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[Music] like it's like you go your whole life as a woman like you're like suck it in you know you gotta like tighten it up and then you get pregnant yeah yeah it's just out in everyone's face what's up beauties welcome back to my channel holy hair i'm here with my beautiful model and friend alicia and we're going to be doing a long layered haircut on her we're going to be bringing up the length of her hair till about here and then we're going to do some long bouncy layers to give her just an uplifted youthful appearance my goal in this video you guys is just to like simplify the layered haircut like we don't want to make haircuts complicated we want to really simplify all of the steps and i really want to give everyone a practical way to just do your basic long layered bouncy haircut so in this video i'm going to be showing you guys just a simple easy step-by-step tutorial on how to get a long layered haircut so let's get right into the video let's go let's go let's go let's go let's go okay so i have her sectioned and we're just gonna start in the back here and i'm going to go ahead and do the perimeter of her whole haircut so i'm going to do the length first and then i'm going to go in and do her layers so i'm starting in the back here and when you start below the occipital bone in the back of their head you want to have your client tilt her head down a little bit so that you can get a zero elevation with your hair cut and i'm just going to come and establish my guide so we're going to be taking this much length off [Music] [Music] all right so once you establish the length on your first section you just want to do the pull test on either side and make sure that it is even on both sides before you start the rest of the haircut this is really important because if you have it uneven on your first section of the haircut then the rest of the haircut is going to be uneven so you want to make sure that the first section you do is even and it is it's the same length all the way across so that will give us a great foundation to the rest of our haircut so i'm going to take down another section here and i'm taking about one inch sections and when we take down the next section we can clearly see our guide underneath here so i am just going to be simply matching up the length to the previous section [Music] [Music] and then going on to her next section here i'm going to have her hold her head a little more straight up [Music] taking down her last section here in the back [Music] we're just gonna match up the length and then we'll go on to the sides [Music] [Music] so coming on to the sides of her hair i'm going to show you how to match up the sides with the back we're just going to give this a nice comb and what we're going to do is we're going to bring her um section by section we're going to bring this kind of to the back here and then we're going to bring it on her shoulder and then we're going to bring it to the front taking it from just above her ear here and we're going to comb this to the back sitting on her shoulder here and we're just going to match the length up and take a little bit more hair bring it to the back and then as we get a little bit further in the front we're gonna bring this to the side of her shoulder and match the length up and especially around the client's face you want to kind of softly hold the hair when you're cutting it you don't want to pull it with too much tension okay so we have her length all matched up on the side here and i'm going to go to the other side [Music] [Music] [Music] okay now we're just gonna double check the front because as i brought her hair to the front i noticed that this side was a little bit longer which happens when um typically like the side that your client parts their hair on for some reason i really don't know why um it tends to be a little bit longer when you're like doing the perimeter so i always like to bring the hair to the front so we can just gently rest the hair on the client just like this and we can come in and just trim this up to match it to the other side and you just want to make sure that your client is looking straight forward and they don't have their head tilted down head placement is so important when you are establishing length all right that looks a lot more even and then what i like to do as well is i like to part the hair over to either side because hair doesn't always stay in one part it tends to flip over so i part the hair on either side and check to see if there is longer pieces and there is over here so we're going to match this up to the guide on this side all right and i'm going to do the same thing on the other side just flipping it over we're seeing if there's any long hairs and there's not on this side it all matches up so we're going to go back to her regular part and now i'm going to go into cutting her layers all right so like i said i just want to make this like a simplified version of doing layers so what i'm going to do on each vertical section of her hair so i'm going to do three angles on each vertical section i'm going to do a 45 degree angle a 90 degree angle and a 180 degree angle and i'm going to be point cutting each section for her layering so i'm going to show you exactly what i mean on each section so we're going to start in the front here and i'm taking vertical sections and i am going to first comb her at a 45 and i am going to point cut and then i'm going to comb her at a 90 and point cut and if hair falls out we just let that hair fall out and then i'm going to comb her at a 180 and point cut okay and then what i'm going to do is take half of this section and a new section and i'm going to do the same thing here and i'm going to follow those guides so here i am at the 45. cutting at the 