LOOK INSIDE GYMSHARK HQ & Our First International Office Announcement

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so we've now been in the new GS HQ for I think almost three months it's absolutely awesome everyone there's now finally settled in still think it's amazing like until buzzing every time I come to work in the morning but I thought this would be a perfect opportunity for me to now give you guys a tour around the HQ but you know how it's going and basically give you an update on what it's like in the new GS HP so we're currently sat in the entrant the reception of GHQ is absolutely gorgeous there's like a ton of natural light coming through the floor to ceiling windows on the front so we will begin upstairs upstairs we've got finance HR tour like legal exec board customer experience trading and IT so more of the I guess functional parts of the business or less of the you know the product brand creating stuff for more of the investor quantative signs of business so yeah so we've just come through the doors upstairs into sort of like the entryway of the upstairs part of the head cause it's designed to almost have an explosion from this point as you can see it's a super open collaborative work area so you can just sort of chill the so version oh you got high levels of work and low levels of work and it's just sort of a totally adaptable space where we want people to get together from different departments across the business and just work together collaboratively [Music] [Applause] [Music] this is the customer support part of the business this is where anytime any of you guys have got an issue with your order you've got any questions to ask us live chat things like that these guys that answer all of your questions so this is again a really cool open place to work we wanted to be super relaxed and just it's just a nice place to be essentially my name is Dan Park and I'm a head of customers for a Jim shock I've been here for four and a half years our function is to speak to the customers day-in day-out primarily through email social media and live chat I mean is part of the office we've got operations IT buy and trade in a lot of the commercial functions of the business so when things are sending out too quickly online there's a lot of these guys the guys that are working on fixing that issue which is one of the biggest problems we've got at the moment with the insane growth that we're experiencing hi my name's Ted and I'm the IT director here at Jim shark and I'll oversee our website our internal infrastructure and all our internal systems we've also got an exciting new project on its way which will be announced towards the end of this year a lot of work and developments gone into it so come a few guys to see that my name is Kim Moulton I work in a sponsorship team and I handled the French market so older French athlete Academy and everything and right now we are working on their birthday campaign launching on the second so seeing what's gonna go on sale how we're gonna communicate about it and like brief our athletes so to make sure that the message goes up very clearly so over here we've got the HR or people part of the business we've got customer insights who are working with a lot of the data that we have and then we've got legal and we got like exec board so the boardroom and things like that as you can see around the office we've got a bunch of different meeting spaces so Herring's who heads up our like finance and IT partner business P it wanted to meet in room like this where you've got these cool little things so I guess it just keeps you switched on in a sense because you know you can actually fall off it [Music] in the people if part of the business you've got napping pods we've got our training area so there's so many people that join in the business on a regular basis at the moment that we do a lot of onboarding this is our training room and this is where all the new people that join in the business are on boarded I think that spend about a day and a half two days just understanding how the business works um what goes on to that is in this room here which you're currently in use we've got a barbers in here and do treatments as well so nails hair massage things like that all here all on site [Music] so through here this is Astin again part of Birmingham all I'm eating rooms are named after different areas in Birmingham and Aston Aston Villa and I went to Aston University so I thought you know Aston is important for drew name would be perfect so this is where we do a lot of like our I get director meetings board meetings and we've gone for a you know a safe custom like poured concrete table it's absolutely gorgeous it's totally unique we wanted like a very angular design so it's not just a normal rectangle it's you know thinner on this side and wide on that side yeah absolutely love this room it's gorgeous and this is where we lot make a lot of the big decisions [Music] now in the product area in GHQ and this is probably one of the places where I spend most of my time so this is a product boardroom where we do a lot of large meetings we'll do Fitz will meet with suppliers which is currently going inside so we'll poke our heads in hello okay if you can't film this so yeah we got a product meeting going on there now coming through here and this is where a lot of the design goes on garment X so the people that work in the materials and the fits all happens right here [Music] bunch of samples in here so our thing to come in in the samples would go on the rounds here you know we'll check them out we'll fit them we'll make sure they're how we wanted them to be or make comment or send them back so we'll have a lot of like future designs come in on who just signed off the design for Springs from in 2019 so again we're starting to get further ahead in our product design so this area is where a lot of the garment Tech's will be so we've got you know a library of materials it's a little bit of a mess at lone needs at idea this is where we'll decide on our colors and things like that so as you can see we've got all of our Pantone books so this is where we will create a color palette for the season the guys were picking out the autumn/winter 19 color palettes yesterday so I think that will give you an idea of how far in advance we can work on some of these things coming through here which is one of my personal favorite parts of the office is the product bar so dedications are some of the first ever product we've got the one of the first handprint in hand so t-shirts here the looks tracksuit lady which a lot of you guys would know about a sign Nikki leaflet from her first ever collab that she did one of the first logo new logo products here the vault seniors t-shirt also one of the first things products we've done I think seamless for us has become very much like you know something that we're very well known for with the seamless taking the Flex you know a lot of the seamless t-shirt that we've done for men the Onyx leggings and tops you know seamless has become a massive massive part of our business over here there is one of the original