LoRa/LoRaWAN tutorial 46: Collinear Antenna

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in this tutorial I will explain what a collinear antenna is and how to build one the antennas built in this tutorial are intended for test and educational purpose and should be used indoors the antennas are constructed in such a way so it can be easily disassembled and its parts can be reused in other antenna projects the antennas are not properly constructed and antenna performance can be improved by using better materials parts or another way of construction the collinear antenna is actually an array of dipole antennas stacked one above the other so that they are all in a straight line ie co-linear on internet you can find several designs how to build a collinear antenna collinear antenna one design can be found at this location Cole linear antenna to the Sun can be found at this location I have built both antennas and will demonstrate how these antennas performs in this tutorial please note I have made some modifications to both designs go linear antenna warm the collinear antenna looks like this it is a copper wire with three loops this is what a loop looks like and at the end there is also a loop the three loops must all be bound in the same direction it can be either clockwise or anti-clockwise but they must all be bound in the same direction this is collinear antenna one design length a is a half lap de length B is 3/4 Leppa and length C is smaller than 3/4 laptop the outer diameter is 15 millimeters this particular collinear antenna will resonate at 868 megahertz which means the wavelength is 345 millimeters length a will be 173 millimeters length B will be 250 9 millimeters and length C is 3/4 Magda minus 4 percent of 3/4 Lata is 249 millimeters here is a copper wire with insulator you can use a Stanley knife to remove the insulator this is the result use an old cloth to straighten it you the wire diameter is 1.8 millimeters I have pasted a marker 173 millimeters here's the marker your supplier and bent at 90 degrees you in my toolbox I found this wretched knot and the wretched knot has a diameter of 13.8 millimeters hold it and bend the wire around the knot use the pipe wrench like this then this copper wire French not you this is the result here's a bent I have to straighten it out as you can see the bent is removed this wire should continue along this line this is a plier I've used earlier I am now using a flatter plier I'm holding my plier this way holding on this end of the loop and then I'm going to bend it at this point you the next length is 259 millimeters I start measuring from the center of this wire unfortunately due to recording problems I am missing some shots the missing shots are I have placed a marker at 259 millimeters and then I bent the wire at 90 degrees I have bent the wire 90 degrees and I'm now checking the length I start measuring from this point you and the length should be 259 millimeters now I'll create a loop at this end just like before hold the pipe wrench like this and bent the wire in the same direction as before you the result is this you again straighten out the wire with an old cloth and again bent the wire at 90 degrees hold the pliers like this and then bent at 90 degrees this wire should continue on the other side here's the loop on the one side and here's the other loop at the other side you a step measuring at the center of the wire where the loop begins and I set a marker at 249 millimeters then the wire at 90 degrees and create a loop at this end again hold your pipe wrench this way Beth why the same direction as before you this is the result I will cut it here you this is the result let's check the length start at this point as you can see the length is 249 millimeters and this is the collinear antenna as you can see the loop in the diameter is fifteen point two millimeters according to the design the outer diameter should be fifteen millimeters but my outer diameter is 15 point 2 plus 1 point 8 plus 1 point 8 is 18 point 8 millimeters I will not change this and here you can see that a copper wire diameter is 1.8 millimeters let's say you have a copper wire with a diameter of 1.8 millimeters and you want to create a loop with an inner diameter of 50 millimeters if you use a cylinder with an outside diameter of 15 millimeters and you wrap a wire around the cylinder you will not make a loop with an inside diameter of 15 millimeters the copper wire expands a little bit you need a cylinder with an outer diameter slightly smaller than 15 millimeters you need to experiment with different cylinder sizes this is the n-type female chassis mount for hole connector these are terminal strip locks this terminal strip block is used for three impairs I'm using this one you these crews can tightly clamp these wires it doesn't wiggle these crews cannot tightly clamp these wires over time it loosens : antenna one uses these terminals collinear antenna two uses these smaller terminals as you can see I have rounded the corner I have used this dremel tool to round the corner if I don't round the corner the terminal strip block will touch the metal as you can see over here as you can see