Longest Game of UNO Ever Played

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sup Gamers today four idiots decide to play some Uno ends up becoming extremely chaotic but the person with the most amount of wins at the end wins all right so most cards wins just letting you know now oh my God allly you have a counter you just allly you didn't put anything down what I'm in my settings right now what's who what's 3 + three four four oh wait what oh my God she's already putting the plus4 I'm challenging it I don't know what this means what is it what okay what does that even mean you got six oh no wait what do I do what do I do I don't I don't have I have so much green no SX I'm mad at you so shut up oh yeah please don't don't why would you do that why would you do that tell you you want me to challenge it in 2 and 1/2 years in 2 and 1/2 years wait what wait what's the point of not challenging it challenging it makes I get it I don't know what this does what does that do okay Ally what 2 plus 2 seven close enough damn it dude why are we getting we're getting into the double digits and we just started allly tell us all the colors you have right now blue shut up socks oh dude socks you did s you did the lame one socks you did the lame settings what do you mean the lame settings there's better settings I let this guy host oh the Uno professional I'm sorry I'm sorry dude this guy's winning tux's crushing us know I'm doing so good dude I might explode man it's about to hit me I'm actually about to like poopy I'm I'm being serious I'm going to I'm going to explode right here on the mic dud for people that don't know we just had the hottest hot sauces yesterday and my butt is on fire still you use my bathroom I'm going to do it in your bathroom that way no no you're not I'm about to go lock the door if you block me again I'm I'm going to block your your toilet BR I'm not letting you in my bathroom bro get out of here why was the for all wet like what's going on there do you not know Cur why why why is the mirror so like goo yeah why was your mirror like it was like all smeared with white stuff because you guys what are you doing no there's literally streaks of white stuff going down the mirror all of it wait you're at his house right now yeah I could walk over to his room right now oh oh this gives me time to go to his room my door's locked you're not going to come in my room tax is trying to get in my room leave me alone taxi leave me alone leave me alone he locked the door why did you lock the door wait are you afraid for us to come in thatway yeah I would do that for my dad I like I I like allowing my stepdad in it's kind of nice it wasn't my stepdad it was my dad though do you ever like wrestle with your toes with your dad no but he wrestled me and my clothes came off wa wow what a what a nice place you have NAD way dude wow oh my God mean there's a real bad smell coming from your room though I don't know what that's about I I I'm in another room that way and I can smell it what color do you have um what I'm going to put blue down I'll put Blue down I'm going put green down you put green down y I'm excited to play Uno with you guys oh you're going to take two cards right off the bat loser we just started man what's this H why are you being so mean to me so the thing one of the things I changed is that you keep on drawing until you get a that matches so you don't only draw one card come on bro it's okay I I'll give you another chance tuxy I'll give you another chance I'll give you another chance I appreciate that you know what I changed my mind it's actually his turn why red you know what what if I change the red to Red that would be funny yay shut up Alie no you know what Allie there's your turn back don't worry I got you oh my what a gentleman you he basically opened the door for you oh oh oh oh oh oh wait wait wait oh my God let us play oh mean that we're TI we're tied Ali how many how many Reds do you have man oh play play oh no wait everyone pause what do you mean pause I'm paused I'm paused I'm paused he's running to my room what are you doing he has a red and a yellow why would you say that why that is crazy not in my room oh no oh no oh no oh I think he's dead I think he's dead I'm going to touch you up wow um no a red and a yellow stop here here here's your turn back don't worry oh my God you gave me my turn back thank you you know what you know what your turn your turn your turn what a gentleman what a gentleman thank you now I have less cards in alley let's go oh boo okay what was that for oh but can now way can you not like open my door again cuz it's like the smell from your room hit my room you know and it was like it was like a direct impact why does he keep saying that about you nway cuz he's mean un no hold on hold on I got to go I'll be right back let me be right back no what are you doing no don't look he doesn't know he doesn't know he doesn't know he doesn't know a he has a red seven he has a red seven no I don't no I don't want to pick a card oh oh don't do it don't you do it how could you do this oh no oh no oh no stop it why you keep pulling so many stop Al that's a lot of that's a lot of running for you that way you you out of breath there huh you got to catch your breath there I'm chilling I'm chilling you you're chilling oh I'm not oh my God this is all your fault this is your fault this is all your fault this is all your fault are you kidding I'm back where I'm started this is like competing 4 years for the Olympics just to get injured that's what you did to me play the women's sport that's crazy no oh wait she did it she didn't do it on time happened you weren't quick enough you didn't say uno on time oh wait nway say uno uno okay buddy damn it oh nice nice what oh that's not nice that's not nice at all that's what you get sucks what why would it give me cards you know what allly I trust you bro what no I can't do anything oh that's Chas green this my chance come my chance change the socks change it change it out of the kindness of my heart I think I should donate you some cards I definitely don't even have a green and I'm getting more oh no I have a green why didn't I have this at the beginning man oh okay she has a green she has a green