Looney Tunes | Lovestruck Couples! | WB Kids

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time for plan B [Music] where is bugs Bugs Bunny you know him oh I know him Bugs Bunny is the worst man I've ever met Bugs Bunny is a saint that's what he'd have you believe let me guess you met him on a tennis court unbelievable let me give you a little piece of advice girl to girl if you don't want your heart shattered into a million pieces you'll break up with Bugs Bunny to-day [Music] hey Lola sorry I'm late oh I'm not I just had a very interesting conversation with an ugly woman ugly very ugly but she told me something that has me looking at you in an entirely different way Bugs Bunny you are a bad boy I've never been with a bad boy before that makes me a bad girl over here darling who is a my parents it's about time you guys met be on your best behavior bad boy bugs mother's told us so much about you she doesn't know anything about me oh he's wonderful excuse me I'll be right back you have to end this I don't care if she cries I don't care that her parents are there she's crazy and this ends now and you are not an ugly woman ooh a mint thanks for the pep talk you can do this it's like ripping off a bandage but it's like we complete each other yes what of course I'll marry you haha my daughters getting married to the Future mr. and mrs. Bugs Bunny and the son I never had why are we clapping one of the club members just got engaged darling send the happy couple of bottle your best bubbly compliments of 1673 someone's bucking for club president well you know what they say first comes love then comes marriage then comes lots of bunnies and a baby carriage before you can have a successful date you need to understand women so I've written you a script fill the things that every woman will want to hear on a date if you say these things I guarantee that any woman will immediately fall in love with you really just say those words you are a beautiful beautiful woman you are the epitome of great style and femininity you're my best friend this stuff is pretty good told you you're my best friend in fact you're the only friend I need here's a good idea let's get rid of all of our other friends and only be friends with each other also we should cut off family members that don't support our relationship also we should have jobs where we work together because if there's one thing I know it's that if we drop all of our friends cut off our families and work together we are guaranteed to have a perfect relationship this really works on women are you okay I'm fine I just I never noticed how handsome you were oh thanks you have a really big beak thank you very much so have you given any thought of who you want to invite on your romantic date I have actually anyone who could be you know that girl Tina from the copy place her Peaks even bigger than mine right there well that was a lie one second one I said I'm coming what happened in this country no one hustles anymore that's why Canada is killing us these days you have a baby I knew it I knew you were lying to me I thought I knew you I thought you were my girlfriend I let myself be vulnerable with you I trusted you well not anymore do you hear that that's the sound of my walls going back up lose my number because you are dead to me d e D dead it's not my kid it's my sister's I'm babysitting she's adorable he's a boy looks like a girl what you don't like lobster bisque I'll get you something else something for a less refined palate so where's porky how may I be of service porky what are you doing in that outfit don't engage the help does that better be my bread and butter yes sir the lady doesn't like her soup bring her something else there's nothing wrong with the soup the butter is hard what I said the butter is hard because somebody failed to let it soften before serving dinner I'm sorry I just got so busy with the Aki creme brulee judges it's a book but you're not too busy to make excuses I bet it hurt because it's hard Jessie this doesn't concern you Tina this is between me and my Butler he's not your Butler porky you are not his Butler yeah I know I just I like having someone around are these doorbot rose of course you're saying how they're like rocks porky what are you doing you're letting him walk all of you like this this is your house be a man like you're right what I was a forget that sick of wearing this anyway there you believe that's better well if this stump doesn't come with a butler I might as well go back to the old dump and I can tell you put these in the dryer [Music] [Applause] [Music] what are you doing here did you sneak into the club you think someone else has membership number hmm just grateful I didn't sneak in this is my wedding who you're getting married and you didn't ask me to be the best man you didn't even invite me do not expect a quality wedding gift from me [Music] we are gathered here today to celebrate the marriage of bugs and Lola before we begin if anyone objects to this marriage speak now or forever hold your peace I object what I'm sorry bun bun I know how much you love me but I can't marry you because I'm in love with someone else I'm in love with him you know what they say the eighth time's a charm will you ever get over me it's gonna take a long time we probably shouldn't talk for a while I understand so lucky so so lucky Bugs Bunny dumped I've been