Long-haul Covid symptoms and Cervical Instability overlap and Vagus Nerve Connection

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[Music] hello everybody my name is dr ross houser coming to you live from the hauser neck center here in fort myers florida i thank you for watching this video i would ask those of you get the these videos to watch this video all the way through so i'm gonna it's gonna be basically me unedited and there's so many important things i have to say today and we're not going to have a time limit so i don't know if this video on long haul covid's going to be a half an hour or maybe two hours so i'm just gonna talk a lot there is a lot of slides and we all know that covid has affected everybody basically everybody in the world so it's very very important for all of us to learn about coven and especially what can happen long term possibly related to coven but i am going to start out first of just sharing some of my own heart so prior to even making this video i did have a time of crying so if i end up crying on this video we're just gonna let it roll so uh the you know you might see me on the video and oh the doctor is so joyous and also happy in reality i'm so tired i'm so tired uh my associate danielle that's been my associate for 10 years who's the other prolotherapist here at caring medical she basically almost died kind of and her she was pregnant with twins so she's pregnant with twins then about one month ago she was in the hospital and basically in the hospital in the middle of the night she basically had to catch one of her twins she had to basically catch one of her twins then basically one of the placentas abrupted from the uterus and she was bleeding and thank god she was in the hospital so this was like a month ago so there was an emergency and then baby brooklyn the one the baby that she caught well obviously when she catches the baby the baby's not breathing because the baby's only there at 25 weeks and then so that was a whole thing to keep her alive and then baby austin was still in there and he had to be born by c-section so the caring medical family here in fort myers florida for the last month has been praying diligently for danielle for time for top danielle's husband who's a who's a who's a good friend of mine so then uh then we're we we've been praying for baby brooklyn and baby austin so i'm gonna lead because you're a part of caring you're part of the caring medical family if you're getting this so let's all unite together and pray for them and the caring medical family and me specifically would ask that you would continue to pray for them so dear god we do thank you that baby brooklyn and baby austin are alive thank you that the hospital has given such good care for them and thank you for danielle and tom and you know they're just getting worn out they're so tired and they have two young children baby uh connor and uh baby gabby at home which are only three in one so there's so many people that have been helping them thank you for all their relatives and all the staff here and all the patients that have been praying and we just pray that you give them strength give them your grace surround them by your love we pray lord that you keep the babies alive that you would keep them growing that you would give them enough oxygen that the babies would know that their parents love them that the staff loves them and that you love them and we just pray that you would protect them like the bible says that the babies have angels in heaven that they have guardian angels we pray that the spiritual forces at work would protect them and guide them and guide the staff and then the whole staff here we just pray your protection on them as as we're all tired just trying to do everything we need to do to give the good patient care here while she's gone and this important video we just pray that the words that i say that they would go forth and just uh speak truth and it would help a lot a lot of people we love you in your name i pray amen so i just have this here i have this here because my staff's so awesome so graceland gave me this i mean my staff just knows i'm working so hard because i'm now seeing her patients and my patients so i you know so i just thank you gracelyn even just you know she got these for me so i'm gonna give these back there and then the patients that over the last month have been so gracious you know there's times where i've been running you know one to two hours behind and the patients have just been unbelievable knowing that you know dr houser's working as hard as he can so i'm just going to read part of a letter from joanne she said this was on 3 30 1 22. dear dr owser i appreciate you accepting me as a patient and your entire treatment plan for me it sounds awesome you know and i thank you for a generous gift that i gave her so i gave her some uh you know book and different things that that i think would be helpful to her i truly believe that your services are going to really help my body heal god bless you throughout your life so you know all these things are really really helpful and i think i if all of us would just say thank you more it would go a long way and thank you is one of the main words that i use to my staff like they hand me syringes right i don't have to say thank you to them but you can't hear thank you enough like thank you means i appreciate you i care about you i affirm you so let's just all make sure that we're saying thank you enough and then i'm going to say thank you to will so izzy this is your son's what mickey pointer so i want to thank will who's how old's will he's sevens that's izzy's oldest so oh it's max yeah okay so it's max so max how old no imagine the three-year-old gave me his mickey planer now izzy did this because she says i monkey up the the the tv here by touching so i'm so here i'll use the mickey pointer i just want to explain this because this this is going to be the start of the long haul covid uh talk and you see here dynamic structural medicine the term dynamic structural medicine and you might say well what does dynamic structural medicine have anything to do with cove long-haul covet well by the end of this talk you're gonna i'm gonna give you a lot of new ideas of what possibly is going on with who got sick with covid more than somebody else and um who might be prone to getting long-haul covid symptoms and you'll be shocked to learn that it may have more to do with the structure of of the person's neck than it actually has to do with any chemical thing so so what i want to next do is just talk about natural medicine so throughout my whole career i've considered myself a natural medicine doctor and net my learning and my treating patients over the course of the last 34 years so realize i was i graduated medical school in 1988 from the university of illinois great university got a great education there so basically i've been a physician for 34 years and then anybody who knows me knows i like to work like like when i'm in the office i want boom boom boom boom boom boom so for 34 years when i've been working i've been in private practice since 1992. so basically june of this year will be my 30-year anniversary of being in true private practice where i'm the owner of the clinic and i can see as many patients as i want and i can have the staff i want so i'm if in a lot of ways i'm like an old-fashioned physician because i took over the practice of gustav hamwa who was born in 1908 he was 85 when i joined him in 1993. so realize like he was a physician before mris before sophisticated diagnostics so i was trained in primarily relying on the history like what somebody said and the little clues in talking to the person looking them in the eye and figuring out what's wrong so that's where my diagnostic skills are now we live in 2022 so obviously we have mris we have ultrasounds we have all this stuff but most of the time i could figure out what was wrong with the person just by talking to them so we're going to talk today yeah about long-haul coven but we're mostly going to talk about how to how to figure out what's wrong and what to do about it and how what you say has a role in how sick you are or how healthy you are what you see what you hear what you think and so natural medicine by definition is that it's kind of like there's an assumption that god made the body you know god made the human body the human machine to repair itself it just is like even if you have a bacterial infection or a viral infection it's basically your own immune system that ultimately is going to heal you and you only need to use medicine or you only need to go to the doctor very very rarely if you if you nurture the human body with the things that you need so we know the main thing that the human body needs it isn't food it's actually love like that that's the number one thing we all need it's love like we need to feel loved and then we need to give love you take any person who feels abandoned or feels fearful or doesn't feel loved or doesn't feel safe right because one of the things i prayed for baby brooklyn and baby austin was feel love feel love feel love well the way the nicu is there tom and danielle because they have twins there they're they're across the hall from each other well they'll go in there and they'll put their finger in in the incubator thing where they are and then the baby will hold their finger and you just know the baby knows that mom and dad are there and they told them that early on when they were first there in the in the nicu neonatal intensive care unit they told them basically the more you're there the greater the survival of the infants so if you're tom and danielle tom's taking a leave of absence he's an irs agent and then we've given danielle basically an extended leave of absence so if you're them so they're there from eight to four then they come home be with their other kids then seven to nine they're back in the intensive care unit and you could totally tell when they're talking to them talking to the babies mommy loves you you're doing amazing like you could just tell even on the monitor like they're getting it like they know that their mom and dad loves them so all of us need to make sure that we're doing our part to feel love experience love and to give love and if you said and i've told this to many patients what do i consider a successful year like in other words every year at the beginning of the year what i feel is a successful year is not how many prolotherapy patients i have how many youtube uh subscribers we have is that am i more loving at the end of the year than the beginning of the year so if at the end of the year i'm more tolerant i'm kinder i'm more patient i don't get upset as much if somebody doesn't like me and i'm more loving toward them then that's a successful year and the reason why jesus said that you should pray for your enemies that you should do good to those who prosecute you or are mean to you is because anybody who prays for people that somebody would consider their enemy or that are mean to them the reason why you pray for them is what happens when you start praying for somebody you start loving them it's literally impossible to pray for somebody so let's just say that somebody doesn't like dr houser so i'll just call the person's name joe no i'll tell you i'll tell you an example uh so an example would be that marianne shared something with my parents because they're staying with us over the winter then that somebody was upset with