits and the stuff of the immaterium spills violently through worlds engulfed by or even unlucky enough to lie close to such storms are doomed to weather wave upon wave of demonic incursions the proximity of the Imperium fuels and sustains the dark Gods Legions allowing them to march upon Nation after Nation world after world without losing their tenuous grip upon reality [Music] summoned by those Mortals foolish or powerful enough to do so wonton Slaughter blood sacrifice and forbidden rituals all serve to rip open reality so are the Demonic hordes admitted freely through the Veil often at a cost far higher and more hideous than any Summoner could have imagined chaos Gods Legions manifest physical characteristics Twisted abilities and overarching drives that embody that deity's essential nature corns blood Legions are relentlessly violent and itsly wrathful equipped to spill vital fluids and take skulls with tooth claw and blade the most favored of Corn's followers charge Into The Fray on massive juggernauts brass fleshed fusions of horned beast and machine they are led by mighty bloodthirsters be steel-headed mountains of Fury these demon Lords carry huge axis and cruelly Barbed whips while clad and armor of magic resistant brass zinc's scintillating Legions are writhing masses of warp flesh their bodies swathed in empiric energy we change God's minions take the form of cackling sanity blasting distortions that can wield deadly warp flame and Contra sorcery capable of mutating foes into gibbering spawn or twisting the strands of Fate itself such as the trickery of the changer of the ways that to cut down one of his Horrors is to unleash two more led by towering avian Terrors known as Lords of change xinji's armies are devious spiteful and utterly unpredictable enemies double over in nausea at the Hideous stench of nurgle's plague Legions before they even set Eyes On The Grandfather's foul offspring the plague God delegates much authority to the great unclean ones fast bloated monstrosities that heave themselves across the battlefield their open sores weeping pus and their steaming entrails dragging behind them all of nurgle's progeny Delight in the spreading of Unholy contagions seeking to infest the Galaxy with the fungal growths unending plagues and fleshy inflorescences that they see as nurgle's gift to an ungrateful but fortunate Galaxy it is said that no sight amongst the stars is as alluring yet repellent as that of slanicious Legions of excess demonets and fiends bound across the battlefield each a life graceful and androgynous creature that beguile sand or pulses in equal measure some demonets ride sinuous Deeds of slaanesh While others are mounted on chariots made from hosts of razor sharp blades the slightest Sting from which inflicts agonies fit to drive Mortals mad Lightning Fast all of slanesh's demons wheeled their blades and Claws with lethal skill their sensuous movements serving to distract the foe in the moment before the killing strike towering above all of slanesh's demonic minions are the keepers of Secrets four-armed androgynous demon Lords that strut proudly before their followers the most skilled and horribly Allure of all since the opening of The Great Rift the predations of the Demons of chaos have become far more widespread if it were possible even more gruesome demonic Legions fall upon world after world sustained by the pulsing tides of warp energy that spill from these sikatrix maledictum amidst the darkness of the noctis Eterna and the endless Madness of the Imperium nihilus the Demonic Servants of the chaos Gods waged their unnatural Wars with Newfound vigor never have these entities presented a greater threat to the emperor's Realm nor to the minds and Souls of those who dwell Within chaos Knights towering monstrosities the caseinites are twisted and malignant masters of War wielding devastating heavy weaponry and deadly close combat armaments these Fallen Nobles annihilate all before them and set entire worlds Ablaze in their nigh Unstoppable Fury in a house of nights stride onto the battlefield Tremors Ripple through the ground Warriors topple and the foundations of bastion's crack they are engines of Destruction designed for one purpose war on a gigantic scale across the Imperium the United houses are the emperor's strength incarnate inspiring boundless courage and embodying the power of the Imperium when these machines and their Noble Pilots turn to chaos however such feelings are replaced by dread and despair toxic fumes Billow from corroded exhaust vents as lances of chaos nights storm through the ranks of their enemies scattering and trampling all before them without Mercy warped and tainted by heinous sorceries and malefic re-engineering once honorable night suits become walking nightmares evil looking spikes protrude from pauldrons skulls of defeated foes hang from heavy chains and Imperial sigils are desecrated and replaced with evil symbols and images of Unholy beasts the Fallen Nobles who pilot these colossal war machines are prideful and arrogant all too aware of their immense power many will only pledge allegiance to the most successful and legendary chaos champions others retain ancient ties to the dark mechanicum the date back to the horrors of the age of Darkness to this day or pledge to the Heretics who ruled the chaotic demon forges many Fallen households make war alone deeming none but the dark Gods themselves worthy of their allegiance when a household marches out with their dark Penance snapping in The Winds of War in their diabolical weapons primed for the slaughter they Crush enemy armies and burn entire worlds not all chaos Knights fight as part of a household however some wage their hateful Wars alone as dread blades roving from Battle to battle according to whims and desires only they can comprehend the motivations that make a night and its Noble pilot turn from the Emperor of mankind are some belong to households that followed the traitor Allegiance in Rebellion during the dread times of the Horus heresy While others are simply insane their minds warped by profane Visions or the exploitation of dark entities some fall through duplicity or ill fate wins mechanicum tainted with demonic icker or their homeworlds consumed by violent warp storms never the reason behind their turning Renegade these tormented and oath sworn Killers or Mighty champions of chaos indeed from the moment they turn traitor a noble and their night suit alike begin a grim descent into irreversible damnation one taints the other through their neural uplinks while both suffer the howls and cries of the ancestral ghosts trapped within their throne mechanicum whipped to Madness by their acts of Base betrayal pilot impresses upon their armor every burst of hatred and bitterness they possess and in turn the animal ferocity of a night suit turned beastial Berserker spreads corruption and mutation throughout the Fallen Noble's Body and Soul in the aftermath of the great rift's opening more and more night houses have fallen to chaos many have found themselves in close proximity to Raw warp energy twisting and transforming them Beyond imagination others have been so beset by endless hordes of foes that Slaughter itself has become their Duty the need to kill amid so Much Death consumes them and they're thrown mechanicum and their Falls of Chaos is assort foreign foreign
Channel: The Ashen Hollow
Views: 72,211
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: warhammer, warhammer 40k, warhammer lore, warhammer 40k lore, warhammer 40k lore to sleep to, warhammer lore to sleep to, warhammer 40k asmr, warhammer asmr, lore to sleep to, sleep, asmr, asmr lore, lore asmr, asmr sleep, sleep asmr, bedtime story, warhammer 40k chaos lore, warhammer chaos lore, warhammer 40k deathguard lore, warhammer 40k thousand sons lore, warhammer 40k dark gods, lore to sleep to warhammer 40k, lore to sleep to warhammer
Id: HI5RpQ6kaBY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 20sec (3980 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 10 2023
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