the terminal strip block is rounded and it will not touch this metal connect the collinear antenna this is an m-type mill 2rp SMA mill adapter you connect the adapter to the factor impedance analyzer using this converter this is the SMA male 2 RP s ma female converter SMA mil our PSMA female you the collinear antenna is attached to the type and female chassis mount for hole connector I've used the N 12:01 SI antenna analyzer to measure the antenna parameters unfortunately the measured phase war impedance and s11 antenna parameters are not great the phase war is greater than 6 to lower the phase war I made some modifications to the antenna design I cut down ten at two places here and here and I use two terminals to connect on tenor parts and to adjust the length as you can see over here by the way if you use these smaller terminals these wires does not fit inside it is not recommended to cut your antenna and use terminals to tune your antenna I have done this as an experiment using terminals will alter the antenna radiation pattern please do not do this I have done this as an experiment I have cut the Collini antenna here and I'm using a terminal to adjust the length I'm using a terminal here and here the lengths are adjusted and antenna parameters are measured using the N 1201 si antenna analyzer the phase war is slightly improved it is now 5:00 but it is still bad in an attempt to lower the face war four stainless steel radials with a length of 90 millimeter each are attached to the type and female chassis mount for whole connector the radials are not bent this is what it will looks like in top view and bottom view here is the design each radial is connected to the connector using a terminal as you can see the radial is inside the terminal and is clamped by these screws I use a drill and make this hole four millimeters in diameter these screws have a diameter of 3.8 millimeters and now they fit I'm using a ring and a cut washer to attach the terminal step lock to the connector this is the ring and this is the cut washer this is the ring and this is the cut washer this is the result you if you have an old umbrella which is broken don't throw it away you can use these stainless steel ribs these stainless steel rips are from the umbrella and this is a copper wire and you can see copper wire can easily Bend but these stainless steel wires are very stiff and cannot easily Bend I will cut these wires to a length of 90 millimeters this stainless steel wire has a diameter of 1.8 millimeters and you can use a wire cutter like this to cut this wire I've marked 19 millimeters you and use a cloth as you can see it is 90 millimeters long make four pieces of these here are the four pieces they are all 90 millimeters long you now connect around the terminal - this connector you make sure the screw does not touch these terminals you this is the collinear antenna you I have attached the collinear antenna to the connector here is an offer feel of all the modifications I made to the collinear antenna one design I have added four radials and each radio has a length of 90 millimetres length a is now 175 millimeters length B is 259 millimeters and length C is 249 millimeters as you can see only this length is changed the spacing is 2.8 millimeters the diameter of the radiator and radials are both 1.8 millimeter the radiator is made of copper and the radials are made of stainless steel the outer diameter of the loop is eighteen point eight millimeter this is michael linear antenna one final design to emphasize it again it is not a good idea to cut your antenna and use terminals I have done this as an experiment connect the collinear antenna to the factor impedance analyzer the collinear antenna is attached to the factor impedance analyzer you this is the impedance graph you this is the fist war you and this is the s11 you the length of this part of the antenna is a very sensitive if you even change one millimeter down ten the parameters will change there is no need to cut down Tina here and here because I thought these lengths were wrong based on the collinear antenna one final design the phase war is 1.2 the impedance is approximately 44 ohms and s11 is approximately -21 DB these are very good results face war plot the s11 plot and the impedance plot I have modeled the collinear antenna one final design in the four sec to program based on this model the radios the antenna is positioned at an height of 11 meters as you can see over here this is how the collinear antenna is modeled in the for an ec2 program you can clearly see the three loops again the loop in more detail and here are the four radials the for NEC to kortek can be found at this location as you can see the face wire is 1.18 the antenna is positioned at an height of 11 meters above ground in the 4 NC 2 program I'm using real ground and the ground type is city industrial area this is the radiation pattern in vertical plane and the radiation pattern in the horizontal plane as you can see the maximum gain is 5.2 to dbi at an elevation angle of 30 degrees the maximum gain is here the two plots were generated when the antenna is at a height of 11 meters above ground at an angle