there brother you'll never get over it risking me for a password who has a password on their computer what could her password be huh it's usually something you bleep that personal email you look at what's her mother's maiden name mmm does she have a pet hmm do you know her favorite color hmm what city was she born in hmm do you know anything about her mmm I took her name to Tina but I'm not a hundred percent so a lot of times I just call her buddy surprise buddy what are you doing here uh yeah I know what a hard day you've had so he came over to make you dinner you know Park is the caterer right this is weird you're just tired from your day come with me you take a hot bath we'll make you dinner you have to make her dinner hey what am I supposed to make I don't know you're the caterer I have to figure out a password darling I hate to bother you while you're soaking but what was your mother's maiden name Romano why uh I just wanted to write her a thank-you note for giving birth to you well how come you want her maiden name oh well I didn't want your father to open it by mistake because I want to send him a separate thank-you note keep soaking there's no food in here get creative turn yourself into a hot dog of your app to roam on Oh bingo I'm in here it is it's still unread Michael who's Michael dear Tina I can't wait to see you again I miss you and love you what are you doing who's Michael what do not play dumb with me I read the email from Michael Michaels my brother you met him oh right what's this don't look at that is this the email you were talking about look you look man this is long Foghorn speedy whoa you really laid into those Gophers oh here we go I know I've said a lot of terrible things about a lot of terrible people but I've saved the terriblest for my girlfriend tina I have known many deranged people in my life but I've never encountered the kind of profound mental instability that she possesses Tina Russo is a psychopath it's worse than I thought she may have everyone else fooled but I know the truth why else would the kindest most beautiful generous and intelligent woman in the world go out with someone like me [Music] I love you what you're not gonna kill me ah call me crazy actually I called you a psychopath do I have a bump on my beak oh yeah it's huge first thing I ever noticed about you I can't have a bump on my beak I can't have an imperfection I allowed no imperfections what are you talking about you're nothing but imperfections name of perfection what are you looking at it's my business oops sorry it didn't mean to bump into you oh yes Lola I'm home but not for long because we are going to Paris France what for our date we're going to Paris you know thus the day of levels no no no no no that's not a date a date is dinner at a restaurant so we'll have dinner at a restaurant in Paris NOLA I'm not leaving the country oh yes you are it clearly states in article 5 section 3 of The Bachelor auction bylaws that the bidder that's me will decide where and what constitutes a date while the biddie that's you I must escort the bidder again on said date for up to but not exceeding 24 hours again the body is you and I'm the bidder and these are the bylaws [Music] support but all my magazines I did the crossword it's all my peanuts so I ate all your peanuts I paid four times I feel like I've been on this plane forever flight attendants please prepare the cabin for takeoff how long is this flight again ten hours ten hours there and ten hours back that's 20 of your 24 hours mm-hmm someone's good at math that's what I love about you that and your smile when your frown and that in between smile and frown face and your profile Oh in the back your head oh look at your ears what are those noise cancelling headphones you don't happen to have another pair do you yeah hi I'm not sure if you remember me you're the wizard right you do remember me how could I forget you check bounced what I'm gonna have to have a serious talk with my financial adviser list should take care of it so uh Tina I was wondering if by any chance you're not doing anything tonight which you probably are because you're not ugly but if for some reason you're not would you maybe possibly no pressure if you can't just wondering you know would you like to go out with me maybe yeah love to well you can't blame a guy for trying I said I'd love to go out with you really yeah it'll be fun great I'll pick you up at 8:00 don't use that money you'll get arrested gonna smell nice for my date maybe another little dad thank you Dad Wow the White House lowly would be more white and a little more house looking Oh our poor president has to commute 10 hours to work every morning and then do a bunch of politics all day and then get right back on that plane and fly another ten hours just to do it all over again the next day that man deserves our support Lola oh say does that star-spangled banner yet stop you need to stop talking we're in one of the most beautiful cities in the world let's take a deep breath look around and just take it all in that's a great with no talking [Music] ya know that whole thing would have been a lot more better with talking [Music] he doesn't like it when you do that you're holding the bottle wrong that's not even the right nipple we switched the soy formula just let me do it what is wrong with you I'll tell you what's wrong with me you think what