Lord of The Breakthrough | Pastor Stephen Chandler

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[Music] yes yes yes how many people love God [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Ephesians chapter 3 verse 20 feet up to three chapter three chapter three evasions chapter three verse 20 I am I'm gonna talk all around the place we're gonna end at some point tonight that's about all I'm promising you but I just have this burden on my heart to help you get past where you are right now I find that whether it's financially whether it's marriage wise whether it's ministry whether it's a dream that God's laid on your heart so many people they spend years spinning their wheels of knowing that there's more and believing for more but never actually seem more that can be attributed to God like I'm making incremental steps forward but I have not yet seen that I mean supernatural dumb-founded I'm stuttering as I'm trying to explain what God did because it literally has me dumbfounded it happened six months ago and I'm still dumbfounded that type of and and I feel I have a message about breakthrough maybe we'll get to it or maybe we won't but one the the biggest inhibitor to breakthrough is you not the enemy [Applause] and I don't mean that in a mean condescending you know sometimes as preachers it's like the more of a zinger it is the more like Oh the problem made the devil have problems you're busted fake oh it's not it's not a zinger moment and I'm not talking down to you I'm talking to myself the biggest issue with me seeing breakthrough in my life as Steven it's not the devil the devil never has ever ever ever been our greatest problem because the devil from the day that he was created was created you miss that the devil from the day he was created was created even before he fell he was created by Almighty God which means from his inception he was defeated there has never been a moment in history where he's had the upper hand there has never been a moment in history when he's been victorious there has never been a moment in history when he's been in control the only time he succeeded is when we've allowed him to hmm because the Bible says greater is He that is in us than anything he that is in the world we always have had the upper hand the only problem is were more aware of him in the drama that we are aware of him that is within us and as we were singing this song with a thought that crossed my mind and quite honestly it's why we can be in such a supernatural atmosphere in catalyst and it dissipates by Tuesday because in this room right now most of us are 100% locked in on the presence of God you've already forgotten the argument you had on the drive over here you already forgot the argument that you didn't have but you're planning on having am I the only one that you see things any like I'm gonna bring that up but now is not the moment someone just store that fight away and boy wait till Tuesday imma be like well remember less I'm not doing that right now babe them right now we're aware of God's presence so in this room healing is possible breakthrough as possible the problem is we spend Monday through Saturday spending more time looking at our problem than we spend time looking at the waymaker hmm we spent and it's not like I beat you up and I'm trying to say that over and over again it's not like you're not praying up you're not worshiping enough you're not reading your Bible enough which none of us are doing enough including your pastor but it's just by the way that life is set up we spend more time at work which is at best neutral work ain't building your face at best it's neutral then we spend in the presence of God and because of that if we're not careful don't stop playing the 19 just left I just felt it bring it back okay thank you thank you thank you see it's the problem of anointed musicians they stopped playing and nineteen leaves and you're like gosh we're gonna get you like a massage tomorrow god help you but the key is how do I figure out how to remain aware of the presence and the power of God on my life more than I'm aware of the problems that I face because if I can do that every problem that I face becomes an opportunity for a miracle let me say that again cuz someone should have written that down every problem that you face when you're more aware of God than the problem every problem that you face is an opportunity for a miracle but when I'm less aware of the presence of God every problem that I face is an opportunity for depression and every opportunity that I face is an opportunity for for anxiety and for fear and honestly if I'm less aware of the presence of God for you type a people like me every problem that you face is an opportunity for narcissism and self-reliance am I the only one I may be skinny but I was born a fighter I look for fights I love fights like I like fight so much that if I don't have a fight I'll find somebody else who needs to fight now pick a fight and I'll fight their fight for them I just I just I just like the fight like I'm just like let's go like let's what kind of fight you bastard we'll talk about it after in the parking lot but you know and because god is naturally we were talked about on Father's Day that warrior spirit like I'm warrior times 1000 like I began to fight fight that I was never called to fight because he said I will fight for you and I'm like no god I got it he's a eunuch but Kate