of 5 degrees this angle the game is 2.3 PPI again this is the radiation pattern in the vertical plane and the corresponding radiation pattern in 3d this cross-section is the same as this plot again the radiation pattern in 3d to gain is here I've noticed that the coal diameters plays an important role if the coal diameter is even one millimeter off you will get different fist wars in the final design when the outer diameter is 18 point 8 millimeters the phase wire is 1.18 if the outer core diameters are 19 point 8 millimeters the phase bar will change to 2 point 2 3 and if the outer core diameters is 70 point 8 millimeters the phase wire will change to 1 point 9 3 there are several gateways in my area which are able to receive my sensor data my EndNote is placed in doors at an altitude of 11 meters in front of a window I made an overview of all the gateways which were able to receive my sensor data of the last year my purpose is to calculate the elevation angles of these gateways compared to my EndNote location my EndNote is located here at an altitude of 11 meters D is the straight line distance between ethnos and the Gateway and the Gateway is located at this height I'm interested in this elevation angle the elevation angle is calculated with this equation the earth curvature can be neglected the proof can be found in the next slide let's assume the largest distance D that is disc distance between EndNote and Gateway is one hunters in most cases you will never reach this distance if D is 100 kilometers to calculate the straight line L you can use this equation L is a straight line between two points on earth in kilometers D is a distance between add node and Gateway in kilometers that is this distance our is the earth radius in kilometers which is 6,371 kilometers so if d is 100 kilometers the straight line l is ninety nine point nine nine eight nine kilometers this means distance L is almost the same as distance D this is the proof that the earth curvature can be neglected here's an overview of all the gateways which were able to receive my sensor data over the last year this is the distance from end node to Gateway this is the gateway antenna altitude in meters the antenna placement which is not relevant at this point and these are the calculated elevation angles between my EndNote and the Gateway this is the lowest elevation angle - 0.28 degrees and this is the highest elevation angle which is two point one two degrees looking at the previous table the gateway antennas in my area are placed at elevation angles between minus 1 degrees and plus 3 degrees based on my and note location so why is the elevation angle so important this is the radiation pattern in the vertical plane look at this red line Gateway's which are able to receive my transmitted data are all within the small elevation angle range minus one degrees to plus three degrees based on the vertical radiation pattern collinear antenna one is not a good antenna because the highest gain is at this angle but most of my gateways operates within this elevation angle range at the angle of five degrees the gain is two point three three DBI which is not great the highest gain is 5.2 to DBI this is a vertical ray pattern of : antenna one and this is the vertical radiation pattern of a half wave dipole antenna from tutorial 41 both antennas were positioned at an height of 11 meters above ground using real ground and ground type is city industrial area at the five degree angle the gain is two point three three DBI and at the five degree angle the gain is six point two three TBI as you can see a half wave dipole antenna should perform better than this collinear antenna one because most of my gateways operates within this angle how well does myself build collinear antenna won't perform to answer this question to performance tests will be conducted performance test a the collinear antenna one is attached to an end note which is located inside a building and transmit messages which will be received by nearby gateways in my area the average RSSI is calculated and also the total time it took to receive ten messages the test will be repeated using a sleeve dipole antenna performance test be the collinear antenna one is attached soon and note and transmit messages which will be received by a dedicated gateway six meters away both devices are indoors now average RSSI is calculated and also the total time it took to receive ten messages the test will be repeated using a half wave dipole antenna performance test a and B our simple test and will give me a rough indication how well my antenna performs compared to the half wave dipole antenna both tests are conducted indoors which means the walls reflects the transmitted signals thus influencing their measurements therefore take the results with a grain of salt a much better method to tell how your antenna actually performs in the real world see this procedure here is the procedure for performance test a the collinear antenna one performance is compared with a sleeve dipole antenna more information about sleeve dipole antennas see tutorial 43 for this test I am using the end node and on Tennessee as demonstrated in tutorial 