us okay so my dad's initial reaction is vengeance is mine like you know just do something mean to them and i said no that isn't the christian way the christian way is to pray for them so right then and there i said dear god we pray i pray for joe that you would surround him with love that he would experience love that he would get financial blessing and that he would know that you love them and that your blessing would be upon them my dad looks at me and says man you are a better man than me you know my own father like you're a better man than me but you see there you can only you there's only one or two ways that all of us can go we either go the way of love or we go the way of hate that's it and i'm just telling you that the way of love is way way better so as much as i i possible i try to grow in love every year and you might say well doc how do you do that well one of the ways is that i don't hold on to if somebody's upset with me you know i don't i don't let that steal my joy or steal my love so it means that if somebody's upset with me obviously if i've done something i try to apologize right away and if i if that's not possible i just keep praying for them and praying for them and praying for them and then you'll see that what happens to me is going to happen to you is that the it just stops you know the bitterness just stops here this probably is going to get cut off but i'm going to tell you a story from a long time ago is that i saw one of my old clients who was in the elevator in oak park uh because we were on the sixth floor i saw her and i'm like geez you you know joanne you look terrible and then she explains to me to make a long story short she basically was a cia agent and she explained to me that there was somebody on her team and she was a woman and at the time she said only eight percent of the cia agents and where she was were female and that there was this misogynist guy who was like merciless with her merciless with her okay and it was really upsetting her so when i got her back in the room i just said hey you know have you ever like taken the person out to lunch and she said you know why would i do that that guy blew i said here here's what we're going to do here's what i want you to do is you take him out to lunch all you do is talk to him and then you hear him and if you find out he likes apple pie then i need i want you to bake an apple pie and if it's still misery after that i totally am going to pay for it you know i'll pay for the lunch i'll pay for the apple pie i'll pay for that and then i treated her one time and the follow-up was their best buds right because you know she found out the rest of the story of course the rest of the story is he came from like an abusive family blah blah blah and he just needed somebody to go alongside of him that would love on him and care for him and listen to him and that's mostly what most of us want we just want somebody to listen to us and care for us so i start this talk just by in medicine and in life we're forgetting like the basic things of health so the first basic thing of health is somebody needs to experience love and have love so if right away somebody's sick and the first thing we do is give a medication and all this stuff and we're not looking at like so the various loves in somebody like somebody's life is going to be they love somebody loves god doesn't love god believes in god doesn't believe in god so i personally receive the love of god i think of myself as a beloved son of god that god loves me that i'm the object of god's affection and those of us who believe in god would say that god doesn't love any person more or less he loves everybody the same but he may not appreciate the things i do because if i do bad things toward his most beloved creatures which are other human beings if i mean his most beloved uh family if you will other human beings of course he's not gonna like that so so love of god then of course love yourself so love yourself so jesus taught love the lord your god with all your heart mind soul and strength and love other people in the manner in which you love yourself so loving myself means that i have the same opinion that god has of me so if i'm beloved of god i need to love myself and it doesn't mean that i'm selfish it just means that god is happy with me i don't have to do a bunch of stuff to prove his love like he loves me so i need to love myself and appreciate my uniqueness my yellowness if it were and then i can't have my happiness be based on izzy loves me nicole loves me my patients love me my wife loves me obviously i hope is he loves me and nicole loves me and me my wife loves me but there's going to be times where my wife's upset with me or maybe i didn't get a patient better you know so i can't have my happiness or my self-identity be based on that so so love yourself love god and you should you know love your family you should love your friends you should love your work you should love the things you do in your free time like there's all these things that you know you should love so you should be surrounded by love and then love by definition is supposed to be given out it's supposed to be given up so all of us obviously need to be helping other people and the main thing we're supposed to do is help other people whether it's in medicine whether it's calling an old friend uh whether it's trying to use your gifts and talents that you individually have to teach the youngsters right the older people are supposed to teach the youngsters so health starts with that and then i'm going to get into more and more about what's involved with health but i just wanted to say that it definitely starts out with love so natural medicine basically starts with a premise that the body has tremendous regenerative capacity so we just got to get the body to have the maximum regenerative capacity which may mean that there's lifestyle things that have to do and dynamic structural medicine just means that god made the human body with a certain structure in mind that's ideal which means in the neck that you have a lordotic curve and that the vertebrae are in alignment and the ligaments and muscles are strong to stabilize it and once the neck becomes destabilized and the curve changes then that's going to change the fluid flow into and out of the brain is going to change the nerve impulse transmission to the brain and away from the brain and you know if you've seen other videos of mine that's going to affect the brain pressure so the brain pressure goes up it also might affect the vagus nerves which is the main sensor of the body so then the brain doesn't really know what's going on with the body accurately so the brain which is the master computer right of the whole body then the computer programming gets off and then the brain doesn't do ideally what's needed for the body so then you get all kinds of illnesses now in regard to long-haul covid basically is there a structural cause for long-haul covet symptoms like in other words could the actual symptoms of long-haul cover just be because there's a breakdown of the neck curve which i term cervical destructure which is affecting the vagus nerve and affecting the brain and that's actually what's causing long-haul covid symptoms could post covid19 symptoms be coming from your neck can covet 19 lead to tinnitus and all the myriad of symptoms that occur after a covet infection can cova 19 lead to internal vibrations or shivers so meaning that long-haul covid uh the the syndrome how do you end up getting tinnitus or how do you get dizziness or the other symptoms including shivers or vibrations so let's just first talk about uh what happens with a viral infection so personally i cared for around 75 patients when there was covid so just know i was at the bedside of sitkovid patients i was in their houses you know i was in the apartments i was um you know i had friends from around the country that know that i i'm an expert in natural medicine so so i have personal experience seeing early covid then having people that i loved their oxygen go down and then me as a physician trying to help them regain their health so of the 75 patients that i personally took care of not in the office here i mean just either via phone or i was actually at their houses because you know mary and i go to church so we know church people so they know i'm a physician so then of them two of them did end up going into the hospital the everybody survived really good i don't know of anybody who has long-haul covid from those 75 the one got admitted and then when when she got admitted was the elderly person in a family the other three recovered fine by the time she got to the hospital she was coveted negative and she just had a secondary bacterial infection that needed like two days in the hospital and she was fine the other person was somebody who didn't contact me until they had the condition for like seven or eight days so by the time i got involved with it the disease process had progressed quite a bit and then that person so for about two or three days we tried stuff at home but they eventually i sent them to the er and then they were admitted and they were admitted maybe about seven days and i know long term they're doing fine so i've been in communication with them so during the whole covid you know during the first baudekova then the delta variant and da-da-da i would get communication from people that i knew that for instance they were really really sick and then all of a sudden there they'd have unbelievable head pressure or they'd have a vibratory sense in their body like almost like their body is vibrating and we forget that when you're coughing all the time like when you're coughing all the time it's mini whiplashes it's mini whiplashes and then let's be honest when you're in the bed you know when you're watching tv or you're just sick in bed your head's all your your neck's all cockamamy you know you're you're all flexed that's not like a normal thing when you're upright you know i'm not walking around and i'm looking at the ground so imagine for two days your neck's all cockamamie and believe it or not there's so many of the symptoms that i completely got rid of when somebody was acutely ill with covet i would tell them just lay on your stomach and and put your hands uh like lay on your stomach then elevate your neck like extend your neck like i had one person who they were getting this horrible thoracic pain and then they were getting these vibratory scents and i'll show you later on what causes that but basically the posterior column of the spinal cord has too much pressure so what they had to do was get get this is basically the posture that you're in bed so you have to do the opposite you have to get extended right so i would have them do that and all a lot of the head pressure the um the vibratory sense the pain in the lower part of the body the body aches would go away because all of a sudden you're restoring the cervical curve so viral infection or any kind of a lot of coughing is going to give many whiplashes and then of course the position in bed has to be has to not be flexed all the time now on many of these slides i did put the reference so just know anybody can check that is the information that dr houser is presenting here is it correct so this is from an article covid longhauler's long-term effects of covet 19 and again this is from john hopkins medical center one of the best medical centers in the country the national institutes of health refer