LOOSE LEAF TEA FOR BEGINNERS - what is the difference between a tea bag and loose leaf tea???

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hi team hello um today we're talking about what is loose leaf tea what is it this is not loose leaf tea this is a tea bag open it up and we've got a bug standard tea bag I'm gonna cut this open this is the tea that you get in a bag now you might not be able to see this look at that look at that tea from a bag it's very fine that's what you get in the back opposed to tea that does not come in a bag this is a little bit fancy this is from Gaia Botanica they um are a small little place in Adelaide their packaging is odds really nice oh this is not sponsored BT dubs I just I have this and this is you will see organic loose leaf tea okay so this is loose leaf tea it does not come in a bag you can see here these these are leaves and they're all like kind of scrunched up and stuff so that's that's a leaf now they don't always come oopsie all scrunched up like that sometimes you get other fancy ones that look like this these actually really fancy actually both of these teas were gifts from the same person these are really really soft this is a white tee this is like the most unprocessed tea I'll tell you more about that in a second this is a white tea this is a really like whoopsie you can see these actually look like leaves like they're actually kind of leafish and then you don't you don't also have to have like fancy loose leaf tea from like fancy place you can also have you know these tea bags that we were looking at earlier this twinings English breakfast you can also have the same tea but in loose leaf variety so this is the tea that was from the bag this bag and in here you've got English breakfast loose tea in there you can see through there and it's loose leaf all right so in here I already opened this um for experimentational purposes because this this loose leaf tea is slightly bigger tea than in the tea bag but not much so your quality definitely oh yeah I just put a peg on that because like I don't really drink this um I'm not saying it's bad tea it's just a lower quality tea um mostly I have for experimentation because you know tea so here you can see these are both from the same brand this one's from the bag whoops I totally just poured that all over this one is the loose leaf so there is a very very slight difference there in the texture in the shape in the cut of the leaves the loose leaf is slightly bigger and the one from the bag is slightly smaller so that's that's the main difference between a bag and loose leaf um one the bag obviously comes in a bag and the loose leaf obviously comes loose so sometimes they come in really nice packaging like this one from Gaia Botanica it's in like an amber glass package which stops some of the light coming in which prolongs the life of the tea but you can still see it um which is always nice when you can see it sometimes they come in like little fancy tin things this one's from the tea center it's silver needles sorry I didn't even say this is an oolong tea this is a white tea kind of like a green tea but much less processed so typically loose leaf tea is a higher grade or quality than a tea from a bag but that's not always the case some tea bags have got a really high quality tea in them and sometimes loose leaf tea is actually not a high quality like this twinings one now quality is not necessarily an indication of flavor either and typically a higher quality tea is going to taste better than a lower quality but not if you don't know how to brew it correctly and we can talk about that another time if you're interested let me know so when we're talking about things like quality and Grading you might hear things like Orange Pico it's got nothing to do with oranges or Picos it just means whole Leaf that's what Orange Pico means whole Leaf so that's a technical grading terminology for loose leaf tea and you're also going to hear acronyms like I've got to read this ftgfop I remember that because like sometimes people make a joke and they're like far too good for ordinary people I think that that's it's actually great for ordinary people it's great it tastes delicious most people should actually should be drinking drink the fancy tea man it tastes great so that's ftgfop there's other kinds of greetings as well there's a CTC grading slash method CTC means cut tear curl and when you see those they're like kind of little bubbles so there's a whole bunch of different grades in loose leaf tea basically is it in a bag yes no if it's in a bag then it's not loose leaf it's a tea bag if it's not in a bag then it's loose leaf tea so hey fruity comes from the plant Camellias and ounces Camellia sinensis is a tree shrub thing it originates from China all true teas come from that so you would have heard of things like green tea and black tea and oolong tea maybe those or come from the same plant they all come from camellia's advances there are other kinds of true teas as well that come from that plant so maybe you've heard of white tea this is a white so this also comes from Camellia sentences this is an oolong this also comes from Camellia sentences these are black teas they also come from Camellia