33 more information about this end node see this link the end note uses the MCC I Laura when L make library see this github page the eighth note uses the following sketch see this link here you see collinear antenna one connected to the end node and here is a sleeve dipole antenna connected to the end node the endnote is placed inside the building in front of window this is the building circumference the end node is placed at location a facing east and south at an altitude of 11 meters I have not modified the add note transmission power when using collinear antenna one in my area there are several gateways and I know that these gateways which are connected to the things network can receive my transmitted data collinear antenna one is attached to the head node at location a and transmits data I have done the same with the sleeve dipole antenna in both cases two messages per minute were transmitted the lock data can be found at this location one or more gateways were able to receive my transmitted sensor data see this google map the ethno transmission power is 14 DBM this table is created with the help of this locked data these are the gateways which were able to receive my transmitted sensor data these are the distances between the end node and the gateways these are the gateway antenna altitudes these are the average RSS I values for the collinear antenna and the sleeve dipole antenna and these are the elevation angles between the end node and the gateways as you can see there is no significant difference in the average RSSI values between the collinear antenna one and the sleeve dipole antenna the time it took for the gateways to receive the ten messages from the EndNote using the slave dipole antenna is 13 minutes and using the collinear antenna is 10 minutes the arduino sketch is configured to transmit one message per minute in a perfect situation it should take 10 to 11 minutes to receive these 10 messages if you look at the radiation pattern in the vertical plane you can clearly see that the collinear antenna one performs very good at certain elevation angles at this elevation angle and this elevation angle I have a question if I slightly tilt the collinear antenna can the antenna performance be improved I'm focusing on this angle range I have extended performance tests a by tilting the collinear antenna at several angles in this example the collinear antenna is tilted -5 degrees I have picked one gateway from the previous table in this test I have selected this gateway I'm only interested in the results from this gateway the LOC data can be found at this location dude messages per minute were transmitted and the end of transmission power is still 14 DBM here you can see which antenna I have used and the corresponding tilt angle again I'm using a sleeve dipole as my reference antenna as you can see when I tilt the collinear antenna at minus 5 and minus 9 degrees it will improve the average time to receive 15 messages my conclusion is by tilting the Collini antenna 1 the antenna performance is improved please note this only applies for this particular collinear antenna now let's discuss performance test B make sure you keep everything in your setup the same when switching from collinear antenna one to the half wave dipole antenna a slight change can impact your measurements to not change the height of the end node and the height of the Gateway do not change the distance between ethnos and the Gateway use the same eighth note and Gateway use the same coax cables and connectors during the measurements I did not stay in the room the distance between transmitter and receiver should be greater than four wavelengths this is the far field region more information about near and far field see tutorial 34 here is the test setup the end node with collinear antenna 1 and here is the gateway using antenna see the distance between the two antennas is 6 meters in the foreground you see the collinear antenna and in the background the Gateway and in Reverse here is the gateway in the foreground and in the background you see the collinear antenna wall here's the other setup the end note with the half wave dipole antenna and again the same gateway using the same antenna see the distance between the two antennas is 6 meters in this picture you see the half wave dipole antenna in the foreground and in the background the gateway and refers the gateway in the foreground and in the background you see the half wave dipole antenna this is the half wave dipole antenna used in the setup this particular half wave dipole antenna is already discussed in tutorial 41 this half wave dipole antenna has these antenna parameters the locked data can be found at this location the average RSS I when using the half wave dipole antenna is minus twenty six point eight DBM and the average RSSI when using : antenna 1 is minus twenty nine point five DBM the time it took for a gateway to receive the 15 messages from the EndNote using the half wave dipole antenna is 15 minutes using the collinear antenna one is 16 minutes the arduino sketch is configured to transmit two messages per minute in the perfect situation it should take seven half to eight minutes