Looking ahead to Day 2 of Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton's impeachment trial | KVUE

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The impeachment trial and suspended Attorney General Kate Paxton continues t. Senators returning to the chambr in a little more than two hours, packs of course, facing 16 artis of impeachment alleging he abusd his office in several ways to help a friend and political don. Fireworks are already flying at the State Capitol after day one of the historic event. KVS. Eric Pointer joins us now live m the Capitol with the breakdown f how day one went to Good Mornin, Good Morning, Yvonne. First we heard the them establih the rules for the trial and then there was opening statements and before the first day ended, the first witness took this to the stand. During the pretrial motions, senators voted not to dismiss any articles and the Lieutenant governor ruled that Paxton cannot be compelled to testify. In their opening statements, Pakistan's attorneys argued thae gag order issued in this case hs kept them from defending themses in the court of public opinion. After that, we heard from the first witness, Pakistan's former first assistant Jeff Metier, who was the initial whistleblowr about Pakistan's ties to Nate P. I urged him not to have any further dealings with Nate Paul, to let the lawyers, the professionals in the Office of Attorney Gener, handle these matters as they saw fit. My tears testimony was still gog on when they decided to adjournr the day to sort out what privild information would be allowed in court. Now, CORD will resume at 9:00 ts morning with the House managers using what's left of their 24 hours to present their evidence. Rob. Yv. All right, Eric, thank you so m. Live at the Texas Capitol for us this morning where it is bound to get very busy. Well, we won't know if Paxton is planning to show up in court today until proceedings begin again. Turns out it doesn't even have to be there. The rules of the Senate laid out only required him to be there yesterday morning. Not everyone in the Senate chamr seems up to date on that fact. The attorney for the impeachment managers brought up the fact that he wasn't there to Lieutenant Governor Dan Patr, who is serving as the judge in the trial. That's when Paxton's lawyers chimed in, saying the rules don't call for it. As per the rule, he was here at 9:00, as required. I didn't see anythg else in the rule that required him to be here any other time. You're right. Correct. After the trial adjourned for l, Paxton wasn't seen for the rest of the day. Right now, it's not clear if he plans to attend the remainder of the trial at all, or if another rule requires his presence at a different point before opening statements, the Senate went through each are of impeachment and each motion filed before the trial started. This process took a couple of h. For each of the articles, they had to vote on paper whethr they wanted to dismiss the char. Then when each vote was counted, they had to repeat it out loud. And they repeated this process and I watched every single minue of it took hours, 16 times. There were also a number of motions to vote on, including oe to dismiss the trial. Altogethe, only 6 senators voted to dismis. Lois Colecourst, Paul Bettencou, Brandon Creighton, Tan Parker, Bob Hall and Donna Campbell were the Conservative minority. They say there's not enough evidence to prove the case. In just over 2 hours, the trial will continue. 9:00 AM Sharp gave You will carry the entire trial on K Vie, plus bringing you expert analyss and trial summaries daily. You can Watch on Apple TV, Roku, Amazon Fire, TV&K, view.
Channel: KVUE
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Keywords: ken paxton, ken paxton impeachment, texas politics, ken paxton attorney general, ken paxton impeachment live stream, ken paxton news, texas attorney general paxton, texas attorney general ken paxtons impeachment, texas attorney general news
Id: zgl00Z3iPwY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 42sec (222 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 06 2023
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