to long term covenanting symptoms as past which stands for post-acute sequelae of sars covet ii more common terms are post-covet syndrome long covet or long-term coven people living with post-covet syndrome are sometimes known as long haulers so this whole video is about how to resolve this and to give you guys some other things to think about that it may be structural or it may just be you got to get back to the basics of health and i gave you one tidbit is do you every day every moment of every day have kindness caring security love in your heart like is that the modus operandum that if i had a thought meter in your head and i got a readout would the readout be peacefulness calmness joy positivity or what the readout be is you know life's not fair to me i anger bitterness unforgiveness just madness you know just mad angry right there is no longer live covid corona virus running amok in the body if tested the person would test negative for the coronavirus but they might be severely debilitated nonetheless so again this is john hopkins just saying that you know there has there's something else beside just the cova 19 virus living in the person so these are the common symptoms and we'll have other slides that say this but so somebody at some point developed all these things and normally it occurs after they had active covet so but you know as well as i do if anybody sees any of my videos and we talk about upper cervical instability we talk about cervical destructure you will know that this list is on there this list this exact list so look at my videos on brain toilet obstruction like when the internal jugular veins get obstructed here and your brain pressure goes up guess what the symptoms are cognitive decline brain fog brain pressure then i did six hours of videos on the vagus nerve like webinars on the vagus nerve and then when the vagus nerve gets degenerated or injured or the impulses get blocked you get what tachycardia postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome you get dizziness you get anxiety you know you get where your stomach you get this these stomach issues or digestive issues and nobody can figure out why so the first thing just know there isn't anything about this list that is any different than upper cervical instability or a breakdown of the cervical curve so that's kind of my first point okay and again this is from the article post cova 19 syndrome long haul syndrome description of a multi-disciplinary clinic at mayo clinic so i'm starting this out by something from john hopkins and something from the mayo clinic right two of the stellar you know medical centers in the united states mayo clinic saying well they did a study a hundred patients 68 women common presenting symptoms were fatigue 80 respiratory complaints 59 neurologic was 59 followed by cognitive impairment 45 percent sleep disturbance 30 percent and mental health symptoms 26 one out of three difficulty with daily activities and one out of three difficulty returning so my first point in this and it'll be in other slides isn't it interesting there's twice as many females as males right like you know there's twice as many females as males so are we going to say did twice as many females get coveted than males i don't think so so what's the difference between males and females the main difference is and you've heard me say this a million times females in general are much much more loose jointed than males they just are we would agree they have different hormones and this and that but structurally they have way looser joints than males right so that'll be another point that i'm going to bring out you know i said this many times before when a condition is much more common in females than males it's probably either a joint problem a joint instability problem or it's a hormone problem right i'm not going to say osteoporosis i had a patient yesterday who had a compression fracture osteoporosis i'm not going to say that's a joint instability thing no i have testosterone that builds bone women have one-tenth 150th the dose of testosterone of a male then their bones are going to be weaker they don't have the the bone building hormone uh testosterone so they're going to be more prone to osteoporosis okay post cova 19 syndrome is a multi-system disorder and you know oh i touched it oh i'm so sorry i touched it now there's like there's things here i'm sorry i already touched it oh i'm so sorry mac i should have used mickey's finger uh so i'm sorry about that uh no some of the studies show over 200 symptoms the hypo so in our mayo clinic saying the hypothesis of what causes it includes low-level persistent virus though john hopkins said nope there's no virus dysregulated immune system rogue antibodies chronic inflammation ah vagus nerve dysfunction right it's not just dr hauser saying vagus nerve dysfunction this is mayo clinic and others okay so that's kind of a key point so you'll see other articles maybe it's the vagus nerve maybe it's the vagus nerve okay so and again these are all different articles this is from temple university this is from the journal neuroscience uh this is from you know another journal yeah so these are the references so i just and then this is a cova 19 with the spike protein so i wanted you guys to see that spike protein so the spike protein i kind of think of it like a drill it helps the covenanting get into the cell and the and basically it unlocks the cell and then cova-19 got into the cell like and then i want to bring up and this is why this video might take so long because i have to talk about how i was taught infection in medical school and again understanding the cure of disease the cures of disease and always know natural medicine providers dynamic structural medicine providers are trying to cure disease now i know i'm not supposed to use that term but let's just say uh if somebody had rheumatoid arthritis antibodies and i got them on a natural medicine program vegetarian diet don't do gluten casein resolve all their stressors and then they became rheumatoid factor negative like they didn't produce antibodies anymore i would just say they're in remission so let's agree let's just agree the goal is to get these symptoms in remission and hopefully then they if somebody maintains their structural integrity structural integrity of their neck and then they have a lifestyle that is just pro-health there's a good chance that once their symptoms are resolved they'll stay resolved right so uh so we're so we're talking about resolution so um why antibiotics work so well but anti-viral medications don't work so well is in general the bacteria are outside the cell the bacteria are outside the cells so they're in the plasma so when you take an antibiotic it permeates the plasma and it kills the bacterial infection and let's agree modern medicine with antibiotics with bacterial infection has been herculean herculean right so i don't have a problem if i got a sore throat and it's all red back there and there's pus i don't have a problem with me taking an antibiotic i just don't so it's not like i i don't ever use medicines viral infections go inside the cell so we do not still have good medications or diagnostics that can tell what's going on inside the cell this is a major major point of this video so in other words when you take an antiviral or you take herbal things to kill viruses you just got to realize for the most part it stays outside the cell because to get inside the cell you've got to have something that's going to get it inside the cell now there's things like exosomes and different things even some of the vaccines they encapsulate them in different things because it's very difficult to get stuff inside the cell and always know when you get lab tests this is really interesting what i'm going to say because most people don't know this is when you take a thyroid test they're not testing the thyroid that's actually inside the cell they're just testing the thyroid amount outside the cell but what the only thing that prime the primary thing that matters is how much thyroid gets inside the cell and speeds up your metabolism so there's doctors who do natural medicine and i did this for many years you know now you guys know i emphasize the structure versus the the chemicals or the hormones even though i still prescribe hormones for some of my patients but imagine somebody who their thyroid tests are within the normal range okay but they have all the symptoms of hypothyroid they they're they're overweight they can't lose weight they're cold all their time their hair might be falling out their reflexes are slow like they have all the symptoms of thyroid but they go to the endocrinologist and it's all fine so a natural medicine doctor might say well you have subclinical hypothyroid meaning you don't have enough thyroid to get inside the cell or there's some reason the thyroid's not getting inside the cell so then doctors like myself might try some low dose thyroid because maybe they just have to have an increased dose in the plasma to get inside the cell and it's unbelievable sometimes you just give a little bit of thyroid and the person's like oh my gosh my body temperature is going up my hair stops falling out i'm not constipated anymore so that's like sometimes the traditional doctor is doing what they've been taught and i'm just saying that it may be it's correct your lab tests show that the dot the in the plasma is the normal dose but it might be the problem is it's not getting inside the cell and we don't have a test to say what's going inside the cell so viruses and organisms like lyme disease they they can get inside the cell and when it gets inside the cell it's much harder to get rid of but we don't even have good tests to show that it's inside the cell so that's like that's where you know so somebody might be let's just say for lyme's disease they have all that myriad of symptoms that long-haul covet has right because if you looked at chronic lyme it's the same myriad of symptoms cognitive decline joint aching memory issues uh neck pain dizziness is the same thing so then they do tests that are what it's in the plasma they're doing like plasma tests you know so then people might get on long-term antibiotics and long-term this and long-term that but there's no definitive way to say that it's inside the cell so you're surmising it is where i would say a much easier approach is maybe it's there's a structural cause of the of the person's symptoms and i've said this in other videos that even lyme's disease right i was one of the doctors that treated lyme long long-term lyme's disease with all kinds of things high-dose vitamin c antibiotics all kinds of things and i just don't do it anymore because we correct the neck structure and the symptoms go away so i can't say they had this person had long term lyme and we just got their vagus nerve functioning good and their immune system good and then they got rid of it or all the symptoms were just from vagus nerve dysfunction and or intracranial hypertension from the jugular vein being compressed so that's like a key point so so in other words even with long-haul covert like let's just say somebody has long-haul covid and the the blood test shows systemic inflammation right high sensitivity c-reactive protein the person got and the numbers were up and then we correct the next structure stabilize their neck with prolotherapy do curve correction and then the c-reactive protein goes down and their symptoms go down i don't