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hey and welcome to longview game day you are looking out over the skyline of the dallas city uh well i guess city scene is probably the best way to put it we are coming at you at one of the coolest football scenes in the state of texas chuck zack tony kirk sitting in for a few minutes with us keaton daniels we've got a huge ball game tonight as the lobos of longview high school are getting to face one of the well if you want to call them benchmark programs legacy programs whatever you want to call it you can start usually with a conversation about highland park and the scots and that's where we are today island park for the real estate surprise and playing the football team get a little dicey because they are awful good and they love to welcome you in here and as i always tell people these rich kids will flat out hit you yeah they're not like other kids they uh they're raised differently over here yes sir this is definitely a powerhouse have a high school where the people is nice the atmosphere is even nicer yeah it's a beautiful place and they're great hostels and they don't let you win very often that's true yeah in fact the last time they lost was last year after they beat longview down in longview they came back home and mckinney decided to smack him around a little bit in an overtime game mckinney north with a 31-30 win that's the last time they've lost a district game a home game before that we got to go back quite a ways in history to see them lose so it doesn't happen very often here and of course when randy allen's your coach you're not going to lose very often anyway well randy allen throws down the look he's uh he looks the part of the highland park head coach you'll see him on the sideline that typically he's in full suit with the fedora on and uh he looks like he ought to be the head coach at highland park high school wait he kind of gives you that tom landry look he does he began the fedora back in 2000 and has been wearing it ever since we saw him in pregame he didn't have the coat on no but he had the white shirt he had the the tan slacks and he had the striped blue and gold tie on and so he will be in full regalia tonight but this is really about how are the lobos they last week had a big huge 56-nothing win over wiley east in a game they really needed they needed the good win they needed a chance for the offense to get some parts back on the field including taylor tatum who was hugely important and we hadn't seen in a few weeks we got a lot of things fixed from the last couple of weeks penalties down no turnovers threw the ball really well you know jordan allen was eight for nine for for the time he was in the game everything was exactly what they need to get ready for this tonight i agree it was a clean game from offense defense special teams you couldn't ask for more the longevity played great last week but of course that was my least and you got to play great against highland park we'll tell you this about highland park if you don't know and if you're watching this you're a lobo fan you know they don't beat themselves they don't have turnovers very often usually three or four penalties a game at most is what they actually that you can count on them getting otherwise they're pretty clean most of the time i agree i agree yeah that's what you expect from a highland park team they're going to be well coached and surprisingly uh more athletic than you expect because they all have speed coaches they all have nutritionists and they all have a desire to beat you when they show up on friday night it's a mini college football program when you when you walk around this campus you kind of feel like you're on a college campus exactly right exactly right you don't normally see many high schools in the state of texas that looks like this this is ultimately the best place one of the best places to play on a friday night yeah very cool place to play a football game on a friday night and we're excited to be here and i know the lobos are excited to show them what east texas football is like because when you play football in east texas you really don't take a back seat to anybody no longer you only play for one thing and that's the win baby well they're five and one coming into this game they lost the opener against denton ryan and since then have ticked off five in a row and as we said gotten better each week didn't look great beating marshall in the first bounce back after denton ryan looked a little better against legacy have looked progressively better each time they've come out this is really what john king was hoping for at the get-go he knew he had a lot of youth on this team a bunch of sophomores playing a smaller senior group than you normally would have question marks at quarterback question marks an offensive line they seem to have solved some of those injuries have played a big part in an offensive line that's been all over the place they i think they've settled in on where they're going to be for at least for a minute or two until maybe they get a couple more bodies back but really i think the key has been we're starting to see week by week a growth in jordan allen that people were looking for you said it best you said it exactly right i haven't we started out kind of like like this last year too as a year went on we got better and better and better just trusting the process taking the game by game day by day and let's let's put let's keep stacking that up and do the same thing tonight too well and i think they've figured out a way to use jalen hell a little better when you've got that cadillac out there and you're a run oriented team and you're kind of thinking well i got to get this guy the ball but it's got to come in the flow of the game and you kind of get the sense that that's beginning to happen totally agree they're moving them around a whole lot they're they're finding they're trying to find them in space to get him the ball and let him be an athlete that he is and get and get out and do freakish things and just score from anywhere one more touchdown catch he will tie the school's all-time record with 23. he gets two he's it by himself and that's still with half of a junior in a full senior year left to play so there's lots of football left to do no question about that but we may tonight see jalen hale come up big and they're probably gonna need him to come up big and he's facing a defense that's a little different than you normally see these guys are huge on the back end normally we talk about a defensive line big their safeties are 6'5 6-2 he got a 6-3 cornerback the smallest guy in the secondary six foot tall so this is an imposing back end they can make mistakes and heights can help them to make up for some of those mistakes jordan's going to have to be really good tonight jalen's going to have a big body on him a lot of the time it's going to be a physical game for jalen hale tonight for sure not only not only are they a big team they're also a smart team i watched a few of their games this year and i've seen a couple of guys from rockwall they had a big time receiver there i watched their i watched them bring their safety down and put him in front of the in front of the receiver and the corner just back up i expect to see that a lot tonight too well when you got a big physical safety you keep that receiver from getting off that line and when you got a guy like jalen hale if you can keep him from releasing yeah it's a lot easier to defend him sure for sure you know we've talked this much and we haven't said a word about the highland park offense which is really kind of strange because that's normally the highlight it's the matt staffords of the world it's the the jones kid it's those guys that we usually are talking about they got a new quarterback this year a kid who's trying to make his mark brennan store he's just a junior most of these guys have to wait their turn to get a shot their senior year he got a little lucky he gets two years at this as a quarterback but they don't really have a huge game breaker on offense they're solid on defense they fly around on defense can the longview defense take advantage of maybe no huge game breakers on the highland park side and it may take a willie nelson pick six tonight to be the difference for the longview lobos getting a win for sure it's gonna one of the big keys for tonight on the defense is to not miss open tackles you're going to have to tackle the open spaces because they're going to spread you out they're going to really spread you out and try to run it up the middle try to try to get it inside the numbers on you guys well and when you look at highland park offensively they're very patient they take what the defense gives you they want to move the sticks and every once while they'll pop some play action on you and uh that's where they may get that big play is when they get you kind of rocked to sleep in the running game and then bam they'll hit you with a slant or something and look out here they go oh yeah we was talking about the quarterback um every game that i've seen he's gotten better and better too he's not going to allow you with this athleticism but he plays with a lot of heart he's he's a gutsy kid out there him and the other two running backs or three running backs you got to watch them because because they got they got a lot of athletes right there between those four guys yeah that's a great point it's not one tail back it's not two they've got three different running backs we're going to be keeping an eye on because they will shuttle them in and out they've only had i think one 100 yard game for any single of the backs so far this season that's really not their mo it's going to be hitting you with four different receivers three different running backs you're not sure where things are going to come from with this team because i don't have the big huge division one prospect sitting out there that you can put your attention on but they got seven eight guys that you got to be accounting for all the time for sure assignment's gonna matter tonight for sure you gotta you gotta play smart football eliminate the mistakes control the line of scrimmage keep everything in front of you and you'll be all right and they're gonna have numbers they've always got depths at highland park and uh there's not a huge drop off and so in a night like tonight against a quality opponent numbers make a difference definitely does definitely does all right uh well i'll tell you what we're uh what about uh 10 minutes or so away from the starting uh from the kickoff of this we're still getting the lobos coming out onto the field in fact they're just now entering their tunnel to come out here we're coming at you live from highland park about 10 minutes away from kickoff extremely excited about this we remind folks if you're checking us out on youtube on facebook wherever you on the app tell folks about it share it this is a huge ball game we know it's a long drive for folks from longview and from from east texas to get over here to highland park it's fair weekend if it wasn't enough of a challenge to get here on a normal friday night you've got the fair coming in you got ou texas tomorrow and so this is the opportunity to check out the lobos without having to worry about being here and remember we're free if somebody's out there telling you you got to pay for the service no sir it's free so if you know somebody say man they're going to charge me 10 bucks to watch it you don't have to do that click here you got it make sure your friends know yeah it's a great opportunity for the folks throughout east texas to uh root for the lobos tonight when they went to the big city i everybody in east texas ought to be rooting for longview tonight sure long view versus everybody yeah well the city focus we like to say right about that it has been a long time since highland park lost to longview in dallas 40 years this stadium's been here we've never played them here the last time we won at highland stadium it wasn't this one it was the original that was 55 years ago yesterday wow so we got to go back into the 1960s to get a win for longview against highland park in dallas here at highland stadium now i say all that to say we've actually won at texas stadium before but not here on their turf on their campus at their stadium so hoping to make some history tonight the atmosphere is perfect to do it well it's about time for sure timing's everything and i'll tell you what both of these programs we think of them as being perennial winners but both of them struggled to win a state championship for a considerably long period but once they got over that they've become powerhouses they're in the right size classification now and i think that's meant a lot to both these programs they've kind of they both have about 2 100 students and they're in the perfect position now to be perennial contenders yes this is both both programs are well respected well recognized and tonight if you ask me this is the best high school game in the state of texas well we know there are folks from media outlets all over the place covering this thing we know the folks at dave campbell's are here tonight we know we saw ballet sports are there a bunch of folks here tonight and we're here for you guys tonight and that's one of the reasons we're outside tonight because that press box in there it's packed like sardines yeah we got banished we got kicked out of the press box we're outside but i tell you what it's perfect weather it's a little breezy what you're hearing is going to be a combination of the crowd and we're just a few yards away from the highland park band to our right and we got a little wind going on tonight so we're going to fight a little bit of audio stuff tonight but uh we're gonna do our best to make sure the video is perfect and we'll try to you know make up for our bad audio that would be tony and i well yeah but uh the real hero tonight's gonna be our cameraman who we've basically embedded in the drum section down here and he's going to get the worst of it yeah captains are heading out to the middle of the field you can see him out there right now doing their thing and we're about to get the the coin toss and figure out which direction and who's going to get the ball first as they head out we you have the uh the sheet of officials i guess we can do that up here on my phone but uh our officials for tonight our referee it's gonna be a nathan maxson our umpire's clifford peacock headlines with timothy witt line judge tommy gillam back judge jeff brixley field judge brett little and our side judge tonight it's going to be william bean and the captains for the longhorn lobos christopher clodfelter is out there along with israel sanchez joshua harrison and it looks like the uh and our fourth captain is uh nequellen vaughn did you say longhorn lobos because i thought you saw mcconnell i did not all right highland park has won the toss and we're about ready to get uh ourselves going here so we appreciate keaton coming up and joining us for the appreciation thank you so much hopefully you can come up at halftime we'll talk some more anytime you guys need me i'm here all right we're going to uh grab a seat and get ourselves ready for the beginning of this ball game all right we're still rolling here as we get ready uh we're going gonna take a little break here for the national anthem momentarily as everybody gets lined up we'll give it back to uh frank and the boys as we get ready for national anthem [Applause] and remove your here see water america with the play of our national anthem by the highlander band of highland park high school [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right let's give you the starters tonight for the the two teams as we get ready for a [Music] monstrous match-up here in longview excuse me here in highland park 75a division one this is basically for first place in this district a lot of you sitting with a 2-0 record in district highland park tyler are 1-0 sherman and mckinney north are one and one and the folks over at wiley east and west mesquite are owen two and looks like the lobos are going to be kicking the ball off to start this one so we can set the offense for highland park for you and their offensive line will be lawson petty a six four 270 pound junior gone and gobert gannon gobert rather a six two three hundred and eight pound senior at uh at left guard andrew marulis junior center charlie wilson 295 pounder at right guard and grant gibson one of the captains he six three two eighty six he is a senior at right tackle their quarterback is brendan store 511 175 pound junior will certainly get you more on him as we get ready to start luke herring john rutledge are the two outside receivers luke rossly and jackson heiser the insiders christian reeves ben crossdale jake cox will be the three running backs that you will see for highland park all right michael fields ready lobos in their white road uniforms highland park with the man back deep that's john rutledge back at about the three yard line he took a touchdown kickoff back for a touchdown a couple of weeks ago against sherman they're waiting for the sign for the officials to get this started here we go hand is up fields approaches and we are underway with a squib kick to about the 33-yard line and that is about as far as longview uh will give up to about the 40 and that's where highland park is going to start the defense for the lobos tonight it'll be billy smith leonard epps and jesse fairchild across the uh defensive line