Logseq + Tana Tutorial: Using Tags and Supertags

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so T upset the apple cart a little bit when they introduced this idea of super tags and I think there's a lot of potential for confusion when you're working with tags and super tags and trying to figure out how to work with them so in this video I'm going to break down how to work with tags in log seek and how to work with super tags in tana and also how you can approach some of the super tag functionality in log seek itself if you've been watching this channel for a while you'll realize that this is a very different setup for the video I've had a number of challenges in my setup and also just challenges and personal life and stuff so yeah this is just a low friction video the audio might be a little bit patchy I'm wearing my headphones things are a little bit different but I just decided that I wanted to get this one out it's been brewing for a long time and if you want the perfectly structured videos and well set up everything have a look at the courses I have got log seek Mastery and unlock tana and you can also buy them as a bundle if you like using both as I do the content that I'm going to be looking at in this video is the highlights from a book that I've just read called the myth of Copus which is about absurdism and suicide it comes from a positive place you know absurdism is a philosophy by Albert Kimu is really embracing Joy deis I'd encourage you to read the book or maybe watch a video that I'll link to below which just yeah comes with a positive side of this hopefully it doesn't come across too heavy in the it's just the most recent book that I've read so this is how it looks in log seek and just for comparison this is how doesn't look in China because it's offline it's online again and yeah you'll see it's a very similar structure both of these applications are outliners and yeah it's difference to what you might find in obsidian although you can use plugins blah blah there always always these caveats but really the main difference in log seek and T is how they are structured and this is where that whole idea of a super tag comes in I think it makes sense to start this exploration looking at log seek itself and while looking in log seek itself s and what I'm going to look at here is the structure so this is a page that's brought in by readwise it's the myth of cisus and other essays I've got my block properties here where this is also all imported by readwise which you know gives me this defined input and then in my page properties here I can add this thing called Tags so this is a page property which gives me a little bit more functionality in addition to your traditional tags but I'll show you how this all works now so the book is about absurdism and suicide so those are the two main Concepts that it deals with now this is just a structure that I like to do I like to bring in like the passages and then you'll see here that it's got like formatting which shows that it's it's a quote so this is a block quote formatting over here and then the quote and also the location let's just scroll down and see what I find okay those stuff about cook God I could theoretically if I want to highlight cooker God this so I'd be able to find him and putting it in back links is the exact same as putting in a tag but I'm I'm sort of wanting show the difference between super tags and tags so let me just follow on with that here this is about the spare that he's talking about here so I can then say this is about the spit and I don't actually want to go and look into those tags because I don't think that'll be yeah happy topic maybe I can find something else that'll be a bit more positive to to look into Nostalgia so but the essential the abstract philosopher and the religious philosopher starts out from the same disorder and support each other in the same anxiety but the essential to explain Nostalgia here is stronger than knowledge okay so for the purposes of this video I'm just going to say this is related to Nostalgia so what I'm doing with these tags is I'm just creating some sort of mapping that says this this is what triggers in my mind so I can find it at a later stage and when you do it with one book it's pretty useless but when you do it with many books or many sources eventually you build this like library of blocks that you can return back to when when you're writing or when you're doing anything creative the other thing that I showed here right at the top is this tags block and if I open up this absurdism page I'm just going to shift click there and just close my link references the nice thing that I get by adding this page property over here is I get these Pages tagged with absurdism so myth of cus and other essays and then waiting for godo now waiting for godo I did some little bit of a Rite up over here and here you'll see I've got another tag which is like themes shoulds so this has got nay spaces involved but basically I'm just tagging Concepts that I like I might want to return to so if I'm writing about shoulds like the shoulds in my life I've got this this block here where I said I think I maybe read it for the wrong reasons because it's one of the classics and that's what smart people do they read the classics anyways to wrap up the blog seek idea of tags tags are already a way to return back to Concepts that you like have a unit of information of so for instance I'm actually going to open up these link references they fairly say chatting here get comfortable with the fact that there is no answer this is the key message of absurdism everything else is so arbitrary without love and then also just telling about absurdism as a philosophy so if I'm going to write about absurdism I could then I have all these like packets of information already available in my workspace or database that I can then return back to data I've published some videos on like my writing process you can go have a look at that and how I like move things around I really enjoy having all these blocks and the flexibility of log seek the fact that it's just a tag I can move it around yeah there's nothing inherently like super powerful about it it's just like a point to return back to now you'll see when I go into T that things are a little bit different just a quick one over here in my read wi settings for my export to T you'll see that I've got the send to in box turned on so that means that all my readwise imports will go to my inbox rather than to my day noes it's just a nice way to structure it for me I like to think of things in Stacks like is it in rewies is it in my inbox is it in my day node and when I've processed it it goes into my dayde that's how I work with other things as I say I don't really work with my imports in China or my book Imports but it's just a helpful clarification this example so if I go to T in my inbox and I go to myf you'll notice that I've got these tags over here so these are my