know the exact mechanism exactly why all their symptoms go down it could be that they had systemic inflammation that's why they were all achy all over it could be that they had micro clots because we'll talk about that in their capillaries and that resolved all i know is when we get their structure good because we're we're trying to get the body the way god had originally made it stable good neck structure receiving love giving love eating healthy taking good vitamins and then health restore okay so the covid research this is just some basic things sars cova2 spiked proteins disrupt the blood brain barrier so in other words you know there's data that when you have covet infection that it disrupts the blood brain barrier and the spike proteins disrupt the blood-brain barrier so am i saying that's what's causing it i'm just saying that they found this so apparently and again i'm not an expert on the covid vaccine so i'm not going to comment too much on it just that the the covet vaccines in part work by making spike proteins so we just know that the spiked proteins can disrupt the blood-brain barrier the s-1 protein of sars-covid 2 crosses the blood-brain barrier in mice so so the point is does that happen in humans probably but it you know so it so in other words like there's when people die of covid there has been researchers and then examined the brains of the people that died right so that's kind of important does that correlate then with long-haul covet i don't know all we know is that when they do autopsies on people that have died from covid these are some things they find like in other words they'll find that when they test the tissue that the spike protein can disrupt the blend brain barrier and then you'll see other things it says sars cova2 may infect both peripheral cells capable of crossing the blood-brain barrier and brain endothelial cells to traverse the blood-brain bearing spread into the brain so the point is there's lots of different ways that the that covet can get into the brain it can infect the cell the cell goes into the brain then or the spike protein say from the vaccine then can get into the brain research strongly suggests cova-19 virus enters the brain i mean that's the whole point so does that then long term cause problems with brain function that's still to be determined but these are just facts that we know that that the covet can enter the brain so this just kind of shows that there's a blood-brain barrier see there's a blood-brain barrier so in other words you eat a salami sandwich that has a preservative in it right so it may be that your blood-brain barrier is going to protect the brain from that preservative like if the preservative was dangerous for the brain however if something disrupts the blood-brain barrier that's not good because then it means that the very barrier that god made to protect the brain isn't there anymore i just want to explain how the brain pressure goes up and because of high brain pressure breaks down the blood-brain barrier so if you go on google and you just typed in idiopathic meaning we don't know the cause intracranial hypertension and blood brain barrier you'll see that high brain pressure can absolutely disrupt the blood-brain barrier and the bbb that's what keeps bad things out of the brain it can keep organisms out of the brain it can keep substances out of the brain but the most common cause that i think of something that disrupts the blood-brain barrier is increased brain pressure from obstruction of the jugular vein so if we just say this is the jugular veins right and then if the atlas which is if the atlas which is c1 you could see that as the atlas goes forward there's tension on the jugular vein here and the jugular vein it goes into the the hole called the jugular foramen so the jugular foramen is the hole that the vagus nerve and the jugular vein goes into to enter the brain so the jugular vein and the vagus nerve they run right together so whatever is going on in the jugular vein is going to go on in the vagus nerve so the jugular veins getting compressed then likely the vagus nerve is getting stretch and compression also so while the brain pressure is going up with jugular vein compression because the cervical curve is screwed up and there's tension on the jugular vein you might say well how's the cervical curve getting screwed up the normal cervical curve is lordosis so in other words it's like this but you and i let's be honest we're addicted to our cell phone so we're like this all day so because we're like this all day the curve can go like this to like that and you could be walking around right now in your curves like this so in other words the atlas which is the first cervical vertebrae instead of being here in 3d space it's one and a half inches too far forward so the one and a half inches too far forward does what it's going to compress the jugular vein and some people have an elongated styloid so so it's a bone that can elongate because of we're in this position and the styloid connects the stylomandibular ligament and the stylohyoid ligament so when you go like this that ligament those ligaments pull on this bone and over time the ligament can get calcified which we call an elongated styling so in other words the jugular vein can also be compressed in the front by an elongated styloid and in the back from the atlas so the combination of it does what injures the vagus nerve injures the brain by increasing the brain pressure because the main conduit of fluid out of the brain is the jugular vein especially when you're laying down seventy percent of the fluid in the brain is in the venous system so imagine if you're laying down at night and instead of the brain getting restored being able to remove toxins that are in it including spiked protein or covid and it can't all that can accumulate is more toxicity more more things that are damaging to the brain so then the brain is getting assaulted because of high brain pressure that's not getting resolved because the person doesn't know they have a structural neck problem and then chemically by neural inflammation or some other mechanisms inside the brain that substances that damage normal nerve cells are then accumulating you can see where the brain cells can start dying so we call when brain cells die to start dying we call that neurodegeneration and when enough neurodegeneration occurs you get what dementia right you get alzheimer's you get you know the the thing that we all fret might happen to us so here i'm going to give these back and we're going to try to do the rest of this where you know there's not we just let the thing of we don't stop the taping so the blood brain barrier that basically is that oh i touched the thing again geez i screwed up again okay so the blood brain barrier that basically is the tight junctions that keep stuff from the blood so blood enters the brain by the carotid artery and the vertebral arteries then the blood gets filtered if you will from the blood-brain barrier so the fluid inside the brain is typically clear you know and we call that cerebral spinal fluid and that's what nourishes the brain but if the blood-brain barrier is disrupted then substances get into the brain that shouldn't and basically oh this is a cartoon illustrating the brain interstitial system the iss between the neural cells comprising the isf and the extracellular matrix so basically the cerebral spinal fluid is the clear fluid that nourishes the cells then in our office we can see extra cerebral spinal fluid around the eye nerve that's why we do uh orbital or eye ultrasound and basically what we're doing is we're measuring the optic nerve sheath diameter and when there's a blockage of drainage of the brain through the internal jugular vein a process called csf stasis like there's not the normal flow of cerebral spinal fluid and then it can accumulate in different places when the cerebral spinal fluid accumulates like in the frontal lobe you're going to get frontal lobe damage when it accumulates in the brain stem you get flattening of the pons and that can cause brain stem problems brain stud damage and when it accumulates around the eye nerve you can get decreased transmission of images from your eye to the back of the brain and that's where you get blurriness of vision double vision problems focusing which we see in a lot of people who've been diagnosed with post covid infection or long-haul coven so leading neurologic manifestation in covin 19 symptoms are classified miscellaneous so you can see that miscellaneous headache encephalopathy you can get strokes you can get ataxia which is where you get balance problems and all kinds of sensory symptoms so with long-haul covet you can get pear osmia where you have changes in your sense of smell like you can smell things that aren't even there you can get where you can't smell you can get hyper sensitivity to smell then so with upper cervical instability or changes in the cervical curve or long-haul covid you can get hypersensitivity sensory syndrome so i want to explain that it's very common to get hypersensitivity to sound hypersensitivity to sight you can get hypersensitivity to smells these are all issues with the cranial nerves so the question is you know what could cause all these hypersensitivities syndromes well i just said to you that when you get csf stasis the cerebral spinal fluid can go around any of the cranial nerves so cranial nerves are surrounded by cerebral spinal fluid the cervical nerve roots the spinal cord the brain is surrounded by cerebral spinal fluid so if the cerebral spinal fluid gets the fluid flow gets stopped or inhibited then that can put pressure on any cranial nerves so that's where again you could get trigeminal neuralgia which is cranial nerve five you can get sound sensitivity because the cerebral spinal fluid irritates cranial nerve 7 or the vagus nerve which is cranial nerve 10. if the cerebral spinal fluid irritates cranial nerve 9 which is the glossopharyngeal nerve that's where you get swallowing problems and the glossopharyngeal nerve is the main sensor for blood pressure so if you notice with long-haul covid like you're dizzy and they tell you you have pots and your blood pressure readings are all off i've even seen people where they have high blood pressure for no reason they're thin they eat organic and it's because their glossopharyngeal nerve isn't working right if you want to do a simple test at home i in the office i take a tongue blade and i just you know irritate the back of the throat or your palate you can do the same thing with your palate and you should get a really massive gag reflex so if you even with your toothbrush you irritate your palate or you irritate the back of your throat and you're like geez like i'm not gagging of that you probably have a glossopharyngeal problem and again you might say well how does that occur with what you're saying doctor that my neck curves all cockamamy and i think that's a linguist word cockamam just a great word but in the carotid sheath where the jugular vein is located and the vagus nerve is located so is the glossopharyngeal nerve so it's the same process by stretch compression because all of a sudden now the structures in there are stretched because the shortest distance from here to the brain is going to be when there's a lordotic curve so i think that's an important point too just think about when you have this change in your your cervical curve basically everything has to travel increase