jeremiah rugley and tadarian boone are the outside backers caden brooks and devin isaac are the inside linebackers willie nelson jaden simmons are the corners chase smith and it looks like tonight the start is going to go for omari and wallace who is uh at the safety spot for colin sublet tonight it was uh banged up a little bit last week so first down 40 yard line and on first down we'll have a handoff and that's going to be stopped in the backfield little or no gain second down and 10 coming up on the carry was christian reeves yeah they came out in the shotgun a little offset back there they're going to go fast now second down and 10 store a backward pass and they're going to try a second throw this one thrown out near the sideline there's some contact and the pass falls incomplete at the 30-yard line jd simmons and omari and wallace are over there on the coverage trying to stay with 85 that's jackson heist the junior for highland park third down and 10 coming up simmons was not fooled the corner didn't bite safety didn't bite either as uh wallace gave him help over the top it was a ball that was called but he was out of bounds so good job by the longview defense not to bite on the trick play early so we've got a third down and about 10 coming up now we've got triplets out here to the near side to start out three receivers right one left for highland park and we got movement all over the place left side of the offensive line looks like they move for the scots and it's going to bring up third down and 15. first penalty of the day yeah and it would be interesting to see uh they want to run a little screen or something you figure at this point highland park's uh worried about the pass rush that a long view is going to present here on third and long it was the best pass rusher for the lobos has been jeremiah rugley the junior he's got three sacks although kaden brooks had a couple last week he's up to three and a half the third down 15. [Applause] store snapping his hands a couple times for the ball and now it goes back to pass store looking middle of field rush coming he's hit as he throws it completes it out there to rutledge who's short of the first down at about the 48-yard line fourth down in a couple coming yeah you kind of think highland park might want to go for this early it'll be interesting to see they have not brought their punter on yet but now it looks like they're going to it's a pass up to about the 42 excuse me the 47 yard line so they need a full two yards and they are going to go ahead and kick well they're showing like they are let's see uh lolly's got to be careful about not jumping off sides and they got to make sure they play good defense on this punt so they needed 15 they got 13. back to punt is jack stone he'll kick the ball at about the 37 yard line this is way up in the air but short 30 yard lines where it's going to hit it's going to take a long view bounce out of bounds up at around the 31 yard line and that's where the lobos will start for the first time today yeah talk about playing good defense they had a slot receiver out there they brought him back at the end but they showed they might be interested in looking down field but when longview got a man covering him they i think they decided to just go ahead and put the football all right so the lobos will start on offense 33 yard line the offensive line for longview dequalin vaughn is going to be at left tackle christian arnett at left guard baby on morgan's center blair williams is the right guard jax norman the right tackle i formation to start with on first down and we're gonna have a handoff up the middle there's a big hole up across the 35 yard line that thing closed up in a hurry as jared lewis takes it out to about the 36 for a gain of three well this has looked good in the last few weeks he kind of inherited this tailback position but uh he's done well in his time that time they came out in the power eye with the fullback set all right so second down and seven coming up this time for the lobos jordan allen at quarterback back to pass hits jalen hale in the backfield he's going to break one tackle but not get away from george wright the senior linebacker he's committed to smu and it's going to be third down in about six coming up for longview in the pre-game keenan talked about trying to get the ball into hell's hands in different ways that is one of those things that we're trying to do right there get him in some space let him operate well defended by the scots so the ball's at the 38 yard line third down at five we are just getting going here 10 12 to play in the first quarter scoreless ball game if you're just coming on board with us third down and five for the lobos at the 38 yard line allen rolling a little bit to his right sees lewis hits him at the 40. he'll have the first down across the 45 and down near the 49-yard line and great patience from jordan allen that time to wait on the linebacker to drift a little deeper and allow lewis to get open underneath well he did all that with a man in his face they brought an extra linebacker that time on the blitz and he went right into the space allen had rolled to but allen did not panic instead he waited for his receiver to get clear in the flat and then found him gained 11 on the place of first down lobos at the 49-yard line [Music] hail to the top or the right hand off the lewis up the middle across the 50 down to about the 48 yard line he's tackled from behind one of the defensive linemen for uh highland park comes up a little hobble that's the guy that made the tackle number 90. i don't have him on my program you do well let's look him up here and that is mason galas that time uh lobos come to the line and they had to h-back to the right side victor bush and he moved him over the left side ran a trap play that way pretty good gain on first down second down in three ball on the highland park side of the field now at the 48 yard line back to pass goes allen looking deep throwing up her hail and he overshoots hail the coverage was back there i believe that's adam the corner that was running with him and he'll try to get the inside position on the d-pass that just overshot everybody well that time it was well defeated the highland park face wanted a uh offensive pass interference that kind of got tangled up in the feet they're late i don't think either one of them are gonna have a chance to catch the football but uh we're used to jaylen hill doing special things that time he really did never had the opportunity isaiah harris fullback for this team jarrett lewis has gotten to start at tailback uh amari at hamilton number four is splitting out to the left excuse me to the right he's getting start as well tonight so third down and seven ball at the 48 and this is gonna be the big fullback isaiah harris across the 40 they'll pull him down at the 37-yard line that's the first down for the lobos on another 11-yard gain on the third down at five well we talk about it every week with the lobby's offense that fullback you've got to hit that bottom enough to keep that defense honest on that dive play and uh it seems like the three or four times the game they run it they typically get a significant yardage harrison a huge game two weeks ago he was quiet last week two carries four yards but he picks up 11 on that one they're expecting pass to get run it's first down lobos at the 37. allen to roll to his right looking looking he'll throw one toward hail and he can't catch up to it at about the 10 yard line [Music] is [Music] george [Music] and he's hit right at the 30-yard line and very close to the first down as in space but i'll tell you what the scouts did a great job they got a lot of bodies over there on the far side quick is the operative word of this highland park defense they aren't huge but they run around first down excited [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] coaches on the offensive side for the lobos you know mike valerie oscar wilson john john jeff hancock spencer boris and david ashley first down in five at the 21-yard line hamilton split up left scale at the top right he's going to come in motion across the quarterback's face and we're going to go hand off taylor tatum his first carry he breaks one to the right fighting the defender will get down at the 15 yard line for the lobos [Music] he got a chance last week after a few weeks out to finally get back into a ball game he had six carries for 63 yards and a couple of scores last week he comes in 46 carries 241 yards he's the second leading ground gainer behind jared lewis gonna come up with it uh [Music] so they drove from the 33 all the way down to the five and it popped up the football highland park all the way back at the five yard line we do that as we cross to 549 left to play in the first half scoreless ball game first down handoff up the middle though the scots and trying to get a little rumour about the seven yard line maybe a little more than that but not much more let's see if we get the back as he gets up and made that carry i think that was really used it was christian he's number four i tell you what uh i think they just wanted [Music] coming up for highland park 517 left back to pass score he's got some up to the 49-yard line for a 42-yard completion yeah running as one of the captains was wide open wallace was late to the scene and when he got there he interfered and that's the first time we've seen the impact of no kyle sublet out there they're going to put it down right on the 50-yard line the first down and 10 50 yard line they got out of the hole in a big hurry island park haven't weighed on the chain crew and here's another handoff to reuse this one bouncing outside left 35 excuse me 40 35 and that's where he's dumped down at the 35 yard line simmons on the tackle as well he came back last week and uh he came all the way across the field from the left side linebacker position now that becomes a first down after the 15-yard gain scott's driving here after recovering the fumble at the five brennan store so far this year's completed 66 of his pass is 909 yards 11 touchdowns four interceptions he's got a first down at the 35 blitz coming they'll hand off to reeves inside and he's going to burrow down to the 30-yard line for a gain of five and it'll be second and five tell you what things turn around quickly it looks like the lobos are on their way of going in for a score fumble results in a turnover on the five the next thing you know scotties get a big play and now they're in position to get their first points of the night all right so second down and five looks like another offensive lineman's about to check in for highland park as big body comes rumbling onto the field they've had a little injury issue at that spot robert sweeney who's a guy with offers from florida state penn state maryland tourist acl in the first scrimmage of the season back in may and so he's not been able to play in trouble and under freshman scores dropped back at the 43 yard line coming in hard is that number 32 kaden brooks with the sack all the way back and they'll mark him down at the 40 for a loss of 10. i'll tell you what that's one of those things store probably the smallest thing he could do was just not throw that thing up took the sack they've got an opportunity here starting long but still you kind of have to live to play again and that time he gave up the sack but didn't make the stupid pass we had said that caden had a couple of tackle excuse me a couple of sacks last week that gives him four and a half on the years he leads the lobos all right with uh 3 47 to play third down and 15. back to pass store again got some time pressure coming from behind you'll throw this one deep toward the goal line tipped and knocked away at the last seven jayden simmons with the hands as he barely tipped that away from the intended target jackson heist it's gonna be fourth down we remind everybody that's a sophomore corner right there who's been awful solid all year and that time for a moment it looked like there was separation he closed the space and just very relaxed would have knocked the ball away and the scots are not showing they're going to punch here bought the 40-yard line they don't feel like they can't kick this ben crossland 34 checks into the game for highland park they've got three receivers in this set two guys in the backfield which we have not seen much so far in this first quarter now a little deeper drop store looking like he is quick kicking there it is it's a kick that's going to hit at the 13-yard line takes a highland park bounce inside the 10 and will die at the 9-yard line and that is where the lobos will take over well the scots flipped the field if nothing else they did and uh kudos to the lobo defense they uh toughened up there at the end kept them out of the end zone kept them from getting any points and we're still 0-0 here and we got 332 left in the first quarter you bet all right lobos offense coming back out there they had a really nice drive to begin this ball game for them on offense only to cough it up at the five yard line we'll see if we can start again back at the nine first down for the lobos and it looks like we're going to have in the backfield very quickly uh dekalin taylor's back there number nine standing at the goal line he's the deep back on first down we're gonna hand it off to him right up there excuse me that is not him that is i thought i saw a nine instead that was the uh eight on the back of taylor tatum for a gain out to about the 14 yard line for a gain of five i'll tell you what tatum's so deep in that backfield we can hardly see him but taylor tatum the sophomore another young player getting the touch that time they had the power eye once again harris is going to check out a piercing to see if they go back to the gun here but it looks like they enjoy the gun when it's second and shorter yep hamilton gonna split out wide left that's a win for the lobo offense a five yard first down pickup second and five coming up option time allen keeping it he'll hurdle a defender and get down to about the 17-yard line where he's about two yards shy of the first down came out in the shotgun but they were interested in running that option that time the quarterback faked the pitch keeps it after having fumbled i'm glad to see the coaches go back to him because you know sometimes you have a kid fumble the ball makes you nervous coaches give him an opportunity right away to get the touch to go across the line of scrimmage with the football coming up on 220 left to play in the first quarter we are scoreless third down in two long view with the ball at the 17-yard line harris is the fullback again dives work a couple times they'll go back tailback first down taylor tatum across the 20 powers down to the 24 yard line for a seven yard gain and that's the real difference between he and jared lewis lewis is a little quicker a little more invasive tatum's just an old-fashioned eye back and uh he'll run you over if you're not careful so as we cross under the two-minute mark here the first quarter first down lobos this is the drive that's going to have started on the nine yard line if you don't get points you at least want to flip them back around again couple of first downs minimum would be what john king's looking for very tight defense this time full back dive harris crossed the 25 maybe the 26 for a gain of two second down at eight they've locked what they've seen with that played it out that's as little yardages they've gotten on that but uh they're going to keep hitting that middle you just kind of feel like there's a lot of body blows early in a fight right now as longview is very content to hit highland park between the tackles charthaven wright's checking back into the game he's coming in with taylor it looks like so on second down and eight we're going to split everybody out harris is going to be the lone guy in the backfield along with jordan allen [Music] [Applause] allen back nope his quarterback draw the whole way he got grabbed at the line of scrimmage and fought his way up to about the 31-yard line he got snagged by henry jargovin going through the line who stopped that from maybe being a first down run his positive yardage to the 31. yeah you're right uh that could have gotten to the secondary quickly and no telling what would have happened but uh you're right the big tackle got an arm on him slowed him down and so now it's the third and three and this is a big early down for longview and that's a very usable play with a three-man defensive line that quarterback draws there as many times as they would like to do it if the linebackers start dropping back automatically into coverage maybe the last play of the first quarter here down to the last 33 seconds third down and three at the 31. allen back to pass trouble dropped back at the 22-yard line first sack of the game for the scots and that's 45 sam webster junior linebacker on the tackle back to the 24 fourth and 10 coming up kind of a swirling win there's really no reason to try to rush this punt off i'll be surprised coach king's gonna let the horn blow and we're gonna go to the quarter all right well there's the first quarter in the books we are scoreless we'll take a break be checking this out on longview game day at guitars y and young we take things more seriously every case that's handled at our office is handled by a team that work and dedication has caused our office to recover more record verdicts and settlements than any other law firm in northeast texas it is our obligation to make sure our client