you do was so important because you work well I work just as hard as you and I don't even get a paycheck you've never gotten a paycheck I'm so busy taking care of him I can't even tell you the last time I took a shower you never shower that's because I care about the earth the point is raising a baby as hard work and it's twice as hard when you do it alone I'm just so tuned you've known him for one day you don't even know the baby's name his name's not baby baby baby's a better name than Thackery it is roomy and giveth Dada [Music] [Applause] [Music] he doesn't like it when you do that do you John this isn't working bugs oh no a Dear John letter box broke up with me I'm sorry sir were completely booked this evening you didn't make a reservation don't worry I'll handle this you do know that I'm a close personal friend of Porky Pig that's City Council member Porky Pig Oh who knew there were perks to being friends with Porky Pig goodbye apartment I've decided to go away for a while too many memories here ooh oh no no aah no uh-uh just because I'm leaving doesn't mean you and all your little insect friends can come in here and crawl around okay you hear that roaches I'm talking to you two spiders and ants all of you you stay out of this apartment and in case you need a reminder I'm putting a note on the front door check it out clothes napkins nice right [Music] you are a beautiful beautiful woman you are the epitome of grace style and femininity you're my best friend I'm your best friend we just met well hold on when I'm with you every day of Valentine's Day except for the real Valentine's Day which we will now call super Valentine's Day are you reading something no I need wood all want and wanna hear see you stuff like this Lola Lola hmm I was just asking if you want to split an appetizer oh yeah sure yeah whatever you want Daffy it's bugs huh I'm bugs okay so what do you want a medal you're a grown-up you don't need a script let's just get to know each other tell me about yourself okay uh well what do you want to know I'm rich very rich but I do good I help poor people Horsens whales you know look if you're not gonna tell me about yourself let me take a shot you're an insecure little weirdo who lies about everything and probably cries himself to sleep every night you're good well I guess this dates over hey get back here relax it's not over but you said all those horrible true things about me you're like an abandoned building that ought to be condemned you know busted windows rats running around a real nasty sewage situation but maybe if the right person got a hold of it and cleans it up maybe they could take that disgusting building and turn it into something not so disgusting are you that person lucky for you I like the projects analyze that disgusting building yeah that is the nicest thing that anyone has ever said about me Shh ah I keep getting a voicemail I haven't heard from Lola in three days I'm going over there someone's gonna need new business cards I bet I can get him for free dear bugs I don't ever want to see you again Lola broke up with me Tina is Daffy made me it's a sunset room in an hour and look good I [Music] I'm looking for my boyfriend he's a little black duck a duck oh well I wasn't sure what that was we put him in the way back can fancy for lunch what's the occasion I'm the occasion what happened to you I got a big job look no bump you'll mess up your whole face just to get rid of a stupid bump you look crazy if I look so crazy how come everyone's staring at me because you look crazy Daffy I liked your old beak but my old beak had an imperfection and when it comes to my appearance there can be no imperfections well it looks like a dog ate your face I like to bump I like all your imperfections well not all of them your imperfections that will make you you and I like you oh I get it you're jealous because I have this perfect little beak and you have that giant nightmare oh call dr. wine Lola wait what are you doing here you broke up with me that note wasn't to you it was to spiders and ants and roaches don't you see I wrote dear bugs but you thought I meant dear bugs bugs I need to be with you I don't care about the Dear John letter you left me on the microwave via John letter you mean the repairman wait why'd you break up with the repairman [Music] [Applause] thanks again for watching him [Music] I want to start a family with you what I finally realized what I was put on this earth to do be a mother or was it to open a frozen yogurt shop yes that is exactly what I was put on this earth to do I'll be known for my toppings no no tonics just yogurt the best yogurt that's what I'll be known with tons of flavors no one flavour with tongue [Music]
Channel: WB Kids
Views: 2,825,153
Rating: 4.7534585 out of 5
Keywords: Scooby-Doo!, Tom and Jerry, Looney Tunes, Bugs Bunny, Compilation, Cartoons, Classic Cartoons, Animation, full episodes, Scooby doo where are you, chuck jones, Mel Blanc, Spike the Dog, Daffy Duck, Porky Pig, Coyote & Roadrunner, LT2018, LTS, valentines day, valentines, couples, looney tunes tina and daffy, looney tunes lola and bugs, looney tunes bugs and lola, tina and daffy, daffy and tina, bugs and lola
Id: p2_xluaRo4s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 40sec (1660 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 01 2019
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