to transmit these 15 messages based on the results of performance tests a and B I conclude that the collinear antenna one performance is quite similar to the half wave dipole antenna if I only look at the elevation angles between minus one and three degrees this assumption is supported by comparing the for any c2 radiation pattern in the vertical plane between the half wave dipole antenna and the collinear antenna one at elevation angles between minus 1 degrees and 3 degrees : antenna too as mentioned in the beginning of this presentation there are two collinear designs now let's try the other design co-linear antenna tool you can find this collinear design at this github page attention I have made some modifications to this design the for NEC to kortek can be found at this location : antenna 2 also uses this type and female chess amount for whole connector collinear antenna 2 also uses the same copper wire with a diameter of 1 point 8 millimeter the electrical insulator can be easily removed using a Stanley knife the copper wire can be stretched out the stretch out wire and will be stiffer more straight and the wire diameter will decrease but in this tutorial I have not stretched out the copper wire I'm using these smaller terminals each terminal have two screws from two screws I have cut the screws in half so they will not stick out too much as you can see over here this is already explained in tutorial 44 this terminal does not fit over this pin that is why I have enlarged the hole of the terminal this is also explained in tutorial 44 I'm using a metal washer as you can see over here the terminal screw head has a diameter of three-and-a-half millimeter which is the same size as the type end connector hole diameter which is also three and a half millimeter to prevent the screw falling through the hole a metal washer is needed as you can see here just like collinear antenna one I'm using the type and male 2 RP SMA male plug adapter coaxial cable connector and this is the design the collinear antenna with four radials the radials are bent as you can see length a is 174 millimeters length B is 221 millimeters length C is 186 millimeter the spacing is four point five millimeters the radiator and radials have a diameter of one point eight millimeters the radiator is made of copper and the radials are made of stainless steel the outer diameter of the loop is twenty nine point six millimeter as you can see over here just like collinear antenna one collinear antenna two has also three loops and the three loops must all be bound in the same direction it can be either clockwise or anti-clockwise loop a B and C a B and C this is the dimension of a radial this length is 10 millimeters and this length is 65 millimeters it is bent over an angle of 40 degrees from here to here is LBX and from here to here is lby these lengths are needed when you model the antenna in the 4nc to program the radios are made of stainless steel from an old umbrella to make it less bend here the type and connector with terminals and the four radials this is a top view and this is the bottom view the collinear antenna attached to the type end connector using a terminal make sure this screw does not touch the ground the collinear antenna with the bottom loop this distance starts from the center of the type end connector and where the radial starts to bend to tune the collinear antenna make sure this angle is 90 degrees and then you can increase or decrease this spacing if this wire is bent this way or this way it is difficult to tune the antenna so make sure this angle is 90 degrees by the way in the antenna model the spacing is four point five millimeters but in reality it is five millimeters so the antenna model is for in half millimeters but when tuning the antenna the spacing is five millimeters the center of the type and connector to the center of the loop the distance is thirteen point nine millimeters and this distance from the center of the type and connector to where the radial is bent is 28 millimeters these dimensions are needed when you model the antenna in the for an ec2 program the collinear antenna two fully assembled the collinear antenna - when attached to the antenna analyzer you to tune the antenna make sure that this angle is 90 degrees 90 degrees the same applies for this loop 90 degrees and this loop and 90 degrees here are the measure rameters the face war is approximately 1.6 the impedance is approximately 58 ohms and s11 is approximately minus 13 DB here is the corresponding phase war plot s11 plot and impedance plot this is how collinear antenna 2 is modeled in the 4 NC 2 program please note this antenna is tuned for 800 megahertz the collinear antenna is made of copper and the radios are made of stainless steel these are the symbols used in the four NAC to program more symbols used in the 4nc to program the height is set to 11 meters here are more details how the antenna is modeled in the 4 NC 2 program and here are more details how the radials are modeled in the four NAC to program here you can see how collinear antenna 2 is modeled in the for an ec2 program the four radios in more detail and here you can see how the