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every one import anger star here so I wasn't really able to make a video this week because I'm actually been moving I've actually been moving so yeah I really haven't had much time and I promise you the world war 2 video is probably gonna be here next week like I said I've been moving and I've been really busy so instead for this video I'm going to just show you this old atlas I have this is an old-school atlas made by National Geographic with McNally as you'll see on the side so for those of you who know your Maps then you'll know that's an important name and this was from I believe it's the 1880s I got this several months ago and it also came with like a weird manual on how to use it so yeah so something about mean Iowa and it also says that it's only 75 cents so yeah it's I mean I'm sure inflation that's a bit more than 75 cents obviously but that's so pretty good for an ALICE so I just thought I just can't show you the Atlas and just show you kind of what it looks like on the inside it's obviously a little cover system well geography you got the fancy little plates of course this is back when you've had plates and basically did everything by hands you know all the stuff like that and let's see what was the precise day let's see Oh 1868 so it's actually older so this is just four years after the American Civil War like I said this is like a school textbook so you know there's also like little lessons on the side and like definitions and stuff like that and so you'll in you know has the basic stuff like latitude versus longitude then yeah you've got the old-fashioned maps and it kind of does it by like region at a time so they're the general hemispheres yeah there's North America when this is back when they called Canada British America and of course you know Mexico and you'll notice that sometimes they're too lazy to show the small countries so like just Central America this is after the Central American Confederation broke up so that's just why they showed it they also showed British Honduras or police as a part of Mexico so there's definitely errors in here because like said you know this was made by hand of course people just didn't have as much information back then zone hey you know so there's like a little zoom in on Canada right there united states of course like I said this is after living for years after this American Civil War so like some of the places are still territories called more States yet you know questions on that and then it's gonna kind of go through all the different states and territories so there they see there and I kind of distinguish the countries of Central America a little bit and then there's the Caribbean and there's South America which as you can tell the borders are different cuz again this is 1868 but you know I always like these old maps because not only are they hand-drawn but like you know you can tell that like you know the mountains are like kind of weirdly drawn on there sometimes the colouring is gonna be off cuz again that was done by hand like those little little swirly things around islands just so you can kind of locate where they are and kind of measure distances and stuff like that they also where did like areas that like we run inhabited or not inhabited weren't possessed by a country that also kind of gave its own color so it looks like Patagonia is a country but it's not all that stuff oh of course there's your up and of course look at that wonderful Prussian border so horribly drawn and that Portuguese border is kind of kind of weird yeah [Music] some oh yeah they just call the Ottoman Empire Turkey still yeah that Portugal looks a lot better but uh yeah then of course there's a zoom in on the German states which would include the North German Confederation by this point but it still kind of shows it as a part of yeah this look kind of shows them separately all that stuff yeah I guess they're just calling the entire North German Confederation Prussia at this point okay Prussian Poland I thought it was calm I thought it was calling that one that's um then of course you know about the Marietta Indiana it was really funny is that some of these questions are rather outdated like I can't remember where but like there's one question where it's like this uncivilized country is located peons known Phillips bolting rubber you know all that stuff just kind of funny if I can get just random triptychs like that oh yes so this is one of my favorite parts so the horribly labeled Asia because we kind of get in closer you'll notice something so the yeah so but this is back when spelling was a bit different so instead of with a hue they just used double O's for everything and that's kind of funny and you'll notice on the side the India used to be called Hindustan and again they're doing it with the double O's instead which you know I just find it really funny as like that yeah once again they're kind of too lazy to label every country oh yeah before this is called Indochina it was called farther India which I always thought was kind of interesting uh and of course there's an Africa it's before the the colonization of Africa so there's not really too many countries other than the colonies along the coast and a few African states up north is basically cuz we didn't know about as much of the interior of Africa yet so any states that were there we just didn't know so as you can see they just kind of assumed Ethiopia had all of that so yeah I guess back then like how Ethiopia it wasn't that big which is kind of hilarious actually all right no because there's Abyssinia which was also named for Ethiopia so I guess this is guess that she's Ethiopia as a general name for the interior of Africa so yeah oh yeah Sahara great desert instead of just Sahara Desert of course and then of course there's you know what's left the Pacific also hasn't quite been colonized yet except for Australia New Zealand so they just kind of called all of that Polynesia they didn't have a separate Micronesia yet so see kind of more questions oh yes and there's a map of the world but yeah so that so basically that that's pretty much yeah just kind of a few more roadmaps and then old statistics on the back where this was back when the United States only had 30 million people which is a little bit smaller than Canada today and all that stuff oh yeah cities so let's see that's bi-state countries Wow thank you yeah so I just statistics in the back and there's the very old finding and that's what the back looks like with the stain that was there when I got it but yeah so I thought this is a really cool atlas and again sorry I couldn't have a video this week but you know I've just been super busy I promise World War two comes next comes next week but I just kinda want to show you this all that lists that I've had for a while so yeah thanks for tuning in and I will see you guys next time
Channel: undefined
Views: 180,233
Rating: 4.9010129 out of 5
Keywords: history, geography, atlas, school, old, book, 1868, United States, world, antique
Id: G4H84w5994k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 53sec (473 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 21 2017
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