distance and all it takes is a five to six percent stretch of a nerve and impulses get blocked so what's going to happen if impulses are blocked of the vagus nerve to your stomach the stomach doesn't work food just sits there you get bloating constipation you feel nauseous if the nerve impulses get blocked to the heart from the vagus nerve the left vegas nerve you get tachycardia because the vagus nerve is what decreases the heart rate so this is a great article recommend you guys look at it's called the pathological sequelae of long-haul covet and that's in a natural immune immunology journal and it's 2022 at state of the art it explains acute covid symptoms and post covid so you're going to see there's all kinds of things that have been talked about or seen in long-haul coven skin rashes graves disease hashimoto's glucose issues hearing loss tinnitus red eyes sore throat vasovagal there you go again orthostatic hypotension vagus nerve that can be a vagus nerve symptom that can be a vagus nerve symptom nausea weight loss altered bowel motility well what's the nerve supply to the bowels that's the vagus nerve when the vagus nerve innervates the bowels like you stimulate the vagus nerve what happens you get contractility so if you've noticed and somebody's diagnosed you with long-haul covet and you have decreased motility of the esophagus gastroparesis or they said that you have irritable bowel syndrome it absolutely could be that you have vagus nerve degeneration so then you'd say well how do you diagnose vagus nerve degeneration in our office we measure the vagus nerve we measure the vagus nerve vagus nerves uh diameter should be normal is about 1.8 millimeters do you know yesterday i saw a patient that the vagus nerve on one side was 0.5 and then the history of the patient was about two years before so two years before she saw me she had a very severe atrial fibrillation now i can't prove definitively that her left vagus nerve degeneration caused the atrial fibrillation but think about it if the left vagus nerve innervates the av node and that's what slows or inhibits bad focuses of nerve activity in the heart so in other words that's kind of the blockade just like the blood brain barrier the av node in the heart that's the blockade of any of too high of heartbeats or heartbeats that are occurring in other places than the pacemaker the heart the av node is like the guard and what keeps the guard strong is the vagus nerve so the vagus nerve innervates the av node so the heart rate doesn't go crazily high and you don't get an arrhythmia so imagine if you have degeneration of the left vagus nerve now that that gatekeeper can't be there then all kinds of abnormal beats get through and then of course you could get an arrhythmia okay and again lab abnormalities so in patients that we've seen so patients that i've seen that have long haul covert this is what i've seen and it's not like 8 000 patients i'm just saying i'm just an average doctor trying to take care of people who said they either had a vaccine shot and they haven't felt good since then or they've had covent infection they haven't felt good since then when i test them most of them have uh elevated high sensitivity c-reactive protein which is where they have high inflammation in their blood and a good portion of them have auto antibodies now i can't prove 100 that all that stuff's from a covet vaccine shot or the covenant infection there i'm just saying what i see in the office so you so there definitely are doctors who've seen different kind of things elevated in post covid syndrome they've seen elevated neutrophils which seem to indicate that there's still some kind of infection going on elevated d dimer that's because there's some kind of clotting going on some kind of clotting abnormal clotting and then the rest of these just show that there's something going on in some people with clotting with inflammatory markers and again just so many different symptoms look at that all kinds of respiratory symptoms that occur with post-covet syndrome fatigue is obviously a big one small joint arthritis myalgia is just achiness all over but again these are common symptoms that we see with upper cervical instability and cervical destructure when the neck curve gets reversed vertigo right you've heard me talk a lot about vertigo vertigo vertigo in our experience is that a person has upper cervical instability here i'm going to take this one i'll be careful here so see how in the in the vertebrae here is the vertebral artery so the vertebral artery goes in a hole throughout the cervical vertebrae and then it wraps around c1 it wraps around c1 so if you have instability of c1 the artery gets kinked and that kinking of the artery the vertebral artery can absolutely cause you to have vertigo so if you turn your head and you've noticed that's when you get the vertical i'm just telling you you got some kind of probably upper cervical instability and you probably have what i what i described previously is that your atlas is way way too far forward and let's be honest if the brain pressure is really high you can get anything and probably you're going to get kind of a malaise feeling because your brain pressure's so high your brain's not functioning right you're probably going to have trouble at work because you can't think as clearly you're going to feel kind of depressed so that's why i think brain fog and all those manifestation probably are that the brain pressure is too high and you might say well doc how do you document that the brain pressure is too high now the gold standard is you stick a needle into the spinal fluid and you measure the pressure right i don't want to be doing that on patients i'd rather find non-invasive ways so the two main non-invasive ways you might even say three ways that we do it one is we look at optic nerve sheath diameter so about 95 percent of people with high brain pressure have elevation of the optic nerve sheath diameter then the second way is when the brain pressure goes up the brain sometimes gets so nervous that it dilates the arteries so we see in the middle cerebral arteries we see just high velocities the velocity should be 65 centimeters per second we're seeing like 100 110 120 so that's a second way that we're seeing the manifestations of high brain pressure and of course if we have a person in their upright and we do an ultrasound at c1 and their jugular vein is completely closed captioning not available brain velocities are high they have brain fog depression they can't work so much because their brain function is low it all adds up to intracranial hypertension i made this one you know with my media team i researched all these articles so you see it's very very well referenced so the scientific explanation or theories on the cause of long-haul symptoms so this is an important slide you'll see that i put on it why are females two times more likely to suffer from long alcove and 19 syndrome so you see that you'll see that there's several good with a lot of patience why is it two times more likely in females so you heard me say i'm just telling you females are more loosey-goosey in their joints than males we all know it they have much more flexibility the hormone estrogen that inhibits fibroblastic proliferation where testosterone stimulates it the fibroblasts are what repair the ligaments they're the cells that grow the ligaments so females have many many many times more estrogen than a male and that would be so their repairability of ligaments is less and then we have a hormone as a male that stimulates the cells that make ligaments that's another mechanism by which we have an advantage so most chronic pain clinics have twice as many or three times as many female patients as males so that would mean then that if it is a ligamentous problem if long-haul covet is a ligamentous problem structurally it means that you have to treat it structurally so the way you treat it structurally is make sure the person's computer screen is high right because you want to induce the lordotic curve then people have to stop looking at their cell phones if you're going to do the cell phone my friends jana and leah knit in boston thank you for the tripod they sent me a tripod because how they do their cell phone is they don't look down they have the tripod up no so it's a very very good idea and even the tv i'd recommend have your tv up because if all you do is look down you're gonna you're breaking down your cervical curve breaking down your cervical curve you're increasing your brain pressure damaging your vagus nerve among other nerves so again it's interesting many researchers see that it's more likely in females so the main mechanism by which the various theories scientific researchers that have said that somebody gets long-haul cove it is vagus nerve injury autonomic nervous system dysfunction but again that can be the vagus nerve so there's the autonomic nervous system supposed to be balanced meaning that normally when you're peaceful you're loving you're caring and you're in a non-stressful environment your vagal tone if you will should be higher than your sympathetic tone so in other words the vagus nerve is part of the rest and relaxed nervous part part of the nervous system which is called the parasympathetic and the sympathetic system or adrenaline that's for stress so imagine if a person has autonomic nervous system dysfunction meaning they have vagus nerve degeneration the vagus nerves are smaller meaning that the nerve cells of the vagus nerve have actually died and they constantly live in a state of stress because their vagus nerves are so weak do you think it's they're going to get symptoms if you live in a constant state of stress so the way you tell whether you live in a constant state of stress is you got to get a heart rate variability monitor so the one that i use personally is from elite hrv i don't have any i don't get royalties or that's just the one that i use so i would recommend everybody monitor their heart rate variability especially if you have long haul coved and then with elite hrv i try to get it greater than 70. so if it's less than 70 it just means that i'm not optimal as far as my vagal tone like some of the vagus nerve impulses are getting blocked or my vagus nerve isn't healthy and the way that i help my vagal tone is i don't perseverate on negative things i i like a lot of alone time so i i have a lot of alone time i listen to music that raises my hrv so for me it's like pachelbel it's andrea bocelli believe it or not it's not the music that i normally would listen to which is like motown and uh you know journey and the kind of the music i grew up with i'm not saying i never listen to that music but that's that music lowers my hrv and you're going to see that any jazzy rock and roll music it lowers your your hrv because it it actually induces the adrenaline system which gives you an immediate high but that's not good if you have long haul covert like people with long alcove might say i'm just telling you if i take amphetamines or i drink a lot of coffee i feel better yeah you it's just like listening to rock and roll yeah you immediately feel better but long term it's not good because you're better off moment to moment day by day feeling relaxation and calmness and rest and then you shouldn't have 800 million thoughts going through your mind so if you're somebody who you can't turn your mind off you've got to work on it so i'm going to tell you how i did it because i'm an