I'll be so kind okay since I want you to win no n I think I want you to get it what not to how was that legal it wasn't even your turn son had 16 cards shut up that is crazy crazy so I I like him older and you like him younger okay this is this is this is the difference between you and I you know what I'm going to deny you you twice I'm denying you twice God now you're like at 14 is better than six I mean bro you know I I really you know I'm not you're not playing anything tox you're not playing anything for like the next 10 turns double denied again oh my God help let me be free I just want to be free man I can't be skipped anymore right skip him again do it again no all right you get denied again oh no I don't have any yellow cards no no no no oh here you go Alie that's crazy oh okay h what comes after zero one how about seven here you go Ally a present for me to you I want you to keep yourself safe wa keep yourself safe that's kyss what are you doing dude can't let this guy win SX go go go to tux room SX go go I'm going to touch you tuxy no no get out get out you can't see it you can't wait a blue no no no wait it suck it's literally your turn oh hey guys I'm playing a sock wait your turn wait yes yes yes yes yes yes what happened yes what happened oh you won you locked me out of my room all right all everybody like him now I have to look across from you nway I I feel nervous just making eye contact with you oh blue blue blue blue blue oh my God Ally you picked the worst color nuh-uh what's the worst color then Aly huh yeah choose choose a color you know what color I hate blue people wait how bad do I do Ally right now allly how bad you know what I'll save this I'll save this it could have been a lot worse oh wow wow then he then she does that to Natalie Alie what did I do to you make it go the other way wait you want to attack me with cards no I want to attack you with cards wo wo wo whoo wao wo I didn't do anything wrong I won the game for you no NAD way locked you out of your own room he had the assist you just got outplayed I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm not sorry at all again oh I am sorry sorry I am sorry you did this this was your don't I'm not that's tuxy's fault he started it he had the gun he pulled the trigger I just went out of the way I just went out of the way don't hate the person hate the gun I'm sorry I'm sorry that way Ali allly let's pass it back and forward let's pass it back and forward there you go oh okay this isn't tennis this is tennis I can't believe he actually did it I can't believe he actually did ell can you stop being so mean to me I don't want to be next let's get let's get nadw again let's get NW again going that way a no I can't so I have to go OPP OHA oppa someone stop him I got to go I got to go I got to go I got to go are you serious right now get out bro get out bro get out get out get out green he's got a green you both came in I have a yellow by the way who knows but I got to go get tuxi a yellow no no no I don't no I don't he has a yellow I got I got something yes oh wait that's not stopping him that's not stopping him that's not stopping him I don't have a yellow oh you know what I insist I insist I insist well I don't have a blue so oh oh actually I'm sorry I'm sorry Alie you can choose to keep it you don't have to use it I don't have that oh but I do have this ooh that's so nice that's so nice of you you know what I needed the cards anyway wait I feel like he has a I think he has a three oh oh man the luck is on my side today I wonder if I should do this should I let's turn things around let's turn things around I know you don't have a green how did you know how did you know it's not like we we ran into your room and saw how you guys top decking so often wait you mean like like this like this oh that was like literally a perfect top deck wow let me top de real quick ah there you go n there you go from me to you what is getting the worst of the worst oh go check Al's room go someone run run I think she has yellow no she has red it's okay it's okay let's figure out let's figure it out let's figure it out what she have what let's think about it let's contemplate give me a red give me a red give me a red you want a red I got you I got you I got you co I got you I got you I got you yes yes yes yes yes yes we keep it going we keep it going around oh my God I didn't mean to press that I didn't mean to press that why would you do that why would you do that you just had to press it Shin you just had to see the shiny press and you pressed it oh I'm feeling German today 9999 8888 oh W we're going down come on come on oh why can't I play six this is so sad you ruined it Al I'm mad cuz you ruined it I'm mad you know what I'm mad at socks mad at me what did I do wrong I'm I'm mad again I'm sorry oh come on dude that now is getting revenge and I'm mad at socks what did I do can you guys stop playing with red Jesus Christ what's wrong with red everything oh say that to a red person I hate red people wa stop playing with redo how already we just started okay let me play let me play let me play no no no I'm not playing this I know he has a yellow he has a yellow right no I'm keeping this I'm being smart about this I got it I got it I got it I got it no make it blue yes thank you no why why why oh my God you you don't have a blue do you I want you to pull cars right now you you s sing the blue song right now blue blue BL oh this is a fun card you want to see something funny tuxy no I I don't really like funny things I don't really laugh I'm like I'm feeling good right now no I don't need any laugh I don't need a laugh at all but Allie's at three oh wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait how much how much green you got Ally how much green you got no oh my God I tried to press and I nearly closed off the screen you Uno I think we all have green we all have green we're all Greening right now you guys have yellow though oh my God stop with the yellow what's wrong with yellow huh what color does he have shut up what oh get skipped stop stupid profile picture doing that he doesn't have it he doesn't have it let's go no sucks the cards baby uh now I do it John do it that way what do you mean do it