has the financial backings and the manpower to be successful we are exactly who we say we are we're trial owners who've gotten results year in year out here all right we are back scoreless ball game second quarter's about to start and uh they didn't get exactly what they wanted they got one first down and now we're going to have to point it back to the scots with a uh a chance for a pretty good field position for highland park and i described it it's a swirling wind if you look at the flag it's not hardly moving but we feel a breeze here at the top of the stadium the flags are almost straight out so i imagine down there in the bowl it's hard to predict what this thing will do once you get it in the air and turn man back there we go at the 30-yard line i lost my own audio there forever that's uh it's back it's we're good now appreciate you michael fields standing back on his 10 yard line getting ready to kick it and we definitely have some wind the flag is not showing any movement but it's as tony said swirling around here and it almost looks like it's blowing from fields back this one comes up it's not a good one it's going to go out of bounds and it's going to go out of bounds near midfield and they're going to walk this one back across the 50-yard line and still coming still coming oh my goodness to the 43-yard line it's a what 22-yard punt yeah it's not a good effort that time for the lobos an excellent field position here as the scots get their third position of the game and uh i kept waiting for you to do your famous call on that punch that was my call it was ducky oh yeah it was ducky but i was worried about losing my audio again it was actually just a shorter punt a 19-yard punt that time for fields and so first down scott's at the 43-yard line boy they got great field position they went forward well they had short kicked it at last time quick kick the store back to pass he's going to throw this one far side that's caught in a great open field tackle far side by simmons at the 40-yard line as he stops that for little or no game and that's rossly on the reception that's just a great individual play well i said every week these two solve more corners they've kind of stayed away from willie nelson tonight now they're going to flip them here and uh they're excellent young men as far as cornerbacks second down and seven now balls on the 40 four receivers set for the scots reeves is the lone tail back here comes the pressure and this is a designed quarterback run store gets away from a couple of guys can't run away from jeremiah rugley but it's going to be a first down for the scots anyway i tell you what that was a neat looking play that time what they did was they did play action looked like he was going to drop back and then did a quarterback draw for play action you just don't see that very often usually you want that back forward helping you block if you're running the quarterback draw that was not the case there nine yard gain for storer on the second down and seven so first down for the scots at the lobo 31 yard line they're spreading receivers all over the place back to pass story's gonna do the same thing again quarterback keeper again this time it's boone that gets to him first and drops him for a two-yard game at about the 29-yard line second down at eight yeah they're making you play defense against all 11 men right now that time no play action that was just a straight quarterback draw but still very effective getting them going on this first down actually yeah i was excited did you see that when you first saw the player i thought he was across the 29 yeah you know what happened there buddy he got that knee down kind of reached out and grabbed him by the ankle and knee may have hit first so 30 yard line second down in nine store going to roll to his left looking that way he's got a man open caught at the 25 yard line and out of bounds that is rutledge again on the catch it'll be shy of the first down and third down three coming up rutland's big target out there that's second time tonight they've hit him on that sideline and uh they just had the quarterback waggle to the left and he was wide open there they were giving rutledge plenty of room and uh he got both feet or one foot down all you need in high school but i think you got them both down looks big he's only six foot 160 pounds he just looks taller than that and quite the track guy he's in motion now on this one lobos better account for him store back to pass looking middle of the field that's caught by rossly as he goes down at the 18-yard line for a first down that was a great job of the offensive line they cut the legs out from under the pass rushers on the left side that time when you're going to make that quick pop pass like that you don't want those linemen to get their hands up great job by the highland park offensive lineman on the right side to take the legs out from under the defenders they've a traditional offensive line at university they've got one in stanford right now and one at smu right now first down 18 store again quarterback keeper oh he got his head grabbed and it came ripping off and that'll be flags all over the place on the lobos as arugula got the hand a little too high and de-helmeted brennan store and this is going to be a first down for highland park probably down near the 10-yard line inside the 10-yard line i don't know if every official threw a flag but the vast majority of them did and that's going to be 15 yards and that's a pretty much no-brainer call right there [Music] yeah that's that's i mean it's an accidental one you know we have some penalties that are silly penalties that's where you're reaching up to try to grab the guys he's running by you and got a handful of face masks and you're right it's all about momentum the defender is going one direction the quarterback's going the other direction he tries to reach back and that's the call there it is again it took a long time for something that was pretty darn obvious that penalty happened at about the 20-yard line and they will push the ball down to the eight it's almost been about the 19 17 yards i'll pull it down to the eight yard line and it's going to be first down and goal for highland park 9 28 left here in the second quarter no scores thus far in a very quick first half all right first and goal at the eight first down not much going as reeves gets up ended at about the seven yard line gained a maybe one on that play second down his wall excuse me chase smith made that tackle and they'll be second in goals if you're logging right now it's a win if you can hold the scotch to a field goal you just want to make these last few yards tough and you want to make them have to come out on fourth down and kick the field goal reeves has the most touchdowns rushing at three we'll see if they go to him no high snap it's uh storge in a late pitch that is a pitch to crossdale and he gets picked up and dropped to the ground by willie nelson at about the five yard line it'll be third and goal we talk about these quarters every week the great thing about the two corners excellent coverage guys but they're also physical make those tackles this is a big play coming up now third down in goal we are down to 8 23 left to play in the first half scoreless half that has been moving pretty fast once again if you're lobbying you just want to keep him out of the end zone make him kick the field goal wrigley's going to pop over from one side to the other rutledge in motion store looking for him he's wide open in the end zone there's a touchdown they've never accounted for rutledge who went in motion and it's six nothing scots with 805 to play in the first half well-designed play they ran them in motion as you described then ran a little down and out just across the goal line lobos failed to make an adjustment get somebody out there on him and uh highland park gets the first points tonight kicker coming out is jack stone they've actually got two different place kickers who's that sam heinrich 60 or 66 hard to tell the kick is on the way up and good it doesn't matter who it is he nails it and it's a seven nothing lead for the scots 805 left to play in the half we'll take a break coming right back to longview game day [Applause] [Music] and now at or we want to buy your used vehicle and we'll give you guaranteed top dollar for yours and if you prefer to trade even better with massive savings on every new vehicle at or cadillac gmc in longview [Music] it was a nine play 43-yard drive for the scots took three minutes and 55 seconds and it ends with a touchdown pass from brennan store to john rutledge to make this a seven nothing lead for the scots they got aided a little bit by a face mask penalty but in all honesty they had put together that drive the first that's just punt swap jump started that drive the poor punt they get the ball on the 43. you add 15 yards or actually half the distance to the goal on the face mask and uh it was something that coach king says we can't do we just can't give them short fields and easy opportunities that looks like 80 is their kicker now we thought 88 they had a hard time making out the 80s and 8s here but it looks like that's probably grayson shrank maybe as their kicker this one he will bang all the way down into the end zone it's muffin comes out and goes out of bounds at about the five yard line that was a taylor that and it looked for a second like he was wanting to run that out of the end zone and looked up the field to start his move and uh it came off his chest and the lobos are going to start in terrible position again mental mistake that time it'll be a 95-yard field they're dealing with well we talked about the punk that jump-started the scoring drive now they get the ball back another special team miscue has made it a long field for the lobos to try to equalize this thing [Applause] all right well first down for the lobos now at the five and on first down handoff out across the 10. looking like maybe the 11 yard line that's lewis with the carry i'll tell you what like that play came out in the shotgun you figure hey we got to get some yardage we'll come out in the power eye instead they come out in the shotgun riddle run a little sweet play they had run all night and uh get a little breathing room right away from that goal line all right so the lobos with a gain of about five maybe six yards so we'll say second down in four 7 30 left to play in the first half of this game and on second down handoff across the 15. and that's going to be lewis again i believe and he may have the first down he did he got across the actual yard to gain at the 15-yard line so two carries for jared and 10 yards almost 11 in the first down and that's real field awareness right there but jared lewis he knew where the first down marker was he laid out there to make sure that they got the first down and move those sticks so first at the 15. if you're uh if you're john king you'd like to just drive this thing the length of the field eat up the last seven minutes of this half and get the ball to start half number two seven nothing scott's lead ball to 15 yard line first down and ten play action pass allen back to pass look inhale pass a little bit long for him and incomplete it'll be second down and 10. tell you what that time hamilton only got single coverage they've done a good job of scouting the longview longview likes to bring in hale to the inside every so often and run him out like they did that time but they did a really good job of doing that and covering that but they didn't do a good job with hamilton who was wide open down field well and a better pass and hale's got a first down it was a pass off the mark so with 6 45 left second down and 10 now for the lobos at the 15 yard line and on second down handoff this is lewis again as he goes for about eight all the way down to the 23-yard line he's not flashy all the time but it's straight ahead well we're looking at highland parks defense they've been keeping those safeties pretty tight we talked about on the previous play hamilton was wide open down field he only had the corner by himself you figure your third short to really draw those safeties in all right so on third down in two balls at the 23 yard line back to the ground they go first down and more it's lewis to the 40 tries to elude the last defender and he'll get him down at the 46 yard line but it came at 23 in the first down that's one of the dangerous things that defenses deal with when it's third and short you bring everybody in tight and if the back is able to break that initial line of scrimmage typically they have plenty of room to operate in the secondary longview has been successful running the football 16 carries 92 yards rushing in this first half against the scott defense but they've mixed it enough passing to keep the scots defense honest and they've mixed the two backs between tatum and lewis to keep them fresh for the second half first down balls at the 46. allen back to pass well he's got only one guy in the pattern he's gonna have to throw this thing away as it goes out of bounds into the long view this was only hale and there were four scots back there as they had max protection on and the scots were not biting they stayed all with hail four of them one of him and uh it was a smart play he got outside the hatch marks threw the ball away out of bounds no there's not a receiver there but that's something they allow to protect your quarterback you can get rid of the football that way it's just got to be across the line of scrimmage she's got to get outside of the tackle box here and get rid of the ball six minutes left to play as we come to the line of scrimmage here in the first half hamilton out wide right high formation deep back we'll play action pass to him alan rolling tosses it to harris to 50 and he's going to be escorted out of bounds at about the 48 yard line for a gain of six and it's third down and four well defended by highland park they put a lot of receivers out on that side of the field and rolled to the right they only allowed the underneath pass to keep it in front of them it's a big play for a long view because you don't want to turn the ball over the clock stopped on that out of bounds play if you want to get a first down here it would be dicey to go for it on fourth here at around midfield you know if you pick up two and you cut this in half i still see john king going for this at four i don't third down and four at the 48 yard line and before we get going there's gonna be a timeout one of you will take one we'll take one too you're watching us here on game day don't fumble when you're looking for your next trailer at r.j trailers we got to hook up cargo mate hallmark texline diamond seat we've got the inventory selection to get you into the end zone snap into savings with rj trailers don't pass up on the best deals around rnj trailers in longview and online at rnjtrailers.com [Applause] [Music] we've got the hook up all right 5 52 to play first half seven nothing highland park with the lead the lobos are driving and having a big third down and four coming up hopefully he never hears this ah you're probably intimidated how about some scores from the district tyler's on top of west mesquite 10-6 uh widely eased 13 mckinney north nothing those are first-half scores third down and four now back to the eye two receivers left and we're going back to the ground it's lewis he is leaning again for a first down across that 44. boy he is so good about that last lead well that time it was a big first down we talked about it before the timeout you don't want that stock stopped and having to turn the ball over again to highland park you said as this drive started john king would love to just methodically work their way down the field and uh get a score here before the half all right first down in 10 lobos 44 yard line 525 left to play and a half seven nothing highland park with the lead we're gonna go back to the ground to tatum who just checked in and taylor's in trouble and he's gonna be dropped back at the 47 yard line that's a full three-yard loss and that's what you can't do against highland park very well right there 95's jack curtis and you don't run wide on jack curtis well he just kind of pushed his blocker into the backfield and blew that thing up and you certainly don't want a negative play one thing you want right now under five minutes you want this clock to continue to roll if you're john king if you don't if you don't get points you sure don't want to leave time on the clock for highland park there's 440 left as they come to the line of scrimmage here in the half island park still got their timeouts they've got all three of them we're gonna flip victor bush from left to right and we gotta take a time out again well we got too much time unless they got it yeah john was called for the timeout no he didn't get in time they got the delay penalty instead so now you're going to have almost 20 yards for the first down and if you're john king you want to get some positive yards kind of kept this thing in half here on second down yeah yeah i think he was looking like i think we can get this off in time i think we can nope nope didn't do it so five yard penalty second down and 18 now they were in really good shape now they're not allen back to pass he's got a few minutes curtis coming long throw into double coverage that's picked off by that big safety at the 10-yard line and push knocks it out recovered by the [Applause] who got back in the behind that play after bush stripped it and we recover it at the 