loops are modeled as you can see the face bar is 1.84 the antenna is positioned 11 meters above ground in the model real ground is used and the ground type is City industrial area here is the radiation pattern in the vertical plane and the radiation pattern in the horizontal plane as you can see the maximum gain is 7.7 DB I at an elevation angle of 85 degrees that is this point again the radiation pattern in vertical plane and the corresponding radiation pattern in 3d again the radiation pattern in 3d and you can clearly see the maximum gain is located in this area again the maximum gain is 7.7 TBI at an elevation angle of 85 degrees that is this point please note most of my gateways are located between minus 1 and 3 degrees in this elevation range both plots are the radiation pattern in vertical plane but this plot belongs to collinear antenna one and this plot belongs to collinear antenna two in this plot the gain is two point three three dbi at this angle and in this plot the gain is seven point seven TBI at the same angle and most of my gateways operates within this angle range as mentioned earlier the collinear antenna - for NSE card debt can be found at this location real ground issues and the ground type is set to city industrial area and here you can see the different maximum gains at different altitudes you can clearly see that the gain decreases when the altitude increases I only don't understand this one if the antenna altitude is 50 meters the gain increases to 8 point 8 6 DB I I do not understand why this is if someone knows the answer please leave a comment below in free space the maximum gain is 5.56 TBI here is the vertical and horizontal radiation pattern when collinear antenna 2 is in free space you again the vertical pattern in free space and the corresponding radiation pattern in 3d and here again the radiation pattern in 3G as you can see maximum gain is in this area again tooth performance tests are conducted for collinear antenna to performance test a the collinear antenna to is attached to an eighth-note which is located inside a building and transmitted messages which will be received by nearby gateways in my area the average RSSI is calculated and also the total time it took to receive 50 messages the test will be repeated using a sleeve dipole antenna before most SP the : antenna to is attached to an ADD node and transmit messages which will be received by a dedicated gateway six meters away both devices are indoors the average SSI is calculated and also the total time it took to receive 15 messages the test will be repeated using a half wave dipole antenna the collinear antenna to performance is compared with a sleeve dipole antenna more information about sleeve dipole antennas see tutorial 43 for this test I'm using the end node and antenna see as demonstrated in tutorial 33 more information about this end node see this tutorial the end note uses the MCC I Laura when L make library see this github page the eighth note uses the following sketch see this link in this setup the add node is directly attached to co-linear antenna to here you see the sleeve diaper antenna attached to the 8th note I have not modified the ethno transmission power when you think all linear antenna - in my area there are several gateways and I know that these gateways which are connected to the things network can receive my transmitted data : antenna - is attached to the end node at location a and transmits data I have done the same with the sleeve dipole antenna in both cases two messages per minute were transmitted the lock data can be found at this location the EndNote transmission power is 14 DBM this table is created with the help of this locked data these are the gateways which were able to receive my transmitted sensor data these are the distances between the end node and the Gateway and these are the gateway antenna altitudes these are the average RSSI values for the collinear antenna - and these are the average RSSI values for the sleeve dipole antenna these asterixis means that there were only one or few measurements and I will ignore these results according to the table there is no significant difference in the average RSSI values between the collinear antenna 2 and sleeve dipole antenna however more great weights were able to receive the transmitted data from collinear antenna 2 compared to the sleeve dipole antenna yes you can clearly see more gateways were able to receive the transmitted sensor data compared to the sleeve dipole antenna if I look at this gateway the distance is eleven point three kilometers that is this gateway my EndNote is here Gateway is located here as you can see the Gateway is located center of Amsterdam which has a lot of buildings the time it took for the gateways to receive the 15 messages from the EndNote using the sleeve dipole antenna is eight and a half minutes and using collinear antenna 2 is eight and a half minutes the arduino sketch is configured to transmit two messages per minute in a perfect situation it should take seven half to eight minutes to receive these fifteen messages performance test B make sure you keep everything in your set of the same when switching