artist and i have to come up with all these slides so trust me i got i have a lot of things i got to do so i could have a lot of things to be worried about so many years ago i came across the research of dr jacobson who wrote the book you must relax and he was the grandfather of biofeedback so two of his discoveries were that a person fell asleep the moment their muscles of their face relaxed and the second discovery was every time you have a thought you can track the muscles of your face and i was having a lot of insomnia at the time and i just was having racing thoughts and add and all this stuff and i noticed like i'll just tell you what happened last night so go in the bed i hadn't seen marion all day hold her hand talking to her then in the middle of her actually talking she falls asleep now it couldn't be because my conversation is so boring because you guys know you listen to me like man that guy's interesting but no but she could tell me something she literally could tell me something that's awful about something that happened then the next minute she can fall asleep so once i learned the dr jacobson thing marian's a doer i'm i was i was a thinker i'm becoming a doer so in other words all my patients who were doers they just didn't have any insomnia they didn't even have a lot of anxiety and then once i started treating covid patients it was unbelievable in the families and this is something again why people have to watch this whole video so in the families like say there was two kids two adults maybe a grandma and a grandpa the more left brain somebody was the milder the symptoms of kova when they get when the kovid ravages the family and say they had a kid who was like a teenager who was anxious or one of the spouses who just had an anxious personality it was normally the artists it was normally the thinkers yeah they would get coveted the worst so think about what i just said and you my guys might think of your own family or other family members when they got covered in my experience in almost every family the more left brain the more analytical the more somebody was a doer versus the thinker they had the mildest symptoms they didn't get long-haul covered then the people who were the artists the ross housers the thinkers of the worriers if you will they had the worst covid and then those were the people that ended up getting long-haul coven so in and also you might even say they were the melancholies and they were the more debbie downers they were the more people who kind of looked at things of everything that could go wrong versus everything that could go right so that would mean to me as a doctor that the real issue relates to the thinking the worrying and if there is a structural component to it that's the real issue not the circumstances right not the circumstances we're looking at the circumstances like somebody got coveted then it's the circumstance that's causing all the problems no the circumstance was just the straw that broke the camel's back so that's kind of another interesting point so um because i'll give you an example somebody will say to me well i got mold toxicity like that's what i got mold toxicity then i'm like how many members are in your family so say there's three kids a father and a mother right and then they're saying i'm under this whole complicated thing for mold toxicity and i'm like how many people were living in that house they'd say five how's everybody else doing fine and you're real sick you see the difference i'm not saying that for that person mold toxicity doesn't exist i'm not saying that the person didn't have covid and they got really really sick what i'm saying is we're missing the big picture which is why is this particular person the molds affecting them and it's not affecting anybody else every place in florida there's mold right you go to the houser's house i guarantee you two or three times a year we have to have the whole house the whole outside of the house power wash because there's just mold everywhere so there's mold everywhere in the air it's a high humidity thing so why is it that this particular person is so sick and we're addressing primarily the mold right you got to get rid of all your you got to get rid of all your furniture you got to get rid of all your clothes you got to move into a new house you have to be on this complicated mold thing and i'm not saying that mold toxicity doesn't exist nor am i saying that a person shouldn't see a mold doctor but i'm just saying that you should first look at why it's affecting you versus somebody else and why it's affecting you i'm just saying a lot of it's going to be it's the vagus nerve you have vagus nerve degeneration you have autonomic nervous system dysfunction and that is probably nowadays i'm not saying 50 years ago nowadays we have cell phones and you're on your cell phone the average american's on their cell phone six hours a day plus they're hunched over a computer right i said let's get our computers way way up so and i'm and i'm also saying that when we help the next structure and the vagus nerves get bigger and the hrv goes up guess what and the jugular veins become open doctor my brain fog's going away my tinnitus is going away my i had a patient the other day i kid you not i saw them one visit they had 30 attacks of trigeminal neuralgia a day the history that i got when i walked in on the second visit i saw them one visit and dr hutchinson saw him one visit doctor i'm 98 percent better why because we very quickly get your thing up we put some weights on them do that i did one brolo therapy and they were down to like a couple little attacks a day and that's like somebody who's already seen 25 doctors and i'm not saying that every trigeminal neuralgia case is like that but i'm just saying that it's you could easily say trigeminal neuralgia it's a virus it's this it's that i'm just saying correct your neck structure because that's something easily you guys can do at home you can monitor your own vagus nerve function you can get very inexpensively a lateral c-spine x-ray to see that your neck curve isn't good and then uh you know you guys can correct that and if it doesn't if symptoms don't correct then yeah you might see a place like us but to just like say just address see where this also says micro clots right so they found that there is a clotting thing in some people with long-haul covid so you would say well how do you address that well how i address it is is proper diet right because if you're on the right diet for your diet type and i'd recommend you guys go to hauserdiet.com maybe you can still get the hauser diet book used you know at various places you can get it used it's not in print anymore recommend you try to be on the right diet so i'll just refer you to that as far as diet i personally take fish oil capsules i take enzymes obviously marian cooks with a lot of garlic i take magnesium all these things thin the blood i do take aspirin so i've been a big proponent of aspirin and the reason is always know an acetylsalicylic acid is from willowbrook so i look at aspirin as a natural substance that's in willow barks that's what i do uh for years i took one baby aspirin a day now i take one regular aspirin a week so i take one regular aspirin a week so i think the data on aspirin is very good that it helps to keep the blood thin when i do prolotherapy i can tell just when i do prolotherapy whose blood's thin whose blood's healthy and whose blood's not he might say well how do you do that i'm just telling you anybody who's observed prolotherapy when i do the injections and they're bleeding some people's blood i'm just telling you it's red the most beautiful red unbelievably red it's oxygenated well in other people's blood it looks black i kid you not you could poke yourself it doesn't look really really red like it's well oxygenated or it looks black and there's not very much oxygen and anyone who's taking care of cancer patients their blood is black so i can tell that the other thing i can tell is you should bleed a lot with prolotherapy you should like boom hold boom hole boom hole boom and i'm just telling you some of the patients it's like there's no bleeding you know so that's not good i could so in other words i know they have coagulopathy they have thick blood so when you have thick blood is it easier for the heart if the blood's like molasses or is it easier for the heart if the blood's like water think about the pressure when the blood's like molasses and the heart and all the pressure on the heart and the number one killer of human beings in western culture it's not coveted or anything like that it's not even close it's what heart disease and then the second big killer is cancer and both of those you'll see that the pathophysiology a lot of his clots its clots is clots so please do something that's thinning the blood then okay so i'm going to tell you a study from the 1950s i used to i don't have a slide with this but basically all they did was check bleeding time with people who are going to donate blood and they put them in like five categories so the category was persons calm as can be okay they draw they do a bleeding time which was they they prick your skin then they had paper how long did it take the paper not to have a blood drip on it so people who were extremely calm when they walked in to draw the blood it was eight to nine minutes so really thin blood then they had mild moderate severe anxiety like to draw the blood then then so it was like seven to eight minutes and the second group was like five to six minutes and the really anxious people they would clot in like one minute so imagine if you are in a state of chronic anxiety chronic fear you spent you spend your time watching the news every day and all the fearful stuff that's going on in the world and then you go to sleep so your last thought before you go to sleep where you're supposed to get restorative street sleep for your brain for your body like your body has to heal everything that happened in the day and the last thing that you saw before you went to bed was you know there's a war here the politician did this somebody's murdered like is that really something that's going to help you in your health like that you should be doing so those of us who are in natural health believe like an hour before bed or a half an hour before bed you got to get into that really peaceful joyful calm state whatever you need to do for that you know whatever you need to do for that so so just think about that and i just told you that if you don't and you have that anxiety or whatever basically in your free time you're doing something that's damaging your health is that really what all of us should be doing is doing stuff in our free time to damage your health i don't think it's a good idea so the other mechanisms of long-haul coveted symptoms are direct cns invasion through broken blood-brain barrier the trigeminal nerve olfactory nerves or the vagus nerves in the lungs so meaning that the vagus nerve is a two-way traffic thing so the vagus nerve takes signals from your body even your state of stress it takes it goes to the brain then it then it also goes out to slow the heart rate and to do all the great actions that it does to give the body health well basically then if covid or spike protein or something gets into the vagus nerve the vagus nerve can take it into the brain the the the olfactory nerve which is in the nose it can take it into the brain and the trigeminal nerve can also