90. bringing it up and cutting at the 180 and here's our guide here and i'm just point cutting and then i'm going to take half of that section and a new section all right so you can see our guide here can you see the guide here's the guide so see the guide right there so we are matching this section up with this guy so and when you comb the hair when you're doing layers and you comb the hair and you comb it out when pieces drop out that is perfectly fine we want to leave those pieces that drop out when i'm point cutting i'm kind of making this like jagged cut because we want this to lay really naturally and we don't want a straight across cut we want to come in so when you're point cutting you want to come in at an angle here and cut like this and to prevent like cutting yourself when you're point cutting i like to um come out like come up as i'm closing my scissors so i'm not closing them as i go in i'm closing them as i come out alrighty so i've done like three or four sections on the side here and what i'm going to do is i'm going to take this whole section and i'm going to kind of just grab the whole thing point cut any pieces that i may have missed and again i'm doing those three angles here and i'm taking this whole section and i'm bringing it all the way up and over to our 180 and we're also in addition to actually cutting the layers i'm taking weight out so the difference between cutting layers and taking weight out is when you're taking weight out you're going straight in and when you're actually cutting length and taking layers you're going more at a diagonal because you're actually taking like length off okay you can see the layers start to form and we're going to go on to um the back of her head and we're just going to continue to do this same thing around her whole head so as i go this is how much i'm taking off and then i'm bringing this all the way up i'm taking that bit [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so so [Music] foreign okay so coming over to this front section here i'm just matching up the front pieces so i'm just kind of gathering these front sections here and bringing them all the way up and i just want to see that they are remotely the same length we are point cutting the all of the layers so it's not going to be a straight across cut so you just want to make sure that they are the same length but that you want to point cut and get the texture in there as well so what i like to do with these front pieces is um after i have already cut in the layers i'll come up here and i'll kind of just slice cut a little bit so i'll just slice in a little bit of face frame on this front section [Music] and as i'm going down her section i'm kind of closing the scissors a little bit and you can kind of like bring this around forward and point cut some of this and really when you're doing face framing layers it's a very visual technique so you want to just make sure that your shaping is coming along good as you do it and then you can take like diagonal front sections and kind of like comb these the other direction and point cut a little bit that way and that'll just soften soften those pieces a little bit [Music] [Music] okay so i'm taking this whole section and just want to show you guys how i'm kind of like point cutting her sides so i'm taking this whole section from just behind her ear and i'm kind of like combing it up and it really makes a difference on how you comb the hair so i'm combing it up like this and then i'm just coming in and turning the hair like this and i'm just kind of point cutting more so adding texture and softening this the layers around her face is kind of what this is doing and then i'm going to half that section and i'm going to do it again and i'm just bringing this around and i am just softening these pieces around her face i'm going to do the same thing on the other side here [Music] so okay so i'm just gonna give her a bouncy round brush blowout and i'll show you guys what her hair looks like after look at all this hair alright so this is going to be her after look and as you can see we have long layers going on a little bit of face frame and i just love how much younger this makes her look like she literally said after after i finished she was like wow i look so much younger like i just feel like when you bring your look up and do those layers and kind of just bring the length up a little bit it does give you such a more youthful appearance not that alicia is old in any way it looks like i slept more than two hours which i did not so she has a one-year-old so and i work in all night yeah she actually is a nurse and she works nights and she is one of our heroes okay yes thank you you took hot garbage and made it look decent you're a hero this is gonna be her final result you guys i really hope that you loved this tutorial and you took away some helpful tips to give your clients a long layered haircut this is my best friend and her baby it's so funny like just being pregnant yeah work do the baby mama dance until the final kids let's go let's go
Channel: Wholy Hair
Views: 138,728
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wholy hair, laura ashley, laura stapleton, haircut tutorial, long layered haircut tutorial, detailed haircut tutorial, easy to follow haircut tutorial, haircut tutorial from a hairstylist, tips from a hairstylist, jz styles, guy tang, cut your hair at home, how to point cut, how to cut hair, cosmetology school, hair school continuing education, sam villa shears review, point cutting layers, layered haircut tutorial, step by step easy cutting tutorial, hairstyles 2021
Id: nqpC5f4Js4Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 36sec (1296 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 23 2021
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