if we're more aware of the natural realm then we are of the spiritual realm we will spend most of our life not seeing break through most of our life stressed out most of our life full of anxiety battling depression and discouragement and fear and all those other kind of stuff on the entire time greater is He that is in us than he that is in this world y'all have Ephesians chapter 3 verse 20 it says now to him read out the New King James Version who is able somebody say he is able to do exceedingly y'all can just repeat every word I say that's fine abundantly above all not some all that we can ask or think according to the power come on somebody say bah bah no no same power why I don't know according to the power that works feeling King Jimmy anoint saying that working you know sometimes that King James is the only one that's gonna say you're right according to the power that works is know that working Jesus I work it out that work it inside you the NIV says this now to him who is able to do in measure it's impossible to measure immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine according to his power that is at work within us whose power is it but where is it working whose power is it but where is it working and Ephesians says that the same power that raised Christ from the dead let's think just for a moment there are currently I have no idea it's like what seven or eight billion people on planet Earth imagine how much sin that is carnival is getting ready to go on in Barbados that in itself will take up 39 lashes on Jesus's back pray for my people but when you think about the sins of 7 to 8 billion people not to think of all the humans that have lived on planet Earth from the beginning of time and to think how much sin that was and the idea that it all was rested on the body of Jesus that he took it to death and in that grave how much power do you think it is Mike this is something we've never really thought about before like if you've ever battled with depression it takes power to get out of bed this does not me being funny this is me being serious if you've ever the Bible says there's a spirit of heaviness and despair that comes on if you've ever experienced that just to put clothes on and brush your teeth and brush your hair and a walk out looking like a decent human being exerts every ounce of energy in your body and you're just one human being imagine that times 7 billion and that is what was resting on the Lord Jesus Christ and it says that the power of God raised him up under the pressure of sin and brought him back to life and that same power how you gonna add how are you gonna act if you caught a revelation that's the same power that raised Christ from the dead listen to me it's not in heaven it's not resting at Billy Graham's home it twelves inside of me in this moment right now how would I walk how would I talk how would I dream how would I live how would I pray how would I ask how would I walk if I had a revelation that the same power that raised Christ from the dead dwells inside of me if I had a revelation of that I don't walk out of here just looking for sick people like I need somebody to pray for I need somebody to believe God for I need a problem the key to our breakthrough is not victory over the enemy because that happened when she says died on the cross when he hung on that cross and dropped his head he said it is finished he didn't say I am finished he was just getting started he said it is finished what's it the work that I came to do to give you the power that God raised inside of me he said all Authority has been given unto me by my father in heaven now ye therefore go and make disciples of every nation he said I did all the work that needs to be done the enemy's men defeated if your mic on [Music] he's been defeated here sit down sit down sit down Sarah you missed your cue man you miss your cue I also missed the key so it was it was trashed from the beginning it wasn't gonna work he's been like a and I went off and like zzzz sharp that was bad but man if I caught a revelation that the same power that raised Christ from the dead dwells inside of me how would I think how would I ask how would I imagine to him who is able to do exceeding and abundantly above all that we could ever ask think or imagine currently in this moment what are you asking of God is you're asking the size of the experience you've had in life or as you're asking the size of the God that dwells inside of him what are you thinking about are your thoughts according to the experiences that you've had in your life or your thoughts according to the same power that raised Christ from the dead dwells inside of me what are you imagining is your imagination based on the experiences that you've had in life or is your imagination based on the same power that raised Christ from the dead dwells inside of me can I go a little bit further people with small thinking small asking and small imaginations are very unlikely to release their dreams to take hold of God's dreams one of the reasons why so many believers are not seeing supernatural breakthrough in their life is because they're holding on is something that God said let go and I'm not gonna reap reach Timmy's message cuz she preached it better than I could ever preach it but for so many of us we have something that we fantasized about and we so wanted to come to past that we're like oh I'm gonna make this happen God is like