from collinear antenna to to the half wave dipole antenna a slight change can impact your measurements to not change the height of the end node and the height of the Gateway do not change the distance between end node and the Gateway use the same end node and Gateway use the same connectors during the measurements I did not stay in the same room the distance between transmitter and receiver should be greater than 4 wavelengths meaning you are in the far field region more information about near and far field see tutorial 34 the nth node with collinear antenna too attached and here is the gateway using on Tennessee and Tennessee is explained in tutorial 33 the distance between the two antennas is 6 meters in this picture you see collinear antenna 2 in the foreground and in the background the gateway and in Reverse in the foreground you see the Gateway and in the background you see collinear antenna 2 exactly the same setup but using a half-wave dipole antenna here is the half wave dipole antenna in the foreground and in the background the Gateway and it refers to the Gateway is in the foreground and in the background the half wave dipole antenna this half-wave dipole antenna is used in this setup the half wave dipole antenna is discussed in two 2041 as you can see the end node is directly attached to the half wave dipole antenna this particular half wave dipole antenna has a phase war approximately 1.1 and impedance of approximately 54 ohms and s11 approximately minus 27 dB the log data can be found at this location the average RSSI when using the half wave dipole antenna is minus thirty three point eight DBM and the average RSSI when using : antenna 2 is minus thirty seven point five DBM the time it took for the Gateway to receive the 15 messages from the EndNote using the half wave dipole antenna is eight and a half minutes and using the colony antenna two is nine minutes the Arduino sketch is configured to transmit two messages per minute in a perfect situation it should take seven half to eight minutes to transmit these 15 messages based on the results of performance test a and B I conclude that colony antenna 2 performance is much better compared to the half wave dipole antenna why is this because more gateways in my area were able to receive the transmitted sensor data this is also collaborated looking at the for any c2 radiation pattern in the vertical plane and the fact that all my nearby gateways operates at an elevation angle between minus degree and 3 degrees now let's compare colony antennae one with collinear antenna two collinear antenna two has a better antenna performance compared to collinear antenna one more gateways were able to receive the transmitted sensor data using colony antenna two compared to collinear antenna one : intent to has a higher gain at elevation angles between minus degree and three degrees compared to colony antenna one according to the for and ec2 radiation patterns in the vertical plane and here are some remarks the four nc2 program simulates how the antenna behaves but my collinear antennas are not accurately modeled which means that the generated radiation patterns and other antenna parameters are just a rough indication of how the real colony antennas behaves if you want accurate radiation patterns and other antenna parameters these antenna measurements should be performed in an anechoic chamber normally a collinear antenna is attached to a gateway and not to anent device let's assume you bought collinear antenna which has a maximum gain of six TBI this is the same as 3 point 8 5 DB D use this equation to convert 60 by 2 DB D in the gateway global configuration JSON file see tutorial 30 you must specify down 10 again if a collinear antenna is put inside a plastic or glass fiber tube always measure the antenna parameters with an antenna analyzer when the antenna is inside the tube it is possible to put the colony antenna inside the PVC tube but use a thin tube wall gray PVC tubes may contain carbon carbon absorbs or reflect RF signals to check if the PVC tube contains carbon you can apply the microwave method the microwave method is explained at this webpage warning if you apply the microwave method it may destroy your microwave do this at your own risk thanks for watching I hope you enjoyed the video please hit the like button and don't forget to subscribe if you have questions leave your comments below I'll do my best to answer them
Channel: Mobilefish.com
Views: 13,062
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: LoRa/LoRaWAN tutorial 46 Collinear Antenna, LoRa tutorial 46, LoRaWAN tutorial 46, collinear antenna, dipole antenna, Collinear antenna design, 4NEC2, Collinear antenna 4NEC2, ½λ dipole antenna, Collinear antenna radiation pattern, Collinear antenna performance, Collinear antenna model, build Collinear antenna, Collinear antenna diy, Collinear antenna self build, Collinear antenna loop, Collinear antenna construction, make Collinear antenna, antenna analyser
Id: OwNiL4402kM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 17sec (3557 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 21 2019
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