super tags now I like to think of super tags as saying this belongs in this database it's not 100% accurate really if you're familiar with computer models then this is a class and you can extend classes but it's just a h way to think this is where this belongs or this is this is this type of thing maybe is a better way to think about it so myth of cispus is a book and it's a readwise input okay so you'll see here that I've got some fields which come in from my import as well and yeah this is just all automatically generated now I'm not going to go into how you can set this up and map it in your system because cortex vura has a great video where he looks at this in detail and shows you how you can ensure that consistency across your readwise and T system so go have a look at that I'll redirect to that I'm just trying to illustrate the structure over here so the one thing I will do is I'll just bring in my own Super tag here which is # books and for me my books is more of like a reading list rather than like a managing all the information that I've read and this is where the cortex vur video is helpful because you can merge books and books and all of this will then come into all your future inputs uh so what I'll do here is I'll just say this is Albert kamu and yeah this actually not important what I'm wanting to show is that by bringing in a super tag you're getting a predefined template that you can structure your information so this is really where T is excellent it is in structuring information consistently and this becomes very useful if you're working in a team environment and yeah you don't want to lose things anyways so the thing that you'll see here is that each highlight each node has this highlight super tag so essentially what that's saying is that like in any block of information that I'm importing and saying this is a highlight and then that will enable me to access the structure of highlight and then you'll see the readwise location is there in the metadata and here is a difference like if I this is where's a quote on suicide okay here we go all healthy men having thoughts of ear suicide whatever sorry it's is so morbid but it's the last book that I read and it was uh yeah it's more about absurdism there's a great video which I'll link to which is about the positivity of absurdism so yeah let's not get down about that but yeah if I want to not say this relates to Suicide I can't just say hash suicide okay because what that will do is it will create a super tag and this doesn't make sense like I don't need a like I don't have a suicide database necessarily let me just say absurdism just so that someone watching this video doesn't like think what's going so I can't create the well I can but it doesn't make sense to do it what I'm wanting to do here and like an approach that I've used in my templates and the way that I set things up is I will say cool control shift click on that and then I'll create a field which is Concepts or tagged Concepts there we go and then in that tag Concepts field I will then say the tag Concepts and I can add it I can say absurdism absurdism and I can just all the power that I have in China available to me I can say tag as Concepts so now I've got a database of Concepts and then I can you know map those Concepts in each highlight so if I go to this absurdism note I'm just going to say control click here that is right you'll then see I have my references appears as tag Concepts in this highlight and you can configure it to show that this comes from myth of cfus and other essays okay it's there and the breadcrumbs but like there's other ways of doing it there's a lot of power in it but it it's a little bit more difficult to actually get that structure or to get it to appear as you want so that low touch or high flexibility of log seek is really helpful in for me in the writing process for other things like you know taking project notes or structuring your project like the breakdown of like as I've shown in other videos like the project chunks ideas whatever all of that very helpful to structure with super tactics but I think that's a simple illustration of the difference hopefully now I spoke in the beginning of the video about how you can approximate some of the supertag functionality in log seek and that's really all by using your properties over here so these are my page properties now the property that you would like to use or M want to use here is a type I just say this thing mythus is type book but you'll see here that I've used the input property over here so in my personal database I've got input property and output property an event property and all of those might be thought of as Downstream or like inherited from the type property so that's like one way of doing it now log seek are in the process of building a database only version which will have super tag like functionality I've seen some of the demos around that I think it could get a little bit confusing at that point with what's tags what's super tags but for the time being I'm very happy with just this loose flexible structure and as I say this comes from my readwise import I have configured it to be like that you can also so use uh text expanders so I use jji that gives me my book templates that's using aext I've made another video on that you could also use a template so for slash templates and then I don't even have a book thing anymore because I don't think well this a article great so that's my article um metadata that I've structured in as a template and if I just undo that and I go to my articles so shift click articles over there you'll see here that I've got all of my articles are then referenceable over here and yeah there's a beginner's guide to databases if you want to go look at how databases okay but what I'm just showing there is that it's in I've built ways to consistently input information into log seek so that I get that benefit of structured information but without having to go overboard and defining super tags and defining all the inheritance and all that sort of thing it's really simple and works well for my needs in Knowledge Management so there we have it it's a lot looser but the idea is just to still produce helpful content rather than being silent on the side of the world so let me know in the comments that was helpful for you if you are interested in going into more detail as I said there's a separate log seat Mastery course and an unlocked Tana course and a bundle if you want both of them together thanks so much for watching and I'll see you in the next one
Channel: CombiningMinds Knowledge Management & Productivity
Views: 1,376
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: personal knowledge management, note taking, tana app, note taking tips, note taking techniques
Id: JX0YgYccIvI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 24sec (804 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 20 2024
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