I've got so much better I'm able to do exceeding and abundantly above all that you could ever ask think or imagine one of the reasons why people should trouble to tithe it's because they live their lives based on according to what they see instead of according to the power that raised Christ from the dead me and my wife were talking about this and she says I know that God is a supernatural provider but it's hard for us to believe that God can provide for us and in an overflowing way and and I said one of the reasons why and hear me hear me hear me I'm not judging you I'm just trying to help you find the solution one of the reasons why it's hard for us to believe that God can provide for us in a supernatural way is because we've spent most of our lives looking at lack can I be honest not many of us know someone this day that can stroke a check and pay off somebody else's student loans and if you could if you do you count it on one hand and you won't even use all your fingers well there's that you don't know Oprah don't count her does it make sense so we have what we read in the Bible that he owns the cattle on a Thousand Hills we know what we read in the Bible where he says never I seen the righteous forsaken or their children begging for bread we know what we read in the Bible where it says this it's the Lord who enables a man to build wealth we know it read in the Bible where it says god makes one a rich and he adds no sorrow to it we know what we read it's just it's not what we've experienced hmm so how do I make that shift from what have experienced and rejecting my ex spirit your experience can be your experience but it doesn't have to be your doctrine your experience can be your experience but it doesn't have to be your doctrine it takes faith to say yes I've experienced that but I'm not gonna set my life on that I'm gonna set my life based on what God's Word says my experience has been that everybody's rejected me but the word says that God's placed a gift inside of me and that gift is gonna open doors for me and that it's gonna bring me before great men so I choose to live based on what he said not based on what I've experienced imagine if the woman who was bleeding for 12 years came to Jesus and explained her experience my experiences I've gone to every single doctor there was in this land and none of them could heal me matter of fact the more doctors I went to the worse it got she didn't come to Jesus and explain her situation nor her experience why she couldn't see the supernatural breakthrough she was believing for matter of fact she didn't even speak to him she just pushed her way through the crowd and GLAAD grabbed the hem of His garment because she said if I could just grab the hem of His garment I know that I can see breakthrough in my life watch this no one had ever been healed by grabbing Jesus prior to her preaching now you know what it takes to get something from God that no one else has ever gotten from God imagination it takes this mindset of I don't care if I've never seen it before I don't care for everybody of my family is in debt and struggling and doesn't know how they're gonna make ends meet I don't care if nobody I know has a marriage that's happy I don't know what that buddy I know has gotten out of the neighborhood or whatever it may be cuz I don't base the doctrine of my life based on the experiences around me because I know I live in a fallen word I know I based my doctrine on what he said in his word because he said if he said it that it shall come to sit down sit down sit down sit down sit up can I go a little deeper I don't base the doctrine in my life of what the Prophet told me because the Prophet told Hezekiah put your life in order you're about to die and I feel it all holiness hold Hezekiah say yo mama I don't think so and he turned his face to the wall and he said God your word said with long life you will satisfy me and God I've honored you and God I've served you and I've lived oh here's the word wholehearted wholehearted not half-hearted wholehearted not ratchet hearted [Applause] [Music] wholehearted not I grew up with those friends I can't leave them behind hearted wholehearted not my parents have plans for my life and I can't disappoint them now to him who is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we can ever ask think or imagine to have a simple question for you what you thinking about what are you thinking about no seriously like what are you thinking about I'm thinking about to say something else pastor no no it was it's called a pregnant pause what are you thinking about cuz I'm thinking about revival I'm thinking about God this buildings too small and I don't got money for another one but I need 2000 seats and I'd you're the guy that does exceeding abundantly above all I could ever ask so god I'm asking what are you thinking about because there's some people that are saying God I'm believing for you to cancel all my student loans don't scream but that's one way to think about it another way to think about is God I'm praying that you would so increase my salary that I could pay them off look at somebody next to Tom you have no imagination you have you have no imagination you have no imagination because the problem is if your student loans gets cancelled you're blessed but you can't pay off anybody else's student loans [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so maybe just maybe that might