21 yard line bizarre but a first down for longview not exactly how you draw it up here's a replay right here you'll see the interception he really throws into double coverage but just a heads up play by bush so he intercepts it he starts to return back to about the 15 yard line and then fumbles it and uh vaughan recovers it and how about that sometimes it's better to be lucky than good well bush made his own luck that time he time-hawked that thing he tried to pull him down and when he couldn't he just tomahawked the football out so it's longview ball first down at the 23-yard line that one you don't even ask about you just take it back to the ground to lewis inside the 20 still going forward down to the 17-yard line for six yards in the second and four clock continues to run under four minutes here crazy crazy alternative events in the lobos who have not had great luck at all this year got some big luck right there real opportunity here for the lobos to tie this thing up before the half second down and four at the 17 yard line [Music] back to the ground this is the fullback harris little jump hop over the 15-yard line down to the 11 for a first harris has had a good night thus far he's not flashy but that time a little fancy footwork to work his thing his play through the line of scrimmage that time so a series that started at the 23-yard line now sitting at the 11. personnel changes for the scots yep 3 10 left to play in this half another i formation set up harris in front of lewis give it to jarrett right tackle not going to get back to the line of scrimmage got hit first by jack curtis knocked backwards for no gain we talked about the personnel changes they went six down linemen that time they know that longview is a power running football team they've watched the film they kind of had a sense here wanted to still run some time off the clock that they would do that beers to see where hell is this time don't see them on the field they go strictly power here and it's going to be a time out for highland park yeah they're going to take the time out we will as well there is a 2 31 left to play in the first half you're watching us here on longview game day out of east texas neil mccoy here for paterson nissan and longview home of the free lifetime warning shopping for a pre-owned vehicle has never been easier just head over to patersoncars.com and you'll find over 1400 quality pre-owned cars trucks and suvs many certified 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out of bounds at about the six but this one's going to be coming the other direction well you got a block below the waist in the back they were out of the tackle box and the offensive player didn't have an opportunity to get in front of him since that he was about to get to allen and he uh kind of speared the back of his legs and they're going to walk off 15 on that yeah well so close and now we're going in the wrong direction again back to the actually mark off yeah yeah hold it on that instead let's see if they he reached out and grabbed him [Music] yeah i think he did he's reached out and tackled all right well it's second down and uh they have to get to the one so make it second down and 20. i apologize i'm talking about replays i've seen on the scoreboard so in my box as we don't always have them for you at home all right here's the second down play now after the hold alan straight back looking got cross there's hail it's a goal line picked off and no drama or preston taylor who just had an interception and fumbled it this time can't hold on to the ball and longview dodges a second bullet on this drive well we talked about their safety play that time safety was back off the line of scrimmage playing center field had an opportunity to break on the ball did everything right except for just pull the thing in and if you're the logos you might want to think about where you want to set your field goal kicker up at yeah you've been tempting fate here a little bit and i think john king's going to take a time out to figure it out 217 left to play in this first half we've got a uh a seven nothing game and coming out of this timeout it's gonna be third down and 20 for uh for longview well if you're john king certainly you wanted the seven points what you don't want is to come out of here empty-handed you're looking right now at about a 40-yard field goal 39 probably you'd love to get anywhere from 5-10 yards to put your field goal kicker in better position your special team coach knows which hash mark he wants to be on that's part of the equation as well do you want to get to the right hash mark do you want to build that left you want to be right down the middle what works best for your kicker another option here they've done some quarterback draws we've seen them run some screens in the past those are other options you can look at here you figure the highland park's going to put the umbrella out make it pretty difficult to find hell down here well they're not going to give up 20. no they'll be fine giving them 10. if you want to play for a field goal they're not giving you 20. and the scott fans are going to stand up third down and 20. lewis is a deep back allen one two steps handoff to allen on the draw trying to find a little room to run and he'll only get to about the 17-yard line and there's your answer in a play for the kid came out straight power eye looks like for a moment he's going to do play action last minute stuck it in the belly of his eye back and now it's up to the kicker to try to erase the shutout here before the half 208 left we talked about highland park had wanted to probably save themselves a little time they have no matter what the results of this kick is they're going to be looking at about two minutes to try to get some additional points themselves well you know it says a lot of uh i won't say a lot of similarities but last year's game was just an 18-13 win for for the scots over at lobo last year these two teams are defensive heavyweights you're just not going to get a lot of points against either one of them and you can see this is a great matchup well if you're longview you're probably going to go the half thinking we move the ball pretty good at times we just didn't take advantage of it now we just didn't get some breaks where we needed him so michael fields to come on for the field goal attempt this is going to be a 32 yard attempt harris is his holder with 208 left to play in the first half michael kick on the way bangs this one up and good and it's a 7-3 ball game with 203 left to play in the first half and if you're john king that is a win-win because uh that was a strange little drive for points all right let's take a time out you're watching us on longview game day printing your photos just got easier just pick your size color and favorite photo and we'll do the rest because your unforgettable moments are meant to be framed [Music] it's a weird drive the lobos kept that ball for uh 14 plays what looked like a drive that was dead on an interception they managed to recover the fumble by preston taylor who coughed it up and uh with a little more time they got a first down and then ultimately got a field goal 32 yarder out of michael fields to make this a 7-3 ball game you're right that's a huge win if you're uh if you're anybody on the longview side of this field you look at that and say that could have been two interceptions yeah i was excited you didn't mention the second one should have been interception that's right after throwing what should have been two interceptions you somehow walk away with three points all right so it'll be first down excuse me kickoff time for michael fields now as he'll put the ball down on the 40-yard line 203 left to play in the half the scots still have two of their timeouts longview's got one so fields is ready deep man is rutledge at the two and we're not gonna kick anywhere near him bouncing ball off of the uh the up return man that is crossdale and crossdale tough runner will finally get out of bounds that's going to be at around the 34 yard line and a late flag comes in at the end of this that's not good as crossdale and a couple others are in the longview bench area and there's still some jaund going on yeah you figure that's not going to work out in favor of the lobos you figure that's going to be some extra curriculars after the whistle and when you've got a two-minute drill about to get started the last thing you want to do is give them 15 yards yeah now this is going to be a you would think quick discussion and the lobos are already walking backward on defense and here comes the official call that personal foul on longview that gets some booze from the highland park faithful but the ball is going to be down near the 50-yard line i'll tell you what that's the last thing in the world what you want to do if your long view is to give them the ball at the 50 with a minute 55 left ouch and we talked before about penalties were a problem two weeks ago we had 14 penalties two weeks ago we cut that thing down to seven i think last week you mostly have all your options in place here you've got a minute 55 and two timeouts so it's first down and 10 at the 50. store who's been on the bench for a while now with that long drive goes back to pass on first down middle of the field slant a little bit low intended for heist i'll tell you what longview coaches thought the slot receiver on the far side took off a step early they lobbied but they did not get a call and it's second and ten longview defense gonna be again asked to rise up here and stop we wouldn't say high power this isn't really a high-powered long view excuse me a highland park team though no they're not that way but we've seen one big play tonight on a slam play that broke big all right second down and ten star with one man in the backfield with him back to pass he goes looking middle deep he's got a man there caught that's rutledge he'll catch and get knocked down at the 20-yard line sublet in the game was the first guy there brought down by simmons and it's a first down on the game of 30. yeah that's a match-up you don't want you don't want your safety on rutledge and they uh exploded at that time for a big gain all right first down at the 20-yard line biggest offensive play for highland park back to pass again lifting one toward the end zone receiver didn't see it that ball was thrown much farther to the sideline than hearing the intended target saw it and it falls incomplete make it second down in 10 138 left to play in the first half still uh it's hard to tell the wind down here if you're thinking how far out can they kick a field goal here i promise you highland park's got probably two or three kids on the sideline who can make the field go from here you would think and you're probably gonna make one on saturday in a year or two well i'll tell you what they don't have all these soccer championships around here for nothing they probably got kids on the girls team you can make this field goal it's funny to see the girls soccer state championships posted across the way on the building over there second down store back to pass defender at his feet he's in trouble rolls away from one roughly trying to find a beat thrown high and incomplete as he was aiming for herring on the near sideline it'll be third down in 10. we're down to uh 129 left to play in the hat if your longview you've got a chance to maybe get away with this thing with just three points or at least put the pressure on the field goal kicker to make it what you don't want here is an interference penalty you don't want to rough in the passer you want to uh force him to go to the field goal yeah no penalty no no penalty have we seen one yet on the scots because i don't think we have which is typical they don't make mistakes they don't make a lot of mistakes all right third down and ten man in motion means three to the left store looking that way got a man caught at the 20. that is rossly who spins his way and he's going to be marked down at the 11 it looks like and it's going to be fourth down and one two one simmons on the break just lost his footing left the receiver wide open he did a good job of hopping back up and getting back into the play but uh right as the receiver made his cut he lost his footing and if you love you got to be conscious of a fake field goal here and crossdale they're going to come out in offense oh yeah fourth down if somebody better get on rutledge he only needs one step for a first down it's going to be the quarterback store hit in the backfield he's going to be stopped the lobos stop him zarya shepard i believe is the first one that got there [Applause] just an outstanding play that time 101 he had to beat him big man said not to not and he just pulled him down and pulled him away from that line of scrimmage shepard who had a couple of sacks last week comes up with a huge stop with a minute 16 left to play in the first half if you love you here you'd love to bust a big run here to maybe give you an opportunity to get a field goal but i'll tell you what that's just an outstanding play by the lobos on fourth and short and a little surprised randy allen didn't take his three points well if you're uh if you're the lobos you got a little life here 116. you got to be careful and not be foolish you're going to get the ball to start the second half they're going to go back on the ground and lewis will go for maybe back to the line of scrimmage second down and 10. looks like everybody's going to be content to go to the half neither coach indicates they want to use the remaining timeouts not yet we're under a minute 58 seconds and counting second down and 10. 20 seconds left on the play clock if you're coach king you figure you're gonna milk it down maybe burn a timeout right before the 20 or excuse me the 40 second clock runs out i'm not sure did lewis not come out of that now i guess he's back in there looks like somebody with a 20 came out of the game i thought that was louis we'll see maybe if that's tatum it's in there now handoff up the middle and it is tatum in there gain of a yard or two and we don't even have to have another snap if john king doesn't want one no that should get us to the half all right well they're gonna let the clock count down john's not showing any hankering to do anything and i would assume they'll start walking to the halftime locker room 10 seconds and counting and uh will get a late play still talking to his quarterback and i just think he's going to talk to him long enough to let it go to zero and that'll end the half that the lobos marched up and down the field fumbled at the five yard line on their first drive what looked like they were going in for a score they get one field goal out of it and they're probably fortunate to be in a 7-3 ball game yeah that's funny a ball game that i'm assuming i haven't looked at your stats yet but i'm assuming long view out gained the scots but probably are fortunate to go just training 7-3 how about the quick look at what went on for stats then highland park at 138 yards of offense 114 of that was passing the football longview 137 yards so pretty darn close 111 of ours was on the ground as opposed to just 26 through the air we were four of 10 throwing the football in that first half lucky to have just the one turnover could have had two should have three ended up with one and we've got a 7-3 ballgame in the half yeah tell you what we're going to get keenan back in here for a minute but we're going to go to the band next year i'm looking at frank here we're going to stay live down at the halftime all right so uh we got time to get keenan back on the headset and talk a little bit but we're just going to watch the band 111 i don't know what he said but i think we're going to watch the band all right we're going to watch somebody else which is fun we've got a 7-3 ball game the only scorers are the only points in this game a touchdown reception now he wants to talk no yeah we're going to stick with the halftime show because of the band competition coming up right we're gonna have a tight zoom so you can't see the whole performance but you will get to see a select few members of the band uh as they complete this the halftime show and you can hear it that's right absolutely we're gonna hear the band so we're gonna stop talking the band's about to come out there we'll let you at least listen to the longview lobo band of course the highland park band is going to come up after that we'll bring you some stats some scores and more as well as uh getting the king daniels back in here as well we'll do all that here at the half on the game johnny ranco athletic coordinator winston trump hp director of bands ryland injury boys coordinator randy allen girls coordinator susan bailey and all of our academic and athletic coaches and captains ladies and gentlemen your 2021 conference 5a uil lone star club champions the scots of iraq high school [Applause] [Applause] foreign [Applause] [Applause] me [Applause] all right [Applause] [Music] us officer cyril newton right lieutenant has lieutenant senior lieutenant joseph lieutenant commitment and the center for captain senior following the u.s will now entertain you with this streamer jasper team to you drag me down yes [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Applause] so [Music] [Applause] and now the city won monkey firestone just performing this perfecting two bad thank guys [Music] [Applause] so [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] so [Music] [Applause] hey [Music] ladies [Music] machine [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] here so [Applause] me [Music] [Applause] out [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] my uh [Applause] uh [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] hey [Music] [Music] uh [Music] what's up [Music] [Music] [Music] hello [Music] oh [Music] oh yeah [Music] community members and isd for their continued support this season we are also about to thank our sponsors for this year thank you for your attention to the nice performance [Music] cheers [Music] [Applause] [Applause] hey [Music] [Applause] [Music] is hey [Applause] [Applause] oh [Music] me [Applause] is [Applause] [Music] would like to thank her is tonight [Music] uh [Music] [Applause] [Music] you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] let's give them one more time [Applause] oh [Applause] high school proudly presents the 2021 island bells lieutenants from left to right are greer dunstan ebony duplo ava tiffany chloe walsh and neely womble [Applause] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you for your halftime entertainment the bells will perform a jazz routine too i'll be there [Music] good morning is [Music] [Music] [Applause] know [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] so [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] the proud final sponsor of the island is origin bank the bells are under the direction of mrs shannon phillips assistant director is mrs emily sanchez [Applause] all right we are at the half 7-3 longview trailing the folks over at highland park but the lobos will get the ball to start the second half and uh before we jump back into this half we got our special guests again to bring back in there all right sir no no you saw the first half of this ball game tell me what you think now what where are we short of getting back into this game the big thing that we are sure that it we just got to finish we are controlling them we're controlling them on offense we got long positions we just need to stop eliminating the penalties uh the turnovers we just need to go score touchdowns and i think the way that we're playing right now we're going to wear down on them in the second half keaton what'd you like i love the way i love the way our offense is running the ball offensive line is really controlling their defensive line um we're we're running getting positive yards just about every time we're running it so that's a good between the tackles yes sir yes sir uh hopefully in the second half too we can definitely get this passing game going i know we've been kind of looking mute right now struggling a little bit with a passing game for sure four of ten jordan allen for the first half 26 yards had an interception could have had two yes sir walked away a little fortunate to be down just seven three yeah for us to for us to almost have three turnovers and only be down by four points i think luck is on our side all right tony kirk what do you think well in the pre-game kenny talked about clean game a week ago need to clean it up a little here in the second half had a couple of penalties had the fumble that when they were about to go in and score uh as you talk about a clean game a clean half i think will do it they just need to come out not make mistakes not make mental errors and you talk about control that line of scrimmage and move the ball i think they'll be okay absolutely and one more thing too on defense if we can just eliminate big passes big plays i think we'll be all right too yeah biggest place have been on the highland park side for the most part we had a fumble recovered at the five yard line the interception the big plays have been theirs yes lobos need a couple big plays in the second half it's time to turn it around it's time to level up all right we're getting ready to go appreciate you joining us thank you guys all right seven three we are at the half we talked stats for just a second before we'll give you a little bit more jared lewis 10 carries 55 yards in the first half isaiah harris had four for 29 taylor tatum five for 17. jordan allen four for ten running the football between the tackles has worked they're gonna have to find some other things yes we saw in the second half against bryant they just decided to come out and impose their will on bryant run the football might see something similar tonight against highland park all right the scots in the first half christian reeves only ball carrier with positive yardage five carries 23 yards but brennan's story was eight of 12 114 yards and a touchdown and we're struggling with john rutledge five catches 96 yards and the only score of this game they're gonna have to make sure they account for number two in the second half well he's a weapon they move him around a lot we've seen him in motion they find the right match-ups for him and uh we saw him return a couple of kicks he's he's just a pretty dynamic player that the lobos are going to have to try to find an answer for him because they're trying to avoid him matching up on the lobo corners that's when they've had success and we have got to eliminate penalties that become big plays a face mask penalty unnecessary roughness or unsportsmanlike conduct penalty a pass interference penalty we've gotten the big variety penalties in the first half island park didn't commit any yeah and uh if you're the lobos it just comes back to what we've mentioned clean it up i think you win the ball game all right well they're gonna get the ball first we've got the scots out there already we have not seen oh the lobos are out and ready as well they're trying to get the band from longview back up into the stands or out of the way or whatever it is they're gonna do out of the far end zone and then they're gonna get ready to go well i think we were also waiting for the chain crew to get back out there and so uh when they can get their uh equipment in place and ready i think we can play some football all right you gotta elbow frank and tell him i need more of my headphones he needs more headphones more cowbell or more headphones whichever so we get ready uh we're getting a little skyline shot we like the skyline it's a great well you asked before the game will would be able to see it at night yes yeah we got it we got very cool and uh one of the cool things about playing at highlander is you get the feel of a neighborhood stadium with that backdrop and you get some outstanding coaches do you want more winning you say more cowbells how about more wins 418 for randy allen he is third all time and he's eight away from passing g.a moore for number two on the all-time texas high school football win list that's g.a moore of celina pilot point yeah at the top phil danaher after 48 years he's still going at cal allen with 484 randy's a long way from that john king 18 season 194 wins if they win today he catches george harris from your furio tony heath from pearl and he did 20 years and a 16-0 state championship in 2010 and tj mills from seeley first school in the state to win four consecutive titles 94 95 96 97 the uh the quad squad they went 63-1 those four years you can catch those three guys if you get win 195 tonight but you got to go all the way back to uh 77 for seeley's most famous state championship team that a guy could run yeah a little guy named eric dickerson who uh went on to have a pretty good nfl career just down he had a little success too see how you skipped right over there yeah well i was going to bring that up but he had a partner in crime then yes he did mr craig james that he put together and actually the pony express people forget was quarterbacked by lance mcelhaney of highland park high school imagine that all worlds collide here at highlander stadium all right second half ready to go long views got their men back at the goal line to kalyn taylor back there that's willie nelson's the other guy back there island park to kick off to start half number two jack stone the kicker for the scots his kick is heading down to the two yard line and they're gonna let this one go into the end zone actually it was a hamilton the other return man and that is where we'll start half number two longview get the ball out to the 25-yard line as we get ready to start the second half of this game yeah when we're going over some of the middle arrows in the first half we didn't mention a mishandled kickoff no very similar kick to that one where it was a tough decision by the return man that time he just let it go going to the end zone 25 yard line is good enough to start and we didn't mention a 19-yard punt we got that too there's some errors all around special teams offense defense pretty good couple of penalties here we go defense made an amazing play right before the half first down and 10 at the 25 jordan allen back at quarterback a couple of guys next to him harris to his left lewis to his right hand off on first down balls loose ball still on the ground scooped up by the scots and there's george wright on the first play of the second half wow that is a gut punch right there my friend and it's 13 to 3 scots scoop and score fighting for extra yards you see it all the time where uh back will just say i'm not going down and all of a sudden that ball just pops out cleanly scooped up and running for the touchdown and uh couldn't start much better for the scots here in the second half one of those senior captains 20-yard return for a touchdown 23-yard return for a touchdown and the scots convert on the first play the second half and we're going to have a that's going to be on the kickoff i think uh did we have unsupported like it it looks like maybe some celebration or something they're going to mark it over kick off the park struggling to get their kicking team out there they may end up getting a five-yard penalty while they didn't run play clock at all still 25 well a bad start to the second half point after try up on the way punched in good 14-3 we are just nine seconds into the second half we may have a penalty on that official on the far side blowing his whistle like he's got something so let's we may get to do that again he's got a flag down if that's all sides maybe half the distance i'd like to split the uh distance on the next penalty or maybe on the scouts dude they may have had motion on that so we're gonna get one on the kickoff and one on the extra point doesn't make mistakes doesn't hurt themselves it's uh a couple right after the scoop and score by george wright the seniors head down the smu we just talked about guys tend to smu like lance mcelhaney from island park how about this one the outside linebacker's going there i will try this one from five yards further back i still look like that's not going to be a problem kick on the way bangs that one up and it doesn't make any difference if it's from the two or the seven it's still 14-3 on the park with the lead well obviously a little shell shocked if you're uh the low boat if there's any silver lining in that you should have pretty good field position considering the 15-yard penalty it'll be interesting to see what the highland park coaches decide to do probably don't expect them to be able to kick the ball out if they got a 15-yard penalty i wonder if they'll try to food or if they'll allow a lot of you to get a return here if you love you i want to cook up a little something when you return here uh you got opportunity here to feel the ball maybe reverse or something like that on your kickoff well so nine seconds into the second half and about as bad as hard as you can have for the lobos the the bad news is 14-3 the good news is you still have a whole second half yes you got plenty of time no need to panic i need to go down and get some points this time give yourself a little confidence [Laughter] it's a 10-7 game all right we talked about the fact that we get a good return out of this big chicken deep left looks like they've got brown to that side and i'm going to move them up around the 15-yard line we'll see if stone's gonna try to boom this or if they're going to try to directional and eliminate a long return there's your kick and there's the answer he's going high and to taylor he'll gather it in at the 14 straight up the field 25 and that's breaks the tackle across the 30 to the 31 maybe 32 yard line and they pick up six yards basically from the last kickoff yeah that's good coverage though [Laughter] this is a big big possession if points are necessary yes but some positive volume is necessary no doubt aquail and vaughn christian arnett davion morgan blair williams jackson norman the offensive line here on first down to the 31-yard line back to pass allen we're going along nope he's decided not to he's got to have to hurry and he'll throw this away into the lobo bench that's coming quickly after with sam webster the junior linebackers already had a sec in this game and it's second down to 10. what you hate about that is you give away first down when you don't get any completion out of it and now a run oriented offense you only got the two downs to pick up the first at some point in time you kind of think the lobos are going to decide hale's best use tonight maybe as a decoy and he'll drag a couple of defenders we saw four go with him on one play in the first half and it may be for guys like darth vader wright or amari and hamilton victor bush are going to be able to benefit from that handoff to lewis three yards maybe they'll take two at the 33-yard line third down and eight coming up yeah this is a tough third night for the lobos because they're a power run football team island park now has the advantage they can drop the safety back they'll find out where held is at the snap give him a little extra attention and if you're the lobos it's tough to get that third if you keep it on the ground back into the game he'll join right and hale and bush isaiah harris the fullback back to the eye with the quarterback under center third down fake the handoff roll out to the right a little room to run he's gonna throw caught along the sideline 45 yard line that's the first down and that's wright's first catch of the day we talked about right at halftime when you and i were discussing that and ride's a kid they want to get back involved in this offense we saw him have some success early on he's a nice option when they see defenses concentrating on the hell that time ryan made a big play so we got first down at the 45 yard line lobos with a much needed first down allen back into the gun handoff to harris oh he breaks one tackle can't get away from webster who gets him down after a gain of just one and tell you what to the guy that blew that up is again jack curtis the 6-4 220 senior he's got offers from arizona the military academy academies ivy league schools want this guy you can see why he's got a big frame he's got a lot more weight he can put on it yeah and that's the key to that big frame he's a kid that you can probably put another 30 pounds on and maintain speed with yeah and he's got a motor that doesn't stop hamilton back in the game he'll split out wide left hail in the slot second down back to the ground they go a little hurdle that time and across the 50-yard line down to about the 47-yard line that is taylor tatum again for a gain of about six maybe seven third down and a couple coming up you'd really like to see taylor tatum get a series of downs where he can just go to work he's the kind of back he's big enough square shouldered enough he can wear defenses out you'd like to see him just kind of break the sweat and start working on this highland park defense 121 yards on the ground for the lobos so far tonight wow flag down before we get going two flags down on third down and two and we got motion yeah unfortunately that time i think that was number 48 that time uh jackson who bobbled at the line of scrimmage is going to draw the penalty so we were across the 50 we're back behind the 50 now and more importantly it's third and seven yeah that takes tatum out of the equation as he goes to the sideline and the passing package comes in for the lobos by the way we're at 9 23 to play we know you don't have a clock up on the screen for you guys but uh on road games we can't do that 9 23 left to play here on the third allen to roll to his right this time gonna keep it himself flagged down again he's gonna be across for the first down but there's a flag down way back in the backfield and the official says that's a hold on the lobos and there's another of those big mistake penalties that's going to cost him another 10 yards that's right in front of the wide head that was an easy call for him to make and that was the reason that hole opened up is they kicked the defensive end out and just got a hold of him and unfortunately we're going to get a holding penalty so we were all the way up to the 47 of the scots now we're back to the 39 of longview and third down just got a whole lot longer third down in 16. lobos are back at least once excuse me the scots are back at least one safety up this time third and long looks like both of them may be taking a step back might be a down for a screen ride here they're looking for hail and they go the double coverage in that direction as he's in the slot right max protection three guys in the pattern looking for hale caught short as well across the line for the first down he takes a big hit at the 45 yard line he got the 16 and took a big shot going over the middle to get it well i'll tell you what that's a big play for the lobos to pick up that first down on third and long it was costly hell's going to go to the sideline hopefully that's