LOOPING with the HX Stomp 1 BUTTON LOOPER - A Complete Guide
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Channel: Scott Uhl
Views: 2,430
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hx stomp looper, hx stomp 1 button looper, hx stomp looper tutorial, hx stomp looper midi, hx stomp looper external footswitch, hx stomp looper controls, hx stomp looper 3.0, hx stomp looper pedal, hx stomp looper review, hx stomp xl looper, hx stomp looping, hx stomp live looping, hx stomp looper guide, looping with hx stomp, hx stomp loop tutorial, hx stomp looping tutorial, hx stomp 1 button looper tutorial, hx stomp one button looper, 1 button looper, looper hx stomp
Id: 5_wNfBhzsMY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 33sec (873 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 14 2021
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