sentences you've also got your poeties which come from a chameleon synopsis and you've also got yellow tea which comes from chameleon sentences I have never had a yellow tea there are not many people I think that remember how to make yellow tea I think it's a dying art in China but it does exist so all six of those kinds of teas come from the one plant Camellia sentences so why they're different well because they're processed separately when I talk about processing I'm not talking about additives or flavoring nothing like that it's literally how is it dried how is it prepared how was it pulled off the plant all of those things come into the processing of the tea now be happy to talk to you more about that but it can get really quite in depth I'll link down below some really in-depth great things that you can look at on YouTube about tea processing but you know if you want me to do it that's cool that's cool I can do that now you can also have loose leaf tea from a true tea like like these which is flavored and they do have additives but those are not added in to the processing they're added after so you might take something like this for example and add vanilla to it and then you would have something like the t2 Melbourne breakfast that's got vanilla flavoring in it Earl Gray is a typical flavored black tea chai It's a classic flavored tea where you've got things added into it so you know you've got your spices and all that kind of stuff is added into the tea so those are your typical flavored teas you can also have blends of tea so this is not a blend these are very special white silver needles they all come from the same region from the same place and processor these however this black tea is an English breakfast tea English breakfast is a blend anything that's got like something breakfast it's a blend of different teas typically your breakfast Blends are a mix of maybe Sri Lankan Ceylon teas or Indian teas like Assam maybe even a Darjeeling in there and they're Blended from a whole different lot of tea Estates from different regions and they mix them all together and that's how you get a blend so you can have lower quality Blends like this but you can also get really fancy buns and I really like it when people make a blend and they actually tell me where the regions are that the tea was sourced from so you can have flavored tea and blends of tea but all of these are still kind of coming from that Camellia sinensis true tea family so you can also have tea like peppermint tea that's got nothing at all to do with Camellia synounces that is just peppermint it's the same with chamomile nothing to do with true teas like these it's just chamomile so that's true of all of your tea sayings and your infusions and your herbal teas so that's just plant matter that is steeped in water and you can call that an infusion you can call that a tisane or you can call that a herbal tea so where can you get it where can you buy tea you can buy tea in so many places like you can get tea from your local supermarket you can get like low quality tea and okay tea as well from your local supermarket some supermarkets stock pretty good tea as well if you would like me to do like a what should you buy if you have to go to the supermarket about tea I would love to do that that would be really fun so let me know I mean you can get it from T2 T2 sell a lot of tea by the way not sponsored by T2 either not sponsored by anyone no one's giving me money they have so many teas they come in small little packages and little cubes it's great if you're not really sure which one you're gonna like the most you can try a whole bunch of them hot tip if you're going into T2 to buy tea and you want to buy loose leaf tea get the ones in the orange boxes not the ones in the Yellow Boxes where else can you get it from in Australia you can buy it from the tea Center another place that I love to buy tea from they have a lot of tea got a few stores around the East Coast like there's a lot of places that you can buy tea online if you don't know where to start I would suggest trying to find somewhere where you could buy a little sample pack sometimes they sell them with little sachets of loose leaf tea see if you like it and then you can repurchase it if you like that that's what I would recommend try and find somewhere that's selling a sample pack if this has been helpful let me know if you want to know more cool love to tell you more that's just a really brief overview about what the is loose leaf tea not a tea bag you can buy lots of it there's lots that exists cool beans if you liked it I mean you could like And subscribe uh you you can do that I mean that would be cool for me you don't have to but um I'm new to this and I'd like some subscribers oh by the way do you like Xena that's Xena she's mostly made of monster and floof monster and floof and cuteness I love her okay bye um still not oh my God oh I got it I got it no I got it okay
Channel: Jackie Lee
Views: 18,871
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Id: gagbLsB60dM
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Length: 11min 51sec (711 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 02 2023
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