something he can walk off you know you those college coaches that have he's got 35 college offers you're watching this as he has no fear about going over the middle and taking the hit you just up your value that much more well he's going to wake up feeling uh very sore in the morning taylor comes in for him in the slot now right's out far right snapped at it looked all discombobulated from the get-go and there's a flag down and it's probably a good thing they'll take the first and 15 because it was going to be second and 15. yeah well we'll have a motion penalty every once in a while a motion penalty is actually the best thing that could happen and it was on that play well funny thing that time everybody on the longview offensive line wanted to have defensive offsides called what they didn't realize is the center didn't snap the ball when they all left oops so back to midfield it's two steps forward one step back for the lobos on this drive with uh 8 20 left to play in the third they trail it 14-3 first down and 15 now on the 50-yard line taylor the back to the right of jordan allen and now allen flips him over to the left and we got another whistle and a flag way way in the backfield i think there's too much time yep they're going to take an eye on this and sure enough five more backwards well when you're coming off of a penalty and you don't get the play going on time that is heartbreaking and coach king's going to bring his quarterback over and that's going to be a spirited discussion i haven't seen the hell come back in the ball game it'll be interesting to see if he returns yeah i was i was looking for him as well yeah there he is he's in the slot this time all right so one play out for jalen which wasn't even a play just a penalty how about back to the ground it's tatum for two second down 18. if you're longview you're happy to give that up all night if you're uh if you're highland park you mean how excuse me how yeah holland park if you're longer you're happy you got a snap off that's true you're just happy you didn't get the call that time second down in 18 720 left to play third quarter this drive uh what seems like it started forever ago a long possession tell you what they've uh they've locked alan cross in the line of scrimmage tonight he kind of set up that option on that play won't be surprised if he pulls that thing in and takes off this time on his own hail in motion and we got another delay another delay three penalties in the last four and i'm putting air quotes plays up there for the lobos and this is just falling apart at the moment well if things weren't bad enough they just lost one of the big offensive lineman 79 i don't the quail and right yeah i don't have him on my roster but he he goes off the field and you don't execute the play and you lose an offensive lineman penalties piling up on the lobos now see who's come in that game i think it's maybe 62 that's checked in for longview at that left tackle spot handoff we're gonna go back to the ground this is taylor bouncing this outside and he's going to get hit just shy of the 50-yard line but at least a little positive and third down goes back to third and 15 or 16. that's martin guerrero by the way that's back in there at offensive line he's been out a couple weeks with his own injuries as he works back in there at left tackle tell you what that's about as good a form tackles you're going to see blake bevin's the corner comes up and just squares up and takes him down one on one if you can pick up seven or eight yards here you can think about going forward on fourth down it's a third down 15 ball on the 50. [Music] 5 55 to play third allen back to pass in trouble avoids one defender now it's a foot race he's not gonna win it he gets tripped up and once again sam webster who's having a very nice game today makes a big defensive play to get the ankle of jordan allen and trap him trip him up after about a two yard gain and now it's fourth down in about 12. not enough there to even consider going forward on fourth down and uh ate up a lot of clock without a lot of production we're down to 5 28 to go here in the third quarter and you're going to ask michael fields to come in and try to punt with a wind again starting to swirl so fourth down return man is back at the 10 for highland park fields is on his 38-yard line there's one second on the play clock they just get that one off his punt fights the wind hits down at around the 20. gets a good long view bounce inside the 15 to 10 it keeps rolling and that wind will keep blowing and if they let it they'll down it at the seven yard line tell you what they haven't had a lot of lucky rows this year on punts but that time the lobos got one right when they needed it they're not kidding a uh it ends up being about a 40-yard punt it seemed like more than that and it felt like more than that but it's uh it's 40 and you take that all day long we get to see the highland park offense finally here in the second half who are those guys first time we'll have seen him today in this in the second half so ball's gonna be sitting actually on the eight yard line it'll be first down they get it with 452 left to play in the third they've got a two score lead at 14 to three and there's the first down play of this series and that's a quick run out to the 15-yard line that's christian reeves who grabs up about seven yards delayed handoff uh the hole popped wide open boone came in there and lowered the boom on him but uh unfortunately by the end it was a big game second down in a couple defensive linemen for longview we've got it looks like dk stanford may be out there right now leonard epps and jesse fairchild we'll do linebackers in secondary in a second brennan store the quarterback back to pass he's looking and going a little downfield a little hand fight with chase smith and unable to bring that in is the outside receiver jackson heist the 6-2 junior and it'll be third down and three one thing strore did there he threw that ball where really only his guy could get it smith for a moment looked like coming over the top from the safety position he might have a play on the ball but it was just thrown away from the middle of the field thus making it almost impossible he would have had to interfere to get his hands on the ball jeremiah rugley devin isaac kaden brooks darian boone are the linebackers willie nelson jaden simmons the corners colin sublet in there and chase smith are the safeties third down three store starts one direction goes back the other way that's caught by jay cox 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 across midfield still going to the 30 cut at the 25 and finally dropped at the 23 as simmons gets him down there but a huge third and three play and cox gets the uh the scots a first down at the 23 of longview well it was well designed and perfectly executed throwback screen over here to the near side quarterback rolls left throws back he's got escorts all the way down the sideline and uh boy i tell you everything we said at half is going the opposite direction we said lobos had to clean it up we had to stop big plays and about a 57-yard play on third and three first down scots at the 23. they'll go to the ground and that's the bigger of the three backs ben crossdale as he goes for a couple i say bigger he's five nine he's just built bigger he's broad shoulder yeah goes for two second down and eight well we saw before the half this lobo defense step up and keep highland park out of the end zone and didn't even give them a field goal because they went for it on fourth down you need something similar to happen right here this big play so far have all been on the ledger of the scots second down in eight store little delay well that one going nowhere blown up quickly at the bottom of that pile losing his hat at the end of it is ethan polti now unfortunately it's going to cost some polti for a uh play is he's going to have to go to the sideline to get his hat back on so third down at eight coming up now in what is you kind of figure fourth down territory for the scots i don't know i think if this is going to have to be awful close for randy allen say goodbye to points in this possession that's true field goal would give him a two touchdown lead he's already got a forced long view to score at least a touchdown a two-pointer and a field goal rutledge in motion to the slot fake the handoff back to pass store pressure coming sacked goodbye fourth down play as another store loses that's going to be a face mask penalty now leighton call coming from the highland park side i mean the line judge fairchild i think got there first and at the end of the play well they had stored down one of the lobos got a little too aggressive it was done the play was done and they ripped off the quarterback's helmet and they're going to go unsportsmanlike conduct and they're going to move them 15 yards with a face mask for the automatic first down and it just kills you he had him fourth down and 13 and they're going to have to try a 42 yards about a 45-yard field goal by the time they got through with that but instead first down and 10. they've got it marked at third they're going to move the chains now i don't know that's all about it first down chain gang over there's a little slow on it so they got the sack and then they give them the 15 yards makes you want to lose your mind sometimes first down three and we got another flag yeah the receiver bobbled here on the near side so it'll be first and 15. willie nelson helped the official with the call all right well we're gonna do uh first down again back five yards to the 17-18 yard line [Music] tell you what the longview defense has been good in the red zone tonight but once again they're gonna have to come up with a big stand all right first and 15 back at the 18-yard line low snap stores got it looking enzo instead he's in trouble flag down back in the backfield i think devin isaac got held a store gets the ball back up to the 15 yard line but we're gonna go 10 yards back in the other direction on a second straight penalty on the scots big play by isaac they had run rutledge in motion he was streaking down the middle of field if the quarterback had been allowed to get his feet set for just a second he would have easily hit rutledge down the middle for six instead it's going to be a 10 yard penalty all right well they'll mark them off 10 more and the scots are back at the 28 yard line it's nice to see it going the other direction here another opportunity for longview to make a big play here probably going to get a couple of opportunities against the pass you got to be conscious of that screen again that's what got him down here first down in 25 they got to get to the three we are coming up on 142 left to play in the third store in trouble sacked again rugeley got him back at the 35 and another flag oh my god here comes the second one as rugley is in there i'll be looking for the weirdest game i don't know what he called a facebook i thought he got him with a targeting or something but it looks like it's a face mask and once again that's an automatic first down doesn't matter how far they had to go they sacked them back at the 35 yard line and we're blowing the long view excuse me the highlands park scots up and they get him an automatic first down now what was about to be second down and around 30. ball's going to be at the 20-yard line now gun check time for this defense that continues here in the uh they're on into the field to make big plays tonight they've given up some big plays but they've also made some of their own down here yeah that's that's a crusher right there we're down a minute 35 left here in the third quarter all right so first down at the 20. first and ten it's draw play all the way that's cox for a couple long view trying to get ball everything else out to get a yard gain for cox second down and nine a little bit of a strange call there you've got first and ten not a uh what would be considered an obvious passing down and they run the draw play but uh not much there 115 left in the third 14-3 the score lobos home next friday they'll get sherman excuse me uh yeah sherman coming in get the bearcats from up in grayson county island park next week is going to be at mckinney north second down nine store in trouble sacked again no face max guys and they'll drag him down at the 30-yard line in for the sack again serious shepherds become a sack machine the last couple of weeks he gets i believe his second of the night and it's going to bring up a third down tell you why we may need to put you in the coaches booth you're uh calling play-by-play and coaching them at the same time i like that it's making me crazy [Music] big third down play here if you're a lobo fan at home it's making you crazy i know it you're watching this going not again not another bad break they didn't that time they stayed away from the face that time trying to get a guy off the field and they do just barely omari and watkins had to hustle off back to pass store got him oh intercepted it's intercepted we're going the other direction kaden brooks is going to take this thing the distance for the touchdown the lobos get back on the scoreboard thank you defense with a 65-yard interception return for cayden brooks and we're back in this game on the last play of the third quarter i'll tell you what that defense has been phenomenal deep on the on into their field they just keep making plays the last play of a bad third quarter for longview and they got right back in this thing on just a silly that was a silly play you don't throw that ball with brooks was standing between store and his intended target and he just gathered that in and it was a foot race to the end zone fields point after is good let's make it 14-10 as we take a break 30 seconds we'll be right back here on longview game day over the last 10 years our office has achieved many record verdicts and settlements our commitment has always been to outwork and out fight any opponent we have in whatever courtroom we find ourselves in at gudarzian young we have settlements inverted to their unmatched whether you come face to face with the corporation or the insurance company they know that if they don't justly compensate our clients they're going to have to face the guidarchy and young trial team in the courtroom how about we show you the replay on this one watch number 32. boom 65 yards later lobos got a little life little swing pass he jumped it and just took it to the house don't mean a thing you don't get that swing well i tell you what that's a huge play not only did it get points on the board you feel like it brought the visiting crowd back into this ball game longview faithful had kind of gotten beat down it's been kind of a crazy half scoop and score to start the half big play on the screen to get down that into the field and then several frustrating calls just when you thought longview was going to get out of the jam they get some penalties they give them first down and new life and then they make that play well the two scores in the third quarter came courtesy of the defense scoop and score on the first interception on the last 14 10 to score keep the the keep everything get all the kids out of the room because it's going to get great everybody out of the way lock yourself in your car wherever you got to be with uh with game day and check out the last quarter of this bad boy and share it share with your friends share with your enemies share with them all here's a kick by fields this one's going over the head and down to the one yard line coming back up the field the 10 the 15 20 25 30 and up ended across the 42-yard line that is ben crossdale on the return and the scots are right back in good field position at about the 42-yard line yeah wallace eventually takes his wheels out from under him but uh prior to that big play that time to set them up in excellent field position on their own 42. he had to really go back to just catch that thing lost his momentum but then it almost seemed like they're on the far side somebody lost their lane and they came back with a big return yep [Music] tell you what if you're longview defense you want to just keep making big plays you may give some up but you got to make some here we go if you are the uh the lobos this is the quarter to play for timeout highland park before we got going we're going to stay here highland park's got a timeout and they just didn't have their personnel package right they got out there ready to go to work and looked at didn't have somebody in the coaches called the timeout all right well tell you what a game that has lacked some excitement for the lobos for the longest time gives us a little bit of life here can the defense who's been asked to come out here and carry the offense for most part today stand up again and force a punt back from the scots well i tell you what in lieu of that we just may need big plays and they've gotten some big plays tonight we had several big sacks on that last defensive stand that unfortunately got erased by the penalties obviously the biggest play being the interception return for the touchdown but they really started putting pressure on this highland park quarterback who i'll be honest it looked a little shaky since he's seen the pressure brennan store who got a lot of pressure the last drive but not for a couple of face pass penalties the uh lobos chopped down three or four sacks in that last possession so here on first now we'll see if randy allen wants to go back to the ground nope back to the air store got a little room