take things right into the brain so overactive immune system we talked about systemic inflammation autoimmunity is just that whenever you have an infection the body's going to make some antibodies toward the infection so the antibodies attach to the organism like let's just say streptococcus then basically then your immune system recognizes the antibody so wherever it sees an antibody it's going to grab it and then the lymph system is going to destroy it basically so what happens is that if things get into the body or the brain like let's just say and again i just used an example of a preservative let's just say a preservative gets somewhere where it shouldn't the body technically can make antibodies against the preservative because the preservative is not supposed to be there so the immune system recognizes no when something's new to the body like corona virus that it's never seen before the body's assuming that it's bad for the body so then the bodies likely going to make antibodies against it so that's another reason why it's so dangerous to have a breakdown in the blood-brain barrier or to have a breakdown in the gut barrier so increased brain pressure causes the breakdown probably in the blood-brain barrier what causes a breakdown in the gut barrier is going to be vagus nerve degeneration so in animals when you damage the vagus nerve what happens is you have increased permeability in the gut and that increased permeability makes somebody prone to making auto antibodies against itself because again it means that in the digestive tract and 90 80 to 90 percent of your immune system is in your digestive tract so think of it this way think of it this way where should your immune system defenses be it should be right around all your orifices like what's going to harm the human body it's going to be something you breathe probably because that enters the body or something you eat so a lot of the immune system defenses are what in the lungs and then they're going to be in the digestive tract so in the digestive tract it's called gut associated lymphoid tissue and then so if the intestinal barrier gets broken because of vagus nerve degeneration substances get exposed to the gut associated lymphoid tissue that it shouldn't so then the it starts shooting antibodies and sometimes it makes antibodies that go against your own cells so that would be like rheumatoid factor it would be like smooth muscle antibody or antinuclear antibody ana which we see in diseases like lupus so this just explains how covid or various infections can basically enter the brain so that's basically what this illustration is then again remember i said if you have vagus nerve degeneration you can have increased inflammation during covid which would give you acute more severe acute covid it can give you systemic inflammation the blood-brain barrier can break down you can make antibodies clots elevated brain pressure dysautonomia and then what actually is causing the vagus nerve degeneration i'm just saying it's probably cervical destruction and ligamentous cervical instability but let me just say that in general the three main causes in human beings of what damages the vagus nerve is something the person sees as very very stressful for instance if somebody was in a really bad marriage for a long period of time that could cause vagus nerve degeneration just because they've been under so much stress if somebody had a child who was on drugs and they were very very worried obviously right now as danielle and tom are in the icu every day every day you got to realize as healthy as they are you know basically their vagus nerves are in incredible incredible assault this you guys will find this interesting so i was the day before last saturday i was with tom i was giving him laughter therapy so i said you know so we had a liquid lunch and you guys know what that is liquid lunch so we were i got him laughing did it uh and i said hey you know in the womb the baby has a cervical curve so i said i feel like are they making sure that the babies the their newborn infants their premature infants are they doing anything with the cervical current said doc man they're on it you know in other words the very positioning they do in the neonatal intensive care unit is to make sure that those babies have a cervical curve and i'm like man they're doing a lot of stuff right if only humans like you guys me like we can't be every day where you're like this with a computer and think like nothing's gonna happen to your brain it's crazy like we should have the new ergonomics is where you're like this like you're like this so in the office when somebody comes in and we've done a digital motion x-ray to see what happens to their cervical curve when they look up i'll just say hey margaret uh you know look up where the top of the cabinet is and i'll have them hold it for like a minute and i'm like you know you good and they're like doc i feel it feels fine and i've even had people say oh my gosh i actually feel better like in other words they can almost feel like their brains raining i'm like do that as much as you can you know do it as much as you can so uh so that would be one of my edicts for you guys just do that there's very so in other words the three main things that damage the vagus nerve one is if the blood sugars are too high so i'm gonna do some stuff on blood sugars in future videos like you don't realize when your glycosylated hemoglobin is over six it's as if i i don't know exactly the number but it's something like all day long in a 24-hour period it's like your blood sugar is 123 or something if you're glycosidine hemoglobin is over six and the doctor says that's fine are you crazy like that you're getting low-level sugar toxicity every moment of every day and basically that damages nerves and one of the nerves that it damages is the vagus nerve so if you looked up my chart and you'll see that almost every time when dr hauser checked this guy causality hemoglobin 5.2 5.2 5.2 not 6.0 not 6.7 not 5.8 5.2 and that's what every moment of every day his blood sugar is like 90. you know so who's going to be healthier uh blood sugar of 123 all the time or a blood sugar of 90. so diet that's where diet plays a role stress it does in other words let's say i have a lot of stress which i do right my associate's gone so i have to see her patients my patients for maybe five months um you know and plus all the responsibilities making this and other videos but if you saw me you'd say one day at the end of the day this was last week i said to the patient and it was like 5 30 because i'm working like 12 plus hour days and we're toward the end of the council and i said if you check my pulse right now it's like 60. and i said did you feel like i gave you and it was a couple i said do you feel like i gave you like good energy like the doctor was on and you got really good service she's like doc great service so i said think of that i'm working every day 12 plus hour days you're oh it was friday it was my last patient of the week my very last patient week and they're like doc no you have good energy you have this i'm almost 60. so it just means that i'm not letting all the awful the awful's the wrong word i mean i'm do i obviously i'm happy to do it for danielle but i mean just i'm not letting my circumstances and woe is me to affect what i do so i try to come into the office with joy have joy occasionally even right here i'll lay down like just for five minutes if i have to like i'm getting tired and because of that the stress isn't negatively affecting me if i'm like geez i'm almost 60 and i got to work this hard and get it done it's yeah i'm just going to make the situation worse and then stress is going to affect my vagus nerve so your perception of stress your diet blood sugars and the third most common cause of vagus nerve degeneration is cervical destructure so in other words what i think happens is people who have low vagal tone in other words their vagus nerves basically are weak or damaged they're the ones that get a stronger reaction to covid then they're more prone to getting long-haul covid and thus the underlying issue really relates to the vagus nerve degeneration which is the same disease process that leads to high intracranial pressure which is compression of the jugular vein and the vagus nerve at the atlas which is what the atlas is too far forward and that's what damages that's what damages the vagus nerve for those who aren't familiar with the vagus nerve just know that the dna the ganglion where the dna of the vagus nerve is and that's the brains of the vagus nerve it sits right at the no dose ganglion which is right at c1 the vagus nerve is made up of a hundred thousand individual nerve cells so as those nerve cells die the vagus nerve gets smaller so if your c1 is so far forward it stretches and damages the vagus nerve every day every day you're like this so in other words the main sensor for the internal physiology of the body that sensor is getting damaged and that's what can cause a lot of human disease that's what the vagus nerve looks like in the human body and these are all the things that the vagus nerve senses and tells your brain what's going on with your organ function what's going on with nerve regeneration what's going on with immune surveillance that's all the vagus nerve what's going on with digestion right and the vagus nerve sits right in front of the vertebrae here and basically the ganglion of the vagus nerve sits right at c1 and that's the jugular foramen that i showed you earlier that the jugular vein goes in and then the vagus nerve innervates all all of the internal organs and it originates in the brain stem which is just above the atlas also this is basically what happens so the vagus nerve is also called the super highway or the motor cross of the nervous system it's the most important nerves in the body right vagus nerve left vagus nerve and basically when you have cervical disc structure or a change in the cervical curve you end up it's like a it's like a congestion on a highway you know and then if the nerve impulses don't go through then the brain doesn't get the information it needs and the brain doesn't know what to do and then you get digestive problems autoimmune diseases lots of anxiety and this just shows it from the lungs you know that the vagus nerve is both the sensor for the lungs and it also is basically if you have if you have covid the it's basically the vagus nerves that are saying expel the virus expel the virus expel the virus okay and this just again shows that the vagus nerve is in basically the endothelium in other words it's the protector of the barrier it's the nerve impulse to the barrier of the lungs barrier of the digestive tract so if the vagus nerve gets degenerated the barrier is broken and of course if the barrier in the brain is broken and it's not going to be good if the barrier is broken in the lungs the lungs going to what hyperreact right that's what we had with covid your lungs hyperreacted and those were the people that did bad with uh they had a lot of bad symptoms with covent and then if the barrier the intestinal permeability barrier gets broken in the digestive tract you get you get inflammatory bowel disease you get inflammation in the digestive tract you get autoimmune disease and this again just kind of shows what happens on a microscopic level that when the vagus nerve isn't working right or degenerated you get all these interleukins and you get you know