Longworth Chuck for Stomper 2.3.2024

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welcome back to my shop today I'm going to make a six-sided Longworth Chuck that I'll use with the stomper from wood turner Pro to get directions on how to build the stomper part go to woodturner pro.com he does a great job of showing you how to build it hope this is helpful to you enjoy the video I made this long worth Chuck and found out that if I use all eight points that my smallest bowl that I can put together would be 6 and a/4 in if I use the Four Points of contact I can run it down to just about 3 and 3/4 but I really want more than four points of contact so what I'm going to do is basically start all over again see how nicely that works and build it with six points of contact so these are all good and work great if you're going to use the eight posts but four post is not going to be centered properly the way I want it so I'm going to build a whole new one I've already put together the Stomp ER part of it I'll be putting that onto a new set of boards this is about 15 in I'll make the same make it the same size and we'll put it together with using six points so there's instead of 40 45° angles we're going to use 60° angles to put it together together so what we got here I've found the center of this and what I have to do now is to draw Circle I'm going to make it uh inch and 3/4 that will give it uh 3 and 1/2 in three and no inch and a half would be three 3 and2 in right for my inner circle then I've taken and figured out what I need left over on the outside and I've come up with 7 and E so I've marked 7 and E right here my inch and 3/4 here now what you have to do now is to split this these two lines split that in half and what I came out with was two and that's uh 11 16 2 and 11 16 that's halfway between here and here now what you have to do again is to split the difference from here to there and I've come up with using the compass you swing an arc on either side both sides and join come across that way you found your Center here and it turns out to be on my project an inch and uh five 16 give or take a little bit so now what I have to do is draw circles in these places and I'll be right back okay so what we got is our circles and now I have to divide this into six segments using an angle G age that I have so what I've done is to segment this into 60° pieces I've got my main access here that I started with 60° off of that another 60° back to 180 there's another 60 60 and back to 180 using my digital angle marker digital angle ruler so now we have to figure out the points to which our Arc is going to go to uh make this work the way it's supposed to okay I put an indent on the 60° marks on the second line that's the middle of these two and what we have to do is come from here to how do we do that okay I'm sure you didn't notice but I forgot the inner blue circle next to the inner red circle the project is finished and I'm not making another long worth Chuck this was the third and it works great like I said you can make so many mistakes and well I've pulled out enough of my hair for one day goes from the center ring across there out to this point oh hopefully you can see that we've got your 3 in 3 and 1/2 in circle this is where the base of our stomper goes we've got an arc going from this point to that point we've got six of them and we got a whole bunch of lines here that don't make any difference now can't quite hit the compass to be able to use this so I'm going to have to do them freehand but that's not going to make any difference because when I put the router when I set up the router it will do the correct Circle this is only to highlight so that I don't make any more in the M mistakes than I have to you're limited to the number of mistakes you can make you know and then you start to pull your hair up thank God I still got hair there now we can see that better I'm just taking about 3/16 of an inch cut each pass and going in both directions to clean out the sawdust until the slot is finished each slot has to be sanded to get all the fuzzies off so the bolt will slide smoothly now that I've got it sanded I'm going to put the center circle on this so that I'll be able to line this up I'm going to drill also drill a hole for this um Center Post so that we can run it through the bottom this will go in this way mounted on the bottom so I just have to figure out my circle here and this way I can line up after I've got it Dr it out for the for the center post so that's the distance and I'm going to be using uh to a seven 7/8 inch hole here to get my Center I'll be able to put this through and I'll be able to screw it with the three screw holes and mount it onto the bottom here and that'll be the end of the bottom so I got to rearrange things here be right back so I've got to drill a hole straight through this using the seven 7/8 bit so I made a little jig hopefully to keep this vertical if it isn't then hey I got to do it by eye line that up in the center drop this over there and I've got a little plumps spot on the back of this we'll see what happens now we got a nice hole through the center that should work out for our plunger part we can line up this in there I've drill I've drawn a circle to give me a an idea where I should put the put the screws in and we can attach that so because I have a hole in my table for this just purpose here I can uh drop this in and I've already put a spot there for my screws I can mount this right in the holes that I've pre-drilled and we'll see how this goes we got uh everything lined up perfectly I hope okay so that's mounted pler ready to go ready for the next step which will be the uh mounting this piece in the center here so that we can have it centered over that be right back okay I've got this rubber piece that came off of one of those sprinkler heads and I'm going to inser into the top this is well this is the top of the uh Long Worth Chuck and I'm going to inser it so that this won't be seen it'll be flush with the surface so I'm putting a little feet on the bottom of this so that uh when I do get the uh the posts in there that they won't uh get caught on anything so I'm just dropping these in place now I put that in the hole I don't have any worries about the all the the ends of the nuts hitting anything and I can screw that right to the table couple screws here and and that'll hold it in place place so I've got everything set up I've got washers underneath there I got washers in between I have to take these apart hopefully they stand up properly and I can drop my second plate on top of this hopefully they just stay right where they are this is the tricky part whoa wi not all right now we put on well going to hold that up somehow little washer there little lot not under there once I screw this down it will be tight and I'll be able to move that back and forth I'll be back I've got them all connected I've got a bolt I got a couple washers washer on the bottom washer in between the two and I've got the washer underneath the black nub here here and they all tie together they're all hooked up that's how this works I've got it screwed down here so it won't go anywhere and now I can do like a 3 and 1/2 inch U segmented bowl and I can do all the way out to the it's uh close to 14 in to do to put it together use the stomper there it goes and that way I can push it down line it up crank this in to center it push my space down onto that and we're in business I hope this was helpful for your project it's always fun to make something new thank you for watching and please tell your friends leave a comment if you like hit the like button and subscribe to my channel thanks again for watching
Channel: It All Fits Wood Products
Views: 5,061
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: mDqY02NiLBg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 20sec (1100 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 03 2024
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