up the middle he's going to run it himself defensive defensive lineman are not going to keep up with him as he crosses the 50 to the 45 yard line for a gain of 13 in the first down well complete loss of containment that time it flooded the left side with receivers that took pretty much the linebackers and the defensive backs that direction when he broke open he had a lot of green turf in front of him he used most of it say what if your coach allen you'll take that one right there sure close down the pass rush a little bit i don't risk an interception or a sack and i got a first down out of that my offense got something positive but it may settle stored down too first down at the 45 back to the ground to reeves sweeping right he is not getting much jeremiah rugley from behind grabs him gain of a yard maybe two seconds yeah that's what i'm used to seeing from highland park football right there those little outside plays cut up get all you can out of it not a lot there that time but that is what they're used to doing here reeves has had a tough day today for their leading rusher it just hasn't been there seven carries 32 yards well they just have not established a consistent running game and in fact just 38 yards on the ground and if you take some stacks away from from uh store you're down to about 25 yards of rushing offense score back to pass that toss back screen again this time the lobos do a better job sniffing it out and they stop cox after a short game to about the 47 excuse me the 42 yard line and it's going to bring up third down and seven outside containment was much better that time from world view the last time they ran that throwback screen they got it to the outside that time good job i don't know if that was willie nelson on the far side from that corner to turn that thing in but that's what made it work some credit to john perry and the defensive staff tonight josh rankin scott hart brandon bonds trevor murphy they've done a whale of a job tonight third down seven big play store back to pass looking middle got a guy caught and he's gonna have the first down that's rossly he just put his head down and barreled through two defenders and got the first down couldn't get the tackle from chase smith that time or from uh zarya sheppard but the real credit at that time goes to the park offensive line they gave her plenty of time to find that receiver clearing he's coming across the middle you got to wait for him to get to where you've got your line of vision to hit hitting that time store had plenty of time he had the window he makes the completion nine yard gain they needed seven they got nine they keep the ball moving on first down and ten at the 33 more passing score gonna run flag down [Laughter] on their sideline we'll have to wait and see who that is but they're going to bring this thing back i believe that's huge that was a you kind of sensed that randy allen and his staff have figured out their best option running the football right now store yeah it's it's let the pass rushers come up the field the lanes open up in the middle but instead he's going to be again behind the chains now this one's going to be marched backward this is really when longview's pass rush has been most effective when they've had a long way to go for a first down we saw it down here on the other end of the field they were able to get a big pass rush when it was second long third row they haven't marked the ball back at all that was a flag that was in the backfield 9 58 left to play in this game 14-10 score they haven't marked anything back the official took a time out now they're going to call the scots are going to call their guys over to the sideline the lobos will do the same well they've got the man down on the far side they're attending to the injury and even though he's not on the playing field they're making sure he's clear of danger yeah but they put that ball back down the original line of scrimmage at the 43-yard line let's see if they're gonna mark something off now after the fact that was a run that was down to like the 30-yard line yeah well that's we're looking at first down and 20 now no first down in oh okay oh i'm on there i'll excuse me i'm thinking we're in a city check they got one of them fancy boxes with the numbers on it down there they need to tell us when they're to use the fancy one so it's a whole detail probably all right let's try that again now pass outside to cox he's going to get across the 40 for a gain of about four and it'll bring up a uh second down in 16. good play that time by kaden brooks to get him out of bounds and nothing extra he just got him out of bounds got the whistle didn't throw him down or anything that could have constituted a penalty and now we're looking at about i have seven and second and sixteen yes i'm going to go with that too yeah a little maturity for the lobos here would be nice no silly mistakes second down 17 they're going to spread everybody out this looks like a store run again said he's going to pass that one's caught great tackle whoa i say great tackle great start of a tackle and how about there's a great tackle but unfortunately it came 10 yards down the field how about cox who caught the ball again in the flat and just refused to go down just ran right through i think it was simmons trying to make the tackle it was a great form hit and he just wouldn't go down didn't wrap up like he needed to and it's willie nelson finally body slams him to the ground but not until he gains enough for a first down willie may consider a wwe career ball sitting at about the 18-yard line first down low snap store again gonna toss one out to cox flag down again that may be rough on the passer as store loses his helmet fairchild got him we talked about being mature there's the not mature roughing the passer yeah that's going to take you halfway down to the goal line and uh just unfortunate decision that time simple little swing pass store had gotten rid of the ball i didn't see who the defender was but it's going to result in a roughing the passer penalty as a store got his helmet knocked off again the lobos really need a dose of calming down defensively they're frustrated right now because they thought they should have been off the field and can't get off the field well they need to hold this to a field goal if you keep it to a field goal it's a one score ball game 841 left here in the fourth quarter yeah we're going to have a uh half the distance they put it at the nine yard line or eight yard line yikes first down and goal from there back to pass store looking deep end zone no defender there a little mix-up in the secondary and a touchdown pass to jackson heist and now it's 20 to 10. yeah it looked like almost a little circle wheel route where they may have done a little picking down there to get that inside receiver to circle out deep we'll have to look see if they put that on the scoreboard replay but uh it was a cute little play they executed there yeah well here comes point after try as stone comes on for another p-a-t high snap kick up and good 21-10 with 8 19 left in this game let's take a break we'll come right back to game day it's a new season come in and get yourself back in the game with our legendary mvp experience it's a mancation with our hot steamed towel relaxing shampoo and a winning cut check in online and walk out with confidence sport clips it's good to be a guy eight and 19 left to play seven plays 58 yards they do that in 416. courtesy of that kickoff return that began it again it was another special teams breakdown that started that thing shorter field and then the timely penalties multiple penalties again the the rough and the passer penalty being the one that got it down half the distance to the goal and unfortunately this hasn't been a clean half and the lobos still have 8 19 left and this is a ball game they're still in position to win but they're gonna have to do some things that uh they're not gonna have to be miracles but they're gonna have to be special yep they're gonna have to get a score and stop and try to win this thing at the end they've got to get a score which the offense so far tonight has not gotten a touchdown they pitched two shutouts this year have the longview defense the offense being shut out right now here's the boot that one hooks out of bounds see if it got into the end zone and yeah you did yeah so it'll come out to the 25-yard line not pretty but effective and so once again lobos will start on their own 25 we talk about 819 left on the clock what can you do with that well if your long view you can stick pretty much to your base defense you still got your timeouts and uh when i say that i'm looking on the board here i'm trying to find time yeah there they are the goal supply they got all three timeouts they've got time out so you can use those on defense you've got plenty of time to go down the field and do what you do you don't have to get out away from what you do well yeah the third quarter was not kind of the longview offense though they've got to make something happen first down go to the ground and not much isaiah harris for a couple second down and eight coming up that time looked like everybody on highland park was pinching down expecting something up the middle we expected or excuse me longview to come out against highland park in the second half and really try to establish the running game unfortunately that scoop and score early kind of got them out away from what i think they wanted to do this half second down we're going tight formation just one receiver split out left full back dive a couple of yards out to maybe the 30 third down in five once again the lobos are facing a defense that is very compacted pinching down just not a lot of room between the tackles right now and you're not spreading people out no that's you've got 10 of your guys in the box i say 10. you got your offensive alignment you got two backs and you got one guy split out against what basically 10 guys in the box for for a long time for highland park yeah finally they put third down up on the box over there third and five at the 30. allen a roll left got a blocker in front of him tosses it ah wide for out of hale fourth down and five and nothing you can do but put the football here it was a uh unfortunate time for a three and out we're down to 707 left here once again lobos have three timeouts they've been heavily dependent upon their defense to make big plays tonight once again they're going to need their defense to make a big play yeah long view had a nine play 21-yard drive in the third quarter of course they had the scoop and score you know fumble on the first play of the quarter that's their first three offensive plays of the fourth quarter and it's a three and out they net five yards fields into punt wind behind him a little bit this time he's got a high punt fair catch called for and made at the 38-yard line that's cox on the fair catch and it'll be first down scott at the 39. we'll be down to the last seven minutes of this game tell you what jay cox looks like an outfielder there he scooted up on that ball with the defender right in his face really caught it about shoulder high almost like he had his hands in the wrong position but excellent job of not letting that ball hit the turf they start on their 39 and tell you what they're a couple of first downs away from really putting a lot of pressure on the lobos not a lot of rest for the defense they got a three play break and they're back out there again seven minutes left 21-10 highland park with the lead three receivers near side store quarterback keeper himself across the 40 picking his way to the 45 and slings forward across the 45 to maybe the 46. he's going to bring up a second down in about two and a half well we mentioned it once already in this half it looks like they've come to the realization their best running option is the quarterback and he continues to pick up big yardage he took some big sacks tonight he won't have great stats but uh he's made some big plays with his feet you know but he gets back in positive stat numbers that's encouraging for highland park because i mean it sacked him enough times of course he lost a couple of those sacks on penalties right all right second down and three to the ground they go oh that's a good play boy open field tackle extraordinaire that time tonight is that boone submarine down there and made the play this is a big third down that was ben crossdale on the carry and not much in fact no gain so third down and three all right defense third and three you're gonna be asked again to try to get the scots off the field 550 left to play in the game running if you can tackle them for a loss here i use a timeout i know it's early but they're going to let the clock run on third down store back he's got time he's got a man caught at the 48 that's reeves picks his way across the 40 to the 35 and out of bounds with a first down 529 left great call that time by the scots they kind of sense it was going to be tough sledding to try to pick it up on the ground instead they get a guy out in space and he picks up first down yep down to the 34-yard line for first down yardage [Music] tell you what that may start salting this thing away yeah if you're the lobos you don't expect highland park to do anything that's going to give you much of an opportunity to make a play i won't be surprised if we don't see the quarterback just run it a couple more times yeah clock just became an enemy you couldn't stop him there the clock's the enemy store handing off late handoff and not much for crossdale second down and 10. yeah unfortunately lobos gonna start using those timeouts and they'll burn the first one right here that comes with 5 22 left they've got two of them remaining but not many opportunities we'll take a break we'll come right back here on game day at guitars y and young we take things more seriously every case that's handled at our office is handled by a team that work and dedication has caused our office to recover more record verdicts and settlements than any other law firm in northeast texas it is our obligation to make sure our client has the financial backings and the manpower to be successful we are exactly who we say we are we're trial orders who've gotten results year in year out 5 22 left to play 21-10 the score first trip for longview here to highlander stadium since this stadium was built in 1980 last time they were in a highlander stadium was the old one that was on october the 7th 1966 final score that time 33-14 highland park with a win may not want to come back here anytime soon yeah i would say if i'm john king and they tell me realignment next year takes me out of highland parks district i'd probably be okay with that you know i see him at a neutral site in the playoff game yeah not a problem all right second down and ten store delay handoff again coming the other direction that is crosstalk oh gosh he tries to hurdle and boy i tell you what he he gave willie nelson a face full of cleats that's a dangerous play for all involved and he's going to see if he got a first down here now and willie's kind of shaken up a little bit officials asking if he's okay i just got kicked in the head ref yeah you got mule kick there and uh willie's a tough kid but that's not anything you want to uh well i'll tell you it's a dangerous dangerous play for two different players both the defender and the offensive player fortunate there both of them got up and penalty is going to bring that thing back i think they called hurdling on it yeah they call the hold they call the house on the run so though take away all of the drama of that play we'll go back to the 44-yard line let's watch that again that's pretty good replay right there frank's got for us if you can watch this thing to the end he takes flight didn't have a very good landing no willie nelson wouldn't intend to be a landing pad either 509 left long yardage to go store back to pass throwing outside that is caught by crossdale and he gets dropped immediately by tadarian boone and it's going to bring up third down and the lobo's going to burn another timeout boone will leave a mark on you if you're not careful he uh missed a couple of games this year he is a kid who is very physical very aggressive makes some big plays love to see him make one here for a moment there looked like store almost hung that thing up enough where they were going to have another shot at an interception that's been the only offense really for the lobos tonight is at pick six second time in two weeks we've seen a pick six willie nelson last week and this week it was uh uh caden brooks with his 65-yard interception return highlights i tell you what if you take away the two second half turnover scores this this is a low scoring ball game we're looking at about a 13 to three ball game right now 14 to three yeah all right next week we're back at home back to lobo where uh sherman's sherman's coming in i've said that twice and every time i want to question myself they're off tonight so the bearcat's not playing they're kind of waiting it out to see where this one's going to go and what kind of position they may be in so they know now a win over longview next week gives them the second spot in this district right now tyler's beating west mesquite and mckinney north and wiley east are tied that's a 21-all about the same place in the fourth quarter in their game third down long pressure coming and uh how about a sack but just getting that ball away before the sack azaria shepherd again who's just become a beast of a pass