Family living alone on a Remote Island

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Taken from the YT description: Eva and her family live an isolated life on the remote island of Stóra Dímun, in the middle of the North Atlantic Sea. While they are geographically isolated, they never feel lonely.

Stóra Dímun is a very special place. Only two siblings live here with their families. The island is very steep all around, and you can only get to the island by helicopter. Boats can only reach it in good weather in the summer. Nature is beautiful and magnificent. There are horses, sheep and many birds on the island.
The family's livelihood is sheep farming and a tannery, and they sell lamb and sheep skins to the mainland. (source)

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/xxHEYxx 📅︎︎ May 10 2021 🗫︎ replies

Holy heck when those kids are teens...

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/ThisIsNotAnAlias 📅︎︎ May 10 2021 🗫︎ replies

I thought this was that other remote island with a house on a slope...

This one is just off Iceland.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/nodnodwinkwink 📅︎︎ May 10 2021 🗫︎ replies
The men are on their way home. And dinner is not ready. (Are you going to get into trouble?) You are! My parents always told me that it was important that we did what we want to do. We are here because we have chosen to be here. If you choose a life like this, you have to be here because you want to, because it is so special otherwise you couldn't live here I think. (How do you describe this place?) (What is home?) I say that I live on a small island called Stóra Dímun. But it's hard to give a short answer. They'll have to come and see it. A helicopter... that's the only connection we have. My family... we have been here for eight generations. We are geographically isolated. But to feel lonely, that is something else. That is a feeling. That is not dependent on if you are alone or have people around you. It's a feeling you have inside. I don't feel lonely here, no. I guess it's because I feel related to those who are here. The nature, the animals, the people. I have it all around me. Our children, when they grow up here, they see during the spring time, the lambs coming, the calves coming. They see the full cycle. They see the whole life in a bigger perspective somehow. This is the real life, yes. You are just a part of nature, and I think that's a good thing to have with you in life. Of course my children have also told me that they are bored - 'eg keði meg'. Of course they do. But I try to teach my children that sometimes you just have to put one foot in front of the other and just go out, and then something happens. I couldn't imagine, now or earlier, doing anything else. I think that all people... need to come out into nature, feel the weather and what's outside. I like the weather during the winter time as well as the summer time. You cannot pick just one piece of it. You have to take all of it. It's all or nothing. It is always the weather which decides what to do. And I like that. I cannot control and decide everything. It is unstressing somehow. To be living a bit differently helps you to see the important things in life. Often people ask me, what is the best part of living here? And I often answer, one of the best things is that I meet so many good people. When I meet them out here, I feel that I meet them in another way. Sometimes when I see that the young people spend a lot of time on the internet, they relate through the internet, I'm a bit worried because I'm not sure that kind of relationship is enough. I don't think it's enough. When we sit around the table I will not see a phone. They have to feel the importance of just being with other people... directly. I feel rich... to have this work to take care of all of this... I feel really rich. Those small things. Those small good moments. I think that's the most important thing, for me. (I agree, it's the small things). Yah. Hi everyone, thanks so much for watching this weeks film. We really appreciate all your wonderful comments. It really helps to motivate us, wanting to make these films even better for you guys. If you would consider donating towards us or helping support us, just click on the link below.
Channel: Green Renaissance
Views: 1,487,218
Rating: 4.9489217 out of 5
Keywords: green renaissance sustainability south africa green living, nature, green renaissance, sharing ideas, inspiring change, share, sharing, faroe islands, visit faroe islands, eva, Stóra Dímun, farm, farming, love, connection, internet, family, connect, island, isolated, alone, lonely, friends, helicopter, sea, seagull, patreon, faroe, remote, north atlantic, cows, sheep, chickens, passion, cape town, south africa
Id: WZ6xq5MZYh8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 59sec (419 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 31 2018
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