be a selfish prayer but if I'm praying god I pray that you would so bless me that I can be generous on every single occasion god I'm praying that you have blessed me in a way that I can be debt-free and I could be gonna encourage other people on the journey that they're on that I can just say hey I'll take Sally Mae off of your back cuz God took her off of my back god I'm praying that you would do exceeding and abundantly above all that we could ever ask sing or imagine somebody shot exceeding [Music] [Music] what are you thinking about what are you imagining think about it for a second you should have a phone out by now or a pen or paper or something like that dude it and don't don't don't [Music] so dude I don't know I don't know dude I don't know [Music] I don't know I don't know of one more to give you then we're gonna pray and we're gonna see what God's gonna do the word breakthrough comes from what I was supposed to preach and I didn't preach it was second Samuel Chapter five and you could read it on your own time the paraphrase of the passage says that David was anointed king and when David was anointed king it says the Philistines heard about his promotion and they went looking for him to destroy him oftentimes we feel that problems in our lives are an indication that we did something wrong oftentimes we feel that problems in our lives are an indication that God has abandoned us maybe we feel that way cuz we're gonna read our Bibles enough because the Bible tells me that a problem in my life is an indication that God just promoted me that I once was a general but now I'm the king and that the enemy is trying to attack me to steal kill and destroy before I realize that I've been promoted because he knows the second that I realized that I've been promoted that the promotion won't just affect me but he'll begin to affect those around me and it says that they attacked David and then the next passage says that David won and he said I'm gonna name this place the valley of breakthrough bail paracin the Lord who break it through he said like water breaking through a rock the Lord has broken through my enemies I have trained myself to believe that every time I get attacked I'm on the verge of breakthrough somebody say prove it job got attacked and then God doubled everything that he had you have to retrain your mind your your mind right now is to train in the matter of when life goes to pot I get depressed retrain your mind with the mind of faith that when life goes to pot I get excited because it means that I'm on the verge of a breakthrough and the enemy is trying to discourage me and steal my faith from the breakthrough m-- about to experience but actually the enemy played himself because he showed his in because I didn't realize that God was about to bring a breakthrough in my life I wouldn't have even known until these problems start to break out and the second the problems started to break out I started to get excited because I know that the only way God would have loud this if I was on the verge of a breakthrough somebody say prove it a man with the son who battle with seizures brought them to Jesus Jesus prayed for him and the boy dropped as dead because your neighbor says sometimes it gets worse before it gets better [Applause] what if you've gotten the biggest fight with your spouse and you walked away say you know this is gonna be good man we bout to have a breakthrough in exam over because when we extend our faith to believe God for something the enemy instantly swoops in and tries to steal our faith before God has an opportunity to respond to it the greatest attacks of your life are always proceeding to the greatest breakthrough you ever experienced so they attacked him and David prayed and he said God should we go and he God said go and they won a great victory the only problem is they came back and attacked him a second time because the enemy is ignorant he gets his butt kicked time and time again and he just doesn't learn and he keeps coming back over and over again and look what David did he didn't just put on his sword and run out and defeat them just because he had won before he prayed again so God should I go up and God said yes but do it differently this time instead of attacking them head-on go around their flank and hide and wait until you hear the footsteps of troops in the mulberry trees somebody say say what uh yeah in the mulberry trees he says when you hear the footsteps then attack and you'll see a great victory so hey guys hey guys hey guys he's talking to his soldiers right we're gonna attack him great we're gonna whooping like we did last time yeah um but we're gonna go around their back Oh an ambush I love it you're never gonna see it coming hold on we're not gonna attack him until we hear the footsteps in the mulberry trees I could imagine there's like this young soldier who just joined the army and he heard about the great warrior David who had killed ten thousand when Solomon killed thousands and he wasn't in the inner meeting with the generals he was back with the troops and the message got back to him hey we're gonna go around the back and we're gonna wait until we hear the footsteps in the mulberry tree and then we're gonna attack his like we went who said that King David huh so they did it and they saw a great victory how do I see breakthrough in my life first you believe God for great things no more look look at somebody say