rusher forces that incomplete and it's fourth down and you don't have to burn a timeout now uh they tried to set up the screen again that time big play by the defense as you said what makes it big is the fact that uh shepard's getting to him forces the pass out of his hand it falls incomplete and stops the clock brennan store tonight 16 of 23 239 yards throwing two touchdowns and one interception stone on for the punt now and they'll rugby style this one boy got a way up in the air for that style punt it hits at the 20 takes a highland park bounce inside the five where they kill it at the three four at the four yard tell you what that line a very effective punt first it made it impossible to return it all then it pins them deep 40-yard punt 447 left to play got a long field again 96 yards to go you figure at this point 447 left they're going to drop the safeties back put the umbrella out and make them keep everything underneath by the way highland park you don't think they remember last year's loss to mckinney north they go to mckinney north next week first down pass caught by taylor he's across the ten fights off an offender and stiff arms as well it's actually hail excuse me yeah hell did a great job securing the catch and then afterwards made a big play with his feet and that stops the clock two good things happen there big gain clock stops on the play 21 yard reception for jalen hale but i go back to what i said before the play they're gonna put the umbrella out and that's gonna allow them to make those plays underneath ale4 catches 46 yards today first down 10-25 wright's going to be lone guy on the right back to pass allen excuse me that's hale hale fighting nothing there going to go the other way caught by hamilton as he dives at the 38 yard line and brings that one in for a gain of 12 and another first down if you're longview you need to hustle to the line they got to stop the clock to move the chains well they didn't even do that the home scorekeeper still got the clock rolling yeah imagine that yeah if i'm john king i'm livid the fact that they never stopped that clock to move those chains 4 23 left to play and we got a flag down and they're gonna call false start on longview yeah they get five of that back right away that will stop the clock but they're going to blow the ready here momentarily that'll crank it back back to the 32-yard line lobos have no time to waste here clock rolling again with 4 15 left only the one timeout left hale going to split out right first in 15 allen back to pass slant intended for hail he catches it and gets double hit at the 40-yard line and he's gonna be slow getting up again yeah that was almost a targeting call there there looked like a lot of uh head-to-head contact there yeah coming in with that last part of that play was 45 that's sam webster we've seen a few times tonight gain that time with just a few allen back to pass looking deep there is taylor catches it breaks two tackles down the sideline 15 10 and he's knocked out of bounds and they're going to say go forward to the one-yard line it'll be first and goal lobos now they say down out at the five out at the five-yard line i don't know what happened on that you had an official right there who spotted the ball at the one instead the head linesman comes back and puts it on the five they're going to start the clock here if you're longview you got to be getting to the line first down and goal at the five clock is running again they gotta get going 55-yard pass play by the way on that last completion first catch for taylor tonight taylor tatum's in the backfield now for the lobos they're gonna have to burn the timeout they were running out of play clock again and they let about 20 seconds go off the clock let's look at the replay by the way well the big play previously catch and run it's good catch able to break away from the safety really turns on the jets the other safety has to come across and just clips him all right well longview's got a little bit of life and you know they can get in the end zone for the first time you know we're going to see the onside kick opportunity with 310 left you have time to onside kick you may not have time to kick it deep and get the ball back you only have the one timeout that they just burned so they don't have any timeouts and if your longview you really want to get in the end zone here on the first play it's got 3 10 left to play in this game 21-10 the score somehow the lobos have been hanging around here they played better than the scots in the first half not as good in the third quarter allen back to pass he's got taylor tatum he'll catch in the end zone lobos score with 306 left to play and it's a 21-16 game well here you go for two so you make it a three-point ball game stops you got plenty of time now for the two-point effort all right gotta get your personnel package right yeah play clock is rolling here you got 15 on it and they will try the two here right and hail to the right bush gonna switch from left to right allen gonna roll that way looking looking he's got a throw and it's knocked down incomplete the defender over there was mason gallus he was the closest one and nobody was really in the neighborhood for a catch that time and that's kind of a no harm deal there because if you get it it's a three-point game if you don't get it touchdown still gets you back in it and so obviously you would have loved to cut the thing to three points if you cut it to three you might think about kicking it deep now i think you got to seriously consider the onside kick well i'm on side kicking either way whether it's three or whether it's five or whatever i'm on side kicking it either way i don't trust that i'm going to get the ball back well no i understand i understand no timeouts and all but at the same time you could do some things but now it's kind of a no-brainer all right so michael fields gonna be asked here to try an on-side kick [Music] and there's two three ways people on sidekick now some people try the short version of the pooch kick where you try to get somebody down there and run under it there's the old-fashioned where you bounce it down in the turf and hope it pops up right for you we saw one a couple weeks ago in tyler where they started the game where the kicker dragged it basically they went and plowed a road for him to run it down i don't think we've seen longview onside kick this year no i don't either because they haven't had to so embarrassing to see what they have every coach has their version of the onside kick they prefer all right now longview is going to go going to run two guys here they've got two kicker types michael fields is 98 and jacob vasquez the sophomore is the other kicker so they've got two different guys to come from two different directions depending on how highland park lines this up or what the coaches see and we remind you it's not like the old days we can put everybody on one side you can only load up one side now so we'll see what the lobos have cooking here island park's not going to take a timeout they've seen what they want to see and they're set up for it vasquez who's going to kick it gets the high big bounce but it goes right to and a nice bounce to a highland park return and that's rutledge the worst guy you can kick and he recovers it at the 49-yard line and now you got three minutes to try to stop him from getting the first down and try to get the ball back well you just got to get very aggressive you got to start grabbing at the ball trying to punch it out here if you're a highland park it's all about ball security right now you just want to pick up a first down and secure the ball all right you got two or three plays you can't give up a first down or this game's over on first down to the ground they'll go there's brookdale and he's gonna have the first down and you're in all kinds of trouble right now yep that's just tough tough running but i said brookdale ben crossdale who goes for 12 and gets them a first down you can see him securing that ball with both arms i told you at the beginning they do not beat themselves it's amazing to see them throw a pick six but with the exception of that and a couple of bad penalties on a drive for them in the third quarter the end of the third quarter they just don't make many mistakes they're not impressive to be honest i'm not gonna leave here tonight going wild the number three team in the state's really really good but i'm gonna leave here going they take care of their business i got a handoff again this is just power football up the middle to the 37-yard line for a gain of two if you love you you leave here tonight thinking we can beat this football team we'd love to see them down the road again you know i think they thought that about denton ryan too with the exception of a bad second quarter the number one team in the in the state and we were an immature football team obviously and this team has come a long way they didn't show it all tonight but uh they've got some weapons it'll be interesting to see with the loss tonight will we possibly go back to a two quarterback system at some point in the future well we haven't seen josh thomas back in a long time another handoff to crossdale and he's going to be very smart and he could see it in his head i'm running for the sideline no wait no i'm not he planted that right foot came back to the middle part of the field and went down in play and the clock keeps running could have probably made it to the first down but he knew that was not what was important at this point what's important is keeping that clock going smart football team third down three minute 14 and counting they get another first down on this it's over well it's over already unless we get a turn over here well it's going to take a eagle's ass meltdown it's happened before here's the third and three store keeping it he's dropped back at the 35 yard line that's going to be a big loss billy smith and now it's fourth down and there's going to be the lobos are going to get the ball back there's about and i'll tell you what they almost fumbled that thing on the exchange i talked about the eagles-esque meltdown literally they almost had that where are you herm edwards hmm that's not the miracle of the metal lens it would be the uh what do you want to call it here it would have been the the scotland i don't know there's about a there's about a 13 second difference and they're gonna let this thing go all the way down randy allen's gonna take a timeout with one left on the clock there it is so there's 13 seconds left on the game clock fourth down is coming up and it's fourth down in about seven six or seven and if you're highland park you don't want to take a loss you'll probably run something where you try to get the first down but you got to remind everybody we can't you know we can't let the ball pop out let them scoop and score or something i'd be shocked if we see a pass you know randy allen may be one of those guys as our buddy says uh put a foot on the throat kind of guy yeah throw the ball down field uh certainly there'll be some opportunity here it'll be everybody in there tight trying to make a stop but uh right now if you look where the ball is placed right now on the 36 yard line it almost makes any type of hail marion possible you're going to have to do a hook and ladder or something like that if you do get possession with a few seconds left on the clock you can't imagine john king practices all a lateral lateral lateral lateral plays no it's a hook and ladder i'm talking about it i'm not looking for a bunch of we need to pump the ball yeah and that's probably the best decision you make and this is a problem because if that ball hits the ground and rolls around and nobody downs it short of the end zone they may run on a bunch of this clock longer he's got nobody back here comes the kick he does not want it to go in the end zone and it goes in the end zone so there's still five left on the on the on the game clock that took nine eight and a half seconds to wipe out that punt for it to travel 40 yards so the lobos have time for one more they'll come to the 20-yard line they got 120 yeah 20-yard line they got one play in them well as we said too far for a hail mary you probably try to hit a little hook and ladder or something like that you talked about the uh you know cal stanford play where you just pitch it around all right let's see what we've got out there right hale taylor they're the receivers still got a guy in the backfield back to pass allen bush middle of the field this is going long three men over ball is knocked down ball game [Applause] well they tried to get hell an opportunity we've seen him make a couple of plays this year where he went up in a crowd and found his way to the end zone but there were three people around him that time he never had a shot where are you matt stafford look one way to throw the other well that's uh already worked this week i think so yeah he's not working tonight but tough loss one score ball game if you're the lobos you leave here tonight thinking we can beat this football team we'd love to see them in a neutral side yeah if we can play a lot better not as many mistakes offense a little bit better just no penalties i i don't keep a very good track of penalty so i don't know what the numbers are they were outrageous though again tonight this goes back two weeks to 14 penalties and big yards and i wish i had stats on penalties for you that were really accurate i don't just because i don't keep them well you got a hostile crowd you're on the road and uh i know a lot of it was just execution penalties sometimes kids have trouble finding where the plate lock is and several times a night they didn't get to the line in time and get plays called and executed in time and it's just a little more difficult on the road and so if you're longview you mature you get better you try to see these guys down the road let me give you what i can 17 first downs for the scots we'll start on their side 27 carries 48 yards rushing 16 for 24 passing for 239 yards they were a six of 13 on third down conversions for the lobos 15 first downs 32 rushes 133 yards 11 for 21 throwing the football for 155. uh i had us with 13 penalties and i'm probably missing a couple i'm betting you we had more than 15 tonight we were eight of 15 on third down conversions today leading the way uh throwing the football tonight brennan store we said 16 of 23 for 239 two touchdowns and an interception um jordan allen 11 for 20 45 yards actually 21 with the last one uh one touchdown one interception running the football jairus lewd le jarrett lewis 12 carries 57 yards harris had seven for 35 tatum eight for 29 allen five for 12 for the scots christian reeves 7 for 32 brent crossdale 8 for 24. receiving the football tonight rutledge 5 for 96 all in the first half cox 4 for 88 in the second half they led the way for highland park for longview jaylen hale had six receptions uh i've got that wrong because one of his receptions i inadvertently gave to him and it actually should have gone to uh decaylan taylor so actually five receptions and about 50 yards catching for jalen hale tonight tell me what i want to brag on the longview defense tonight they gave up a few big plays but when their backs were to the wall tonight right before the half in the third quarter they made some tremendous stands they got the big interception return for a touchdown they got longview back in this thing the real shining spot tonight for me is that longview defense when you take away the fact that highland park had a scoop and score they hold this team less than 20 points scoring tonight john rutledge got the first touchdown pass of the game the first score of the game a five yarder from brennan's store to make it seven nothing in the second quarter michael fields had a 34-yard field goal in that quarter making a 7-3 halftime score third quarter began with a scoop and score for george wright from highland park from 25 yards away on the first play of the second half to make it a 14-3 game kaden brooks on the last play of the third quarter 65-yard pick six 14-10 after three jackson heist with an eight-yard touchdown reception from store to make it 21-10 taylor tatum the last score for longview that came on a five-yard reception late in the fourth quarter with three minutes left to play to make the final score 21-16 all right well we appreciate you sticking with us tonight we're going to be back home in longview next friday night sherman's coming into town for a 7 30 start time we will be there as well as uh the lobos try to get back on the winning track and make a push towards hopefully a playoff run yeah they see a bearcat team who last week lost to highland park 35-17 as you said could be the second place in district second seed on the line yep lobos fall to five and two on the year scott's now five and one on the year district matters highland park sitting atop the conference or district standings with a 2-0 record lobos fall to one a two and one randy uh allen gets his 419th win he's gaining quickly on g.a moore and for john king he still sits at 194. all right that's going to wrap it up for our crew for tony kirk for frank sides i'm chuck zack you've been watching a presentation of longview lobo football here on longview
Channel: Texarkana / Longview Gameday
Views: 8,822
Rating: 4.8518519 out of 5
Id: ymm82Jh1qHk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 184min 1sec (11041 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 08 2021
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