to him what do you mean do it to him you know just for CU you said that you're calling me out you deserve this that way you want to you want to start a meowing language meow un no meow meow meow meow what do I have Al is it boo my I'm going go m that's a tough opener that's a tough that's a good one you really got me going here you know what n just for winning last round you deserve this stop it you go again psych you know what I insist I insist I insist oh my God let me play no no no I insist I oh okay okay okay you know honestly why haven't you taken me out for dinner yet TXI uh we will tonight oh really what's your ideal like situation like how would you actually take me out using my card on you oh wait wait wait wait you're supposed to be paying no wa oh that's pretty funny that's pretty funny we're going make N Pay come on come on we're making P he's a working class citizen he can pay he can pay for himself exactly I have 12 oh oh no what color should I pick you pick greenen okay can you take that back can we do red yeah I can I can change it yeah we can do oh wow wow what a nice guy what a nice guy I said I want Queen no I I I say I would like red oh crap oh that was good that's a good one what Ally Alie I'm sorry this is this is temporary okay I'm sorry oh no oh no I got GRE no stop it's another slies that's no slies how 15 damn it man oh like um what color do you have I'm sorry is it broken don't tell me a why is it always break on you why I'm literally on the break of winning so both Ally and tuxy have two points so it's going to be Ally and I versus tuxy in that way so someone will win alli's either going to win or tux is going to win wait what we just started I was explaining the rules we just started oh wow they're here to win okay okay I Ali we got to lock in oh we see each other's cards okay okay okay oh please please that way that's what you get my teammates what no please we need the ammunition this is good we need it man I don't want my man come on man I was going to help you out got 10 cards already they got four five that's what we want this is what we want it's too easy oh too easy it's too easy look at this this is where we start swinging things to our favor yeah you're talking all that trash you were talking all that trash do it to him Aly I don't have anything you haven't it's right there oh oh no I'm being skipped you don't got no Reds a yes see how did he know hard of the cards I'll be your ammunition I'll be your ammunition he's the Kobe to my shack oo Ally if you if you do it if you play that switch oh that would be good yep yep yep yep yep we're about to hurt this boy you know you don't you don't have any blues you don't have any blues that are you sure about that are you sure about that no no no no no T I'll play my card wait what does he have what what color no do two do two do two it was all part of our plan so close it's okay A minor set back I like that I like that move that was a good move oh oh you like that move do you like this godamn right I do right I do I godam right I do I do love that move yeah keep going keep going you know what just keep going yeah yeah yeah you like that don't you you like that don't you get back to it Budd yeah we W wo you know what you know what I insist I insist I insist oh he insist yeah yeah I insist Ali no okay it's fine it's fine we're we're we're just going to get great cards right here look at that yep Do I Do It tuxy um yeah you know what do it just do it just do it oh oh no no no you know what how about how about no how about no oh your plans are starting not to work out oh do you didn't even have a blue in the first place you know what you can go oh thank you thank you that's good oh oh but but wait I oh wow oh oh thank you thank you that's that's great oh wait that's really good oh it's really good it is really good you're right oh that's really good it is good it is good it is really good come on come on come on baby come on come on baby are the cards oh wait we want this we want this we need the ammunition he don't have another one he can't what happened what why you laughing why you laughing oh okay okay okay I knew it that works oh thank you I appreciate I needed that to be honest I wanted more oh I he still doesn't have a green he would have won last round if he had a green wow oh he he's a yellow guy he's a yellow guy why you pick yellow I'm right here we're teams that's why yeah let's switch it up let's switch it up yeah yeah tag team yeah let's swich we have red cards oh we have more of them shut up socks why yellow bro why yellow hey what's wrong with yellow huh socks that's fine he don't have green still he don't have green are you sure oh wait what do I do I know what to do I know what to do yeah you know I'll do this for you Ally okay I got you got I got you finish him Ally kill him kill him it's okay no it's okay it's okay I would have drawn anyways ooh do I do it do I do it yeah just do it yeah just do it okay e how you going say to Yellow bro oh he don't he still don't got green though he still don't got green but I do oh wait they're both at two that's fine they don't got greenen that's he doesn't have another one he doesn't have another one it's fine I'm sweating I have green no I don't I don't have green wait should they have redue no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no let's go if you guys enjoyed that and you want to see more Uno make sure to hit that subscribe button and check out some merch at sock store
Channel: Socksfor2
Views: 1,229,378
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Socksfor2, Socksfor1, longest game of uno, the longest game ever played | uno, the longest game ever played | uno reaction, the longest game ever played | uno markiplier, the longest game ever played | uno markiplier reaction, longest ever, video games, longest game uno, longest let's play, mini games, kids games, board games, board game (game genre), livestreamer, among us gameplay, funniest game ever, socksfor2 uno, uno online, uno funny moments, uno funny, uno moments
Id: i9zkFMrUE3M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 19sec (1279 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 31 2024
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