cytokine storm or you get systemic inflammation all over the body and this is from another great article you know how you guys can research it but basically long-haul coven all the different things that happen so persistent inflammation reactivation of pathogens so all this stuff if you look at all this stuff you would say that in summary it's they're surmising that there's something wrong with the immune system and there's something wrong with the cell and i'm just saying that the immune system dysregulation can be from vagus nerve degeneration from cervical destructure broke down to the cervical curve because it's the vagus nerve that cleans up inflammation in the human body what's gets rid of inflammation in the body is the vagus nerve so if you research vagus nerve anti-inflammatory system lots of stuff will pop up on google so if you have vagus nerve degeneration then you get coveted you're at risk of getting an accelerated inflammatory response and of course that inflammatory response is going to give you a lot of symptoms the connection between the vagus nerve and increased intestinal permeability and that's what i've been talking about the whole thing that the the wall the digestive wall the mucosa that the vagus nerve innervates the enteric nervous system so the vagus nerve is a hundred thousand neurons the nervous system in your gut it's 500 milli million so that means every vagus nerve cell innervates something like 5000 enteric neurons so if you knock out one vagus neuron you're like knocking out 5000 enteric neurons so of course that can do what that can cause increased intestinal permeability and that increased intestinal permeability then can lead to all the findings that we're seeing in long-haul covid where you have increased inflammatory markers in the blood this just kind of shows that when you stimulate the vagus nerve so there's vagus nerve stimulators so that means anybody with long-haul covid beside checking your heart rate variability another thing you can do is get a vagus nerve stimulator so there's lots of them on the internet if you innervate the vagus nerve like in the ear like the inner ear because the vagus nerve innervates the canal here then what happens is with vagus nerve stimulation it even causes neurogenesis nerve regeneration in the brain so obviously if vegas nerve stimulation increases vega increases nerve regeneration in the brain it has to be that vagus nerve degeneration can cause degeneration in the brain so in summary this is basically what i've been talking about where if if somebody is somewhat sick they already start out with increased brain pressure or vagus nerve degeneration then they get covet or some kind of a stressor the depletion they had or the issue they had after the covid resolves they still have it right they still have it we're a healthy person who has normal neck function normal neck structure good vagus tone they get sick they get a little cold they get sick they get their health restored but somebody who's already in a sick state or a not as healthy state after they're sick this illness itself is going to take some of the resources that they didn't have so now they're at a lower level of health so it's much easier to get long-term symptoms so i'm just saying we all got to be treating this part not way down here that you need a drug to get rid of the inflammation it may make you feel better but you're not addressing the actual cause so what i'm going to do is just talk about a few of the symptoms that people get with long-haul covenant and just show how it can be structural so see this person where the spinal cord is hitting the vertebrae in the back the posterior calm of the spinal cord that's what nerve impulses that have to do with itching sensation vibration temperature they go up the tract here so if you have increased pressure on the spinal cord your temperature regulation can get screwed up you're itching you could have all kinds of itching you could have a numb feeling or you could have creepy crawlies or numbness or zapping in your body and it could be coming from the neck because those nerve impulses travel up the neck so this again just shows many people have just their spinal cords get just getting crushed you can see the spinal cord is getting crushed and then here you see this is cerebral spinal fluid remember i said that when you have accumulation of cerebral spinal fluid you can get flattening of the pons that's here the ponds is where all the relay center are not just the ponds but the brain stem the respiratory center blood pressure center autonomic nervous system center so obviously if there's increased pressure then you can have temperature dysregulation nausea the nausea centers there the breathing centers there you could have shortness of breath or all kinds of breathing and this just shows that when there's excessive movement of the bones or the bones are in the wrong position it can irritate the spinal cord and the nerves and again this is how it should look but you would see where this one has cerebral spinal fluid around it where there there's no cerebral spinal fluid so you're getting tension on the spinal cord and depending on where the tension is on the spinal cord it can affect the muscles it can affect temperature and can affect pain so people who have like pain all over their bodies it definitely can be just from the breakdown of the cervical curve causing tension on the spinal cord and that's why they have pain all over their bodies the neck this the tracks in the neck the spinal cord tracks can affect the coordination be the head and the eye so if those reflexes are not optimal people can get dizziness they can feel like the things are moving even though they're not moving and again uh this is from neurologic consequences of covet and all the things that occurs in the human body and especially the brain like you can get all kinds of things in the brain neural inflammation it can disrupt nerve tracts and i'm just saying that there could be something directly on the brain affecting the brain from post covid but it may be that all these things are actually secondary to a structural problem in the neck and then when we x-ray people in the office this is basically what we see like instead of that beautiful cervical curve we see all kinds of craziness like here so this is a person that had reversal of the cervical curve and that of course is going to cause obstruction of the obstruction of the jugular vein can affect the nodos ganglion of the vagus and even the carotid artery but see how the vagus nerve and the jugular vein go through the same hole into the brain and basically this gets occluded then the brain pressure increases when the brain pressure increases this shows just extra fluid hitting the frontal lobe and the frontal lobe is where you get all kinds of higher cognitive functioning so if you feel like your brain just isn't working right it's probably this mechanism that you have high brain pressure and my recommendation is to get checked out to see whether you know you have indications of high brain pressure if you can't come here at minimum i'd say get us get a lateral c-spine x-ray check your vagal tone by uh heart rate variability monitor get your monitor up stop looking at your cell phone you yourself correct your curve and then that may restore the uh fluid flow out of the brain which would reduce the pressure and you would again of course feel great so this is basically how brain symptoms progress when somebody has a normal brain pressures and as the brain pressure goes up you just start getting more and more severe brain symptoms including where you get depression lethargy hopelessness and eventually dissociation where you just don't feel like yourself and in our office what we found is as we restore the brain function by getting the cervical curve back to normal they go function back to normal these symptoms gradually resolve and if you don't do something and the brain pressure keeps increasing eventually and brain toxicity keeps increasing eventually you're going to get a brain cell death and if enough cells die we call that a cortex atrophy or brain atrophy and it's amazing now because people often see me after they've seen a lot of doctors so i started my medical training in the va and i'm just telling you in the va at heinz v and i got great education from 88 to 92 so i took care of veterans for four years and almost all their brain mri showed they it showed white matter lesions which the radiologists would say so in their cortex of their brain the cortex of the brain though um not the inside of the brain the outside of the brain the cortex the mri would show that there was lesions these white matter lesions that meant that they had small vessel disease like in other words they had a little bit of coagulopathy and then didn't cause a lot of things but it did show that there is some brain damage occurring a little bit do you know in my office now that i'm seeing people in their 30s with those same things that the veterans who were under so much stress from the war and all kinds of things that would get in their 70s i'm seeing it in the 30s so this stuff is real this stuff is serious uh my advice is don't just take for granted that you got some organism disease and then you gotta be on medications for the for years my advice is if you have a structural issue just treat the structural issue because once the structuralism is resolved whatever symptoms are from that are going to go away and what if all your symptoms are from a structural issue or you need the structural issue resolved to strengthen your immune system so you can get resolution of the infection issue so this just shows how breakdown of the cervical curve can lead to a breakdown of the blood-brain barrier leads to inflammatory substances getting her into the brain which causes the neural inflammation so the scientists who show that there's neural inflammation i'm just saying the it could be that it's this process that leads to that not necessarily that it was from covit itself so cervical curve correction and prolotherapy it basically reestablishes the normal biomechanics like lordosis prolotherapy is a regenerative injection treatment that causes the thickening tightening of ligaments to resolve joint instability so the way we document the joint instability is by motion x-ray called digital motion x-ray and then after a few visits we rechecked the person to see that it resolved so we have objective evidence that the that it resolves in the combination of it normally helps the person's physiology get back to normal so you might say well how do you check that well i told you on the initial visit we'll do things such as epic nerve sheath diameter we'll check the vagus nerve diameter the blood flow into and out of the brain will check the jugular vein dimensions so sometime in the course of treatment after a few visits we'll recheck that to make sure their jugular veins are opening the vagus nerves are getting bigger and then once that happens then their symptoms start to remit so appreciate you guys i know it's a long video but i hope it's been helpful and most of all i just want to wish you the best of health [Music]
Channel: Caring Medical & Hauser Neck Center
Views: 595,843
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Id: x2Wz8kp5ClU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 113min 54sec (6834 seconds)
Published: Sat May 07 2022
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