screen so this is one of the first screens that we actually used to screen print some of the first-ever product so this is now six years old and I remember spending hours and Lunn and you know years working on screen printing products so that has a very special place in mind I think everyone's hearts that here you know when we was a much smaller business and we were screen printing screen printing was super messy and it was hard work for us and we wanted a heat press like this so this was actually something that was like a dream of mine to have so as soon as we got this new high fuming at the space got this and absolutely love using it it means that we can test product and we can make one-off unique product yes they're the suppliers were in they mentioned they wanted that we live the city t-shirt for Birmingham but we didn't have any left so we thought we'd do some a bit special for them in uni can we make them a wee little city sham n t-shirt which I've also got one on now so we're now gonna go and give it to the guys that are over from China so hopefully they'll all come so they did ask for olicity Birmingham t-shirt but obviously they sold out of the store so thought we put this together for so behind me is the brand marketing and creative part of the business we've got everything that goes on here where it was sponsorship which is recently moved upstairs because the company's grown so fast and we've got so many people join in in here we've got market intimate and including things like online advertisements things that you might see on social media as well we've got the organic social sort of things I run an Instagram musically Facebook YouTube things like that all that happens here this area here is specifically dedicated to videographers so all the videographers will be in here this is where all the footage that we work on is edited and a lot of graphic design a lot of the motion graphics that we do is done here as well we come through here so currently this is where also athlete samples come in so obviously a lot of the guys that are a part of the Jim sharp team will wear the product early rather than going out to our warehouse it will constrain the GHQ it will go into these pigeon holes and then what we sent out to the guys early so that they can take a look at the product give us some feedback ahead of the launches walking out with a brand and marketing section now we've got this little section which isn't complete yet but this is going to be like a VR section so if anyone's in ready player one that the aspiration for this cool little place wanted to be a proper high-tech VR place so we can you know not only have a bit of fun on it but understand how that's going to work that's gonna be really cool in the future so right here we have our cinema area so this is where we'll you know put things on the world cups on at the moment so we playing a lot of the games we do all of our company-wide presentations here so this opens out into a huge area everyone can sit here and stand here then speaking of communication the crown jewel of the HQ in terms of communication is refuel it is absolutely brilliant is the best food I've ever had all macro friendly things you know we've got everything sushi salads chicken beef you know vegetarian options everything you can imagine is absolutely awesome the guys is an incredible job on this place and the one thing that I really like about it which was briefing the very start is again with so many people joining the business is like imperative that we're constantly chatting to each other and understanding or you know what everyone does ideas the best eyes and ideas must win that's one thing that we always say at Jim sharp and there's no better place to communicate them when you having food you know we say if you eat together you stick together family together you generally find yourself sitting next to someone different every day when you have in food breakfast lunch or dinner so yeah that's really important you find yourself chatting to new people as they're joining the business I love chatting to all the new people that are joining the business or visitors on the day another lovely part of the office is this outside garden area that we've got we've got we've got the custom gym shark shark head made out of solid concrete into the garden so you can sit on it chilling it and then when you've got you drawn from above you can see the gym shower head Birmingham airports not far from here so as people are flying then you can see the logos well so that's really really cool and it's just a super nice place to be especially times like this in the summer we open up all the blindfold doors it really brings the outside in and the floor continues from the inside to the outside as well so again it's a really sort of nice bringing the outside environment [Music] so I hope you enjoyed that as a super fast tour of GHQ and now we've finally settled in it's really working well for us and it's you know revolutionised in the business in a way that even I thought would never happen so that's great so hopefully you guys will start to see that with some incredible products and things that we pushing out on the front end soon comment down below if you were interested in doing a tour of this place because we are open up to more tools now we're all in and settled in we're possibly going to be doing competitions and things like that in the future as well so that if you do want to tour then again we'll be able to offer that out to you guys also which I'm really really excited about which is also one of the reasons why I'm doing this tour is we've just recently signed on a new office that's not going to be in the UK that is gonna be international I can't announce exactly where it is yet but he's gonna be absolutely amazing Paul has flown out with Sean right now and they're doing the design for it because obviously we want it to match this place and look you know as good as this place yeah really excited for that so we'll be announcing that soon so keep an eye out for that I'm gonna be doing a lot more video content so I was considering doing a Q&A if you guys were interested in that so if you have got any questions for me that you want me to talk there if you want me to answer whether it's you know front-engine shot related whether it's back in whether it's business like related whatever you guys want ask me a question I'm really looking forward to talking you guys through it and answering your questions and so yeah make sure you comment your questions down below and I will see you again soon [Music]
Channel: Ben Francis
Views: 475,875
Rating: 4.9638863 out of 5
Keywords: gymshark, be a visionary, gshq, headquarters, tour, international, office, announcement, robin gallant, david laid, nikki blackketter, entrepreneur, business, motivation, owner, business growth, fitness, clothing, gym, shark, gymshark office, england, uk, steve cook, gymshark athlete, work at gymshark
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 15sec (735 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 27 2018
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