no more smokers no more small expectations no more small imagination stop that you can say that to stop can I cannot can I be your pastor for a second can you kill stop that like seriously like stop oh no I don't want to be out front I won't be the big way I don't know I'm scared ah greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world stop undermining who God made you to be pastor you're just saying that because you don't know me there's inconsistencies in my life stop that stop being inconsistent stop smoking weed stop stop getting drunk that's not cute y'all got meat into something now stop sleeping with people you're not married you can we just jump on in stop watching Game of Thrones oh he's Baba can I just talk to you plainly stop doing things that is stealing the favor of God off you're lying will he forgive you yes will he open doors for you no let's talk about grace grace is not favor [Applause] there are two different things two different things favor favorite favored means that I get opportunities and open doors that other people don't get everybody gets grace not everybody gets favor how did I get there somebody shot wholehearted we're here let's let's be Christians guys like let's let's do this thing like let's let's be all in like let's be all in like let's be all in like I'm all in tithing I'm in holiness I'm in serving I'm in honoring you I'm in surrendering my plans for your plans I'm in forgiving I'm in being humble I'm in loving my mean hearted I'm all the way in and watch goodness and mercy follow you all the days of your life I'm all in and matter of fact I don't care who's come in with me I'm going in but that my homegirl goes with me I'm going in whether my true most with me I'm going in whether my husband or my wife wants to go with me I have made a decision today that I am all-in with God I'm done being double-minded I'm done playing games I'm done having one foot in and one foot out and then blaming it on the devil the devil is not my problem I was my problem but no longer for today I'm subsided as for me and my house we will serve the Lord somebody shout hallelujah somebody shout up all in somebody shout up all in one more time somebody shout them all in [Music] I've been trying to get that off my chest for like four years that I'm not telling you you know don't smoke weed don't drink all that other kind of stuff cuz I'm trying to cramp your style I'm telling you that because I want you to be an attractor of miracles does it make sense like I would I would come what you getting emails on Monday for promotions but you didn't even ask for or apply for I want you waking up in the morning heading to the doctor expecting terrible news and the doctors saying it's not there anymore it shrunk I don't know what's going on I don't see it like I want people in this church that are like insurance agents and like 73 year old and search agents just call you up and say hey I'm retiring I don't have anybody to give my entire book of clients to here and in a moment you get 25 years of somebody else's hard work dropped on your lap because the Bible says that the wealth of the wicked will be stored up for the righteous I want you to be an attractor of breakthrough and attractor of miracles and don't get it twisted God does not promote gifting he promotes character God still cares who you are he still cares how you live if you live right and you live with high expectations guess what you're gonna see you're gonna see the supernatural favor of God on your life in a way that you never thought possible somebody I don't know why this catalyst took a very different turn but this is good can I say one more thing this is your pastor having a mid-year vent let's start let's start let's start let's start doing what he tells us to do let's start being doers of the word and not just ears hmm we had a relationship series back in February are you still doing it get ready to start a series in two weeks on finances it's called Benjamin before we do it can you pinky swear that you're gonna do it no I was too quick like you know you know what I preached yet like I'm a priest stop buying night stuff and pay off your student loans I'm a preach sell your car you can't afford it go get you a hoopty you gonna do it [Music] because I'm telling you I'm telling you I feel the unction of the Holy Spirit there are miracles that are pending but are literally you saying the atmosphere is changing now and the second you saying that I heard the Holy Spirit say he's not talking and I'm not talking about the atmosphere in this room I'm talking about the atmosphere over your life I decree and declare that the atmosphere over your life has changed in the name of Jesus what was closed doors will shift into open doors what was dead ends and blockages will actually turn into straight paths that God has opened before you what was confusion was shift in the clarity what was depression will shift into joy what was hopelessness will ship in the joy that is overflowing your heart I decree and declare that the atmosphere over your life has changed and that you are pending a miracle from the all-mighty God you believe it somebody shot a man in his place [Music]
Channel: Union Church
Views: 10,037
Rating: 4.9895835 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 31sec (2491 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 25 2019
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